Chapter 5 - Occult

Story by Russ on SoFurry

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#5 of Whisper

Flinty and some friends decide to raid an ancient temple in search of forgotten treasure! It takes a surprising turn when they meet Nibble and Frisky and agree to take part in their unorthodox games!

Stumbling forwards Flinty landed face down on a flagstone. For a moment he was confused, his head was spinning and he couldn't make head or tails of where he was. For a moment he thought he had been teleported to another room but then his brain caught up with what he was seeing and everything snapped into context!

He'd been shrunk, he was maybe five inches tall and now the whole room loomed above him. It was impossibly huge, the scale of everything was confusing his mind so the fox stumbled to his feet and tried to work out what had happened.

Looking back he could see that there was a crystal embedded in the top of the doorway he'd just crossed. It was cunningly hidden so it couldn't be seen from the outside of the room. Swearing Flinty turned to regard the suddenly gigantic expanse of the temples central room. What should have been a few steps across the chamber to the altar like stand upon which the Whisper rested was now a mile long trek.

The altar stand itself was now a ziggurat, a mighty stepped pyramid he'd have to climb to reach the artifact he'd come here to claim. Rubbing his paws together Flinty started forward, he'd gone maybe half a foot before a shadow fell over him. He didn't even have time to twist around before a pair of heavy orange coloured feet slammed him to the ground.

"You lose," Frisky chirped as he held the wriggling fox under his feet, "You were awful at this game."

"Game!" Flinty shouted, squirming from side to side, "You just shrunk me, what kind of game is that!"

"A sneaking game," Frisky declared, folding in his wings and reaching down to pluck Flinty off the floor with his hands, "You should have read the instructions. Now you have lost so..."

Dangling in the nimbats grip Flinty squirmed back and forth then froze as he found himself being held before Frisky's fluffy face. At this size the usually small nimbat was gigantic. He was huge, his face a fluffy mix of cinnamon and orange, his bright green eyes so very big and his damp nose inches away from Flinty's body.

"I... this so is not fair..."

Frisky didn't say anything, just pulled Flinty closer. His damp nose brushed along the fox's white stomach fur and then his tongue slid out and slathered up Flinty's legs and crotch leaving him wet and squirming.

"You taste nice, thanks for playing," then without warning Flinty found himself with a ring side view of Frisky's fang framed pink maw and then his mouth had closed around him. Squeaking in alarm Flinty struggled but a firm slurp tugged his head and shoulders past Frisky's lips and his whole world became pink tinged, dark and damp.

Flinty cried out and flailed but the nimbat was huge, he was tiny and the chance of wriggling free of this warm damp prison was next to impossible. He was soaked, tossed and rolled about by Frisky's tongue as he slurped and teased and played with his meal of blue fox.

Then suddenly Flinty was spat out, he sailed free of Frisky's maw and landed with a squelch on the flagstones. Rolling over onto his back he looked up at his tormentor. For a moment he felt a surge of hope, Nibble hand landed behind the cinnamon furred Nimbat and it looked like he'd whapped him on the back of the head to make him spit Flinty out.

"I want to eat him," Nibble protested, "It's in my name, I get to do the eating!"

"But I wanna eat someone for once," Frisky protested, "You always have all the fun with them."

Flinty's heart fell as the two Nimbats started arguing about who would get to devour him. He decided it was best not to stick around so scampered off across the floor toward the altar. If he could just reach the Whisper and claim it he could reverse his bad luck!

He was about halfway there when a shadow and rush of wind buffeted him and then a pair of feet grabbed him. Screaming Flinty clung to the purple fur as Nibble hoisted him up into the air.

"Oh no you don't fox," Nibble said sternly, twisting his head to look down at him, "No escape for you."

Squirming around Flinty grabbed one of Nibble's toes and sunk his teeth into it. The nimbat yelled and his feet uncurled as he flung Flinty away. Tumbling through the air he was caught by Frisky as the nimbat swooped in. Clutched to a warm furry chest Flinty wriggled until his head was free and looked up at Frisky.

"Don't eat me!" Flinty begged but found himself being hoisted up as Frisky opened his maw again.

"MINE!" Nibble shouted, swooping in and snatch Flinty free at the last second. The fox was bounced about madly as Nibble fumbled his catch, thick purple fingers struggled to get a good grip on him and Flinty wiggled and squirmed from side to side as he tried to escape.

Suddenly Nibble got a firm grip on him and without pausing stuffed the fox head first into his mouth. It was wet, it was warm and the nimbat's tongue slathered all over him as he spoke in a muffled tone, "Got 'im, see 'old 'u 'e was 'ine!"

Disorientated and on the verge of throwing up Flinty lashed out, he dug his claws into the nimbat's tongue and then bit it! Savaging the thick flesh with his sharp, albeit now very small fangs.

Nibble screeched and spat Flinty out, "He 'it my 'unge!" the nimbat lisped as he pawed at his muzzle. Flinty however leapt to his feet and ran forwards, Nibble had spat him out on top of the stand! The massive, ziggurat of stone that formed the Whisper's resting place had been conquered by the flying guardian dropping him atop it.

Frisky was right behind him, the nimbats shadow was looming close but Flinty leapt, hands out stretched. Only to be snatched up by the cinnamon furred Nimbat. But Flinty twisted, wriggled forwards and one hand grasped the ebony spiral of metal that wrapped about the length of the Whisper of the Occult.

