The Hike by Norco
Sometimes, escaping the stress and crowds of modern, busy cities during a short vacation can lead to permanent and drastic changes in your life...
This is a story commission about my OC getting turned into (and claimed as mate by) a werewolf - written by Norco ( ).
Artwork by Scrappyvamp ( ).
The afternoon sun hung against the deep blue sky, peeking through the scattered clouds that drifted lazily by. Shadows danced slowly across the tops of the trees, blotting the hills and valleys of the undulating forest landscape. A trail cut through the thick woods, winding its way down the mountainside and into the peaceful valley below; a solitary figure moving along it.
As far as motivational posters went, it wasn't a bad one.
Markus sighed, staring at the poster, the only ray of light in his otherwise dull office world. The soft grey walls of his cubicle matched the matted carpet, worn down by years of business casual shoes trodding across its once plush surface. Lights flickered on his desk phone as it ringed incessantly, every one an open line with someone demanding information he didn't have.
"Fifteen more minutes." He sighed, his grey-blue eyes staring intently at the second hand of his watch, watching it make pass after pass around the face. Soon he would be out of this damned office, out of the damned city, and into nature.
He opened up his email, listening as the computer fan clicked loudly in the tower below his desk, selecting one of the many messages marked "URGENT." The constant yammering of his coworkers chatting mixing with the tones and beeps of computers, the rings of phones, the text alerts on cell phones -- it was all slowly driving him insane.
"Hey there Mark!" The high pitched of his cubicle neighbor Marge pierced into his ears, as her head peaked above his cubicle wall. "You all ready for that big meeting tomorrow."
"It's Markus..." He sighed, knowing that no matter how many times he told her this, she would never listen. "I won't be here. I'm taking some vacation time."
"Oh, ho!" She giggled, her constantly rosy cheeks filling her round face. "Going to that resort everyone is talking about? The one with the indoor water slide?"
"No, I'm actually going on a hike." Markus said, turning the volume down on his phone's ringer.
"Oh..." Marge's face fell. "You mean like... out in the woods?"
"That is generally where you hike, yes." He said, his eyes scanning over the email. The urgent matter this time was Janice in accounting making sure there were enough "everything bagels" for tomorrow's meeting.
"Why would anyone want to go all the way out into the woods?" She asked, shaking her head. "There's nothing out there."
Marge shook her head in disbelief and sank back behind the wall.
Fourteen minutes later, Markus burst through the doors of his stuffy office building and into the crowded city. Immediately, his nose was assaulted by the funk of the city; the smells of exhaust and oil mixed with the distinct perfume of overflowing garbage cans and wet newspapers. Choking back the odor, he made his way through the packed streets to the subway station, dodging and weaving around the sea of people that were all moving against him.
The rattle of the subway train bellowed loudly over the murmur of the cramped car. A street artist rapped the underside of a plastic bucket while attempting to scat to the beat, shaking his tip can at anyone who happened to make eye contact. Markus watched the red dot move over the digital map, grimacing every time the speaker crackled to life to announce the next stop. His hand slid across the sticky metal hand hold as he attempted not to bump into any other people in the overcrowded car.
As soon as the metal doors slid open, Markus stepped out of the car, feeling like he could breathe a little easier. The ocean of people moved all around him, squeezing and pushing him as he tried to get out of the damned station. He felt like he was moving through molasses -- which would have been better to step in than whatever it was his shoe just stuck to.
By the time he reached his apartment building, Markus was tired and frustrated. A tightness hung in his chest, slowly ebbing when he was finally alone in the still quiet of his small apartment. He leaned against the door, sighing heavily as he tore off the thick tie that clung to his collar.
Markus rubbed his eyes with his palms as he walked into his living room. Pushing back the building headache, he threw himself onto the couch, kicking off his shoes and unbuttoning his shirt. He pressed his face into the oddly comfortable pillow he kept on the couch, finally feeling the muscles in his body relax some for the first time in weeks.
