DragonZ Chapter 20 --End of Act III--

Story by Azur the m0vi3drag0n on SoFurry

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--Battle for Ragnarok--

>UGAC Raines Adrian, J

>DragonZ Squad

>10 miles out of Enemy Territory and Stronghold

>9:14:39 a.m.

The dawn came to us after a long party and other things. We rallied up the ready and able bodied dragons and the team and headed out to the enemy's territory, the heart of The Darkness and the last of the Dino army. I don't know how we are going to attack them but, that didn't matter, everyone here is ready to die to free their loved ones.

Since the dino's are mostly ground forces, we flew. The dragons flew along with Kiddo, Kelsey, Masiaf, the Soul Calibur and I. The rest of the squad was in prototype fighter jets called "Dragonflies", and they were armed to the teeth. They were outfitted with dual gatling laser cannons with a fire rate of 150 bolts per second, 4 missile hives 2 on each wing, and a gauss cannon to top it off; these things were fast too, topped off at Mach 4. Sad thing was that we only had two. The dragons had prototype weapons as well; they wielded copies of my lancer assault rifle but, with acid laced proton rounds.

The Soul Calibur was finally fixed up 110% better than before. We rigged it with a Draconic Power Crystal supercharge with Twilight energy and had it focused into a powerful beam that devastates anything and anyone; we plan on using it on the Dino Stronghold. We nicknamed the weapon 'Electric Eye.'

"Adrian to the Soul Calibur, I need an ETA on the Dino Stronghold over." I called into the intercom.

"Peppy here. It's just 10 miles out, we'll be there in 3 minutes tops over."

"Roger over an out." I finished and held up my gun signaling for the mass army I had to ready their weapons. Ten thousand clicks and cocking sound filled my ears, a few hundred dragons roared into the sun. "Squad form up on me!" I diaphragmed and they moved up on me. "I'm in charge of the ground teams, Dragonfly 2 you got the skies we'll need your teams to provide air-support if needed and protect the Soul Calibur at all costs copy."

Fox answered, "Copy we gotcha covered."

"Masiaf, you and the Soul Calibur will be the biggest targets out there, think you can handle it?"

"With a Dragon God at my side, I can take anything they can throw at me."

"Glad to hear it." I flew over to him and patted him on the head.

He looked at me in amazement, "You...you touched me..."

"Yeah for good luck." I flew back into formation.

Masiaf thought to himself he touched me...he...gave me a blessing...yes...Yes...YES! He roared into first light and the ten thousand dragons roared with him.

"Put me on the megaphone Slip." I said followed by a shriek from the speakers. Everyone listened in, "We have three minutes until we get to our destination and I would like to say just four words," I paused, "LET'S...KICK SOME ASS!"

The entire army roared again and now they're ready for battle. Kiddo flew over to me and asked for the mic so I handed it to him, "Everyone this is Kiddo Garrus. I need everyone to listen up."

Everyone looked to Kiddo still flying forward unto dawn. "I going to be honest with you all...all of us might not be able to survive this fight...we have asked the United Galaxy Alliance Corp for assistance but, they said it was still too risky to leave Snowforge. We are on our own. But that doesn't mean we should give up now." He paused and glared at all of them. "Take a look at yourselves...the brothers next to you...feel the bond that you will soon share with him. Take a look at what's in your hands...those are the tools to stop these vermin, these savages. Now look at what is inside you...the two most powerful weapons any dragon can have. YOUR FIRE!" The roars came back louder, "AND YOUR HEART!" The roars almost at its peak, "DRAGONS! TODAY WE EITHER DIE FIGHTING OR WE DIE TRYING!" The roars at the peak. So loud they echo throughout the galaxy, "WE FINISH THIS FIGHT TODAY!"

Selina radioed me, "Sir reaching destination in 5...4..."

I took a deep breath this is it...the final battle for Ragnarok.

_ _"3...2..."

My nerves fastened and steeled. My Twilight powers charged and my scales and eyes changed to its black and white to show.


