The Model - Chapter Thirty One

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#31 of The Model

This is a gay themed story that has been sitting on my computer for a while, so I decided to develop it into a new short series.After being hired to help with photoshoots for an underwear company, I developed an obsession with one of their models, a handsome Doberman by the name of Kurt Hauser. I never thought I'd stand a chance with someone like that. Until now...

Chapter Thirty Two to follow soon...

My father was sitting at the table by the door again.

I walked over and sat down opposite him. He didn't look up but splayed his ears and let out a deep sigh. "So, tell me exactly what happened?" I said firmly. My father glanced around to check no one was listening in. The café was empty apart from an elderly looking Lion sitting at the far end. "I don't know, I went to Joe's after work, the bar I like going to. I was still feeling down after fighting with your mother, so I drank a lot and tried driving home," my father explained, burying his face in his paws. "What were you thinking?" I sighed. "I mean, I remember when I was a cub you lectured me about driving responsibly." I found astounded that I was the one now lecturing my father on how to behave and chastising him on something that was obviously dangerous. My father knew what I was thinking and he splayed his ears. "Does mother know you did this?" I asked. My father shook his head. "I crashed the car into a tree on the edge of town and crushed the front, but I managed to reverse away and coax it back home without any cops noticing me. I left it parked on the driveway," he explained. "Your mother was already asleep when I got home and as far as I'm aware she hasn't left the house yet and seen the car. I'd have got an angry phone call otherwise." "Oh boy," I sighed. "Look, we need to put a stop to this once and for all. Why don't I look up Alcoholics Anonymous meetings near here?" I pulled out my phone and began Googling. "See, there's one going on in Sulston this evening," I said, showing him my phone. "You should go, otherwise you'll end up killing yourself in an accident." "Alec, your mother is contemplating a divorce," my father cut in.

I sat in silence for a minute, digesting the latest revelation. "Oh, I don't know what to say," I eventually sighed, although the more I thought about it the news wasn't that surprising. My father's face was unreadable. "Was this because of me?" I asked quietly. My father shook his head. "Things have not been right for some time. Even before you were born I began to have doubts as to whether I had made the right choice. Your... recent revelation was the tipping point," he said, trying to find the right word. I thought I saw a flash of anger in his eyes for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by the unreadable and emotionless expression again. "So, what's going to happen next?" I asked, feeling the question sounded silly. "Well, we've got to come to an agreement on the house if we go through with it. If she wants it I don't see how she can afford to maintain it without working, and I certainly don't have enough money for a big settlement," my father explained. "Well, you said she is _contemplating_a divorce, she isn't actually demanding one?" I asked. "No, but she keeps talking about it," my father replied. "Hmm, okay," I mused, scratching my muzzle. "You could try counselling or something?" My father sat up as he seemed to mull the idea over. "You need an impartial mediator. I can't be that, Kurt is good at negotiating but from mother's perspective he's way too controversial," I continued. "If it comes to a divorce you need professional assistance, and you'd better start getting off drink if this whole thing is causing you to crash cars into trees." We sat in silence for a minute. I still couldn't believe I was giving my father advice, not just because he had always been the parent figure in my life but I had gone from resenting him to wanting to sort things out in a very short space of time. "Even if it does come to you separating you need to handle this as best you can, and besides you might end up meeting a lady who is less controlling than my mother," I tried to reason. My father didn't look convinced but he at least seemed to consider the marriage counselling option. "Okay, I'll try to get someone to act as a mediator," he said quietly. "And attend a meeting to deal with the alcohol problem?" I asked. "Yes," my father replied. "Promise?" "Yeah, I do," my father said, looking down at the floor. I nodded and for the first time in what seemed like forever I reached out and put my paw on his briefly. "I believe in you," I said. "I remember when I was a cub I used to look up and think you were the strongest canine in the world. I still think you are underneath." "Strong?" my father repeated. "Yes, but your mind is in a bad place," I said. I'm not a psychologist but I knew my father's problems were mentally induced and he could find an outcome if he tried.

