The Rebound

Story by Onyx Tanuki on SoFurry

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This story includes graphic depictions of sexual acts of a homoerotic nature. You must be at least 18 years of age (or 21, depending on where you are) to read this. Also, keep in mind that the acts described are fantasy. If you engage in sexual activity of any type with any other individual, you should always use the proper protection.

"Nngh... d-damn it, I don't think I can hold it any longer..."

"No, not yet! It'll splash all over me!"

"Then t-take it... it's too heavy for me to h-hold..."

"Fine... big wimp," Kelynne said as she lifted the water cooler bottle off Loster's shoulder, carrying it the rest of the way down the stairs. "I swear, Lost, I don't know how you get around whining like that." She carefully flipped the bottle over and placed it on its new home on the off-white water cooler in the corner of her apartment's living room. The mahogany-furred lioness wiped sweat off her brow and flicked her tail in her new roommate's direction.

Loster rolled his eyes. "Look, I carried everything else in, the least you could do is help me with one little thing," he replied, panting lightly after having worked all day to empty the contents of his car into her abode.

Kelynne raised her eyebrow, looking her chiropteran companion square in the eye. "No... the least I can do... is THIS!" She immediately lunged at the bat, wrestling him to the rust-colored shag carpet. The two friends grappled at each other, laughing in a rolling ball of paws, wings, teeth, and fur.

This was probably the happiest Loster had been in the past month. It started when his boyfriend of three years, a grey-furred wolf named Ronnie, broke up with him. It wasn't but a few days after that Loster was evicted from his old apartment for non-payment of rent - something his boyfriend claimed he'd been taking care of - and was forced to live out of his car. He was at the brink of suicide, until an angel saved him. An angel named Kelynne.

He'd known her since the two were in high school. She was on the school's football team, and the two met when he applied. He didn't make it in, but the two still hit it off immediately. She always helped him through the rough patches in his life. Now, both of them 24, she was still his rock, and she had to be a mountain to support him through this. He truly loved her, as deeply as if she was his own flesh and blood, and knew that she felt the same way about him.

Kel ended up pinning Loster down by his arms, her feet precariously balanced on his ankles. She flashed a toothy grin at him. "Hey, guess what? I have a secret." She put her feet back and moved back, now sitting on her haunches, tail flicking.

The bat, now without the weight of pure feline muscle holding him to the floor, leaned up on his elbows. "Oh, yeah? Gonna let me in on it?"

"Sure... after you take a shower. You smell like a gas station restroom." Kel stood up and ambled over to her couch, then flopped backwards. Her legs dangled over the black velvet fabric, and she contrasted sharply with her sand-colored camo pants and white wifebeater. "Well, go on, you smelly bat!" She flung a pillow at him, which he ducked as he ran back behind the sofa and into the hallway.

Grabbing a change of clothes from one of the boxes he had yet to unpack, he made his way to the bathroom across the cold, grey concrete floor of Kel's hallway. There wasn't much to see; there was only one bedroom, one bath, a kitchen, and the living room he'd just left, all seperated by walls covered in wrinkled cream wallpaper with orange vertical stripes. It was a far cry from his previous studio apartment, but it was better than being cramped up in a '92 Camri. He opened the door and found himself pleased that the bathroom was in much better shape, with a glass walk-in shower on his left, black-and-white checkered tiles on the floor, a stark white toilet in the corner, and a white marble sink and vanity to the right.

He wasted no time shedding his clothes, glad to be rid of the sensation of sweat-soaked cotten sticking to his fur. He took a moment to admire himself in the mirror. His eyes were probably his most striking feature; they were colored bright red-orange, like the embers of a recently extinguished fire, and seemed to glow through his red-tipped bangs. Besides the died tips, his hair was black and a bit long, but trimmed short in the back, and gigantic triangular ears burst out from beneath his locks. Lost's dark, nearly ebony fur shone with perspiration from a hard day's work bringing boxes in from his car and putting things away, and only proved to accentuate the lean muscles that graced his body. His wings were as seperate appendages attached to his back, similar to those of a demon. Snickering a bit at his vanity, he stepped into the shower and turned the knob with the red H on it. For a moment, he let the steaming water simply run down his body, soaking his fur and letting him adjust to the moist heat before he went about the work of washing away the stench.

