Chapter 4: Vera

Story by Momchil the dragon slayer on SoFurry

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Momchil's point of view:

I slowly got back, still holding my wrist. I was looking around my room, but saw no one, except the little chestburster.

"Did you talk?" I said, still confused. I then heard the voice in my head again

"Yes, I did, you can hear me!" it sounded happy. I backed away a little. I was amazed and confused at the same time.

"B-But, how can I hear you?" I asked and in response, the little creature said "I mixed some of my saliva with your blood, which gave you the ability to hear xenomorphs." I nodded slowly and then remembered that those aliens can heal kinda fast. I unwrapped the bandage and saw that where the wounds from the teeth should've been, were replaced with my skin. There were no wounds anymore. I then felt that the pain from the fight earlier today was going away - slowly, but definitely faster than before. I looked at the alien again.

"Well, I think I should thank you." I said and smiled a bit. From the fast healing and all that had happened today I got very tired. "I think I'm gonna take a nap." As I said that, the chestburster tilted its head.

"Sweet dreams." It said and then went to sit on the couch.

"Thanks. See you later." I said and laid on my bed, almost sleeping immediately.

Third person oint of view:

The chestburster started feeling that it was soon going to transform into a small xenomorph, so it went over to the box and curled in a ball, starting its last sleep as a chestburster.

After four hours, it was getting dark. Momchil woke up by the sound of the front door being opened. He quickly looked around for his alien friend and saw that it was in the box. He then noticed there was a change. He saw that it has transformed, the skin laying next to it. He almost puked, but shortly regained control over himself. Momchil covered it with the T-shirt in case someone entered the room and went over to wash his face. After that, he went to see who came home.

"Hello, how was your day?" He asked, pretending that nothing has happened.

"Oh, hello. It was very good - we went to the mall and bought ourselves some clothes." Momchil's sister answered, holding a bag, full of clothes.

"Oh, okay. Girls' stuff." He said and went over to the kitchen to get himself some food. He was glad that the alien healed him, making the marks of the fight disappear - he didn't want his mum to be worried.

Alien's point of view:

I woke up and felt that the box was kind of small. I had transformed. I smiled, but didn't move, as I was hearing humans' voices. After some waiting, someone came in the room, closing the door behind them.

"No worries, it's me." I heard Momchil and got out of the box.

"Hello, I am transformed now. Cool, right?" I said, smiling.

"Y-Yeah...pretty cool." Momchil said, observing me. He was holding a bowl, full of some white liquid and little yellow chunks of something.

"What's that?" I ask, tilting my head.

Third person point of view:

The boy smiled slightly, enjoying the fact that he had an alien in his room. "That's called cereal. Some of us, humans, like to eat cereal for breakfast. Although it's kinda bad for the body, it has good taste and it has some good things in it," He said and after that sat on his bed.

He then remembered that the, now small xenomorph, needed a name. He thought about it a little and not too long after, he came up with one. "Hm..I need to call you something. Do you like Vera as a name?" He said, looking at the alien with a smile.

"It's beautiful..does it have a meaning?" It asked, returning the smile with a toothy grin, being excited about its new name.

"Yep. It means 'faith' in Russian. I'm happy to hear that you like it!" The boy answered, taking another spoon of his breakfast in his mouth.

When he was done eating, he left the bowl on his desk. Later on, he decided that it would be good to revise for a maths test. Momchil had no idea what was actually happening to the world right now - xenomorphs were all around the world, in small, but powerful, hives. People went missing more and more often, worrying the goverments and citizens.

After several hours of studying, revising and doing homeworks, Momchil decided to take a break. He laid down on his bed, closing his eyes for a second, sighing quietly. He got ready for sleeping. By that time, the small xenomorph had laid down on the couch, snoring quietly. The young teenager was laying in his bed, and before turning the light off, he said quietly "Good night, faith."

End Of Chapter 4

OK, this chap might be shorter than the others, but I promise you to make the next one longer and things there will be getting more exciting! Have a wonderful day! : D