He hated living in the city. He hated the crowds, he hated the people, he hated the noise, the smells, the smog, the rush and worry. He hated that there was always something, some constant droning noise that pierced any moment of peace he may achieve. Even four stories up, he could still feel and hear the rumble of the city below.
He felt like a single celled organism, living inside of some large cancerous creature.
Markus sat up, pulling his vibrating phone out of his pocket. Another "urgent" email alert danced across the screen as he hit the power button, smiling as the screen turned black. He tossed the phone onto the small coffee table, looking past it and to the large hiking pack that lay against the far wall.
Tomorrow morning his vacation began.
"You sure this is where you want to get off, pal?" the uber driver asked, looking at Markus through the rear view mirror. "There's nothing out here for miles."
"That's kind of the point." Markus said as he looked out of his window. A small trail cut through a large thicket of woods. Greens and browns stood out starkly against the deep blue sky, highlighted by the occasional red and brown that heralded in the beginning of autumn.
"There's a little diner just up the road." The driver offered. "I'd be a lot more comfortable dropping you off there."
"I appreciate it, but this isn't my first rodeo." Markus said, feeling a little foolish using the old adage. After thanking the driver, and handing him a twenty as a tip, he stepped out of the car.
The first thing Markus did was breathe.
He sucked the fresh forest air in through his nose, puffing out his chest underneath his red flannel shirt. The smells of the woods hit him: leaves and dirt, pine and oaks, that distinct yet nearly indescribable scent of fresh air.
"Alright." He smiled, hefting his heavy pack onto his back, pulling out a plastic coated map of the area. "Where to this year..."
Markus' hiking boots crunched through the dead leaves and twigs that littered the clearly marked trail. The occasional nettle clung to his tan hiking pants, waiting to get brushed off somewhere down the path. He looked up at the sky, the few clouds lazily drifting by in the cool morning breeze.
He stopped and listened.
There was no murmur, no rumble, nothing horrible stench.
No people.
It was perfect.
The first signs of autumn hung in the air. The feel of the wind spoke of the harsh winter to come. Not the harshest, but a difficult one nonetheless. There would still be a few weeks before it was here, so there was time to prepare. Hopefully, it would be easier this year.
The woods provided many things. There was always a source of food, a source of shelter, always a way to survive. Most importantly, they provided solitude. Few ventured this far into the thick forest, and those who were foolish enough to do so rarely stayed long... If they made it out at all.
Leaves crunched rhythmically in the distance, signaling the entrance of another fool into the thicket.
How long would this one last?
Markus snuffed out the embers of the morning fire, making sure to douse them with some water from the nearby stream before rolling up his tent. The last wisps of smoke curled into the early morning sky, carried on the cool breeze and melding into the scattered clouds that blotted out the sun. The smell of burnt wood hung around him as Markus picked some of the charcoal burnt wood out of the remains, readying it to use as a filter should he need it.
Placing everything into his pack, he pulled out the plastic coated map and checked his bearings. He had made excellent progress in the past four days, covering more ground than he initially thought he would. Part of the reason was his years of experience hiking, the other was due to his stamina. He wasn't buff, by any means, but he was in a decently good shape.
The other reason he had made good time was the fact that the trail had been incredibly well marked. There were cairns marking the hike every few miles, sometimes just three unusually stacked stones and sometimes two feet high piles of rock. Even still, in any spots where the trail had been grown over some, the tell tale signs of the trail were there: A divot in the ground, the undergrowth not being the same height as the rest around it.
The trail he had been walking was winding between two mountains, following an old river bed that had cut through the hard rock, but had since long dried up. It was the best route through, and all he had to do was follow it up between the mountain and down into the valley. From there it would be just another day's hike to the small town that was his destinations end.
Markus had almost reached the highest point between the two mountains, but stopped dead in his tracks when he turned around a large boulder and saw the view that opened up before him.