His thoughts wandered as he scrubbed himself down. What did he need a boyfriend for, anyway? Kelynne was a better friend than that damned wolf could have ever been. On the other hand, Ronnie was a hell of a piece of eye candy, with a grin could melt anyone instantly, eyes that sucked one into them like the vacuum of space, and thick, rippling muscles that gave him the form of an ancient Roman gladiator. Not to mention that guy could suck a cock like nobody's business.

The thought of Ronnie's rough lupine tongue carressing his dick made him realize how horny he was starting to get, especially with the blazing hot water beating against his buttocks and thighs. He looked around his shoulder, afraid that Kel might hear him, but soon realized that she had already turned on her new '80s punk megamix album, and had the volume full-blast, almost drowning out her voice as she sang along. Lost let out a relieved sigh and grinned. He leaned back against the wall of the shower, letting the water hit him squarely in the crotch.

He closed his eyes, thinking of his former lover, wearing his favorite grey sweatpants and matching track jacket, left open to expose his bare torso. Ronnie would be crawling back and begging for one last "special" goodbye. Loster would gaze into those soulful, blue/brown eyes, and lean in, and gently whisper in his ear, "Fuck you, bitch." Loster's grin grew wider, pleased at how he was treating the mongrel in his imagination. He glanced down to see that the water was doing its job well; by now his organ had swollen almost to half length, and was already squeezing its way out of his sheath. He let his right hand drag down along his abdomen, stopping at his scrotum before he began to massage it, carefully gripping and pulling one testicle, then the other. Lost continued this for a while before he trailed up the length of his penis with his middle finger and began pushing the skin just beneath the glans around in tiny circles, making his member throb to its full length. His eyes closed once again, imagining his ex begging to be skullfucked just once more, while he would pretend to ignore him, beating his meat as a way to tease the wolf, showing him what he'd never have again.

Reaching down and groping at his balls with his left hand, Lost's right hand started to glide up and down his swollen member. His breathing was already getting heavier as he looked down at the pink flesh wrapped in his dark, slender fingers. He could feel a sensation in the pit of his stomach... the type a starving man gets when a banquet has been placed in front of him. His mind drifted back to Ronnie. The wolf would be on his knees, still begging to taste the bat's dick one last time. Loster would dangle his shaft in front of the lupine's muzzle, but as he would lunge forward to take the dribbling meat into his maw, Lost would put his foot on his chest and push him back, making Ronnie land on his ass. Ronnie's precum would have soaked his pants all the way up to his waistband, and his penis would be jutting painfully upward against the sticky sweats, creating a thick point and raising his waistband up from his stomach. He wouldn't be able to paw off, though; he'd simply be supporting himself on his hands, wimpering like a puppy and too mesmerized to move, gazing longingly at the precum flowing down the bat's fingers.

Lost slumped down onto the floor and let go of his balls and shaft, then bent his right leg up, grabbing hold with his arm to lock himself in this position. Curling his head down, he stuck his tongue out and lapped at the tip of his head, collecting beads of precum as they began spurting out, no longer being washed out of sight by the water still pounding down on his back from above. He sat still for a moment, gazing at the cock throbbing before him, his cheeks on fire with sexual tension and anticipation, imagining the horny, unsatisfied lupine whining in front of him. Then, like the starved man would stuff himself with the food on the banquet table, Lost dove down, taking the entire length of his manhood into his mouth and sucking powerfully, savoring the salty-sweetness of his precum. He slowly pulled his head upward, allowing his cock to slide out until just his glans remained between his lips, then, just as slowly, pushed downward, taking in his pulsing length until he could feel his chin press against his crotch. He couldn't keep a muffled moan from escaping his throat as he picked up the pace and began moving his tongue around, giving his shaft a passionate oral massage.

