Very Important Lycanthrope - Day 7

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#8 of Very Important Lycanthrope

Here we have another long story written as a charity commission where two friends get to spend a week at a resort that started its humble beginnings as an ordinary were-bar. Day 7 is a day where the two lycans learn a very dark secret about one of the pack members. Which on is it? What happens to them when they find out? You'll just have to read on and see!

Cover art by stonecircle

If you really enjoyed this story then please consider purchasing it when it comes out in book format, either in e-book or as a paperback.

Edited by texotic he has a tip jar if you would like to support his efforts in helping me edit! He does this for me voluntarily so anything you can throw his way would be greatly appreciated!

If you like what you see please feel free to take a look at my patreon for more fun stuff!

Both Andrew and Luxe groaned loudly as they awoke on the floor of the nightclub, along with many of the other patrons from last night. When they looked down at themselves they found they were not only back to walking on two legs but human once more, the magic in their collars wearing off as they slowly got to their feet. They both quickly realized they were naked but had no idea where their clothes had gone off to as they started to slowly walk around the bar. The smell of alcohol and sex were prevalent everywhere as they slowly walked over a lot of the werewolves they recognized as Alzeno's pack.

"I don't think anyone is getting up for a while here," Andrew commented as they stepped over unconscious creatures. When they got to the bar area they saw Gemini curled around the same dragon, their bodies in the exact same position but mirrored that caused them both to chuckle. When they found nothing that even remotely looked like their clothing they did manage to find a few discarded tablecloths they were able to cover themselves in.

"You know I think the hotel pool is pretty close to here," Luxe said once they had finished covering themselves up as best they could. "I know that there are swimsuits there for sale, I'm sure Alzeno wouldn't mind us charging two of them to our room so we don't have to do the walk of shame up to our hotel room."

Andrew agreed and the two carefully made their way back towards the hotel. It appeared that everyone that had been in the building was at the party last night, the halls completely vacant of life as they tip-toed towards the pool area. When they got there they opened the door and were immediately greeted with a wall of white mist. The two looked at each other before they slowly walked into the stream that completely filled the large room. The moisture immediately clung to their skin and soaked the tablecloths they were wearing, the white fabric becoming semi-translucent which caused the two to toss them aside as they reached the pool store.

They were both thankful the process was completely automated as they choose their type of swimsuit and the machine dispensed them after a quick swipe of their room card. There were also several vending machines that the two took advantage of, and when they got back to the patio that overlooked the pool area they found that the thick steam had begun to dissipate from the room. Both wondered what could have possibly caused such a phenomenon as they ate, though as the mists cleared there didn't appear to be anyone on the deck of the pool itself. As the steam continued to cling to the surface of the pool they surmised that whatever might be in the water could potentially be the cause.

Neither human had to wait long to find out what that was as a creature pulled themselves out of the water by one of the pool ladders. It was a werewolf, but unlike the others they had encountered so far this one had a pair of onyx horns and claws that emerged out of its tar-black fur. He also had glowing orange eyes, eyes that looked up to see them as the water that clung to his body quickly evaporated off of it. The creature had a very otherworldly quality to him as he started to move directly for them.

"Didn't think I'd see anyone up this morning after the party last night," he said with a chuckle as he sat down next to them, both humans smelling earth and spice coming from the canine's body. "You two must be those contest winners that Alzeno was talking about, pleasure to finally meet you Andrew and Luxe. My name is Calindori, but you can just call me Cal for short..."

"Nice to meet you too, Cal," Andrew responded before a look of realization came over him. "Wait... Cal as in the beta Cal?"

"One and the same," Cal replied with a chuckle as he led the façade of being newly acquainted slip. "Of course I'm not surprised you didn't recognize me, I do look quite different than the first time you met me. Alzeno prefers that I suppress my demonic nature when walking around the club, says that it can be a distraction for the rest of the pack as well as the other guests. I decided to let myself out for a quick dip because I thought everyone would still be passed out, though I suppose now is as good as a time as any to reveal myself."

