Sins of the Father: Chapter 3

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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A continuation of a family of rebels being brought to heel by the King's soon.

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Grayson's outrage was something that could be felt, filling the air with a rush of fire that caused Reuben to smile a bit more. It was everything he could wish as he was finally given a chance to step into the role of a ruler. He was given command during the insurgency, which meant he was finally able to do something with the people that had dared rise up against them. The twins had been just the start, now he had a man that was shaking with fury at what he had seen and he took time to make sure that it had continued on so that he could see just how deep Andrew was in his control. The drake was panting and shaking, reeking of sex and arousal as he padded forward with a lash of the long tail.

He had taken Grayson down onto the field because he wanted he man to see just what it was that he could do. Magic was something that any true king would have at their command and as a prince it was his due. This magic was something showy and definitely something that made the man realize the he had met his match here. He had already humbled himself for the sake of his sons, but it was too late to save them. The magic had had time to sink all the way into their bones. It was an impossibility that they would be able to be changed back, instead, they would remain the rest of their days as animals, and he wanted to make sure the old lord was sentient of that fact.

_It will mean so much more that he realizes his line dies here. _ Reuben thought and played with a shiver of delight that ran down the line of his back.

"You can't do this!" Grayson snapped, his eyes flashing wildly, trying to storm forward as the drake moved to stand beside Reuben. "Andrew, come here, boy!"

"Stay." Reuben said and flexed down his control of the drake, making sure that it was perfect without a hint of rebellion to be seen.

The gryphon's eyes were filled with emotion, but he didn't move to answer his father, he remained stiff and at his side. The panting sides were rising and falling as he didn't even tilt his head. The ear tufts were flicked back against his head while behind them they could hear the soft noises of Michael recovering. That alone would keep him aware that one of his very male sons had just laid an egg. The egg itself was being removed so it could be safely brooded and hatched in the rookery. There would be no chances taken that they would damage such promising offspring.

"I have surrendered. I have given you everything." Lord Grayson's eyes were raw looking. "What do you want? Shall I crawl and beg?"

"Your begging would do nothing." Reuben gave his hand a slight flick. "No, what I want from you is to understand that you are not going to be put to death, you are going to join your sons."

"Join them?" He asked and stiffened slightly while the prince inclined his head forward.

"Yes, my father doesn't want your death. It is worthless. Death is an easy release for those who have committed such treachery," Reuben answered and savored the fear that showed. "Do not worry, I have no need for gryphons any longer, not when Michael is so....eager to lay more for his brother."

"Then what?" The old lord took a step back, as if by distancing himself he might be able to evade what was going to happen. There was no hiding from it, not when Reuben's mind was flooded with delicious imagery.

"Tonight there is a gathering in the main court. My Lord Father has ordered that I am to attend and offer greetings as the nobility come to refresh their oaths of obedience to him." Reuben said slowly, carefully. "I am going to not only give my greetings, but present to them the reason they have been called from their own home."

"You will humiliate an old man?" Grayson snapped, but the prince let out a low laugh, cruel and filled with anticipation.

Grayson wasn't old, the man was a fighter still in the primes of his life. True, there was some silver in his hair, but his body was lean and muscular like a soldier. He had been a worthy opponent, one that had easily brought others to his cause, but that made him dangerous. He would have to be humiliated, brought low, made to be seen as a disgrace to others the way the twins had been humiliated. The gryphon forms they wore were at least showy and impressive, something that was unique, uncommon, but this old man... he would not be given the gift of something so honorable.

"You are only humiliated if you have pride left." Reuben informed him and then tipped his head to one side. "Do not look so stricken, you will not be alone. I will be eager to make sure that you have the company of at least one of your sons during this trying time."

He tried to make himself sound as if he were being magnanimous, but his mind was running to just how this would play out. It would be a careful show of his power and control, a display for his father to understand that he was no longer a brash youth. Grayson looked at him with fear in his eyes, but the old man didn't try to run. His pride would make him accept the punishment, which delighted Reuben. Already he knew what shape the man would take. After all, was not the wolf carried on the man's shield and house? And it was a wolf he would become. Common and despised as a scavenger, his worth would only be measured in the value Rueben would put on him.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Grayson felt despair well in him as he stood to the side of the grand display of nobles and wealth that was the King's court. His scorn was there as well, the same scorn he felt when he had first tried to break from the king. It was an affair filled with wealth that was wasted on these high class bastards. He felt sick to see men who ruled some of the most poverty stricken areas to appear wearing clothing that probably cost more than an entire farm. The wanted to snarl at them, to display his anger at them, but he couldn't. He couldn't even meet their eyes, because he was not standing at the sidelines in his normal modest garb modeled after a warrior's armor. He stood near the wall entirely nude save for a heavy gold collar that was wrapped around his throat.

His own son stood guard over him, the gryphon's head was lifted up and eyes were alert as if watching for any hint that he might try to escape. Once again, Andrew had made his choice between loyalty to the crown and fealty to his father. It enraged him that his former son could make such a choice with no hesitation. He stood there looking large and impressive with his head twisted around, following the sounds of conversation alertly while the ear tufts were turned back towards Grayson. If the man tried to move Andrew would stop him, alerting Reuben that his pet was trying to escape.

He had been stripped down before they had entered the court, his anger snarling out to the point of struggling, but the moment the cold gold collar had snapped onto him he had been forced to obey. He could still struggle against the commands, but his struggles were stopped before they could be effective. His cheeks burned with shame as he was put on display to the courtiers who moved around with amusement on their faces. They knew who he was, they were his peers, and they stared at him without a care of his own discomfort. The only ones that were discomfited were the ones that had once supported him. He was brought low, like a dog brought to heel as he stood stiffly beside his own son.

_He wants to break me. _ He thought and glared at the chain that was hooked to the wall, locked in place like a dog that had been tied out.

"Fight them, boy, free me.." he growled at his son, but Andrew only blinked large strange eyes and continued watching the room. "Are you such a coward?"

"No, he is obedient to his master." Reuben observed and gave a slow smile. "It seems that you are not so cowed as you appeared in court."

"I am a lord." Grayson said stiffly. "Give me a clean death or nothing at all! I do not deserve this fate."

Reuben only quirked a lip up and moved away, his hips swaying a little bit as he moved through the room while the people flowed around him like water. He felt the heat rushing to his face and his son glanced back at him. The look was truly mortifying as he realized how exposed he was and he wanted to move his hands to cover himself. He could have, but that would only make others begin to laugh at him, mock him. He wasn't going to settle for that. He refused to allow himself to be turned into some sort of joke. He was better than that.