One dragon roared above all and his voice was heard as, "LONG LIVE LORD GARRUS AND THE DRAGON GOD!"

"Destination Reached."

We came over the ridge and there they were. Not knowing of our attack perfect I said to myself. "FOR RAGNAROK!"

The attack had begun. Bullets piercing the sky and into Dino skin. It was a beautiful sight to behold, the Dragonflies began their maneuvers and fought against anti-air, ground forces, and enemy fighters.

"TOUCH...DOWN!" I commanded and the army touched down onto the ground and begun their fight. Ranging from ranged combat, close quarters, and hand to hand combat. "DRAGONZ ON ME!" We touched down in the heart of the fight, and fought close with the Dino's.

We all used our special set of skills to our advantage, Sasha and Kelsey used their flexibility and speed, Gun and Wolf used their massive mini-gauss cannons and their rage, Kiddo with the strength of his Will and the King's Great Claymore sharp enough to cut through diamond, and I used my Twilight in small bursts not to harm the others.

Two T-Rex's came up to me, one with a massive hammer and the other had a small portion of The Darkness's power in him. The hammer Rex charged first and I swiftly dodged out of the way, grabbed it by the throat, and slammed it down to the ground with such a force that the head was severed with ease.

"Oh I'm sorry. Was that your boyfriend?" I taunted and the Power Rex blew up in rage. The dark energy surrounded him in streams and waves that it shook the very earth beneath my feet. "Kiddo! Get the squad out of here!"

Kiddo glanced over and saw the Power Rex then motioned to the others to take their fight elsewhere.

The dark energy came to its mouth and the Rex spewed forth a black and purple beam of energy that hit me in the chest. I fell backward and caught myself mid fall using my tail and repelled it using my own immense power. We locked eye to eye and struggled to overpower one another, I stepped forward violently in an effort to reverse the flow of energy.

We toiled and tussled against one another then I heard him grunt, yes I thought he's weakening. I narrowed my wings and pulled my hands in like I was grabbing a sphere to absorb the dark energy. The Power Rex gave in and ceased to exert anymore, I had my hands closed in around the ball of dark energy and I pushed it into my right arm. The dark energy flowed through my right arm ready to be released; I ambled over to the now powerless Rex on his knees "Think this belongs to you." I arched my arm back and threw my body into the crushing uppercut. As my fist made contact with his jaw his entire head disintegrated, no blood spilled, no bones left, not even dust.

"Oh yeah! I saw that from up here Adrian!" Falco enlightened.

"Now THAT ladies and gentlemen...IS overkill!" I roared.

"Sir. The Soul Calibur is approaching the target zone." Selina reported.

"Got it. Don't forget the ship and all forces needed to be at least 2000 meters away to avoid the blast." I instructed.

"Aye aye sir."

>UGAC Fox McCloud

>DragonZ Squad/Starfox

> Enemy Stronghold

>9:18:48 a.m.

Above in the skies, the Dragonflies and Masiaf met little resistance but had more than enough anti-air fire barraging them. Masiaf drew his head back and bellowed

a beam of electricity to short circuit the A-A batteries, this allowed Fox and Falco to fly in and fire the gauss cannons. The maneuver was a successful hit and run.

Falco sighed in relief, "Whew. That's a load off our shoulders."

"You can say that again." Fox related.

Masiaf chuckled a bit, "Haha! I haven't done that in centuries!"

"Alright guys don't get cocky out there. The battle is still going on. Slippy I need you to...Slippy?" Peppy looked around on the deck.

"YOUR NOTGOING TO FINISHING THIS WITHOUT ME!" Slippy flew into the fight with an Arwing from the Starfox. Slippy barrel rolled left and blew 3 Dino fighters out of the sky that were lining up shots on Fox and Falco. "BOO-YAH!"

"AH HAHA! That 'a boy Slip!" Falco shouted in amazement.

"Slippy! What the hell do you think you're doing I need you here."

"Fuck that! Besides AH Selina can do more than I can anyway."

