Growvember Day 24

Story by serophous on SoFurry

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#24 of Growvember Series

Bryant reflects on his past love life and with starting one with Chris, still feeling conflicted about his emotions. Both are in for a few surprises when they get back to the camp though.


November 24th

I woke up the next day, but didn't open my eyes. I didn't want to yet. I was wrapped in Chris's arms, head laying against his chest. It was weird waking up like this for me. Not just because it was my first time laying with another man, and I still wasn't sure if I was actually gay, or bi like him. My mind was starting to buzz a lot trying to rationalize it.

I forced it out of my mind. Not now. I didn't want to think about it. I just took a deep breath, Chris's scent filling my lungs. He smelled nice. My head laid against his chest. I didn't know because he had grown and I hadn't, or just how we fell asleep. I didn't care. I just wanted to lay here forever, listening to his heart beat. I tried to think of a time me and Samantha had laid like this, just being together, snuggling. I honestly couldn't think of one. Usually after a few rounds of sex, we parted and slept on different ends of the bed.

The more I thought about my previous relationship, the more I began to wonder if we were really in love, or was it just a friends with benefits thing? We went on dates sure, bought each other gifts, but...why did it now seem we were just going through the motions of what a couple were suppose to do? We never divulge some of our personal secrets to each other, the opposite really. Unless it was a surprise, we lied to each other constantly. Sure, we yelled at the other when the truth came out, and said we wouldn't do it anymore from then on, but we did. Case in point, when I first started growing.

Chris hadn't lied to me since I met him. Just the opposite, he shared some of his deepest secrets and fantasies with me. Sure, he had done it with Kevin, but he knew him for most of his life. I was a complete stranger. And after getting to know each other, he believed in me to keep his secrets. Not only that, he didn't even ask for anything in return. I still hadn't told him any of my secrets that even Samantha didn't know. Again it came around to me and her.

Maybe me getting so big, and the likely hood of a cure not being found rising, she finally had an excuse to break up with me. Maybe that's what we were both looking for the whole time. Something to happen so we could break up.

It, actually felt good to come to that conclusion. I rubbed my head into Chris's chest a bit, gripping him a bit tighter with my arms and giving out a sigh of relief. He slowly drew in a deep breath himself, his tail twitching as I felt his toes flex. I finally opened my eyes, looking up at him as he opened his.

"Morning." I smiled up. He really did look handsome from this angle. If he did keep growing and I stopped, I could get use to him looming over me, looking down with those caring green eyes, knowing he would never purposefully hurt me no matter how small I got.

Well, I think I just discovered one of my fetishes.

"Morning. How late is it?" He yawned, smiling down at me.

"No idea, just woke up." I let out a little sigh, pulling away and sitting up, looking around at my surroundings. We were laying basically in the center of what was Hamfton. The place was completely destroyed now from last night. We had done whatever we wanted as we made out, Chris helping me learn some new tricks as well. I never did a 6-9 before, and it was my first time being on the receiving end of anal. Sure, I had done it with Samantha just to experiment during one of our make out sessions, but my butt really felt sore now. I think I know why she didn't want to do it anymore after that.

"Hey Bryant." Chris looked up at me, still laying down.


"Are we still okay? I know last night was pretty sudden and all..." He started to look ashamed.

"Chris, if this is turning into a relationship, I don't want to start it off with a lie. Thinking bout my time with Samantha, we did that a lot to each other, and looked what happened." I sighed, taking a deep breath. "I'm honestly feeling confused at the moment. I don't know how I should feel exactly. This is a big shift for me. A month ago I was making out with my girlfriend, and having sex with another male was way out of my mind. I like you, I may even love you. But I don't want to rush into it so fast until I really know, okay?" I rubbed my upper arm as I spoke. I was so afraid of hurting him after all this.

He sat up as well, leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"That's fine. I'm not going to force you into anything. If it doesn't work out, we can still be friends, right?" He stood up, holding his hand out for me.

Holy fuck this guy was too good for me. Why couldn't I have met him first before Sam?

"Yeah." I blushed as I took his hand and stood up.

"You know, its cute when you blush." He smirked.

"Hey!" I playfully punched him in the shoulder, causing him to laugh. It was weird. We were probably over 3000 feet tall, but it felt like everything was normal.

"I think this is the first time I've seen you laugh since meeting you." I smirked. He shrugged.

"Its been really depressing up to this point. I think this is the happiest I've been." He smiled. A actual, true smile. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

"What happened to not rushing into this?" He smirked.

"I'm slowly being convinced." I winked. "Now, I guess we should head back. Everyone is probably wondering where we are."

"Are we gonna tell them...?" He flushed red.

"I don't think they need to know. Not yet anyway. Chances are we probably made the news with the tremors we sent out." I shrugged.

"We'll give them real tremors next time." He gave my butt a grope as we started to walk.

We were not prepared coming back to the others.

"So, its what we figured." Nicolas said, looking up at me. I was speechless. I had to tilt my head down to look at the tank of a bear for the first time ever.

Nicolas had stopped growing.

"I'm...the biggest?" I gulped, the realization hitting me like a truck. Nicolas was at least half way to 4000 feet, that meant, I had to be either just hitting it, or damn near. Chris too. Tomorrow, it would be a mile...

I started to feel light headed, Chris quickly grabbed and steadied me.

"Looks like it bud. Just don't let it get to your heads." Shawn almost had to shout up, the roo barely came up to my knee now. "So what were you two doing that you stayed out all night?"

"Well, we just had a lot of pent up aggression to get out." I casually rambled off.

"Yeah. Though...I don't think anyone is going to be living in Hamfton for awhile..." Chris rubbed the back of his neck.

"Glad you seem to be doing better at least." Nicolas nodded.

"Also...has Kevin woken up?" That concerned look came back on his face. Both Nicolas and Shawn shook their heads.

"Definitely thinking its a coma at this point. He doesn't show any physical injuries at all. So it has to be damage to the brain. Least we now know the limit to this healing factor." Shawn sighed. "Sorry bud. Hopefully if a cure if found soon, we can shrink him and get him real medical help."

Chris slowly nodded.

"No, I understand. I know what I did was wrong. I'm just, going to sit by him and talk, maybe he can at least still hear me." He nodded and walked towards the unconscious fox.

"So what really happened over there?" Shawn perked a brow. I was taken back.

"What do you mean?"

"Spill it. He's like a whole different cat." Nicolas rumbled. Damn, this wasn't good.

"Okay, look, he's still embarrassed about the whole fetish thing. We jerked off in front of each other, and did a little RP to spice it up, me just making up a story as he went on, okay? Please don't tell him I told you guys." I quickly lied. Well, partial at least. They both looked at me, trying to tell if I was still lying. I had no idea if I had any tells, but I kept the most innocent face I could muster for someone who was supposedly spilling a secret.

"As long as you didn't break you're own rule, okay." Shawn wagged a finger. "But the military will have their satellites up soon. Just a warning." Shawn cautioned. Great, like I needed the military and government seeing me and Chris making out.

"Anyway, rest up. We got work tomorrow."

"What's going on?" I questioned, looking down.

"With communications coming back up, we've been able to locate more of the rogue macros. So, we'll be going hunting." Nicolas crossed his arms, getting serious.

"They also found the leader. That wolf with two different colored eyes." Shawn added in. "He's still growing as well, and is just barely bigger than you. So he'll be your target."

"Great..." I looked towards Chris as he sat there beside Kevin. Just when I was starting to feel happy again.

This couldn't get any worse.