Late Night Workout on Base

Story by Horsestudly on SoFurry

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It was late, almost midnight at the base gym. Sargent Jim Sable liked to come here at this time because it was usually empty. He preferred to workout in private, without anybody distracting him with questions about himself or anything for that matter. He liked to focus on the task at hand, which is what made him such a masterful mechanic. He was known as the "jet-whisperer" from the way he could diagnose a problem, any problem, from the sound of the engine.

The six foot, lean muscled, Clydesdale crossbreed was working on the arm press when she walked. Five feet of lean muscled timber wolf, a rarity in the services, her achingly tight athletic bra, holding her large orange sized breasts, proclaimed her to be a marine, one of the recent transfers Jim suspected. On her similarly tight athletic shorts was written, "Kiss my fist".

She walked over to the lockers, her muscles sliding smoothly beneath her black and white fur, deposited her gym bag in a locker and sat down at one of the curling stations. Jim was impressed to see her curl 200 lbs easily. When she saw him staring, and he didn't look away, she smiled coyly, continuing her curling without missing a beat.

"Not very many people here, are there?" she stated.

"No miss," he replied. "That's the way I like it."

"What if you need a spotter on the bench press Sargent..."

"Sable. Jim Sable. Local rule that no rank exists in the gym," he replied. "And you are?"

"Lieutenant Sara Goble, but since we're here, you can call me Sara. And what about my question?" Sara asked.

"Call me Jim. I don't load enough weight on to need a spotter." Jim had stopped his workout for the conversation, not wanting to be distracted, but now he returned to his workout, regaining his focus, except for watching Sara out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't help but smile as she watched him as well. Some time later, Sara moved to the weight bench, and loaded 200 lbs on the bar.

"Hey Jim, think you can spot me since there's nobody else here?" Sara asked. "Sure," he said, and moved over in position as she lay on the bench.

"You don't talk much, do you." It was a statement more than a question, but he answere anyways.

"No, ma'am." She chuckled as she got her grip on the bar.

"Why not?"

He shrugged. "I like to stay focused on what I'm doing. Talking is too distracting. Besides, people who talk too much never say much worth listening too. People who only talk when they have something worth saying get more done."

"Are you saying I talk too much?" she asked with a grunt as she lifted the bar off the rests and began pumping.

"No," he replied calmly. Sara chuckled as she grunted with each rep. She didn't say anything more till she had finished her reps and had replaced the bar on the rests.

"You know, I think I understand. Laying here like this, staring up at you, is very distracting. I can't help but wonder how strong those big, hard, muscles really are." she said, licking her lips and smiling coyly. Most people who meet Jim for the first time think that he's slow, because he says very little. But anybody who gets to know him quickly realizes that his mind is constantly in motion, taking in little nuances of information, processing them, and coming to amazingly accurate conclusions. So he easily recognized the look in her eyes, and the meaning to her words.

"Well, I could boast all I want, but that's not my style, so why don't I just show you." He walked over to the rack holding the extra weights and picked up two more 50 lb weights, one in each hand, and slid them on the bars. He did this again, making the total weight 400 lbs. He then lay down on the bench as Sara moved into the spotting position. But as he grasped the bar, she leans over it, framing her breasts perfectly in his sight.

"Are you sure I won't be a distraction to you?" she asked with her coy smile. He couldn't help but notice in this position, how her nipples stuck out prominently through her top, nor could he ignore how damp her tight cotton shorts were, and not just from sweat.

"I'm sure." he replied with his own coy smile.

"Hmph. I'm not even sure you can lift this." she retorted. He didn't reply. He just pushed up on the bar, easily picking up the weight, and Sara along with it, off of the weight rests. This also afforded him an even better view of her shorts. He could see just how tight they were, clearly showing the outline of her sex, the damp showing dark against the taunt grey fabric.

"Actions speak louder than words," was all he said, without any strain in his voice. As he lowered the bar to his chest, it brought her damp crotch even closer, bumping into his forehead, and his breasts on either side of his nose. She giggled as she stood up an resumed a normal spotter posture. After ten reps, he set the bar back onto the rack, letting his exhausted arms hang. Sara took the opportunity to walk around the bars and straddle his chest, again leaning over the bar so her breasts were setting right above his face.

"Wow, that was impressive," she said. "But are you sure I didn't distract you?" she asked breathlessly. He just grinned. As he released the bar, he let his fingers of his right hand brush across her breast, making sure to let them touch her now very erect nipple. Sara closed her eyes and let out a smile sigh of pleasure, letting him know that his touch was not at all unwelcome. He then took both hands and began to grope and massage her smallish breasts through the tight cotton fabric, paying special attention to her pencil eraser sized nipples. She gripped the weight bar tightly, grinding her hips on his belly, letting herself be caught up in the pleasure Jim was bringing to her body.

