Now the Fur's Flying!

Story by Gracefulstalker on SoFurry

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Hi everyone! This is my first submission.

My non-furry boyfriend wrote this for me as a gift for Valentine's Day, and I decided to share it with everyone.


"...and that's why I killed her" gurgled the murderer through her blood-gushing mouth. The onlookers, one with a gun in his hand that he used to defend his plane-wrecked crew on the island.

I can never understand this show. Why does he like this?! Thought Darelle, scratching his chin in confusion. He continued to watch this popular show until he heard a knock on his door. With a bored groan, he stood up and walked over to the door. "Who is it?"

"Hi baby, it's me!" said the cheerful voice behind the door.

"Chris! Baby! What a surprise! Wait one moment!" he said through a huge smile. He was always surprised to find that Chris could still elicit such happiness from him, even after all this time.

He unlocked the door and watched his boyfriend slink in, his eyes falling onto Chris' tight ass. He chuckled to himself and closed the door behind him.

"Baby, what brings you here?" asked Darelle, kissing Chris full on the lips, tongues pressing against each other.

"What do you mean 'what brings me here'? I'm here to spend the day with you!" said Chris after pulling away from that impassioned kiss. "I've been thinking about you for this whole day! I've missed you!"

"But don't you have school today?" quizzed Darelle.

"Oh, that! W-well my professor let us out of class early!" stammered Chris, looking up at nothing.

"Right..." said Darelle, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Well, what do you want to do?"

"I don't know. Something. Let's watch a movie."

"Nothing is out that I want to see."

"Then let's rent a movie."

"I don't feel like going outside. It's cold!"

"Then let's just watch a tv show or a cable movie." Chris sighed, kneeling down onto the ground so that he could untie and take off his sneakers.

"Alright, let me get the remote so you can choose what to watch." Darelle started to walk over to the couch so that he could retrieve the remote, when he heard a loud "OW!" He looked down to see Chris holding a part of his body.

"Ow! Watch where you are stepping! That hurt!" whimpered Chris.

"I'm sorry about stepping on your tail, baby! Forgive me!" whimpered Darelle, his wolf ears lowering in shame and sadness.

Chris' ears raised up as he smiled at his boyfriend. "You're so cute when you look like that! It's okay!"

Darelle smiled as he sized up his boyfriend. Chris was slim, with shining orange fox fur. His tail was long for a fox, but his was sleek just like his fur, with a white spot at the tip. His snout was narrow and perfect, with his canine teeth shining white as he smiled. Today he was wearing a red shirt, with tight blue jeans, and white sneakers. He had a slim physique, and was relatively tall.

Darelle on the other hand looked nothing like Chris. He was of the wolf pack, with gray fur covering his body. His tail was scruffy, just like his fur, but not as puffy as Chris'. His snout was big, and threatening when he was threatened. His teeth were perfect, and just as white as Chris', although they also helped to make him look even more threatening. He had large rippling muscles and stood over six feet tall. Chris usually had to look up at him.

Darelle reached out his hand and his lover took hold of his hand, being easily lifted off the ground onto his feet. They walked in each others' arms over to the couch and turned on the television.

For more than an hour, they watched a movie about a gay male beaver who was terribly in love with his boyfriend. By the way the movie was looking, his boyfriend cheated on him and something tragic was coming. Chris rolled his eyes and turned to another channel. "This is why I abhor gay movies."

"Well, it sure as hell beats that one show you try to get me to watch." Darelle sighed as he tried to get into this next show. "Such a boring day." Chris settled more into the scruff of his neck, and Darelle got a whiff of Chris' scent. The scent wafted into his nose and sent pleasurable signals which made his sheathe twitch repeatedly.

Chris meanwhile started to stroke on Darelle's hard, hairy chest and immediately started to smile when Darelle started to growl in pleasure. Chris got a scent of Darelle's hard, slightly musty scent and relished in it.

"Well, now what? I mean, there's really nothing to do, now." Darelle yawned as he kissed his boyfriend on the head.

Chris chuckled as he said, "You mean there's nothing to do?" He then nuzzled his face deeper into Darelle's chest, and with his other hand, used his index finger to lightly brush against his sheathe.

Darelle growled and started to nip at Chris' ear, causing a chuckle and moan of pleasure from his lips. Next, for his own amusement, he used his tongue to lick at the ridges of Chris' ears. Feeling playful himself, Chris groped Darelle's sheathe and reached his other hand under Darelle's chest. He then slightly squeezed Darelle's nipple.

