Whispering Twins (Part 4)

Story by TheWinterStar on SoFurry

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#4 of Whispering Twins

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Zay woke and rolled to his side, facing his open floor. He lifted a paw and picked at the corners of his eyes a bit, yawning deeply and smacking his lips together. 'Glad that whole mess got sorted out...' He rubbed his face with both paws and looked up at his alarm clock, 'Only six thirteen. Fuck it feels later than that.'

He threw his legs off the bed as he sat up, 'When's the last time I went to the zoo anyway?' He got up and changed into a pair of khaki shorts, then dug through his dresser in search of a decent shirt. His ear flicked as he heard a door down the hall open, 'Someone else is up?' He listened to the footsteps that came down the hall.

Zay pulled out a grey band tee and slipped it over his head, pulling it down and then digging in another drawer for one of his belts.

A knock fell on his door, his tail flicking in irritation as he turned, belt in hand. He was slipping it around his hips, just about to buckle it when he reached his door. Opening it and looking slightly down at his father. "What," he said, trying not to sound too irritated so early in the morning. He slipped the belt through the buckle and pulled back on it, making it firm before buckling it.

His father looked down a bit at his paws, then rose them again to his face, his irritation also clear, but he didn't try near as hard to hide it. "Nothing... just making sure you were up..." He turned, flicking his tail and opening Zayras door.

Zay waited till he was in her room to stick his tongue out and sneer silently. 'Just making sure you're awake,' Probably coming looking for a fight... maybe apologize, but like I give a shit either way.' He turned away from his door and picked up his phone off his nightstand, shoving it in his pocket and his wallet in his back pocket. 'Phone, belt, wallet...' He ran his fingers between his ears and lifted his tuft, 'Meh, not really in the mood for it today. For all I know it'd start an argument.' He stepped out of his room and started for the bathroom, noticing the door cracked. He went to open it but froze, lifting his paw and knocking gently.

The door opened and his mother looked at him, "Oh do you need it?" She was brushing her hair.

He stepped in and grabbed Zayras brush off the counter, "Just need to brush." He roughly yanked it through his tuft and then noticed Zayra at the door, her tuft a mess. He pulled the brush through one last time and held it out. He eyed her short jeans and her tight baby blue top.

She took it and stood in front of the mirror, starting to brush her tuft.

He trotted down the steps and slid into his seat at the table, looking over at his father who also sat at the table, awaiting his breakfast.

Mary came down the steps with Zayra close behind, and their mother set to cooking up a breakfast.

Zayra trotted over to a cabinet door and opened it, reaching up on her tippy toes for a red box. She let out a little whimper.

Zay got up and put a hand on her back, smiling as she dropped down a bit and watched him as he pulled down the box of cream of wheat. He picked up a quiet growl and his lips twitched a bit, turning slightly to eye their father who was glaring.

Mary placed the pan of water on the burner and turned, "Really Henry?"

He lifted his ears then flattened them, sitting back in his chair.

Zayra looked up at Zay and smiled, "Thanks Zay."

Zay ruffled her tuft and returned to his seat, smirking as she grumbled, fixing her own tuft.

After breakfast they piled into the van, Zay and Zayra nestled in the back. Zay was careful to sit behind his mother to avoid being so easily seen by Henry while he drove.

They pulled out and he yawned softly. Looking out the window and watching the world go by.

Though the drive was quiet, it was tense. The christian music did little to relax it.

Zayra hopped out of the van at a rest stop, stretching and smiling. She half bounced in front of their mother, "Mom, can I get a pop?"

She giggled a bit, bending over the seat to grab her purse, "Alright honey." She pulled out her little wallet and handed Zayra a bill. "Get me a pepsi, and a coke for your father. And whatever Zay wants."

Zayra nodded, "Okay." She turned and quickly trotted to catch up with Zay as he walked toward the gas station doors. She smiled and walked beside him, "Is there anything you want to drink?"

He opened the door for her and followed her in, "Dew, of course." His ears pricked and he looked around, then turned and started for the bathroom at the back of the store.

She followed him and then broke off to grab the bottles of pop, grabbing two mountain dews and smiling with her armload. She checked the bill she'd gotten, 'A twenty? Oooh! Candy!' She turned and stood in front of their rather large candy section, looking it over carefully as she tried to decide.