By now his precum was flowing with as much force as the shower above him, and every plunge he made downward onto his cock was accompanied by a lustful grunt. Lost had long forgotten the fantasy of his ex-lover whining and wimpering lustfully, now losing himself in the raging sensation of autofellatio. He wiped some of the liquid dribbling from his chin off with his left middle finger, then used it to trace circles lightly around his asshole. It relaxed and opened slightly, allowing him to slide the digit in and out. Soon his index finger joined, then his ring finger, all pounding harder and faster at his prostate as his tongue danced more and more frantically around his throbbing meat. He could feel a charge of electricity working its way up his inner thighs, and waited anxiously for his hot, sticky semen to plaster itself against the back of his throat...


The bat nearly bit his dick in half as the pounding on the door interrupted his session, making him jolt back to reality. "What the hell are you doing in there!? You've been in there almost an hour! I really need to take a dump!" Kelynne screamed, slightly muffled as her voice passed through the wooden door.

Lost hadn't realized how badly he'd misjudged the time this would take. "Kel, c-can you wait a few more m-minutes?" he sputtered. His heart was beating hard from the combination of being surprised and being so close to orgasm.

An angry kick to the door answered him. He shuddered, thinking for a moment that it had flown open. "You have one minute, or I swear, I'm knocking this door off its hinges!"

Kel was not one to make a threat she wouldn't follow through on. Regretfully, Lost stuffed his still-pounding meat into a pair of tattered blue jeans. He slipped a v-neck T-shirt over his head, carefully pushing his wings through the holes cut in the back, and walked out to face the lioness' wrath.

Rather than anger, however, Kel looked a bit disgusted, then amused. "Hey... you missed a spot..." she chuckled.

Loster shrugged. "What? Whe-"

Before he could answer, Kel grabbed the front of his shirt, lifted it to his face, and wiped his muzzle. Lost shuddered to realize he'd let some of his precum dribble from his mouth unchecked. "Seriously, boys are so gross..." quipped the lioness with a smile as she slammed the bathroom door, leaving Lost embarrassed and confused.

Suddenly, Loster remembered something she'd said earlier. "Hey, Kel, what was that 'secret' you were going to tell me?"

"Oh, yeah! I set you up for a blind date tomorrow!"

"Oh... w-wait, a WHAT!?"

"Would you hurry up, Loster?" Kel shouted from her place on the sofa as the bat changed his clothes in her room. "Even I don't take this long picking out something to wear on a date!"

"Alright, hold on a second..."

Kel smirked. "And if you're even thinking about sucking yourself off in my room, I'm gonna kick your ass."

Loster flung the bedroom door open. "Would you drop it already!? Jeez..." He walked into the living room and spun around, displaying his outfit to his roommate. "Well? Does this look good?"

"Damn, pretty sharp, Lost!" Kel nodded with a toothy grin.

The bat smiled back at his feline friend. It had taken him three hours, but he was sure this was the perfect wardrobe. He had picked out a pair of baggy black PVC bondage pants, with two silver-spiked straps arranged so that they attached at his hips, wrapped around and crossed each other behind him, and hooked to the insides of his thighs, and a third strap dangling in front of him in an arch. A red sleeveless fishnet shirt was tucked into the waistband, and outlined his torso nicely. This was covered by another shirt, this one black, short-sleeved, and left open. Accenting the outfit was a belt covered in silver grommits with a bat-shaped buckle, a platinum pentagram-shaped pendant hanging at mid-chest level from a chain, and a pair of wireframed glasses that made his glowing eyes seem that much more vibrant.

Lost took a seat next to Kelynne, sighing. "I don't know, Kel," he mumbled. "I mean, what if I don't like him? What does he look like?"

"It's a BLIND date, doofus!" she answered, tapping the bat's ear. "If you knew how he looked, it'd defeat the whole prupose!"

"Can't you just give me a clue? Please?"

Kelynne shook her head. "I'll put it this way; if I didn't know he was into dicks, I'd nail him myself."

"That doesn't help much..." Loster said with an exasperated groan. He gazed over at the TV, just barely noticing the clock on the cable box below. His eyes shot open when he realized the time. "11:58!? Shit, I'm gonna be late!" He dashed over to the door. "See ya later, Kel!"

