Summer Days

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"Kissing always leads to more," or so the headmistress at my prep school once told me. Angry at the rejection of my gay romance story to the school's art and literary magazine, I wrote a version where kissing DID lead to more. Since I figure you folks wouldn't be interested in the yiffless version, have the protest. Originally written in 2008, when I was young and still idealistic.

Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains CUB SMUT. GAY CUB SMUT. If this offends you, DO NOT READ FURTHER. By reading on, you waive your right to be offended by my work. For those of you who I haven't scared away... enjoy!

White wispy clouds drifted lazily across the midsummer sky. A young wolf boy of about twelve lay on his back, t-shirt cast aside, staring up at the sky. A light breeze ruffled his chestfur, and the soughing of the old oak tree provided a gentle lullaby as the boy relaxed in the grass, floating like the clouds into his own little dream world.

Summer was always his favorite season. The welcome respite from school provided the opportunity for the wolf to relax and unwind... and of course, spend some quality time with his best friend, a fox named Beau.

The wolf had been friends with Beau for as long as he could remember. Thought he fox was only older by a few months, he was taller, or rather, the little wolf was small for his age. Despite this size difference, Beau remained good friends with him, and remaining the only fur at school who hadn't mocked the wolf's small size on at least one occasion.

School. The reflection reminded the young wolf of... something he'd noticed. Around the middle of the year, all the boys in his class had started showing interest in girls. Every boy except him... and his best friend, Beau. The wolf hadn't given it a thought before. Now, it seemed to him rather curious; equally so was the sudden stirring in his loins as he pictured the face of his friend.

A light pink shade appeared in the wolf's ears as he realized that the thought of his friend caused that reaction. His parents had explained homosexuality to him after he'd asked about a joke one of the guys had told at school. He gathered from the joke that being "gay" was somehow bad, despite his parents' assuring him of the opposite. He started wondering how Beau felt...

The wolf's musings were suddenly interrupted by a mound of reddish-brown fuzz sitting down on top of him, and a smiling vulpine face blocking his view of the clouds.

"Hiya, Entih!" Beau said. The sudden appearance of the fox did little to help the wolf's thoughts. He blushed deeper and smiled back.

"H-hi, Beau!" Entih stammered. The fox's ears flicked gently at his friend's words. Their years of friendship had helped him develop a sixth sense for when something was on the wolf's mind.

"What's up?" Beau asked, his head tilted to one side, his tone searching.

The wolf knew immediately it would be futile to try to avoid the question. "Oh, just thinking about school," he said, trailing off at the end.

The fox giggled. "Speakin' of school, you'll never guess what I saw on the way over here!" The wolf perked his ears as the Beau grinned at him. "I saw that bunny kid, Josh, I think his name is, kissing a girl!"

The two boys giggled softly, Entih much more nervously. "What did it look like?" he asked, trying not to sound TOO curious.

"Like they were eating each other's faces!" Beau said with twinkling eyes. "With tongue and everything!"

Entih blushed deeply as he suddenly pictured himself kissing Beau, their tongues meeting... he looked away, hoping the fox wouldn't press the issue.

He glanced back up at Beau as the fox moved off of him, lying down in the grass next to him. The boys looked at each other for a moment, until Beau broke the silence. "Wanna try it?"

The wolf's jaw dropped as the words reached his ears. His face turned a deep shade of crimson, the little wolf too stunned to speak.

Beau wore a nervous smile. "I just figured ... since we're friends and all ... that you might wanna ... try it ... and ... 'cause I ... really like you." It was Beau's turn to blush as the words slowly issued from his mouth.

The two boys maintained eye contact as the words slowly sank in. After what seemed like hours, but which was perhaps closer to five minutes, the wolf nodded slowly, and whispered, "I'd like that."

The fox smiled and leaned closer, putting an arm around his friend and pulling him closer. The boys shut their eyes as their lips met for the first time.

