Hidden Desires: Rising Tensions

Story by Lion of Shadow on SoFurry

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#3 of Hidden Desires Series

Saphire still has issues getting through the day. After being anti-social to Suel he rescues her when she collapses from exhaustion. hoping to provide a little better relaxation than last time, Suel is surprised by a delusional tigress wanting to unwind in her diaper with a vibro-wand between them.

Clackity went the irritatingly familiar keys of the outdated typewriter. Paperwork had been piling up again and so had the need to unwind. After the last encounter at Suel's home, Sapphire had been a little hesitant to say anything to him. He had kept his distance from her for a couple days with the cold shoulder she'd given him, but she wanted now more than ever to enjoy spending time with him in his unusual practice of unwinding. She had to admit to herself that she'd wanted that for so long but was embarrassed to admit. It had lowered her stress levels and she did get to spend a sweet close evening with Suel. So, then why was she giving him the cold shoulder?

Her fingers froze over the keys lost in thought and unable to concentrate on the work at hand. The new cub had been a handful and reports had been filing in on trainers that needed medical treatment. Sounded like someone else was having just as bad a stress level as she tended. It brought a major headache and left her mind reeling to focus.

What was I thinking about? Were the only thoughts she could muster? It'd become so muddled she had to get away from her makeshift crate desk to find some aspirin. Her job was simple enough to work without a need for a train of thought, but a headache didn't make things easier.

Like a zombie walking through the open office site, a campground looking set of tents, Sapphire walked into the breakroom tent. It was practically empty except for Suel and a new-hire panther. Her demeanor didn't call too much attention to her well-to-do roots. Sapphire could tell she was from a rich family, probably from one of the families that donated to the cause.

Suel looked up and smiled waving Sapphire to join them. The dazed feline offered a nod followed by a single finger asking for a moment. She moved to the back tarp where footlockers had been stored which held her purse. Having worked for the group for as long as she had, it was wise to keep supplies on hand. The downside was all belongings had to be kept locked up. It was a safety precaution after one cub managed to get into someone's lunchbox. Everyone had to keep stuff locked up after that knowing that it would hazardous to the cubs if they got into something far worse.

The aspirin made things clearer. Whether it was a psychological event or fast acting pills; being able to focus made everything better. Her eyes focused on the two sitting at the picnic table laughing and acting like they'd known each other for some time. Sapphire was not one to be jealous, visibly, but she didn't want Suel to feel she was needy and madly in love with him. Still, seeing them together produces a pang of regret in the chance he ended up dating this new girl.

"Hey, Sapphire," Suel said as he stood to move around the table. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her cheek. He had always been able to make her blush and luckily it was hidden beneath her white fur. The panther stood up and handed Suel a card.

"When you both need some real relaxation, call me." She said before pulling Suel away to kiss him on the lips. Sapphire bared her teeth then looked away.

Suel watched in anger as the feline strolled out the tent. His low growl caused the tigress to turn back in surprise. She felt there was a little worry about what she witnessed exchanged but she was mostly relieved.

"She's always doing that." The Wolvar growled. "Even as teens."

"What do you mean?" Sapphire asked.

"She's my adoptive sister. She gets jealous of every girl I have feelings for and tries to make them jealous."

Sapphires cheeks felt hot again. Did Suel admit he had feelings for her? She would never admit aloud that she felt those feelings for him, but she wasn't sure if he offered the same. Not that she would ever show any jealousy either.

"She was telling me about her new business she opened up."

"Is it close?"

Suel looked at the card she left and chuckled. "Yeah, it's local."

"What's so funny?"

"It's nothing." He said wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "You're tense again. I was hoping you would spend more than just one-night unwinding with me."

Sapphire looked away trying to hide her feelings. He looked at her with a light smile then pulled her into a hug. To her surprise, she felt his warm lips against hers. Her emotions filtered in different directions wanting to run, to stay, to push further into the kiss, and even to push away and bolt. When he let her go she took a deep breath and watched as he walked from the tent. No one else had seen them, much to her relief. Her thought filtered with mixed emotions on Suel and a need to be with him. Would it hurt to take him up on another night relaxing? Certainly not.

Looking at her watch brought a feeling of queasiness. It wasn't even 1 o'clock and already the day had dragged. The kiss she hoped would feel like a long time instead felt short and disappointing. If he wanted to make her feel relaxed then he would have to do better than a surprise short peck.

