10th December

Story by Imya on SoFurry

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10th December

Maia heard the others cheer and all mixed into one noise. She heard that her uncle was saying something but she did not understand it. Her conscious was swinging back and forth. Some seconds it was clear and then all around her was just one mix. She felt her uncle, or at least she thought it was him, caressing her head and her shoulders. He also ruffled her fur at her arms and massaged her back and belly. She felt his breath next to her ear and a kiss on her cheek. She leaned against him and the shaking of the room stopped for a moment. She must have fallen asleep, because suddenly she was picked up and floated. At least if felt for her like that before she was placed sitting on a table. For a short moment her conscious and vision seemed to clear up and Maia was sure that she was dreaming. She was sitting naked in the middle of all the men and her uncle softly pulled her legs apart and turned her to the others. She felt his paws on her soaked nether lips, spreading them a bit and all cheered again. Maia did not hear what they were shouting in this weird dream. The paw on her wet lips and the one caressing her erect nipples felt good and she leaned against her uncle, took in his strong musk and sighed. Then something very wet and firm brushed over her snatch and when she looked down, she saw Derick licking her between her legs. She was sure this was a dream, because why would Derick do something like that. A good feeling coursed from her snatch into her stomach and pushed away the nagging feeling of her heat. When Derick stopped, she suddenly felt like she was falling forward, but soft paws caught her and let her slowly glide towards the ground. On instinct she extended her arms to the ground and caught her weight together with her knees, that softly were set on the floor. She felt the licking at her snatch again. Half conscious, she moaned and her tail went up in the good feeling. Then she felt something being pushed over her. This was most likely the cover from someone putting her into bed that followed her into this dream. She felt a breath in her neck. She felt a small piercing pain in the neck shortly after. It did not even make her shout but moan, because from the point that the pain originated from, a strange warm shudder ran through her body, making the weird feeling of her heat increase.

And then her dream turned into a nightmare. She felt a strong pain in her snatch, when something far too big pushed into it and ripped her hymen apart, robbing her virginity. She tried to jump and trash and get whatever it was now falling on her, off her back. It was too heavy and too strong and her muscles also did not want to listen to her. She did not hear her scream but the vibration of her throat told her that she screamed. Hot tears ran down her cheeks and her vision got even blurrier. She suddenly gagged when something hard, warm and fleshy was pushed into her open muzzle and into the throat. She coughed, gagged and sneezed from a heavy musk filling her nose and fur tickling it. She wanted to push the thing in her muzzle out, but she could not move her paws because of the heavy weight on her back and because her muscles were still not listening to her. Her muzzle squeezed around it and it was pulled back while her tongue flicked around it. The next push came at the same time, the heavy organ in her snatch, that also had been pulled back, pushed into her again and she groaned. For a few seconds her mind was a bit clearer and she looked up. Even though they were blurry from her tears, she saw that the one in front of her was Derick and the one on her back, based on the ear that she could see from the corner of her eyes, was her uncle Patrick. Then she shut her eyes from the pain of the thick thing hammering into her snatch again. She could feel that her insides were sore but with each push, the pain subsided a bit. Her insides got numb and her heat kicked in and let little fireworks spark in her head and stomach. The heavy taste, just as strong as the musk in her nose, made her want to puke at the same time as making her body heat up. Her mind wanted it to leave, but her body, first of all her tongue, seemed to have a different idea and licked and suckled around the intruder. She felt something even thicker hit her snatch and the erect clit and the dick in front of her, because she realized now that this was the part of Derick that was in her muzzle, also started to form a bulge that pushed past her teeth. She felt her throat opening for a scream when the thick part of whatever was in her snatch passed her labia and sank into her innermost folds, breaching a barrier inside her as well. Then she felt the strangest feeling of all. Spurts of hot, slimy liquid poured in large quantities into her womb. This at the same time lit the heat and quenched it. She felt a low pulse run through her body, that increased with every spurt and started to turn into a quiver and then into convulsing muscles. She felt her first ever orgasm while her uncle spurted his fertile semen into her womb for the first time. Short after she felt hot slime in her muzzle as Derick pulled a bit back until his dick was just half in her muzzle and then spurted into her food opening. The taste was disgusting, but she gulped half of it down in her try to get air and the rest ran out of her muzzle and over her yaw. Derick pulled out and her muzzle dropped down towards the ground. When she opened her eyes, her tear blurry vision saw white stuff drip out of her muzzle to the ground. The feeling inside her settled and she felt tight around the big intruder. A gaze over her shoulder told her, that it was really her uncle, who now let go of her scruff and licked over her head and cheeks. Her head went a bit more clearheaded in the next minute, until her uncle pulled back and with a groan of the girl and a wet pop exited her snatch. There was not much rest she got. She shakenly crouched there on the ground, still trying to come to sense with what happened and realizing that this was not a dream but really happened, when she felt another body shoving over her. She did not want this. She fought and trashed and cried but when she felt the pain in her neck again and her muscles stopped trashing without her giving them this command, she felt helpless and scared. A strong groan from her when an organ, a bit thinner than her uncles, was pushed into her snatch eagerly and established a fast pace. Her head began to spin again and suddenly her uncle was in front of her and pushed his member into her muzzle and told her something about cleaning up. Her tongue just went on auto pilot and licked around the member, scooping away all the slime that clung to the top of her mouth disgustingly. Maia did not get much sleep this night. She went back and forth between consciousness and unconsciousness while one after another all men and boys took the girl. They all started with taking her still very tight but slowly stretching cunt and had her lick their penises afterwards. Even Milo and Mr. Holler crammed their far too thick horse cocks into her tiny tunnel and filled her womb like a balloon. The men that waited spurted over her fur coat and whenever she woke up after some time of blacking out, she felt someone either pushing or spurting into her womb. Chris and Nathan Stripes had woken her up and caused her much agony, because their spikes had ripped her sensitive, heated inner flesh and made her sore tunnel even worst. Even the numbness had not been able to block the pain and she sighed when after them, Fred Park, the youngest bear, took his turn. The small and slim dick was like a soft caress for Maia. Her uncle, in the second go-around, also deflowered her tail hole, bringing the girl to another big pain and some others imitated him and spread her tail hole with a few rounds and painted her insides white. When the morning slowly dawned, her mind totally was shattered and retreated far inside while her body did everything to answer the demands of the men. Her heat was the commanding power now and she submitted to the men and suckled on their rods while others pounded her rear and snatch raw. She did not know how many hours they ravaged her and how she got into her bed with her nightgown on. She just noticed suddenly, that the men were gone, she lay alone in her bed, sticky and slimy from all their and her juices all over her body, and cried herself into sleep. At least her heat seemed to be satisfied and did not disturb her day long sleep.