World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist Pt4

Story by Lion of Shadow on SoFurry

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#3 of World of Warcraft: Hearts in the Mist

The Sha has returned but that doesn't hinder Huttser and his cadre of friends. Sambas is charged with a new mission by Yu'lon while Suel and Huttser try to help take on the Sha. Just like Lorewalker Cho, Huttser and Suel have other ideas in mind. While they have their fun Sambas takes Din with him to find Xuen. As night falls Din finds himself in heat and in a predicament he may not be ready to handle.

By: Lion of Shadows

For: Suel Wolvar



Hearts in the Mist: Part 4

The skies over the monastery darkened with the onset of a sudden storm best left at sea. The lighting lit the clouds bringing thunder that pushed the inhabitant's ears deep into their skulls. Towering above the land where once the unfinished jade statute stood was the Sha.

Yu'lon ran for the front gate which rested shut and guarded by the monks sworn to protect her. Though she was in her Pandaren form they issued her a warning to seek shelter. It was neither rude nor threatening but still, it pained her to be treated as a child since she'd been the spiritual guardian for over a millennium.

A roar passed overhead causing those seeking shelter to look up with admiration and rejuvenated inspiration. Mishi, the dragon of Lorewalker Cho held fast with a lone rider astride her back. Yu'lon couldn't determine if it was Cho himself or one of the newcomers her guard had helped into safety recently. Still, if what everyone yelling was said to be true then her best course would be to seek shelter in her sanctuary. A reason she enjoyed being a cub, above all, was the fact she'd grown weaker physically by the end of a new age. The jade statue the Pandaren had been constructing was her chance at renewing her energy. Alas, it would take more time to build a new one but not before she could share knowledge with the strangers from beyond the mist.

As the guardian was passing the medical wing a strong blast of wind caught the cub off guard knocking her back slightly and off balance. She landed on the softest thing she had, her posterior. Neither the fall nor the floor hurt her physically, but she was shaken by the sudden gust that was proceeded by a bird. Another creature walked through the door watching in sadness as the bird flew away.

Yu'lon got up and dusted herself off before greeting the lion. "Sambas, it's good to see you're awake." She said with a smile. The lion looked to be bigger than her and could have been her mount if she wanted. Sambas looked down at her with a hint of bewilderment.

"How do you know who I am?" He growled in slight agitation. Yu'lon just giggled and moved fearlessly close to him and placed her hand on his side.

"I know a great many things about you. Your dreams told me."

Sambas stepped back flattening his ears. It wasn't in defense but fear; a fear that someone knew his deepest desires.

"That's not possible yet..." The worn warrior tried to say before the cub placed a paw on his muzzle.

"Relax, I was in your dreams though you could not see me. I know how you feel and who you love. I also know that your destinies are separate but intertwined."

The lion turned his downcast gaze to the floor. "Don't misunderstand me. Listen to me closely,"

* * *

Hutser never did like heights and yet he felt he'd been tricked into riding a featherless snake-like bird. Instead of trying to portray himself as a heroic member of the Alliance like the other innumerable would be heroes, he held on for dear life hoping the creature between his legs wouldn't send him plummeting to his death. The walk of shame wasn't even the worst part either. Since he'd come to Pandaria he'd forgotten when the last time he'd repaired his gear. Not that the claim of carrying the armor buffer couldn't be used in the event his armor broke hadn't entered his mind.

Holding the reigns provided no comfort as they went slack at moments before climbing or falling with the serpentine movements.

"Can we please land before my lunch decides to make an emergency exit?"

The Worgen growled holding the reigns in his hands up to his muzzle. Did the snake descendant laugh at his plight? He wanted to yell at the dragon but couldn't with his stomach about to heave.

"Ah, my friend," Lorewalker Cho cooed as the pair landed. Hutser stood up before the Pandaren trying to hide his queasy demeanor. "Mishi, you've done well."

