New Beginnings

Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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#6 of The Mageranger Collection

Typical Disclaimer

This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional and coincidental.

To give fair warning to potential readers, when written, this was something of an experimental piece, and really still is. It contains M/M/F intimacy, with one of the Ms and the F being brother and sister. It was when written, and remains to date, my only venture into the latter subject, and is likely to remain so for the forseeable. While I am very happy if you enjoy this story, I would appreciate not being asked to write any more featuring any kind of inter-family relationships. Thank you for understanding.

The naturally curious may find illustrations of characters and events herein at, along with other stories and unrelated artwork.

If you have comments, or suggestions, by all means email me. I don't bite unless provoked.

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New Beginnings

"So it's come to this..." the vulpine sighed, his words lost as the rain drummed relentlessly on the canvas of his wagon. He fished in a pocket for a moment, and withdrew a silver amulet. "See what you're doing to me, Conny? I'm not even old enough to be doing this, they'll have some damn strong words to say when I get back..." he muttered. "Well, I suppose I owe you this much, but I'll be damned if you aren't sitting somewhere and laughing your tail off at me..." he eyed the amulet dubiously, then cast a glance up at the dark sky. "Definitely laughing..." he muttered.

The fox shook his head, sending water droplets flying from his fur, only to have them replaced almost instantly as the downpour continued. He flicked the reins, urging the sodden horse forwards, and around the side of the building to the stable entrance. Leaving a large tip with the stable boy, the vulpine pulled his cloak tighter about his shoulders, and headed for the main entrance.

"Ah, good evening, sir," a tall and uniformed leopard said, opening the door upon seeing the vulpine approach.

"Evening..." the fox commented vaguely, looking around at the entrance hall, taking in the stone pillars, and the well maintained plants. At the far end, there was a desk, with a number of keys hanging on a rack on the wall behind it, glittering in the lamplight. Off to one side, a doorway, blocked by a velvet curtain. For a building of this nature, it seemed very pleasant, he thought. Then again, the vulpine reminded himself, it was the first time he had come to such a place...

"You are new here, are you not, sir?"

"Er, I am, yes..." the fox said, hesitating. "Sorry," he added, for no obvious reason.

The leopard chuckled. "Quite all right, sir, quite all right. No shame in not having used our establishment's facilities before. As a new guest, however, I must ask you to speak with the Madam before we can provide you with our services."

"I understand..." the fox nodded. "Erm..." he hesitated again, not quite sure what else to say.

The leopard smiled again. "If sir would be so good as to wait here, I shall ask her if she will see you."

"Ok," the vulpine nodded. He eyed the leopard's back as the feline exited via the curtained doorway. He took a hold of the amulet in his pocket, his fingers gripping it tightly, the metal warm in his palm. "Conny... if I make an ass of myself, I thoroughly expect you to understand that I am doing the right thing, as you asked me to do it, and not to remind me of it ever again," he said under his breath. He narrowed his eyes, glancing suspiciously at the walls and ceiling as if expecting a response. "I think," he mused. "That you did this to me just because I told you our job was no place for females... Yes, that's it, isn't it?" he eyed one of the potted plants. "You've still not forgiven me for that, have you?" he sighed.

"I stand by it, you know... even now, even though I'm about to embarrass myself thoroughly, I stand by it. I won't risk a girl's life, and you know it... and you're gonna be laughing your..."


The fox jumped, turning to find the leopard behind him.

"I'm sorry, sir, did I disturb you?"

"No, no, not at all," the vulpine found himself blushing. "I was just thinking."

"I see, sir..." the leopard paused. "If you would care to follow me, sir, the Madam will see you in her office.

"Yes, of course..." the fox said softly, following the feline through the curtain at the back of the room.

"Just in here, sir," the leopard stood to one side of the first doorway along the corridor behind the curtain. The fox allowed himself to be ushered through the doorway, finding himself in a small room containing a fireplace, a desk, and a muscular female dingo. Clad in deep red, her clothing was somewhat masculine in style, with sturdy boots, and her shirt sleeves rolled up to her elbows.

"Well, you're a bit soggy," she announced, eyeing the vulpine. "But you look respectable enough."

The fox nodded as the dingo approached.

"Name?" she asked, walking around behind him.

"Jay Foxglove," the vulpine answered.


"Twenty six."


The fox reached for his belt, removing a leather pouch. Untying the string, he displayed the contents to the dingo.

She whistled. "I see," she commented, one eyebrow raised. "Local, or passing through?"

"Passing through."

"Pity," the dingo mused. "You're kinda cute. Oh well. Now, I can see you've got the money, and you don't look like no ruffian to me. Alright, I'll give you the short version of the rules, and there's just the one; you do not damage my staff, ever, in any way. If they say no, then the answer is no, and you accept it. You take a room here, then you don't leave until I've talked to the staff, and made sure you've behaved respectably. If I should find out otherwise..." she stepped up close to the fox, looking him in the eye. "Then, Mr Foxglove, you can very much expect the bill for damages done to be taken out of your hide tenfold. Clear?"

"Very clear," Jay nodded, straightening slightly, trying not to look away from the dingo's penetrating gaze.

"Good. Can I have your word as a gentleman that you will follow this rule?"

"You can, madam."

The dingo nodded, looking satisfied. "So, full bed and breakfast service for you, Mr Foxglove?"

"Yes please," the vulpine smiled.

The dingo looked at the leopard hovering in the doorway, and he nodded, disappearing into the entrance hall. He returned a moment later with a bronze key, and a book.

"If you'll just sign in please, sir?"

Jay signed his name with the quill the leopard handed him.

"Now then sir, what can my staff offer you by way of entertainment?" the dingo asked.

"Well, I..." the vulpine flushed and trailed off.

"You're not used to such services, are you?" she asked gently.

Jay shook his head, struggling to meet the dingo's gaze.

"That's quite all right," she assured him. "Everyone has to have a first time through our doors. You know what you're doing, I take it...?" she raised her eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh, erm, yes," the vulpine said, somehow managing to nod and shake his head at the same time. "I've, um... I mean I... with..." Jay trailed off, blushing.

The dingo chuckled softly. "Well then, that makes things easier. Why don't I make a suggestion or two? Now I think for you, a young lady named Lara. Lovely vixen, high spirits, but very gentle."

"Erm, actually, that's not quite..."

"No? Something a little different perhaps? How about Melody, she's a beautiful tigress, a lot gentler than she looks, and..."

"Erm, no, I... that's not what I... ah..." the fox trailed off.

The dingo paused and looked at him for a moment, then her expression softened. "Ah, I think I see. Are you not that fond of girls?"

Jay blushed. Damn you, Conny! he thought angrily, trying to work out how best to play this.

"Well," he coughed lightly. "It's not that I don't like girls... but I've been thinking lately... perhaps for a change..." he trailed off.

"Ah, I understand now Mr Foxglove. I do apologise. You're interested in sampling the same side of the fence, so to speak?"

"Erm, yeah, I guess that's it..." the vulpine stared into the grate, wondering whether his cheeks or the fire were hotter.

"Well good for you," the dingo beamed. "About time someone open minded showed up."

"So you can...?"

"Oh, we cater to all tastes, Mr Foxglove, all tastes, no worry there. But I daresay you're a rare one who knows what he likes, but is willing to try something new too, just in case it's worth doing. I respect that, I do," the canine smiled.

"Really?" the vulpine felt rather taken aback.

"Really. We get too many come in here set on their ways, made up their minds on male, female, specific race, certain eye colour... I won't mention some of the 'extras' that some of the regulars have taken to..." she shuddered slightly, and Jay raised an eyebrow.

"All right, yeah," the dingo continued. "I'll tell you what then, why don't we go see who's available, and we can see who you might like, eh?"

"Uh, yeah... ok then," Jay blushed again and the dingo chuckled.

"I would understand if you changed your mind," she said kindly, leading him out of her office and along the corridor outside. "Being faced with reality versus what you had in your head..."

The vulpine mumbled something without being quite sure what it was.

"Well, all right then," the dingo nodded as they reached a small waiting room. There was a potted plant in each corner, and a comfortable looking sofa along each wall. "If you'd be so kind as to wait here?" he nodded, and she disappeared through a light blue door just along the corridor from the waiting room. Jay noticed that across the corridor from the blue door was a pale pink door, and flushed again, his fingers clenching tightly around the amulet in his pocket.

After perhaps a minute had passed, the dingo reappeared. Following in her wake were half a dozen males who lined up neatly in front of the vulpine, hands behind their backs. Each of them was wearing a pair of linen shorts and very little else.

"Now then, sir," the dingo smiled, moving to stand next to him. "Who do you like the look of? Don't worry about offending anyone," she said, reading his expression. "They all know they're gorgeous, eh guys?" she winked at the line and several of them smiled.

Surreptitiously, Jay slipped his hand into a pocket, his fingers closing around a small, green, slightly translucent stone, its carefully carved angles pressing into his palm.

Please let one of these get a reaction... he thought to himself. The last thing he needed was to discover the magestone didn't pick up anything from any of them. Then he would be trapped with either taking on someone he knew wasn't talented, trying to make his excuses and leave, or... he frowned slightly.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped to the first in the line, a vulpine like himself, perhaps an inch shorter. He looked the other fox up and down for a few moments. Slim, like most vulpines, but with a tightness of limb and torso that suggested good muscle tone underneath the rust coloured fur. For a moment the other's soft brown eyes raised to meet his, and he flushed slightly, managing a polite smile before moving on down the line, the magestone still and unreactive in his palm.

A handsome wolf, a few inches taller than Jay, meeting his eyes almost immediately he stopped in front of the lupine, winking and smiling before dropping his gaze.

A tiger, nearly a foot taller than the vulpine, his broad chest moving evenly with his breathing, his lowered gaze flickering upwards for the barest moment as a small smile flickered across his large muzzle. The vulpine wondered if it was his imagination, or was the magestone vibrating very gently? Well, he thought, if it wasn't his imagination it was such a small reaction that it wasn't worth mentioning. Even so... physical strength would be no bad thing, so here was a potential perhaps?

A squirrel, shorter by some six inches, giving him a cheeky grin and a wink, looking him up and down much as he had the previous three. He moved on with a polite smile, the magestone quiescent in his palm. He could sense the dingo smiling behind him.

A jaguar, about his height, considerably better muscled, his eyes never meeting Jay's gaze, but a small smile across his muzzle, his tail twitching actively behind him.

Jay almost jumped as he moved to the last in line and the magestone began a strong and unmistakeable vibration in his palm. He let go instinctively and it quieted instantly. He looked at the feline in front of him. Shorter than he by about three or four inches, slim of build, and blue of eyes as his gaze lifted for just a moment to meet the vulpine's. Straw coloured fur, and an indeterminable race, but... Jay touched his fingers to the magestone again and got a definitive answer. This one had talent indeed. Quite possibly more than many who Jay had worked alongside.

"What's your name?" he asked softly, and the feline darted his gaze upwards again, his face remarkably young in appearance.

"Ollie, sir," he answered quietly, almost timidly.

"How old are you, Ollie?" Jay asked gently.

"Eighteen, sir."

The vulpine raised an eyebrow.

"He is, at that," the dingo said from behind him. "Going on nineteen in a few months, in fact."

Jay looked at her over his shoulder, then turned back to the feline. "You look younger," he said simply.

"Yes, sir, I know, sir." the feline nodded, his gaze levelling with the vulpine's. "Mistress Warmstone tells me it's an asset." He dropped his eyes again.

"And a curse, if I'm not careful," the dingo said. "Can attract the wrong kind of customer altogether..."

The vulpine looked at her, seeing the firm set of her jaw, the slight narrowing of her eyes. So, she really did care about her staff, he realised. That was good. Meant she wasn't likely to be lying.

"You don't consider me the wrong kind of customer?" he asked.

The dingo chuckled. "If I did, I'd not have brought him out here to meet you. Can I take it you're interested?"

Jay blushed, wondering if there was anything he could say that wouldn't cause him to embarrass himself further. In a rare moment of clarity, the realisation that this was something all present were more than used to seeing hit him, and with it came inspiration. "What do you say, Ollie?" he asked the feline gently. Realising that looking down on the cat might seem intimidating, he dropped to one knee, putting himself at the disadvantage. "I won't ask you if you're not interested, or worried about anything."

The feline blinked, opening his mouth for a moment, then closing it without saying anything as he looked down at the kneeling vulpine, obviously flustered by the approach. "If sir pleases then..." he began, and Jay shushed him.

"I would please," he said, trying not to redden further. "But I'm asking if you would."

Behind him, the dingo chuckled. "I think you found yourself a good one here, Ollie," she said.