A storm must have come through a few weeks ago, because the entire trail ahead of him had been washed out. Large chunks of dirt and rocks mixed in with the trunks of fallen trees covered the path.
Markus looked up, his grey-blue eyes running over the scar in the mountain side that ran all the way down. He sighed, running a hand through his short black hair, bringing it around to scratch the stubble that had grown in over the past few days. "...shit."
Things had been interesting so far. This one had not turned back from the woods; he had, in fact, shown himself to be rather able. He could hunt, he could make fire without the need of additional tools, and he could cover his tracks fairly well. This one had experience.
She admired that.
She had been following him, watching as he made his way through her woods. He had made no mess, killed only for food, and seemed to hold a reverence for his surroundings.
Now, though, he was being challenged.
How would he handle this one?
Grabbing a nearby fallen branch, he tested its weight before poking it into the mass of dirt in front of him.
He was met with a firm "thunk."
"Ok, you should be solid enough." He mused and clambered over the fallen debris, checking the ruined area against his map. This was the only trail that led to his destination, any other way would have him doubling back and taking more time than he had.
"Ok, I can do this." He assured himself, pulling the map back up. His fingers traced the colored lines that dances around the page.
"Let's see..." He murmured, following his finger. "If I follow the curve of the mountain west, I can meet up with this trail, which should connect to the original path..."
He sighed, looking up at the clouds in the morning sky.
It was going to be a long day.
By noon, Markus had trudged over much of the fallen debris, making his way around most of the side of the mountain. He had slipped a few times and nearly fallen once, but he held his own. He rounded another blind turn and nearly ran into a large sheet of rock that was blocking the path. A chunk of the mountain had come out, falling across the path and jutting outward.
The rock was sheer and sleek, impossible to climb over or around. Markus sighed, he would have to double back and look for another way. That's when he saw it.
The good news was that he found the path.
The bad news was that it about 400 feet below him, nestled at the bottom of an incredibly steep, decline covered in thick vegetation.
Grabbing the branch he brought with him, Markus walked to the edge of the decline and looked down.
"Ok, going straight down would be suicide." he worked through his situation. "I should be able to zigzag my way down from tree to tree..."
He sat on the edge, lowering his legs carefully into the thick undergrowth. He used the branch for leverage as he found footing in the slick leaves that coated the ground. Cautiously, he began working his way to the thin tree to the right. With each step he moved to the side and slightly down, gripping the undergrowth as he went.
When there was no more ground to the right, he turned, and repeated the same process going left. Rough bark and nettles scraped at his arms and legs as he moved, some cutting through his thick shirt. He winced as he picked a thick burr out of his arm and tossed it down the steep side.
"Stupid piece of..." That was all Markus was able to say before his foot slipped on the slick leaves.
The world spun around him as Markus began tumbling down the steep face. Sky and ground swirled into one as branches and leaves slapped him. His body thudded against the slope, the vibrations shaking through him as his arms flailed, reaching for a grip.
Markus dug his fingers into the dirt, hoping to grab onto anything he could. The thin trunk of a tree fell into his grip, he tossed his other hand around it and held on as hard as he could. It pulled slightly out of the ground, but its roots held, bringing him to a stop in the middle of a thick bush.
His feet kicked until they found a hold, cementing him into place. He looked up the slope, scanning the path of destruction it made. He had slid nearly a quarter of the way down the slope, and had he not been able to grab the tree, it looked like he would have tumbled the whole way down.
He turned, looking through the thick leaves of the bush for a way to go, hardly being able to see through. Forward was out, it was either right or left. He wasn't too sure how far to the side he had slid, but figured the best was to go was right.
Shimmying along the slope, he zigged along to the right until he had to zag to the left. About halfway back he stopped, looking ahead.
Just to the left of the bush he was in, the slope turned into a sheer cliff face, dropping down to a series of jagged rocks.
"That ... would have been bad." He muttered.