The hunter watched in dismay as the serpent was caressed and shown a love he'd love to experience. When they kissed it provided an opposite reaction than the Worgan had hoped. Hutser stumbled away into the bushes to hide the event he'd hoped to avoid.

* * *

Suel had been following the interim hero land on the dragon only to watch in horror as he swept into the bushes. While he couldn't see anything the sound was more than enough to cause him to climb higher. The Druid would never mention the hunters weak moment but maybe it'd come up after a few drinks.

His reverie had been broken by the loud cry of the giant black creature shrink and disappear back into the earth. A group of the notable heroes had vanquished the demon. He'd never been with Huttser on any Alliance adventure until their personal challenge of reclaiming Gilneas had ended. Huttser had told stories of how he'd always been late to the different events but managed to steal his way into the final battle against Deathwing.

The Wolvar looked back at the mountaintop where Hutser had been just moments before. He couldn't see his friend anywhere. With a sigh, Suel glided down to where he'd last seen his indisposed companion.

The mountaintop bared a few houses and a shrine but there didn't seem to any sign of life. The dwellings didn't look as if they'd been lived in for some time. They were kept in pristine order, but something didn't seem right.

A rustle of bushes caused the Druid to shift form to feral ready to attack. He relaxed his guard at the sound of laughter, but he kept quiet as he stalked into the bushes to see for himself. To his surprise, he saw a naked panda laying on his back. Between moans and fits of giggles, he was sliding his hand over his erect shaft. Between his legs was the pink serpent he'd seen carrying Huttser previously. Instead of being a massive dragon he'd made himself smaller and was...

Suel was half disturbed and half curious to see the little kin slither fully inside the Pandaren. He'd recently done something similar, but he'd never tried something as interesting. He looked down at his dripping shaft excited over the fun he'd seen. He'd have to take care of it soon before he ended up with blue balls again. It wouldn't do to change forms, so he leaned down and started ticking the salty-sweet pre. The feeling and taste elicited a soft purr. While he hadn't been alone for some time he would make the best of it and suck himself. A moan escaped his stuffed muzzle. His barbed member slid over his lips with his tongue wrapped around the thickness. It would be hard to go slow to keep himself from filling his eager muzzle too soon.

* * *

Huttser had been watching the Pandaren when he noticed Suel on the other side of the clearing. If he knew his friend and partial lover, the Wolvar would want to have a little fun. He'd moved around the outskirts of the clearing silently through the tall grass to find he was right. Suel was working on pleasuring himself. The Worgen was hard and wanted to let his own urges go but using his paw was not in the cards.

He watched as the feral Druid got up to move to a nearby tree. It was that moment that he exposed himself to his friend. As he walked through the brush to the unsuspecting Suel he pulled his gear off and placed them off to the side.

"Need a paw?" he jested. Suel didn't flinch. He turned back with a seductive smile.

"About time you showed up." The feline retorted leaning back against the tree. "Perhaps you could finish what I started?"

Huttser grinned and nodded slowly. As he dropped to his knees and made to slide his muzzle over the dripping pulsing length he grabbed the Druid's hips and pulled him away from the tree. Suel was surprised but didn't fight back. He trusted Huttser and felt he was in for a treat. Huttser shoved his own engorgement deep into Suel's tightness. The Wolvar tried to reprimand the Worgen for not being gentler but he found his shaft back in his own muzzle.

"I'm sure your just as thirsty as I am." Huttser chuckled. Considering he really couldn't do much aside from enjoying the moment Suel sucked on his shaft while his body was rocked by his lover.

Huttser shivered in delight at the tightness of his friend's hole. It'd been some time since he could fill the Druid with his own healing love. His pulsing member slid with some resistance without lube, but the friction helped bring a longing sensation. As the pre escaped the tip it helped to lube the tight interior. The Worgen looked at his thickening knot with dissatisfaction. He wanted it to fill Suel and tie them for a little while. He had to do something if he wanted it still.

