Horndogs - Chapter 3: Lust not Love

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Horndogs



Chapter 3- Lust not Love

By: Ace Wolf


Warning: This story may contain sexual intercourse between two under-aged furs. If you're under the age of 18 please refrain from reading. Also, if this isn't your sort of thing, turn back now. For the rest of you enjoy.

Author's note: For everyone who enjoyed this series and thought that Ace and Jet made a good couple, I'm sorry to inform you that it probably will not work out. If you think I'm heading in the wrong direction with this story please let me know.


Absolutely nothing could bring me down today, at least, that's what I assumed. After my talk with Ace at lunch, I've been smiling nonstop. The words he said was like a song put on repeat.

I can't lie, before our talk, I was angry, hurt, saddened by the fact Ace had slept with another male, but after sitting and talking it out, I learned that it was a mistake, and that he likes me...sorta. Now I can't keep from smiling.

I've known Ace for a long time; we go way back, thirteen years, actually. It wasn't until our seventh grade year I developed feelings for him. Everything happened all at once; one second we were playing video games while attending a sleep over at one of our past-friends', and the next I'm gazing over his body from across the room. Even at the age of twelve, Ace was sexy. He always wore a black tank top that outlined his defined torso, and jeans that were a little tight around the top...

A gorgeous wolf he was and still is.

After that night, I promised myself I would never tell Ace how I felt toward him; our friendship was not worth losing over my petty little faults, but little did I know Ace had the same faults. Ace and I never kept secrets from one another, well, he didn't keep secrets, so not telling him only made me feel like a crappy friend, but it was worth it. I had to keep him as a friend, even though it pained me to see him with females; it burned my insides when he talked about them the way every guy would; how he touched them made me jealous, envious.

But that was the past, thankfully.

I now knew Ace's true identity; he was at least bi, and seeing my opening, I would make a move on him.

After third block ended, I went straight to Ace's class with all my books in paw (didn't feel like making a trip to my locker). He had power lifting, so I had time to get to him since it would take him a while to get in the showers and dressed before his next class. I walked down the halls; it quickly emptied as furs dashed to their next class trying not to be late. I should have been doing the same thing, but more important things occupied me.

Once I arrived, all my confidence built up went crashing down in a matter of seconds. Doubt filled me. I pulled myself together and pushed the door open.

What happen next, could not be taken in all at once. My eyes widened, books dropped, breathing turned into small intakes of air. I definitely found who I was looking for, but wasn't expecting to see what I was staring at.

Ace and Jet stood way in the back; Jet's pants at his ankles; Ace held Jet's throbbing member.

Did they? I thought to myself, still in shock and standing in the same spot.

The noise my books made hitting the floor traveled throughout the GYM. Ace and Jet's head shot toward my direction, both looking at me, shocked.

"Avery?" Ace pushed himself away from Jet.

I couldn't answer him; I was speechless. Tears filled my eye sockets.

"Avery." Ace started walking toward me with his paw out, in attempt to grab me.

I turned around with tears now streaming down my face. Then I felt two paws being placed on my shoulders, warm paws, so comforting. I jerked away.

My voice simply a whisper."You promised. . ."

Ace moved closer; I inched away.

"I. . ."

"You promised me, Ace. . ."

I then ran out of the room, wiping tears from my face. How could you, Ace! How could you? I thought as I ran.



"I. . ."

Avery stood in front of me. He looked scared, hurt, and confused; all because of me. The promise made quickly slipped my mind, I was to focused on Jet and talking to him, I forgot about Avery. As soon as he entered the room my mind began to race. Jet was just a kid I met, but Avery, Avery is my friend; someone I can depend on, a fur who has always accepted me for who I am, the one fur I can actually say I love.


Love is a very strong word. What does it mean to love someone? To be there for them, stay close, help one another out? If that's love then I definitely love Avery, not Jet. Jet was my lust buddy, a fur I can just get a quick one out and leave, but Avery, he was the one I wanted to be with.

"You promised me, Ace. . ." Avery whispered and ran out of the room.

I looked back to Jet, gave an apologetic shrug, and ran after Avery. I got a glimpse of him run in the restroom; I followed him in. Sobbing can be heard from the last stall. I walked over to it and knocked on the door.


"-sniffs- W-why d-did you f-follow m-m-me?"

I placed a paw on the stall door and leaned against it.

"To apologize, and to tell you something. . ."

Avery blew his nose, well, that what it sound like, then the door opens. Once open, I could see him fully: his arms hung on both sides -right paw held tissue-, eyes red and swollen, his fur matted down under his eyes from the tears. The smiling Dalmatian I saw a few hours ago seemed to never had existed. It saddened me to see him like this.

He sniffed and spoke. "I don't have anything I wanna say to you. . ." He walked past me and started to wash his face in the sink.

I turn around. "Just listen to. . ."

