First day on the Bus

Story by GreyWolf19 on SoFurry

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Just a short milking story based on a few others I've read.


Luke bit his lip and tapped his paws as he waited for the school bus. The teenaged wolf was nervous....and not just because it was the first day of 12th grade for him. No, this was his first day taking the bus to school, and that had him feeling extra anxious.

I hope my clothes are loose enough....

Just then, he spotted it rounding the corner. He sighed, knowing there was no way out of this. He couldn't even walk to school....he'd just be forced to do it there, anyway. The young wolf took one last deep breath as the bus, with its dark-tinted windows, pulled up to his stop. He knew he was the last stop on the route....that meant it would be starting as soon as he took his seat. Luke gulped nervously as the doors opened and the driver waited for him to enter. He stood there for a moment, trying to prolong the inevitable. But, as the driver gave him a questioning look, he knew there was no use. He whimpered softly, and boarded.

The bus was full of chatter....gossip, bemoaning the first day of school, the usual sort of thing. Luke made his way down the aisle, hoping to find a seat to himself. He was starting to worry that he'd be forced to sit with someone new, when he heard a familiar voice among the crowd.

"Luke! Hey! Over here!"

Sitting a few seats down was Luke's best friend Adrian, an energetic fox just one grade below the wolf. To outside eyes, they would seem to be an odd pair, but they had known each other since 2nd grade, and in truth they complimented each other perfectly. That's what Luke thought at least, as he took his seat next to his friend.

"What's up? You seem a little tense.", the fox asked.

Just then the bus lurched forward and started on its way towards school. At the same time, a dark screen began to lower behind the bus driver, to give the teens some privacy for what was about to happen.

"Um....yeah," Luke said, as all of the seats reclined and slid forward slightly. Some of the other students, especially the girls, giggled as they awaited the next part of the process.

"Its my first time....on a bus, I mean."

Adrian grinned and teased his friend, "Aw come on, how are you still shy about this stuff? I know you've done it before...otherwise I'd have seen them make you do it at school."

Luke blushed, "Y-yeah, but my mom uses the screen so she doesn't see. Its private"

Adrian just rolled his eyes, like he usually did when he thought Luke was being too stuck up. "Don't worry so much dude. Its not like I haven't seen your dick before, anyways."

That just made Luke blush even harder.

Suddenly, a number of panels opened above each window and under each seat. Out of them came numerous mechanical arms, at the ends of which were gloved, realistic looking (and feeling) hands. Luke looked over at Adrian nervously, while the fox just continued his teasing grin. Immediately the hands set to work, first grabbing every students' wrists and gently, but forcefully, pinning them above their heads. Then the hands went about taking each backpack, and carrying them into compartments down below, to give them more room to work. With the students properly restrained, the hands began the work of removing their clothes, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Hoodies were pulled up and over heads. Pants were tugged down, revealing underwear. Shoes were taken and stored safely along with the rest of the clothing. The whole process only took a minute or two. The program that ran the hands was as precise and efficient as can be. There was only so much time before the bus got to school, after all.

Luke whimpered as his shirt was pulled above his head, revealing his rather chubby tummy. Even with how nervous he was, he couldn't help but watch as the same was done to his friend, suppressing a moan as the fox's lithe body was being put on display. The wolf grunted as he was lifted up by the legs a little off his seat so the hands could undo his pants and tug them off. Soon, just like Adrian and every other student on board, he was in nothing but his underwear, a small bulge starting to form against his will. Adrian continued to tease.

"See? You're even excited for it!"

Luke wanted to bury his face in his paws, but just like the rest of him, they were bound and vulnerable to whatever the hands wanted to do with them.

With everything else taken care of, the hands moved to take off even the underwear, leaving Luke naked next to his similar de-clothed best bud.

"Orgasm extraction commencing", a robotic voice announced matter of factly, "Enjoy your ride."

About a decade ago, after much heated debate, most governments of the world elected to adopt a mandatory orgasm law for all citizens, particularly youths. Violent crime and delinquency had been at an all-time high, and, after some very controversial research was done, it became apparent that eliminating sexual frustration as much as possible in the populace would reduce crime by a high percentage. It seemed crazy at first, but after a few trial runs in selected cities, nobody could argue the results. People seemed happier. There was significantly less violence. Kids' grades improved, and the workforce was much more productive. It really was a boon to mankind. Though to Luke right now, he really wished that he could have some privacy. Unfortunately for the chubby wolf, it was simply a matter of practicality, and civic duty, to make sure that students received their orgasms both before and after school on the bus, in addition to the midday orgasm break.