The Druid purred as he sucked on his length. The pressure from his lover's shaft made him come close to release. The constant pound on his insides was driving him crazy. His erect member spewed a load of seed into his unsuspecting muzzle. Hutser had shoved harder forcing his growing knot deep. With a wry smile, he pulled hutser closer and kissed him pushing the seed from his muzzle into the others. Hutser swelled missing the taste. It'd been unexpected but not unwelcome. His own shaft pulsed filling the feline with his love.

"You're an asshole," Suel said with a soft kindness. "You know how long we'll be stuck here?"

"Not nearly as long as I'd like." Huttser retorted with a chuckle. "Did you tell the other two what was happening?"

"Indeed, however, we missed out on the fun."

"Did we?"

They both chucked and embraced each other in a passionate kiss.

* * *

"Do you understand?" Yu'lon asked looking up at Sambas. Sambas nodded sadly. "Then you know what you need to do. I'll tell Huttser where to meet you. He has other matters to handle. The heroes of the Alliance don't think and look to harm Chi-Ji."

"We'll seek out Xuen and make for the Vale Gates," Sambas said looking away. "I heard that Prince Anduin is heading there."

"Then you must waste no time. May Xuen offer you peace and guidance."

Sambas watched the little cub walk away. It had been too much to take. A journey away from his master. Xuen was waiting for him personally. Not just him alone either. Din would need to be with him, which he couldn't ask for more. In the time he'd been in the strange land he'd loved the tiger more than anyone he'd ever met before.

Din was still recovering but the trinket the lion had around his neck would help heal him and keep them safe. Din woke as Sambas neared. With some effort, he tried to get up from the cot. The lion was instantly by his side to help. Unbeknownst to both, the trinket started to glow. Din stopped a moment and stood on his own.

The tiger started to say something but was met with a pair of lips against his own. While it was a surprise he pressed back into it with as much passion. As the two parted from a sudden desire Sambas could see a new trinket had formed around his lover's neck.

"What's going on?" Din asked confused.

"We need to go," Sambas said quietly. "Do you know where the Valley of the Four Winds is located?"

"It should be a straight shot from here, but it'll take a couple days. What's there?"

"The Path of a Hundred Steps."

"You're not serious," Din said flatly.

"Xuen is waiting for us, you and I"

Din's eyes widened in fear and shock. He'd heard of the guardian but felt he'd been nothing but a lowly creature that would never have the privilege to meet a celestial being.

"We must hurry. I need to speak with a friend on the way." Sambas said leading Din from the medical wing. The monastery was busy with healing the combatants from the impromptu war at the Jade Statue. Sambas was not a supporter of the easily broken peace the Alliance and Horde would make in the face of terrible events. Too often those under the banner of either side will break the armistice and kill one another in spite. The biggest offender was the King Greymane. The lion hadn't been there for the battle that saw Hutser fleeing to Teldrasil and the Alliance but his master spoke of the pain and sadness the King felt over losing his son, Liam.

The two stood at the base of the steps looking past the courtyard to the path leading away down past the fallen statue. The sun setting in the distance stirred a new emotion.

Din rubbed up under Sambas' chin and slid away slowly rubbing his tail along the lion's muzzle. A new aroma filled the air stirring a feeling deep in the lion's groin. Was that the scent of heat? It was maddening and drove him to pant in the cool evening. Din smiled teasingly then bounded across the courtyard and out the gate. Sambas waited a moment before giving chase and following his lover.

The tiger stopped shot looking back to see if the lion would follow. He knew a small den nearby they could spend a little time alone. He was worried about the consequences of his actions but he was too lost in the desire to care. Something had come over him and he wanted it badly.

Sambas watched as the tiger turned a corner past a tree and disappeared into a cave. Something told him it wouldn't be wise to make love, but his desire pushed all notions from his mind. He followed the tiger while weak in the knees.

Inside the cave Din lay purring and breathing deeply. The seductive look gave way to a fresh pungent smell that erased all humanity giving way to feral aggression and natural needs. Sambas growled as he leaned in straddling the tiger. He leaned in and licked along Din's neckline moving into a deep passionate kiss. Din placed his paw along Sambas' muzzle and pressed deep into the kiss. Both felt short of breath in the damp stone cave.