Zay stepped behind her and she felt his eyes.

She looked back a little, and up. Swallowing hard as she noticed his particularly hungry and predatory eyes. Her arms tightened on the beverages and her tail twitched. She lowered her nose as his tail shifted to curl with hers.

He leaned over a little and pecked her on the cheek as he smiled, reaching past her and grabbing some sweet tarts. "Callin it," he then picked the money from her other hand.

She squeaked and turned to follow him, blushing still. 'The way he looked at me... I remember him looking at girls at school like that. Then he'd have sex with them...' She set the bottles on the counter, looking at the sloth who was busy scanning them. 'Does that mean, he has similar thoughts about me? That he thinks of me when he jerks off?' She shook her head a little and watched Zay hand over the money. She picked up the bottles and turned tail, knowing Zay was right behind.

Back in the van she held her bottle between her legs, staring at her paws around the cap. 'How could he think of me... I'm so ugly compared to him. I'm pudgy and nerdy... He's...' She glanced over at him a bit. Her eyes shifting between his hard abs under his shirt, up to his chiseled chest of raw muscle. His lean and muscular arms and ever calming and pleasant face. She watched as he opened his bottle and took a drink from it.

His eyes turned to her and he pulled the bottle from his mouth, blinking at her with his ears up.

She jerked, closing her mouth and biting her inner lip a little as she looked back down at her paws. 'He is attractive... By any sane persons standards... Yeah he can be a bit of an ass at times, but he's very... slick? Smooth maybe? I don't know... He knows how to get people to like him, besides dad...' She picked up her bottle and twisted her paws. Giving several attempts at the tight cap before whining and holding it out to Zay, "Mine won't open..."

He placed his on the seat and took hers, twisting it open with ease and taking off the cap. He took a gulp from her bottle before handing it to her.

She flattened her ears, frowning a little as she took it.

He dropped the cap in her paw as well, smirking.

She took a drink from her bottle as well and put the cap back on, holding it between her legs during the remaining drive.

Once they were parked they unloaded, walking up to the ticket booth. Henry bought the tickets and they walked through into the zoo.

Zayra picked up a map and looked at it, smiling as she reached into Mary's purse and pawed around for a pen. "I wanna go see the lions first."

Zay looked over her shoulder, "Looks like we have to go to the african side for that. And we'd have to go through the Amazon Jungle to get there." He took the map and scaled down the list of animals. His tail thumped around, "Mom, they've got Bat-eared foxes."

Henry flattened his ears, "Zay be careful with your tail, you're going to hit someone."

"Henry he's fine," Mary said. "It's not like he's flailing it all over the place like Zayra does when she's excited."

Zayra flattened her ears, "I don't flail my tail..."

Zay put a hand on her head, "Well let's not stand around, we've got a whole zoo to look at."

Mary nodded, "Come along kids, well head to the jungle area first."

Zayra followed gleefully, pittering close behind her.

Zay was uninterested in the animals of the zoo itself, instead his eyes wavered between sexy bodies he saw, though despite the pretty poodle with her family. Wearing only the smallest of shorts, and tightest of shirts cut off to show her flat stomach, his eyes would return to Zayras bouncy tail, following it up to her jean short covered ass.

They were in the african exhibit when Zayra trotted ahead and crouched down by the giant window, ears high.

He stood beside her and smiled at the two balls of fur that were curled up in the sun. He got down beside her and watched them closely. His left paw rose and rubbed the back of her neck and shoulders.

The forms shifted and one got up, stretching out and yawning before going over to a bowl of water and drinking.

Zay looked at her, then his ears twitched back to their parents who were fussing over his behavior yesterday. "Come on Zayra, mom and dad need to cool off without us." He took her paw in his and lead her through the crowed. He pulled out his phone and texted Mary. '<Dad seems tense. I don't wanna ruin the zoo for Zayra so we're going to go on ahead. I'll hold her paw.>'

He lead her up a ramp and rounded it, looking out at the open plain area.

She smiled and put a paw on the fence. "Wow..."

The four giraffes grazed at a hay bale in a cage that hung on a pole. The smallest was just barely tall enough to reach it.

To the left of the large pen was several zebra with a small herd of wildebeest. There was also a few ostriches that picked around the pond.