We sat in silence again for a minute. "I guess I should get back to work," my father eventually sighed. "Do you need a ride back?" I asked. "No, a new guy I've just taken on is giving me a ride. He knows I had a car accident but doesn't know the cause," he explained. "Okay," I replied as my father threw some money onto the table. We both stood to leave and made our way outside. "Well, I guess uh, thanks for the advice," my father said awkwardly. "It's all right, but you must sort this drinking problem out and seek counselling for you and mother," I asserted. "Message me when you've started both." "Uh, okay I will," my father replied before the ghost of a smile spread across his muzzle. I stood awkwardly before waving and heading back to the car.

Kurt was sitting in the passenger seat and he looked relieved as I climbed inside. "How did it go?" he asked. "Well he certainly feels guilty about crashing the car," I explained. "And he promised to sort out his drinking problem at a meeting and seek some kind of counselling with my mother. I just hope he goes through with both." "He should sort it out," Kurt replied. "He certainly shouldn't be driving drunk, I'm still mad he did that." The Doberman added with a huff. I merely nodded as I turned the ignition and reversed away. "Wait, what do you mean counselling?" Kurt asked as we pulled off. I let out a sigh. "My mother is considering a divorce," I said. "Oh, I'm sorry," Kurt replied, splaying his ears. "I'm not surprised," I sighed. "I think it was inevitably going to happen, and you and my father both said that me coming out probably brought the issues they were having to light." "Yeah, I guess now you mention it I ain't too shocked either, but still, I feel kinda bad," Kurt said. As I drove along I thought back through my childhood; how distant and cold my mother had been, my father going to work and me feeling nervous that I had to stay at home with my mother, trying to play games with her but feeling disappointed she was never interested, the fact neither of my parents ever spoke to each other at the dinner table. Subtle things I only noticed in hindsight, but obvious signs that my parents' marriage was not a happy one. Kurt could tell I was sad as I felt his paw on my thigh. "Let's go home and I'll make something nice for dinner," he suggested. I forced a smile and nodded in response, but remained silent for the rest of the drive back to San Amador.

The sun was shining as we arrived back in town, but I didn't feel the usual warm and calming effect it had on me. Kurt kept chatting away, but he eventually fell silent as he sensed his words were not making much of a difference. "I'm sorry," I sighed. "I'm not being very talkative I know." "It's okay," Kurt said. "I can understand why your thoughts are elsewhere." We pulled up outside our apartment block and climbed out. I followed Kurt to the door as thoughts ran through my mind. Kurt was right; I wasn't shocked at the news that my mother was considering a divorce, but it still felt like the end of an era. My biggest concern was that my father would lapse back into drinking even if he did attend a meeting to sort it out, and one day I would get a phone call saying he had killed himself or had been arrested for causing an accident.

The thought was still weighing on my mind as we walked through the door into our apartment. "I feel like sitting down for a moment," I said, sinking into the sofa. Kurt sat beside me and put a strong arm over my shoulder. I glanced outside and watched the distant scene of the waters lapping against the sand on the beach below. I allowed Kurt's arm to draw me in closer and I cuddled up to his muscular chest. "What shall we make tonight?" Kurt asked, nuzzling me between the ears. I wasn't sure. "How about steak?" Kurt continued. "I got some nice cuts from the supermarket the other day." "Sure," I replied. I knew Kurt was trying to be kind and that made me feel a little better inside.

You have a wonderful mate. You should cherish him.

"We could watch a movie before dinner?" Kurt asked. "Let's," I said, forcing a wag from my tail. I wasn't sure what I wanted to watch, so I let Kurt choose. The Doberman selected a movie from his playlist. "I'm afraid I don't have The ATM," Kurt chuckled. "Eugh, don't remind of that," I replied, wrinkling my muzzle. "Sorry bud, bad joke I know," Kurt said, splaying his ears before starting the movie. "It's okay," I replied, cuddling up closer to Kurt. "It wouldn't surprise me if that movie never sees the light of day to be honest." Kurt had chosen a sports drama set in the nineteen fifties about a Hyena that wanted to play in an all canine baseball team. It wasn't the sort of movie I usually watched, but it was entertaining enough and having Kurt's muscular arm around me was reassuring. I began to realise that Kurt was now just as much of a guardian figure as he was a boyfriend, and I liked that. It felt good to have someone looking out for me.