"Yes, mistress," the feline looked up at her earnestly and nodded, then met Jay's eyes again. The vulpine was rather pleased when the cat blushed and looked away. "I would please, sir, yes," he murmured softly.

Jay smiled, and looked over his shoulder to find the dingo nodding. He stood and she took a key out of her pocket, handing it to the feline.

"Now you play nice, you hear?" she told him, and he nodded solemnly.

"If you'll follow Ollie, sir?" the dingo looked at Jay.

The vulpine nodded, fighting back yet another blush. "Thank you, madam," he said quietly, and she winked at him.

"Don't worry, he'll suit you fine I think," she said with a playful wrinkle of her nose. "Good night to you," she added as Jay followed the feline down the corridor.

Behind him, the vulpine could hear the shuffle of feet as the other males returned to what he assumed was a waiting area for the off duty staff.

He and the feline walked to the end of the corridor, and ascended two flights of stairs before walking partway along another corridor. The small feline stopped in front of a door that yielded to the key he had been given, holding it open for Jay to pass before following.

The room was surprisingly spacious, and Jay remarked upon it as the feline moved around the walls, lighting numerous candles from the one that had been lit upon entrance.

"I think mistress Warmstone likes you, sir," he ventured with a quick glance at the fox. "She usually carries two keys..."

"Ahh," the vulpine smiled. "And if I had behaved less than respectfully?"

The cat hesitated before responding. "The room would not have been as admirable," he said simply.

Jay chuckled and moved over to the balcony window. Sliding it, he stepped out and found himself looking down into the main courtyard. The rain seemed to have dissipated, and there was a bright patch of cloud where the moon made a brave attempt to shine.

"Good," the vulpine murmured under his breath. "Should be able to get a nice early start in the morning." Nodding, he turned and entered the room again, closing the door behind him. With the candles lit, it was even more impressive. Two long sofas along two of the walls. A thick rug in front of them, a short table in its centre, containing a single bottle and glass. Against the third wall, a four poster bed, some seven feet in length and almost as wide, the pillars of finely carved oak. In one corner of the room a doorway, perhaps leading to a washroom.

Busy inspecting the room, it took the fox a few moments to locate the feline. He eventually noticed him kneeling at the end of one of the sofas, his hands on his knees, eyes lowered so that while he wasn't looking at Jay, he was certainly aware of where he was. He seemed quite prepared to remain that way until told otherwise.

"Look..." Jay started, feeling rather awkward. "You don't have to kneel there, why don't you sit?"

The feline glanced up for a moment, then obligingly settled into a cross legged position on the floor.

"No..." the vulpine sighed. "That's really not what I meant. On the sofa, I mean."

With a slight look of surprise, the cat nodded and moved to sit on the chair, perching on the forward edge of the cushion, hands on his knees, eyes still lowered.

The fox moved to the table, picked up the bottle. "Would you like a drink, Ollie?" he asked, and the feline looked up at him in surprise.

"Staff are not supposed to..." he started.

"What if the customer invites them to?" Jay interrupted.

The feline paused, his ears settling into slightly differing angles, apparently mulling this over. Jay wondered if this was really the first time anyone had offered the cat a drink. "Mistress always says that our duty is to the customer, except in matters we feel threatened..." the feline said slowly.

"Do you feel threatened?" the fox asked softly, and the feline shook his head.

"Well then," Jay smiled. He glanced down at the table, frowned. Looking at the wall by the door, he eyed the bell-pull. "Ring for service?" he asked, and the feline nodded. Jay tugged the cloth lightly, then returned to the table and carefully screwed the corkscrew into the cork while the cat eyed him anxiously, looking like he felt he should be the one opening the bottle. As the reluctant cork finally gave way with a pop there was a knock at the door, and the vulpine set the bottle down to answer it.

"May I be of service, sir?" enquired a tall lion wearing the same uniform as the leopard who had ushered Jay into the building.

"Ah, yes please," the vulpine had to crane his neck to look up at the tall feline. "I would like another wine glass, please."

"I'm sorry, sir," the lion apologised immediately in a deep rumble. "Was that one not suitable?"

"It's perfectly fine," Jay assured him. "I simply need a second."

The lion looked at him oddly for a moment, then nodded and left.

The vulpine turned back into the room to find the feline still perched on the edge of the sofa, but giving the distinct impression of having only just looked away.

"Here, why don't you have this one?" Jay asked, pouring some of the wine into the single glass and holding it out.

"Thank you, sir," the feline accepted the glass with both hands, holding it gingerly, and took a small sip. His eyes closed as the bubbly liquid passed over his lips and tongue, and he seemed to relax slightly, then as if realising what he was doing, snapped his eyes open and looked up at the fox. "Is there anything you would like me to do for you, sir?" he asked earnestly.

Jay smiled and shook his head. "Not right now, thank you, Ollie. Is that a washroom?" he indicated the doorway in the corner of the room and received a nod.

"I'll be back in a moment then," he said, smiling, and walked through it.

Well, Conny, he thought, eyeing himself in the mirror above the washbasin as he splashed some of the water from the bowl over his face. That could have gone a lot worse now couldn't it? He dried himself with a towel on a hanger against the wall, wishing not for the first time that his fur would somehow lose its natural tendency to stick up after doing so. Now all I have to do is talk him into leaving without making a complete ass of myself... Making quick use of the chamber pot in the room, he exited again just as another knock sounded on the door.

"Come in?" he called out, noting that once again Ollie seemed to have tensed up the moment he was present.

The door opened, and allowed a short female feline dressed in a maid's uniform to enter. "Your wineglass, sir?" she asked holding out a tray with several sizes and shapes of glass upon it.

Jay laughed. "One would have done," he smiled, but frowned slightly too, his eyes moving between the female and the male feline.

"Yes, sir, but Mistress Warmstone felt you might like a choice..." like Ollie, she met his gaze for barely a moment before lowering hers, but it was enough for him to see that she had the same deep blue eyes. On impulse the fox reached into his pocket, fingers seeking the magestone as a thought hit him. A moment later he withdrew his hand with an exclamation as the stone apparently tried to knock his fingertips off.

"Are... are you all right, sir?" Ollie asked, rising as Jay wrung his hand, eyeing it ruefully for a moment before looking back to the felines.

"Fine... fine..." he murmured thoughtfully. "Um, you're related, aren't you?" he asked bluntly.

"Yes, sir," the female answered, smiling slightly. "Twins, sir."

"My word..." the vulpine mumbled, apparently to himself. Licking suddenly dry lips he moved to the other sofa and sat down heavily.

"Is something wrong, sir?" the female asked softly, Ollie hovering concernedly just behind her.

"Wrong, no, no, not at all!" Jay exclaimed. I've just found the strongest combination of magetalent I've seen in my life, that's all!

"Oh..." the feline hesitated. "Then if that's all, sir, I should return to the kitchen..."

"Please..." Jay held up his hand. "Just... just wait a moment, will you?"

"Of course, sir," she nodded politely.

The vulpine balled his fist and held it to his mouth for a moment, wondering what to say. Unable to find anything better than honesty, he decided to start there.

"Please, sit down? Both of you?" he asked softly. The felines looked at each other for a moment, then did as they were asked, settling onto the forward edge of the cushions as Ollie had done earlier.

Jay sighed. "Ollie... I think I owe you an apology. I came here under false pretences..."

The feline cocked his head slightly, his eyes meeting Jay's for a moment.

"My name is Jay Foxglove," the vulpine went on. "I work for the Mage Rangers. I'm here because of a vow I'm honour bound to fulfil, and that is to find someone here who would be suitable for training to join the Rangers."

The felines blinked with remarkable timing. "Sir?" they said in almost perfect sync.

"This," Jay dipped his hand into his pocket and withdrew its contents. "Is a magestone. We use it for detecting magetalent in others." He set down the buzzing stone on the table, and it stopped. "The reaction you just saw is because of the talent in the two of you," he said quietly.

The felines looked at the stone, at Jay, lowered their eyes again.

"I won't lie, I originally came looking for one," the vulpine said quietly. "But based on this," he indicated the magestone. "I am willing to offer both of you a chance at a different life."

"Sir?" Ollie looked up.

"I am prepared to negotiate with Madam Warmstone on your behalf, if you wish, to have you released from any contracts you may be bound by, so that you may journey with me, and in time receive training to join the Rangers."

The female laughed, and shook her head. "Magetalent? Us?" she giggled. "I'm sorry, sir, I really think you have the wrong..."

In a swift movement Jay picked up the magestone off the table and tossed it to her. She caught it instinctively, then juggled it from hand to hand as it buzzed strongly. "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" Looking flustered, she dropped it into the cushions, looking at it as if expecting it to jump up and bite at her.

Jay raised an eyebrow at her, as she blinked down at the stone, now quiet. Reaching out, she touched it gently, and it hummed softly.

"It takes two to work a magestone," the vulpine said quietly. "One to hold it and direct it, one for it to react to. There is no way I could fake that reaction."

"But... I don't know how to..."

Jay chuckled. "You don't need to. The magestone will help focus your energy when you touch it. When you are near someone else with magetalent, it the interaction of your two energies causes the hum you felt."

Wide eyed, the feline picked up the stone gingerly, the vibrations tickling her fingers. Looking at her brother, she held it out to him. As his fingers touched the stone, they both jumped violently, and the stone tumbled to the floor, thudding into the thick rug.

The vulpine smiled. "You probably don't want to do that again," he said. "If two of you touch it at once, it'll focus both your energies against the other's. The result is what you just felt," he chuckled, watching the felines wring their hands, giving him a brief and slightly reprising glance.

"So," Jay went on. "Now you believe me, yes?" the felines nodded hesitantly. "Good. I will repeat my offer that I am willing to take you away from here for training with the Mage Rangers. I won't lie and say it's an easy life. You may learn that you have a power beyond what you thought possible, but you'll also learn some things that you'll wish you hadn't had to along the way. Nor can I promise a life free from danger. We are, after all, a peacekeeping force, and we deal with the things other people can't. Rangers travel fast, live rough much of the time, and move to where they are needed on a moment's notice. We don't get a lot of chance to settle down and make friends beyond those we train and travel with. And most important of all..." Jay smiled, his tone softening as the felines' eyes widened. "It's the most worthwhile thing I can think of. To any with a good heart and soul, the job of the Ranger becomes their life, and it's all we ever ask for."

The fox looked from brother to sister and back. "Would you like some time to think?" he asked gently. They glanced at each other, then nodded.

"Call me when you're ready," Jay said gently, lifting his cloak from where he had hung it and wrapping it around his shoulders. "Don't be afraid to ask questions if you want to," he added, stepping out onto the balcony.

Ollie watched the vulpine leave, and swallowed. He looked at his sister, to find her eyes shining with hope.

"Ollie..." she started, and ran down, at a loss for words.

"You believe him, sis?" he asked, taking her hand.

She reached down to nudge the magestone with a fingertip, and it hummed agreeably.

"Yes... I think I do," she said softly.

Ollie nodded. "So do I. But... do you really want to leave here?"

The feline sighed. "I know..." she murmured, looking down. "I know we have friends here. I know we're safe here... as safe as we can be, anyway. But..." she looked at her brother again. "Is this really what you want to be remembered for? Do you really want to grow old here? There aren't many ways out of this place... and... and what if we get sick?"

He nodded. "I've heard stories of the Mage Rangers..." he said softly. "I remember reading about them in books when I was young." He smiled. "I remember wishing I could be one... that mum and dad would somehow meet one and that you and I would..." he broke off.

"Those were only stories, you know. I bet the real life is much harder than in the books..."

"But would you like to be remembered for that?" Ollie asked, smiling. "To be a Mage Ranger, to be respected, to have people look up to you, not to..." he trailed off, his gaze falling.

His sister squeezed his hand. "Yes," she whispered quietly. "Let's be remembered."

"Oh, Conny, I hope I'm doing the right thing here..." Jay said quietly as he looked down into the courtyard. "They have talent, both of them, but they're so... so... quiet, I guess." He chuckled. "Not like you. From the moment I met you, you were always loud, up front, never timid... but then, I guess I didn't know you early on. Were you just the same? Did you have years of conditioning to break?" he sighed softly, watching the vaporous clouds drift slowly across the glow of the moon.

"I miss you, Conny," he whispered quietly. He closed his eyes, becoming so lost in memory that he didn't hear when the door opened behind him.

The dingo pursed her lips and looked thoughtful as she paced across the room and back a few times, glancing up occasionally at the vulpine.

"Mage Rangers?" she asked, dubiously.

"Yes madam. We're a peacekeeping force..."

"I know who the hell you are," she interrupted him. "I'd be a fool not to; you guys are living legends. That is, if you are who you say you are," she narrowed her eyes suddenly.