The lioness leaned out the door as the bat dashed madly up the stairs to the street above. In her best Alabaman accent she mocked, "Run, Forrest, run!"

Loster was completely out of breath by the time he made it to the outdoor bistro that Kelynne said would be the rendezvous point for the date. He sat down at one of the small, round glass tables, and held a finger up to signal the need for service.A young bunny girl adorned in a black dress and white apron clip-clopped across the pavement, making quick strides toward the bat with her mile-long legs and black high-heels. "Yes, sir, are you ready to order?" she beamed with a smile.

"Not yet... do you know if a man came here asking for Loster?" he gasped, his chest still burning from his jog.

The waitress shook her head, floppy ears wiggling back and forth. "Nope, sorry."

"Okay... could I please get a glass of water while I wait then?"

"Sure thing, sir!" She walked off, stopping along the way to cater to another customer.

Loster glanced up at the clock sitting outside the bistro. 12:11. "Damn..." he grumbled, crossing his arms over the table and leaning his chin on top of them. "My first date after Ronnie, and I've already ruined it..." The light clink of glass on glass signalled him to look up at the still-smiling waitress. "Thank you..." he responded with a forced grin.

He took a sip of the water, only to hear the sound of someone clearing their throat behind him. He ignored it for a moment before a deep voice followed, touched by a British Cockney accent. "Excuse me... you wouldn't 'appen to be Loster Price by any chance?" He turned to see the source of the voice, and his jaw almost hit the pavement.

Kelynne definitely wasn't lying about this one; this guy was absolutely gorgeous! He was an oni, but his pale tan skin would have made him look like a human if not for the short, fleshy horns sticking forward from his forehead. He had large red eyes that looked incredibly innocent, but obviously hid a wild streak behind them. His soft umber hair was slicked back, coming down in front of his pointy ears in a pair of sideburns that ran down to his jawline. A cute, slightly embarrassed grin covered his face, showing off his sharper-than-usual canine teeth. He wore black business slacks, held up by a pair of light blue Y-back suspenders and a copper-studded belt. A long-sleeved black dress shirt was tucked in loosely and buttoned up to midchest level, holding with it a tie that matched the suspender straps it dangled between. He didn't have the bodybuilder-like physique of most other oni, but from what Loster could see, he had a damn nice body nonetheless.

"Y-yeah, I'm Loster," the bat squeaked out. He felt quite dorky for having stared at the oni for so long. "You can call me Lost if you like."

Nodding, the oni walked around to the seat opposite Loster. "'Ello, I'm Vance Kizuka. Pleasure to meet you." He took his seat, eying Loster carefully. "Sorry I'm late, my capoeira class let off rather late today. So... 'ow about we shag on the table?"

Loster glared at the oni, dumbfounded by what had come out of his mouth. "Wh-what was that?"

Vance chuckled. "I said, 'ow about we place our order?"

"Oh..." The bat's face was blazing with embarrassment at what his mind had made him hear. "Sorry, I thought you..." His sentence was cut off as he saw the waitress clip-clop her way back to their table.

"Oh, good, looks like you found your friend! So, are you ready to order?"

Loster nodded. "Yeah. I'll have the fruit salad, and... a glass of orange juice."

The bunny scribbled on her order pad. "Mmm-hmm... and you, sir?"

Vance gazed at the menu. "I think I'd like to 'ave my seed ripping into his arse."

Loster blushed even more furiously than before, halfway hoping that his mind was still playing tricks on him, but also hoping that it wasn't.

"So..." The waitress repeated from her pad, "that's a fruit salad and OJ for the bat, and a rare steak and a beer for the oni. Is that correct?"

The two nodded, and the bat shook his head again, trying and failing at clearing his mind of sexual thoughts. Of course, trying not to think about sex only made him think about sex. Sex with Vance. Nasty, dirty, out-in-the-open sex with Vance, right on this table. He already knew how it would happen...

