Jesse & Bruce: It's Complicated

Story by fluffypawz112 on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at writing an adult themed story, please enjoy!

Jesse & Bruce: It's complicated

My name's Jesse, and I'm 16 years old. I'll admit, I'm probably not the tallest red fox around, but that seemed to have little effect on the direction in which this story unfolded. I'm going to tell you about the time I lost my virginity, and if you and I have a close resemblance, I think you'll be pleasantly aroused. In fact, I think you're going to be humping the nearest object by the end of it.

It was getting late. I was staying over at my boyfriend, Bruce's house for the night. Our parents suspected that we were simply catching up on homework, although the truth of the matter was that I was just dying to see by little wolfy again.

Bruce was a tall, muscular, handsome gray wolf who so happened to go to my school. He had bright, blue sparkling eyes and lovely grey and white fur. We'd loved each other dearly since the day I came to his school close to a year ago now. Our love and curiosity for each other grew stronger as the days passed. For you see- nobody knew of our secret relationship- we were to frightened of the consequences that were bound to follow if we revealed it. Bruce stated on many occasions that it would be more beneficial for both of us if we kept it concealed for just a little while longer, until we leave school atleast. Bearing this is mind, we resorted to going to each other's houses for the night where we would be alone in our rooms.

At this time, we were both lying on Bruce's bed. His parents and his baby sister had all gone to sleep and we were finally alone. Bruce was running his paw up and down my chest and I was staring vacantly at the ceiling with my arms behind my head.

We weren't the most progressive of couples, due simply to the fact that we were always under the prying eyes of the rest of society- we were just too scared. We never ventured further than innocent hugs and kisses.

Bruce leaned over, "Still awake, Jesse?"

I looked into his charming, young eyes.

"Yup," I answered. "What's on your mind?"

"Nothing much, it's just that my lips are getting a bit lonely," he replied with his cute little puppy eyes, the expression he knew would turn me on. "Hows about a quick smooch?"

I looked back at the ceiling.

"This can't go on, Bruce," I started. "People are going to have to know about us."

I continued, absent minded, not noticing Bruce carefully moving forward.

"We can't just keep this a secret for-", he stopped my words with his moist lips touching mine. He began kissing my lips passionately and I returned the favor. He then slid his wide, flat tongue into my mouth and explored the inside of my muzzle.

For a brief period of time we were locked in a state of romantic pleasure. I then began to feel myself growing inside my pants.

After a while, we uncoupled for a short breath, but Bruce had noticed my erection. His eyes were fixated on my crotch, and I could see the sexual desires building up in his ocean blue eyes. His pupils then shifted to mine. A cheeky grin spawned across his mouth.

"They can find out soon enough. Right now, I feel like taking this to the next level."

And with that, he grabbed the edges of my boxers and removed them completely, revealing a fully erect, eight inch, pulsating cock. Bruce's eyes widened.

"You may not be the tallest of foxes, but you sure as hell are massive where it counts!" He mocked, licking his lips pleasingly. He then grabbed my cock quickly, causing me to yelp.

"I'm gonna make you feel so good, Jess," he said lustfully, without taking his eyes off mine.

"Uhh... if you insist," I stuttered nervously.

Bruce smiled. He placed his muzzle over my member, almost swallowing my entire length. His head began bobbing up and down rhythmically and he sucked me off. The feeling was indescribable. I was in absolute ecstasy. Where the hell did he learn to use his mouth like that? Either way, he was exceptionally good at what he was doing. He continued his treatment as I inevitably reached my climax.

"I...think I'm... gonna cum...!"I whimpered.

Then, without warning, I threw my head behind my shoulders and moaned orgasmically, sending jets of warm, creamy seed into his open mouth. Bruce swallowed a good amount of my load, but was forced to pull away as he gagged and chocked on my spunk. Another jet of cum shot across his face, staining his fur.

I looked at Bruce with a shocked and embarrassed expression.

"Sorry, Brucie," I appologised, biting my lip. "I had no idea I had that much in me".

Bruce paused, licking the cum from his lips and the rest of his face.

"Dont be," he responded finally, "It love the taste of it".

I blushed with akwardness at the sight of him enjoying himself. There was a hell of a lot of warm, salty cum on his face, and he was licking it off as if it was something as delicious as rum and raisin ice cream. Damn, he sure did love the taste.

After he had gulped down every last drop, he turned to me without hesitaion with another of his sly, mischievous yet strangely arousing smiles appearing.

"I made you cum, now you can make me do the same," he stated.