She smiled and crossed her arms on the fence, laying her head down as she watched them all.

Zay put an arm over her, resting his weight on his left arm on the fence. He half laid on her, resting his head by hers. "Having fun so far sis?"

She smiled, eyes locked onto the young giraffe. "Yeah. The drive was tense though..."

He snickered, "Just dad all pissy about not being a kid anymore."

She put a paw out over the fence, "Well you were filling the house with... um..."

Zays tail brushed under hers, pressing against the back of her legs. His face gently pressing against hers, whispering so only her sensitive ears could hear. "And? I heard you sniffing outside my door. Long deep drags, little miss asthmatic."

She blushed and her tail tucked a bit, "Z-zay I-"

His paw on her back wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her close as he grumbled quietly into her cheek, "Hush. I took it as a compliment, I must smell pretty good for you to take such deep breaths."

She frowned awkwardly, 'What is he doing? We're in public? ... He knows I won't do anything. I'd be a well behaved pet just to avoid embarrassment...'

He smiled, baring his teeth, "To be fair sis... You taste heavenly." He placed a kiss on her cheek."Kinda makes me wish you weren't my sister, then no one could say shit to me eating you out."

She turned her head away and whined, 'Fuck, my brothers crushing on me and I'm too fearful of 'incest'... As much as I want him to do stuff to me, he IS my brother.' She stepped away from him and started walking away, farther into the Zoo.

He followed closely.

Zay woke sunday morning and rolled out of bed, grabbing his clothes and getting dressed in neat, clean jeans and pulling on a plaid button up shirt. As he buttoned it he smiled, 'Mmm gonna get laid today.' He picked up his wallet and looked at the lone condom, 'Need to refill.' He opened the second drawer from the bottom on his nightstand and dug in the back for a box, grabbing a rope of condoms and tearing off three, sticking them in his wallet and pushing the drawer shut.

Once his wallet was in his pocket he looked at his phone, texting Madeline, '<Ready for today?>'

'<God yes. Red panties and all.>'

'<Good, see you soon cutie.>' He shoved his phone in his pocket.

"Zay, you better come eat before it gets cold," Mary yelled up.

He opened his door, turned off his light and trotted out, "Comin'." He slid into his seat and picked up his spoon, shoveling the oatmeal in his mouth. 'Funny how the idea of getting laid makes me so damn hungry.'

They were then piled in the van and Zay leaned back to wait. He fought not to think about Madeline, and everything he wanted to do to her. However his eyes wandered over to Zayra, she'd been quiet since the Zoo trip but he had picked up more than once, a hint of arousal. 'Does she think about me like I do her? Did me confessing she tasted great turn her on or is she still trying to balance it all in her head? I just don't give a shit but I know that's just how I am. I do what I want and accept my consequences if I have to.

'But I know she thinks differently... Maybe she's weighing the pros and cons of it all.'

At church they parked and he was the first to hop out, tail wagging softly. He half lead them into the church and twitched his ears around, abandoning his family as he saw his prize.

The little weasel was a soft grey with white 'socks' on her hands and feet. She had a pretty little white diamond mark on her forehead. Her slim body was covered in a pretty orange sun dress. The top of her chest was seemingly flat from the small breasted rodent.

He rounded behind her, tail flicking, "Good morning Madeline."

She jumped and turned, smiling brightly, "Good morning Zay."

Zay darted his eyes to her parents, a dark brown male, and a grey female. "Mr and Mrs Baltwin, good morning."

They nodded softly, "Good morning Zay."

Zay looked down at her, smiling gently.

She giggled, "Let's go get coffee, they have red raspberry again."

His ears jolted high, "Better go get some before it's gone." He half lead her away and purred as they stepped far enough from her family. "Bathroom in the party room downstairs?"

She bit her lip and smiled dreamily, "That's the one that doesn't echo, looking to make me squeak?"

He snickered, "I'll do more than make you squeak." He lead her down the hall and through a doorway down some steps, quickly but quietly but also not trying to act like they weren't doing something they weren't supposed to be. He lead her down the steps and his ears twitched, hearing another set of footsteps behind them. He grabbed her arm, whirled her into his chest and held her under the steps in the shadows, a paw over her mouth.

There was a set of jeans, with ashy grey paw pads and blue toes. The faint scent of his father.

