Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep08

Story by hazbaz on SoFurry

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#8 of LoM 07

The Skulled demon stood up on its legs again and looked around itself at the ruin it made, searching for Seif. Its head perked when it finally found the lion, lying face down on the ground after getting his wind knocked out of him from that powerful shockwave. Seif opened his eyes when he sensed danger approaching him, a huge shadow looming over him. He quickly rolled over to the side right before one of the Skulled demon's pointy legs thrust down at him, piercing the ground instead. He turned over to sit on one knee, but then noticed her was missing something. His sword. He didn't have his sword. His eyes swiftly scanned around him in search of it and sure enough found it. Unluckily for Seif, it was much far away from his reach, lodged on the ground lacking its master. Seif wanted to rush over to it and get it, but the demon launched another thrust at him, forcing the lion to jump to the side to avoid getting impaled by the sharp pointy feet, much farther away from his sword and worsening his chance of surviving this battle.

The Skulled demon loomed over the lion and then attacked him with two strings of thrust, the first Seif managed to evade, but the second went straight for his chest but he clutched the pointy tip with both of his bare hands before it could've stabbed him. Seif resisted with all his strength and tried to push away the demon's deadly sharp limb, but the Skulled demon was pushing back even harder, driving Seif to the back as his feet dug through the ground.

"Sh-Shit... I won't... let you... win..." Seif grunted gruffly, struggling with all his might, but he wasn't sure how much longer he could last, his arms gradually cramping up and the point tip inched ever closer to stab his flesh.

Then suddenly, the Skulled demon screeched out and shook fiercely when a strong lightning bolt struck him from behind, causing it to stagger about and give Seif the chance to pull himself out of his deadly situation. Seif was surprised by that unexpected turn of event and he looked over at the other side of the field, seeing Sasuga standing there, panting from all the running she had to do, and her hand was lifted up towards the monster's back, small sparks coursing around her right arm.

"Sa... Sasuga..." Seif breathed out, both stunned and relieved to see the kirin. If she hadn't shown up in time, he wondered if he could've survived.

"Seif... I... I'm here... to help..." Sasuga panted, also relieved to see that she wasn't too late. The only one that wasn't happy about this reunion was the Skulled demon, who apparently got aggravated by the kirin surprise back attack and switched its attention to her, as it switched its head placements like before and was now staring crossly at Sasuga. "Crap..." Sasuga gulped as the giant monster started moving towards her.

"Sasuga!!" Seif yelled out, fearing for the kirin's life as the demon marched at her. Sasuga panicked and flustered, freezing up in her place as she watched the Skulled demon approaching her dangerously. She couldn't even muster enough strength to zap him again. But before it could reach her, Seif swiftly appeared in front of the demon, standing between it and Sasuga, and he looked pissed. He clutched his hand into a firm fist and it burst up into a blazing flame that extended along his whole arm and burned away a large part of his shirt. When the Skulled demon was close enough, Seif jumped up high, fearlessly confronting it face to face, and with a thundering roar, threw his burning fist directly the center of the demon's skulled face, punching him straight on. His powerful punch stopped the demon on its track, causing a crack on its skull and set the whole head aflame, as the monster screeched out in agony and fell over to the back from the strong blow.

Sasuga gaped in complete astonishment of the raw strength Seif just demonstrated, putting down a giant demon with just one punch of his. She had never imagined she would ever see something this astounding in her life and it made her admire the brave lion even far more beyond, and she thought even that was farfetched.

Seif landed on the ground, the fire on his flaming arm gradually putting out. He cautiously kept facing the fallen demon as it squirmed around in agony, waiting for any surprise move. For a second, he looked over his shoulder at the kirin, checking up on her. "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes, I'm... Oh God, Seif! Watch out!" Sasuga cried out suddenly and Seif switched his attention back at the demon but he was stunned to see its jaws closing in on him. Seif only had a second to react and managed to grab both jaws with his bare hands before they chomped on him, grunting heavily as he struggled to keep them from clamping down on him and rendering him into demon food. Sasuga realized that she had no time to panic and needed to do something fast to save Seif. She reached her right hand out and pointed it at the Skulled demon's head, but she was hesitating, worried that she'd harm Seif if she ever missed. Time was running short and its jaws were gnawing in firmly on Seif, the strength waning in his arms. Sasuga shook her head and remembered what Seif taught her before. It was her power and she owned it. She could control it. She aimed it well and shot a red stream of electricity at the Skulled demon opened maw, injuring its insides as it bawled out painfully, loosening its jaws press on Seif. The lion took this opportunity to finish this for good, as both of his hands emitted fire and engulfed both jaws of the beast into flame. He didn't stop at that, though, as Seif mustered up his brawny strength, his upper body muscles flexing and bulging considerably, and roared out loud, pulling both sides of its jaws apart and tearing the monster's skull in two, killing it instantly and turning it into lifeless ashes, withering away.