I raised an ear inquisitively, eager to know what ideas and surprises were stored in his mind. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

"Wanna try some other stuff?" He asked.

I nodded, anticipating the next step.

"Well, we'll need something... wet. And lots of it," he giggled. He looked around the room for a substance that could be substituted for a lubricant.

"I know! Gimme a sec..." He blurted, quickly but quietly leaving the room. He returned after a while with a bottle of baby oil.

"This will have to do," he confessed.

He popped open the cap and began dabbing drops of the slippery liquid onto his paws.

"Get on all fours, Jess," he requested/

I did so on his bed. My rump was now facing Scott. I looked behind, past my tail, curious to know if he was thinking what I was hoping. Bruce looked as if he was in a trance, staring at my tailhole and licking his lips intentively.

"What're you gonna do?" I asked causiously.

"Easy Jess. Don't worry your adorable self," he answered slowly, gently taking hold of the bottom of my tail. He then began carefully rubbing lube between my legs and into my tailhole. He also began caressing my balls. All of a sudden, I felt him pressing his fingers inside me.

"Oh, Brucie..." I sighed lovingly.

"Easy my little foxy," replied Bruce, moving his paw slightly deeper into me. Suddenly, he plunged his entire fist into my tailhole.

"FUCK!" I gasped, grasping a pillow and jolting slightly. How could he fit his entire fist up there?

"Relax, Jess. Just lubing you up!" He exclaimed, devilishly, slapping my rump.

He retracted his paw from my ass, still dripping with lube.

"That should do it!" He smiled.

I was still trying to catch my breath. I then heard Bruce unzipping his trousers. I gazed down underneath my legs, past my cock and noticed his large erect knot petruding from his sheath. He pushed apart my cheeks with the edges of his thumbs for easy access.

"I've been waiting to do this for soo long, Jesse," Bruce breathed.

I bit my tongue worryingly.

"Is it going to hurt?" I asked.

"Quit your whinning, sexy! You've shoved bigger things up here..." he laughed.

And with that, Bruce slid his large member into my entrance. It was soo huge that I felt my tailhole expanding in all directions from its sheer size. It felt soo good. Subconsiously, I even grabbed Bruce's ass behind me and began pushing it back and forth as to get his cock in deeper. Bruce pumped me rhythmically from this point on.

"It's...soo...big," I panted.

Every thrust caused his doggy penis to jab my prostate harder and harder, giving me extreme pleasure aswell as Bruce. My cock was now as hard as ever, dripping salty smelling pre-cum onto the bed sheets. My balls slapped against Bruce's as I was vigorously penetrated from behind.

"Harder... please Brucie...fuck me harder...!" I whinned girlishly. Bruce didn't disappoint- he positioned his arms and legs parallel to mine and leaned over me to lick my cheek.

"As you wish, hun," he whispered.

Nipping my ear playfully, he thrusted his entire length harshly into my ass, causing me to almost jump out of my fur, yet again. I grabbed my lovers paw instinctively, tears of pain and pleasure rolling down my cheeks. He continued humping me, drawing ever nearer to our orgasms.

"Aww Gawwd... I'm gonna blow," Bruce moaned.

"," I replied between thrusts.

I could feel Bruce attempting to remove his member from my shaft.

"Don't...pull out...Bruce," I refused. "Fill me up... with your hot seed. You...can lick it out... afterwards."

Bruce agreed, although he didn't need persuation as he was already eager to taste me from the inside laced with warm spunk.

Suddenly, I felt him tense his grasp on my body. He didn't make a sound, he simply lowered him head, whimpering and shaking slightly. Simultaneously, I felt a thick stream of creamy warm cum flood me from the inside and out of my tailhole. The jet was so powerful that I felt it shoot into my stomach. The hot, sticky feeling of spunk dripping from my ass and drowning my insides caused me to blow my load, sending a short strand of cum splashing onto the sheets below.

For a few moments, we were motionless, simply trying to regain our breaths. After a while Bruce pulled his slimy, wet cock out of my ass. I felt that my ring had expanded quadrupily in diameter. The warm, wet feeling within my ass was heaven for me.

"That was amazing, hun," I told Bruce, showing my appreciation by running my finger up and down his broad, muscular chest while gazing deeply into his eyes.

"How's about you get going with that clean up? I can see your tongue dripping," I suggested, putting the emphasis on 'tongue'. Bruce's eyes met mine, gleaming with excitement.

"With pleasure!" He replied, needless of hesitation.

---THE END---