"I've already shown you the magestone I carry," Jay said quietly. "There are two ways to obtain one - be a Mage Ranger, or kill a Mage Ranger."

"Nobody kills Rangers," the dingo snorted.

Jay sighed and closed his eyes. "Not quite true," he said softly. "But nobody would go to the trouble just for the magestone. It has no other use than detecting magetalent."

"True enough... or so they say," the dingo murmured. "But why Ollie and Ellie?"

"Because they have more magetalent than I can ignore," Jay said simply. "And because I think we both believe they deserve better than they have now."

The dingo scowled at them. "You think I mistreat them," she stated coldly. Jay didn't answer. "Well let me tell you something, Mr Ranger, I've never done anything I thought wasn't for the best for them. I never forced them to work here. I took them in as orphans when they were barely six years old, and I never let anyone lay a finger on them until they came of age. And no, I didn't tell them they had to work here, that's not what this place is for. We don't make a profit here, Mr Foxglove," she continued. "We're here to protect those who have nowhere else to go. If they're willing to earn their share, if they can take the life, we give them shelter, food, and protection from the people they'd be most in danger from if they were out on their own."

She sighed and seemed to shrink slightly. "But of course I know it's not what's best for them. Dammit, not even twenty, and I couldn't offer them anything more," she bit her lip and looked away for a moment as Jay's expression softened. "I'd have given them better if I could," the dingo went on softly. "But you can imagine my influence is not great outside these walls..."

Jay nodded silently as the dingo returned to sit behind her desk.

"Of course you can take them," she said quietly. "No, don't even think about it," she added, seeing him reach for his money pouch. "I wouldn't ask you to buy out their contracts, I'm happy enough seeing them get a second chance. Besides," she smiled. "I never held them to any contracts. I'd have let them walk out the minute they asked. You just promise me something," she said, and Jay cocked his head. "Bring them back here when they make it. Let me know they're ok and doing good for themselves."

The vulpine nodded solemnly. "Of course. Are you sure I can't pay you something in compensation? The Rangers appreciate that someone always loses out when a new recruit is found, and here I am asking for two..."

"No," the dingo shook her head. "Keep your money. Buy them something worth wearing with what you'd have given me. Make sure they eat properly."

Jay nodded.

"Can you call them in for a moment?"

The vulpine stood, moving to the door and opening it, beckoning the pair of felines in.

"How you doing?" the dingo asked, smiling gently as she moved around to the front of her desk.

"Fine, mistress," Ollie answered quietly.

"Do you trust this man?" she asked bluntly, and Jay stiffened slightly.

"Yes, mistress," Ellie said softly. "Very much so."

"And do you wish to go with him?"

The felines both paused. "We don't wish to leave you, mistress," Ellie said at last, and the dingo frowned. "But we do wish to go with Mr Foxglove..."

The dingo covered her eyes with her hand. "That's all I need to know. Go then, and with my blessings," she lowered her hand and smiled, then stepped forwards and embraced them both. "And for goodness sake be careful," she said, her voice shaking. "And you come back here and visit me once in a while, all right?" The felines nodded, their chins resting on each of her shoulders, their eyes closed.

"Don't you let them get hurt, Mr Foxglove," the dingo looked at Jay, continuing to hold the two cats tightly to her. "Else I swear I will track you down and make you wish you'd never been here, do you understand?" A tear slid down the side of her muzzle, and Jay nodded solemnly.

"Right then," she gave the felines a final squeeze and released them. "You said you have to be away early tomorrow?"

Jay nodded.

"Right. You go get your things now, and you take them up to Mr Foxglove's room, and stay there. We've got some of the regulars in, and I don't need them seeing you and asking for you. Will that be all right?" she looked at Jay, who blinked, then nodded again. "Good, good... go on then," she said softly. "Get your fuzzy butts out of here. I got a business to run and I'm not doing that standing here with you," she swallowed and another tear dripped down her cheek as the cats backed away, each holding one of her hands until they were out of reach. Ellie put her arm around her brother, and he leaned his head onto her shoulder.

"Goodbye, mistress," the feline murmured. "We won't forget you."

"I know," the dingo nodded. "Go on. Get," she nodded at the door, and they made their way towards it, Ollie allowing his sister to guide him, his eyes fogged by tears.

"Remember your promise, Mr Foxglove," the dingo said quietly as the felines left the room. "Keep them safe."

Jay nodded, and left the dingo to her thoughts.

The vulpine yawned, and drew the curtain across the window, shutting out the feeble light of the moon as it shone through the rapidly dissipating clouds. Turning back, he found the felines kneeling next to the sofa. He sighed.

"You really don't have to do that," he said gently, walking towards them as they looked up at him. Neither moved, and Jay shrugged. Perhaps they found comfort in the familiar, now that they were about to leave their home of many years.

"I think we should get some sleep," he said. "If you two want to share the bed, I don't mind sleeping on the sofa..."

"Sir, the bed is not for staff unless the customer..." Ollie started.

Jay grimaced and held his hand over his eyes. "I'm not a customer," he said, slightly more harshly than he intended. "And you aren't staff anymore, either." He immediately regretted the words as the feline's eyes filled with tears.

"Ollie..." Jay said gently, kneeling down to bring himself to a level with the cats. "Ellie... I'm not here to make you do anything you don't want to. If you'd prefer to stay..."

Ellie shook her head, slipping her arm around her brother's waist. "No, sir," she said quietly. "We want to go with you. Please."

The vulpine nodded. "All right. If you feel uncomfortable, I'll take the bed, but at least take some of the sheets, ok?"

Ollie sniffed and nodded.

"Ok then. And I'll say this too, if you change your minds this night, if you decide you've made the wrong choice, I won't be offended if you aren't here when I wake up. Madam Warmstone will take you back more than gladly, I'm sure."

Ellie nodded. "It won't come to that, sir, I promise."

Jay looked at her for a moment, and sighed. I hope not, he thought. I know you're scared, I know it's hard to leave your friends... but you could be so much more than this... He stood up and moved to the bed, stripping off two of the sheets and bringing them back to the felines.

"You're sure you're ok on the sofas?"

"Yes, sir," Ellie nodded and nudged her brother into standing, settling him onto one of the sofas. This done, she moved around the room, extinguishing all but one of the candles, the one by the bed.

"Sir?" she asked as Jay stripped off his vest and trousers, preparing to get into the bed.


"Are you sure there's nothing we can do for you?"

Jay flushed slightly. "No," he shook his head. "But we do need to be away early. Whoever's awake first, please wake up the others, ok?"

"Yes, sir," she nodded, settling onto the other sofa, pulling the blanket over her.

Jay blew out the candle next to the bed, relaxing onto the soft mattress, a pleasant change from the hard boards in the back of his wagon.


"Yes, Ollie?"

"Goodnight, sir."

Jay chuckled into the darkness. "Goodnight."

Jay stirred slightly, surfacing from the depths of sleep slowly. He was warm, comfortable, and something felt very good indeed... He could feel a warm pressure against his legs, and his typical morning arousal... The vulpine's breath caught for a moment as he realised someone was curled up under the sheet with him, apparently settled comfortably between his legs, licking at him gently.

For a moment, Jay's sleep fogged brain tried to work out what to do. He tried to keep his breathing deep and regular. Should he stop her? He presumed it was Ellie had decided to waken him so... He felt like he ought to, but it had been so long since anyone had touched him like this... and after all, he had neither asked nor told her to do this... surely this was an act of her own free will, and something he should enjoy...? Not to mention he could feel a mounting pressure between his legs, and knew he was close to climax.

He fought the urge to moan, staying as still and as silent as possible as she gently took his length into her mouth as if sensing his peak was near, sucking on him gently, her soft tongue moving over his captive flesh with practised skill.

Should he stop her...? Would it possibly hurt if... the last moments of sleepy doubt were enough to seal the matter as the vulpine's climax arrived, his muscles tensing as he spilled his pleasure into the feline's mouth, the waves of pleasure washing over him, leaving him gritting his teeth so as not to shout out loud.

As his peak faded, he felt a weight land on the other side of the bed, and a moment later he felt a nose nuzzle his cheek gently.

"Good morning, sir," Ellie's voice giggled from near his ear.

Jay's eyes snapped open and he sat up so fast that the large bulge under the sheet was knocked backwards over the edge of the mattress, an expression of surprise on the feline's face as he hit the floorboards.

"What... what are you doing...?" Jay asked, his voice hoarse.

"I'm... I'm sorry, sir..." the feline's expression crumbled into something verging on fear. "Many... many gentlemen enjoy being awakened by..." he trailed off as the vulpine glared at him.

Jay looked at the feline for a moment, at the other sitting next to him on the bed, regarding him with wide eyes. "Get your things," he said gruffly. "We're leaving."

"Ollie...?" Jay called back softly into the wagon. "Ollie?"

"Sir?" the reply was quiet, timid, and the first word the feline had uttered since setting out that morning.

"Could you come sit up here a moment please?" the vulpine asked.

A few seconds passed, then the feline climbed over the back of the drivers' seat, sitting as far from Jay as possible, not meeting his gaze, looking instead into the trees at the side of the road.

"Ollie..." the vulpine sighed. "I seem to be stacking up apologies I owe you. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have got angry this morning..."

"You had every right to be angry if I displeased you, sir..." the feline's voice was low, his eyes on the road in front.

"No," Jay sighed. "No I didn't. I felt like I did, but... look, Ollie, you gave me a bit of a scare. I've never... I mean, no guy has ever..." he felt himself flushing. "I didn't expect that from another male," he finished.

Ollie blinked, and looked at him for a moment. "But, sir, you..." he trailed off.

The vulpine sighed regretfully. "I went looking for one, didn't I," he shook his head. "And I never said anything to let you think I felt otherwise."

The feline ventured another quick glance at the vulpine before looking away. "I'm sorry, sir," he said. "I thought..."

"You thought you were being kind to me," Jay finished. He looked out at the road ahead, then back at the feline. "And perhaps you were," he confessed, blushing deeply beneath his fur, a pink glow appearing in his white cheeks. "Goodness knows, it's been a long time since anyone did that for me..."

Ollie smiled slightly. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, sir," he said, looking up at the vulpine with a hopeful smile.

"I didn't say that," Jay glared at him for a moment, and the feline looked away.

"No, sir, you didn't," he said quietly.

A silence fell for a few minutes, neither looking at the other.

"But thanks for trying," Jay said at last, blushing, and avoiding the feline's eyes.

"Yes, sir," the feline's voice was neutral.

"And you know," Jay said. "You don't have to call me sir."

"Yes, s-Mr Foxglove...?"

"I'll settle for Jay," the vulpine smiled.

"J-Jay...?" the feline looked very uncomfortable.

"Are you ok with that?" Jay asked.

"Y... no, sir," Ollie hung his head. "Th-The only people I've ever called by first name were staff at... and then none of the senior staff..."

Jay nodded. "I see. I suppose this is a big enough change for the both of you, without my trying to change habits you've kept to for years..." he sighed. "I'll make you a deal. Once a day, you call me Jay, the rest of the time, call me whatever you feel comfortable with, ok? Can you do that?"

Ollie nodded and smiled timidly. "Yes, sir."

"Ok with that, Ellie?" he peered over his shoulder into the wagon.

"Yes, Jay," she answered with deliberate emphasis, and he chuckled as he saw her flush and look away as soon as she had said it.

Several moments passed before Ollie spoke again. "Sir?"

"Hmm?" Jay nudged the carthorse to one side in order to avoid a muddly looking patch of road.

"Where are we going?"

"Today, you mean?"

"Yes, sir."

"There's a town along this road with what I hear is a decent tailor's shop that we could try out. Should get to it tomorrow morning. I thought it would be good to get you something better to wear."

"Oh..." the feline looked thoughtful. "Are we not dressed appropriately, sir?" he asked, glancing at his rough cloth trousers and shirt.

Jay shrugged. "Adequately, yes," he admitted. "But it doesn't help that you have Madam Warmstone's house logo on your shirtsleeve."

"Oh..." Ollie glanced down at his shoulder, and the red and yellow emblem stitched into the cloth.

"Anyone would think she wanted you to be walking advertisements..." the vulpine grumbled.

"Actually, sir..." Ellie added, leaning over the back of the seat. "It has worked on occasion when she sent us on errands. One time, I..."

"I don't want to know," Jay frowned, feeling suddenly uncomfortable and avoiding looking at her, but nonetheless sensing how her expression fell.

"Yes, sir," she murmured softly, retreating into the back of the wagon.

