Whispering Twins (Part 6)

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#6 of Whispering Twins

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The next day Zay walked into school with Zayra, noting how she departed a little hastily from him. He went to his locker and grabbed his text books. On his way to class he had to pass one of Zayras, catching sight of her talking to Gerald. His eyes locked onto the laughing pair next to a water fountain. Then his eyes fell down to their hands, she had ahold of his pinkie and ring finger.

An odd feeling filled his chest as he kept walking, then he realized his tail was dragging, ears back looking depressed. He shook his head and recomposed himself as he sat down in class. As he tried to relax, he felt his ears fall again. 'She was holding his hand... Why does my chest hurt? Why is the image of them all I can see...'

He pulled out his phone, "<Zayra? Are you...>" He took a deep breath, "<Are you dating anyone?>"

"<Uh no, not really.>"

"<The hell kind of answer is that?! You either are or aren't, which is it? And don't you dare lie to me I saw you holding hands with Gerald.>"

"<I've had a crush on Gerald for months, this is my chance to have a turn with him when every other girl has too. Besides Zay I'm your sister not your girlfriend...>"

He was sure he'd just been kicked in the chest, his body starting to tremble. 'What the hell... I know she's right, she is my sister.' He put his phone on his desk, paws on his head as he lounged heavily in the chair of his desk. 'Its gotta be her heat getting to me. She's in heat and I'm crushing on her because of that. She is just my sister, I don't love her like that!'

He faintly heard class start, lowering his head a bit as he whined, trying to focus on his school work.

Zay was in his health class, sighing annoyingly at the thought of Zayra and Gerald holding hands. He had just finished his test and was holding his phone under his desk. He had gotten reports of Zayra being very friendly with Gerald. He bared his teeth a little and scrolled through his contacts, 'I don't know this damn Gerald guy, but I know someone who might.'

"<Hey, hack boy, I've got a job for you.>"

"<Uh, okay. I'm free next period, principal's office? She'll be out for a class lecture all period.>"

Zay sighed slowly, "<Good.>" He leaned his head back and looked up at the ceiling. Frowning and trying not to growl. 'Damn that mutt... God only knows what he's planning. Zayra rarely dates anyway and they're always nerdy and weird. Odd balls that stick around for maybe a week to a month. She doesn't kiss them, barely holds their hands.'

The bell rang and Zay got up, trotting a little quickly down the hall, seeing Zayra and Gerald holding hands as he walked her to the next class. Zay turned his head away to avoid looking at them, hearing her giggle. It made his mouth taste bitter. He had gone to give her her anti-heat pill, but she'd already taken it. Avoiding him.

He'd never felt so unwanted.

He made his way up the steps to the middle floor, and stepped into the office.

"Afternoon Mr. Reynolds," the secretary said.

"Hey, Anthony said he had some papers the principal wanted to give me. Where is he?"

The llama turned her head, "In the principal's office."

He smiled and walked over, knocking gently before stepping in.

Anthony was there, a complete school nerd. He brown-nosed every teacher, a certified teacher's pet. The reddish brown anteater had gold stripes along his long nose and back. He wore a plaid button up shirt with a bow tie, suspenders and dress pants. His glasses were perched on his nose. As expected his shirt pocket had pens in the pocket protector.

Zay shut the door, "Looking about as nerdy as ever."

"It's comfortable..."

Zay rounded the desk, pulling out the chair, "Gerald, now."

Anthony sat down and used his long claws to type away at the keyboard, his little ears flicking as he worked. "You don't normally come to me unless it's urgent."

"I think this asshole is dating my sister... If he is, I want to know everything about him, but I need his other classes to cross reference with other contacts. Something feels off... Zayra had a crush on this guy for months, probably since she saw him. He's a low level somebody, they never go for Zayra. I wanna know why this guy is."

"Maybe he's upping his standards? Girls of his level are dramatic and unintelligent due to wanting to be popular. ... It is proven more intelligent girls are less so..."

Zay pursed his lips with a frown, tilting his ears, "Just get me my info Anthony..."

He nodded and continued typing, moving a claw hand over to the mouse, "Right..." He continued to select around and then printed three pages. "His classes this semester, current grades, home address, phone number, parents emergency contact information and parents work."

Zay put a paw on the desk, looking at the computer screen with a grin, his other paw rested on the anteaters head and stroked over an ear, "Good boy."

Anthony blushed and backed up a little, big dark brown eyes looking up at him.

