Growvember Day 7

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#7 of Growvember Series

A fight is on the horizon, and Bryant must either stand up to the pressure, or crumble


November 7th

My eyes snapped open to alarms going off, they were pretty faint, but I could definitely hear the high pitch noise. I sat up, looking around for what was going on, and I wasn't the only one. A lot of the other giants were puzzled as well, seeing the tanks mobilizing and heading off to the east.

"What's going on?" I asked a wolf near me.

"No idea. Just an alarm and suddenly the military was rolling out." He looked just as confused as I did. Next thing I knew, Chris was beside me along with Mary. I finally took notice that nothing else had changed over the two, and I assumed me as well other than a foot added to my height.

"You two know anything?" I asked, feeling panicked.

"Yeah, I over heard a military fur talking, its those giants from yesterday, they're on their way here." He began to look towards the east, trying to see if they were visible yet.

"Shit. Why now?" I groaned.

"What? What's wrong?" Mary asked, looking afraid.

"Chris, yesterday, I heard one of the voices in the crowd from the woods. I wanted to look for him." I rubbed my head.

"We'll have to worry bout that later, right now no one knows what to do with the other giants coming. Some are thinking of fighting them." Chris looked back at some of the furs in the group.

The thought of fighting at this size was kinda frightening. Massive devastation could happen if someone went down. And if anyone died...

No no! Don't think of that! No killing! I took some deep breathes, trying to calm myself.

"We'll fight defensively if we have to, and try to keep it away from the city." I explained to the two. "They could just be passing by though, hopefully the military won't draw their attention.

And like that I could immediately hear the sound of a cannon firing, causing me to wince. Next to follow was a scream of pain from probably one of the giants. We both looked and could easily see them now heading towards us, now running. Their feet left craters in the ground, as some growled and others howled.

Chris looked at me panicked, expecting me for some reason to give a command. But I was frozen at the site. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't a fighter! I just sat in a cubicle and did reports! Again I could feel my nose twitching in panic feeling the flight mechanism kicking in. But before I could, Chris snarled and charged forward, others shocked at first but quickly feeling their own courage kick in, following with roars and howls of their own.

"Bryant!" Mary screamed in my ear, snapping me out of my shock as I looked at her.

"Mary, stay here. If anything goes wrong. Please try to save anyone you can and get out of here." I gulped, clenching my own fists and taking off after the rest of them.

The tanks were in full retreat as the giants forced their way forward. At least 30 of them trying to break through the line. Some of them were wounding by the tank shells, but bullets from the infantry seemed to have no effect.

Their progress came to a near halt as they saw our group charge at them, trying to miss the tanks and soldiers as best as well could.

It could only be described as a full on brawl, but between giants. The ground beneath our feet was being completely reshaped as we grappled and kicked, trying to knock the other down. Homes were crushed under our feet and bodies, apparently abandoned from yesterday.

I landed a punch square in the jaw of some weasel, causing him to stumble back a bit and lower his head, charging and slamming into my stomach. It was weird when he hit. I felt the air get knocked out of me, but I felt no pain at all. I mean, I felt something, but it didn't hurt is all.

He tried to sit on me but I didn't give him the chance, rolling to get out of the way, only for him to repeatedly kick me in the back and stomach as I tried to get up. Again, I felt nothing from each blow, but I knew there had to be some kind of damage done.

He put me in a headlock next, trying to choke while punching me in the face. I quickly began to claw at his arm, trying to pull it away even while blow after blow hit me. I could feel my eyes getting heavier from the lack of oxygen in me before someone grabbed the weasel by the side of the head and yanked him off.

I collapsed to my knees and gasped for breath, looking up to see my savior was that elk who was hitting on me before, except one of his antlers was broken off.

"You okay bun?" He held out a hand to help me up, but the weasel jumped on his back now, trying to choke hold him. I got up as quickly as I could and grabbed the weasel by the neck this time, trying to do one of those sleeper holds I saw on wrestling when I was young.

He immediately stopped trying to choke the elk and claws at my forearm, but slowly his eyes rolled back, and he passed out, collapsing to the ground.

Another tank fire, the bullet wizzing by my face and striking a deer in the upper arm. I watched as it exploded, the female deer crying out in pain and gripping the area as blood poured out. Immediately she turned and began to run from the fight as fast as she could. In fact, a lot of them were in retreat already. My assumption was they were figuring it was only the military they were going to fight, and not other giants.

We all gave victory cheers as they fled, leaving the wounded or unconscious behind. I phewed and fell on my rump, wiping my nose and noticing some blood. Again, I didn't feel the pain, but apparently we could still be hurt. And I definitely felt exhausted.

"You okay bun?" The elk asked, holding out his hand again.

"Yeah, thanks." I took it, standing up. There was a lot of patting going on at the other nearby. In the middle of it I saw Chris, blushing red from the attention, his one eye was black. I didn't even feel jealously towards him. He deserved it after all, leading the charge.

I made my way back to the encampment, seeing a good portion of the furs from our group had stayed behind, even Ronald. I felt a bit of anger towards him. With his size and strength, the fight wouldn't have lasted a second. But instead, he stayed back.

"Bryant! You're hurt!" Mary came running forward, looking over me.

"I'm fine. But I really hate that weasel now." I rubbed the back of my head, trying to shake it off. That was also probably my first ever real fight in my life.

Looking up, most of the giants seemed relieved as well, but I noticed a few who were glaring, almost as if disappointed in the result. I tried to make note of their faces as the rest of the group gathered around, cheering of their victory and the fight. I could still see Chris was the center of attention, and decided to leave him be and thank him when he had more time on his hand.

For now though, I just wanted to lay back on the grass and let my injuries heal.

The fight was won.

But the war was just beginning.