Markus spent the better part of the afternoon working his way down the slope, stopping every so often to catch his breath and check his progress. By the time he finally made it to the bottom, his legs were shaking and his hands were raw. With a sigh, Markus looked up the mountain and smirked.
"You didn't beat me today." He smiled, rubbing his sore shoulder. He turned to walk, when his foot caught an exposed root, causing him to trip. For the second time the world spun around him, before stopping abruptly when he thudded against the ground.
"Touche, mountain."
This one was resilient. He was clever. He could adapt.
It had been a long time since She had seen one as capable as him.
He would be hers.
Markus moved along the trail much more slowly than he would have liked. The tumble had taken its toll on his body, making his muscles ache with each step. The woods were oddly quiet in this area, not many birds sang and very few things skittered around the underbrush. His ears picked up on the few sounds that happened around him, but they were mostly filled with his own breathing and footfalls.
A twig snapped in the distance, causing him to stop for a moment. He turned, swearing he felt eyes on him from somewhere. He scanned the area before shaking it off, blaming his tumble.
By the time the sun had just finished setting and the clouds rang of roses and purples, Markus had set up his small tent and had a small fire going in a clearing. Wisps of smoke curled up into the night sky, dancing across the face of the full moon. Markus groaned as he reached for his water bottle, reveling in the cool water as it slid down his parched throat.
He checked his map, the moon and firelight doing more than enough to help him see. It would be a simple walk back to town in the morning. He could make it there by noon, check in at the local inn and recuperate.
A snap of a twig brought Markus out of his haze. Again he felt eyes on him from the darkness. He stood, peering around the small clearing, the hairs on the back of his neck tingling; but he saw nothing.
"It's probably just a-"
Markus' thought was interrupted by a sudden and intense world of pain. A grey blur rushed up on him, knocking him down. Stars danced in his vision as the back of his head hit the ground. He blinked, just in time to see teeth and claws fill his vision.
Pain flared all over his body as sharp claws tore through his clothing. Thick, black claws raked across his flesh, leaving stinging red lines all over his his torso and legs as they turned his shirt and pants to shreds. Fangs flashed in front of his eyes as hot saliva speckled his face. Markus tired to fight back, when searing pain bloomed in his right shoulder as he felt claw rake against bone.
Before he could react, the beast disappeared, its thick legs thumping across the ground as they carried it into the woods.
"Fffffffuck!" Markus coughed, every inch of his skin on fire. He sat up, the bitter rusty tang of blood hung in the back of his dry throat. He looked down at his right shoulder, wincing at the sight.
Four deep gashes cut across the top of his arm and shoulder, exposing the muscle and tissue that lay deep under his skin. He gripped the wound tightly with his left hand, sucking air in through his teeth as pain flared under his grip.
As carefully as he could, Markus moved to his knees, discovering more cuts along his legs as they ground into the dirt. He gritted his teeth, moving his legs under him as his racing heart began to slow slightly.
His grunts turned into a scream as he rose to his feet, his vision blurring for a moment before becoming crisp again, a few floating stars still remaining. The tattered remains of his shirts and pants slid off of his wounded frame, crumpling to the ground in a bloody pile, leaving Markus standing in nothing but his hiking boots.
Warm liquid fell into his left eye as Markus looked down, filling his vision with sticky redness. He reached up carefully with his right hand, dabbing the skin just above his eyebrow. He pulled his fingers back, finding them covered in more blood from the cut that hung in his forehead.
"Shit..." He said, doing a mental tally of the damage he had sustained. He was cut deep, and he was losing blood fast. If he didn't get help soon he would be dead. If he couldn't find help before that beast came back...
He shook his head, not wanting to come to terms with that thought. He anxiously looked around for his backpack with the first aid kit - but it was nowhere to be found.
Markus gripped his right shoulder tighter as the pain flared, and began walking. He was only a few hours from town, if he could hold out until he reached an emergency room, or a hospital...