The waitress would bring their food, then leave to attend to another table. Vance would take a bite of his steak, then lean back to relax. This would be the perfect opportunity for Lost to move his foot up the oni's thigh. "Wh-what are you doing?" he would ask, his face turning a cute shade of pink. The chiropteran would ignore his question, placing his foot on the oni's crotch and massaging his nutsack. The soft flesh of his palm would cover the bat toes. "S-stop... this is a public p-place..." he would whisper in that cute Cockney accent, but his hand would just keep the wiggly toes firmly on his groin.

The bat would grin and his hand would reach under the table, fondling Vance further. No longer in a condition to protest, Vance would lean back further, a moan escaping his throat, attracting the attention of a few fellow diners. Lost would duck down and unzip the quickly-tightening pants, pulling the oni's swelling dick out of its cloth confines. With slow, yet anxious hands, the bat would start pumping at the oni meat, feeling it pulse and throb each time his hands passed over the ridge of the glans. Holding tightly, Lost would taste the precum just starting to sputter up from the throbbing mass. Vance would shut his eyes tightly and clench his teeth, drawing in a loud, hissing breath.

Lost would back up, then stand, no longer holding any of his inhibitions back, as he'd unbuckle his belt and let his pants fall to his ankles. He'd lean over the table, lifting his short, stubby bat tail to reveal his anus. "C'mon," he'd murmer to his new mate, "let's give these people a show."

Vance would nod, a horny smirk stretching across his face, as he'd let his suspenders dangle to his sides and yank his shirt up and over his head in one smooth motion. He'd toss it to the side, letting it land on another gawking patron's head, before kneeling down and letting his tongue glide between his partner's exposed ass cheeks. This would draw a moan out of the bat, who would reach back and smear the saliva around the hole, making sure it was well lubed. The horned man would stand up, holding a dribbly cock in his hand, and rub it lightly against Lost's anus before pushing it in.

Lost would groan as the head popped in, trying to relax to allow the rest of the cock easy passage to his prostate. He'd open his eyes slightly and grin at the staring crowd. Some of them would be green with nausea, a few would be watching intently, and a couple would even be bold enough to be stroking off at the sight of the fucking pair. No matter the reaction, though, not one person could take their eyes off the two.

The oni would lean over, his bare chest creating great warmth over Loster's back. His arms would wrap around the bat's torso as he pushed forward, plunging inch after throbbing inch of his cock until he could feel the chiropteran prostate against the tip of it. Panting with erotic fury, he'd lunge back and forth, repeatedly prodding the bat's gut.

"Aren't you going to eat?"

Loster blinked, realizing how lost he'd become in his fantasies. "Oh... y-yeah." He very quickly downed his entire salad and his juice, finally finding something to take his mind off of what he was just thinking of and was too embarrassed to think of again. "I'm sorry, Vance. I was just... thinking of something."

Vance opened his mouth to reply, but another voice cut him off. "Loster? Yeah, that's who it is. Loster mother-fuckin' Price," the gravelly vocals called.

Loster dug his face into his hands. "Oh shit... it's my-"

"Ronnie!? What the bloody 'ell are you doing 'ere?" Lost was surprised to hear the oni's voice saying this. He knew him too? No, he couldn't be. It'd be too much of a coincidence...

The wolf shuddered when he realized who else was with Lost. "V-vance? No fuckin' way..."

Standing up and flexing his wings, Lost groaned, "Okay, this is really fucked up... how do you know him, Vance?"

Vance turned, an angry scowl still on his face, obviously directed at Ronnie. "I found out this punkass was cheating on me the 'ole time we were dating. I broke up with 'im three weeks ago..."

Both the lupine and the bat's eyes shot wide open. "Um... h-how long were you dating?"

The oni's eyes fell back on the lupine. "Three fucking years."

"Oh. My. God." That's all Loster could think of to say. He sat back down for a moment to let it sink in. Suddenly, a flood of intense rage came over him. His body felt hot, like he was bathing in the crater of an active volcano moments before it was to erupt. He jumped back up, glaring at Ronnie. "You mean to tell me that the whole fuckin' time we were dating, you were going behind my back!? Right from fuckin' day one!"

Now it was the oni's turn to have a shocked expression. "You mean... Lost, you were-"

"Woah, calm down you two!" the wolf interrupted with a nervous chuckle. "Th-that's all in the past, right? I came to reconcile with you, Lost..."