"There you are!" called a voice from the tent entrance. "I need your help."

Sapphire started to protest but was cut off. "Don't worry about your paperwork. Our new hire is going to be taking over your duties." As confusing as it sounded she couldn't make heads or tails of the information that needed processing before being yanked by her arm out of her thoughts and into the intake tent.

* * *

The rest of the day felt like a blur. She'd never been able to handle the cubs herself as a desk clerk but after her experience getting to handle their charges a strange sensation filled her needs. It dawned on her what she wanted from Suel most of all. She loved him, but she wanted cubs of her own.

As soon as the thought entered her mind it was overwhelmed by the cramp of sore muscles and a weariness that always eluded her at night. Just walking to the car was a chore and seemed like a losing battle.

The keys in her hand felt like lead weighing her down with each step weighing just as heavy.

"Sapphire?" called a voice that sounded distorted and distant. When she turned to see who it was the world had faded to black and the world fell from beneath her paws.

Suel was there by her side to catch her and lay her gently to the ground. She gained enough vision to look up at him and smile.

"I knew my shining knight would be there for me."

Suel smiled and lifted her gently cradled in his arms. He knew she had fallen asleep. No one else was around to help as they stayed later than any of the other volunteers. She needed much-needed rest and to be taken care of by someone she trusted. Someone who cared for her, about her.

"I hope this isn't an omen of our future together, sleeping beauty." He jested. His truck wasn't too far away and came equipped with a makeshift bed he kept in case of emergencies. Given the winters and occasional overnight travels, he had the bed installed in the bed of his truck. The tailgate was already down waiting for him to place Sapphire in under the canopy. He didn't recall leaving the tailgate down before work, but it was welcome nonetheless.

"I'll have you home in a moment." The Wolvar whispered before kissing the tigresses' warm cheek.

* * *

Sapphire's eye fluttered open amid the shaft of sunlight beaming between the blinds. Her eyes roved the half-lit room trying to piece together the events that led her to be in a familiar room that wasn't her own. No matter how hard she tried to remember everything eluded her and rewarded her efforts with a growing pain. A headache! It was a small recollection of being at work with Suel.

The tigress sat straight up with a gasp, panting and drenched in sweat. Suel was quick from his own sleep and looked around before placing his hand on both her cheeks.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly "Are you alright?"

The gentle face of her friend and secret crush calmed her instantly.

"When did we get here?" Sapphire asked between breaths.

Suel smiled softly and hugged her close. "I brought you here about two hours ago and that was thirty minutes after you passed out."

She held tightly to him hoping it was not just a dream. If it was just a dream, then she could let loose a little and let her wants and needs out without fear. To test out the theory she pulled back and kissed him. Suel was pleasantly surprised by the sudden affection he'd tried to coax from her introverted demeanor.

"You helped me relax last time." Sapphire purred. "Care to do so, and more, again?"

The Wolvar smiled and nodded before leaning over the side of the bed with her still wrapped under one arm. She could hear the rustle of plastic followed by the sound of a crinkle. He pulled out two diapers and smiled.

"Do you want to put me in one first or shall I work on getting you 'comfortable'?"

As a response, she smiled and laid back taking off her jeans and panties. "Please help me first. I'm sure you're just as eager to help me as I am of your embrace."

Suel placed his hands on her knees before leaning in to kiss the tigress again. She caressed his muzzle and pressed her tongue into his maw. He sucked on her tongue with a murr. Slowly he broke the kiss and started to fiddle with the diaper when he saw she was already wet.

"I think I'd like a taste of that if you'll permit." He spoke with a suave impression. She didn't respond vocally but spread her knees a little more, inviting him to a taste of her youth. Suel leaned down taking in the heady scent of lust and excitement. He was getting excited himself, but it was best saved for the rest they both deserved. It would be fun to eventually show the tigress a pleasurable relaxation that required a little rhythm but for now baby steps.

The tigress arched her back at the feeling of the Wolvar's rough tongue over her slit. It was better than the last time she'd been in this position with him. The last time was real enough and she didn't feel she'd been ready. She still didn't feel ready, but it was just a dream, wasn't it?