Zay used his tail to push the chair to face him, turning himself as well. His paws dropped to his belt, "Yeah I know what yer lookin for now."

Anthony made a purring noise and his claw hands rested in his lap.

Zay pulled his cock out and tapped the tip against Anthony's nose, "Now be a good slut and suck it."

Anthony nodded and stuck his tongue out, wrapping around the purple flesh before pulling it into his mouth, slurping a little noisily as he moaned.

Zay grinned, a paw on the back of his head as his hips twitched. "That's it, good boy." He held his smug look until Anthony's tongue gently ran over his tip, pressing against his hole. He gasped and moaned, "Nnnfff fuck..."

Anthony rose his claws and gently pulled Zays pants down a little farther, nose pressed against the purple knot before his tongue slipped out and wrapped around Zays balls.

Zay bit his lip, putting both paws on the anteaters head, "That a boy, just how I taught you."

He then pulled away slowly, mouth opening as he licked up the shaft and breathed against the pre leaking tip.

Zay huffed a little, and shoved a small stack of papers off the desk, "On the desk."

Anthony got up and unclipped his suspenders, letting them hang as he went to undo his own belt.

Zay growled a little and rounded him, gripping his hips from behind and pressing the smaller boy against the desk, a paw on his shoulder as he bent him over. "Don't take my fun from me." Zay leaned over and grabbed Anthonys neck in his teeth, holding his thick mane while his paws groped Anthony's groin. He rubbed roughly before pulling at his belt and undoing the dress pants.

Anthonys giant tail wagged a bit, long tongue sticking out as he panted.

Zay shoved both paws in the nerds pants and groped his tidy whities, his odd cock pushing at the fabric. He pulled a paw out and pulled the pants down, pushing his shirt up a bit as his paw moved and grabbed the side hems of the underwear, moaning lightly as he let go of his neck. "Say it boy..."

Anthony whimpered, "Please Master Zay..."

Zay pushed the underwear down and then grabbed the base of Anthony's tail, stroking his own purple cock as he stared at his twitching puckered target. He grabbed his wallet and pulled out a condom, tearing it open and slipping it on.

Anthony wiggled and twitched, looking back as he panted.

He gripped his tail and lifted it, pressing his now covered tip to the dirty hole. He pushed against Anthony's back with his other paw and started pushing, half gentle thrusts as he worked in.

The anteater moaned a bit, and gasped, "Z-zay... Oh-"

Zay grabbed his mouth, "Shut up, you wanna get caught?"

"Thorry," he managed through his long snout.

Zay bit his lip as he pushed deeper, feeling Anthony twitch and quiver around his cock. He grabbed the nerds mane in a paw, the other on his hip as he thrusted.

Anthony panted and wiggled, murmuring quietly, "Yes Master. Ohh harder, please."

Zay leaned over him a bit and began to drill harder, biting his lip as his eyes closed, "Ohh fuck..."

He imagined Zayra, bent over his bed with her paws on her mouth, 'Be gentle with me master. I don't wanna get you in trouble squeaking too loud.'

Zay felt his cock throb hard, throwing his ears up and yanking out. 'God damn it Zayra!' He shoved Anthony to his knees and threw the dirty condom off, thrusting into his mouth.

He gurked a bit and slurrped.

He thrusted harder, biting his lip and whimpering, "F-fuck... Be ready to guzzle."

Anthony looked up at him and his hands lifted, placing them on Zays hips.

Zay held his head, gritting his teeth as he blew.

Anthony gulped quickly, frowning and pushing a bit.

He held his head tighter, 'Fuck, I hope he can swallow it all...'

Zay looked down and whined, cum starting to dribble out of his nose. "J-just a little more..." He panted, cock throbbing as it spurted the last of his load down the anteaters long snout. He slowly pulled out and leaned over the office chair, grabbing a couple tissues and placing them to the coughing males nose.

Anthony looked up at him a little.

"Blow damn it, unless you wanna inhale it."

Anthony blew his nose into the tissues on Zays paw, coughing a bit more before swallowing hard.

Zay pulled his paw away and folded it, tossing it in the trash can by the desk, "Better?"

Anthony nodded with an almost drunken smile.