'Bastard probably kept an eye on us the whole time...'

He turned and started back up the steps, the two teens waiting until his footsteps vanished above their heads into the noise.

Zay released her and lead her through the poorly lit room down an auxiliary hallway and then perked his ears, listening for anything.

Nothing nearby. No close voices, hushed mumbles, or footsteps. Not even the shift of papers in any offices.

Zay smiled, turning to her and pressing her to the wall next to the girls bathroom, burying his mouth in hers.

She moaned and rose her little paws to his shoulders, swirling her little tongue with his far larger one.

He grabbed the handle and pushed it down, opening it as he put an arm around her hips and half dragged her in, kissing her feverishly. His hand shut the door and locked it, grabbing her hips in both of his paws and lifting her up.

She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his neck, breaking the kiss for a moment, "Fuck Zay, did you not get off yesterday?"

"Of course not, gotta save a nice load just for you."

She smiled, breathing against his whiskers, "You spoil me so much."

He set her on the sink and purred into her neck, "Gotta spoil my best info girl." He lowered a paw and rubbed on her panties, peeling them to the side and rubbing her clit, "Already soaked?"

She panted lightly, "Only been anticipating it since yesterday, had to do everything I could to keep from pawing to the idea of it."

He snickered, "Such a sinful girl." He shoved two fingers into her twitching hole, smiling as she whimpered pleasantly. His nose flared as he noticed her heavy aroused scent. He pulled away a bit, "Clothes off cutie."

She hopped off the sink counter and pulled her dress over her head, followed by her lacy bra.

Zay undid his jeans, squirming them down enough so he stroked his shaft as he watched her pull the red lace bra off. "Mmmfff," he wiggled his cock at her with a grin, "Come suck me you little succubus."

She pittered the three steps over and got to her knees, her little hands taking the shaft from his paws and stroking it from knot to tip with an out loud moan. "Fuck Zay... It's so big and we've hardly gotten started."

He unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off and to the floor with her clothes, "Mmmf fuck Madeline."

She slipped her paws from his tip and squeezed as she stroked down his length to his knot, a hand breaking off to pull at his pants and fondle at his balls. "You seem a little blue balled Zay."

His ears flattened, and his paws grabbed the back of her neck and her head, "Then fix it." He started dragging at her head, smirking as she opened her mouth and he thrusted over her tongue, "Ohh fuck."

She purred and bobbed along the length sending trickles of pleasure into his groin and filling his body with the heat of her mouth. She rose both paws and pulled at his jeans, making them fall to the floor and murred as he kicked them away, pulling harder at her head.

"That's it you little slut, suck it nice and hard," He dropped the paw from her neck and groaned as she slipped farther down the flesh, head falling back as she pressed her little nose to his large knot. "Ohhh that's exactly where a good little slut belongs. Knot deep on my cock." He dropped his paw and felt at her neck, feeling his bulging cock in her throat, "Now gulp on it slut."

She shifted a little and started a gulping motion, swallowing over his cock as her cheeks turned red.

He groaned as his cock throbbed in her throat, his pleasure building. He grabbed her and yanked his cock from her maw, lifting her and half tossing her onto the counter by the sinks as he dropped to a knee.

She spread her legs and cried out a little.

Zay shoved his tongue into her folds and murred, panties pulled to the side as he slurped at her entrance. His tongue lapped at her folds and he sucked on her clit, smiling as she whimpered.

"Z-zay slow down..."

He hopped up and shoved his cock in her, slamming his knot against her folds and her panties. "Oh shit... Ohh fuck."

"Ow, Zay slow down, ohhh! Oh god yes!" She put her hands on his chest and moaned, hips squirming to hump at him.

He grabbed her paws and thrusted hard, moaning with her as his knot slapped on her wet heat, cock stretching her clamping walls. "That's it you little slut, tighter."

Her walls clamped harder as she grit her teeth, "Mmfff fuck Zay."

He gripped her hips hard and pounded into her entrance, "Ready to walk out on stage in front of the whole church?" He put his arms around her, a paw on her lower back above her tail, the other on her shoulder as her little claws grazed at his own shoulder blades. "In front of the whole church... and God. I bet the eyes of Jesus will be all over a little slut like you."

Her pussy spasmed a little as her folds twitched.

