Into the Horizon: Rescue Part 2

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#23 of Into the Horizon

Rescue Part 2

Bane sat on the bridge of his ship. Blaze had contacted them to inform him that Admiral Williams had been rescued. He had also been informed that Dasher had been wounded in the rescue and it looked grave for his chances.

He had instructed Blaze and the Destiny to return to base; meanwhile he was going to deal with Admiral Ulra. He still had a beef with her for hurting Scott, now not only had she hurt Bill, she also had been the one who shot Dasher. He had three other ships with him, and had meet up with the other two that was with Destiny. He would mount an assault on the base. The Alliance would show all three civilizations, the wolves especially, that such aggression and tactics were not to be tolerated in the new society that the Alliance was creating.

His staff had tried to talk him out of going personally, however things were running smoothly, both Ron and Scott were on base, and both were fully capable of taking care of everything. No this was personal; the bitch had hurt somebody close to him for the final time. They were heading towards the base with all possible speed. There would probably be a fleet waiting on them, but Bane welcomed the fight. He was out for blood, and to prove a point. They would destroy anybody stupid enough to get in his way, raid the base for any useful supplies, and then destroy it. Too much blood had been spilled on the Vega base. Regardless of what happened, Admiral Ulra would die. The bitch had hurt somebody close to Bane for the last time. It was time to make her pay.

As they dropped out of slipstream, the base quickly came into view. There was indeed a fleet of wolf warships waiting on them. Admiral Ulra's flagship was in front of the formation, and she had five ships with her counting her ship. Bane couldn't help but to smirk, this was the first even fight since their entry into the war. Admiral Ulra hailed Bane's ship,

"Bane, leader of the rebel alliance, I am prepared to accept your surrender. This time there was no cocky tone, no condescending words, only a request for surrender. They had wounded her pride. Not only had they taken the core from her, they had also taken Admiral Williams, and soon would relieve her of her life.

"Admiral Ulra, I have no intention of giving up to you and am not prepared to surrender. However, I will accept your surrender."

"Don't-," but Ulra didn't have a chance to finish her statement.

"NO," yelled Bane in pure anger! "You have hurt innocent people for the last time. You have abused your power and position! You used the core to develop weapons that killed your own people. You had Scott raped and tortured, you have probably killed Admiral Williams, and Dasher might not live though the night. You will die at my hand; there will be no surrender, no forgiveness, and no safe haven. There is nowhere in this universe or anywhere else you can hide. Hell itself won't stop me from killing you. My only regret is that I will be destroying your ship and not killing you with my bare hands!" This last part was accented with a snarl as he turned to the communications officer and ordered the conversation ended.

With this, he ended the communication and ordered his ships to destroy Admiral Ulra's ship. It was the first time he had lost his temper. Finally having a face to put with the name had affected him more than he had realized. She would die, and an abomination would be wiped from the face of the universe, and they would win, end of story.

Admiral Ulra stood on the bridge of her flagship. In thirty years of service to the Empire, she had never once given a thought to anything except doing whatever it took to maintain the Empire. She had murdered, killed, destroyed, ordered torture, tortured, raped, had people raped, and done countless other things that the devil himself would be repulsed by. She had taken prisoners apart limb by limb without pain medication. Now it seemed she would finally answer for her actions. She ordered a full attack, but it was too late. The alliance ships had the benefit of somebody who understood the technology in charge, and two engineers who knew only that technology. They were no match for them, the only reason they had won fights until now was that the outnumbered them in the battle. They couldn't win in an even battle, and everybody knew it. To make things worse they had lost countless ships in battles, and ships defecting to the alliance. She watched as two of her ships were blown apart by explosions caused by the attacking ships. Bridge officers were shouting orders trying to save the doomed ship and its crew. She wouldn't ask for surrender, she knew it was no use. She had seen the rage behind the face. Soon, her ship was all that was left. Bane had destroyed her other ships making her watch her own defeat. All attention was turned on her ship as her second in command pulled out his service blaster and pointed it at her.

"Communications officer, hail Bane. Inform them we wish to defect to their side and have taken Ulra into custody."

Bane's image appeared on the main view screen.

"Ulra, you won't be able to talk your way out of this."

"Bane Admiral Ulra is no longer in command. My name is Nirathena, second in command of Admiral Ulra's squadron. I have relieved her of command and am prepared to surrender her to you."

"Nirathena, do you so swear your loyalty to the Terrain Alliance?"

With that, the wolf got down on one knee and looked up at Bane's image.