Part of his brain knew he was in shock. He had to give himself small, manageable tasks to do until his full senses came back.
The first task was to get to town.
Blossoms of pain shot through his body with every step he took, his muscles trembling as he struggled to move forward. He knew there was a stream up ahead, if he could make it to that, he could follow it to town.
"Gotta keep moving..." He grunted, the burning in his shoulder starting to spread. Sweat poured across his body, trying to cool the burning heat as he moved, naked through the cool night air.
The sound of a babbling stream came to Markus' ears, the rounded tops of them pointing slightly as it grew louder. The full moon lit the path enough for him to see the stream cutting through the ground in front of him.
His body began to shake as he neared it, an intense heat building inside of him. The cool waters of the stream calling to him when he reached the edge. Wincing in pain as he leaned down, Markus looked at the clear water, and felt his body fall into it.
The chilled water of the stream turned red as it washed the excess blood off of his body. The shock of the coolness taking Markus' mind off of the pain momentarily as he emerged from the water, steam rising off of his hot skin into the cool night air.
He stepped out of the water, looking at the cuts in his skin. He stopped, not sure if his eyes were playing tricks on him, or if it was the shock, but he swore they were smaller and there were dark hairs growing around the wounds on his arm.
"I need to get some help..."
This one was tough. He did not wail or scurry when injured, he kept his head.
The evening breeze running past her nose brought his scent to her, lingering under the sweet blood. It was different than before, much nicer.
She liked it.
She would follow him.
Hot breath puffed out in the night air in front of Markus as he trudged through the woods. His mind spun, body aching with every movement, as he tried to make sense of what was happening. Whatever had attacked him had infected him with ... something. Dark grey hairs prickled out along his arm and shoulder, tickling his hot skin as he moved. Fine silver hairs poked out between the muscles on his chest, moving down to meet the trail of silver fur growing up from his groin.
Blood oozed over the fingers that held his slowly healing wounds together, his growing fur tickling them as they moved. Thoughts raced through his mind, fighting to be heard over the pain.
A new sensation arose in his hands as pressure slowly built in the tips of his fingers. Markus looked at his hand, watching as his finger nails thickened and grew. They pushed out, gently tugging at his cuticles as their material darkened, taking on a grey hue.
"Claws?" He muttered, looking at his hand thinking "Why claws? Claws were good for tearing, for gripping, for rending the flesh of his prey..."
Markus shook his head, dark fur moving up his neck as the muscles tensed. His ears twitched as they pulled out from the sides of his head, lighter colored fur dusting their backs as the waxy insides grew thinner.
His longer ears twitched, picking up a light rustling in the bushes behind him. He snarled instinctively, his upper lip twitching over his growing canines. The fur on the back of his neck bristled, the feeling that something was following him was running through his mind.
Forward, he had to keep moving forward. Fur tickled along his thighs, moving to meet the soft silver fur that coated his groin. Light hairs moved down the length of his penis, meeting the fur that now coated his testicles. His member twitched slightly at the sensation, its skin squirming and shifting.
His boots felt suddenly tight and cramped. He leaned down, attempting to untie the paracord laces with his thick fingers. He quickly grew frustrated, growling as he tore into the fabric with his new claws. The boots fell to shreds around his swelling feet, just as a similar pressure built in his toes. His toenails thickened, sharp points forming as they pushed out into claws.
Markus looked at the remnants of the material stuck to the claws on his fingers, watching as the skin on the palm of his right hand turned grey and rough. Thick pads puffed out along his palm and fingers, dark fur prickling out around them.
He took another step, feeling the cold ground on the bottom of his bare feet as a new pressure build in his face.
His teeth grew into fangs, crowding his mouth while his tongue grew longer and flatter. Bone ground and crunched noisily in his head as his jaw pushed slightly forward, fur growing out along his jawline.
Muscles twitched and tensed in his back as fur crept over his hips. His spine crackled and crunched, a nub of flesh poking out above his rear as the muscles of his cheeks firmed. Dark fur quickly grew to cover the new flesh as is pulsed outwards.