"Now then," Jay said, leaning back into the wagon and feeling about in the shadows a bit. "The good news is that fifty percent of Ranger training is magical in nature. The bad news is, that it's damned hard work. The worse news is, I'm not even remotely equipped to teach you, meaning..." he pulled something out of the back of the wagon with a flourish. "That today, is weapons training," he said, handing a wooden sword to Ellie, retaining the other.

"Uh..." the feline looked at the sword, looked back at Jay, and affected an expression of deep concern. "Sir... I've never used..."

The vulpine chuckled, and leaned into the back of the wagon again. "That is precisely why they call it training," he said, stretching his fingers and just managing to grasp what he wanted. "Give me a hand with this, would you, Ollie?"

The training dummy was about five feet in height when erected, and decidedly tatty. Little more than a wooden cross with some sacking cloth and straw, it had obviously seen better days. Jay eyed it critically. "Sure it wasn't that bad when I put it in there..." he mumbled. "Ah well, anyway, you get the point, I think?" The felines nodded, and Ellie eyed the wooden sword in her hand again.

Jay glanced at her and chuckled. "Really, don't worry," he said gently. "I'm not trying to catch you out here, I'm just trying to work out what natural aptitudes you have."

"Um, sir, I'm not sure I have any..." the feline scuffed the toe of one foot along the ground and didn't look at him.

"You will," the vulpine smiled. "Trust me. Now, sorry about the lack of swords, we don't usually take on more than one at a time, so I'll have to apply the principal of beauty before brawn."

Ollie nodded, smiling, and Ellie blushed, rather charmingly, Jay caught himself thinking. He wondered how many people had complimented her recently... then forced his mind back on track. He took a deep breath.

"Now then, you know what a sword is, it's a weapon, obviously, but don't underestimate the defensive value either. Its ability to counter an opponents attack can often be as useful as its ability to make an attack of your own. For example... if you'd be so kind as to hold your sword at me? That's right," he smiled as the feline tentatively raised her arm. "If someone swings at you like this," he motioned her arm down and she followed the movement. "Then you can counter like this." With a swift motion, the vulpine passed the wooden sword to his other hand, reversing the direction of the blade and knocking Ellie's high and to the side, at the same time stepping forwards and bringing his hand to rest, palm flat, an inch from her nose. Ellie brought her foot up between his legs.

"Unf..." the vulpine clutched at himself and toppled sideways as the feline dropped her training sword, looking horror struck.

"Sir? sir, are you alright?" she dropped to her knees in front of him as Ollie crouched behind, their hands resting on his shoulder as he lay on his side.

"Mmmmff!" Jay commented, fighting back tears as he gasped for breath.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"It's... ok..." the vulpine grunted. "Just... give me... a minute..."

Ellie continued to pat his shoulder gently, looking half terrified. She flinched when Jay pushed himself up to a sitting position, drawing back as if suddenly afraid to touch him. She blinked in surprise when the vulpine chuckled ruefully.

"Well," he said, wiping tears from his eyes. "Actually, I was intending to point out the weakness of that one, but I guess you found it. I'm taking a guess that Madam Warmstone put you through some combat classes?"

"Um, yes, sir," Ollie answered, looking just as surprised as Ellie. "Mistress ensured all her staff were trained in self defence before allowing them to work..."

"Makes sense..." Jay winced. "Really should have asked first about that... give me a hand, will you?" he added, after a false start at standing. To his surprise, Ollie put both his hands under Jay's arms and hoisted him bodily to his feet. The vulpine eyed him, leaning forwards slightly, still panting. "You're stronger than you look..."

The feline simply nodded. "Yes, sir."

Jay looked at him a moment longer, then turned back to Ellie. He blinked. "It's ok, Ellie," he said softly, noticing her expression. "I'm all right, really..."

"You... you're not angry?" the feline looked dubious.

Jay smiled. "Of course not," he said gently. "Actually, I'm rather pleased that I won't have to go for the real basics. Though I confess," he admitted with a wince. "I'd rather you'd just told me..."

Ellie gave a nervous chuckle. "Um, yes sir. Sorry, sir."

Jay coughed self consciously as she looked at him apologetically. "Anyway, since you obviously know the vulnerable points, let's get straight on to a bit of practise, shall we...?"

An hour or so later, the training dummy was in more or less the same state as it had started. Jay watched with a slight frown as the cats took it in turns to make an attack against it, consistently managing to either find the bit with no padding and jarring their hands, or find the bit that was all padding and carrying the stroke through until they ran into the dummy. The vulpine sighed.

"Maybe we should try something else..." he said during a momentary lull in the display of complete lack of coordination.

Ollie glanced up, blushed, and nodded. "Yes, sir. Please," he said sheepishly.

Jay chuckled. "Don't worry," he said kindly. "I've never been so good with a sword myself. Better with a staff, tell the truth."

The feline eyed him, looking slightly suspicious that the vulpine was trying to be kind, which was quite correct, and Jay moved on hastily, reaching into the back of the wagon again.

"Ollie, would you go set this up over there please?" he asked, succeeding with some difficulty in extracting the circular target from underneath a crate containing his spare clothes and nodding in the general direction he wanted it placed.

"Yes, sir," the feline took the target, and trotted off in the direction the vulpine had indicated towards a large oak tree.

"Now then," the vulpine continued, retrieving a bow and quiver and turning to Ellie. "Ever used one of these?" he asked, handing them to her. She shook her head. "Then we'll start at the beginning," Jay smiled.

Jay watched as the feline drew back the string, aimed carefully, and... fired an arrow into the ground twenty yards ahead of her. Standing just behind her, Ollie backed up slightly as if thinking he wasn't out of harm's way yet.


"That's ok," the vulpine hastened. "Just try again. Keep your arm up a bit more," he reached out and nudged her wrist upwards. "Now, take your time, there's no rush... not bad," he exclaimed as the arrow landed at the wooden feet of the target.

Ellie didn't look so impressed. "That was only your second shot ever," Jay reminded her, and she brightened slightly, her ears perking up.

Over the course of the next half hour, the feline managed a remarkable improvement, progressing until she could hit the target at almost every attempt, frequently striking within the middle of the three rings.

"Not at all bad," Jay smiled. "Very good, in fact." Ellie blushed as the vulpine took the bow from her, passing it to her brother. "Ollie? Your turn," he beamed.

The feline took the bow, slung the quiver over his shoulder, and adopted a firm stance, aiming carefully at the target, releasing the string, and hitting the oak tree square in the middle of its broad trunk.

"Oops," he said, flushing.

Jay chuckled. "Never mind," he smiled. "Your power's there, just your aim is wonky. Try again."

Within twenty minutes the feline had methodically peppered the innocent tree with over thirty arrows. The last one dislodged a branch that went crashing down behind the target.

Ollie sighed and sat down on the spot as Jay hmm'd and poured some water into a cup and turned back to find Ellie kneeling behind her brother.

"Come on, bro, don't give up. You've had some really close shots..."

Ollie sighed again. "No I haven't," he shook his head.

"Actually, you have," Jay pointed out. "You've been within inches, but they've been to the side so the arrow doesn't land anywhere near. Just give it time," he added.

The feline looked up at him thoughtfully, then nodded and stood.

"This time," he said firmly. "This time, I'm gonna hit it."

"Come on," Ellie whispered quietly, standing next to him as he lined up the shot. "Maybe you should turn just a little to the right..." she suggested, putting a hand on his waist and nudging him slightly. The bow twanged. The arrow took off with remarkable speed, burst into a bright, white hot glow, struck the target right in the centre and ripped a hole clean through it.

Jay dropped his cup of water.

"Um..." Ollie said hesitantly. "Is that supposed to happen?"

Jay looked at him. "Perhaps we should leave the weapons training for now..."

"I don't think I understand..." Ollie admitted an hour later as they sat and shared a small meal in the lengthening afternoon shadows.

Jay chuckled. "Nobody really does," he shrugged. "That's why it's magic. We don't know if it's a power in people, or a power that people harness, but we know it's there, and we can teach you to focus it to your will."

"I didn't exactly will that..." the feline ventured.

"No?" the vulpine raised his eyebrows. "You seemed pretty determined to hit with that last shot you made. Isn't that what happened?"

Ollie blinked, looked confused, and said nothing.

Jay smiled. "It's a long road, and not an easy one," he said quietly. "But I'll be here to walk you along it as far as I can. Both of you," he added, looking at Ellie.

"But, I didn't..." she started.

"No, but you have the same magetalent," Jay interrupted. "You'll find it, in time," he smiled.

"Yes, sir... if you say so," she subsided and looked at her shoes.

"Well, we should pack up. Should make a few more miles in good light."

"So much for good light, sir," Ellie sighed, peering out of the wagon into the driving rain. She eyed the iron grey clouds overhead as the evening darkened prematurely. Nearby, the horse sheltered under a tree, looking at her reproachfully.

"Well, it can't be helped," Jay shrugged. "We'll be all right in here tonight, just help me pile these up will you?" he moved the battered training dummy and propped it against one side of the wagon. Soon they had cleared a respectable floor space on the wooden boards.

Lighting a small oil lamp, Jay decided to take the space nearest the front of the wagon, tugging the waxed canvas cover down as far as it would go, covering up all but a small strip of darkness that was the gathering night. Ollie did the same at the back.

Ellie giggled and they looked at her. "I remember once, when we were camping with dad," she said, looking at Ollie. "It was raining like this," she smiled, and her brother nodded. "I still remember that ghost story..."

Jay chuckled. "Ghost story indeed," he shook his head, and tried to make something of the shapeless mass of blanket he had extracted from a storage chest.

"Don't laugh, sir," Ellie said, looking perfectly serious. "You see, many years ago there was a metal smith used to live around here. All out on his own in a cabin he built himself..."

The vulpine listened as the feline spun her tale, her soft voice a pleasant alternative to the drumming of the rain on the roof. By the time she had finished, the evening outside had darkened to night, and the downpour had become only a light patter against the cloth.

Jay smiled. "Good story," he admitted. "But ghosts are about the one thing I don't believe in."

Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Ellie?" Ollie said quietly, sitting on the floor of the wagon. She looked at him. "I miss dad..." he said in a small voice.

She bit her lip, and shuffled over to sit next to him. "Me too," she whispered, putting her arm around him, leaning her head against his.

Jay coughed quietly, not sure what to do.

"Goodnight then," he said, with a hint of false cheer, picking up the lamp.

"Goodnight, sir," Ollie replied, looking up at him, one hand squeezing his sister's.

"Oh, Ollie...?" Jay asked.


"Let Ellie wake me up if you're awake before me?" he felt himself blushing.

"Yes, sir," the feline flushed as well, and looked away.

Ellie giggled again. "Hard luck, bro," she said, making his blush deepen. Jay hastily blew out the lamp and enclosed them in merciful darkness.

The vulpine woke with a gasp as his climax pounded through him. Screwing his eyes tightly shut, he panted until the surge of pleasure passed. He kept them closed as he felt a tongue gently lapping at him as his arousal faded, cleaning him softly. He wondered what he should do now. Feeling it might be better to keep his eyes closed, he nonetheless felt compelled to open one cautiously as he felt someone crawl up his body.

"Good morning, sir," Ellie smiled brightly down at him.

He sighed quietly. "Uh, good morning," he said, feeling slightly foolish. He realised the canvas overhead was bright from the light outside.

"You were sleeping quite heavily," Ellie said, noticing the direction of his gaze. "We didn't want to wake you, but it's pushing midmorning, and we knew you wanted to get somewhere today..."

"Um, yeah... thanks..." Jay found himself blushing as the feline continued to crouch over him on all fours. Her eyes were very blue, he noticed...

"Oh, good morning, sir," Ollie's voice came from the back end of the wagon, and he looked over to find the feline smiling in at him. "How many eggs would you like?" he asked, apparently unconcerned that his sister was kneeling over the vulpine.

"Eggs? What? Oh, um, two, please..." Jay found himself thoroughly flustered, and wishing Ellie had put his pants back in place. Then again, he realised, Ollie knew what he looked like without them anyway... the thought redoubled his flush, his cheeks feeling far too hot under his fur.

"Righto, sir, just give me a few minutes then," Ollie grinned and his face vanished from the opening.

"Um..." Jay looked back up at Ellie, who seemed content not to move. "I could really do with a quick run to the bushes about now," he said, wincing internally at how unconvincing he sounded.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir," she said, blinking and apparently focusing her attention again as she moved off him. He hastily pulled his trousers up and looked for his boots.

"You, uh, didn't have to do that, you know..." he said, his white furred cheeks still showing the deep pink beneath.

"Sir?" she paused in exiting the wagon and looked at him.

"Wake me... like that," he mumbled, having trouble meeting her gaze.