"Bane, leader of the Terrain Alliance, I so swear my loyalty and allegiance to you and your cause, you have beaten us in battle and therefore have become our new leader."

With that, the former Admiral Ulra was transferred to Bane's ship and escorted to the bridge. As the defeated wolf made her way under armed guard, she thought this funny. She should be in shackles, disgraced and they acted as if she had anybody who would rescue her. Bane was waiting on her on the bridge. In his hands, he had something nobody had ever seen before. He knew what it was and intended to demonstrate it.

"Ulra, so good of you to join me and grant me my greatest desire of killing you myself." He practically snarled this last part at her. As he spoke, he coated her with spray from his mouth from the snarl. He had never been this angry before. Seeing her in person made it that much more real.

"First, say it don't spray it wolf boy. Second, it seems you have bested me," she said with a twisted smile on her face. "You don't have the balls to kill me hand to hand though in equal combat."

"Don't make me laugh, I'm not as nice as most people think. In fact I can be an evil son of a bitch when I am motivated to be so."

Ulra laughed at this and then replied, "No being evil is what I do. Evil is having your friend beaten to an inch of his life and then brought back to health only to do it over and over again. Evil is having a human triple penetrated by three wolves that are excessively big for him, then having him healed up and the process repeated. Evil is shooting that strange creature in the back as he teleports out. No, you are not evil, you are simply angry. You will not kill me because you don't have murder in you. I am defenseless, although not innocent by any stretch of the imagination." She managed a laugh of complete disdain as she finished her statement.

"You know," began Bane, "I am told that ancient earth had very crude projectile weapons. In fact Scott, you remember Scott don't you, well he had a collection of them onboard the Titan. Well they were all destroyed along with the ship, but he managed to build a replica of one using some tools he found. This is one of those weapons. It is a model of a 44-caliber revolver. It fires a metal projectile at faster than sound speeds. Let me show you how it works."

With this Bane drew back the hammer, pointed it at her head, and pulled the trigger. A loud bang followed by the strong smell of burning gunpowder filled the bridge. Ulra's head jerked back and a spray of crimson exited from the back of her head. A look of shock was on her now dead face. Everybody was in shock of what they had just seen. The commander of the Terrain alliance had just shot the enemy when she had been captured. With a single tear running down his face, Bane walked back to his chair and took a seat.

"Somebody get this trash off of my bridge," he ordered with a harsh tone in his voice. Nobody wanted to contradict him and followed his order. "Have some ships stay behind and raid the Vega base, then destroy it. Also, set a course back to the home base for us. Have our new allies follow us and contact them and the home base and give them an update as to our status, I'll be in my quarters." With that, he got up and left the bridge. He had done what he never thought he could do. He had no regret, no remorse, and it had to be done. His friends and everybody that had been harmed by her was avenged. Now he was to move on to the task of getting the alliance on better footing and seeing his friends though the tough time of recovery. Dasher was critically wounded, the doctors were unsure of his chances of survival, and Bill should be dead. Nobody could explain why he wasn't. As he reached his quarters, he entered them and sealed the door. He needed to be alone with his thoughts. He stood at the window in his room and looked out at the empty space surrounding their vessel, the events playing over and over in his mind. Nobody needed to or had ever seen him like this. He had betrayed who he was out of anger, but it had to be done. As he stood there, he became aware that the door to his room had opened. He turned around to see Scott standing in the room. Scott had found out what had happened at the base and had taken a ship to meet with Bane's ship. He had transported over to Bane's ship to be with his friend. Scott had become aware of what had happened and saw his gun sitting on a table in the room. He also became aware of Bane standing by the window.

"Bane, are you alright," asked the concerned human.

He received no audible answer; however, he could see the answer on Bane's face. He walked over to Bane and looked deep into his eyes. He could see the pain and anguish his friend was experiencing. Bane tried to turn away but Scott pulled him into a hug. Scott wrapped his arms around the wolf before him, and Bane began to cry into his shoulder. He appreciated Scott doing this for him; he knew it must be odd for him to see his friend and commanding officer in such a state. However, to Scott at that moment they were not superior and subordinate. No, they were friends, and Scott's friend needed him. He had avenged Scott, but in doing so had harmed himself. They moved over to the bed, and fell asleep holding each other. Bane fell asleep crying, he didn't know how he would live with himself. Scott was just grateful he was able to be there for his friend. The same person who had almost drove them apart in life had brought them inseparably close in death.