Markus struggled to keep his focus when his face pushed out further. His nose darkened, the texture of his skin pebbling as it turned leathery and damp. Another crunch pushed his muzzle out an inch, the grey furred top of it coming into the bottom of his vision. Markus stumbled, leaning against a tree as his feet snapped. He looked down to watch his toes thicken and push forward, feeling the bones and sinew snap and stretch as rough pads formed on their undersides. Fur tickled between his toes as he stretched his foot, wiggling his toes, his long claws digging into the dirt.
The cool breeze tickled his growing ears as it wrapped around his head, bringing a new world of scents to him. He sniffed the air, new nose twitching as a thousand new scents filled his mind. He could smell the dirt, the leaves, the stream. He smelled himself, his sweat. He smelled the deer half a mile in the distance.
He smelled her.
A deep, thick musk filled his nose, stirring thoughts in the back of his mind. His furred penis bobbed slightly as the skin around his tip thickened and separated. He tilted his head, sniffing for the source. She was somewhere behind him, watching him.
Markus shook his head, his senses returning. He needed help, he had to move.
His stride grew longer and his steps more powerful as the muscles in his legs thickened. He nearly bounded through the forest on his long paws. He was moving quickly, but ... it would be faster to run, wouldn't it? Running on all fours, darting through the trees, that would...
His face snapped forward again, muzzle nearly complete, the pain bringing his senses back for a moment. He looked over his body, now unrecognizable to him under the plush fur and muscles. If he could just...
The world became blurry for a moment as his eyes refocused, everything around him becoming sharper and clear. Markus looked past his long snout, seeing the world in a new way. The moon lit everything around him, bathing the woods in a comforting glow. He looked at the the leaves, the birds in the sky, the deer tracks in the path in front of him...
"Deeuuurrrr." He grunted, his long tongue flopping oddly in his long mouth. His stomach growled as he scented the air, quickly catching the deer's scent. Hunger clouded his brain as he leaned down, sniffing at the ground. He could tell the deer was male, that it was strong.
Markus moved quickly and silently on his widening paws, his pads muffling his steps as he tracked the scent of the animal. His pace picked up as he imagined it would be easy prey. He imagined his claws rending its flesh, his long fangs sinking into the delicious meat, its blood pouring down his throat as he licked his hands clean.
Fur bristled out along his long tail as it swished behind him, gently bumping against the thinning bushes. He followed his nose through the woods until a light caught his attention.
Markus found himself at the edge of the woods, standing atop a large hill overlooking the lights of the small town nestled in the valley below. The sight of the town brought him back to his senses. Town meant people. People meant help. Help could...
His thoughts were interrupted when the breeze brought her scent to him again. He sniffed in deeply, feeling his fur covered member twitch, his round head turning red. Her rich scent filled his mind, and he felt his body turning back towards the woods.
No. Need help. Need. Help.
Markus turned towards the town and began moving down the hill.
She was angry, but impressed. He was strong. She watched him move down the hill with grace and speed. He had adapted to his body quickly.
His mind would follow eventually.
Her body ached terribly at the thought of his return. She rubbed her clawed fingers over her lower lips, feeling them moisten at her touch. Hot juices leaked from her nethers, soaking into the dirt below.
She was ready for her mate.
She would be ready for his return.
Markus bound down the hill, fighting the urge to run on all fours. The sounds of the small town grew louder to his long ears as the smells of suburban life hit him. Bitter and sweet scents mingled as the wind brought the smell of a late season grilling to him. He salivated, licking his black lips, wanting to run to it.
No! He growled in frustration as he bound towards the nearest property. A long wooden fence separated the large yard from the woods, helping to protect the two story home that sat beyond it. The windows of the house were dark and there was no movement inside. But there could be a phone. He could call for help.