"Sambas," Din cried weakly. "I want to bear your cubs"

Sambas didn't say anything he instead obliged by sliding his barbed cock up under the tiger's tail and pressed teasingly against the y-shaped vagina. Din felt a little apprehension but the feeling again replaced itself with a baser instinct. The lion bit the scruff of the tiger's neck and slammed his shaft deep. The barbs ground against the soft interior causing Din to growl then cry out with a roar. He tried to fight it, both the pain and the urge of being bred by his lover. He knew it was too soon. His claws slid over the hard granite.

Amid the cool humid air that surrounded them their fur matted with the sweat of passion. Sambas bit harder and reigned in the tiger amid the fight of pain. His mind felt blank and nature found its way into filling his lover with cubs. Neither were prepared but a higher power felt they were ready and compelled them. The lion's pulsing length thrust harder with each pound. He held back how fast he would thrust even though nature felt otherwise.

Din couldn't cry out anymore with his scruff pulled tautly. It didn't prevent him from moaning despite the pain of the barbs. Din pushed back into Sambas driving the lion wild. Time seemed to slow with their need for one another. The tiger felt weak and huffed with deep breaths waiting for the magic moment from the lion.

Sambas couldn't hold much longer. He thrust faster and deeper. The power of nature welled deep in his loins. With a roar and shoved hard filling the tight pussy with is seed. They both panted and laid down still bound in love. Din cried with a smile then turned to kiss his lover once more. Sambas pressed deeper into the kiss pulling Din closer with a paw he had wrapped around the tiger's side.

"I love you," Din said breathlessly. Sambas took a deep breath letting out a chuff.

"I love you too," he replied in earnest.

They both rested still held in passions embrace. In the darkness hidden from either's sight a miracle started to take root. In Din's Womb was several eggs ready for the seed provided by Sambas. Life would start and be born to eager parents. Though a darkness provided an ill warning.

You disobeyed us. I warned you of the consequences. Your children will watch as the price has been claimed. You must choose, the life of your cubs or your own.

Din shivered in his sleep as visions of possible futures terrorized his dreams.

* * *

Xenrigocia kept a watchful eye over the cave from a short distance away. A smile etched his features from the sound that had issued from the entrance just moments before. He knew Sambas needed a lover that wasn't his master. Everyone needed someone and who better than a similar species.

Sapphire lay nearby sleeping and dreaming of her time in Stranglethorn Vale. Suel had made her happy despite his trespass against her as she was to be wed to the King of the jungle. Not long after she escaped to seek vengeance against the Wolvar she'd heard that some hero had murdered her husband to be that same day. She had joined the Alliance as a pet to Huttser, but she didn't care for the heroes that mindlessly kill and destroy in the name of a quest.

"I wonder what Suel and Huttser are up to." Xenrigocia mused to himself.

"I don't think they can get into too much trouble," Sapphire said unmoving with a yawn.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WE'LL BE HERE AL NIGHT" roared a voice in the night. It floated all the way from the mountain near the monastery.

Xenrigocia chuckled and sat in his blood elf form next to Sapphire. "Yeah, I don't think they'd get into something they couldn't handle."

* * *

Suel had transformed back into his true form. His legs were wrapped around Huttser and his arms were crossed in anger.

"Unbelievable," Suel huffed. "You were in such a hurry to finish and tie in me you didn't take into consideration how long we would be like this. You are such an asshole."

"I didn't hear you complaining when I did," Huttser growled.

"Whatever, can't you just pull it out?"

"Only if you want it to hurt badly."

"Do we have any choice?"

"Ook ook, me thinks not." Said a terrifyingly familiar voice.

Suel and Huttser slowly turned to look at a small group of Hozen. They all carried torches and was led by an Orc.

"Oh, for fuck sake," Suel growled as a club came down to knock him and Huttser unconscious.