"A Wing and a Lair" - Chapter Three: "A Brief Layover"

Story by Odontus on SoFurry

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"A Wing and A Lair" - by S. Ryan "Odontus" Wood

© 2017 - S. Ryan Wood



Chapter 3 - "A Brief Layover"

[Scenario: Determined to help Julie meet new friends, Nuuk invites her to the beach and introduces her to the locals and a close friend of hers who may be that special someone but first... a brief stop...]

"Sorry I'm late, but Luke had some problems with that farmer on the East Ridge and just got back home!" Nuuk's concerned voice came from outside not seeing Julie's door open. "Hope you're ready to soak your scales in some good ol' sunlight this morning!" Julie listened to her devotional perky morning personality as she scrambled to straighten the lair. The dusky-complexioned visitor began tapping the door again with her talons when Julie finally opened it, trying to hide the previous night's exploits. "Ahhh... I THOUGHT I heard you out here! How are you this morning!" she chirped as she embraced Nuuk in an innocent hug between friends, stepping back a few paces to prevent her neighbor's detection of her scent that still hovered in the air.

"You poor thing... It looks like you just got out of bed!" Nuuk exclaimed seeing the young female's ragged look. "Maybe we should stop by the pond on our way so you can clean up. You want to look your best for Elmorous!"

Julie was hardly in a mood to be introduced to someone new, especially a MALE! She glanced at her match-making friend and rolled her eyes with an expression Nuuk was quite familiar with. "I really DON'T feel like meeting anyone today, Nuuk!"

"Of COURSE you do!" the chipper female interrupted as she threw her arms around Julie. The Ice dragoness felt her firm motherly embrace and the unique scent of her western lineage, then backed away politely hoping Nuuk would not detect the same from her.

"Nuuk, you KNOW that you have tried to fix me up with SO many males and ALL of them have been major disappointments! If I could just meet a beautiful..." and caught her mind racing ahead of her mouth, immediately ceasing her sentence. She often suspected that everyone knew of her sexuality, but hoped it remained a secret.

Nuuk puzzlingly looked at her. "A beautiful WHAT, my darling? A GUY? ANY male worth having is HANDSOME and DEBONAIR, but never BEAUTIFUL!" still trying to sway her into giving Elmorous a chance. "I won't take NO for an answer! Now let me help you clean up after your party last night. Who DID you have over, anyway?" smiling with a wink as she looked at Julie's un-made bedding. The young spinster could do nothing more than blush!

The sun had made its debut just minutes earlier as the females lifted from Julie's porch and headed for the pond. The wind was from the West, bringing with it the salty breezes of the beach where Julie had been several times before, though never to meet a blind date. She remained self-conscious of her scent and hoped they would be reaching the pond soon! As they approached the farmer's field where their favorite bathing hole was located, the younger female flew alongside Nuuk's right remaining in perfect synchrony with her. Soaring rapidly, the wind blew through her friend's soft brown scales and feathered face as Julie watched her closely, having trouble focusing on their flight path while admiring Nuuk's flying expertise. It was not much longer before the glimmering water of the pond could be seen below.

The two separated as they descended closer to the water. Nuuk circled the area and passed over a low patch of trees on the edge of the sandy beach, targeting a rather long stretch of shoreline. She raised her wings to create drag and stretched them to their full span, gliding to a smooth touch-down. She dug her talons deep into the sand coming to a complete stop. She gracefully folded her membranous wings behind her back and bowed her head in a thankful prayer for a safe flight - as ANY proper dragon would do! She turned to look for Julie only to see a white mass of the female plunging from above into the middle of the pond yelling "cannonball!" Water drenched everything.

The immature spinsteress rose to the surface giggling to herself like a school girl and looked toward the shore to see Nuuk drenched from horns-to-tail. A stern glare was all she received in return. "Sorry Nuuk! I just like... making an entrance!" and continued her sophomoric water ballet while Nuuk grumbled and shook herself dry. "Why don't you come in!? The water's terrific... and wet!" called Julie continuing to amuse herself at her friend's expense.

It was mid-September and while it was a rather balmy day, the water temperature remained comfortable. The strait-laced Nuuk opted to accept the tempting invite. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to wet my scales just a little!" as she stepped carefully into the cool refreshing pool. Julie watched inconspicuously while her friend moved into deeper water and relaxed on her back - floating with wings extended beside her and tail swishing to-

and-fro creating small ripples across the water. She watched a droplet that slowly dribbled down Nuuk's cheek while the sophisticated female relaxed on her back. Julie could not keep her eyes from wandering across the terrain of her friend's figure that floated so elegantly before her.(ADULT SCENE)

Perhaps Nuuk knew she was watching her but then again, maybe she was too relaxed to care. Small ripples from Julie's obnoxious entry still echoed throughout the pond and lapped against the female's tender flanks with a crackling sound. A warm autumn morning... The sounds of the soothing water and an occasional bird calling overhead that pierced the relaxing silence... The assurance of solitude and privacy... and just the two females. The curious young spinster looked on while substituting reality with her own more comfortable fantasy world.