Markus gripped the top of the fence with his large hands, readying to pull himself up. He lifted a paw, digging his claws into the old wood slightly, but as soon as he put his weight on it, it gave way.
Markus fell to the ground, landing on his right shoulder, slightly opening the deep gashes that were mostly healed by now. Pain flared through his body again, but this time it brought something different.
Instead of yelling, he felt a pressure building in his chest. A yearning, an urge not to yell, but to call to others for aid.
An urge to howl.
Markus threw his head back, feeling his throat rumble as the air in his chest moved upwards. A loud, deep howl resonated through his body and pierced into the night air. His lips moved over his fangs as his song blew past them. He stood, rising on his large feet as the howl came to an end.
A moment later, a response came from the distance.
His ears perked as he cocked his head, listening as a female's howl came over the trees. It was both sweet and sorrowful. It was a song of loneliness, a song of yearning.
Something clicked in his head as he turned to the forest. He howled again, telling her that he heard, that he understood.
She called him back.
He stepped back towards the hill, listening to her bittersweet howl fill the night air. Without hesitation, he dropped to all fours and bound back up the hill. His large hands and heavy paws thudded against the soft earth as they kicked up chunks of dirt in his climb back up. As soon as he reached the top of the hill, her scent hit him.
He sniffed the ground, filling his nose with the deep, rich scent of her. She was all around the area, small pools of her scent littered the edge of the woods, leading deeper in. She had been following him before, now, it was his turn to follow her.
His member stirred, the furred skin of his penis pulling up against his stomach as his tip poked out, red and slick. It bobbed under him as he walked, tickling against the fur of his stomach as he followed her trail.
He moved into a small clearing, stopping when he saw her.
The same wolf that had attacked him, standing on her hind legs, covered in beautiful silver fur that ran from the tips of her ears down to the end of her slowly swishing tail. She ran a clawed finger lazily through the damp fur of her crotch as he approached.
She eyed him, her deep amber eyes watching as he carefully pawed his way near her. She dropped to all fours, swishing her tail to spread more of her scent in the clearing. He breathed it in, his member straining with need as it bounced underneath him.
He watched as she took a long sniff, her eyes closing as a smile crept across her muzzle. His head spun with thoughts and desires as she gently rolled him onto his back. Her sleek body crept between his powerful legs, his long feet hanging in the air above her. He felt the fur of her shoulders push against the fur of his powerful thighs as she reached for his aching member.
Rough pads delicately caressed the slick red skin of his penis, the soft fur of her fingers tickling it. She gently squeezed it with one hand, while she ran her claws through the fur of his stomach, watching as his tip twitched in her grip, turning into a point.
She licked her lips, eyeing him hungrily as she ran her long tongue along the length of him. Markus bucked his hips at the feeling of her wide, rough tongue sliding against his slick member. Thousands of new nerve endings lit up as she savored his salty taste.
The she wolf picked her head up and tilted it forward as she took his entire member in her mouth. Sharp teeth carefully ran along its surface as she bobbed up and down on him, her tongue wrapping around his shaft as it grew thicker and longer. She inhaled deeply every time she worked, reveling in the thick masculine musk that was emanating from the fur of his groin, feeling his scent drive her wild.
Markus reached down, wrapping his hands around her large ears as she worked him. Part of his mind screamed that everything about this was wrong, that this thing was a beast. The other part of him was giving in, reveling in the sensations, in her.
A pressure built in his chest as he felt himself nearing orgasm. His breath quickened and a snarl came to his lips when he felt her strong hand land on his chest. She released his slick, saliva covered member to the cool night air and stood.
He looked at her, confused, but was met with a wicked grin. She pulled him with her amber eyes towards her as she lay back, running her fingers through the damp fur around her folds.
Instinct took over as Markus realized he must give his mate her turn. He gripped her silver furred thighs in his massive hands, careful not to scratch her as he leaned in.