"But you said..." she blinked at him, confused. Wasn't that what he had asked for? He had said she was to waken him rather than Ollie, hadn't he?

"I kinda expected a shake or a yell," Jay confessed, ignoring the part of his mind that said to let her keep waking him up like that every morning.

"Oh..." Ellie's expression became one of embarrassment, with perhaps a hint of disappointment. "I'm sorry, sir..."

"Quite all right," Jay tried to reassure her. "Don't get me wrong, it's a nice way to wake up, but..." he trailed off, completely unable to finish, wishing his ears weren't so hot.

"I understand, sir," she smiled. "Shaken it is." And with that, she hopped down from the back of the wagon, and disappeared from view. Jay sighed quietly.

"Now then," Jay peered in through the window of the tailors. The sunlight was shining strongly against his back, and he had to squint to make out the prices on the clothes behind the window. "Yes, seems about fair..." he mused, fishing around in a pocket and withdrawing a small leather bag.

"Here," he said, tipping about half the contents into Ollie's palm. "Find yourselves something you'd like with this," he smiled. "I'm going to be over in the blacksmith's, looks like we're in need of a new horseshoe or two." The horse behind him snorted in agreement and looked slightly put out. "And yes, Charlie, I know I should have bought you some last month." The horse snorted again and Jay chuckled. "It was do without shoes or food, which would you have preferred?" The horse lowered his head and looked away. "Thought so," the vulpine nodded. "Go on then, you two," he said, motioning to the felines, who seemed to be caught by the shine of the coins in Ollie's hand. At his words, they looked up, managed a synchronous blush, and hurried in through the door of the shop.

"Right then," Jay nodded, turning for the blacksmith, the stallion trotting after him, his reins hanging loose and unneeded.

A few minutes later he was talking amiably to the blacksmith as Charlie waited patiently outside.

"Anyway," the blacksmith, a broadly built jackal chuckled. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, yes, of course," Jay remembered why he was there with a start. "Horseshoes, actually," he smiled.



"I'm assuming he's yours?" the blacksmith gestured at the stallion outside the window, and Jay nodded.

"Yep, that's the..." he broke off with a start as the door burst open, and two felines ran in through the doorway, stopping only when they were behind him. "What the...?"

"And stay the hell out of my shop!" the somewhat portly otter in the doorway thundered, glaring over Jay's shoulder.

"..." the vulpine suggested, his gaze alternating between Ollie, Ellie, and the otter.

"I'm sorry, sir," Ellie whispered, her eyes downcast as she stood behind him. "I don't think we can get any clothes today," she avoided his gaze, looking close to tears.

"What? Why?" Jay was confused, to say the least.

"These two are yours?" the otter eyed him suspiciously.

"No," Jay protested, then paused. "I mean, yes. I mean... they are with me, if that is what you mean..." he trailed off, baffled.

"Then you make sure they don't come near my shop again," the otter spat into the doorway, and the blacksmith frowned at him. "We don't serve the likes of them here. My shop is a respectable establishment."

"And I'll thank you not to start arguments with my customers in mine, Bren," the blacksmith growled, looking at the otter through narrowed eyes.

The otter paused, then relaxed slightly. "I'm sorry, mate," he said, his tone softening. "I don't mean to give you trouble, and you know it. But I won't serve... their types... or his, if he's in charge of them. You do as you choose, just check what you're dealing with first, all right?"

The blacksmith frowned, then looked at Ollie who was closest. His eyes narrowed.

"Can't miss that logo, can you?" the otter chuckled ruefully. "Catch you later, mate. Your round, in case you forgot." With a cheery grin, the otter left the shop, closing the door behind him.

Jay turned back to the blacksmith, a slight frown on his face which in no way matched that of the jackal. "Sorry, guv," he said, apparently with feeling. "But he's right. If these are with you, I'll have to ask you to move on."

"What?" Jay exclaimed. "If you're worried about payment..." he reached into his pocket but the smith stopped him with a gesture.

"I don't doubt your money's good," he said quietly. "It's a matter of principal. I won't serve these... two," he finished, apparently just catching himself in time before saying something offensive.

The vulpine frowned. "I don't appreciate being told my friends aren't worthy of service." His eyes narrowed.

"And I don't appreciate having their types brought onto my premises. Now, would you like to leave quietly, or shall we see who has the stronger arm?" he flexed a thick bicep, his eyes flickering momentarily to the heavy smiths' hammer in the corner of the shop.

Jay took a deep breath. "No," he lowered his eyes. "Ollie, Ellie... come on, we're leaving..." he said quietly, waiting until he was sure the cats had picked up on his words before starting for the door.

"I'm really sorry, sir," Ollie said quietly as they harnessed the horse to the wagon.

Jay sighed. "Don't be," he growled. "Don't even consider blaming yourselves for any of this. It's my fault, if anyone's. I should have seen it coming..."

"Sir, it's not..."

"Ellie!" the vulpine snapped, suddenly angry and not quite sure why. "Please just be quiet for a while?"

"Yes, sir," the feline's face fell, and she said not another word until they were several miles out of town.

"Ellie...?" Jay sighed quietly with a slight sense of déjà vu as he looked back into the wagon. "Look, I'm sorry if I sounded angry earlier... please... come up here?"

The feline's face appeared in the dark shadows behind the driver's seat.

"Really," Jay continued. "I didn't mean to snap at you. I was more angry at them than I was at you..."

Ellie nodded, still not saying anything, still not meeting his gaze.

"Please come sit up here?" the vulpine patted the seat next to him, and Ellie reluctantly moved to sit next to him.

She paused for the space of a few breaths, then, "I'm very sorry, sir," she whispered.

"Sorry?" Jay blinked, looking at her, finding she still wouldn't meet his gaze.

"I'm sorry if we disgust you..." the feline's voice trembled.

"Ellie..." Jay's tone softened. "Ellie, no, please don't think like that..." he said gently.

She sniffed, still not looking at him. "I know how you feel, sir... you're not the first to think so, and you won't be the last, I'm sure."

"Ellie..." Jay glanced at Ollie as the feline poked his head over the back of the seat, looking for inspiration, but found no help as the cat looked away, his head bowed. Feeling utterly wretched, he tugged on the reins, bringing the cart to a stop until he could turn to face the felines properly.

"Ellie," he said gently. "Listen to me. You don't disgust me. Neither of you do," he added, looking at Ollie as his ear twitched. "None of it was your fault, I understand that."

"No you don't," Ellie mumbled stubbornly.

"Actually, I think I do," Jay went on firmly. "Why do you think I came to Madam Warmstone's place originally, hmm?"

The feline paused, then shook her head.

"Because I made a promise to someone that when the time came, I would go there to find a new recruit to bring to the Rangers. That someone was my ex-partner..." he paused and took a deep breath before continuing. "And I cared for her a lot. And you see, you don't disgust me because she was just like you, in the beginning."

"Sir?" Ollie's ears swivelled towards him.

"She was recruited from the same type of establishment you were," Jay explained. "And over the time I knew her she changed so much... she went from being the quietest, most timid person I knew to being more full of life and energy than anyone I have ever met before or since. Over two years the quiet little wolf girl who wouldn't look me in the eye changed to someone confident in her abilities, strong in her beliefs, and unafraid of anything or anyone. I see that potential in you... in both of you. I would do anything to see you become the people you could be," he finished softly. He sighed softly, for some reason unable to look at either of his companions, his gaze drifting to the grass verge by the side of the road. He jumped slightly as a chin landed on his shoulder and a hand landed either side of his waist.

Ellie giggled and leaned against him as well.

"Thank you," she whispered, her head resting on his upper arm, her hand tucking inside his elbow.

"Uh, no problem..." Jay said, a little dubiously as he felt Ollie's head press against his, finding himself blushing under his fur as the feline nuzzled the back of his ear.


"Um, yeah?" Jay's eyes slid to the side and completely failed to see the feline behind him.

"You know that if there's anything we can do..."

"Um, yeah," the vulpine's blush deepened as both his companions giggled and hugged him.

"Uh..." Jay blinked as he turned and realised the only space on the floor of the wagon was in the middle of the two felines.

"Sir?" Ellie asked, smiling mischievously.

"Never mind..." he raised an eyebrow and blew out the oil lamp, feeling his way to the floor by the moonlight that illuminated the canvas overhead.

"Sir...?" he heard Ellie's voice as he settled down onto the hard floor.


"Its... kinda cold in here..."

"I'm sorry, Ellie, these are the only blankets we have."

"Yes, sir," she said quietly. A few moments passed. "Sir?"


"Do you mind if..." More or less simultaneously, the vulpine felt a warm weight press against each side of him, and he found himself blushing.

"No," he said, fighting with the impulse to back away. "No," he sighed more softly as he realised that no harm was intended. He chuckled, more at himself that anything. After all, many was the time he and Connie had huddled together for warmth at night. "Go ahead. I guess... it is pretty cold..." he yawned, feeling strangely relaxed as an arm draped across his chest from each side.

Jay came back to consciousness slowly. He felt warm. Almost too warm. Something hot and heavy was pressed against his back, and something else against his front, and there was a familiar smell from just in front of his nose... He opened his eyes and blushed as he realised he was sandwiched neatly between his companions, Ellie at his back, her arm draped around his middle, Ollie at his front, his back pressed against the vulpine's chest, Jay's chin resting just behind his ear. Jay was suddenly very conscious that the feline's bottom was pressed tightly against his hips, and that even in sleep, a part of him had not failed to notice the warmth and the pressure. He wondered what to do about the situation. Wake them? Try to separate himself without disturbing either?

Ollie settled the matter by yawning and stretching, his arms reaching out across the floorboards as his back pressed up hard against Jay, his hips wriggling slightly. Jay blushed as the feline purred softly.

"Good morning, sir," he said quietly, with what Jay would have sworn was an audible smile and not making any effort to move away from the vulpine by so much as an inch.

"Morning," Jay said, a little gruffly. He cleared his throat and tried again, sounding somewhat more like himself. He tensed up for a moment as the feline settled back against him sleepily, then relaxed, realising that he was probably just responding to the warmth of the contact as the morning air was still crisp and cool. The tension returned as the feline hugged Jay's arm as it draped around him.

"Thank you for yesterday, sir," the feline said softly, his muzzle dipping until his lips brushed Jay's knuckles.

The vulpine chuckled nervously. "Don't mention it..."

"I have to mention it, sir... nobody from outside Mistress Warmstone's house has ever taken a stand for us," Ollie's voice was hushed. "I would have understood if you had agreed with the shopkeepers. It meant a lot to me that you didn't."

Jay smiled, finding himself relaxing. "It's what Rangers do," he said gently.

The feline sighed softly. "I think I will enjoy meeting more Rangers, sir..." he said happily.

"I think they will be happy to meet you too," the vulpine chuckled. "Especially some of the young ladies in training..." he paused. "I do beg your pardon," he said, blushing as the feline turned to look over his shoulder at him. "I don't suppose that's much of an incentive..."

Ollie blinked, and Jay was surprised to see the feline's cheeks go pink. "Actually, sir, yes it is."

"Oh..." Jay was confused. "I'm sorry, I assumed you liked..."

"I do, sir," the feline's blush deepend. "But I also..." he trailed off, apparently embarrassed.

"Fair enough," Jay shrugged.

"It... doesn't bother you?" the feline asked anxiously.

Jay smiled. "I wasn't bothered when I thought you only liked males, why would it bother me that you're more open minded?"

Ollie ventured a small smile. "Some customers aren't comfortable if they feel you have been in contact with people not within their interest..." he said, sounding vaguely apologetic.

The vulpine shrugged his eyebrows. "Not an issue with me," he said gently.

"Thank you, sir," the feline's smile widened. With a swift motion, he turned his head a little more and planted a quick, soft kiss on the side of Jay's muzzle.

"Oh..." Ollie flushed again. "Sorry, sir," he said, biting his lip as Jay's eyes widened in surprise.

"Uh, no problem..." the vulpine tried willing his ears to cool down and discovered that it had no effect whatsoever. A giggle sounded behind him.

"Careful, Ollie, we know what happened last time. He might knock you on your butt again," Ellie nuzzled the vulpine's ear. "Good morning, sir," she murmured belatedly.

"Um, no, I-I wouldn't do that..." Jay stuttered slightly as he spoke.

The feline behind him giggled again. "Well then, since neither of you would kick the other out of bed anymore, should I leave you two alone?"

Jay wasn't at all sure he had meant the comment like that, but it seemed to be too late to retract it now. He considered trying to sit up and free himself from the situation physically, but Ellie had locked her arms around him tightly and was nuzzling the side of his neck. All right then, Jay thought, if that's the way it's being played, time for turnabout...