Jim's shorts, which were normally loose, were fast becoming uncomfortably tight. He brought his head up, taking her left nipple in his teeth and gently teased it through the fabric. Sara was gasping at this point. Jim's free hand went back to her tight rear, feeling the movement of the hard muscles beneath her shorts and fur. Finally, he let go of her nipple with his teeth, leaving a damp spot on her top.

He sat up on the bench and pulled her into him, pressing his lips to hers, kissing her deep and passionate, their tongues struggling, fighting for control of their mouths. They parted gasping, staring deep into each others eyes. Sara then looked down, seeing the top of Jim's cock peaking out the top of his shorts between her legs. She looked back to his face, giving him a predatory grin.

"Lets go someplace where we won't get the equipment messy," Jim whispered into her ear. He then picked her up, his left arm under her shoulders, his right holding her legs, with her arms around his neck, and carried her to the males locker room, and into the showers. There was a stainless steel shelf running about 4 feet off the floor around the shower. He gently set her backside on this shelf, bringing her in again for another passionate kiss.

"How long has it been?" Sara asked him.

"Too long," was the breathless reply. Sara brought her arms straight up, so Jim ran his hands up her sides, grabing her top and pulling it over her head and throwing it out of the shower. He now had a clear view of her breasts and nipples. Her nipples were about the size of pencil erasers, with half dollar size areolas. He began his attack on her nipples anew, alternating between them, taking one in his mouth and pinching and pulling the other.

Sara's left hand held tightly to his mane, her other hand gripping the shelf. When his free hand began to slid under her, pressing against her sex through her shorts, she reached again for his head, intending to grip his ear. As soon as her fingers touched his sensitive ear though, his hand against her sex shot up and grabbed her hand, stopping her. He then brought her hand to his mane, looking in her eyes.

"Never grab a horse by his ears," he said gently with a smile. "It just hurts." Too lost in the moment, she just gulped and nodded her ascent. He continued his sucking and nibbling on her nipples, while his hands went down to her shorts. He slid his fingers over the top of her waistband and slowly pulled her shorts down and off, tossing them behind him to join her top. He then stood back to admire the beautiful naked wolf in front of him, taking in her full image. He was pleasantly surprised to find that her sex, which would normally be covered in short, soft fur, was bald, probably from a brazilian wax.

Stepping back also gave Sara a good view of Jim, his cock bulging out against his shorts, the head peaking out over his waistband. She hooked her clawed toe over the top and his shorts and pulled them down, freeing his thick, hard member. Her eyes widened at her first sight of the prize she had wanted. His cock wasn't the longest she'd ever seen at seven inches, but it was definitely the thickest. It was easily thicker than her wrist.

She reached out and grasped it, bringing a soft moan from Jim's lips. Her fingers couldn't even touch her thumb, it was so thick. She slid off the shelf, licking her lips, down on to her haunches, bringing her head level with his cock. Her tongue slid out and licked up its entire length, like a popsicle. Jim just leaned forward, his left hand gripping the shelf, his right wrapped in her hair. He didn't try to control her movement.

Sara suddenly slid his entire length into her muzzle, her nose buried in his crotch, the smell of sweat and sex making her already hot pussy drip. The head of his cock pressed against the back of her throat, and down her throat. Her tongue played around his cock, wrapping and licking as she sucked his precum from the rigid member. As she began to bob her head up and down along the length of his cock, he began to buck his hips in time. Every time his cock head went down her throat, she tried to swallow it, pressing and squeezing, bringing a grunt from his throat.

He could feel the cum building, his balls full, ready to shoot down her throat. Finally, he couldn't hold it back any more. He tightened his grip on her hair and pressed her down on his cock, holding her nose buried in his crotch, his cock down her throat as shot after shot of cum flowed down into her. She swallowed with every shot, milking his cock, bringing more cum and drinking it down. When the last shot had spurted down her throat, he released her hair, grabbing hold of the shelf with both hands to keep from falling of top of her.

Sara gasped as the cock left her mouth. It now hung semi erect in front of her, dripping saliva and cum. Once she had her breath back, took the sensitive member back into her mouth, using her tongue to clean it dry of any cum she missed the first time. When she was finished, she stood up, wrapped her arms around the neck of the panting horse and gave him another kiss, pressing her tongue between his teeth, giving him a taste of his own body.

"Wow," he said breathlessly when the parted. His warm muzzle nuzzled her face, running up along her cheek and back to her ear. He nibbled her ear, bringing a soft moan from her throat. He continued down the side of her head to her throat, his warm soft lips nibbing her as he went. Down his muzzle went, between her soft furry breasts, down her belly, stopping only to tease her bellybutton with his muzzle, eliciting a giggle from Sara. He continued further down, nuzzling her thighs, breathing deeply her scent, filling his lungs with her musk. Sara moaned as his warm, dry muzzle bumped against her wet, swollen sex. When he knickered, it sent waves of gentle pleasure through her pussy.