Once it came to an end, Kurt announced he would start making dinner. I watched as he prepared the steaks and began frying them. "How would you like it done?" He called. "Pink in the middle," I replied. "Good choice bud," Kurt grinned. "That's how I like mine. My boyfriend has excellent taste." I was about to reply when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I had a feeling it was probably a message from my father and my guess proved correct when I saw it was from his number. "Dang! I should have put something else on first. What kind of veggies shall I do with the steak?" Kurt asked. "I was thinking of putting some potatoes on too." "Uh, what do we have?" I replied. "We've got broccoli," Kurt said as he walked away from the range to glance into the fridge. "Sounds good," I grinned, feeling my tail wag, but as Kurt turned away it drooped slightly as I opened the message from my father.


I'm attending the meeting tonight. You are right, I don't want to get drunk & cause another accident.

I smiled to myself and pumped a fist. "You seem happy about something," Kurt remarked. "Yeah, my father is indeed attending a meeting about dealing with drink problems," I explained. "I hope so, the idea of him getting behind the wheel drunk again makes me mad to be honest," Kurt replied, flipping one of the steaks. I suddenly felt bad for bringing the message up. Kurt seemed to read my thoughts. "I'm sorry bud, I should be pleased with the fact he's making an effort to stop. That's a commendable thing to do," Kurt said. I walked over and put my arms around his muscular chest. Kurt turned and held me for a minute before putting the stakes onto a hot plate. I watched as the Doberman prepared the rest of the meal before he gestured for me to sit at the table. As I sat down I couldn't help but glance at Kurt's ass. Although the Doberman was clothed, the perkiness of his behind was still clearly defined in his jeans. I fixated on it, wanting to distract myself from thinking about my parents and their problems. Kurt knew I was looking as he perked his ass out in my direction before bringing the plates to the table. "Why don't you get us some wine?" he suggested. I stood and retrieved a bottle of red wine as Kurt set the food on the table.

The food was delicious as always and the sun setting outside basked the apartment in its warm glow. I felt at peace inside and could forget about my father's message for now.

Just assume he's at the meeting and learning from it.

The light was reflecting in Kurt's eyes and as always I paused to admire the sight. "Is something wrong with dinner bud?" Kurt asked, looking concerned. "No, it's perfect," I replied. "I was admiring how the light reflects in your eyes, as I always do when the sunset shines in here." Kurt didn't reply, but he splayed his ears bashfully. "You're the first person to ever say that," he said. "Hector never said that." "It's true, they reflect it really well," I continued. "It's like a mirror." "Can I keep you forever?" Kurt sighed with a smile. "Yes," I replied, and I knew in my heart that I meant it genuinely. Kurt stood up, walked around the table and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you for being my boyfriend," he whispered. I stood up and hugged Kurt back before kissing him on the muzzle. I pressed my leg against Kurt's crotch and felt an obvious bulge in the Doberman's jeans. With the wine going to my head and the relief of sorting out my father's problems for now, I suddenly felt especially frisky. I reached around and squeezed Kurt's butt with my paw. The reaction was as I expected. "Grrr, oh I know what you want to do," Kurt grinned. Before I could say anything else the Doberman picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. I squirmed and laughed as he carried me to the bedroom. "What about our food?" I asked. "We can heat it again in a little while," Kurt growled, throwing me down on the bed.

I looked up as the muscular Doberman gazed down at me with a domineering expression on his face. "Off with your shirt and jeans Coyote," he growled. I complied and tugged my clothes off so I was laying on the bed in just my briefs; already straining to contain my cock which had slid several inches from my sheath. Kurt began gyrating around and I knew what was going to happen but I wanted to watch it anyway. The Doberman effortlessly slid out of his jeans and pulled his shirt off. He then stood before me, flexing his pecs. I could see a bulge in his briefs; the contour of his dick curved upwards and his balls hung low, even in the supportive material. A small wet spot was appearing at the tip of Kurt's dick and I could smell the scent of his pre from where I was laying on the bed. The Doberman grinned before climbing into the bed and pinning me down by my wrists. I squirmed and laughed as Kurt growled in my ear while grinding his bulge against mine. I could feel the outline of his thick shaft through the material of our briefs. "Could you fuck me?" I asked, before realising the words had escaped my muzzle. Kurt looked surprised. "After what happened this morning I wasn't expecting you to ask for something like that," he said. "I just suddenly feel like it," I replied. "Okay, if you're sure?" Kurt asked, fixing me what looked like a concerned expression. "Yeah, I am," I grinned. The high after the meeting with my father and feeling Kurt's dick pressing against mine through our underwear gave me a strong desire to have the Doberman inside me. Kurt's look of concern disappeared and was replaced by a domineering grin. "Better get yourself ready then bud," he growled. Kurt realised me and I scampered to the bathroom to shower and ready myself.