"Bah, there'd be no fun in that," he said with a playful chuckle, moving the arm around Ollie so that he was resting his hand on Ellie's thigh. "Without the pleasure of your company," he grinned. Got her, he thought.

Ellie blinked. "If you would enjoy that, sir, then we'll happily arrange it," she said with perfect sincerity. She slid out from behind him, rolling him onto his back and looking at him as Ollie mirrored her actions on his other side.

Jay opened his mouth, looked from one feline to the other, and completely failed to find any appropriate words. "Uh..." he suggested. Then he frowned. Then he blinked as comprehension dawned.

"Nice one," he chuckled. "You... you had me going there..."

"Sir?" Ollie looked at him questioningly.

Jay stopped chuckling and looked at him, then grinned ruefully. "Enough with the deadpan, ok?" he raised an eyebrow and looked back at Ellie.

"Um, sir?" Ollie ventured again. "It wouldn't be something we haven't done before... if you would like us to..."

Jay didn't hear the rest of the sentence. He felt instead as if all he wanted to do in the world was fall through the floorboards of the wagon, preferably not stopping when he hit the ground, anything that would stop them looking at him.

"Sir?" Ellie asked. "Are you ok?"

"I'm sorry," Jay mumbled, his eyes closing. "I should have guessed that they'd have forced you to... to..."

"We weren't forced, sir," Ollie's voice was soft, calming. "Please don't think that. Mistress Warmstone was never like that, sir."

Jay opened his eyes to find the feline sitting up, looking down at him with a soft smile. "But... but why would you...?"

"Why wouldn't we, sir?" Ellie sat up on his other side, looking confused.

"Because... it's... not convention," Jay tried to keep his voice calm. "Siblings can't... I mean don't... I mean..."

"Why, sir?" Ellie blinked, her expression of innocent confusion growing.

"I..." Why indeed, Jay wondered. Because of the likelihood of sick children, for one, because for another it was... icky. Or was that just because of his siblings? He felt very confused. He tried to imagine growing up as the felines had done. Surrounded by the activities of such a place... knowing that they would eventually be presented with a requirement to...

"Your first time..." he said quietly. "Was with each other, wasn't it?"

"Yes, sir," Ollie nodded.


They blushed slightly and looked at each other. "To tell the truth... we were scared, sir," Ellie said softly, picking at a loose thread on her top.


"Of how else it might be... we... we knew that after we came of age, Mistress Warmstone would require us to work like the rest of the staff... she was kind about it, sir," she added, seeing Jay frown. "She gave us a choice well before. In the end, staff have to earn their keep, but she would have let us leave..."

"You chose to stay?" Jay's eyebrow rose.

"We... didn't know where else to go, sir," Ollie's voice was quiet. "No friends outside, nobody to train us in another craft..."

"But I didn't want to have my first night with another be some random customer," Ellie's face fell. "Though any of the other staff would have... some even asked... but the only person I really trusted..." she held out her hand to Ollie and he took it.

"When Ellie told me how she felt, I knew she was as afraid as I was, sir," he said quietly. "I... I couldn't think of anyone I would rather have learned with than Ellie..." he smiled at his sister, and she returned it.

Jay sighed quietly. Yes, it made sense, he realised. Young, scared, they had turned to the only other they trusted, finding warmth in each other's arms.

"After that," Ellie continued. "I realised it was ok. I wasn't scared anymore," she smiled. "Ollie was so gentle, and so kind... and it felt so good..." she blushed and looked away.

The vulpine took a deep breath. Open minded, he thought to himself. You always said you were open minded, and you can't back out of it now. You know their reasons, and be fair, you might have done the same. In the end, is it really such a bad thing...? They're not out for kids after all, just for comfort and... "I understand," he said, opening his eyes. "Thanks for explaining," he smiled. "And I'm sorry if I sounded like I was criticising you..." he gave a nervous laugh and attempted a joke. "Besides, if my siblings were like you, I'd probably have done the same."

Ollie smiled, looked at Ellie. She kissed Jay on the nose. He looked at her, finding himself feeling strangely comfortable with his companions. Amazing what a little rationalisation could do for feelings brought on by social expectation, he mused.



"If you ever do want us to... just let us know."

Jay blushed. "Uh, thanks... but um, right now, I don't think you'd want to. It's been a while since I had a chance for a bath."

Ellie giggled. "There's a stream just outside, sir," she winked. "You parked next to it last night, remember?"

There was indeed a stream, and Jay did indeed remember pulling the wagon up to it last night. Sadly the light had been fading, and the heat of the day dissipating too rapidly to make a bath a good idea. Now though, the sun was warm, the breeze light, and he had no excuse except that Ellie was sitting by the camp fire and watching him with a smile. Determined not to let her get him, he stripped off his vest and pants, making sure to face the other way and keep his tail held low. He stepped into the water with a splash, his feet squashing into the soft, wet bottom of the stream as he padded up it to where the water took a sharp drop of about five feet. Bracing himself, he dunked his head under the cold water, grimacing as it battered loudly against the backs of his ears.

Turning, feeling pretty sure that the small waterfall hid everything, and not completely sure he cared if it didn't, he sat down at its base, letting it drum against the back of his head and run down his back. He glanced up towards the wagon, just in time to see Ellie set the last of her clothes inside it and pad towards the water, apparently completely unworried by her nakedness.

He had to admit she was pretty attractive. Slight of figure, but nicely curved, her soft fur shimmering in the sun as she moved, her pleasantly sized breasts jiggling gently. He blushed and looked away as she walked towards him.

"Is it ok if I join you, sir?" she asked, stopping by the side of the stream.

"Um, yeah, go ahead," he mumbled.

Smiling, she stepped into the water, gasping slightly at its coldness. She crouched down in front of him and giggled.

"I don't mind you looking at me, sir," she said gently.

Jay raised his eyes to meet hers, having trouble keeping his gaze on her face and she giggled again, standing and twirling on the spot for him, her tail a horizontal streamer of fur around her hips.

"You're really beautiful..." the vulpine sighed without quite realising he was saying it.

Ellie blushed. "Thank you," she said softly, sitting in a deep part of the stream near his feet, looking at the green countryside around them.

Jay sighed, and leaned his head back under the water.

"Um, sir?" the vulpine looked up to find Ollie standing nearby in only his shorts. "Do you mind if..."

Jay shrugged. "Go ahead." The feline hesitated. "Oh, take 'em off," Jay rolled his eyes, wondering when he had become so relaxed about the idea of seeing the feline naked.

"Yes, sir," the feline nodded, quickly removing his shorts and padding towards the water. He didn't twirl, but he did give a somewhat shy smile as Jay glanced at him. The vulpine looked away quickly, realising where his eyes had gravitated. He leaned his head back under the water again.

A few minutes passed quietly before Jay heard a soft splashing above the noise of the falling water.

"Lean forwards a little, sir?" Ollie's voice sounded from near his ear and he jumped. Seeing that the cat had acquired a brush from somewhere, he obliged, and sighed softly as the feline began moving the brush down his back, washing him thoroughly. It didn't feel quite right to have someone take care of him like this, Jay thought... not really an act befitting a Mage Ranger... but it was undeniably pleasant. His eyes closed as the feline moved to his head, hands working over the backs of his ears in a most relaxing way.

By the time Ollie put a hand on his chest, he didn't even flinch at the contact, simply letting the feline guide the brush through his fur as he saw fit. He felt somewhat sleepy as the grooming attention continued along one of his arms. He wriggled as the feline urged him to raise his arm, then brushed down his flank. He kept his eyes closed as the cat moved to his other side before finally centring up again.

"Stand up, sir?"

"Uh..." Jay hesitated, then shrugged. After all, what had the feline not seen... he blushed and stood, catching Ellie's gaze as her brother worked his way down the vulpine's thigh. She smiled at him and winked, cupping some water in one of her hands and letting it run down her slim arm, watching the trickle sparkle its way back to the stream.

The vulpine shifted slightly in place as the feline's hands and brush ran across his buttocks, feeling slightly uncomfortable, especially with Ellie watching and smiling. He gasped involuntarily as Ollie's hand ran over his inner thigh, knuckles within inches of making contact between his legs.

"Uh, maybe I should do the rest," Jay suggested, trying not to blush and wishing that he couldn't feel the first hints of arousal stirring.

"I don't mind, sir..." Ollie said simply, not looking up as he brushed down the back of Jay's knees.

"I, um, figured as much," Jay stated hesitantly, but relaxing as the feline worked his way downwards out of the danger zone. He wriggled as Ollie gently lifted his left foot, running the brush along the top as his fingers worked firmly over the soft pads underneath. The tickly feeling made him wobble slightly, and he put his hand on the feline's head for support, inadvertently bumping Ollie's nose against his leg. "Sorry," he apologised, but the cat just smiled up at him for a moment before moving to do his other foot. This time, he couldn't help but laugh at the touches to his footpads, and wobbled so much that he would have fallen over if the feline hadn't placed a hand firmly on his right buttock and kept him stable.

The vulpine blushed slightly as Ollie let his foot down, and for a moment his breath caught in his throat as Ollie gripped the base of his tail firmly, but it seemed to be no more than a means to an end as the feline ran his hands down the length of the entire sodden appendage, squeezing out the water, and untangling the longer fur. Jay stifled a gasp as the cat moved his hands back to the base of his tail, apparently working out a tangle in his fur. Jay wished he would hurry up... he had always been sensitive there and the continuous pressure and light tugs were threatening to induce a reaction he wasn't going to be able to prevent...

Ellie giggled as she watched his expression, moving so that she was kneeling at his feet. "Would you like me to wash the rest?" she asked, her eyes wide and innocent.

"Uh, tha-that's ok, El-Ellie, I can..." the vulpine stammered, but he was too late as the feline gave him a well timed shove, pushing him under the flow of the water as Ollie stepped out from behind him. A moment later, she was gently moving her hands across his lower belly, her fingertips lightly brushing the top of his sheath at the end of each stroke.

Jay gave up as his body surrendered to the need to show his growing arousal, his ears sinking in embarrassment as the pink tip of his length made itself visible.

"Uh, s-sorry," he stammered as Ellie giggled and moved her hands either side of his growing erection.

"Quite all right, sir," she smiled before returning to her task.

To Jay's surprise, she made no move to stimulate him beyond what was unavoidable in her gentle washing, her fingers rarely straying against his naked skin, simply burrowing their way through his fur, ensuring it got the best out of the water flowing over it. Somehow, this didn't make the situation any easier and he flushed as his arousal reached its full attention. Ellie glanced at it for a moment, then ran her hands along it briefly, making sure the water had washed over every inch, making him shiver and gasp.

The vulpine almost found himself starting to relax as Ellie continued to wash him so professionally, her apparent disinterest in his aroused state seeming peculiarly soothing. He jumped as she reached a hand between his legs, all the way back until her fingers brushed the naked skin under his tail, but again she seemed more interested in ensuring he was entirely clean than in teasing him. Jay wondered what to make of this paradox of a feline, his buttocks tensing slightly as her fingers danced over sensitive places.

"There, now," the feline sat back on her heels. "I think you're about done, sir," she smiled, looking up at him. "Wasn't so bad, was it?"

Jay shook his head, feeling somewhat foolish as she stood and took his hand, leading him out of the stream and into a sunny patch of dry grass on the bank. "You'll be dry soon enough here, sir," she smiled, then turned and moved back under the water.

The vulpine watched from the bank as Ollie joined her, the felines washing each other down quickly and efficiently. He wondered if it had been necessary for them to practise quick clean-ups in the past, and blushed. He lay back on the grass so that his eyes wouldn't be distracted, watching a few white clouds drift lazily across an otherwise clear blue sky, spread eagling himself on the grass so that he might dry off faster.

He heard a giggle and a splashing as the felines got out of the stream, coming to sit on either side of him.

"Sir?" Ellie's voice contained a hint of a laugh as he felt her hand land softly on his stomach. "Is there anything else we can do for you...?" he gasped as she lightly touched the end of his arousal, which had stubbornly not faded an inch. The feline lay down on the grass next to him, her head on his shoulder. "You don't have to be embarrassed," she murmured softly, nuzzling his cheek.

"I...really shouldn't," Jay said hesitantly. "Rangers aren't suppose to... interact like that with the people they recruit..."

Ellie giggled. "Whyever not?"

Jay shrugged. "I think they're afraid we might corrupt you."

Ollie laughed, quickly smothering it with his hand. Jay looked up at the feline from his prone position, appreciating the irony of his statement. He blushed as the cat smiled and reached out a hand to stroke his arm.

"If you'd rather I made myself scarce now, sir..." he offered.

