
Story by FoxLightning on SoFurry

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Picking up the latest beta Digimon game may not have been the greatest idea as I quickly found out, seems to be a beta for a good reason.

Story by darkwolfswordsman65 darkwolfswordsman65 all credit to him posted with his permission.

Artwork used in icon by blacktigerr blacktigerr

Original Submission: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/23933615/

Digitized By: darkwolfswordsman65/Kane Fenris Description: A young man gets an exclusive alpha test for a popular game. He is supposed to test the game for any bugs but when a rogue virus gets loose his life becomes a part of the game.

"YES YES YES! ITS FINALLY READY!" A voice rang through the room as a brown haired, blue eyed, young man dashed across it to the computer desk. His heart raced as he plopped down at his desk chair flicking the screen on and moving the mouse to wake up the computer.

The computer screen flickered before a log in screen appeared. He typed his password in through the keyboard before the screen flickers and a spinning login symbol appeared. 'Welcome Back Ryan!' The screen lit up as if the programmers tried to make the computer 'alive'.

Ryan sat there fidgeting a bit waiting for the computer to fully log in and load up. He tapped his hands on his lap and even fiddled with his green camo cargo shorts before he put his hand back on the mouse and hovered over the computer screen.

"Ugh..why does a computer have to take forever to load whenever you are really looking forward to playing something." Ryan grumbled before the final booting program finished. He quickly moved the mouse over an icon and double clicked it. A window opened with images of strange creatures attacking one another and the words, "Digimon: Digital Adventures!"

"Damn an update..." He grumbled watching an update bar appear at the bottom of the screen. He scrolled over the patch notes reading that the publisher of the game joined a new tech firm to provide increased security to keep account information safe and encrypted. "Well guess that's good..shouldn't get hacked them." He remarked sitting back in his seat watching the bar tick forward.

Ryan sat there a few seconds before noticing the screen flicker and blink. His heart raced thinking something was wrong before it turned normal again. He let out a sigh before he noticed the ten minute left on the update.

"Well guess I can go grab myself a snack first..." He mumbled before leaving the room and heading off to the kitchen.

While he was away the computer screen began to flicker and crackle. The pixels distorted and became blurred with different screens flashing in different areas. One section turned blue showing a warning error. The screen jumped and flickered more before turning black with the words 'Installation Complete...' blinking before the screen returned to normal and the game window showed "Ready to Play!" highlighted. After a few minutes Ryan returned to the room eating a toaster pastry before sitting down.

"Oh wow that went quicker than I thought. Let's get into the game and see if it's worth this beta testing!" He grinned to himself excitedly hitting the play button. The screen blinked a moment before a short movie played showing various creatures fighting each other and then dark looking creatures until the main screen appeared. Ryan read a little information of the game thanking the beta players to test the game before tapping the "Begin Your Adventure!"

Ryan grinned to himself as he looked at the various Digimon you could chose to play as. He picked his all-time favorite Weregarurumon. It was a large wolf like creature with a light greyish blue body blue stripes. It wore torn pants with a spiked knee guard along with a shoulder guard. Ryan hit enter World. The screen flashed and turned into a spinning tunnel of imagery before opening onto a beautifully rendered forest. The character was laying on the ground before a pink blobish creature rushed up to him making the digital character stand up.

"Weregarurumon! There you are! Are you ready to head out on your adventure!" is said in a childlike voice while bouncing on the ground.

"You bet I am! I am ready to explore the other world and get out of this digital world!" Weregarurumon said with a cocky grin on the screen. The screen started to flicker and the characters started to glitch on the screen losing definition.

"Error....non subject line....terminate action....reload..." A text bubble popped up over the blob creature before the screen starting to flash with various green text flashing over the screen.

"What the fuck!?" Ryan yelled out as he tapped the mouse which was not responding. He tried to hit the ctrl, alt, delete buttons on the keyboard but even they did nothing.

"Corrupt Data Detected...purging data fail safe..." the screen said while it flickered it more strange green lettering dotted the screen. Ryan turned to his computer tower which started to whirr like crazy like it was going to explode.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK!" he yelled out quickly going to the computer to turn off the tower manually hoping to stop the damage before he felt painful jolt of electricity jolt from the computer and through his body. The shock knocked him clear across the room as the computer tower fizzed and popped while the screen flashed before shutting down.