There was a flash of light, a strange, echoing surge inside his head and Flinty stumbled, fell head over the altar and landed with a clatter of rod and squeaking nimbat on the floor. Pushing the suddenly small Frisky off his lap Flinty secured his grasp on the Whisper and raised it up.

"It's mine, I did it!"

Flinty crowed in delight as he admired his prize. The Whisper was exotic, a cylindrical core of green crystal, wrapped by a helical spiral of ebony and white metal. The rod was about two feet long and was capped at one end by a large black pearl. Except... maybe it was a crystal, it was hard to tell as the darkness was deep and full of stars and as he looked into it Flinty saw them moving. Shaking his head and drawing his gaze away from that trap the fox hefted the Whisper in his hands and smiled as a pair of strange rings hummed into life around the pearl.

"You're mine Whisper of the Occult, I Flinty completed your challenges, beat your nimbats and have laid hand upon you! By the compact I bind thee to serve me!"

"Do you now," the voice was soft, melodic and it came from the altar not the staff. Looking down Flinty frowned at the peculiar creature lounging against the staff's holder. He was green, about a foot tall with rat buck teeth and weasel like fangs.

"What... are you?"

"Me?" the creature grinned as Nibble then Frisky landed on either side of him, "I am Whisper, you're holding me there," the creature nodded at the staff, "This is the form I take when talking to mortals..." he tilted his head, "And you claim to have won the right to wield me?"

"I do," Flinty held up the rod, "I am here, I am holding you, I have beaten all of your challenges."

"Actually," Whisper murmured, "You failed them all."

Flinty jerked back a bit at that accusation and opened his mouth to retort but Frisky spoke up with a flap of his wings, launching himself into the air.

"You failed in the gunge room," he grinned, "I saw you pawing off, I watched you cum... then I watched you melt your way over Aira and leave your failed self behind."

Flinty shivered and clung to the staff, "I escaped your trap, that's not against the rules."

"You didn't though, you wiped the mind of one of my challengers and replaced him," Whisper shook his head and smirked, showing off his mismatched teeth, "Then after getting through the twister room you sacrificed the kitty. You messed up and were well on your way to become a nice, living latex mummy but you copied yourself over onto the cat."

"So what?" Flinty gulped and eyed Frisky who was fluttering around his head, "I got out of the challenges and made it here."

"A copy did," the sentient rod said, "But you... you're still mine, the gunge creature, the mummy and now... you..." he grinned wider and the pearl on the end of the rod suddenly flared with fire and engulfed Flinty!

The fox flinched and tried to let go but his hands were stuck to the rod, the helix of white and black metal had warped around his hands, pinning them in place.

"No," he shouted in alarm as the strange light from the rod washed over his body, "What are you..."

Flinty watched in surprise as the black and white metal started to coil around his hands and wrists. It didn't stop there though, it kept on sliding up his arms, binding tightly, white on black on white, thick, slick, tightening strips that coiled up his arms and reached his shoulders.

The staff pulsed in his hands and the bindings around his wrists squeezed, forcing his fingers to open. The staff dropped and then with a flash re-appeared on the stand. The black and white bandages however continued to coil themselves around his body. They lashed themselves about his shoulders and started to spread up and down with speed. Flinty couldn't see where they were coming from but they were slippery, tight and growing tighter by the second.

Trying to cry out one last time Flinty's muzzle was wrapped closed, and the bandages slid about his ears, and eyes whilst they pulled his arms to his side and coated his chest and stomach. Bucking and squirming from side to side the fox tried to scream, to bite the bandages but they were too tight.

His face was wrapped up firmly, his body held in place as the bandages coiled, slid, slithered and span themselves lower down his body. In moments they sealed over his feet and with a yelp Flinty fell backwards. Squirming on his back Flinty fought desperately to break free, to stop the tightening bandages from claiming him. There wasn't anything he could do, the more he wriggled, the tighter they seemed to get. The tighter his bandages got the more they rubbed against his skin, teased him and left him with what felt like an embarrassingly large dick.

He hadn't even noticed how hard he had gotten until he landed on his back. Now he couldn't escape it, or the need to cum. Or the way the bandages felt as if they were pressed against bare skin not fur. Thrashing Flinty bucked as something landed on his stomach and then walked, with small, teasing feet across his cock! Screaming silently, muzzle full of bandages Flinty came. His seed squished up across his stomach, trapped beneath his wrappings and the small figure standing on him mercilessly trod up and down atop his cock, small paws making sure he kept on cumming. It was dark, it was sticky and slippery and hot and Flinty couldn't think, all he could do was wiggle and groan in need as the bandages held him fast.


Watching the fox finishing cumming Whisper jumped off him and returned to the altar and leant against the stand that held his true body. Nibble and Frisky were watching him from nearby and he grinned up at them.

"They were fun guests, none of them worthy of wielding me... let's pop this fox in storage."

"Sure," Nibble said with a grin, "What about the others? The ones who transformed, do you have them?"

Whisper nodded and grinned, "Oh yes, we'll wake them back up in a bit and offer them both the chance to win their freedom! Or join our collection, you never know, you two might both get snacks."

Laughing happily Whisper let his faux organic body dissolve and directed his power at the wriggling, bandage wrapped fox. It had been a fun game and it wasn't over yet. But even if the fox and cat escaped, he had one new toy at least. Cheater's never won, not at his games at least!


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