The oni sat down with his arms crossed. "I can't believe you, Ronnie."

Lost smirked, leaning on the table behind him on both hands. "Is that right? I'll bet you want to rip my clothes off right now, don't you? You want to get another taste of bat cum, huh?"

Licking his lips, Ronnie stepped forward, his hands resting on the bat's belt buckle. "If that's what it'll take to get you back..." Before he realized it, he felt a solid force thrust against his chest, pushing him down on his ass. He looked up to see the bat with the same smirk, his foot slightly lifted after having knocked down his ex-lover. "What the..."

Calmly and without hesitation, Lost completed his fantasy from yesterday by letting loose the phrase he'd so wished the let the mongrel hear: "Fuck you, bitch."

Dumbfounded, but knowing he no longer had a chance at the bat, the lupine stood up. "F-fine. I didn't want you anyway," he said, trying to hide the boner he'd gotten from Loster's tease. He turned toward Vance, opening his mouth to say something, but was met with a one-fingered salute. "Well, screw the both of ya, then. You don't know what you're missing out on!" At that, he marched away, hunched over slightly, as if it would do something to keep people from seeing the wet spot topping the tent he'd pitched in his sweatpants.

For a few moments, Vance and Loster simply stared at each other, not sure what to make of their recent discoveries. Suddenly, a slow clap broke through the silence. Together, they looked to see the bunny waitress applauding them for showing the two-timing wolf what-for. Her applause was joined by that of another waitress, then by those of several patrons. It wasn't long before the pair's faces were beet-red as they recieved a roaring ovation from the crowd.

The oni grinned, rather embarrassed by the display. "Heheh... dinner and a show, eh?"

Loster returned the smile before planting a gentle kiss on the oni's cheek. He then reached over and put his arm firmly around Vance's shoulder, pulling him close to his side and raising his arm and sticking his pinkie and index fingers out from his otherwise-clenched fist. "Thank you, good night!" he shouted, feeling like a rock idol having finished his first concert.

The pair had taken time to walk back to Kelynne's apartment, laughing and talking the entire time. The two had already found they had a lot in common - that is, besides both of them fucking Ronnie at the same time - and Vance even managed to convince Loster to join him in his next capoeira class. The sun was already setting by the time they made it back. The bat turned regretfully toward his new mate, smiling tenderly. "So... I guess this is it, huh?"

"Maybe not..." Vance pointed toward the door at a note that had been left there in Kelynne's handwriting. Loster took to reading it out loud:

"Hey Lost. I really hope you and Vance hit it off nicely. Ronnie showed up earlier asking for you, but I figured it'd be best to send him to you... seeing you happily dating someone else was just what he needed for dumping you. Looks like it worked too. I saw him passing by a little later, crying and pawing off through his pants. Hee hee... serves him right. Oh, by the way... I decided to rent a hotel room for the night... you know, just in case you two need the place to yourselves. Wink wink. Love ya... Kel."

Loster smiled again, unlocking the door and finding the place empty. "You know... I was wondering... you any good at Tekken?"

An evil grin curled the ends of the oni's lips upward. "Are you kidding? I can arse-rape anyone with Steve Fox! I just 'ope you're good enough..."

The two stepped inside. "Make yourself at home," the bat invited, directing Vance to the couch. Vance flopped down with a satisfied sigh, and began taking his shoes off while loosening his tie. Meanwhile, the bat shed his upper shirt, tossing it back in the box it came from, and made his way to the kitchen. "You want a snack?"

"No thank you, I'm just fine."

He shrugged and grabbed an apple from the fridge, taking a bite before walking back to the living room. It fell to the floor when he caught sight of the oni again, though. Vance had dropped his suspenders down to his sides, and had opened his shirt, revealing a torso that'd make a bronze god turn green with envy. His chest was tightly packed, with a slight bit of black fluff, soft as the hair on Vance's head, barely covering the middle. The grooves in his abdominal muscles were deep, but not disgustingly rigid. Just below his navel, another soft tuft of ebon hair peeked up from beneath the waistband of his pants. Vance sat with both eyes closed, his hands up and folded behind his head. The way he was positioned allowed his shirt to part enough that Lost could just barely catch a glimpse at his underarms, also lightly adorned with soft black hair. He simply stared at the relaxing oni, watching his powerful chest rise and fall with each deep breath. The bat could feel his own breath synchronize with that of the beautiful being before him. "D-damn..." he murmered in awe.