Ryan groaned lying on the ground. His entire body tingled and twitched from the electrical jolt that traversed his body. He tried to sit up feeling every fiber of his being groan and protest against his movements. His fingers tingled as well as every other extremity on his body.

"The fuck...d..did I get electrocuted!?" He stammered looking at his computer. He swore he could smell burnt electronics but the computer looked ok. He stumbled towards it before pushing the power button only to see the computer lights flicker as it slowly booted up. The computer screen flickered with a warning message about not shutting down properly before the log in screen reappeared.

"I..guess it's ok...its booted up..." Ryan exclaimed feeling his head swim. "I..need to get some sleep...I don't feel that good.." He mumbled turning the light off in his computer room before making his way to the bedroom. He didn't even take time to remove his clothes before he plopped down on the bed before passing out.

Ryan soon found himself waking in a colorful forest with the sun shining down on him. He started to sit up only to feel something large jump onto him pinning him to the ground on his back. When he looked up he saw a muzzled face looking down at him with red tinted eyes.

"So you are the on that choose me." The weregarurumon said with a toothy grin.

"Weregarurumon? What the hell...what's going on?" Ryan mumbled looking the wolf like creature over.

"Hmm...your body isn't quite right....but that will be all fixed shortly...just enjoy the ride." The weregarurumon said in a deep sultry voice while a clawed hand started to rub over Ryan's crotch causing it to harden.

Ryan tried to say something but suddenly felt a lupine like muzzle pressed to his lips. His cock only grew harder from this attention as his mind started to fade and drift. He was unaware of the weregarurumon before him fading and merging into his body soon making his own hands doing the work. He groaned and growled with two voices until he let out a loud moan as he felt himself cum hard. He fell back onto the grass grinning up to the sky with red tinted eyes.

"Now to wait.." Ryan said with a sly smirk though his voice was now really deep.

A blaring alarm suddenly pulled Ryan from his deep slumber. He jumped in his bed before hitting his alarm to stop. His entire body felt clammy and moist with sweat. He went to sit up only to feel his crotch in his underwear feeling sticky and moist as well. Sudden realization hit him that he did not even remove his clothes! He stood up and started to undress removing his shirt first before his pants and underwear. The smell of spilt seed greeted him and he blushed realizing that the dream last night was a little more than just that.

"Damn...that must have been a good dream." Ryan smiled with flushed cheeks as he walked to the bathroom naked. He started the shower before slipping into it to let the water rush over his body. He stood there a moment before he felt himself sway.

"Not much longer now..." A deep voice spoke up causing Ryan to look around.

"Who said that!?" He called out shaking his head. There was no response which made him sigh. "Must be tired still..but can't stay asleep all day." He mumbled rubbing his hand through his wet hair before soaping up his body to get the sweat and 'grime' off his body. After a few more minutes he had stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry himself off before heading back to his room to get dressed.

Ryan went about his day like normal however there was something always in the back of his head. He could hear a strange voice telling him things that just didn't seem to make sense to him. Then he would have bouts of light headedness followed by short blackout periods. He got so worried he found himself at a walk in clinic to get checked out. The doctor saw him and only found his temperature was slightly elevated. The doctor told him to go home and just rest and that he probably just had a mild cold or a virus. To get medical help if things got worse. Ryan reluctantly agreed and went home.

Ryan grumbled coming into his house before setting a few groceries he picked up on the table. After the doctor he decided to get some soup in case this 'virus' turned into something worse. He moved to his computer room and logged into the computer since it seemed to have been on all night without issues. Once logged in he found everything seemed normal. He clicked on the game he tried to play only for it to give him an error reading 'Data Missing'.

"Great...so much for beta testing...I'm just going to let it go...I don't have time or the drive to uninstall and reinstall." He grumbled before stopping a moment. He noticed a little box at the bottom of the screen. It had a percentage bar at about 85 percent and read 'Installing Data'. "Oh? I guess its redownloading itself...weird...guess it was a bad patch." He grumbled heading over to the couch before plopping down on it.

He turned the TV on and started to just watch some TV while letting his computer work. He started to wonder if the shock really happened last night or if it was just his imagination. His computer was perfectly fine and a computer shouldn't be working after a massive surge of electricity like that. He shrugged and continued to watch TV completely unaware of the red tint over taking his eyes. The right eye was already completely red while the left was a little over half covered.

Ryan flipped through channels as he found himself getting warm and bored. He grumbled about the fever and cursing at his luck that he caught a bug of some kind. He felt a churn in his stomach signaling that he should probably make himself something to eat. It was already dark out as he moved towards the kitchen. He paused a moment before going over to the computer to check the installation.