He was starting to plan out the best way to get the collar off when the sounds of the musicians faded and the sound of murmured voices began to quiet. The massive ball room was wide open to show people walking around with their eyes flicking back and forth in interest. Their expressions ranging from mildly curious to eager as the prince himself walked through their midst. They drew to either side, guards were moving to hold them back so that the center of the room was revealed and the man turned to give a sly look back at them. He turned and swung his body about, bowing himself low with an elegant turn.

"Welcome, my lords and ladies, to the sentencing of Lord Grayson Wulf!" Reuben called out and his eyes brightened. "For those of you who have renewed your loyalty to my royal father, you are to be honored, for you are truly the jewels in the crown he holds."

There was a scattering of applause, but Grayson's eyes were on the fact that someone with the markings of a mage slipped up behind the gryphon. Andrew didn't do anything to stop the man as the wizard reached out to take the leash from the wall. Grayson bristled, his shoulders tensing up with anger, feeling his breath come out in a short angry burst. He moved to step back as the chain was pulled tight and the collar suddenly clamped down harder around his throat, making him gag slightly.

"His sons have benefitted from my father's wisdom and command, and today he will join their ranks. To sentence him to death would be to put him to peace, where he would no longer suffer for the sins of standing up against our people." Reuben continued while Grayson was dragged into the middle of the room. "That is a mercy we will not grant him. Today, he will be gifted with taking the shape of his family house. He will be stripped, not only his title and wealth, but of his humanity. To live like the traitorous beast he has shown himself to be."

There was more interest in the ranks now, people that were avidly enjoying the show and production of what was happening. Grayson felt his stomach sink, his breathing caught in his throat while he felt the eyes on him as he was swung into the middle of the room. His son could have done any number of things to help him, he could have caused a scene or fought away the mage to drive him back. He felt as if he were going to be sick as he stiffened and dug his heels down, nearly stumbling forward with a ragged noise from low in his throat. His eyes were wild looking, white edged and terrified as there was a little bit of a jump when the mage grabbed him and hauled him in close.

He couldn't get away, there was a jolt of heat that hit him with a jump that ran down along the line of his spine. It was too much, his breathing tightened down and he jolted before the mage said a soft word in his ear. He didn't know what it was, but it trailed down the line of his back. It made his body shudder in place, the jolts made him jump in place. The magic was a caress that made his entire body flush, the red spreading along his shoulders as he curled forward and let out a guttural noise while the watching nobles had interests that seemed to sharpen around him. He didn't want to see their eyes as he fell to the ground and felt a tremor rushing down his spine.

His fingers hit the ground firmly and the toes spread out wide as he tried his best to brace himself while his teeth began to ache and curve downwards. The change flowed over his body in a wave that ran down the line of his spine and towards the curve of his ass. It was sharp and immediate, making him jump in place as he hunched and his nails began to thicken and curl downwards. They were growing sharper and darkening before his eyes while fur started to sprout along his bare skin. The magic claimed him in such a way that he couldn't fight it. This was nothing that a sword would stop, nothing that he could defeat with physical strength.

He was impotent and horrified as his nose began to push outwards and the twinge ran along the line of his back. Thick silver-grey fur began to spread over him, running down the line of the back. It was rushing towards the line of his spine and tracing towards the haunches while he stumbled forward lightly. He tried to push away the sensations, to find some force of personality that he could fight with, but there was nothing. The change assaulted him as his nose pushed further out and his ears began to lengthen. His teeth were growing larger, bulging while his tongue grew thicker and broader. The shudder that ran down the line of his back caused him to hunch forward and then choke out a ragged noise.

He swung his head to the side, looking down his own furred side in horror as his legs began to change, his ankle was lifting up higher in the air as he was losing more of his bulk. He was growing smaller, his muscled body being exchanged for that of a beast. When he swung his head down a bit lower, he realized that nipples were forming along his chest and lower stomach. Dark small buds that appeared against his underside so that a line of them moved all the way towards his stomach. He was gaping at them and reared upwards, his legs tucking down beneath him as he tried to deny what he was looking at.

The fur flowed over them, growing softer and paler, covering those buds that horrified him, but rearing up gave him another view entirely. Staring down at his lower belly he saw that his cock was drawing backwards, retreating as it did so, starting to withdraw with the pressure his balls. He was choking out a noise of fear while his hands steadily became more paw like. The fingers were withdrawing, pulling backwards into his palms, stiffening as the claws became thicker and heavier. The palms of his hands were growing thicker, more like pads, rougher as well.

He felt as if he were going to be sick as he lost that bit of his humanity, but it was feeling parts of his inner body starting to change that he was mortified. He shuddered and hunched his body as his girth pulled backwards, no longer hanging down as thick heavy lips began to form together. Thick heavy as they blossomed and his cock grew smaller, disappearing entirely while his stomach twisted strangely. He felt his stomach twisting a little bit with a little jump that caused him to whine out as a tail started to push outwards. A wolf, he was changing into a wolf. No, not he... She was changing into a wolf.

She hunkered her head down against the ground, her nose nearly touching it while the toes curled a little and the collar shifted along her neck. It tightened, growing heavier and hanging down from her neck. It made her whine out as she tried to swing around with a jump, curling her tail between her legs while she was forced to experience the building pressure spreading through her lower stomach. Her ears splayed to either side before snarling angrily when there was a burst of laughter. Her watching peers seemed to find the form and joke more than amusing as she twisted her lips back in an angry snarl. A few people moved back, but most of them remained quite close, interested as she swung around in circles.

"What a fine bitch you make." Reuben spoke with a rich satisfied voice, making the term piercing and humiliating. "Behold the former Lord Grayson, where his machinations have brought him low."

There was a scattering of applause, light sounding as it spread through the air and she felt her face going hot red in humiliation. There was nothing she could do to get away, as she jumped the mage held the leash tight so that she skidded around on all four paws. Her claws scrabbled to try and find purchase, but it was useless. She couldn't get away, she was trapped and whining out from low in her throat. Her heart was in her chest before the prince walked towards her with his eyes fixated on her. She couldn't move, could barely think, as she glared at him with an angry flash. He only smiled a bit wider before jerking the leash backwards with a yank, trying to get to the furthest point as the people shifted.

"Do you not want me to even touch you?" The prince asked with amusement. "Then perhaps you might give a show to these fine people, hmm?"

_This is now way for a noble house to end! _ Grayson thought furiously, snapping her teeth at him while he moved to one side neatly.

"Andrew, come and greet your father." He summoned with a little gesture of a hand while the mage flexed his hand down the chain.