"So you are a demon," Luxe said. "What you mean by it's as good as time as any?"

"Actually I'm a hellhound, but technicalities aside, Alzeno wanted something to help you two to wind down pater the party before you had to check out today, but everyone was having a hard time deciding what to do," Cal explained. "I graciously offered to spend the rest of the time with you, something that our alpha approved as long as I didn't get too carried away. Of course from what I heard I don't think I could top Kalas in that regard. But in any case since you two already have your swim trunks on and my body is still heating back up, why don't we take a little swim? The pool is nice and warm now and I won't create another sauna if I jump in."

The two agreed and followed Cal down to the pool deck, the hellhound jumping into the water first. As soon as his body hit the surface a cloud of steam rose up that quickly spread out through the building. While it wasn't nearly as thick as the first time the humans had walked in it definitely warmed the air up as Andrew dipped a toe into the water. Unlike most pools the temperature was around the same as a warm bath and made it easy to slide into. Luxe was right behind him and the two swam over just as Cal resurfaced.

Together the three swam around and played games, or just idly floated there and talked. The longer the two hung around Cal the more his presence seemed to draw them in. At first it was just a quick glance around after they had lost sight of him, though as the day drew on Andrew and Luxe began to almost feel a sense of panic whenever the hellhound dived down or otherwise disappeared from their vision. It became very apparent when they decided to play a game of marco polo and Luxe was decided to be first. As soon as she became blindfolded she felt her anxiety increase until she called out and heard the smooth voice of the hellhound call back.

Andrew's voice became non-existent in Luxe's mind as she went after the hellhound. She hadn't realized it but she wanted to do more than just hear his voice, and as the game continued even seeing him was no longer enough. It was clear what she wanted to do as she made a lunge for Cal after a particularly loud callback only to have her hands bump up against the natural stone of the pool. As soon as she turned around; however, she felt slick wet fur press up against her as a muscled form pressed her back against the side of the pool.

"Looks like you found me," Cal whispered into her ear as her entire body trembled from the power contained within. "Time for your prize."

Luxe reached up to undo the blindfold before a pair of strong, clawed hands grabbed her by the wrists and put them over her head. It was clear that the hellhound was in control as she felt a thick tongue lick up her neck to her cheek, tasting her as something began to push against her thigh. It took her a few moments to realize that it was Cal's feet pressed against her, his toes as dexterous as his hands undoing the knot on the bottom of her bikini swimsuit. When the fabric floated away from her legs she gasped as those handpaws that served as his feet caressed up and down her exposed inner thighs before they finally slid down to grab onto the wall and keep them afloat.

The water around them continued to heat up as Luxe felt something new press up between her legs, even without seeing it she had a good idea what it was as it touched against her sensitive flesh. At first it felt warm to the touch as it began to nestle in between her folds, and as it finally found her opening and slid inside, the heat seemed to diffuse into her. "Can you feel it yet?" Cal whispered as Luxe gasped slightly from the penetration. "Can you feel my demonic corruption spreading inside you?"

"Yes," was all Luxe could breathe out as her legs quivered from Cal pushing in even deeper inside her. The tingling sensation of fur growing out from her groin was familiar to her now as it spread like wildfire, following the same path as the heat that cascaded inside her. As soon as it rounded her hips and grew over her rear she felt her backside become toned while her spine quickly lengthened to frame her new butt with a heavy furred tail that pressed against the wall. By the time the hellhound had pushed half of his maleness into her stretched opening, the thick pelt had grown down to her knees and up her stomach as she felt her muscles and bones underneath the affected areas begin to follow suit. One of Cal's footpaws grabbed on her ankles and with the hellhound's hands on her wrists she began to feel her entire body stretch, causing her snatch to slide even further down onto his cock as she continued to transform.