Zay glanced past his long nose to his pants, his watery cum leaking down the length of his alien like cock and soaking his underwear. "Well job's done." He lifted his jeans and buckled them, making sure his belt was tight before flattening his shirt over his belt. He was about to turn to leave when he perked his ears, 'Oh that's right, better do that before I forget.' He turned sharply, grabbed Anthony's long snout almost aggressively and licked from just past his nose up his long snout and up between his eyes. "There, kissed it made it better."

Anthony was clearly blushing under his fur, cock throbbing and continuing to leak.

"Don't forget to clean up like a good boy," Zay said, then reached over and grabbed the papers off the printer tray. "Later Anthony, thanks for the papers," Zay said in a slightly louder than normal voice.

He trotted down the hall toward the main room of the office, past the secretary and into the hall that was dead, "Uh oh... Damn, late for class."

Zayra was walking down the hall with Gerald in hand. As nervous as she was doing so, it made him happy. People kinda stared, but then turned away.

Gerald was walking her to the front door, pulling her closer and his arm behind her as they padded down the few stairs. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, "Is your brother always such a ladies man?"

She looked up at Zay who had a girl in each arm, smiling and laughing with a group of girls and a few guys. She recognized Verri, the brown haired red fox. But not the blue bird. "Yeah..."

He mused, "No wonder he can't keep a girl."

She looked up at him, "But he doesn't cheat on them...?"

He snorted, "Come on you know him better than that. He's a player. Got every girl begging for him. He's the type to take advantage of that." He stroked her head softly. "But I would never. You're such a sweet little thing."

Zayra blushed a bit, smiling as she held her arm, leaning toward him.

Gerald gently pulled on her side, pressing his nose to her cheek gently, "Anyway, I gotta go catch the bus."

Zayra blushed darkly, squeaking lightly as her fur stood on end. "G-Gerald..." Arousal flushed through her and she put a paw on his.

He smiled against her cheek, whiskers tickling against her fur, "I'll text you later babe." Then he pulled away, starting back up the steps toward the buses.

With a paw on her cheek and ears to the side she turned, watching the brown furred coyote walk away out of sight. She distractingly pittered toward Zay, bumping into one of the girls a little. "Oh, s-sorry."

Zay was smiling at her, "Sup sis, ready to leave already?"

She nodded, "Yeah..."

Zay hung a little heavily on the blue parrot bird, "Hope you don't mind if I just drop you off. I told Maranda I'd take her home since her folks couldn't come get her."

She perked her ears a little, a paw touching her cheek as a fluttering feeling filled her chest. "Sh-sure..."

Zay let go of Verri, pulling on Maranda, "Sweet! Let's get then."

She followed the pair, tail flicking as she did. Once nestled in the back seat of the car she pulled out her phone, smiling stupidly.

"<So I hope I didn't make you too uncomfortable kissing you. Seemed like a good time to make a move...>"

She could faintly feel the tickling whiskers on her cheek again. "<No it's fine. I kinda liked it.>" She took a deep breath through her nose to sigh happily but caught a whiff of arousal. Looking up she sniffed a little. Zays arousal was almost intoxicating. The faint musk that drifted from his thick fur. A touch of sweat that mixed perfectly with both his cologne and sweet scent of his natural musk.

While she sat there she could feel her heat being effected, the sudden desire to be slamming her hips on his. She shook her head a little, 'I don't need him, I've got Gerald, and once my heats over, maybe me and Gerald can do stuff alone.'

"<I'm glad I didn't freak you out with that kiss. Maybe... Next time I can kiss you on the lips?>"

She purred, "<I'd love that.>"

"Hey, Mrs. Smiles, we're here," Zay said. He had a paw on the back of Maranda's seat, looking at her. His red eyes seeming impatient.

Zayra slipped out with her bag, shutting it and starting away. Trying to focus on her phone as Zay drove away. Her head turned and watched his black car turn a corner. Shaking her head she went upstairs to her room and plopped on her bed, looking at her phone. "<Maybe Zay really is nothing but a player...>"

"<Told you. He's got too many girls itching for him. He's nuthin but a player. Guess it's a good thing you're his sister. You don't have to be one of the girls he fucks once and tosses aside.>"

Zayra sighed, "<I suppose. But I can't say I'm thrilled with the idea of having some male slut as a brother... A twin brother too.>"

"<Better as a brother than a boyfriend am I right?>"

She smirked a little, "<Yeah.>"

Zay groaned into Maranda's neck, feeling her claw like nails on his back. "Oh fuck..."