The collar and metal began to glow brightly, making her yelp out and then freeze, her body not quite able to move as she felt the lash of magic curl around her. The mage kept her eyes on him as the gryphon was allowed to walk forward as commanded. The feathers were shaking a little bit, spreading open just a touch as Andrew glanced down at her and the former man snarled at her. Or, rather, he tried. The sound didn't come out as much more than a strangled garbled noise. There was no real force to it, nothing that could drive the obedient gryphon back.

The massive black creature loomed above her before the chain suddenly gave a snap, it cracked against her so that Grayson dropped down onto her stomach. The sudden drop came with laughter from the watchers as voices began to talk among themselves softly. The voices made her jump a little bit. There was a slight twinge of fear that made her stomach jump a little bit as the towering gryphon walked forward at the command of the prince. There was no hesitation as he approached her, as if he didn't even consider the newly changed wolf his father. How could her own son behave that way?

"If you do not obey, wolf, there will be consequences." Reuben informed him in a less than kind tone. "Andrew, pin her down with your paw."

The massive forepaw hit down hard right against the line of her shoulders and she was pushed harder to the ground as she thrashed. Her anger burst from her, hot and wild, struggling to get back up as the weight remained digging in against the curve of her back where she couldn't break free. Her heart started to pound faster as she gave a wild jump and contortion. The jolt made her stomach twist strangely as the talons curled down right against the line of her shoulders, digging down painfully as she gave another twist and contortion. She tried to break free, movements twisting back and forth, but Andrew put more force down onto her as the drake let out a low noise in his throat.

It wasn't quite an apology, it was huskier than that and she became aware of the fact that the drake was growing excited as the force pushed down higher. She became aware of it only when a few of the courtiers started to coo and comment, the women drawing attention to the fact the dark length was pushing out of the sheath. It was slipping outwards, the weight of it drooping down lower as the barbed spire gave a few small twitches, the wetness dribbled downwards, hitting the ground. It came with the scent of arousal that made her nose crinkle back in affront, jerking her head to one side and then the other.

Her nose was incredibly keen, able to taste that scent on the back of her tongue so that it was impossible for her to think straight. She gave a little bit of a jump, choking out a noise that was hot and strange. She didn't want anywhere near it as a few of the ladies made obscene comments. They were out of place in a room that held royalty, but they still said it while the length twitched a little bit up and down. The barbs were standing out against him as she watched the way that it became more exposed by the moment, the thickness of the base popping free with a lewd noise as her own son crouched down closer to her and let out a rumble.

She was so distracted by that sight that she didn't feel the sudden yank of the hand on her scruff as she was dragged forward. She splayed all of her feet wide and scrabbled under the prince's hold as he tipped his head to one side to regard her with eyes that were fever bright looking. She didn't like the way he looked at her as he maintained that hold on her. Her paws scrabbled and twisted, jerking backwards again with a wild little buck only to have him twist her scruff a bit further.

"The rules are simple. You will choose how violated you become with your son." Reuben murmured in a low voice, likely barely able to be heard by those watching. "You can use your tongue and mouth on him, or I will choose which hole he shoves himself into."

_What?! _ Grayson felt a pang of horror, her ears dropped back at the idea of what was being said. She wanted no part of it!

"If you bite, or struggle, I will make sure it won't be someone as...sympathetic as your son." Reuben threatened, his eyes trying to convey how serious he was.

The former lord was disgusted and twisted back her upper lip back angrily, trying to come to grips with the rage that was rising up in the back of her throat. It was something only the cruelest and most depraved person could come up with, to think that a prince was agreeing to it, made her despair. No noble would stand up to him, they wouldn't try to argue for mercy and kindess. They were too involved in their own squabbles and worries to care about her. They would want approval, to seem as if they enjoyed the sick show being offered.

She was shoved forward by the prince's hand, released so that she was thrown right between her son's forelegs. The gryphon towered above her, muscular and powerful, with sharp eagle-like talons that were nearly brushing her sides. Those talons could tear her to shreds, to say nothing of other parts being put inside of her. That made her seize up and true worry launch itself. She had never had that particular part before, thinking about something being pushed into her made her insides run cold.

Instead, she faced the length of the cock hanging down beneath the belly of her own son. The only real relief came in the fact that it wasn't shaped properly. At least if it weren't shaped the way that a human shaft was, perhaps she could work through her own disgust and fear. She tried to shrink herself away, feeling her heart starting to lurch as the twitching length moved towards her and the forepaw pushed down against her haunches. She was pinned, flattened down to ground soundly as the heavy dark haunches rolled forward so the vibrant red flesh twitched up again. The barbs were standing out, glistening messily, drooling down a trail of precum that nearly hit against the line of her nose.

She didn't want to have anything to do with him. He was her son! She had raised him! The idea of... It made her gag slightly, but the prince remained nearby, his eyes fixated on her in such a way that she was unable to make herself pull away. He had made her threat clear and the idea of having anything under her tail made her body twinge. She choked out a high pitched noise and tried to swing to one side, contorting herself just a little bit before the cock tip jabbed right against her nose. The slimy precum coated against her messily, rubbing back and forth, making sure it was well worked over the bridge of her nose.

She was drowned in the scent of male musk that she couldn't evade before she was forced to feel the cock tip driving forward directly into her maw. It pinned down right against the line of her tongue as she was suddenly forced to gag and choke around the length. It was pumping into her jaws, rubbing forward with a squirt that coated over her. It was salty and sweet at the same time, mixing together so that she was forced to feel it rolling down her throat. She choked and twisted as the talons gripped down roughly against the line of her haunches and refused to let her go.

Grayson wanted to snap her jaw shut, to bite down on that hard flesh to get it back out of her, but the threat was still looming large. She made herself hold her mouth open as her own son drove his length into her jaws. It was hot and slippery, her saliva was pushing over him and beneath the stiff spire of his length as he drove right into her muzzle. He plunged in deep and hard, filling it while the tip began to shove towards the back of her throat. He was thick, large and so eager that she was horrified to know that he enjoyed putting her in this situation.

She had raised both of her sons with virtues and honor, but there was none here as the cock tip drove into her throat and brutally wedged itself in. The moment he pushed into those clutching muscles he was gagging around her roughly in an attempt to dislodge the length. The ragged noises were growing louder, her breathing was wheezing out and then she twisted her head to one side again. She started to pull backwards to try and get off of him, but that only dug the claws harder into her ass as she heard the band begin to play. The spritely tune wasn't set for dancing, it was meant to be a backdrop to what was happening as Grayson's peers watched her fall from grace.