Entih parted his lips, and gasped softly as he felt his friend's tongue touching his lips, his shocked replaced with a warm, tingly feeling in his gut as the fox deepened the kiss, tongue tentatively sliding in to explore his friend's mouth. All the wolf's fears disappeared as his tongue touched that of his friend. It felt so right, kissing his best friend, and nothing else in the world mattered except the warmth, the rapid beating of their hearts, their... love.

Beau slowly pulled back from the kiss and whispered, "I love you, Entih."

The wolf blushed deeply and smiled. "I love you, too, Beau."

The two boys smiled, and leaned in for another kiss, their arms wrapped around each other. Beau reached between himself and his friend, his paw brushing against the wolf's crotch.

Entih gasped as he felt the fox's paw against his tenting pants. "Beau? W-what-" the little wolf began.

Beau just smiled and pressed a finger to his friend's lips, silencing him. "Trust me, buddy, you're gonna like this," he whispered as he slipped his paw down into the little wolf's pants, bypassing his underwear and laying his paw against the wolf's erection.

The wolf cub whimpered softly. "Someone might see," he muttered, trying to stifle a murr at the furry paw against his sensitive flesh.

The fox grinned mischievously and hooked his fingers in the waist of Enith's pants and underwear, pulling them right off. "Let them!" Beau declared defiantly as his muzzle dropped to his friend's crotch and licked at his stiff meat.

Entih gasped as he felt the fox's warm tongue against his erect puphood. "B-beau... what are..."

Beau put a finger to the wolf's lips and smiled. "Shhh... I read about this online... just relax," he said, and returned to licking up the wolf's modest length.

The wolf let out a soft moan as his friend slowly licked his erect member. He had to admit, it felt really good. He'd touched himself a few times, but it was NOTHING compared to how it felt having his best friend lick him.

Entih had just begun to adjust to the odd feeling of his friend's tongue against his meat when he suddenly felt a hot wetness engulfing his now-twitching puphood. He stared down between his legs, eyes widening in shock as he saw his friend's muzzle wrapped around his penis. He was about to protest when a long, slow suck sent waves of pleasure through the young wolf's body, leaving him able to do little more than moan and shiver in pleasure.

Beau murred happily onto his friend's erection as he slowly suckled it, sending waves of pleasure cascading through the young wolf's nude body. Recalling some of the stories he'd read online, the fox slowly bobbed his head along the length of wolf meat in his muzzle.

Electric shocks of pleasure rocked the wolf's body as Beau slowly worked over his penis. He shivered and moaned, spreading his legs wide as he felt his friend's soft furry paws against his fuzzy sack. The wolf's paws sought out his friend's ears and rubbed them slowly as the fox pleasured him, starting to buck his hips into his friend's muzzle, driven purely by instinct.

Beau smiled as his friend started thrusting into his muzzle and swirled his tongue around his friend's member, savoring the taste of his wolfhood. A squirt of pre and an extra loud moan and shiver told the fox that his friend appreciated this added stimulation. He let the thin salty liquid rest on his tongue for a moment as he considered the taste. It was different from his own, and tasted... distinctly like his friend. He swallowed it down and suckled on his friend's length, eager to get another taste of his friend.

Entih was in heaven. He writhed on the ground in pure bliss, the cool grass contrasting the hot muzzle on his cock. His eyes were reduced to slits as his mind zeroed in on the intense pleasure from his friend's work.

"B-beau," Entih gasped. "I... I gotta..." The young wolf never finished his sentence.

Entih arched his back and moaned out as he came, squirting his seed into his friend's muzzle. It was the most amazing experience the wolf had ever had. He felt as though he were floating away in a world of pure bliss as his seed flooded his friend's muzzle.

Beau murred happily as the little wolf orgasmed, letting his seed fill his muzzle as he savored the taste. The internet hadn't lied to him about this - it DID taste better fresh from the source! He swallowed down his friend's load and continued suckling, determined to get every last drop.