Jay's flush deepened. He really ought to say yes, he thought. He shook his head, thought better of it, nodded, then shook his head again. Somehow it seemed very rude to ask the feline to leave... "I, um..." he started, and ran down as Ellie giggled into his ear.

"Alternatively," Ollie said with a smile, his hand wandering to rest on the vulpine's hip. "You could wait and let me know when I should leave later..." the hand slid slowly up to the half of Jay's chest that wasn't occupied by Ellie as she pressed herself tightly against him, one leg hooking over his hips, her thigh brushing him somewhere that made him gasp.

Jay decided that perhaps the felines had a point. They were both kind, nice people... why shouldn't they have some fun, if they all agreed it was ok? With a sudden movement, he rolled Ellie onto her back, landing on all fours above her, his nose touching hers as she giggled.

"You sure you want me corrupting you?" Jay smiled gently, and she laughed, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him.

The vulpine broke the kiss gently, nuzzling the feline's cheek for a moment before slowly working his way down until his nose rested in the valley between her breasts. He glanced his eyes up to meet her gaze as his muzzle moved until his lips centred on one pink nipple, poking out from under her soft fur. She oohed contentedly as he lapped softly at her skin, her nipple hardening rapidly under his attentions, her knees raising until they brushed his hips, an apparent invitation, one which Jay answered in a way he didn't think she expected as he began nuzzling his way down her body, pushing her legs back down as he went. She giggled as he licked over her navel and slowly down her lower belly, glancing at her brother as he knelt next to them, a smile on his face. She reached out a hand and he took it, squeezing gently as the vulpine reached the lowest point on her torso.

Ellie gasped as she felt his soft tongue lap at her pink folds. She hadn't really expected this of him, and it felt sooo good.

Jay smiled as the feline responded to his attention rapidly, her hips shifting slightly across the grass.

"Mmm," she purred, tugging gently on Ollie hand until he moved to kneel behind her, her head resting on his knees. She wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed hard as Jay found a particularly sensitive spot, her head pressing into her brother's stomach.

Jay flushed as he realised Ollie was smiling at him. He raised his head for a moment to offer a sheepish grin, causing the feline to break into a laugh. Somehow, this made the vulpine feel a lot more certain about what he was doing as he dropped his head again, lapping gently at the top of Ellie's soft folds as his finger pressed gently against the back.

Ellie arched her back, trying to push her hips down onto the contact, and he smiled, allowing his digit to enter her gently, realising she was already slick and more than ready for him. His finger twisted side to side as he lapped at the little nubbin at the front of her entrance.

Ellie groaned and bit her lip, her grip around Ollie's waist tightening as she realised the vulpine already had her close to climax. She looked up at Ollie, a hint of desperation in her face and he smiled back at her, his hands moving to gently caress her soft breasts, making her bite her lip and shiver a the combined attentions of the two males.

"Sir...?" she gasped, and Jay looked up, his finger still slowly exploring her confines. "Is... is it ok if I...?"

Jay cocked his head. Was she really asking permission to...? He dropped his head to lick softly at her sensitive nubbin again, his finger exploring the front wall of her insides, looking for that special place.

"Ooo, sir..." Ellie's breath was coming in quick pants. "Please, I can't... hold it... much longer!" She gasped and tensed as he located the change in texture he was looking for, pressing firmly against her insides.

"Ellie..." Jay said softly, his free hand snaking around to caress her flank as he felt her squeeze down on the finger he held inside her. "You don't have to ask me, you know..." He kissed the top of her entrance, the fingertip inside her rubbing firmly over that sensitive place along her front wall, angling his hand so that his knuckle pressed against the back of her entrance, using her own muscle contractions to add rhythmic pressure against her insides.

Apparently it was a good job she didn't need permission, as, with a soft cry she tensed up, her legs going rigid as her body clenched down on his invading finger, her arms tight around Ollie as his fingers danced over her nipples. Jay dropped his chin, making long, slow licks over her soft folds as her climax continued, drawing out her pleasure until she relaxed, shivering slightly and panting for breath.

"Thank you... sir..." she managed between pants, her eyes closing as Ollie changed his caress, now stroking gently across her entire chest, his fingers starting at her sternum and dragging outwards to her flanks, giving her a wonderful sensation of freedom and space.

Jay kissed her soft folds once more before carefully disentangling himself from her legs.

"Why did you think you had to ask before you...?" he asked gently, sitting next to the felines, one hand stroking Ellie's knee gently.

"It... was always considered the correct behaviour..." Ollie answered for her as his sister still seemed to be short of breath. "Staff should never take pleasure unless the customer..."

Jay sighed. "I'm not a customer," he said, shaking his head. "At least I thought I wasn't. That's not how you think of me, is it?"

Ollie paused. "At first, sir, it seemed you might have expected us to behave as Mistress Warmstone had done..." he said, seeming to choose his words carefully. "But I have learned that that is not so..."

The vulpine nodded. "I should think not. Ollie... all I want you to be is yourselves. I didn't take you on as servants, that was never what I wanted."

"Yes, sir," Ollie nodded. "I have been trying to accept that, sir... it's just..."

"Old habits die hard?" Jay smiled gently.

"Yes, sir," the feline smiled apologetically and blushed.

"Don't worry," the vulpine's expression was kind. "I won't ever ask you to do something you aren't in agreement with, or at least, not anything like this," he blushed himself. "Though if I do ever shout duck, you do it whether you want to or not, ok?" he chuckled, and Ollie laughed as Ellie giggled weakly, her deathgrip around her brother's waist loosening.

"Welcome back," Jay winked at her and she smiled sheepishly. Sitting up, she leaned forwards onto her left arm, putting her right hand behind his head and kissing him firmly, her small tongue pressing against his lips until he relaxed and allowed her access. She purred as she flicked her tongue against his, not breaking the kiss for slightly too long so that they both gasped as they parted.

She pushed lightly at his shoulder, and he obligingly fell back onto the grass as she crawled up over him, her soft breasts pressing down onto his chest as he lay underneath her. Smiling, she looked at him for a few moments before sitting up, straddling his hips. She looked at him with a questioning expression as her hand hovered near his arousal. He hesitated for a moment, then smiled and nodded.

Grinning, Ellie held his length at just the right angle and...

Jay took a deep breath as he felt the feline's warmth surround him. She smiled, and squeezed him inside her, making him gasp. She moved her hips against his for a few moments, before holding out her arms, hugging him tightly as he sat up. He closed his eyes as he felt her start to move again, her warmth sliding slickly around him. He looked up as he felt her shift considerably, and blushed as he found Ollie's face near his own as the feline embraced his sister from behind. Jay grinned sheepishly over Ellie's shoulder, and Ollie licked his nose making him splutter.

Ellie whimpered softly as she felt her brother reach a hand around her, sliding down her stomach until... she gasped as his fingers danced across the top of her entrance even as she pressed her hips against the vulpine.

Jay felt the tickly touch of the feline's knuckles against his stomach and smiled as Ellie's face contorted suddenly. He caught Ollie looking at him, as if to check he hadn't crossed the line, and smiled reassuringly. Ollie returned the smile, his other arm reaching around until his hand caressed Jay's flank.

Now this was definitely novel, Jay thought, not quite sure what to make of it. He realised that Ollie was obviously quite comfortable with the situation... and surely he had far more right to feel uncomfortable than Jay did... the vulpine shrugged mentally, and focussed upon the feline in his lap, now gasping quietly with each rock of her hips. Letting his head rest against hers, he lost himself in the pleasure of the motion.

Unthinkingly, he let one hand slide down Ellie's back to caress her buttocks, and blushed as he encountered Ollie's erection pressed against her fur. The feline smiled sheepishly while Jay realised he had only himself to blame for the surprise. After all, what had he expected? He watched as Ollie edged himself to the side politely to allow Jay free access to Ellie. The vulpine looked at the other male thoughtfully, realising suddenly that perhaps there really was nothing to be scared of. He was a handsome, clean feline, kind and gentle, and prone to all the reactions of mortal kind.

Jay reached his other hand around to brush against the feline's flank, nudging him back into place. He smiled as Ollie looked at him quizzically for a moment, then the feline's expression brightened. They both laughed, both seeing a mutual understanding in the others' eyes, both realising that they were ok with the other's presence.

Ellie looked at the vulpine as he laughed under her, but Jay couldn't explain around his grin. Suddenly he felt so... released, as if a binding had been cut loose. And speaking of release... Jay felt the slow growing of pressure between his legs.

"Uh, Ellie," he murmured quietly, nuzzling her cheek. "Not to be rude, but you don't have any vulpine in you, do you?"

She giggled. "Besides you?" she smiled as he blushed, then shook her head. "No, sir. Lynx and cougar. Why?"

"Because I wouldn't want to risk making you pregnant," Jay confessed and she laughed.

"Wouldn't get pregnant now if I was part vixen," she smiled, her arms tightening around him. "Not the right time of the month. You learn these things, working for Mistress Warmstone," she added by way of explanation. She gasped suddenly as Ollie pressed his fingertip firmly against the top of her entrance, causing her to clench down tightly on Jay.

It was all the vulpine needed. With a shuddering breath, he squeezed his eyes tightly closed, his arms tightening around both felines, pulling them together as his climax surged through him. Ellie pressed her hips down tightly against his, nuzzling his neck, murmuring encouragements as she felt the spill of warmth within her.

Jay blinked, trying to clear the stars from his vision. He felt hands stroking soothingly along his flanks, and smiled at Ollie over Ellie's shoulder.

Ellie cuddled tightly to him for a minute or so, before breaking the amiable silence. "Um, it's a little hot here..."

Jay laughed, and Ollie looked sheepish as he backed away, allowing his sister to gently dismount from the vulpine's lap, looking somewhat dishevelled, her fur a little damp and spiky. She giggled. "Looks like you need some help there, bro," she winked.

"Um, yeah, something like that," the feline confessed, his firm arousal standing pink and obvious against the fur of his stomach.

Ellie glanced at Jay who just blushed. "I'm... not really sure I can... not right now..." he said, looking apologetically at Ollie, who smiled understandingly.

Ellie grinned. "C'mere then," she said, turning to Ollie and pouncing forwards, knocking him over backwards, finishing up leaning over his chest. She winked at him, and crawled backwards down his body, gently lapping at the tip of his erection as she settled between his legs. The feline groaned as she attended to him, knowing he wasn't going to be able to hold out very long. He didn't want to admit it, but he had come remarkably close to giving Ellie a sticky mess in the small of her back...

She purred as she gently pressed her muzzle down, until her nose bumped against Ollie's softly furred stomach.

Not long at all, the feline realised, his fingers digging into the grass, his stomach muscles tightening.

Jay watched from the side, amused as he recognised in Ollie's face all the feelings and sensations he knew himself. Catching the feline's eye, he winked supportively, watching as his eyes screwed tightly closed, his mouth open in a silent shout.

"Well," Ellie giggled a few moments later as she gently licked him clean. "That wasn't hard. Better get some practise keeping it in there, bro," Ollie blushed and she tickled his flanks, making him squirm. "I'm kidding," she relented, leaning over him and kissing his nose. "I know exactly how much contact you had before that," she winked down at him, and he smiled sheepishly up at her.

Jay caught himself envying their relationship, a bizarre mix of brother-sister affection, honest friendship, and down right sexiness. He smiled as Ellie shuffled over to sit next to him, then mmphed as she suddenly grabbed his head and kissed him, her tongue forcing its way between his lips. He felt as if he should be pushing her back, but she was holding him tightly and he didn't want to risk hurting her, his hands tapping ineffectually at her shoulders.

"There," she giggled, looking at his face as they parted. "Not so bad, hmm?"

The vulpine stammered for a moment, not very coherently as the feline looked at him, amusement sparkling in her eyes. He felt his cheeks heat up.

"Thought not," she winked at him, letting her hand brush against his stomach, nuzzling gently under his chin. It took remarkably little time to restore his interest, and he panted softly as her skilled fingers worked over his pink flesh, his eyes half closing. She pushed at his chest, and he lay back compliantly onto the warm grass as she moved to crouch over him. The vulpine watched as Ollie crawled over, putting his lips next to his sister's ear and whispering something. She giggled and nodded, and he moved around behind her.

"What...?" Jay started, but was silenced by another deep kiss. Deciding to play the feline at her own game, he pressed his tongue hard against hers, pushing between her lips, tickling the roof of her mouth. He was so distracted that he lost track of Ollie until he felt gentle fingers against his arousal. He gasped into the kiss as his erection was guided gently inside the feline on top of him. Breathing through his nose, he managed to catch Ollie's eye as the feline crouched behind his sister. The cat winked at him, and lowered his eyes.