She licked and suckled, hating that she did it, but the quicker her son was done, the quicker this would all be over. The wet noises were loud in her ears, making her shiver a little bit in dismay and then he drove forward harder. The barbs caught right along the line of her throat and raked backwards forcefully. It made her gag several times, twisting her head around to try and get away before her maw was glutted once more with the sheer size of the shaft plunging into her throat. She was choking on it, gagging roughly with a contraction that pulled along the length.

She pulled backwards again, feeling the slippery splatter of saliva and precum fall down along her chin. She was mortified to hear laughter, her ears going bright red in reaction before she gulped down again and then the girth was forcing its way ever deeper into the depths of her jaws. It was prodding into her throat as her own son rolled forwards so that the furred balls slapped right up against the underside of her chin. The impact caused her to jump slightly, her body shuddering in place before she began to swallow again. The suckling movements pulled another hot gooey wave downwards as the barbs began to stand out further.

The base of the cock was swelling open wider and wider. It was too large, swelling open wider and wider as she gave her head another turn and twist. The girth stuffed in deeper and ground itself against the line of her nose, impacting hard enough that she had to struggle to hold onto the length. She was choking again, the gagging noises amusing those watching as the movements of the gryphon began to roll faster and heaver. The jabs and slurps rang in her ears, she heard the way it was all building up to a crescendo. Her eyes went wide as she felt the balls hitting up harder, contracting and squeezing while the girth blocked her throat.

She couldn't draw in a breath, she couldn't get away, she was forced to feel the sudden heave and throb that rocked down the line of her throat. She was gagging around it, trying her best to find a way to breathe before the gryphon's shaft began to twitch. Her own son's shaft twitched up and down heavily, the movements building up until something warm and thick began to fling out of the cock tip. The hot eruption of cum poured into her, running down her throat, flushing out messily as she gagged and swallowed. Her movements contracted and squeezed, working over the length as her eyes squeezed shut.

She couldn't pull away, his forepaw kept her pinned as she was force fed the hot gooey eruptions. Rope after rope designed to flow as deep as it could possibly go inside of her jaws. She was choking on it, unable to think past the heavy waves. She could only swallow, hating the warm feel of it glazing down her throat as there was a scattering of applause from those watching. They were enjoying the show, making sure that they were close enough to get a good view as Grayson swallowed down her own son's cum. It was filling her belly, making her stomach twist sickly as the saliva oozed over the edges messily.

Her son rolled his hips, drawing out his orgasm, popping outwards before slurping back in again, making sure that she was gagging on the taste. She tried to twist away, jerking to one side and then the next ooze trickled down along the back of her throat. Every part of her body was throbbing in time with her heartbeat, miserable and humiliated before the cock pulled out with a wet noise. The slurp and trail of wetness ran along the line of her jaws and matted down her fur before the paw on her haunches let her up.

She scrabbled away, nearly falling as she did so, her eyes going wild as the chain was yanked so she couldn't get that far away from the drake. She was trying to spit out the cum, but her mouth wasn't designed to spit anymore, instead it was drooling from her parted jaws and the applause became a bit louder. Her own peers were approving of the show, eyes not showing regret or discomfort at how he had been brought low.

"Take my new bitch to the stables with her son." Prince Reuben spoke up as he stood. "And now, let us have more...traditional entertainments, my lords and ladies."

Grayson looked over with a wild little tremor that rocked over her. Her body was shaking in place as the leash was used to yank her forward. There was no need to use a leash on Andrew. The drake continued forward as if he were simply pleased to obey his master. The former man could only be dragged along, head low and her tail curled between her legs to try and hide herself. Degraded, abused... broken.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Andrew was locked in the room, miserable and hunched down in the corner of the prince's bedroom where he couldn't escape. They had both been brought up after a long and miserable night hearing their father trying to break free from her pen. It was only when dawn came that the prince had summoned his newest pet. The wide open suite was large enough to admit them and it was obvious that Reuben had worked to make sure that everything was set up so that he could hold his 'pets'. Both he and Michael had heavy collars on that were hooked onto the wall with chains, though he was quite near the hen that was looking at him fearfully.

He felt a wash of shame that he would ever be looked at like that by his own sibling. All of the things he had done to her and now she believed that she wanted to do them. Just like their own father had looked at him when he wouldn't fight the commands he had been given. His shame was weighing him down, making him sink closer to the ground, trying to look harmless when faced with them as he tried not to remember just what it felt like to be inside of her. That was the worst part, even known he didn't want to do it, even knowing that he was mortified that he had behaved in a certain manner, he still recalled what it had felt like to be inside of her and his body reacted.

Andrew dragged his mind away from how he had acted while at the court. The knowledge that he had violated his father and seemingly wanted to do it haunted him. The former man had glared at him last night, the look was the same as the looks he had gotten as a child. It was thick with disappointment and anger, leaving him avoiding even a glance over at the wolf. What had been their father had been swallowed up in that strange body, just as Michael had been lost. The tall domineering man had been dragged low beneath the hold and gaze of the prince.

"Quite lovely as a bitch." Reuben said, ignoring both gryphons in favor of the wolf he had chained to the middle of his room. "Truly, you are exceptionally built. You should be grateful I removed your years, allowing you be young once again."

Grayson snarled and Andrew shivered at the expression. The wolf was lovely, which wasn't a thought a son should have, but what his father had been created into had been an exceptional visage of a wolf. The grey fur was tipped silver over the edges, glistening and catching the light brilliantly by the firelight. The nose and tail were darker to make nearly a mask along her muzzle which accentuated the eyes that were so pale a yellow that they were nearly white. Her fur was thick and heavy, a luxurious winter coat that made her look larger than what he knew she was.

_Why was I the only one left as a male? _ He thought and glanced over at his sibling who gave him a nervous and uncomfortable look.

He felt ashamed. He hadn't asked for this. He had made plea that he remain male, but he had still been given it and now he was forced to confront the reality as he watched the prince loop a length of leather over the line of the haunches of the wolf. Grayson snarled out angrily, twisting a little bit, but the length of leather was used to force her forebody down tight to the ground so that she couldn't move or even struggle enough damaging herself. She threw her weight upwards to try and get away, but the man was clever with his leather straps, and the D rings set in the ground were seemingly made to bind things here.