The little wolf went limp as his friend continued to suckle him. He panted heavily as his friend suckled his last few drops of semen from him. He shivered as he felt his friend's muzzle pulling back, exposing his glistening shaft to the cool summer breeze. Entih murred softly as he felt his friend's warm body against him, and wrapped his arms around the fox, his eyes just slits as he looked into his friend's face.

Beau grinned at the wolf and planted a little kiss on his lips. "I love you, Entih," he whispered.

Entih smiled and squeezed his friend. "I love you, too, Beau," he replied.

Beau looked at the little wolf under him, a twinkle in his eye. "Wanna try something else?" he asked.

Entih opened his eyes a little more and looked up at his friend. "Like what?"

Beau leaned in and whispered in the little wolf's ear. Entih blushed and nodded slowly, earning a grin from the fox.

In a flash, the fox was standing over the wolf, pulling his clothes off. As he stripped off his pants and underwear, his stiff member twitched. Entih looked up at his friend, staring at his friend's stiff 3 inch cock. Beau kneeled down and spread the little wolf's legs, and leaned closer, pressing his tip against the wolf's tailhole.

"If you want me to stop, just say so," Beau said as he looked down at his friend. Entih nodded, and the fox slowly started pressing his cock into the young wolf's virgin bottom.

Both cubs gasped as the fox took his friend's virginity. Beau pushed himself all the way in, slowly, and stopped as he hilted in his friend.

Entih panted heavily at the feeling of his friend's cock filling him up. It hurt a little bit, but it felt really good, too. Beau whispered to the little wolf, "Tell me when you're ready."

They lay together for a bit. Entih's breathing slowed as his bottom adjusted to the intruder. He licked his friend's nose and nodded slowly.

Beau returned the nod and placed his paws on either side of the wolf's shoulders, and starting pulling his hips back.

Entih whimpered softly as he started to pull back. 'Why is he pulling out? It feels so good inside!' he thought. His question was answered as the fox started to thrust, slowly sliding his penis in and out of the wolf's tight bottom. The wolf blushed and moaned softly as his friend's gentle thrusts carried him to new heights of pleasure.

Beau moaned and panted softly as he slowly thrusted inside his friend. The feeling of his friend's tight bottom around his foxhood was even more amazing than having his friend's cock in his mouth! He went slowly at first, not wanting to hurt his friend, battling against his instincts to thrust faster into that warm, tight entrance.

Instinct soon got its way, though, as the young fox picked up speed. Entih wrapped his legs around Beau's waist as the fox thrusted faster. Both pups panted and moaned as they made love in the grass. The little fox's knot began to swell as he mated his friend.

The pups breathed harder as their passion soared. Entih clung to his lover as he thrust in and out, in and out, faster and faster, his knot pressing against his hole. Squirts of pre lubed the wolf's entrance, and Beau thrust faster, determined to make sweet love to his friend.

The young wolf's shaft stiffened again as his friend mated him. Beau held his friend close as he thrust in, feeling his friend's shaft against his stomach as he filled his friend's rear over and over again with his own stiff shaft, his knot beating against the tight ring.

With a final thrust, Beau's knot penetrated his friend's right ring. Both cubs moaned out as the fox's member twitched inside the wolf's bottom, filling him with hot, sticky love. Entih's bottom clenched and spasmed around his friend's shaft as he squirted his own seed between them, coating both their chests with his own cream.

The two pups panted as their orgasms subsided. Beau licked his friend's cheek softly, holding him tight to his chest.

"I love you, Entih," he whispered into the little wolf's ear.

"I love you, too, Beau," Entih replied, and the two pups drifted off to sleep in the grass.

A little ways away, a young wolf and fox looked at the two friends from over the fence.

The wolf looked at the fox. "Robbie?"

The fox giggled softly and looked at the wolf. "Got any ideas, Martin?"

Martin grinned and grabbed Robbie's paw, tugging him towards the two furs. "I think so!"

To be continued?