"It is true Peppy. Better me than him. After all I can't fly anything else but the ship."

"Ok ok!" Peppy went back to work on pinpointing a weakness in the Stronghold.

Mean while in the dog fight in the sky, Fox, Falco, Slippy, and Masiaf fought vigorously with the enemy on the ground and with Terradactiles and other Dino's in poorly made fighters. Both did not prove a fair fight against the Dragonflies and the Arwing, but the Dino fighters can in waves by the hundreds, keeping them busy.

>UGAC Wolfgang "Wolf" Rasputin

>DragonZ Squad

> Enemy Stronghold

>9:19:22 a.m.

The fight on the ground was going just as planned. The dragons fought against the hordes of Dinos almost effortlessly, as more Dino's charged out of the stronghold the faster they fell in their own pool of blood.

Wolf and Gun were back to back again like at the castle, hip-firing at the accumulating multitude. .50 caliber rounds flying through the air, piercing through Dino armor plating like it was paper. The two held onto their enormous gatling guns for dear life.

"126!" Gun howled her body count to Wolf.

"145!" Wolf shouted his back at her in amusement.

Gun growled and screamed in anger and pleasure as her body count continued to sky rocket. Wolf looked back at her and grinned. She had the body of a blood thirsty warrior panting and sweat dribbling down her sleek fur but, her eyes told a different story. Her eyes showed Wolf a kind and gentle girl as they shimmered as the light of muzzle flash bounced off her baby blue eyes. Wolf snapped too his senses and returned to the fight at hand.

"146!!!" She screeched.

"167!!!" Wolf howled.


"I can't help that mine is bigger than yours!"

Gun stopped and turned around, grabbed Wolf and turned him to face her, grabbed the back of his head, and pulled him in for a kiss. A hive missile from one of the Dragonflies impacted near them, an explosive yet passionate moment they held together. Her rewarding delightful lips sent waves of pleasure throughout Wolf's body.

They parted lips and looked at each other, "Wha...wha..." Wolf tried to speak.

"Just in case either one of us die today." Gun held him.

Wolf thought for a moment, "Neither one of us is going to die!" He shouted and went back to firing his gatling gun with a clear mind now.

"YEAH! TODAY IS TRULY A GOOD DAY TO FIGHT!" Gun screamed and mimicked Wolf. The two found love from war.

>UGAC Raines Adrian, J

>DragonZ Squad

>Enemy Stronghold

>9:21:35 a.m.

The Power Rex left me wanting more out of the fight. I ran into a cluster of Dinos and went wild with my power. They surrounded me and I began to move in and out of space, zipping to the first Dino near me I knife handed his neck disorientating him, next I left arm coat hanged at his ribs and came with a right fist uppercut to his jaws knocking him down. After I finished him I zipped to the other Dinos mixing up my knockout punches until they were all on the ground squirming.

I sighed briefly and slammed my fist to the ground using an Air bending technique that launched them up in the air, then summoned rock spikes that pointed inward to their chest but not killing them, I floated up and curled into a ball then threw my arms out and bolts of electricity struck the helpless Dinos and sent a shockwave, turning the spikes to rubble. Their bodies fell to the ground lifeless and I gently feathered down, "Sweet..." I said to myself.

"Sir the ship is in the target zone. Beginning Phase 2, Electric Eye charging..."Selina reported as the ship started to convert power.

"Roger, beginning Phase 2. ALL UNITS, PHASE 2 HAS BEGUN! REPEAT ALL UNITS ENTER PHASE 2 NOW!" I yelled in the comm. Everyone on the battlefield began to retreat to the designated safe zone, their feet rumbled as the dragons ran to catch uplift, the Dino hordes ran after us thinking they had won again. "GO GO GO!"

"Charge at 89% Warning...Warning. Phase 3 beginning. Get the hell out of there Adrian!" Selina screamed.

"shit Shit SHIT! GO! PHASE 3 HAS STARTED! GET OUT NOW!" Fox yelled.