He grunted a little, and pulled her off the counter, bouncing her small frame on his knot, "You want it little slut?"

"Ahh~ Yes Zay please," she cried softly.

He pulled her off and set her down, whirling her to have her back to him and lifting her up, tossing her a bit to hold her little thighs in his hands and drop her back on his knot, holding her legs open and growling as her hole tightened further, "Yeah you like watching me fuck you."

She whined and her heat spasmed on his cock, making him throb and buck up into her harder, "Knot me Zay, please."

His red eyes turned to the mirror, smiling at the sight of his purple cock stretching her little pink pussy wide, slamming his knot against her grey furred folds, "Yeah, lil slut like you deserves a big creamy filling."

She bit her lip and purred, putting her paws on his arms as she gasped, "Ahh harder Zay."

He pulled her legs closed and slid his arms up, holding her knees to her chest. He let out a whimpery groan as her walls stiffened around his cock, "Ohh fuck Madeline." He pressed his chin to her collar bone with a light growl, "I'm about to cum... Hope you're ready for a belly full."

She nodded weakly.

He laid her stomach on the counter and leaned over her, thrusting hard into her snatch as his eyes closed. 'Don't fail me now Zayra...'

As his eyes closed the room fell away and he could imagine bending Zayra over thrusting deep into her purple pussy lips. He groaned into her neck, 'Yeah... fuck yes Zayra take it.'

'Harder bubby, ohh please, harder!'

He obliged, grabbing her hips and slamming his knot on her juicy folds, 'Gonna shove my knot in it this time. Hows that sound little sister? Ready for bubbies big load?'

She cried out and whimpered, 'Please Zay, harder! I want it all!'

He grunted as his cock throbbed, the hole around him tightening, 'Yeah come on my cock you little whore.' He panted heavily and pressed his knot hard and fast, 'Just a little more... oh fuck please! Just get in there.... Ah!' He whimpered and whined, lowering his arms to hold the front of her thighs as he pounded, keeping her steady.

Zayra whined, 'Zay hurry.'

His thrusts became short but spastic, whining with her until he gave one last hard heave, slamming his knot in with a slurpy pop and shaking.

He laid on Madeline's back and whimpered as his knot swelled, balls rumbling with aching pleasure until it blew out of him with enough force she jerked.

"Ohh, oh fuck Zay..." She whimpered and shuddered, spasming on his throbbing and rope shooting cock.

He panted and shuddered, lifting a paw to feel her stomach.

Her small, flat stomach began to feel firm and bulge a bit. She groaned and panted, "Z-zay... Oh god fuck... What are you... oohhh~"

He panted and whined, hips still thrusting into his imaginary Zayra hips. He groaned as it rolled to a finish, "Fuck..." He laid his chin on her head as he sighed happily, "You okay babe?"

She moaned and squirmed her hips, "What vitamins are you taking? You've never blown a load so big."

He kissed her cheek and cuddled to her back, "Not taking anything."

She purred and her legs shook, "Mmm... So good. God I've never felt so full."

Zay kissed at her neck, feeling his knot already beginning to soften. He lifted her and set her on the edge of the sink. "Only down sides is broken condoms and the mess."

"Broken condoms?"

He chuckled and nuzzled her lightly, "No worries, I pulled out because I figured it would break, I wanted to play it safe. Gotta please you after all."

She moaned a little, "Fuck Zay I feel so full..."

He smiled, "I know." He set her on the counter a bit and ran his paws over her stomach, feeling the firmness, "I love filling your little pussy with cum. How's it feel to have such a large amount little slut?"

She blushed and panted, "It feels amazing. Too bad I can't keep it all in."

He chuckled, "Suppose we better go find a seat... coffee first." He set her at the edge of the sink, "Ready?"

She nodded, leaning back to watch in the mirror.

He shifted and his knot popped out, followed by his cock and a rush of white cum that splattered on the sink. "Ohh fuck..." He breathed into her neck, "So much cum, so much wasted."

She whimpered a little as a shudder raced through her.

"Yeah good girl," he said softly, "Good little slut." He picked her up and set her down, handing her her panties with his tail.

She pulled them up and rubbed the crotch of the lacies, "Mmff... God Zay I want a round two..."

He snickered as he located his own clothes and started pulling them on, "You've got a job to do, and I've gotta go be innocent. Can't be late for church."