He felt his lips curl into a wicked grin as it read '99 % Installed..." before it turned green with '100 % Installed. He felt a sharp pain in his head like someone grabbed his head and was squeezing with all their might.

"Raghh..my head!" Ryan yelled out grabbing both sides of his head to try and soothe the pain only to find his ears were feeling larger and pointed.

"Don't worry...I will take good care of this body...after some graphic modifications!" A deep voice said through Ryan's mouth.

"The hell was that!?" He stammered feeling his hands trembled as they started to pull away from his head. He watched them come in front of him before they started to flex and stretch.

"You humans are so excitable...but your bodies are so...boring..." The voice continued through Ryan's mouth.

"What are you talking about!? Who are you! Why are you talking through me!?" Ryan freaked out trying to move but found himself utterly unable to until his legs started to move on their way towards a full length mirror in the bedroom.

"Ahh there we are...see so boring..I already started installing a mod to your ears." The deep voice said while making Ryan's mouth curl into a sinister smirk. Ryan could see in the mirror that his ears were growing extremely pointed and long while soft light bluish grey fur started to grow over them while a darker blue grew on the very tips.

"Wait...that voice...Weregarurumon?!" Ryan exclaimed feeling his heart race noticing the red color to his eyes now with a golden color forming around the redness. Even around the eyes were starting to grow the soft fur while the eyebrows started to darken into a blue color.

"Bingo! See you are smart for a human! I mean why a smart human wouldn't pick me as their character!" Ryan's hands started to move against his will once again and gestured to his body while his mouth formed a cocky grin. "Let's starting installing the other mods now...I'm dying to give this body a true spin.." The deep voice chuckled.

Ryan tried to protest but felt a cramping feeling in his fingers. He looked down to see them growing thicker and larger while the nails started to push out growing into sharp points. The color turned reddish in color while soft fur grew on the backs and pads on the undersides. His hand flexed and stretched on their own while the fur started to grow up his wrists.

"Ok I don't know what's going on but stop this please! Give me body back and change it back!" Ryan begged feeling a throbbing pain in his jaw.

"You see then that's no fun...you were going to control my body in the game so now it's my turn to control yours!" Weregarurumon said with a smirk rubbing his paw like hands together while he rolled his shoulders and flexed his neck. He could feel his jaws starting to crack and pop pushing the jaws forward into the start of a muzzle. He could feel his nose twitching and growing cold as moisture started to drip from the darkening flesh. He sniffled and rubbed it with a paw hand feeling the leathery pads and now leathery nose rub one another. Another painful crack and his jaws pushed out together more while his human teeth started to sharpen in his expanding muzzle. His canine teeth grew much longer and started to poke out of his blackening lips giving him a slight look of an underbite. Drool dripped from his tongue as he licked over his new teeth relishing the feeling.

"Yes so much better...those human teeth were so dull." He chuckled deeply feeling the fur moving over his face with a lighter color forming on his chin and dark blue stripes on the top of his grown muzzle.

"Please stop this! Please...wait..why can't I talk!?" Ryan exclaimed only to find his voice was ringing in his own head. He tried to shake it but found he was growing number to the feeling of his body, like he was being shut out of it.

"You talk a lot...guess I can deal with that...you will quiet down eventually." The deep voice chuckled moving away from the mirror and moving towards the living room examining it before jumping onto the couch. "Mm..this will be a good spot to complete the installation..." he growled feeling fur like 'spikes' pushing of his cheeks to give him an even rougher appearance. These same types of 'spikes' started to push out his back poking through the shirt on his body. He should have removed the human's clothes but where was the fun in that!

He growled to himself feeling a paw hand rub over his tenting pants feeling the changes starting to push throughout the rest of his body. He could feel his muscles starting to grow and swell in size pressing against his clothing causing it to strain and tear.

Ryan tried to yell once more only to find his voice, even, in his head was silenced a great deal. He could only feel and watch as his body was being transformed against his will.

"Don't worry! You will enjoy this in the end! And hey! Maybe I can figure out how to upload your existence so you can be downloaded into a new body!" Weregarurumon chuckled deeply while rubbing his growing bulge before starting to undo his pants to free his shaft. "That's right...don't human put their data into other humans?" He queried himself while his shaft throbbed with a growing need. The tip of the head was growing pointed while the color of the flesh started to darken and turn a rich blue.

