sex and death, deer and cougar

Story by Godel Fishbreath on SoFurry

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In a population lottery, a deer is selected. A puma will be her hunter,her killer.

But kills must be done with kindness, as much as possible.

And the deer wants to mate with just every male on the school grounds.

She had been selected in the Winnowing lottery. I was assigned to be her hunter, female to female. She quivered all over when she saw me. I took off my veil and let her look at my feline face. She swallowed hard and her tail went up in alarm. I strode over and gave her a traitor's kiss on her mouth, tasting her for the first time.

She backed away from me, doffed her clothes, folded them up and put them in her backpack, which she had already labeled with her name in bold marker.

I was so lucky to get her. Not only because of the competition from fellow hunters, but also as a deer she would supply me with many more meals than a rabbit would.

She was, as most sensible prey school mates are, on the lean and tough side. Generally only 9th graders have much fat.

I gestured that she should come along, and with her tail high for danger, she did. We left for the killing fields, where there would be large canvas enclosures with the tools for the slaughter and butchering.

The spring morning air was cool on our way over. Her nude form shivered, but it might have been from thinking of her coming death.

She saw a stag, and waved him over. As he approached, she got down on her hands and knees, spread her legs, tail to one side, and braced herself forward, a clear invitation. He got behind her, dropped his pants, reveling that he was getting hard, and started rubbing his tip along her slit. Soon he was pounding himself into her. She was munching the short cut grass in front of her, occasionally looking distracted. I photographed them, it would be documentation he would need to claim adult status.

Even before he spent himself, she was waving over another male. I had waited for the first, and might as well wait for the next. But soon there was a line. Each was done so fast that she did not seem to take the highest pleasure from it. Some moments it seemed to me that the taste of the grass was more important then the guy thumping her behind.

I was bored, my meal was stalling, and worse, not getting herself off from it. I padded over. The current male looked annoyed. I smiled my fangs at him. He pumped harder. I stuck my face in from the side, like a faun suckling the between-the-back-legs milk, and got my tongue into the action. I licked his balls, then curled my tongue around them to take them into my mouth.

I have never seen someone so jolted. He plunged into her as though it was his last time ever and came till it leaked out. When he pulled out, he was already limp. He looked at me as a new kind of monster and shied off.

I waved off the next in line, repositioned myself behind her, and applied my tongue to her sex, something none of the would be partners had thought to do. They had been selfishly going only for their own pleasure and status. Maybe they thought that someone soon to be dead could be discounted.

She tasted of her musk, and the large amount of sperm inside her, but not much of her own cum. When I extended my tongue to her clit she moaned and arched her back. I kept giving myself to her; I knew from my own explorations how long it would take for me, and I gave her a bit more. She was making little cries and panting from pleasure when I was done.

I ended by licking her lips apart, and with a push, grabbing one side's lip with my teeth. I tugged in the direction used to remove her vagina and uterus, but lightly. I did not break her skin.

Like her previous partner, the reminder of mortality, of the proximity of the predator, was the extra kick. She shuddered and came copiously.

As I came up and looked around she smiled a satisfied but astonished smile,. She waved the next male over. The line had thinned when they saw what I had done to the former.

He was a bold stag, and dropping his pants, offered me his tip. I smiled, commented on prey offering me genitalia, and took him not from the front, but from the side, using my teeth. I pulled a little until he was entirely out of his sheath and nipped him a touch at where he exited. It was the same as if he was on my table and I wanted to taste his prick meat, minus the final bite-off. He hardened. I licked his balls, and mouthed them. This time I could see him smile as he got as hard as he ever could. I released him to her.

He asked her to turn over and face him.

He was a gentle and honorable soul, and did not presume that my efforts had been enough. Or maybe he just wanted to taste her. He knelt down and applied himself to her front, going down her row of tits, and ended up licking her clit. When he was satisfied by how wet she was, he rose up, started a long kiss, and entered her.

He was amazing. I would love to know where he had found the techniques. He locked fur just above their joining, and with each thrust moved her mound up with his so to rub her clit with her own lips. Her eyes opened in astonished delight. After more of this, he took one leg in a circular motion to the outside of hers, followed by the other to the other side. She was now tight on his prick, nothing else between her legs. Every buck he made was felt by both all the way along the shaft. From their faces I could see he was getting, and trying to ignore, greater sensation, but she was getting even more, even though their mounds were no longer quite so together.

She was smiling when he finally came. He looked regretful, disappointed, maybe he was sad that he could not do more? She kissed that away, hugged and thanked him. He brightened up, and they changed to side by side and snuggled.

I gave them ten minutes, then walked over and stroked her leg. "Time to go."

They both slowly got up. His tail showed alarm, his manor uncharacteristically hesitant. I have heard of this, and spoke to forestall it. "You are about to volunteer? But fear that it might work, that you will be my meal?"

"No, I want to volunteer for real." He looked scared, but I could not tell if he just wanted to look good, or if he was serious.

I smiled. Looking at her I asked, "Do you accept?"

She hesitated. She looked at his body, then looked him in the eyes. She was about to speak when I did. "Sometimes guys just want to look good. Should I feed a little first? Test his sincerity? A ball?" His scrotum contracted. "Or some weight of blood?"

They both shuddered. Prey are like that.

She curled her upper body against his, and wept into his chest. From that ball of fur came her voice. "No. I will be brave. Go my gallant, go and live. But first be there at my side when she takes me."

She saw how I looked at her new boyfriend. "Don't be jealous. That video will be all over campus by the morning. You will have a lover as nice as mine."

I smiled at her. In a brief bit of anticipation, "Okay, so now for the tent. We have number ten. You two go ahead, I want to practice stalking, I feel the need. Just for play, no harm." And so I did, all the way over to the kill site.

* * *

"I want to struggle, or failing that, to be hurt enough that dying is a blessing," she said. "it feels wrong to be killed when I am healthy and pain free."

"You want me to nibble?"

"What would you like to eat first?"

I had her turn around slowly twice. I planned to eat her vagina first, but extracting that before death would constitute torture, and I would forfeit my own life. So I was looking for what could be done.

"You could help me remove the skin. Or clean out the guts."

She nodded and we established a safe word. She got on the table, and I picked up a hot knife, a blade that cauterizes as it cuts, limiting the blood loss. I intended to get all the protein out of her that I could.

I used the skin over her breastbone to adjust the blade depth.

She propped herself up on her elbows as I made the first shallow cut from her chin, down past her throat, to her belly, then to her crotch.

Her new boyfriend stared at the proceedings.

"That did not hurt as much as I thought it would," she said.

I bent to taste the little blood that the knife had let slip by.

But when I pulled on the skin near the cut with my claw, ready to cut it away from her body she said, "That's enough, my hunter. Just ease me to the Mother."

I got the face bag, and set up the N2End machine. I put it on her as her friend held her hand. The room temperature nitrogen flowed, displacing the life giving oxygen in the air within her mask. She breathed deeply, relaxed back, stroked his arm, and slowly fell asleep.

I looked at the stag, "I do not think you will want to see the rest of this."

"What will you eat first?"

"Her cunt. You, others and she have filled it with sauce. I also have to do the butchering, or the meat will spoil. I will be snacking as I render her body down. I will need you to certify that she is dead before I do. In a few moments she will cool to where you can tell by touch. But, as I said, I doubt that you would enjoy the view of her rendering."

"Yeah, I guess so." I got him to leave

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