She whimpered and pulled on her bra and dress.

Once both were back in their sunday clothes they returned upstairs and located the coffee counter, Zay paying the two dollar 'donation' for both cups and then visiting with her squirmy self and a couple other friends before she departed to get dressed for church work.

Zay sat next to Zayra, putting an arm around her and nuzzling her head.

She blushed darkly and rose a paw to cover her nose, glaring at him lightly, "Really? At church?"

He leaned over and whispered in her ear, already smelling her own arousal, "As much as that mouth of yours complains, your scent says so different."

She put her paws in her lap and whined a little.

Zayra looked up as the Father read from the bible on his altar, she wasn't entirely enthralled by what he was reading. She wasn't even sure what passage they were on. She picked up a bible from the back of the pew in front of her, flipping aimlessly through it. She decided to read a passage, the passage numbered '19:30' As she read along to Lot escaping the city and his wife's death she yawned a bit. Then she continued on and her ears plastered back. She read as his daughters got him drunk and bed him just to get pregnant.

She blinked and re-read the passage several times, continuing on to look for some kind of consequence, but there was nothing. She looked up at Zay who was staring at the altar girl Madeline who seemed a little blushy compared to previous sundays.

Zayra looked down at the book, 'Fuck... Not even the bible says incest is bad. So much for coming to church to guilt trip it out of me...' She sighed and put the book away.

After the service she stood by the water fountain getting a drink.

Zay brushed under her tail with his own, "Zayra keep your tail off the floor, you're going to get stepped on one of these days."

She curled her tail around her feet and continued drinking.

He leaned up by the fountain, facing his body toward her, an arm resting on the wall. "Are you done yet?" He looked down at her, looming over her.

She looked up to meet his red eyes. She blinked and her tail tucked a bit, mouth gaping as their eyes locked. The cold water landing on her tongue and flooding her mouth, spilling over her teeth to the metal fountain. She couldn't help but wish he'd unzip himself and shove his cock in her mouth, saying something like 'Here drink this' and force her to gulp down a load of cum.

She came back from her imagination with him snapping his fingers at her.

"Oi, hurry up, mom and dad are waiting on you."

She swallowed her mouthful and stood, stepping away and wiping at her wet chin. "S-sorry." She felt him take her paw and lead her. Almost immediately she wanted him to take her somewhere, somewhere quiet, away from everything and make out with her. She shook her head as they approached the doors, 'What is wrong with me?!'

She kept her paws in her own lap on the drive home, looking at her painted claws. Images of Zay kissing her, touching her, even licking on her neck while he pushed his fingers into her. Her arousal was sky high and everyone in the car knew it. She pulled her ears in front of her face as she blushed, tears in her eyes.

Henry rolled all the windows down.

She sniffled a little.

Zay unbuckled and scooted closer to her.

Henry growling, "Zay, leave her alone."

Zay growled back, "Eyes on the road." He put his arms around her and pulled her close, pressing her head to his chest as he kissed between her ears. "It's okay sis, just relax."

"Zay, knock it off, she doesn't need you-"

"Henry! Pay attention to the road and quit worrying about Zay, he's just comforting her."

"Having a male that close, even her brother, is only going to make her curious. I told you we should have put her on birth control."

"Well worry about that later, right now worry about getting us home alive."

Zay pulled the little seat belt over his waist and buckled, returning his arm to her to hold her.

At home Zay took her straight to the bathroom, "Take a shower, I'll grab some clothes for you sis."

She looked at him pitifully, "Thanks Zay..."

He shut the door and turned, nearly slamming into Henry, "What?"

Mary came up behind him, "Nothing Zay, take care of your sister, me and your father-" she grabbed his arm, " Need to go for a drive and talk..."

Henry growled and glared at him, "Stay the fuck away from your sister." He was half dragged by his factory working mate and lead out the door.

Zay smirked and pittered into her room, opening her drawers. Her scent still fresh in his nose as he searched. Then he found it.

Her panty drawer.

He poked through, hips squirming at the massive bulge in his boxers. He found a more adultish pair, a pretty pink lace boy shorts. He let out a pleased groan and set them on her bed. Picking up her scattered pajama clothes and leaving the panties behind. He knocked, hearing the shower running, "Zayra?"


