Merge - 10 - Merge
#11 of merge mass hallucinations, skyscrapers, fields of golden grass, newscasters, video feeds filled with static, police, and magi. matt is sorely tested, and his friends are along for the ride, for better or for worse.
Harmonic Joining
As their hips merged, the two panted and moaned as their genitals touched and started to join together.
A merging of lives
"you and samantha merged together," max, tells her and she blushes for some reason.
Merged Worlds
#1 of merged worlds merged worlds by raven fox: an overlord tried a spell, but it backfired. merging the plane... merged worlds by raven fox: an overlord tried a spell, but it backfired. merging the planet earth and another to one changed planet.
Twinned Pleasure
By now the twins' torsos had merged into a single one with both heads on top, their shared chest sporting two large breasts.
With toys, and bubbles, and squishing, and merging~(written in dec 2022) hsss. the air pump whirred away, puffing up bungle's newest inflatable toy until it was full.
Cowboy Closeness
, stetson said as he was surprised as the cum is absorbed into the boots, merging the leather and rubber into a new subtance that can never get dirty, never get damaged nor never be worn out. "well, ain't this a good surprise!
Tales Of Redstreak Chapter 18
To keep you both from merging we had to set a barrier. the plus is you truly remain separate persona's the downside is you have to talk aloud if you want to communicate with the other."
Merged Worlds 6
#6 of merged worlds merged worlds 6 by shetland fixed by raven fox: sixth chapter of the merged worlds series. another male from everett washington gets taken by the photinos with people from his apartment complex.
Merge - 18 - Conflict
#19 of merge friends and allies can still be a source of conflict. whether that conflict stems from how they treat you, or how you treat them, or some sort of perceived fault, such conflicts usually arise from not talking to each other.
Merged Worlds 5
#5 of merged worlds merged worlds 5 by raven fox: this is a story a friend of mine paid me to write for him.
Merged Worlds 4
#4 of merged worlds isaacs adventure by raven fox: fourth story of merged worlds series. a young human male captured by the photinos gets away from them, but ends up getting rescued by a group of felines.