Wrapped in Piano Strings

Story by Tingo on SoFurry

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Writer's note: It's been quite a while since I'd written my last story, a story which I wrote on what you might call impulse or a whim. However, since writing this story I have received a certain amount of praise. I feel as though I should apologize for my absence from the circuit, though I shall now attempt to continue writing stories and hone my skills to some extent. Similar to my last story, this story is also about a pair of dogs who are siblings. I hope that it is interesting enough to stand on it's own merit.

Feedback is ALWAYS welcome. -Tingo

My sister, Lyta, has been my best, and sometimes only, friend since our father died. That was six years ago; she was nine, I was three years old. We had been told that it was a traffic accident, though it was not. It was something shameful, one could tell by the looks people would share and a communal lack of ability to describe, specifically, what had happened. My name is Adam. I am the middle child in a family of dalmatians. My younger sister, Rilo, was born about a year after me. We have never been close.

Though possibly or possibly not a tragedy, our father's death served as emotional cement between Lyta and I. Our mother needs money from two jobs in addition to the life insurance our father left us. She needs it to preserve our small house nesting within the ass crack of a suburban hellhole.

Welcome home.

After a certain point my sister Lyta was the one raising me. Though not as a mother would. We both needed to be near someone who was alive.

Once, I believe that I was six at the time, I was reading beneath what once may have been a tree on our lawn when one of the local young insults to Darwin ran past and plucked my favorite hat from me. Not intending to make a fuss, I walked solemnly back inside. After coercing it's location from me, Lyta stormed out the front door and returned my hat within a matter of minutes. Apparently she had tossed a plastic lawn ornament and shouted at the child until he dropped my precious headgear. Once our mother had found out about what Lyta had done she received a good yelling to and was confined to our shared room for a week(Rilo, being the youngest and thus last to leave the crib, remained the solitary denizen of the former 'nursery'). It was during this time that I began teaching myself to play our grandfathers old upright piano. It was a little out of tune and not much to look at, but I wanted more than anything to be able to play for my sister.

The bug had bit.

Yes, I played piano for Lyta that week, and did little else for about three years. They called me a prodigy, said my talents were surprising. They really aren't surprising at all once you consider that(after I had grown out of that hat) playing the piano was the only thing I cared for apart from Lyta.

It was not long before Lyta felt the pang, not at all uncommon for someone her age, of the need for self-expression. She picked up an old, worn-down guitar.. and we would play. When we would spend time together Lyta was always, unquestionably, the leader. She would tell me that if I would just open my mouth every now and again that we could break the world apart. Lyta was always the leader with the exception of when we would play music together.

There is nothing quite like the connection one feels while playing music, completely in sync with another.

The Mountain Goats

The Moldy Peaches

Elvis Costello

Ben Folds we would claim as our influences. It was all just music.

We were inseparable.

The specific event that this story has been leading towards had occurred only a few days ago, on friday. I woke to find Lyta kneeling on my bed, leaning over me, grinning gleefully. I must admit to feeling ever so slightly unnerved.

"After school today," she said teasingly, "I've got something very special for you."

She gave a wink and bolted.

If you are familiar with how long a promise such as this can make a school day, you have my sympathy. As far as surprises from Lyta go, there would be no telling what I was in store for. Once she presented before me a large brown bag full of legitimate fireworks, the kind they shoot off on the fourth of july. She claimed to have just found them. Another time, I'm not certain how, she had managed to photocopy the entirety of one of my teachers' grade books. She shared a joint with me once, it had made me groggy and anxious.

After school, once I had made it home, I found Lyta already sitting there, on her bed, in our room, with that smirk on her face. Our mother wasn't home. Our mother was never home.

"You'll never guess what I got!" She sort of half-whispered conspiratorially. She then held out one closed, downturned paw, indicating she had something for me to take. When I held my open paw under hers and she let go at first I couldn't tell if she'd dropped anything at all. Then I saw it: a small yellow pill engraved with a heart.

"It's okay," she said encouragingly, "take it, it's ecstasy! I just took one before you came in."

I would trust Lyta to the end of the world.

I threw back the pill. It caused me to gag, just a little, but it went down.

"I heard that these were triple-stacks! We're in for a treat.. how about some music?" She suggested, completely unfazed by what we were doing. "Flaming Lips? The Shins? Ah, Radical Face!"

It wasn't long before the world began to soften. Or perhaps the world was the same, and it was I who softened. I could not help but begin to roll around inside my own clothes. Roll around inside my own fur inside my clothes. Lyta was slowly lifting off her shirt, making no effort to hide her perfect abdomen or chest.

I had always admired Lyta's beauty, as did almost everyone in town, I imagine. She had the sort of pure physical majesty that could draw eyes and minds from across a stadium. She could have literally owned any male in town. Instead, she spent time with her younger brother.

Not that I'm ungrateful.