He opened the door, smiling half evilly as she saw the light outline of her naked body cowering behind her tail.


"What? I'm going to do a load of laundry. Where are your underwear stashed anyway, I couldn't find any."

"I can just wear the same pai-"

"No you're not, dad will smell it and blame it on me."

She groaned, "Top drawer..."

He picked up her church clothes and purple cotton panties. He could smell the heavenly scent, seeing the wet spot on the crotch. He stepped out and shut the door. He stood in her room and opened his belt and pants. He was going to do it, and the idea and risk made his hard cock throb.

He pulled his cock free and stroked it with a paw, moaning deeply. He spread her church clothes out over her bed as a makeshift sheet, purring as he picked up her wet panties, and the clean lacies. He opened the clean lacies and set his length along the cotton crotch. He stroked a few times, groaning as the anticipation made him throb and leak pre on the cotton liner.

He smiled broadly and lifted the soiled pair to his nose and inhaled deeply. He squirmed his hips at the pleasure that rushed through him. His balls ached and churned, cock throbbing and leaking pre like mad. He pressed the wet cotton to his nose and moaned.

He imagined Zayra bent over, squealing on his uncovered cock. 'Harder Zay, ohh fuck yes!' He whimpered as he drilled her harder, hearing his knot smack wettly on her folds. "Mmff fuck sis... Ohhhh shit..."

He whined and pressed the cloth harder to his nose.

Imagineing Zayra rolled over on her bed, putting her hands back to push herself up and spread her legs wide right in front of his cock. "Ohh fuck sis..."

'Fuck me Zay, pound my pussy and knot me~ I won't tell.'

He whimpered and slammed his paw on his knot, 'Fuck, fuck fuck! I wanna fuck her so badly. I bet she's so tight. Might even have a little hymen in there for me to rip through.' He groaned shuddered as a small jet of pre splattered over her clothes.

He sniffed heavily and his cock throbbed, leaking pre faster. He groaned lightly as his nose flared, taking in as much as he could of the heavenly sweet scent of fresh fertility. He whined, 'If we had been in my car, I'd have fucked her so damn hard. I'd be pounding her virgin hole and making her my personal slut.'

His eyes rolled back, imaged Zayra taking his throbbing cock in her pussy. 'Oh god Zay yes! Stuff me, stuff me! I wanna come on your knot. Make me come on your knot!'

He dropped her underwear and grabbed her clothes, wrapping them around his cock as he thrusted and groaned back a howl.

Cum splurted and dribbled from between the fibers of her shirt. He whimpered, uselessly humping as his balls emptied again. He purred tiredly, leaning forward and putting his head to her sheets. He smiled and wagged his tail, purring happily.

He giggled, feeling the cum around his cock. "This was fuckin awesome!"

He caught his breath and wiped his cock down with her used panties, pausing and wiping the cotton crotch of her clean lacies in his cum, making a small wet spot. He set the underwear aside and took her clothes down to the laundry room, tossing them in the washer with a wet plop.

Back upstairs he grabbed her panties and opened the bathroom door, not quietly either.

Zayra was out of the shower, working on drying off her heavy fur. She squealed and covered herself, "Zay! Quit it!"

He stuck his tongue out and winked at her, "Sorry sis, figured you were sittin around in your towel by now." He tossed the panties at her and shut the door. He leaned against the wall by the bathroom, biting his lip. 'Twins to every detail, not a hint of coloration flaw. God I can't wait to get my paws on those breasts, they look so soft.'

Zayra dropped the towel and stepped into her lacies, 'Man I bet he dug through my drawers for the best pair of panties he could put on me... Hope he doesn't pull down my shorts or anything just to see my ass in them.' As she pulled them up she noticed a wet spot on the crotch.

Her fur was still a little wet, but she wasn't dripping anymore. Why were the crotch of her panties wet?

'Maybe they fell against the rug and got wet... That was probably it,' she pulled the panties up, ignoring the warmish feel of it against her heat. She opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a little bottle, taking a small glob and pulling the panties out a bit to rub the smelly ointment over her drooling heat. It was cool and after a few seconds the burning of her heat began to properly fade.

She finished getting dressed and hung her towel up, stepping from the bathroom and trotting down the steps.

Zay was lounging across the couch on his side watching a show called Kitchen Nightmares. "New episodes on."