After showering I freshened myself up, pulled my underwear back on and walked out to find Kurt laying on the bed. The damp spot on the front of his briefs had grown and he grinned before patting the spot on the bed next to him. "Let's snuggle for a minute," he suggested. I crawled over to Kurt and he put a muscular arm around me. "I just felt like being close to you." Kurt added as he held me close. "You're sweet," I replied, but I felt my erection grow back as Kurt ground his bulge into the seat of my briefs. I grinned before letting out a playful growl of my own as I rolled over and kissed Kurt on the muzzle. Kurt slid his tongue into my mouth and I closed my eyes as it stroked the surface of my tongue. I broke off and fixed Kurt a grin. "Okay bud, I think I know what you want," the Doberman said. He rolled me over and hooked his paws over my briefs and slid them down my hind-paws. I expected to feel Kurt ease his fingers into me, but I gave a start when I felt his tongue meet my tail hole. I moaned and squirmed as the Doberman's tongue lapped against my hole, getting bare skin around it wet. "Heh, I wasn't expecting that," I said as Kurt pulled off. "I thought I'd warm up your ass in a more original way," Kurt joked as he reached for the lube on the bedside table to slick himself up. I lay down on the bed and relaxed before Kurt handed the lube to me. I squeezed a blob onto my paw and began applying it to my hole while Kurt watched. "Okay bud, here we go," the Doberman said once I had finished. I felt him ease a finger in, followed by two and then three. "How does that feel?" Kurt asked. "Fine," I replied. "Now get to it stud!" I closed my eyes and felt Kurt's dick push its way into my hole.

The feeling of having Kurt's thick shaft inside me still felt weird at first and I bit into the pillow as Kurt withdrew and thrusted in again, but as the Doberman repeated the motion I became more accustomed to the sensation. Kurt settled into a steady rhythm and I couldn't help but moan out loud as he penetrated deeper and hit my prostate. The feeling of discomfort was replaced by waves of pleasure as Kurt's dick continued to pummel my prostate. I moaned and closed my eyes as Kurt hilted further in and our balls touched. I could feel sweat dripping from the Doberman's muzzle and hitting me in the back. "Do... do you want me to go all the way?" Kurt panted as he thrusted in. "Yes," I moaned. Kurt growled as he kept pulling in and out. I buried my face into the pillows as the Doberman's muscular body pounded against mine. I felt the familiar but powerful surging sensation. "I'm gonna," I began before my cock erupted with cum. A second later Kurt let out a howl before he bit down on my neckfluff and knotted me. The Doberman's dick rotated inside my hole as he lifted his leg over and we became a tangle of arms and hind-paws as we lay tied. "You always take it like a champ," Kurt panted. "T... thanks," I replied, trying to get accustomed to having Kurt's sizeable knot lodged inside me.

Kurt's knot eventually went down and he climbed off me. I smiled as Kurt wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed my muzzle. "I hope you enjoyed that?" He asked. "I did," I grinned. "But I'd better get clean." "Heh, I'll be right behind you," Kurt said as I tried standing. I was still feeling the effects of the afterglow and my hind-paws were a little shaky. Kurt began stripping the sheets off the bed. "They needed changing anyway," he explained. I smiled and wagged my tail as I began walking to the bathroom, but as I passed the kitchen I heard my phone buzz. Part of my chest was covered in cum and I knew there was a risk it could drip off onto the floor, but I wanted to see if it was a message from my father talking about the meeting. I picked up my phone and saw it was indeed a message from him;

Meeting was good. Your advice was worthwhile & thank you for listening to me earlier and being an understanding son. I promise things will get better.

My father's words made me happy, but I also recalled Kurt saying something similar at dinner. Thank you for being my boyfriend, or words to that effect.

Meh, that's not really a coincidence.

"You okay bud?" Kurt called. "Yeah, my father said his meeting went well," I replied. "That's good," Kurt said, peering into the kitchen. "If it means he can cut down on his drinking then he won't be a danger to himself and others." Feeling relieved that my father seemed okay I put my phone down and walked to the bathroom.