She was pinned to her bed on her back, legs wrapped firmly around his hips as his covered cock squelched into her hole. She let out an equally loud moan, her tail flared over the bed between his legs. "God Zay... Oh fuck! I can't believe we're doing this..."

He shifted his head and gripped the feathers of her neck, growling as his back arched to strengthen his thrusts. His left arm was under her shoulder, holding her. The right petting over her leg. "You needed this, remember?"

She buried her face in his neck, panting heavily, "God yes. You're so big! Fuck Verri said you were big but you're not near as massive as she said."

"Massive? You were expecting bigger?"

"Verri made it sound like you had a h-horse.... Zay oh fuck...." Her claws tightened on his shoulders, body shaking as she climaxed.

He smirked, slowing to feel her tight walls quiver and clench around him. "You were saying?"

"She made it sound like you were as big as a horse. I'm glad you're not, I like my insides where they're at."

Zay laughed a bit into her feathered neck, "I like your insides where they're at."

She let out a soft peep as his flesh throbbed, "H-how much longer do you need?"

Licking her feathers with a sigh he sat up, smiling down at her as his paws ran over her legs. Hips shifting in soft thrusts into her juice soaked snatch. "Not too much more."

She stood up on her elbows looking up at his red eyes, "Are you holding back on me?"

His ears perked and then drooped as he looked elsewhere, "Uh.... Maybe." He turned back at her with a sheepish smile.

"I told you not to," she pouted.

He pouted a little, ears back, "Cut me a little slack, I wasn't sure how much you could take. I ain't really lookin' to break you.

She huffed, "I'm not that breakable. Fuck me like you fucked Verri."

He shrugged and pulled out, "Roll over then."

Blushing she sat up and rolled over, standing on her hands and knees, "L-like this?"

He pressed his tip back in and moaned, paws grabbing her hips as started to thrust, still keeping in mind his measurements. He tilted her hips to knock her back over, placing her tail at his side, pressing her leg up over her head as he put his right paw on the bed, grunting a little as he thrusted.

She gripped the sheet in the claws of both hands, moaning and panting as she writhed. "Zay... Oh fuck harder."

He growled lightly, throwing his hips into her, getting a soft squeal from her break. "God Maranda you feel so good..." He bit his lip, trying to keep his eyes open as his covered cock made wet slipping noises.

He winced as he felt the desire to thrust harder, just to slam his knot home. He shook it from his mind, feeling her climax again.

"Oh fuck Zay... Don't stop... Ohh!"

Panting he leaned toward her, gripping around her hips and huffing in her neck, "Almost there... Fuck you feel amazing." Shifting his whiskers met her beak.

Her black colored beak was open, panting and gasping. "Z-zay you know I can't k-"

He thrusted his tongue into her mouth tilting his head to at play around with her tongue. His hips smacked into hers, groaning as heat rushed through his hot body and to complete it, rushed from his cock. He whimpered, hips twitching into her, lifting a paw to her face as he pulled away. "Yeah, I know the whole birds can't kiss because beak."

Maranada laid out on the bed, feathers puffed, tongue sticking out and beady eyes glassed over, "God Zay you're amazing."

He smiled, "I aim to please." Then he rolled over to lay by her side and pant, "Fuck it's hot in here now."

She giggled, wiggling to his side and nuzzling into his neck, a hand on his chest touching over his fur. "You're amazing Zay."

He put an arm under her neck, holding her side, "Think you already said that."

She giggled again, lifting a leg to wrap around one of his, "Well you are. And I'm not even as experienced as Verri... I hope I did okay."

"You did just fine," he stated, stroking her feathers. "Just glad you think I did alright. I've never fucked a bird before."

She sat up a little, "Never? Really?"

He rose his left paw and touched her face, "Not before you."

She looked at him and nuzzled his nose with her beak, "Could we... k-kiss again?"

Zay looked at her dreamy eyed gaze from her beady black eyes. Shifting to sit up on an elbow and press her to her back. His tongue falling free into hers and shifting around. His broad tongue slipped back farther, touching a rougher part of her tongue, a paw slipping down her stomach as she rose her hips.

One of her hands rose to touch his head, peeping gently as she squirmed.

An engine pulled into the driveway, Zays ears rocketing up and he pulled away, "Thought you said your family wouldn't be home until six at least?"

She sat up and threw her legs off the bed, trotting over to her window and peeking through the blinds. "Oh shit! It's my brother! What is he doing here!?"