Suel didn't waste too much time lapping at the salty-sweet wetness. He wanted Sapphire to truly relax without being worn out and begging for more before dawn. She smiled looking up at him seductively. He hadn't expected her to be so open already. Deep down we all have a major desire but to bring it to light almost required desperation or they were just extremely repressed. Still, those glowing yellow bedroom eyes said more than her words ever would. He wanted her in more than just a physicality. His love for her was deep and he could tell she wanted him as well.

She lifted her rear allowing him to thread her tail through the hole of the diaper. He slid the front up between her thighs and fastened it in place with the three tabs on each side. Before moving away, he rubbed his hand over the smooth front causing the diaper to produce a satisfying crinkle sound. Sapphire giggled gleefully as she moved to return the favor to him with a surprise of her own.

The Wolvar was definitely surprised by the tigress. She had him on his back still with the diaper in his hand and her muzzle teasing an already repressed eager friend.

"Easy now." He chuckled. "save that for a time when we're not trying to unwind."

Sapphire looked up from between his legs. "Oh, isn't turnabout fair play?"

"True enough." He conceded. It wasn't expected but wasn't unwelcome neither. To feel her warm muzzle over his thick shaft was a dream come true. Hopefully, soon their friends could meet personally and let nature take its course.

Sapphire didn't spend too long giving the Wolvar's little soldier attention. Since he wanted them to relax it would be worth trying again. What interested her more was the addition of what came last time. Minus the unexpected vibrator held in by the last diaper. Not that she'd complain about then and now. She held herself to her family standards for too long and now the kitty wanted to play.

Suel had to help Sapphire with his diaper since she never put one on before. When they finished fitting it on him he got up and walked across the floor with a wave of crinkles that made her shiver in delight. She never expected such a sound to be exciting her, but it did. Though the excitement didn't end there. He brought over the vibro-wand. A small device that looked like it would help soothe her aching muscles.

"Mmm, I'm so tense right now that that looks inviting."

Suel chuckled as he plugged it in. "It's not for what you're thinking."

"Oh?" she asked being pressed back against the pillows. "OH!?!" she cried as the vibrations began pressed against the diaper. The entire Diaper shuttered under the reciprocating vibrations. A feeling all too unexpected but stimulating all the same.

Her moans filled the air bringing a smile to Suel soft features. His hand was rubbing over the front of his own diaper while watching with satisfaction at the joy on the tigress' face. Perhaps they could share a little 'relaxation' together. The wand was rested on the bed still pressed against her diaper while Suel moved between her legs to rest his diaper on the device as well. The vibrations were expected but he could never anticipate the first touch of high speed. A feeling that felt like he would blow a load too soon. It wouldn't take but a second to adjust and rub the toy between them. They both met amid the sensational pull of the wand. Muzzle to muzzle they embraced. Their bodies rocked slowly to extend the feeling they shared. While not preferred to either it was still satisfying, to say the least. He tried to keep a rhythm in time with her, so they could fill the diapers simultaneously with love.

She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and rolled them over with her on top. The vibro-wand stayed between them buzzing rapidly against the taut plastic coving. Sapphire's purrs mixed with the hum of the toy as she ground it against him and herself. She felt she couldn't control herself wanting to do more than feeling a vibration between them. She wanted more than ever to rip the padding off and ride him bare. If this was a dream she could do that but between the shortness of her breaths and the climbing feeling of excitement her mind felt jumbled and lost in a fog that was preferable.

Suel found a rhythm to match her own as tensions mounted in the loins of passionate 'relaxation'. He'd never tell Sapphire the truth behind such comfort and enjoyment but then his sister had never been one to keep a muzzle.

Suel tried hard to hold his load but with the force of the tigress and the maximum setting of a toy he couldn't hold much longer. His back arched pressing the toy hard into her as she reached her own climatic cry. Neither could move with the toy seeming to draw in their essence and overstimulate the sensitive areas.

Sapphire doubled over clawing into Suel shoulders before collapsing in his embrace. The toy had fallen away and rolled off the bed. She ran a paw through her head fur and smiled at Suel longingly.

"I love you." He whispered in the night. The words brought tears to her weary eyes.

"I..." She tried to say but again fell fast asleep. This time in the arms of a lover. Suel chuckled and held her close moving to kiss her cheek before laying his head down on the pillow and falling asleep himself.