"He's watching us, you know," Cal whispered into Luxe's ear, watching her tremble with delight both at his words and at the sensual slowness he was penetrating her changing form. "Boy is Andrew jealous, I can feel it in the air. But he doesn't do anything because he wants to see you change, watch you as you become a corrupted creature just like myself... something you are quite enjoying yourself, aren't you?"

All Luxe could do was nod as the fur spread up her chest and down her shoulders, her already sensitive breasts growing heavier as she felt his chest brush against her nipples. She realized it was more than just the physical changes though, even her thoughts began to feel darker, more driven towards the pursuit of lust being led by the handsome hellhound binding her with his own body. It's why she and Andrew couldn't take their eyes off of him, he simply oozed smoldering desire that he was infecting her with. As the changes reached her feet she could feel her toes lengthen slightly as they transformed from simple footpads to hand-like appendages that curled in bliss as Cal began to thrust inside her.

As the fur began to creep up her neck underneath her collar she already began to feel the muscles of her face push outwards. Cal took advantage of her slightly open mouth and pressed his muzzle against hers and she felt the demon's hot breath push deep inside her, mingling with the heat already generated from the cock between her legs. The blindfold she wore began to slide off her shifting skull as her ears migrated to the top of her head, the hum of desire turning into a voice that urged her on and caused her to buck her hips down to try and get more of the demon's dick inside her. As her lengthening tongue mingled with his she realized her breath grew just as hot as his while a pair of horns slid out of the top of her head, a muffled groan escaping her lips as the blindfold fell away and revealed her brilliant orange eyes.

Meanwhile all Andrew could do was tread water and watch as the hellhound transformed his friend into a creature almost exactly like him, save for the feminine form as Cal's thrusts grew more insistent. The water around Andrew's body grew hotter as the waves generated from the two rutting creatures lapped over his body, causing fine black hairs to grow unnoticed as he watched. One of his hands had already slid down into his swimsuit and began to stroke himself, the waistband caught behind his growing sack as the corruption from the two demonic creatures began to suffuse into his skin. His tongue lolled from his mouth as it grew out from his lips while he was drawn toward the two.

His presence was not unnoticed by Cal as he turned and looked at Andrew, causing him to stop in his tracks as the hellhound chuckled. "Looks like someone is rather eager for their turn," the hellhound said as he saw Andrew's head nod while inch-long horn points pushed out from his hair. "Well then, since you were so bold to join in, why don't you go ahead and take my tailhole while I finish corrupting your friend here."

Andrew could hardly believe his ears, but decided not to press the matter any further as his orange-tinted eyes looked down at the thick black tail of the hellhound in front of him. He swam forward and slid his swim trunks off completely, the steam that had grew thicker in the air obscuring anyone from seeing them, anyway, as the hand on his cock guided it forward. Plus, Andrew thought with an evil grin as his ears lengthened into points and his nose turned black, if anyone did come in they were more than welcome to join them. The lustful thought permeated his mind like a thick ichor as he pushed the already reddening flesh of his cock in between the muscular cheeks of the male in front of him.

Fur exploded out from his groin as soon as he popped the head of his maleness into the tight ring of muscle of the hellhound, the heat of his tailhole causing the changing human even more pleasure as it seemed to flow into him through his cock. The velvety walls of the hellhound's tailhole expertly massaged his sensitive flesh as his tail brushed against Andrew's stomach, which became more defined as it was covered in black fur. Behind him his new tail swished through the water while his legs thickened, and as he braced his feet against the wall, he felt them grab onto the rough surface like fingers. Like Luxe he could hear the hellhound's voice continue to whisper lustful thoughts into his mind as his eyes began to glow; the familiar orange coloration seeped into the whites until there was nothing left.