Zay flattened his ears, coming up behind her to peek out as well as the large parrot stepped from his more beat up car. "Ohhhh boy... Tell me I'm seeing things..."

"No... He's a gym trainer..."

Zay stepped away, pulling the cum filled condom off and tossing it in her trash as he located his clothes. "Girl put some clothes on, quick."

Once finding clothes she stepped into the hall, squawking as the door opened. "Maranda? You got a friend over?"

Zay felt his fur puff up, knowing he still smelt of hormones. He grabbed her arm, "Perfume, put on some perfume."

She nodded a little, "Yeah, just a minute." She stepped into her room again, spritzing herself a bit heavily. As she passed Zay it was all he could smell, following her down the steps.

Zay eyed the five foot bird. He was broad, dressed in a simple tee and yoga shorts.

She glanced up at Zay, "Uh... Mack this is Zay.

"Didn't know you had guy friends," He said. "Wheres mom and pop?"

She reached the main floor and held her arm, "They won't be home till about six. They had something after work they had to go to."

Mack stepped closer, passing Maranda to Zay who stepped down behind her.

Zay tried to act natural, uncaring of his presence.

Mack offered a hand, "So, Zay. You one of her school friends."

"Yes, we have the same home education class," Zay took his hand and shook rather firmly.

An odd moment passed between them.

Zay rocked on his heels, pulling his paw away, "Well, Maranda, I better get goin. Catch yah at school tomorrow." He rounded Mack, passing her and then Macks foot grabbed his tail.

"Why are you wearing so much perfume Maranda? You can't smell anything but perfume... What are you two hiding."

"H-hiding, we're not hiding anything," Maranda stammered, hands up in front of her.

Mack looked at her, "I'm not an idiot. You've got a guy in the house, you were both upstairs, and you reek of perfume. Where you two having sex?"

Zay yanked his tail free, growling a little. "Don't touch my tail..."

Mack made a growling noise, "You fucked my sister..."

"Mack, stop I... I um..."

Zay twisted his ears back as he heard Mack coming up behind him, turning and growling.

Maranda shifted between them, feathers ruffled and shaking, "Mack please he didn't do anything I didn't want."

"You're only fifteen, what if he gave you something?"

Zay flattened his ears, baring his teeth, "We used protection, and I get tested regularly..."

"So you're admitting it... How old are you boy!" Mack reached for him.

Zay swatted his hand away, "Old enough you can't touch me." He turned and snorted, "See you at school tomorrow Maranda." He opened the door and shut it behind him, walking across their porch and down the few steps to the driveway and slipping into his car.

He backed out and started down the road, sighing. "God that was weird..." He pulled into his own driveway and got out, locking the doors and starting up the steps.

He was standing on the porch when his ears lifted and looked back at the driveway. 'Mom and dad are home early...' His nose shifted, sniffling lightly at the smell of food. A weight was forming in his chest, and he opened the door, stepping in and tossing his bag behind the couch.

Mary was in the kitchen, "How was school Zay?"

He looked at Henry who was glaring at him, "School was... great... mom." He looked around, an ear dropping as his eyes darted between the kitchen and Henry's glaring eyes, "What?"

"School ended over an hour ago, Zayra was home alone... Where have you been?"

Zay huffed, "I went to a friends..." He went to walk into the kitchen and paused, looking down at a red backpack on the chair. His nose flared, "Gerald..."

Mary stepped up to him, drying her hands, "He's upstairs with Zayra watching a movie in her room. He seems like a nice boy."

Fear rushed through his body, a sudden pang of pain and weight in his chest. 'He's here... He's... He's taking that step! That son of a bitch just hit first base!' Zay turned and bolted up the steps, turning into Zayras room and stopping. His ears back as his mouth fell open.

Gerald was still pulling away from her, they were still pulling their tongues into their own mouths.

Zayra was blushing, looking at Zay with her ears back, Gerald was stiffening, ears up but not seeming to care as a smirk pulled at his lips.

Zay balled his fists, gritting his teeth and turning, storming into his own room and slamming his door. His knees buckled and he fell on his butt in front of it, paws lifting to his face as a dark sense of loss fell over him.

His chest burned and ached, a sickened feeling in his gut. 'She kissed him... She probably even kissed him how I taught her!' He put his hands on his face, sniffling as tears formed in his eyes. 'No! Suck it up, you're better than this!' He rose his face and tucked his paws between his chest and legs, taking deep breaths. His ears perked a little, twisting back as he held his breath.