The wolf twisted again as there was another strap that ran right along the bridge of her nose, snapping down tightly so that her chin was forced hard to the floor. She couldn't lift it up, not even a little bit, instead she was rolling her eyes frantically around the room as if she were looking for help. Michael was miserably crouched low to the ground, as if that would save her from anything that might happen to her. It made him flinch and lean backwards a little bit, trying to give Michael as much room as possible as the man reached down to the wolf's tail and gave it a pull to force her hips up. It made him sick to see his father so humiliated.

"It has been a while since I've had a dog of my own, and a wolf is very like a dog." Reuben mused. "I think it might be enjoyable to keep you as a pet. Of course, your son and daughter could save you..."

He trailed off, but the prince's eyes were lifted up to look at both of them with an intensity that made him feel as if he wanted to crawl into a hole. He didn't know what he expected the gryphons to do, he was helpless, unable to do anything to save himself, let alone save his father. They were all trapped here, he just didn't understand the point of the game.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"I hope you enjoy this collar, I had it designed especially for you." Reuben spoke in a soft voice while Grayson shuddered in place. "It's a neat little bit of magic."

_Magic. Filthy foul stuff no true warrior would touch! _ She thought angrily and gave a little buck and contortion before she felt the sudden yank against her tail.

"Euroticous...." The prince whispered the word, but it was so much more than a simple word, it was a sound that made the collar suddenly grow hot.

It was a surge of fire and need that ran through her body so that she couldn't get free of it as it surged through her stomach. It was unlooked for, frightening as she splayed her hind legs a bit wider and sucked down a breath. The jaws opened up wide as she tried to make a noise of protest, but all that came out of her throat was a ragged strange sound. It was strangled sounding, choked out and shaking while she tasted the edge of fire that was burning through her lower belly. It was lust and need, something that ripped through her mercilessly without any true cause save magic.

It was nothing like getting hard and aroused a man, her body began to grow soft and tender feeling, spreading outwards as her mound grew puffy and sensitive. It took her breath away, leaving her unable to make words, unable to do more than choke out a soft whine. It was a sound that was primal and humiliating, but she couldn't stop it as her entire body reacted to the magic. It was throbbing with it as she felt parts of her that she had never possessed before flexing down and gripping around nothing. The contractions took her breath away and she hunched her back up high in the air with a roughened noise before the hand slid along her back.

Where Reuben touched, she was forced to feel the tremors of need that had her trying to push her tail out of the way. Grayson was horrified, enraged, and humiliated as she felt her body throbbing in time with her heartbeat. She couldn't stop it, there was a need that ran over her and refused to be denied. It wanted the touch on her body as her hind legs were splayed open wide with a sudden snap that made her jump. The hand rubbed her lightly, putting her on display for both of her sons before there was a slip that moved right up along the underside of her mound. The fingers flexed out, stretching with a caress that made her entire body go tense and the tremor that travelled down her belly was almost too much.

Her breathing started to come out in a short whines as fingers ran right up along the inner folds. They trailed up along the outer edges, giving a light tip and push that just barely began to spread the walls open wider and wider. The smooth movement pulled the walls open wider before there was a low laugh and the sound of movement. Her body wanted to be touched, the bare brush put her over the edge as she shifted in place, straining forward against the leather straps that bound her before there was a slight nudge of something along her puffy vulva.

It was a toy, something tapered and strange feeling as he felt the sudden press that began to open the walls wider and wider. The stretch and strain widened her and kept her on her toe tips while the weight of the toy pushed into her body with a powerful drive. Her inner walls spread open wide, making her clamp down tightly as she let out a series of ragged little pants. The sensations were shocking her, making her whine out as she was unable to control herself as she could feel wetness pushing out. Wetness! She was getting wet and she could feel the mixture of it churning up along the shaft that was plunging forward and then the slow withdraw.

There was a low growling noise coming from the back of the room, one of her sons was reacting to her while she stood up on the tips of her toes. The toy sank into her with a powerful drive that glutted her body, making her inner walls contract down tightly. The movements stimulated her, forcing her to feel the way that her inner walls were working open. Muscles she had never experienced were stretching wide before the prince drove to thing into her with a brutal stroke. Her puffy outer lips splayed open to the widest point as she gave a contortion and twist. Her tongue lolled out, hanging down from her jaws before she cried out again.

Every part of her wanted this, it was growing hot and tight, parts of her reacted with powerful ripples as she lost herself into the need. She splayed her hind legs wider and rocked backwards before the next plunge drove the tip deeper into her narrow passage. She curled her toes a little bit, trying to brace herself, but it was a lost cause when she struggled to try and push away those sensations. They were being heated up, pouring through her, consuming her thoughts until she was basking in the sensation of the thrusts plunging into her body.

There was a wet noise when he drew back, the smooth stroke that caressed out tugged against her puffy mound. Her lips split open wide, holding the length of it while the toes curled down tightly. She tried to hold onto some part of herself, but the magic refused to let her go. It clung to her, making her body react as she whined out breathily and the man continued to work the toy inside of her. He was stretching her, opening her up wider, straining her, making her body contract and tighten once more.

"Such an eager bitch." Reuben murmured, his words were deliberately hurtful as the toy plunged back in again and her walls spasmed around the passage. "Your children weren't even so eager, well...perhaps your son."

That blow made Gray drop his head down, angry and humiliated, trembling slightly before the next plunge inwards stuffed itself into her body. It was the force of the thrust that shocked her, making her jump in place with a brief tremor that tore through her body. She was rasping out a noise, letting it go with another choked whine. The sound was helpless, there was nothing she could do to break free of the hold before the toy began to move faster inside of her. The building movements causing her to give a slight twitch and jump. She tried to get away again, rolling and digging her claws down against the ground.

She felt the desire rising up, surging with a forceful caress that made her nearly go over the edge. Her stomach was tight, feeling like a great hand was rubbing and caressing inside of her. She tried to evade it, struggled to find a way to tear free of the hold that made her remain pinned in place. She couldn't get free, couldn't squirm, she could only choke back a noise as the rapid pumps built her to new heights. It came with a crescendo, nearly building her to the point of no return and then suddenly everything stopped. Every movement froze, making her body jerk in place, the high still there, but she couldn't reach it, couldn't do anything to claim it.

She whined out, the sound plaintive as the prince laughed and ran the toy right along her inner thigh and started to shift a little bit. He didn't return to those heady touches, there was no mercy for her, nothing was offered to her as she panted out in ragged little bursts. Her entire body felt as if it were singed and still burning, the need making her whine out, choking out the noise again before the prince shifted lightly behind her. The movement smooth and well planned.

"What's wrong? Don't you want me to spare you the horrors of feeling like a female?" Reuben asked, his voice so damned sweet that it made Grayson's hackles rise. "I am only trying to help you, after all."