"No! There isn't anything you can say to me that'll make me feel better!" He turns and looks at me strait in the eye! "Not too long ago you said I'd be the one you'll be with, then I find you with that kids cock in your PAW! There isn't anything you can say to me! I don't even want to see you right now!"

The tone in his voice made me feel so little. Every single word hurt in its own way. He was right, I did promise him I would be with him. I wasn't thinking, my hormones got the best of me in the gym, and now I lost a friend and one what could have been one hell of a mate. I start to walk away, but something catches me.

I love him.

I wasn't going to walk out without letting him know this. I walked back over to him, getting so close that I backed him up to the sink. He looked up at me with a shocked look on his face.

"You will listen! I'm not asking!" I said with authority traveling through every word.

Avery leans back onto the sink, placing both paws on it, behind him.

"I'm sorry," I started. "that you saw that in the gym. What came over me is a mystery, I just did it without thinking. Hormones, I guess, but not love." His ears perked up hearing the word 'Love'. "I'm a pig, filthy, disgusting, worthless pig. I didn't screw up once, but twice when it came to sex. I apologize for that too..."

"Huh? Why are you apologizing for that?"

"Because," I looked down into his eyes. "you should have been the person I shared those experiences with, not Jet."

Avery's eyes widened. "Wh-what!? Why me?"

I moved in closer to him, pushing him onto the sink so that he is sitting on it. I placed both paws on the sink and my muzzle wormed closer to his, looking into his gorgeous yellow eyes.

"Cause. . ."

He looks me in the eyes; our breathing gradually decreases.

". . . cause?"

I half-grin.

"Cause I love you. . ."

He wrapped his arms around my neck, slowly. "I thought so. . ." He smiled, pulled up, and kissed me on the lips, gently. His lips were so soft, softer than paw pads, but sweeter than candy. When our lips met it felt like fireworks had been set off. Love was definitely behind this kiss, rather than lust.

The kiss broke; our muzzles slowly drifted apart. We smiled at one another and chuckled.



One second I'm receiving a blowjob; next I'm standing alone with my pants down. It all happen so quick: a Dalmatian burst in, Ace jumps up saying "Avery, Avery", then they both run out. I pulled up my pants and walked out the room. What just happen? Confusion was the only thing I felt at the moment. Who was this Avery guy, and why did he react the way he did. Well, I do have a good guess why. Walking in and seeing Ace holding my cock would make anyone react strangely.

I'll just have to ask Ace what was the big deal.

I picked up my backpack, headed out the door, and down the hall. Finding Ace would not be a problem, simply because he would most likely come to me, so in the meantime I'd just go to the restroom and freshen up before heading to class; I needed to get rid of the smell of musk and cum before returning to class.

My way to the bathroom, something bothered me, it made my stomach turn and worried me a little. The way Ace looked at me before running after that Dalmatian. It was an apologetic look, like something was going to happen. This thought caused my stomach to twist and twirl, like a typhoon.

I shook the thought away and chuckled to myself.


Nothing would go wrong, I just worry way too much, more than the average fur. Everything is fine. Whatever the problem Ace would handle it.

Once my destination was met, I pushed the door open slightly to see Ace and. . . and that Dalmatian, kissing. I closed the door slightly, leaving a crack so I could see what was happening. They broke the kiss, looking into one another eyes. I noticed a glimmer in Ace's eyes that I've never seen in anyone else. The way he looked at Avery was sort of the way he looked at me, but this gaze had a more loving edge to it.

I let the door shut all the way, turn around, balling my fist.

'What the fuck was that???' I ask myself. Did I really just see Ace and the Dalmatian kiss? Sure enough it was Ace: the tall, black wolf in his workout clothes. Yes, of course it was him.

Every part of me wanted to cry; run away and never return.


A small part of me felt a hint of happiness. Why? I don't know. My two minute boyfriend was now kissing another guy and I felt happy! I knew for a fact this was not a normal feeling. I should want to take revenge, or cry to myself, but those feelings couldn't surface. Revenge wouldn't get me anywhere, and crying will only cause me to have a major headache.

A couple seconds ago I was the happiest guy on this planet, seemed like all my problems I had the past few days where resolved, and now, I feel worse than I felt before.

I clenched my stomach and bit my lower lip to hold back tears. I was not going to cry here! I'm way too strong to cry over a guy I barely know. I pulled myself together and began walking down the hall, paw still clenching my stomach. I needed to get out of here; my stomach felt torn. Staying in school wasn't a smart thing to do at the time.

I pushed past the schools double-doors. Once outside, I noticed. . .

"Great. It's raining."

Hi everyone -sniffles- I hope you liked the story. This was directed to a certain person. My emotions were poured into this, just like my other stories. Thanks for reading. Rate, and Comment.

~If only you'd stayed, maybe, just maybe something would have come of it.~