"It's better if you take off your clothes," she was so casual. We could have been discussing the weather. As the record(Ghost by Radical Face) started up(Track 1: Asleep on a Train) she proceeded to slip off her skirt and undo her bra. All I could do was rub my legs and stare. "Would you like some help?" Her smile was just on the genuine side of sly as she slithered over and slowly began lifting off my sweatshirt.

Oh, what a feeling.

Lyta had taken possession of my sweatshirt, and as such had decided to perform a little victory dance.. which mainly consisted of her rubbing it about her body and then tossing it into the air.

"The rest, the rest.." She said, sort of breathily, and went straight for my jeans. What a day to have decided to go without underwear. Though, as she unzipped and then removed my pants(discarding them with a little twirl, no less) she didn't so much as bat an eye at my underlessness. After the twirl, which was necessary in discarding my jeans, Lyta fell backwards onto the bed, next to me, and began to peel off her panties. I felt the sudden need to avert my gaze.

"There's no need to look away, you know," she said in all earnestness, "You're my brother."

She kicked her panties at the wall and began to play with her feet. I couldn't stop rubbing my thighs.

"Do you know what's even better?" Lyta asked, suddenly looking me in the eyes as the chorus peaked(Track 2: Welcome Home, Son). I blinked. "Cuddles.." she murred. wrapping herself around me. Her soft, warm body was nearly too much to bare. I could do nothing but hold myself against her and nuzzle her chin.

We were a rising mass of love, all hands and heartbeats. Then she grabbed me someplace still yet unexpected.

"The pill wasn't the gift.." she whispered, "I want to give you something most boys don't get until they're several years older than you are."(Track 4: Glory) She began to tenderly knead my penis.

Completely indescribable pleasure.

As she continued this meticulous yet vigorous massage I began to thrust towards her hands, which increased the sensation even more so. Though.. I could not help but feel a splinter of worry. I had expected, from health class and pornography, that I would have received an erection by then. I had not.

This is when I saw Rilo standing in the newly opened doorway.

She stood there in her white night gown. She had stayed home from school this day with a fever. She must have heard us, and from the look on her face she had at least some idea of what we were doing. No sense in lies.

"Hi sis, feeling better?" I somehow managed without a bit of irony, though perhaps a little out of breath.

"Rilo, don't tell anyone about this okay?" asked Lyta in a kindly manner. "We could get in a lot of trouble, maybe even sent away.. alright?" Our best bet was sincerity.

"I don't want to tell anyone," said Rilo with no change of expression, no amount of shock or disgust in her eyes or voice, "but would you let me watch?"

"Anything you like, sweetheart.. " breathed Lyta with a sigh of relief. As I looked over at Rilo taking a seat on a small wooden chair near the bed I couldn't believe that I'd never realised before how cute my younger sister was. But for a year, we'd be twins.(Track 6: Wrapped in Piano Strings)

My heart swam.

As my older sister continued to play with my most private of appendages she had this to say: "As you are just hitting puberty it must be hard for you to achieve an erection, and I'm sure all the chemicals pumping through your body must not be helping much either. However," she kissed me hard on the mouth, "I'm not quite prepared to give up just yet!" She continued rubbing, squeezing, and pumping.. it felt as nothing could.. and I had made progress! I was growing at least a little thicker.

She grabbed me and stuck her tongue into my mouth(Track 8: Haunted), my first french kiss.

This kiss alone went on for minutes of beautiful exploration, I would have let it go on for days. What is it that they say about all good things? Lyta pulled back, onto her back, all gypsy smiles and loving eyes, knees bent ever so slightly inward.

"I don't care if you're unable to get an erection, you're going to experience this!" she said, grabbing me and pulling me onto her, and though I was still somewhat flaccid she guided me with a kind hand, allowing me to enter into her with a lot less difficulty than I had expected. She was so much more moist down there than I had realized. This was a whole new experience.(Track 9: Winter is Coming)

While it felt amazing to find myself inside of her, and believe me when I say it was amazing, the most incredible aspect of the experience was having so much of my body touching so much of hers. I rocked back and forth in her, and we massaged each other, and we kissed. We were one thing.

After what felt like ages of pure joy I began to tremble.

"I think.. I think it's happening.." was all I could manage before my entire body exploded with a jolt of bliss. I collapsed into Lyta's arms, and she rubbed my head.

"That, Adam, is the gift I wanted to give you.." Lyta cooed into my ear.

"Are you sure this is okay?" I shivered.

"Of course, you're my brother," she said with a slight chuckle, "you can do anything with me that you like."

And nothing felt dirty, or wrong, or misguided.

And everything felt like love.

Eventually Rilo crawled into bed with us. We threw off the sheets because we didn't need them to stay warm.

(Track 11: Homesick)

Is 'never before' unexpected?

I would be remiss to mention nothing of my older sister before I begin my story. As far back as I can remember, the only person who could ever stop Molli from doing anything was Molli. In middle school I was often subjected to hearing all of her latest...

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