The heat and scent coming from her was like nothing he had ever known. Thick juices dripped from her dark folds, bringing with them a wild, deep scent. He ran his nose through the fur just above her opening, letting her scent stick to him before he felt his own large tongue dart out.
He ran his tongue along the length of her opening, his mouth flaring to life at the taste of her. Her slick flesh moved under his ministrations, opening wider and allowing his rough tongue to plunge deeper and deeper with each lick.
His member twitched as her scent grew richer and thicker. Soft growls rumbled through her as she moved her legs further apart, giving him more access. She groped at her breasts, squeezing and rubbing them as he worked, her head tilted back, eyes half closed in bliss.
Markus watched as a small nub of flesh in her folds engorged. Her clitoris. He carefully reached a clawed finger up to it, moistening it in the juices of her folds before placing the rough pad on it. He began moving his finger in small circles as he continued lapping at her, taking pride in the sensations he was giving her.
The she wolf's breath quickened as the muscles of her groin and thighs began to twitch. The long claws of her feet dug into the dirt as her thighs clamped around his head, holding him there as she neared release. She threw her head back in a silent howl, only small whimpers able to escape her throat as burst after burst of her rich fluids poured out of her, onto Markus's long face.
She had never before felt such a sensation, such ecstasy.
She opened her legs, allowing him to clean the fur around her opening for a moment, before sitting up and licking his face. She tasted herself on him as she stood, reveling in the flavor. She padded over to a fallen tree, her legs still shaking as she turned and raised her tail.
He had earned his place.
Markus rose to all fours, walking to her as his aching member rubbed against his stomach. He stood, looking into the eyes of his mate as he gripped his member in his hand, lining it up with her opening. The heat still coming from her danced across his pointed tip as he placed one hand on her shoulder, and guided himself into place.
Hot, slick, velvety softness erupted around his sensitive member as he pushed into her. They both hissed in delight at the sensation as he slowly began rocking his hips. Her tail brushed against his chest as he leaned forward slightly, grabbing at her breasts as he worked.
Markus felt himself growing as he was lost in the sensations. Her thick walls squeezed against his thickening member as the last and final parts of his transformation took place. Fur and claws locked into place as his muzzle clicked. Whiskers pushed out from above his black lips as his long feet grew slightly wider.
Finally, as he pumped into his mate, the base of his penis began to swell. He growled in frustration as his thrusts were quickly cut off by his growing knot. His mate pushed herself against him, whining and whimpering in bliss as he worked. Finally, he grabbed both her shoulders and thrust in as hard as he could.
She yelped as his knot popped into her, but resumed her panting. Markus found his thrusts shorter as he pumped, his breath picking up to match his mate's panting. They leaned over the log, their claws digging long gouges into the bark as they thrust against each other.
Markus felt himself coming close as he pumped. He flashed his long fangs and bit into the back of her shoulder as his fur covered balls tensed. He felt his shaft swell within her tight walls as his dam broke, sending burst after burst of his seed deep within her.
She howled in both pain and bliss as she felt his member swell. Her walls clamped down on his member as her hot juices gushed around it. Her muscles tensed over and over, milking her mate for everything he had.
Despite his knot, their fluids dripped out of her opening, soaking into their fur and falling to the ground below in thick puddles. Markus and his mate panted as, together, they moved to the ground before falling asleep, spent.
The first signs of early morning light hung in the sky when Markus began to stir. He found himself still inside his mate, but his knot had gone down enough for him to pull out of her warm embrace. He looked over her, watching as she slowly woke, her amber eyes looking on him with affection. He nuzzled against her, breathing in her scent as he wrapped a large furry arm around her stomach. They would leave the clearing soon, but for now, he was happy.
She woke gently to see her mate watching over her. She was no longer alone to face the harsh winter. She had chosen well.
He wrapped himself around her, placing a hand on her stomach. She placed her large paw on top of his. Yes. Protect this spot. Soon, the winter would arrive, but spring would bring them much more.
A small family, left alone in the middle of the woods.
It was perfect.