"Gerald I'm worried about Zay..."

"He'll be fine, come here..."

There was a moment of quiet. "Gerald... He's my brother."

"And I'm your boyfriend. Zays just pissy it's me. I doubt he'd care if it was someone else."

Zay bit his lip, hugging himself tightly, closing his eyes and whimpering a little.

"You're a good kisser Zayra," he said gently.


"Yeah, like you've done it before. I've never seen you kiss any of your ex's, who'd you give your first kiss to?"

Zay perked his ears, leaning back against his door. 'Me... I took it.'

"I erm... it was one of my ex's..."

"Which one?"

"I don't remember exactly."

Zay got up and stripped, tossing his clothes on his floor and yanking on his steel grey gym shorts before flopping in bed. He sighed and rolled to face his wall, curling and yanking his blanket over his head, closing his eyes to try and drown out the voices he could hear.

Zayra was holding Geralds hand in her lap, feeling his thumb on the back of her hand. She could still feel the tickles of his tongue in her mouth. She was struggling to even pay attention to the movie, her gut a twisting storm of fear, anger, depression, and overwhelming joy. Her eyes burned with the desire to sob, for a hug, for a pet on her head with a kiss. The kiss made her want to be everything to Gerald.

"Kids dinner time," Mary hollard from the kitchen.

Gerald got up, grabbing her paw, "Coming Mrs. Reynolds."

She giggled as they walked into the hall and paused at Zays door. Going to knock but dragged a step farther.

"Don't worry about him, I'm sure he'll come down when he's ready..." Geralds brown eyes gleamed as he smiled.

She returned the smile, "Y-yeah..."

Down the steps they bound, slipping into their seats at the table, a fifth chair at the table that was a fold up chair.

Zayra smiled at her plate of spaghetti, licking her lips happily as they all dug in.

"So, Gerald," Henry started. "How did you meet Zayra?"

He perked his ears, eyes lifting to meet his. Gerald awkwardly chewed and gulped his mouthful of pasta, licking tomato sauce off his whiskers, "Erm... We have the same gym class. Was just kinda biding my time to... ask I suppose."

Mary giggled, "Biding time to ask little Zayra."

Gerald shrugged, "I was kinda nervous you'd say no." He turned slightly to Zayra.

"Why would I do that," she smiled brightly.

He flattened his ears as he poked at his food, "I figured Zay would have to okay it or something. He sure doesn't seem to like me."

Henry snickered, "I don't think Zay likes anyone."

"He can be a little over protective of Zayra, he's just being the best big brother he can be. I'm sure given time he'll come around." Mary picked up a bite of spaghetti curled around her fork. "Zay honey your foods getting cold," she hollered lightly.

There wasn't an answer.

"Must not be hungry," Henry said. "Anyway Gerald, what do your parents do for a living?"

Mary turned to look at him with a smile, "Well don't get too personal with the questions honey."

Zay heard Geralds parents come get him, a sharing of words and then they left. He rolled as he heard his parents talk quietly about how nice Gerald was before going to bed. He waited, hearing Henry's loud snoring. He got up and opened his door quietly, looking around and quietly pittering into the kitchen. He stopped by the fridge, reaching up and grabbing a small dusty key.

He turned and walked down the steps into the laundry room, stopping by a cabinet door with a padlock and unlocking it. As the lock popped and he jingled it lose he could still feel the weight in his chest.

The image of Geralds tongue in Zayras mouth scorched into his mind.

He opened the cabinet and looked at the colorful bottles of liquor. He reached into the back and pulled out a half bottle of whisky. He sighed, "Sorry mom... Dad can yell at me all he wants." He screwed the lid off and hesitated, taking a breath and tipping the bottle back gulping down several mouthfuls of the burning liquid, feeling it flame all the way down his chest.

He put the back of his paw to his mouth, the stinging similar to alcohol on an open wound. He locked the cabinet back up and put the key away, starting for his bedroom with bottle in hand. With his door shut he sat on his bed, tilting the bottle back up and chugging down a few more gulps.

No longer willing to stand he sat there drinking, trying not to think much of anything as he did. The glass bottle emptying quickly. His eyes becoming hazy and distant, before he guzzled down the rest of the bottle, and fell to his side, the bottle falling from his hand to the floor with a hollow thump.

He stared at his floor as it swirled away into darkness.