"Gotta take my pill," she stepped into the kitchen and opened a small cabinet by the sink, pulling out a white bottle with a blue lid. She leaned against the counter as a commercial started, ears twitching as she noticed Zay rounding the corner into the room. She looked up a little. Though her crotch no longer burned with desire to be filled, her mind was still assaulted by fantasies of it.

His nose flared and she flattened her ears. He stepped over and took the bottle from her paws, looking at it quizzically with a small shake. He tipped the bottle on it's side, "Take one every twenty four hours, for large species take two." He opened the bottle and knocked out a pill, looking into it. "Did you buy this recently?"

"No, it's a few months old," she said. "But taking one a day for a week doesn't exactly do much for the amount in there. Should last me most of the year."

He looked at the little purple pill, holding it between his thumb and index finger, "Pretty small."

She huffed and rolled her eyes, "Zay just gimme my pill..."

He put the lid back on the bottle, and set it aside. He held his hand up, still holding the pill. "Open wide," he had a playful look on his face, but an odd glimmer in his eyes made her hesitate.

She took a breath and opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out a bit.

He put his free hand on the counter beside her and smirked, popping the pill in his mouth and shifting quick.

She gasped and her body went cold for a split second, but the warmth of his mouth thawed her and she whimpered. 'He... He's kissing me.

He shifted close, his paw wrapping under her arm and holding the back of her head. His tongue slipped over hers, twisting left, right, retreating and advancing.

Her eyes drifted closed and she put her paws on his chest, her body hot, thumping with her racing heart beat.

Occasionally their canines clicked together, or shift apart just enough for him to kiss from the other side.

The ointment in her underwear did nothing for the burning heat that flared up and fueled her to kiss back.

Though she knew she was sloppy compared to his expert touches she felt his tongue lead hers around, pushing her into places and feeling his crotch press against hers, the hot bulge in his sleep shorts.

She became more light headed and whimpered, panting as he pulled away. "Z-zay...."

He murred heavily and pressed his lips to hers again, tongue sinking into her mouth and wiping across her tongue before he retreated and put the side of his index finger on her jaw and tilted her head up.

The saliva from her watering mouth, mixed with his own washed a small disgusting tasting mass down her throat.

She was blushing, trembling and weak in the knees.

He put an arm around her and chuckled, then licked his teeth and turned away, lips twisting in a disgusted sneer, "Ugh... How do you take those."

She put a paw over her still panting mouth, the pills coating flavor was all over her tongue, but her mouth still watered remembering the feel of his tongue on hers.

He got a glass from the strainer and filled it, gulping it down. "Gross," he stated as he stepped away, opening the fridge and filling the glass with milk. He returned to her after taking a few gulps himself, and put it to her lips.

She looked up at him, her body feeling crashing waves of hot and cold. The milk touched her lip and she took a few sips. It sloshed in her stomach like ice water. 'I can't believe he kissed me... Not a little kiss. Not just on the lips. His tongue was in my mouth!' She rose her paws and pushed the milk away.

He rose the glass and took another couple gulps finishing the glass and let out a satisfied breath and set it on the counter, licking his lips a little, but missing the spot just above his lip. She moved forward and licked his mouth, and then pushed her tongue back into his. 'I want more... God I want more!'

He pinned her back to the sink and purred into her mouth, grinding his bulge against her. Then he suddenly pulled away and twisted his ears, turning to face the living room. He turned back and licked the milk from her lips, "Mom and dad's home."

She felt him take her paw and lead her into the living room, curling up on the couch with her and watching the last of the episode. She looked at the TV, already feeling the arousal rising in her again from being so close to his bare chest.

Paws came up the steps and their parents walked in.

Henry first, he seemed relaxed until he saw Zay laying with her. He growled, "Zay go put a shirt on..."

He tilted his ears, lifting a brow, "Uh... It's a little hot for a shirt aint it?"

Mary sighed, "Zay..."

He groaned and sat up, "Fine I'll go put a damn shirt on. Geez..."

Zayra watched him half stomp up the steps, curling up in a ball on the couch.

Henry sat on the couch by her head heavily and pet her ears, "You okay Zayra? He hasn't been bothering you has he?"

She curled up a little more, "No, we've just been watching T.V."