"Dragons! Take to the sky! Hurry!" I roared and the dragons heard and began to take off. Some of the Dinos grabbed onto their legs and pulled them back down and killed them. "Squad, help them get to the safe zone!" Fox and Falco continued to provide air support for the few left on the ground.

"Sir." Selina said.

"GO! GO! GO!" I yelled.

"Sir..." She persisted.


"Electric Eye is charged and ready to fire."

"Squad! What the dragons status?!"

"All clear! Fire away!" Sasha yelled.

"FIRE THE DAM CANNON!" Kiddo screamed at me.

"FIRE!!!" I yelled at Selina.

"Good-bye" She spoke to the Dinos indirectly. The cannon exploded with the force of 8 megatons, nearly ripping the Soul Calibur apart. A stream of black and white Twilight energy spewed forth from the mouth of the cannon at a speed beyond that of light and impacting the stronghold. Debris and dust were thrown into the air upon impact, the Stronghold was no more. All roared in happiness, cried out to the Dragons Gods thanking them for their victory, all but I.

I had to make sure, "Selina do a scan"

"Scanning...it's gone Adrian. We wait...I'm getting a reading...it's...enormous..."

"What is it?" As soon as I said that an orb of Dark Matter appeared in the sky, bolting from 7 columns.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Kiddo was beyond shocked and awed.

"It looks like a jump portal!" Selina guessed quickly.

"What needs a jump portal of that size?!" Gun asked.

"No...." I whispered.

They thought they could contain me. Break my will to escape. The Dragon Gods thought WRONG! Now I have returned greater than before! Bow before me for I am the Harbinger of your destruction, I am as Death, The Destroyer of Worlds I am Obscurum! The Darkness reveled its self from the wreckage of the Stronghold.

"It wasn't a Stronghold! IT WAS A GOD DAMMED PRISON!" Falco pointed out.

Obscurum had found a way back to the Plane of the Living. Obscurum had found its true form, a Black Dragon, towering 6000 feet tall at least with great ancient chains clipped to his skin. Possibly the ones that the Dragon Gods used to bind him to Hell. 8 eyes as pale as the moon upon his head, 4 horns the size of the Soul Calibur, two sets of jaws one the outside and another on the inside, wings torn in hundreds of places and bound with chains as well, his talons half the size of UGAC Flagship, his skin blacker than black and rotting off from a dozen millennia. His head was half rotted and the other half held together by its Dark energy.

Really I must thank you my dear Brother Twilight. You aided in my escape from this prison of torment. He bellowed a spine trembling laugh, and thanks to you Brother, I can create my New World like I should have done countless millennia ago. I will unleash my wrath upon the innocent and when I am done here...I will corrupt THE HEAVENS THEMSELVES! He resumed his vile laughter and rose up into the sphere and slowly vanished into it. A glimpse of Jeremy Bain was seen following him into the sphere as well.

"Squad back to the ship we are going after him! Dragons, you all know how to fight now. Reclaim you planet. FIGHT WITH HONOR!" The dragons roared and fought of the last of the Dino's as the rest of the team went back to the Soul Calibur. Moments later after docking and running through the corridors we all came to the Observation Deck where we could see the sphere.

"Sir?" Selina asked waiting for approval.

"Do it. Go in! Guys prepare for a bumpy ride." I shouted. The forward bow of the Soul Calibur began its accent, pointing straight at the sphere and the thrusters blasted full speed and begin to fly to it. The forward bow touched the sphere and began to sink into it along with the rest of the ship and finally we were all the way through it.

On the other side of the sphere was a place we never thought to see along with Obscurum hovering ever so slowly to it. "Selina...can you confirm what we are seeing?" Peppy asked.

"It...it...it is I'm afraid..." Selina was shocked beyond belief.

"Don't tell me that Selina...Please tell me it's another one but just undiscovered..." I pleaded.

"No...it's the only one in the Galaxy..."

"Warn the UGAC fleet...tell them that The Ark is under attack."

-------------------------End of Act III---------------------------

DragonZ Chapter 21

**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Act IV------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** 21 --The Final...

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