"Mmm?" Vance opened one eye and grinned. "Something wrong?"

"N-no... everything's... everything's perfect," Lost breathed.

The oni grinned, reaching down for a PS2 remote. "So, 'ow about that game of Tekken?" As he leaned back, the bat suddenly jumped over, sitting down in his lap, facing him.

"I have a different type of playing in mind..." whispered the bat, his muzzle less than an inch from the oni's humanoid lips. He moved in, his own mouth meeting with Vance's. The oni was taken aback at first, but quickly began kissing back. He was the first to part his lips, reaching his tongue into the bat's maw, tasting the inside, and the bat was quick to return the favor.

Lost broke away, moving down to Vance's pale throat, then moving down to his chest. He stopped for a moment, lapping delicately at tender pale flesh around the oni's nipple, drawing out a moan, then continued further down, digging his tongue into the grooves of the horned man's abdominal muscles. Soon he was met with a taste of the hair below his navel. He backed down a little further and wrapped his maw greedily around Vance's still-clothed nutsack, massaging deeply, illiciting a deep, guteral moan from Vance's throat. The oni's musk was incredible; it only took a few seconds to completely fog up Lost's glasses. He quickly tossed them aside. It wasn't like he needed them anyway. Vance shifted, leaning back a little, his legs instinctually spreading further apart. "N-nggh... shit... w-wait until I get m-my pants off... nggh!... f-first.." he murmered between aroused grunts and moans.

Lost backed away, allowing the oni to unfasten his pants. Vance arched his back up, lifting his butt off the couch, supporting himself with only his back, and slowly slid his pants down past his hips. Lost was dumbfounded as eleven inches of thick, throbbing meat flopped up from Vance's left pants leg, slapping against his abdomen before wobbling into an upright position. The bat pulled them off his lower legs, leaving the oni wearing nothing but his open shirt and the tie still hanging from the shirt's collar. Lost followed suit, unzipping his pants to free his own member from the quickly-tightening confines, allowing them to drop down as far as mid-thigh before returning to his knees.

He reach up, carressing the oni's shaft before he bent it down and tried to fit it into his mouth, but was surprised as the cock slipped slowly from his mouth. Again he moved back, even more shocked than before. The thing was literally dancing in front of him, waving back and forth like a snake being charmed by a human with a flute and turban. He looked up to Vance's face, which had a twisted grin plastered over it, showing off his razor-sharp canines. He winked, and informed the bewildered bat, "Bet you didn't know oni have pre'ensile dicks." His smirk grew as his member lightly curled down and tapped Loster on the tongue, daring him to take the whole length.

Loster quickly accepted the challenge, slurping madly to catch the waving cock in his maw, but every time he grabbed hold, it slid out. He couldn't say he wasn't enjoying the challenge, though. With every attempt, he found the dancing member sputtering more and more precum. Finally, with sneaky grin crossing his face, he grabbed hold of Vance's dick with both hands and took the wiggling head into his mouth. Using the strongest sucking action he had, he slurped the entire thing down, not even giving himself time to have a gag reflex. The oni grunted sharply at the sensation of the bat's moist nose burying itself in his pubic hair and rubbing against the skin underneath. "A-aah! God damn!" he shouted with an impressed tone at the deep-throat action. Loster grabbed hold of the dick again as he worked his way up and pulled it out, letting it wriggle like a worm in front of him, before swallowing it whole again. Vance finally lost interest in his "catch the cock" game, and let his shaft get nice and rigid, aside from a light up-and-down waving movement. This made it easier for the bat to glide up and down, massaging the sweet spot under his glans with his tongue every time he reached the top.