The demonic threesome continued to thrust into one another for a long time, all three losing track as the hellhound in the middle began to quicken his pace while Andrew did the same into him. Eventually they all climaxed as the water around them began to bubble from the heat of their corruptive pleasure and subsequent aftershocks as their bodies continued to tease one another even after. Andrew was the first to withdraw, steam pouring off his body as he sank back into the water to allow Cal to dismount from Luxe. As the two began to pull apart Luxe pulled Cal in for one last deep kiss, lasting until Andrew broke the surface of the water once more and Cal pulled out of Luxe, which caused her to gasp and shudder from the sudden sensations.

Once the three had regained their composure they decided to get out of the pool since they could feel water dripping from the ceiling where the steam had condensed. When Andrew asked about what they were going to do about the current boiling temperature of the pool Cal told him he had already locked the door while they were off getting swimsuits, plus he explained with the amount of demonic corruption infused in the waters, anyone who would jump in would likely emerge as a hellhound themselves. The two newly created demonic creatures nodded in agreement and they walked over to a lounge area glassed off from the pool, which meant other than the steam they allowed in when they opened the door, the entire area was clear.

"Look at you two," Cal cooed as the two black-furred hellhounds sat down, a grin on his muzzle as he looked them both over. "It is rather unfortunate that you two have to go, I think you would make fine hellhounds at my side... pending Alzeno's permission of course. You took to my essence like a sponge to water."

"Well it was certainly very tempting," Andrew chuckled darkly as he continued to rub against his new sheath, groaning slightly as his footpaws gripped the carpet in pleasure. "All I want to do is go out there and find other people to have them suck and lick this new body of mine."

"Well it is only natural for a hellhound to want thralls," Cal explained as he sat down in one of the bigger chairs next to an end table with a phone. "Though I'm the only one that can create new hellhounds, you two could go out there and essentially enslave people to your will, giving them such pleasures that they would do anything for you in exchange for that sweet, tainted lust. Then if you want to give them an extra treat you can bring them to me and I can see about having them join us... unfortunately, though, we don't have time to go out on a hunt like that, and I'm sure you two must be starving after having nothing but vending machine food and then transforming. Why don't I order us something?"

The two newly-converted hellhounds hadn't realized how hungry they actually were until Cal mentioned it, both of their hands drifting from their genitals to their stomachs as they let out a loud growl almost as if on cue. Cal grinned and picked up the nearby phone, the three talking as they waited for their food to arrive. The hellhound spoke mostly of his experiences of dealing with his demonic nature, how Alzeno taught him to control it so that it was a blessing instead of a curse. He had also been honored when his alpha made him a beta, which allowed him to channel his energy from corruption and lust to business management, and he had a lot of energy to channel.

Finally the food arrived, the smell of spices wafting into Andrew and Luxe's nose as they realized what Cal had ordered them. "While the fact that all demons prefer spicy food is a stereotype, there is a bit of truth to it," he said as he dished out the spicy curry to the both of them. "The reason why I enjoy it is because of its intensity, something that most people aren't able to handle, we find as a pleasant burn and can enjoy the complexity of flavors without having to run for water every six seconds. But don't take my word for it, go and see for yourselves."

The other hellhounds didn't need to be told twice as they dug ravenously into the food before them, though they quickly realized what Cal meant about the spices. Their muzzles tingled from the intensity of how hot it was, but with none of the usual burn that was normally experienced with the exotic food. Their augmented bodies were able to easily handle food that Andrew and Luxe knew in their minds would have normally blown the roof of their mouths off. With the threat of oral immolation gone they quickly consumed the rest of the food that had been ordered for them, the three speaking little until the plates were all gone and they rested there patting their full stomachs.

After they had given themselves some time to digest Cal looked at the clock and reasoned that they had enough time for him to show them one last thing. He beckoned the other two hellhounds to follow him and they walked once more through the silent halls of Howl at the Moon. Even with the time passing of their transformation, sex, and lunch, it appeared no one had roused themselves from their slumber yet, which Cal said was perfect for what they had in store for them. Eventually they reached a black steel door that neither Andrew nor Luxe had seen before, one with the words Employees Only etched into it as well as a number of symbols that they were unable to decipher as Cal activated the lock and opened the door.