The former man swung her head back to glare at the man, or at least she tried too, it was all falling apart as she tried to snarl her answer. The sound snapping from low in her throat before the hands slid along her inner thighs and the toy suddenly caressed right up along the puffy mound of her sex. It was a gentle stroke, but that alone was enough to set her on edge. Every part of her was shuddering in place as there was a slow and steady plunge into her body. The force of it caused her body to tense up again and her bwhine broke free wildly as her head tipped backwards almost all the way.

She couldn't stop herself, her reaction was sharp and immediate, with no real control over herself as it began to plunge in and out of her, the smooth movements timed perfectly. He wasn't trying to hurt her, Grayson could have dealt with trying to be hurt, this was nothing like that. This was something that was designed to make sure that she was worked up to a fever pitch. It kept her there without a single edge of pity or remorse. There was no way for her to escape, no evading the sensations churning through her as the toy drew outwards and then plunged back inwards once more. It was a force that took her breath away.

She was too sensitive, it was almost painful feeling as she kept her ears pinned down tight to her head, her rasping breath filled the air while the next pull backwards came with a series of short thrusts. She was so wet, slippery slick, coating over the toy so that it was being pushed out with a messy spill. Her haunches tightened up again, the movements began to grow faster, caressing and stimulating spots that made her jump in the air. She gagged slightly, panting out again, horrified and struggling to keep herself away from those feelings of growing pleasure.

It was rising up low in her belly and growing worse, it was unlike anything she had ever experienced, horrifying in the intensity. She didn't want to feel the way her walls were clutching and suckling along the toy. She didn't want to experience the sudden surge and fire that was welling up low in her belly. It was nothing she wanted to feel, and it was growing by the moment, rising up while the toy plunged into her, gaping and stretching the walls open wider. The taut ring began to strain open wider, pushing up along the line of the narrow passage. The wetness pushed outwards, slipping from her messily while there was a contraction that made her hold onto the length.

It was sharp and immediate, causing her stomach to tense up a little bit and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut and attempted to think of something other than what was happening beneath her tail. She strained to remember what it felt like when she was she was male, those emotions, those pleasures, but there was no room for that now. The blunt tip was delving deep into her body and the base stretched her open wide as she gave a little jump and shudder. The movement was well timed as her tail jerked up high in the air, her rasping breathing being dragged from her throat as slowly, carefully, he worked her back up to that place again.

She felt the weight of the desire spreading through her, opening up wider, making her body tremble in place as it was pushed forward once again. It was starting to consume her, that lust was making her choke on the taste of it while her toes curled down. She spread her hind legs open wider, bracing herself, making sure that she was well and truly held in place It caused her to give a roll backwards and then leaned forward. The movement stimulated that toy inside of her, her breathing turned ragged, sharp, every burst starting to make her lose her sense of self, sense of identity. It stopped mattering who she was, what she was protesting, but she was lost in that fire and heat.

The pressure was rising again, starting to reach a crescendo where she couldn't escape the desire that conquered her. She was trembling in place, lost under it all, it was surging higher and higher. It was rising up to a peak that she was lusting after in ways that no man should have wanted. Reuben was merciless in the movements of the toy, making her body throb and ache, the beating of her heart thundering. She couldn't breathe right, it was catching in her throat as she felt the orgasm rising inside of her, making her crave it, crave it in a way that shamed the human parts of her. It was flushing over the edges of her awareness until the toy turned inside of her.

Just when she was within reach of that shining desire there was a sudden shocking pull that dragged the toy from her slickened body. It slipped free entirely, slipping out of her passage so that she was left grasping at nothing. There was nothing that pushed her over the edge, nothing that gave her that final surge of wet hot heat. She was left shaking in place, gasping with her lips parted wide, eyes glazed over in a mixture of need and denied pleasure. Her stomach muscles were tightening, twitching and quivering, the smooth movements making her jump in place to try and find her way to it.

There was no finding it, no hope, she was lost and shaking, her tongue lolled out form her parted jaws. She felt the saliva running along the edges of her jaws before Reuben shifted backwards a little bit. The fingers slipped along her haunches, caressing and teasing right along the base of the tail with a light flex and tickle back and forth.

"Well now, I wonder how long until you are a blank eyed animal?" Reuben murmured softly, his fingers dancing again. "How long until you are stripped of your manhood in every way."

Grayson wanted to deny it would ever happen, she wanted to scream that she would never be so broken down, but the words didn't come. There was no evading it, escaping the desire that was choking the back of her throat. She was throbbing, her body felt swollen with desire, but she was left wanting, needing, bound so that there was no breaking free. The way he spoke... How long until she was stripped of it all? Was he going to strip her of everything? Could he?

~ ~ * ~ ~

Andrew stared his feelings raw and his body burning while he watched his own father stripped of every part of her personality. The toys used were made to work her up into a fever pitch and the gryphon gaped while his body began to respond. He didn't want it too, but horribly, it did, not even with a command from the man as his cock began to slide from his sheath. It was hardening, growing stiff and eager while his sibling shrank away from him. Michael's eyes were frightened looking, jerking and trying to keep herself as small as possible as if that could keep her from being drawn into the lusts that he was displaying for her own father.

There was something in the way Reuben used the toys that was so far outside what had been done to them. They had been bred together, he had been made to prep his twin, but now he was forced to feel the surge of fire that was rising up from low in his throat. He thought about the hen under him and let out a low growl, shifting his weight so that the prince's eyes flicked up towards him while Grayson cried out again. The high pitched sound was sweet and delightful as the wolf splayed her legs open wide and he watched the toy sinking into that dark spayed shape sex.

", look at you." Reuben spoke, the man's eyes flicked right towards him without any sort of mercy. "I hadn't thought you'd get hard just by watching. Did that taste from your father's mouth make you want her?"

No! _Andrew denied, even as he felt a strange twinge of possible truth to those words. Truth that made him hunch his head down closer to the ground. _It's not true..

_ _

"You could mount your sister if you prefer, take the pressure off." Reuben offered and suddenly the toy was being pushed into the passage again, feeding deep into Grayson's glistening cunny.

Michael hissed out angrily, the hen moving as far away from him as possible, but Andrew was staring with barely contained lust as his father. He was ashamed, only that shame couldn't make him stop feeling the desire that was pushing upwards. He was shifting a little bit as there was a dribble of precum that hit the ground, spreading a little as he moved his hind legs open wider. His cock gave a little bit of a bob jump up and down while he tried to drag his eyes away. The scent of wolf-heat on the air made him want more, craved it, but that was making it harder to think.