Nuuk's compassionate dark eyes never failed to emit a sparkling personality and an eagerness to make others feel as if they were the most important focus of the moment. Julie had seen them from afar during impromptu visits and idle conversations, but always longed for a more-proximate gaze behind their stunning grasp and alluring invite into the female's sexual core. For just a moment Julie could feel her smooth surface, her gracefully-curved muscling and inhaled that almost-bestial but fragrant scent of her softer fleshy parts. Julie's body wiggled under the surface while she appeared quite lucent to any passers-by. All good things must come to an end as did her temporary hiatus from scheduled daily frustrations. "Julie dear... Hello?? Jules?? What are you looking at?" came the soft gentle voice. Nuuk peered from one open eye to notice the love-stricken female entranced with something. Busted!(END ADULT SCENE)

Scrambling for an escape from her embarrassment, Julie's keen brain snapped to attention. "I... was just noticing how you're getting a bit... sun-burned! Your scales always glisten and... they're beginning to dull a bit!" This seemed to pacify Nuuk much to Julie's deep sigh of relief. "Perhaps you're right, my dear!" looking down at her back and flanks. "I'd best cover up with something before we make the beach!" She dove beneath the pond's shimmer for what seemed like several minutes, then returned covered with a thin layer of pond scum from head-to-tail. "This should work!" she chuckled while giving Julie a whimsical look. The ashamed dragoness forced an innocent giggle at Nuuk's joke while thinking how close she was to total humiliation! "Well... I'M cooled off, though not clean, eh? I'll make myself presentable for the gentlemen then we'll depart." She kept her word and after another short submersion, popped above the surface with a smile and a thin layer of the mud remaining on her scales. "Much better! Let's head for some sand and... Elmorous!" Julie only gave a low growl at the name.

The beach was just West of the Northern Cliffs where Julie and Nuuk resided - about a one-hour flight depending on the Nesnan currents blowing in from the North. Although much of the country was comprised of rugged mountain terrain, there were a few beaches that accommodated its citizens during the nine-month duration of peak-season.

Their jaunt took them from the small pond to the enormous expanse of the ocean and a beach crowded with every known breed and color of sun-drenched draconians. "Look familiar?" Nuuk asked as they circled the sandy strip below them.

"All too well!" Julie replied with a satirical tone. "Should it have changed since the LAST time I was rejected by the 'Mister Wonderful' you tried setting me up with BEFORE??"

The poised female ignored Julie's cynical response and scanned the sandy surface for some familiar faces. "I see Anora is flirting with that handsome Eastern male from across the sea again!" enveloped in the ongoing gossip that comprises the life of every beach-going busy-body. "She needs to settle down with him. I think they'd make some adorable babies, don't you? Jules??" Nuuk glanced over and saw Julie gazing off toward the horizon, obviously bored with her incessant rambling.

Julie looked quickly back to her left as she heard Nuuk's beach report. "Yeah... yeah... ANORA... blah, blah...!!"

"Is something bothering you, Sweetie?!" she inquired trying to amplify her voice over the sound of their wings beating against the tropical breezes. "We don't HAVE to visit with everyone if you don't want to! We can just relax under the..." and again became distracted. "Oh! There's Sammia arguing with her sister! I bet she caught her with Emmya's boyfriend again!" The gossiping continued as Julie just rolled her eyes.

The ocean breezes carried with them a variety of biological tidbits... including insects. If her course of travel encountered the right conditions, she could often catch a snack at just the right altitude. Today was a 'chef's special'! In something of an attempt to avoid conversation but mostly because she was hungry, Julie adjusted her wing angle and flew straight through a passing swarm of locusts. With her mouth wide open she quickly captured a few tasty morsels then dropped back to Nuuk's side as she crunched on her mid-morning snack - the munching sound now drowning out her friend's gossiping tongue and alleviating her torture.

"Where'd you go Jules??" now seeing her returning to her right and noticing her bloated cheeks. Nuuk gave her a motherly smirk. "You KNOW those locusts make you bloat, don't

you? You need to take care of that girlish figure if you're ever going to meet that perfect guy. You know... I've heard of this diet you need to try. It's REALLY good and only three... (Nuuk's voice fading off...). Julie looked below and gave a sigh of relief as they approached a clear patch on which to land with a couple of males lounging in the sand. At least now she could listen to someone ELSE ramble!