"One of the reasons Alzeno was so keen to help me out was also a business one," Cal explained as he closed the door behind them once they were inside, Andrew and Luxe able to see the stone floors and walls despite not having any source of light. "You see there aren't many establishments out there that can handle demonic clients as well as everyone else, usually you have to specialize in one or the other. With Alzeno's resources and my expertise we were able to commission some mages to make certain parts of the club demon friendly in order for them to express themselves without fear of affecting the outside world. You saw what happened in the pool, had anyone been around while we did that they would have started to turn as well, and we'd have more than just the three of us here."

"A shame really," Andrew commented, which caused the three to chuckle. "So what's this place, some sort of ritual chamber?"

Cal waved his hand in the air in a so-so gesture before he went further in and breathed on one of the wall torches to light it. "This is more a place where demons can gather to do demon things in a group," he explained. "The walls here are enchanted to keep in the corruptive magic so that bigger rituals or spells can be performed, though it's not always perfect, like when we had this demonic dragon made out of rubber come stay for a few days... that got interesting. But anyway, this should be more than enough for what I have planned for our finale."

Andrew and Luxe were both about to ask what that would be before they heard a soft voice shushing them, and though it clearly belonged to Cal the hellhound hadn't moved his lips as he approached them. As Cal's eyes began to glow brighter the whispering in their minds intensified, only this time instead of the wonderful pleasure of becoming a hellhound it was giving them a far different idea. As the two looked at the hellhound prepare a circle on the floor of the large room their thoughts were steered to how handsome and perfectly toned he was, how much they emulated him, how much they wanted to be him...

They wanted to be him...

Become him...

By the time Cal had finished with his preparations the hypnotic mantra that Andrew and Luxe had continuously chanted in their heads was now being mouthed silently by their muzzles. Cal's smirk intensified as he used their power to mold his new acolyte's minds like clay, shaping their desires as he increased his infernal connection with him. He beckoned them forth and motioned for them to stand on either side of him with the arm closest to him wrapped around his waist. They eagerly complied and their bodies shuddered when their fur pressed against one another, Luxe and Andrew so enthralled they could hardly figure out what was happening to them as Cal took his arms and put them across their shoulders.

As soon as his arms made contact with their bodies they felt their furred flesh shift, melting together as Andrew and Luxe gasped at the sudden sinking sensation. Instinctively they tried to pull away only to find their bodies connected together where they had made contact, and with every tug it almost seemed to draw them in deeper to Cal's body. When they tried to pull their arms away from his waist they looked to find the parts not covered by their conjoined hips were merely long lumps above his tail that continued to shrink as they grew together. Even though Cal's arms had long since sank into their backs they could still feel his hands as though they were actually pressed against their shoulders as he grinned at the both of them.

"You two need to relax..." Cal hissed in their minds as he stared into their eyes, his own pulsing with an orange glow in a steady rhythm. "This is what you wanted... to become one with me, to become a creature more powerful and desirable than any other out there, to become me..."

The second the words sank into their minds the fight seemed to leave their bodies as their chests became merged, Luxe's breast sinking in as it formed into part of Cal's thickening pectoral muscle. All the extra mass of their conjoining body seemed to go to their muscles, the arms they were still in control of thickening with strength as a large lump began to form from their shoulders. All three of them groaned as Cal's arms reemerged, pushing theirs down as he flexed the newfound appendages. When Andrew wondered why the veteran hellhound got his own set of arms Cal turned and stared into his eyes, and without even saying a word he realized that Cal needed them because he was the primary head of their body...

Of his body...

