Growvember Day 19

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#19 of Growvember Series

Strong language in this one.

Bryant starts to give in to the realization of how unstoppable he is at his size, just before one of his biggest fights occurs against an old foe.


November 19th

My eyes slowly opened the next day, remembering where I was. I had made sure to sleep far enough from the city in case I grew over night, not wanting to damage anything if I could help it. Chris had taken what he could safely of vehicles into his hands, heading back to the group and to get more help. The citizens who remained behind were told to take shelter where they could, though I wasn't sure how well that would work when you have a couple thousand tons of bunny stomping down around you.

I took a deep breath, trying to go over my plan. I was going to try and keep this macro as far away from the city I could, if possible, and try to knock him out, if I could. I didn't want to kill again if I could avoid it. The incident with the skunk was just a heat of the moment reaction, and the tiger I couldn't do anything about.

Standing, I decided to try and take in the scope of my current size. Everything was definitely further away once more, giving me a slight sense of vertigo until I adjusted. I got as close as I could to the city, trying to measure myself against the tallest skyscraper and estimate my size. I didn't like the result.

"A thousand feet. I finally broke a thousand..." I whispered under my breath, the skyscraper only came up to my knees. If I wanted, I could easily reach down and rip it up like some flower. No one could stop me from doing it either if I thought about it. The others weren't near me at all, and I could blame any wreckage on the fight.

I didn't want to do it to be mean, but...I just wanted to test my strength. Just to experience doing it. It was a whole skyscraper! Whenever in my life time would I get a chance to do this? To experience this kind of thing again in my life?

My hand was slowly reaching for the structure the more I thought about it, crouching down to easily pick it up. I licked my lips slowly, my breathing more labored.

"Just one, it won't hurt..." I whispered under my breath.

Sense quickly kicked in as I jerked my hand back.

"No. No. No." I huffed, standing back up and stepping back as I held my hand to my chest, shaking and taking deep breaths. This size, this power, was frightening, and it was slowly getting to me. Were we all going to end up like the rogue macros? Is that what turned them into these tyrants in the first place? They gave into the power?

"And here I thought you were going to steal all my fun."

My body went stiff and rigid, my ears going straight up.


I turned quickly but already a fist was flying straight into my face, knocking me back. I forced my one foot back, stepping into the city with a thud, feeling buildings crumbling under my step as I braced myself to not fall. I blinked my eyes to focus, looking at my attacker.

"Seriously? You?" My eyes narrowed as I focused on the red fox before me.


"Yeah, me asshole." He growled, charging forward, the ground beneath him reshaping itself and cracking from the weight and pressure. I wanted to dodge, but I knew if I did, he'd going tearing right through the city. I had totally blown any plans I had ready for this fight. Instead, I braced myself and dug in, feeling the earth shape around my toes and heels as he rammed into me, slowly pushing me back. I grunted at the impact, trying to hold him down against my stomach and began punching him in the side. We were nearly the same height and build, so it was a completely even match.

Seeing he wasn't getting me anywhere, he tried to grab my leg and lift it up. I took this chance and went with it, bringing my knee up and cracking him in the nose. He definitely felt that as he released and stumbled back, holding his snout, blood pouring from it. Yeah, I knew it was a weakness having taking a blow there myself. I just had to think of the softer parts of the body to hit to try and deal any damage.

"Mother fucker! You broke it!" He snarled, glaring at me.

"Go away Chris. Leave the city alone and stop terrorizing the normal folk. They're trying to help us!" I growled, trying to get in some kind of stance.

"You still believe that? You're a fucken moron. They set this up. We got one of the scientists to spill it before we crushed his skull." He sneered. I was stunned. Was it true? Were we being lied to this whole time?

I shook my head, glaring.

"You idiot. You tortured him into talking didn't you? He probably said that hoping you let him live." I growled. The fox shrugged.

"So we broke an arm and leg. The point is we got the truth!" He charged once again. I knew I couldn't keep fighting defensively with the city directly behind me. I was going to have to sacrifice some damage, but I stepped to the side and grabbed his arm as he swung, swinging him a bit through the city and flinging him back across the countryside. He rolled across it, for a bit, homes and structures completely flattened underneath his size as he staggered back to his feet.

"Why are you defending them anyway? I saw what you were doing. You feel it too don't you? We are GODS! Don't you get that. We keep growing, their weapons become more and more useless to us. We knew this, hence taking out the satellites and nukes. They can't use them against us now. We rule this world!" He snarled, trying to circle and find an opening. I winced as he spoke, indeed feeling like I was just some greater being.

"I bet that idiot Chris kept spouting that nonsense to you about his fetishes too hasn't he? Some pretty kinky stuff. I bet he was dying to try some of it for real." He wiped his nose again, snorting some of the blood.

"Shut. Up." I growled, glaring, letting my anger get the better of me.

"Wow, did I hit a mark? I guess he did tell you didn't he? How many buildings did he fuck?"

"Fucker!" I roared and charged forward myself, taking a wild swing that he jumped to the side of, tackling me again. We both skidded into the ground as he climbed on top of me, pressing his forearm against my throat, trying to choke me.

"Holy shit! He did didn't he? I bet you joined in too didn't you? You couldn't resist! You're no better than us!" He face was right in mine as he laughed, blood dripping on my cheeks as I clawed at his arm to move it, to try and get some breath. No one was coming to my aid this time, Nicolas wasn't going to come in and pull him off like he had done to the macro during my first fight.

It was getting harder to think. Things were starting to fade. Only one idea came to my mind.

I removed my one hand from his arm and reached down, grabbing his balls and squeezing as hard as I could.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" He screamed, instantly letting me go as he tugged back, trying to get free of my grip. I gasped for breath and pushed him off, rolling to the side and coughing.

"Fucken faggot!" He jumped at me, barely giving me time to recover as I rolled once more to the side, but his jaws clenched on my leg. I cried out in pain feeling his teeth sink in deeply, kicking as hard as I could and forcing him off, letting him crash to the ground face first. Taking my chance, I jumped on his back, wrapping my arms around his neck into a choke hold.

"Fucken...!" He started to claw at my arm, digging in and ripping out fur and flesh. I gritted my teeth, trying to hold on as hard as I could, but holding back to not break his neck. I didn't want to kill. I couldn't. He was still Chris's friend.

His attacks were getting weaker, his voice hoarser, but finally his body went limp. I slowly released and quickly sat on his chest, making sure to keep him pinned and ready to strike a blow to his head if he tried to move. But he was out cold. I slid off and sat beside him, coughing as I tried to recover, and just waited for the others.

They arrived around noon, the military in tow. Chris came back with Nicolas, both stopping to see me torn up and who I was sitting beside.

"Holy shit, Bryant!" Chris came running forward, but I held up my hand to stop him.

"Careful, there are still people down there." My voice was hoarse from the choking still. Chris nodded, watching the ground and stepping around, then seeing who I was sitting by.

"My god...Kevin? Is he..."

I shook my head.

"I was able to just knock him out." I coughed.

"Good, maybe we can get some info out of him then where the others are. Nicolas and I can take him back. Mary is on Nick's shoulder to help communicate. We came prepared." He looked over me, seeing my arm and leg bleeding badly.

"Man, why did you hold back? He was trying to kill you." Chris looked at me closer up and down slowly.

"i don't want to...kill...anymore..." I coughed once more, before everything fading to black.