"I could keep your father as my pet." Reuben said, and then the wolf cried out, a broken sound as the toy slipped free with a dragging pull. "She could remain chained here, being used as my toy, my pet..."

That thought made Andrew hiss, he at least had that much left to him while he ground his beak in place. His ear tufts tipped down against his head, flattening down smooth against the line of his back and head. His feathers were shaking a little bit as his shaft began to twitch up again, sending another eruption of need through him. His balls were aching slightly as they filled out, growing heavier as he stretched and shifted his weight to either side. His paws dug down against the ground, but Michael let out a hiss and pleading noise. The sound high pitched, but Reuben swung his eyes over to her.

"You could end her misery..." Reuben pointed out, flicking his fingers out with a light twitch of one hand. "You could keep your family together... You only need to give in. To give her relief, take her, fuck her... Claim her..."

The words were spoken to both of them, making Andrew tense up and swallow, his throat feeling dry. His ears gave another series of twitches, but Michael let out a noise. The sound was less than agreeable, but it wasn't a complete denial. They both watched, horror written on their faces, seeing the way her body was once more starting to be worked up again. Her eyes slack and unseeing, the scent of lust thick in the air that made Andrew's stomach tighten. Wouldn't it be better to give the wolf what she needed? Wouldn't it be kinder? This had to be kinder than what the prince was doing. Anything was better than that.

~ ~ * ~ ~

It hours, or days... Grayson didn't know which it was, because in that time she was brutally roused up to fever pitch and then forced to drop back down again. She wasn't allowed to touch her orgasm, forbidden to get that close while she was left sagging in the restraints. He had made sure that she was blinded to that desire, her body swaying back and forth with long long legs. She was nearly falling as the man used the leash to jerk the lead forward with a little bit of a yank that made her fall forward. She wanted more, she needed more, she wanted it more than anything she could possibly verbalize, lusting after it like the bitch in heat that she was.

"Come along now, come along..." The words were thick in her ears as she shuddered and heard the gryphons behind her. "I think that it is time for you to become properly acquainted with your new life."

Grooms, they had summoned grooms to witness her humiliation, their eyes watching her with a fixation that made her uncomfortably aware of the fact that she was wet and swollen. Her tail was hiked to one side, unable to naturally drop down against her hind legs to cover her mound. She felt frightened, slightly humiliated, there wasn't enough of her to actually be mortified by her behavior. She had her head hanging down towards her knees before there was a little bit of a pull that made her nearly fall as they walked out into the stable.

Her ears pinned down flat against her head, her breathing coming in short bursts as she felt the hammering against her chest. Her toes splayed a little bit as she heard a murmur of voices. People were watching as she was put on display for them. The gryphon's didn't fight, not even the female, instead they were meek as could be as they were led to one of the large enclosures that were set up near the edge of the stable. It wasn't closed off, there was wide open spaces designed for people to easily observe the animals. Like her. Like her twins.

That was important, Grayson tried to think about why it was important as she was nudged through the open doorway, nearly falling on her face. Her breathing turned sharp, ragged, each burst coming out in a soft wheeze as she gaped her jaws wide. The gryphons crowding behind her didn't bother her, how could that bother her? She didn't care about anything except the fact her body was hot and swollen, feeling too tight wrapped around her. Her skin was crawling with need. Her eyes swung towards them as the doors shut behind them, the chain released, the collar heavy around her neck.

"The rules are simple..." Reuben said while the wolf gave her head a shake, knowing she had heard them talking above her head, knowing they had talked about something. "You will spend every moment making sure she is stuffed full, the moment you fail... is the moment she returns to my care."

The drake let out a low snarl, and she blinked a little bit, seeing her son staring at her with a wild appearance in his eyes. She didn't know what that meant, his eyes were fixed on her and made her feel as if she were trapped in place. Her body was still throbbing, her mind and thoughts were blinded by a need that she couldn't express before she shifted her weight back and forth. She barely managed to take a step forward before Andrew stepped forward with a low voiced sound. It was almost apologetic, but that wasn't what Grayson picked up from it. What Grayson picked up was the heat that was burning through her entire body when he saw the glistening length hanging down.

That cock, heavy and swollen and her mind was locked on it, fixated, she wanted it with a part of herself starting to burn hotter. Her stomach gave a twist, a sharp contraction that made her partially come to herself. She didn't want this, this was her son, she didn't want anything to do with that long hanging shaft that was twitching and quivering. The lust of it made her body jump a little before the heat poured down the line of her back and the male took another step forward.

Why... god... why why why... Grayson thought with a wild surge and then her body was shuddering and she moved closer to the ground.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Andrew stared at his father and thought about nothing but lust as his cock twitched again beneath him with a little quiver. Every part of his body was going hot and cold and turn as those fearful eyes turned to him. It was for his father's own good, making sure that she wasn't locked in that room with the prince. Reuben wouldn't be kind, he would do what he wanted, this was kindness. He started to groan out, his voice ragged sounding as he tried to tell himself that he was doing this for pity for her. He was being kind, this was kindness, all kindness. That was all, and he could almost believe himself as he jerked his beak down and caught the wolf's tail, dragging her towards him.

There was no touch of magic, no breath of heat meant to make him behave this way, that was the real horror. He was under his own control as he caught the tail and dragged her back. The paws scrabbled roughly against the ground, the movements wild and twisting, and he let her. Even that struggle was arousing to him. The sick part of his body was running hotter, thinking about how tight the small wolf would be. How easily she was dominated as the foreclaws wrapped along the curve of the haunches, digging down firmly and forced her to remain in place.

This was his, that thought was all consuming as he gaped his beak open as wide as it could possibly go. The raw scent of heat and fire was filling the air and making him giddy as he lowered his head to shove his beak right beneath the tail. The hot breath panted out heavily, a series of breaths that sampled her as the glistening puffy mound was standing out while he licked out with a series of strokes. He rasped roughly, dragging up, tugging along the outer lips, digging against the puffy vulva.

_Why can't I stop? Has he twisted me this far? _ He thought and then shuddered before his tongue pushed forward and swept upwards.

He dragged with a rasp that made the wolf cry out, his own father was shuddering in place and holding her tail up in the air, jerking it high to present herself. The man who had raised him was whining and squirming, wriggling and twisting as his tongue began to sink forward. The powerful slide stuffed inwards with a squeeze that began to taste the mixture. It was making him sway in place while his cock twitched up higher in the air. The slight jab hit up against his belly messily. He was barely able to think as he pulled his tongue back with a wet slurping sound. The edge of the beak was coated with the mixture of arousal. His tongue jabbed out lightly and he clicked his beak lightly.