Andrew and Luxe no longer heard Cal's voice as a separate entity as their six legs merged into two that were about as thick as tree-trunks. Instead it was the hellhound's thoughts themselves, running through their minds as though they were theirs. Soon it became hard for the former humans to form any of their own thoughts against the powerful psyche of the hellhound that bound them together and Andrew and Luxe's eyes began to pulse with their orange glow as well. Every time they had a dissenting or independent thought Cal would look at them and the frequency of their eyes would go slightly faster, with Andrew struggling the most, Cal just stared into his eyes until they were both blinking in completely synchronicity. By the time Cal turned to Luxe she could tell that Andrew's psyche had changed, no longer was he a human or a hellhound, he was Cal's left head as his thickening neck shared the shoulder with the hellhound.

"Your turn," was all Cal said as Luxe's mostly merged body continued to become assimilated by the hulking two-headed creature she was bonded to. The boob on her other side began to flatten as well as Cal's hand gave it a squeeze before it disappeared, though she could tell her feminine sex remained between their shared legs. Both she and Andrew were awash in a sudden surge of pleasure as Andrew and Cal's cocks merged into one heavy tool, one that both Cal and Andrew's hands were happy to stroke as they continued to assimilate the last of Luxe. When her neck moved onto the shoulder where Andrew's head was opposite Cal surprised her by leaning in for a kiss, the two heads pressed close together as their merging completed.

The entire time Luxe's eyes remained open as they made out, whether it was from Cal's influence or her own she couldn't tear her sight away from the glowing orange orbs of their central head. She knew it was Cal that was supposed to be in control of them, her resistance fading as her already co-mingled thoughts began to become indistinguishable. Her eyes quickly pulsed faster until they were in time with both Cal's and Andrew's, a dopey grin growing into a muzzle as the glowing in their eyes simultaneously intensified until it was a solid light. Cal felt a swell of pride in his chest at the Cerberus he had created and while Andrew and Luxe were still there, they were not all one creature that was ready for some fun...

As time passed and the day wore on there was a loud clang as the metal door was opened, sunlight streaming in for a few seconds before it closed once more. "Hello?" Sanzu called out, holding a tablet in hand as he looked around the darkened room. "Cal, are you down here with Andrew and Luxe? We have to get them ready for-"

His words were cut short as the rock beneath his paws vibrated and he saw what he thought was a shadow slowly begin to move. As the black-furred creature unfurled itself he saw the three-headed creature in the light of the torch, the head on the left with his head buried in its crotch while the other two had been making out until his voice interrupted them. Once the Cerberus saw the werewolf standing there it let out a growl and got up onto its massive legs to look down at him. "What do you want, Sanzu?" all three heads asked in unison.

"Uhhhhh..." Sanzu stalled as he tried to determine which head to look at before finally settling on the second one. "I know that Alzeno had tasked you with entertaining our two special guests, which I see that you have, and I just came to collect them."

"I don't know what you're talking about," the three-headed creature replied with a smirk. "It's just me down here, Sanzu, no one else. Perhaps you should go elsewhere and come back later."

The tan-furred werewolf rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips. "Cal I know that you merged those two with you, now we need you to let them go so we can get them ready. Or do I have to get Alzeno down here to talk with you?"

The central head was taken aback and his left and right heads looked at him with slight concern before they once more got on the same page and all leaned in to growl at Sanzu. "I'll tell you what," this time only the central head spoke, though the other two continued to stare daggers at the werewolf. "Why don't I show them what this body can do, and then once we're done with you I'll let you have them? We all get off and then they get off, sound like a deal?"

"Hellhounds..." Sanzu muttered as he turned around and got on all fours, lifting his tail in the air as he felt four hands grip against his sides and hips. "How do I know that this isn't some sort of trick to get me to merge with you guys?"

"Don't be silly..." the Cerberus replied as he took one hand and used it, after sticking it into the each of their maws, to lube up his thick cock before he pushed the head in and caused the werewolf to yelp slightly. "Who ever heard of a four-headed Cerberus?" You'll do much better as a cock-sleeve."