Ryan wanted to yell for him to stop but again was silenced his mental prison. He could only watch as his human cock deformed into something bestial. The head grew tapered while a bulb formed at the base. The entire shaft throbbed with need while his balls started to swell.

He let out a low growl as he started to roll his shoulders some more feeling the powerful muscles aching to stretch along with the 'spikes' ripping more holes through the shirt. He reached a clawed hand up his chest and tug the claws into the fabric. With one swift movement he ripped the shirt off into tattered revealing the now heavily muscled chest which was becoming covered in the light grey blue fur. His paw hand reached over and rubbed his chest feeling the powerful muscle forming beneath the furred flesh.

"Will have to see about some new clothes soon..." Weregarurumon snickered before spreading his legs wide letting his shaft point in the air while his thighs started to swell with growing muscle. He had to arch his back up off the couch seat as something started to push out from the base of his spine. It pushed out against the skin above his rear before it finally started to produce a lengthening tail. It was quickly covered in soft fluffy fur as it pushed out and between his spread legs. He could feel the tail wiggle as it pushed under him and his swollen testicles.

"Oh yes...mmm...fuck..this feels so good." He growled out deeply feeling his shaft aching and leaking pre.

Ryan groaned in his mind feeling the changes just as much as Weregarurumon was. It felt amazing but at the same time he knew it was wrong but there was nothing he could do about it. He watched as his body leaned forward and pulled his foot up to his muzzle before his long slimy tongue licked over it. This sent chills of pleasure throughout their body.

"Will be nice to stand on my own two paws again!" Weregarurumon exclaimed before licking his foot again. He could feel bottoms of the feet starting to darken and grow puffy. It grew thicker and rougher as dark blue paw pads formed while fur moved down his legs. He let out a moan of pleasure before reaching down and pulling his other foot up. He repeated the same action giving a tongue bath to that foot until the paw pads formed. He could feel himself rubbing his mutating feet against his muzzle a bit before he sat back to enjoy the sight.

He watched the toes and front half of the foot start to swell as they became wide foot paws. Sharp red claws pushed out of the toes as they continued to grow and widen. The human nails were pushed off from the growing fur as his feet no longer resembled feet but massive furry paws.

Weregarurumon growled deeply taking turns licking his new large paw feet a few times while a free paw hand grabs his shaft and jerks it.

"URGHH! FUCK! This feels so good! This body...so much..information...and stimulation..." He growled out deeply.

Ryan moaned inside his head as he was right. It felt so amazing but he could feel like something was tugging on his mind. It felt like the numbness was pulling onto him.

"Oh..ye..yes..this is my body now! Ye..yes yes YES!" Weregarurumon howled out in pure pleasure as his shaft erupted in a torrent of hot and sticky seed all over his body and couch. Ryan felt his mind forget what his body used to look like. Like that information was suddenly erased leaving him in a daze.

He pants leaning back on the couch feeling the seed cooling in his fur as he looked down. "Sorry there human.." He panted out. "Looks like I ejected your Data...but atleast you have your operating system still intact..." Weregarurumon grinned wickedly as Ryan cried out in his mind at his lost.

"Don't worry...I can't delete you...well..I don't think so anyway..." He remarked with a quizzical look before chuckling and leaning down to lick the spilled cum off of his large foot paws. Once they were decently clean he stood up wanting to try this shower he had heard of wanting to get nice and cleaned before his 'Adventure' started.

*****A Day Later *****

'Hey guys you gotta check out this awesome game! It's a free beta download to the new Digimon Adventure game! Download it and we can test play it together!' A set of red claws typed on a keyboard before hitting enter. They then moved to the mouse and clicked on the attachment icon to add the DigimonAdventure.EXE into the group chat room. He watched the uploading circle spin for a few moments until it was opened. Immedetialy the responses started to flood in.

'Holy Crap this is the beta download! Awesome! :D '

'*Thumbs up* Thanks! See you on there!'


Then several shocked and amazed stickers adorned the page as the Weregarurumon leaned back in his chair admiring his handiwork.

"Oh this will be fun once others get free. Should make the 'Adventures' that much more fun." He grinned wickedly showing off his sharp teeth before he started to go to other websites to upload his file. The whole time he had a paw foot rubbing his throbbing shaft which dripped with anticipation. A pair of ripped blue pants that had brown knee pads with spikes lay nearby along with a shoulder strapped shoulder guard.

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