"I do know what to do now." Chris then stood up and took off his shirt, showing his six-pack and walking towards the bedroom. He turned back to Darelle and smiled, his tongue half sticking out and his bushy tail swishing left and right, playfully.

Darelle growled and stood up, also taking off his shirt to show a chiseled, barreled chest. His tail swished back and forth, and he looked down to see his bulge showing from his pants. He walked towards Chris, snarled playfully, and picked Chris up. He then walked towards the bed, with Chris in his arm, whimpering seductively, and plopped him on the bed.

Chris plopped down on the bed after he settled, he stuck Darelle's finger in his mouth, slowly rolling his tongue up and down. As he was sucking on his finger, Chris unbuttoned his pants and unzipped the fly.

Darelle moaned with pleasure, his deep baritone voice reverberating through Chris. He then mimicked Chris' motions and unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly. He took this a step further and let his pants fall down, eventually stepping out of them. Taking his finger out of Chris' mouth, he pulled down his underpants, to show his stiff wolven member in full force.

Chris could hardly take anymore and pulled down his pants and underpants, showing his foxy penis, dripping with excitement. Darelle pounced upon him, rubbing his throbbing wolf penis against Chris' fox penis. Darelle nibbled and bit playfully all over Chris' body, going lower and lower, eventually reaching Chris' nether-regions. Chris moaned in excitement of coming blow job, but instead was surprised to find his legs over his face. "What...?" he asked.

Darelle laughed as he pulled on Chris' tail and placed his tongue into Chris' ass. Chris yiffed with pleasure as Darelle tongue-fucked his ass, drilling into him. Eventually, Chris' ass was wet and lubed enough, so Darelle smiled and stuck three fingers into the hole. Seeing Chris moaning with pleasure, Darelle used his other hand to stroke Chris' wet cock.

Chris meanwhile was moaning and panting with pleasure, his tail swishing repeatedly across Darelle's body. His ass was brimming with pleasurable feeling, and not being able to handle the pressure, he scraped his paw against Darelle's chest, eliciting a gasp from him.

Darelle then smiled and pulled his hands from Chris' body part, and then walked over to a dresser. He then pulled out a thick, 7-inch dildo and walked back over to Chris. Chris turned over onto his hands and knees and lifted his own tail high into the air. Darelle then slowly edged the dildo into Chris' ass.

Chris, feeling the pleasure of a huge dildo, let out several "yiff!"s and squeezed tight onto the dildo, keeping it in. Darelle then walked over to the other side of the bed and held his thick wolf cock out for Chris to suck. Chris got the signal and started to lick all over Darelle's cock, dripping with pre-cum. Darelle growled loudly and grabbed Chris' long, pointy ears, and started pumping his mouth. Chris smelled the musk from Darelle's cock, strong and masculine. Chris squeezed hard in his ass to feel a wave of pleasure as the dildo pushed into him.

Darelle, feeling the waves of pleasure washing through his cock, stopped mouth-fucking Chris and pulled the dildo out of his ass. He then pulled Chris towards him and pushed his ready cock into Chris' willing ass, doggy-style.

Chris yowled with pleasure and yelled "Fuck me! Fuck me, please!" He then bent down and let out a loud "yiff" every time Chris pumped into him. Darelle leaned forward, and Chris could feel his hot breath and heavy panting.

Darelle was furiously thrusting his heated cock into Chris' ass, moaning with increasing pleasure After a while, he felt the rising feeling of an orgasm. "I'm going to come! I'm going to come!" He then pushed heavily into Chris' ass and shot his warm cum into Chris' ass. Chris, feeling the sticky cum blasting into his ass, couldn't take it anymore, and blasted his own warm, sticky cum all over the bed.

Darelle, panting heavily, chuckled and growled into Chris' ear, "You came on it. Now clean it up." He then pushed Chris head towards the cum stain and Chris started to lick up the cum. His cum tasted sweet, yet salty. With the cum wallowing in his tongue, he turned to Darelle and kissed him, passing saliva and sperm between the mouths.

"Well, that was fun! Now what?" Darelle fell back onto the couch and sighed in pure ecstacy, his tongue falling out of his snout.

"How about we take a nice rest and then eat out?" said Chris, falling on top of Darelle and nuzzling his snout.

They both closed their eyes and fell asleep, happy with the feeling of an orgasm, and many more to come.