Jay wondered for a moment what was going on, then realised as he felt something warm pressing against his length where it entered Ellie. A moment later, he felt Ollie slowly join him inside the young female's warm confines. He looked at Ellie in surprise as she gasped, panting as she was stretched tightly by the two males.

"Ellie?" he asked, slightly concerned. "Are you ok?"

"F-fine," she panted, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps.

Ollie stayed as he was for perhaps a minute, gently petting his sister's flanks and buttocks, applying a gentle pressure to the base of her tail as she adjusted to being so very full. He looked over her shoulder, and was pleased to find the vulpine smiling at him, if somewhat self consciously.

"Ok there, sir?" he asked softly.

Jay fought a wild urge to giggle. "Great!" he grinned. He put his arms around Ellie and hugged her tightly.

"Nnnnguh!" she commented, pressing her muzzle into the side of his neck and climaxing suddenly, taking both males by surprise as she tightened ferociously around them. She lay against Jay's chest, panting as the pleasure slowly passed.

"All right?" Jay murmured softly, brushing his fingers over the side of her face.

"Oh gods..." she whispered, but she was grinning hugely. She gasped suddenly as Ollie slowly withdrew, then pressed gently back inside. Jay's breath caught for a moment as he felt the friction of the feline's length passing over his own, and he looked up over Ellie's shoulder as her brother took one of his hands, squeezing gently. The vulpine blushed, and squeezed back as the feline moved slowly in and out of his sister again, Ellie biting her lip and groaning softly, trembling. He picked up the pace slightly, beginning a gentle but insistent motion, always moving back until just about to lose the contact before pressing forwards as far as he could go, his soft furred testicles gently pressing against Jay's with each motion.

Jay wondered if he should be moving, but with one feline lying apparently immobile on his chest, and the other kneeling over his thighs, he really didn't have much option. Nor was it really necessary, he realised as Ellie whimpered and climaxed again, her fingers clawing into the ground on either side of his head, her tail wrapping tightly around her brother's waist.

Ollie waited until she had relaxed again before resuming his motions, his hand still gripping Jay's, squeezing gently each time his hips pressed tightly against his sister's bottom.

Panting, Ellie levered herself up on her arms, her breasts swinging over Jay's chest. Smiling, he moved his free hand between them, caressing one of her nipples with the furry backs of his fingers. She moaned softly, fighting to get her breath even as she felt the first hints of another peak of pleasure on the edge of her senses.

Jay chuckled as he watched her expression, moving his hand to rest on the back of her head, drawing her down into a soft kiss, holding it so that she had to pant through her nose as his tongue pressed against hers, neither willing to give ground this time. Smiling, Ollie leaned forwards slightly, reaching his hand around to gently caress one of his sister's swaying breasts.

Ellie moaned softly through her nose as she felt her brother's caress, the fox under her still not letting her out of the kiss, and she was so close...

Jay smiled slightly as he felt a tremor run through the feline on top of him, not letting her move her head away for a moment as she practically screamed through her nose, her warm confines squeezing both males hard, her body trembling. He forced her to hold the kiss until her pleasure passed and she had relaxed enough for Ollie to resume his movements. When he let go, she gasped at the air, heaving in breath after breath as she collapsed against his chest. Jay stroked the back of her head gently as Ollie caressed across her back.

She lifted her head and looked at the vulpine. "Bastard," she whispered weakly, but she was smiling as she said it and her eyes shone. He chuckled as her head dropped, her muzzle pressing against his neck. He continued petting her softly as they all rocked gently under Ollie's motions. He stroked his hand down her back until he reached the base of her tail, scritching her there gently, his knuckles repeatedly bumped by Ollie as the feline moved.

Ellie moaned softly, her back arching slightly at the new contact, gasping and biting her lip as Jay, curious as to her reaction, gently rested a fingertip across her tailhole.

"Mmm," she purred softly. With her breasts rolling softly against the fox, both males between her legs, Ollie caressing her buttocks, and Jay's gentle touch under her tail, she felt as if every sensitive part of her was being stimulated at once. She whimpered, her breaths shortening as she climaxed again, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she trembled, all strength robbed from her body by the tremendous flood of pleasure, feeling as if the only muscles that still worked were those tightening around her two lovers.

"P-please..." she whispered as the wash of pleasure faded. "Please... no more... can't take... any more..."

Jay smiled and put his arms around her as Ollie slowed his motion to a stop, mixed emotion swimming through him. He felt wonderful for having been able to help bring her so much pleasure... but he didn't really want to stop now... Looking at her face, he realised that it really would be unfair to continue, however, she was plainly exhausted, verging on uncomfortable.

"You sure, sis?" Ollie asked with a smile. "I think we could get one more out of you," he chuckled as she whimpered. Gently he pulled back from her and she bit her lip as he left, suddenly feeling somewhat empty, even with the fox still inside her.

With Ollie's help, Jay managed to roll her off him and onto her back where she lay with her eyes closed, her chest heaving as they knelt at her side. He leaned his head down and nuzzled her cheek.

"You ok?" he murmured, and she managed a breathless laugh.

"Fine... you boys... have some fun without me..."

Jay blushed as he realised Ollie was looking at him with a questioning expression and a gentle smile.

"Um..." he started, and Ellie shook her head with a smile. Taking his hand, she guided it until his fingertips touched Ollie's pink length, then closed her eyes.

The ice thus broken, Jay realised he didn't feel as bad about the action as he had worried he might. Watching the feline's expression, he let his fingers gingerly encircle the other male's arousal. Ollie purred, his eyes half closing. Without really thinking, he leaned forwards and pressed his muzzle against Jay's.

The vulpine's eyes widened, but for some reason he didn't feel any need to pull away as the feline kissed him softly. Indeed, after a moment he found his hand lifting to press against the back of Ollie's head, drawing him closer as Jay's tongue pressed against his lips. The feline sighed softly as the vulpine responded so invitingly, his hand drifting between the fox's legs, cupping him gently.

As they broke the soft kiss, Jay looked into the feline's eyes, relieved to find nothing but warm acceptance. "So..." he started, and felt himself flush. "What should we do?" he asked, his ears sinking slightly in embarrassment.

Ollie smiled gently. "What would you like to do?" he murmured softly, and Jay stuttered, not quite sure what to say. The feline leaned forwards, and whispered something that made his ears prick up, then flatten out completely, feeling like they were about to catch fire.

The feline smiled, and gently encouraged the vulpine to straighten his legs until he was sitting on the grass, the feline crouched over his thighs, his arms loosely about Jay's shoulders, their noses touching lightly. Ollie glanced down at Ellie as she lay next to them, and chuckled. "Scuse me a mo, sis," he said, one hand cupping gently between her legs making her whimper. He lifted his hand and brought it between his legs, his fingers working under his tail for a moment. Ellie opened one eye and growled at the indignity of being a source of lubrication.

Ollie chuckled. He probably didn't need it, the vulpine's and his own erections still being very wet from their unusual lovemaking with Ellie, but it never hurt to overkill. He raised his hips until he was positioned just right...

"Ollie?" Jay looked up at him, concern in his face and voice.

"Sir?" the feline cocked his head to one side.

"Don't do this if its not comfortable..."

The cat smiled and placed a kiss on the vulpine's upturned nose as one hand reached under his bottom, lining them up just so. He gasped as he let his weight press him down into the vulpine's lap, lowering himself slowly, forcing himself to relax and not tense up.

"You ok?" Jay asked as the feline paused, panting softly, the vupine pressing up a few inches under his tail. He nodded, and licked the fox's nose. He stayed as he was for a few moments, then slowly let himself fall until his bottom pressed against Jay's thighs.

"All right?" the vulpine asked, his arms encircling the feline as his arousal rested inside his remarkably warm insides.

Ollie smiled and nodded, panting as the fox filled him under his tail. "I'm ok," he said softly. "Don't worry. Really," he added, seeing the vulpine's expression. He tensed his thighs, raising himself an inch or so before letting himself fall back, making them both gasp.

Jay realised that there probably was no cause to worry, really. He felt pretty sure the cat had taken far more like this... he blushed at the thought and felt a sudden need to hug his feline lover tightly, making a silent promise that nobody would ever do this to the feline again without Ollie's explicit desire. He loosened his grip and planted a small kiss on Ollie's muzzle, causing the cat's cheeks to go pink under his fur.

The feline panted as he began a gentle rising and falling motion, his arousal pressed against the vulpine's soft fur, the fox's own erection seemingly just long enough to touch against that special place deep inside him, sending a burst of pleasure through him with each time his bottom pressed against the fox's thighs. He let out a shuddering sigh as Jay dropped one of his hands to encircle the base of his tail, squeezing him there, tugging gently, changing the pressure slightly where they were joined. Ollie hugged the vulpine tightly for a moment, nuzzling into his neck, feeling remarkably relaxed and at ease.

He pulled back to plant a soft kiss on the fox's cheek, smiling and blushing slightly. Placing his hands on Jay's shoulders, he urged the vulpine to lie back on the grass. Jay watched, bemused as Ollie carefully turned himself, never losing the intimate contact between them, unable to keep his hips from shifting slightly as the changing angles put pressure against his arousal. As the feline completed his turn, Jay sat up, embracing him from behind, nuzzling at his shoulders and making him wriggle at the tickly feeling.

"Does this really feel good?" he asked over Ollie's shoulder, feeling a need to be sure. The feline purred his answer, his hips rocking gently back against Jay's as the vulpine's hands roamed down across his furry stomach.

Jay smiled and let one hand encircle the feline's erection, hearing him gasp as his fingers squeezed the pink flesh, still damp and slippery from earlier. The vulpine hooked his thumb around so that it pressed softly against the very tip of the feline's length and Ollie's purring increased, as did his motions against Jay's lap. Jay hugged the feline tightly, wondering why he had ever been shy about doing such a thing when it was obviously so mutually pleasant. Perhaps a little too pleasant, he realised as the gentle pressure began to make itself known between his legs.

He let his free hand wander down to cup Ollie's furry testicles. The feline's hands landed on his thighs, squeezing hard.

"Uh... sir... I..."

Jay smiled. Leaning backwards, he tugged the feline with him until Ollie was lying on his chest, one of Jay's arms around him, the other still working his arousal. The cat mewled softly, unable to help hunching his hips up into the vulpine's grip. A moment later he gave a soft cry, his head falling back against the vulpine's shoulder as his climax surged through him, leaving him gasping and gripping the fox's buttocks as he curled his legs and tail up between the feline's spread thighs.

The vulpine gritted his teeth as Ollie's warm insides squeezed around him, taking him close to his own peak, but not quite...

Ollie panted, basking in the afterglow of pleasure, his tongue lolling out of his mouth for a few moments before "Sir...?"

"Hmm?" Jay nuzzled behind his ear.

"You still need to...?"

"Um, yeah," the fox wondered why he was blushing now of all times.

Ollie giggled. Taking a firm grip on the vulpine's buttocks with his hands and grasping his legs between his thighs, he rolled sideways, managing to keep the contact between them. He looked back over his shoulder, reminding Jay uncannily of the morning when they had just woken up. Curling his legs up slightly, the feline tugged Jay's knees until the vulpine was pressed tightly against his back from his neck to his ankles.

"I'm all yours, sir," the feline murmured softly, and Jay smiled, gently moving his hips until he felt the pressure between his legs reaching its limits. The feline let his hand wander back to rest on the vulpine's buttock, pulling him forwards gently, letting him know that it was ok to take his pleasure.

Ollie purred as the vulpine pressed up tight under his bottom, the arm around the feline's chest hugging him tightly, pressing his back against the fox's body, smearing the results of the cat's earlier pleasure across his fur.

Jay growled softly as his climax washed over him, his thighs and buttocks tight with the strain as he pressed himself as deeply into his feline lover as he could, cuddling the cat to him. He blinked as he came down from his high, a rush of warm, happy tiredness sweeping over him.

He heard Ellie giggle and opened his eyes to see her looking at him over her brother's head. "I see you two broke the ice," she smiled, and Jay nodded, grinning sheepishly as she curled up in front of her brother, shaping herself to him, pulling his arm over her.

"Uh, sis?"


"You know you're gonna have a sticky back now?"

"Yeah, I know. Mucky kitten..."

Jay's eyes closed and he smiled. Well, he decided, that hadn't exactly been how he had planned to spend the morning, but now that it was done with, he couldn't find a trace of regret. Might as well relax and enjoy whatever their friendship brought with it... there was plenty of time, after all.

"Uh, sis?"


"If you do that, you're gonna have a stickier back..."

Jay chuckled. He had a feeling this could be the beginning of a very interesting friendship indeed...