Panting, his face flush with desire, Vance began thrusting his hips, synchronizing perfectly with each time the bat was almost at his base. He slumped down a bit further and squeezed the fabric on the couch tightly, his teeth clenched and grinding as his orgasm grew closer and closer. Suddenly, he felt the cool rush of air covering his saliva-coated dick, and opened his eyes just in time to see Lost's hand wrap around the top of it, his thumb gently make circles at his sweet spot. At the same time, he could sense the bat's tongue wrap around his balls, drawing one into his mouth. His mouth fell open, drawing in as much oxygen as it would take to keep him consious, as he felt incredible energy surging inside his testicles. With a loud, moaning scream, he let loose a huge wad of pearly white spooge, watching with eyes sprung wide open as it flew over his head. The next load landed on his face, the next few dropping squarely into his mouth, and one final, five-second burst painting his chin, chest, and abdomen before the rest began oozing quietly down his length.

"Man... that was... f-fucking incredible..." he complimented. He scooped a big glob off his chest and took it to his face, licking his hand clean and relishing the fine taste of his own semen. He squinted down at the bat, noticing that he still had a raging erection. "'Ey... th-think you could do one m-more thing for me?"

"What's that?" Lost inquired, curious what he'd need after this.

"Cum in my face."

Lost nodded, happy to oblige the oni's request. He sat down on his lap, straddling the still-wriggling cock between his ass cheeks, and Vance immediately grabbed onto the bat's throbbing meat and pounded furiously. In Lost's current state, it didn't take more than a minute for the oni to coax out a few massive spurts of off-white jizz, cleverly manipulating the bat meat so that most of it landed on his tongue. With a satisfied grin, he swallowed down the combined taste of bat and oni seed, then folded his arms behind his head, leaving Lost to the work of lapping up what had been left on his chest and neck.

Carefully, Vance slipped his pants back over his hips, though he was reluctant to seal his dick back into them after the exhaustingly intense experience he'd just had. Lost, too, hesitated to zip himself back up, but knew that he had to. "Well... I guess I should clean up..." he stammered, the taste of oni cum still fresh on his tongue.

"I can 'elp. I made most of this mess anyway, right?" Vance noted, pointing to the blob of white goo still stuck to the wall behind the couch.

"Yeah, but... don't you want to go home?"

The oni frowned. "...Ronnie kicked you out whenever 'e finished, didn't 'e?" Lost paused for a second, then nodded. "Yeah, 'e did that to me, too. 'E's such a-"

The chiropteran's index finger made its way to Vance's lips, quietly shushing him. "Let's not talk about the past. All I care about... is our future."

Vance's warm smile returned, displaying his sharp canines, but remaining unimposing all the same. "You're right." He stood up and helped his new mate find the cleaning supplies.

The door to the apartment slowly opened, a thin beam of early-morning light pouring into the living room. Kelynne stepped in and opened her mouth to shout for Loster to make sure he made it home okay, but she stifled herself when she looked at the couch. There lay her best friend and his new lover, fast asleep. Vance lay on the couch, mouth slightly agape, while Lost was on top of him, his face cradled in the oni's chest, a big smile stretching over his muzzle as he dreamed of their future. His wings were sprawled across the couch, covering the pair like a fleshy blanket. Kel grinned, happy that two people she liked so much could find love in one another.

Lost suddenly stirred, startling Kel a little bit. His eyes barely opened, just making out the shape and mahogany color of his roomie. "Hey, Kel..." he whispered, too comfortable on the oni's warm, soft skin to bother moving.

Kelynne knelt down to the bat's face. Quietly, she said, "So, looks like you had a good time."

"Incredible..." he beamed back at her.

"Well, I'll let you sleep that afterglow off..." she stood up, ready to get breakfast... then suddenly froze behind the sofa. "Erm... one last thing, Lost."

"What's that?" he asked, eyes closed.

The lioness grabbed his shirt from the box, wiped the couch, then smeared a cold glob of cum on his nose. "You missed a spot."

Lost yawned a bit, unstartled, and licked the creamy liquid off before falling back into blissful slumber, his lover breathing quietly beneath him.

Kelynne cringed. "Ugh... boys can be so gross..."