His long, broad tongue flicked out, covering her pussy lips and licking them dry of her juices. She tried to pull him further in, but he held back, slowly running his rough tongue over her sensitive flesh. She shivered every time his tongue flicked out. He gently pressed his muzzle into her sex, using his lips to massage her skin, spreading her lips open. He long, fat tongue slowly slid into her pussy, pushing deep, tasting her, making her moan as his slid his tongue in and out, in and out, slowly, gently fucking her with his rough tongue. She was panting as his tongue fucked her, pressing against her g-spot, bringing her close to orgasm, then backing off, back to slowly, gently sliding his tongue in and out.

"Make me CUM you fucking stud!!!" she finally screamed at him. He chuckled, and suddenly increased the pace of his tongue fucking, pressing her g-spot harder, forcing her over the edge. Her body convulsed as his tongue continued its fucking, tsunami like wave after wave of orgasm rushed through her, squeezing his tongue, his muzzle pressed against her clit, rubbing in a blur of motion. Her moans were long and deep, letting him know that he was doing everything just right. When she finally came down from her orgasmic high, he stood up, nuzzling her body as he moved up it. He held her to him tightly, massaging her buttocks as he looked down into her eyes. By now, he was again fully erect and hard.

"Ready for the final course?" he asked, pressing his cock against her.

"Yes, but I've never taken a stud like you before."

"I'll go slow," he replied. She pushed him away with a shy grin.

"I've got a better idea." she said as she walked over to the towel basket. She pulled out a couple of large towels and lay them out on the floor. She lay down on them and patted the spot next to her.

"Lay down," she invited, "On your back. I wanna ride that big swinging cock." He smiled as he lay down, his cock standing proud and erect. She straddled him again, running her once again wet pussy up and down the whole length, lubing him up for what was to come. She then stood up on her knees, pulling his cock straight up, till the broad tip was positioned at the damp entrance to her sex. Jim placed his hands on her hips, gently stroking them, encouraging and gentle. She smiled, closed her eyes, and slowly lowered herself down, his cock pressing against her small, tight opening.

Suddenly, the large blunt head popped in. She gasped as his cock filled her opening, stretching her wider than she had ever been before. Her eyes were wide open at the shock, and waves of pleasure rolled through her body as more and more of his length slid into her body, till finally, her butt was resting on his thighs. She panted as she lay down on top of his chest, letting her body get accustomed to his size. Sara was in heaven as Jim ran his hands over her back and butt, caressing her as a lover should. She eventually sat up and said,

"Hmm.... you feel so good in me." She started to rock her hips, up and down and back and forth, making his eyes roll up into his head.

"Oh god," he muttered, "you are so fucking tight." "

Does my stud like being ridden by his bitch?" she asked.

"Fuck yes, my tight little bitch can ride me any time." he replied, panting. She continued to ride him, moving up till only the head of his cock was in her, then lowering herself back down to sit on his thighs. He began to buck, thrusting his cock into her as she came down on him. Faster and faster, she could feel another orgasm building as she rode his cock, feeling it ram into her, rubbing her sensitive g-spot with each stroke in and out, her clit pressing down on his groin as she sat down on him. Faster and faster they fucked, her pussy squelching with each stroke, till she finally moaned as another massive orgasm washed over her. She collapsed on top of him, just letting the convulsions pass through her. Finally, panting, she raised herself up off of him, rubbing his chest and nuzzling his side.

"Did you cum?" she asked. "No." he replied. She frowned. "That won't do," she said as she stood up on all fours, her rear towards him, tail curling over her back, exposing her already abused pussy and tailhole.

"I want my big stud to enjoy this, so he had better breed his tight little bitch, or I won't be happy," she said looking over her shoulder and smiling. He smiled back and positioned himself behind her, pressing his cock to her stretched cunt. He entered her much easier than before, her pussy already stretched out from her previous fucking. She moaned as he once again penetrated her already abused pussy. He pressed her head to the floor, allowing him to get all of his member inside her. One of his hands went to her breasts, pinching the pulling on her nipples while the other held her down as he fucked her, and she loved every minute of it. He started slow, savoring every slight sensation of penetrating the "tight little bitch pussy".

He slowly increased his pace, fucking her harder and faster, till each thrust was nearly blasting her breath from her. His grunts with every thrust told Sara that he was close to cumming, close to breeding his bitch. At last, with one final thrust that completely blew the breath from her lungs, he shot his hot sticky cum deep inside her, some of it spilling out around his tightly packed cock. He leaned own over her back, gently fondling her breasts, holding her close to him as he nuzzled the side of her face with his broad nose. She turned her head and they shared another kiss, this one gentle and sweet.

They lay there panting for a long time, covered in sweat and the sweet, sticky juices of a good hard fucking.

"Wow," Sara breathed, "I'm gonna have to start working out here this late more often. What do we do now?"

"Now? Now we get cleaned up," Jim said as he stood up and walked over to the showers. All Sara could do was grin.

To be continued.....