Luke's tail wagged despite himself. He knew what was coming next. As soon as the robotic voice gave the word, the hands began to lift each students' legs up in the air, spreading them, and exposing their genitals. For the males, the hands began to rub their chests, tweak their nipples, and fondle their balls. As they slowly became more erect, a hand would extend a lubricated finger and slowly begin to circle their asshole, teasing them, while another hand would form a circle just underneath the males' glans and gently tug upwards, while their balls were tugged downwards in snyc. Luke moaned as he instantly became hard, blushing as he watched the same being done to his friend. There was something special in watching a friend get turned on. Adrian grunted softly as his balls were fondled and tugged, the hand working his glans slowly stroking in a corkscrew, getting him harder and harder. The females received much the same treatment, except for getting extra attention to the breasts and nipples, and having their clitorises rubbed and teased as their juices began flowing onto their seats.

Interestingly, this didn't stop the students from chatting. Many of the girls still gossiped about their crushes (especially since some of them had a good view!), even as a pair of fingers slowly entered their folds, going deep within them and vibrating softly. A couple of guys just ahead of Luke and Adrian were discussing a new video game that was getting released later tonight as the hands stopped "prepping" them and began to jerk them off in earnest"

Adrian moaned again as the hand, now firmly gripping his cock, began stroking him up and down in expert fashion. He looked over at Luke, who was now rock hard and leaking, and smirked. "Doesn't matter how shy you are....still gonna cum all the same."

"S-shut up".....Luke grunted as the hands working his dick began to speed up already, stroking up and down, tugging, teasing, and pulling in all the right places. This treatment wasn't new to him at all, but....doing it with others....hearing their moans.....sitting next to his best was making him hornier than ever.

A few seats away from the pair, a cute nerdy mouse boy was panting, the hand on his cock pistoning up and down rapidly, sensing his orgasm already approaching. A couple of jocks behind him began to tease and bully him, making fun of how quickly he was gonna shoot. The mouse boy bucked his hips and, stifling a loud moan, shot load after load into the air, some of which hitting the jocks, though they didn't seem to care. In fact, one of them began to cum as well, much to his embarrassment. The jock's friend could only laugh, even as the hand on his dick sped up, a tell-tale sign that his orgasm was approaching.

In front of Adrian and Luke a male husky and his raccoon girlfriend were making out as the hands worked them in unison. Luke just blushed, still not used to seeing all this...passion...out in the open. The husky started moaning as he kissed, a singular jet of cum shooting up in the air and landing haphazardly on himself and his girlfriend. He bucked his hips as more of his orgasm was milked out of him, and beside him, the raccoon girl was writhing and moaning as well, her own juices mixing in with his on their seat.

Luke grunted as his dick throbbed in the grip of the hand, the sounds around him ranging from moans to casual chatter to the slick, wet noises of well-masturbated cocks and drooling pussies, both getting taken care of in due time. The wolf was close to orgasm....the hands were now frisking him for all he was worth, and it wouldn't take much longer now till he too would give up his spunk. A loud, satisfied moan from Adrian beside him was what sent him over the edge. Howling with pleasure despite himself, Luke's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he shot one, two, three, four ropes of cum all over himself, splattering his chest and his face. Adrian grunted as he, too began to shoot. Luke's face continued to stay red with embarrassment, now wondering if his own orgasm was what sent Adrian over the edge or not. The hands kept up their treatment on the two, milking every last drop out of them, until finally, they started to slow down a bit, though they never let go of their cocks.

"Aahhhhh", sighed Adrian, looking over at Luke dreamily. "Ready for round two?"

Luke could only whimper as the hands started frisking them again, trying different techniques to keep things interesting, and their cocks hard.

"Oohhh fuck, ohh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck", one lithe deer student was saying as he came hard, a hand plowing deep into his ass, hitting his prostate just right.

"OOoooooooOoOoOoh!", moaned a chubby bear, his whole body bucking in time with the hand, now a fist, pounded him in earnest, his fur already matted down by a couple orgasms.

"So-ooooh," Adrian started to say as a finger slid into him, "What classes you got this semester?"

"U-um...", Luke said, already hard and leaking, "I t-think we have...mmm....Chemistry together."

"Ugh. Chemistry."

"H-heh, yeah...", replied Luke as a pair of fingers entered him as well.

Suddenly the hands on Adrian sped up considerably. The fox was always quite the energetic type, and it looked like he already had another orgasm in him.

"Oo-oh fuck, I think I'm gonna-"

Adrian's sentence just dissolved into lewd moaning as he came wildly, writhing into the bondage of the hands.

Luke could only revel in his friend's shared pleasure, the hands on him quickly working to bring him to orgasm as well.

By the time the bus arrived at the school, Adrian had came three times, and Luke twice. The rest of the students by now had stopped talking, too exhausted to maintain their idle chit-chat. Slowly the bus pulled up to its stop and the hands retreated back into their hiding spots, retrieving towels and wipes to clean up all the students. Soon too were their clothes returned and within a matter of minutes, they were lining up to head to class.

Luke breathed a sigh of relief as he stepped outside...Maybe the bus wouldn't be so bad after all, he thought.