The fierce battle was finally over, as Seif stood victoriously and watched the demon's body vanish into nothingness, a scene way too familiar to him. It was a rough and difficult fight, but he prevailed in the end, and he couldn't have done it without Sasuga. He turned around and faced the kirin, seeing the stunned look at her eyes at that dramatic end.

"Heh... I guess I overdid it a little," Seif chuckled slightly, coyly scratching the back of his mane. He was worried that Sasuga might be a little frightened at that violent display he had shown, but to his surprised, he saw the kirin tearing up and rushing over to him, pressing herself against his half-bare chest.

"Oh Seif! I'm so glad... that you're safe... I was so worried... so scared..." she slightly sobbed, hugging his big and warm torso. Seif was a bit bashful at her emotional reaction, but he smiled gently and placed a gentle hand over her back.

"It's thanks to you, Sasuga. I couldn't have made it without you. You believed in yourself, just like how I believed in you," Seif softly said. He was impressed by her courage and resolve, especially how she was brave enough to come back to help him despite the danger. He felt that she had the potential, and he was right on his hunch.

"Seif..." Sasuga breathed happily as she looked up at his face, wiping away her tears, then blushed when she saw how closely she was embracing him. "Oh Seif, you're injured!" she gasped when she saw some rough cuts and bruises on his bare right arm and part of his chest.

"It's fine, they're just tiny scratches. Nothing an ointment and some bandages can't fix up," Seif replied, taking it lightly. Sasuga wasn't convinced, though. She hated seeing him injured like this and deeply wanted to help him become better. Seif did so much for her, completely unconditionally. He was indeed her knight in shining armor, and she was willing to do anything for him at this point. She desperately wanted to treat his wounds and wished from the bottom of her heart if she had the power to do so. Her left hand then started to glow. A different kind of glow than the one her right hand emitted before. It was still releasing sparks, but they were light blue and felt less harmful. Sasuga wasn't sure what the deal was, but something inside of her urged her to place her hand on Seif's injures on his arm. She gently placed her left hand on the lion's sturdy biceps and she closed her eyes, as Seif watched in puzzlement. Glowing blue electrical energy then began to encircle around Seif's arm and his injuries and cuts were actually healing up.

"Sa... Sasuga... you can heal?" Seif uttered in disbelief, as he watched his wounds heal up completely.

"I... I guess so..." Sasuga smiled weakly, content that her wish came true and she was able to make Seif better, but she suddenly collapsed.

"Sasuga!" Seif quickly grabbed her in his arms before she fell to the ground and held her close to him. Releasing that healing power must have taken a lot out of her, especially when she just mastered her latent electrical power. "You're one special and amazing girl, Sasuga..." Seif whispered softly and carried the exhausted kirin up in his strong arms, taking her away with him to his car and ready to go home.

To be continued...

Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep07

When Seif saw that Sasuga did her part well and managed to get the class away from the scene, he was ready to give it his all to take down the Skulled demon. "Alright, my ugly skulled friend, no more holding back," Seif rumbled as he held his...

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep06

"Aah! Wha-What's going on!?" Sasuga gasped and almost fell on the ground from the big quake if it weren't for Seif's strapping arm grabbing her and keeping her close to him protectively. Seif looked over at the source of the loud noise...

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.07: Trial and Success - Ep05

An hour and a half long drive to the outskirts of the city and Sasuga found herself in the rural side of Burgstein, where mountain forests and nature overcame urban buildings and streets. She still had no idea what Seif had in mind taking them...

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