Shadows of the Moon

Story by lpandbb on SoFurry

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DISCLAIMER: _This is an adult story, including sexual content and obvious rape. If it's not your forte, then please don't read it. If you are underage, what the hell are you doing here?!?

Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy. Please keep in mind, it's my first yiff_


They didn't know what to expect when the new alphen took over the pack. Their numbers had dwindled in recent generations, and the herds of prey had grown thin. It was no surprise that their old leader had fallen. What was the surprise was just how malicious the younger, silent wolf was. The new moon offered no light on the pack's plights, throwing the valley under a sudden veil of darkness. He stepped out of the main den, his golden gaze cold as he surveyed his new followers. He had scented her when he had first arrived. She was the reason this pack was now his, and now, his gaze found her, hiding back away from the rest, her amber eyes wary. Even in the darkness, he knew her slender shape, knew of the auburn coat that shimmered gold in the sunlight, the softness of her step, and the heat in her scent. He felt a stirring in his loins. It was her time, her first, and she would be his.

Without a word to the rest of the wolves that lowered their heads submissively, he strode towards her, full tail raised high above his back, his own head held high. She instantly averted his gaze, her tail tucking so that its tip brushed at her pale belly. He had seen that belly exposed to him countless times, and the thought that she feared him so made the throbbing even more noticeable to himself. He growled a warning, shoving his nose into her rump firmly, a wordless order commanding her to stand. She did so, though quite reluctantly. The large male was oblivious to the fact that the rest of the pack watched. He only had eyes for the female that had originally caught his attention. He buried his nose against her fur, shoving aside the tail that hid his treasure, the scent momentarily blinding him in bliss. It was enough to evoke his wolfhood fully from its sheath, and it stood out sharply in contrast to his black form.

She tried to step away, her delicate ears folded back against her head, a whine forming in her throat. Despite her heat, she didn't want this. She wanted nothing to do with him. His growl turned to a snarl, and he hastened to straddle her, his weight pushing her to a stop as she grunted, trying her hardest just to keep her balance. His forelegs wrapped themselves around her slender waist, the dewclaws finding perchase easily. It took a bit of doing, but he adjusted himself just enough that the tip of his enflamed cock pressed painfully against her virgin entrance. She tried tucking her tail, her back so that it might be harder for him to reach. He grabbed the back of her neck in warning, and she tensed, her eyes squeezing closed. She was his, and he knew it.

Slowly, he pressed his hips forward, pushing through the soft petals of her opening at his own pace. She whimpered, raising her lips in a grimace at the aching that suddenly filled her as her walls were parted. He didn't seem to take notice of her pain, nor did he notice when his tip pierced through the hymen that had been previously untouched, but she did. She yelped, trying to leap forward, to avoid what was happening. He wouldn't allow it. He tightened his grip around her waist, on her neck, and kept with the same pace. She was yelping repeatedly now, squirming beneath him, her cries causing the rest of the pack to turn away in shame. They had never seen an alphen so cruel. As the large male worked his way into his reluctant female, he growled low in his throat, feeling his shaft enveloped fully by the female's rippling form. Once he reached the end of her tunnel, he wasted no time pulling back out and slamming in. The female inhaled sharply, shocked out of her yelps long enough to fall silent, and again, he thrust, dragging it out painfully.

HE didn't care that she was too small for him, or that he was treating her in a manner that was clearly unfit for a wolf of his status. What he cared about, the only thing he cared about, was that he was claiming his wolf, his bitch. His thrusts took a heated pace, his full sac smacking her roughly as he landed. She started whining and whimpering again, her eyes squeezed shut at the harsh treatment her cunt was recieving, and yet the male still didn't notice. He could feel his knot starting to form now, and he worked to make her know that he would be in charge, that she was, indeed his. He shoved the knot it, yanking it out sharply, and she yelped softly, jumping forward again. He pulled her back sharply, back onto the knot, only to rip it back out. With each pop, it became harder to pull out, more painful to rip from her, until she was howling, trying desperately to twist away from him. He grinned maliciously, and paused for a moment, readying himself. He withdrew until the very tip of his member remained in her quivering lips. Finally, he pulled himself into a tight ball atop her, pulling her sharply on the ball of his cock as it suddenly expanded, his orgasm taking him over the edge. He snarled silently into her ear, bucking sharply into her hips as he shot ribbon after white-hot ribbon into the depths of her cunt, listening now as she screamed out her pain to those that listened nearby. She was his. He had marked her. He had won.

He paused, allowing himself to catch his breath, his cock still tied inside her as she trembled beneath his weight. Once his load had been emptied, his dismounted and started to walk away, dragging her with him, humiliating her even more as he stood in front of the pack and howled his triumph. She lay on the ground beneath him, her rump still up in the air for all to see, and as he finally slipped out, she curled up tightly, knowing that this would just be the beginning of her new hell, brought to light by the shadows of the moon.