"Hen, do you think that you are simply made to watch?" Reuben's voice came as if from a distance. "Or do you want to take her place in my care."

Andrew jerked his head up, his beak spread as his hips gave a twitch forward, seeing the white form of his sister moving. It was a sleek body was moving slowly as the former male gave him a look. The flash of the blue eyes were frightened, but he swallowed, even that didn't' stop him from wanting his father. He needed it, wanted it, would have done anything to mount the wolf and all he had to do was walk forward over that trembling body.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Grayson was disgusted at the feel of her son's tongue inside of her. The movements were slow and steady, dipping inwards and then pulled backwards with a slurping noise. She couldn't get up or run away, she wanted it, she wanted an end to the wild need that was painfully running along her belly. It made it harder to remember why she wanted to get out from under the drake that suddenly heaved upwards to push right up against the line of her back. The feathers tickled, but she couldn't get away from them while the paws slid up along the inside of her stomach and yanked her ass forcefully up in the air.

She choked out a noise, lips gaping open wide as she tried to shake off the feeling of need, tried to get rid of anyway that she could before Grayson felt a beak grabbing the nape of her neck. The paws flexed down tightly, gripping and refusing to let her go as the haunches pushed forward so that there was a sudden swing upwards that allowed the cock twitch upwards with a little splatter. Precum hit her and she felt a shudder rush through her. It was a desire that she tried to push away, but there was no evading it while she felt the next tremor hitting the line of her legs. Her lips twisted backwards in a silent snarl before her son's cock tip bounced against the underside of her tail.

_No... damnit... wait! NO!! _ Grayson snarled out angrily, swinging away with a contortion.

The beak clamped down harder as Andrew refused to let him go, the rough snarl that filled the air was terrifying and vibrated down the line of her body. It was a tremor that caused him to jump in the air while the cock tip jabbed a bit lower while the heavy forepaws moved to press right against her shoulders. Not her son's forepaws, but Michael's, the former boy pinned her down, the weight holding her in place even as the hot slippery feel of the shaft pushed right up between her legs. It was drooling out, tracing against her swollen aching folds, her entire body on fire despite her attempts to stop it from happening.

Grayson's eyes snapped shut, choking out a noise as the tip of the cock suddenly drove forward. The force of the thrust took her breath away, her electrified body trembled in place as she contorted herself in place. It was too much, it was painfully pleasurable, the moment the hot fleshy spire that dug into her passage was too large, too thick, and still she wanted it. Her inner walls began to suckle and squeeze, the movements pulling and suckling along the boned length as there was a ragged snarl behind her. She wanted to hate it, to fight and twist, to struggle free, but that wasn't in her. She was trapped in her own need.

Her body was impaled, swelled with the stiff length that worked into her depths while her inner walls began to tighten and squeeze. She was pulling him in deeper while the barbs raked lightly, delicately teasing her as he kept stuffing inwards inch by steady inch. The wolf's jaws opened up wide, yelping out a ragged sound, crying it free before there was a jerk backwards. The movement drew free, with the rake of barbs that made her cry out and jerk her head upwards. Cramps rippled through the line of her belly, powerful contractions that squeezed and pulled, trying to get him deeper inside of her.

It was a mix of pain and pleasure both, her body sparking with it as the terrible, wonderful, pressure began to build again just from that penetration. She slavishly wanted it to the point that she was horrified that her manhood was slipping away from her. She was choking on those sensations, sweet and powerful, they were making her writhe around on his shaft as the drake plunged deeper, forcing his tip to bottom out inside of her. Even as she whined out, a white expanse of fur flashed above her, shifting and moving so that she had to focus on Michael's haunches.

There was a pink glistening mound there and she couldn't pull her muzzle away before it dropped down, pushing her forebody down lower to the ground. Michael's haunches pinned her as her nose was pushed against the ripe mound, feeling the wetness smearing against her nose before the next thrust rocked through her body. She opened her jaws wide, crying out so that her tongue was pushed against her own daughter's mound. Her body was starting to tremble as she felt the cock bottoming out deep inside of her. Her walls stretched open to the widest point, holding her strained wide.

The next pull backwards raked the barbs through her, causing her to jump in place when there was a wet noise. She felt the hot gooey eruption of precum that ran through the inner walls, smearing and churning together. It was causing her body to remain stiff and eager. She moved her tongue out mindlessly, it didn't occur to her that she was actually licking over the slick mound. She didn't do more than taste the sweet saltiness with each movement of her tongue, rolling and churning before there was another adjustment of the hips against her haunches.

The cock drew backwards again, raking the barbs smoothly from her passage with a sleek drag that made her body shudder in place. She was alive with pleasure, a heat that ran down through her body so that she was lost in the heat of it all. She wanted more, needed it, her body was on fire as the drake's beak shifted against her neck and dug down firmly, almost hurting. He began to speed up his hips, making her jump as he worked the barbs through her aching swollen body. Her suckling walls closed down tightly, trying to grip around his length, holding deeply before he was back inside of her again.

Her lips were gaping open wide, the ache and contractions build on each other while her hips were pushed up higher in the air. The need started to grow higher and higher, crashing over Grayson. She stopped trying to escape, her body wanted it, the throbbing beat of her heart was surging to fill her ears. She pushed her tongue out, suddenly feeling the weight of the hen's cunny stuffing its way deeper and twisting, feeling the clutches as she was pinned in place under the drop.

She was smaller than the gryphons, too small, her body was being forced to feel the way that she was spreading open wide. The ache and strain made her body jump in place, shifting her weight backwards again. The tip bottomed out inside of her again, feeling the twinge as her walls clutched down tighter. The barbs caught through her, stimulating and keeping her on edge as she suddenly had her nose pushing forward against the pale pink folds. Michael let out a high pitched sound, chirping out before Grayson's muzzle began to sink deeper and deeper into the depths.

It was hot and clutching, holding around her maw tightly and squeezing. Every contraction was a strange pleasure that made her whine out low in her throat. She let out a whimpering call, ragged before the talons dug down against her belly and the drake began to speed himself up. The wild rolls of the hips moved with powerful caresses, working through her, teasing her swollen passage open wide. The outer lips were splayed wide, swallowing down along the base of the cock as she gave a wild little jump of her hips. Her muzzle was suddenly pushed deeper into the passage, sliding inwards, opening the walls to the furthest point.

Michael's wetness coated her muzzle, she was drowning in the scents as the tightening walls massaged and it began to push upwards towards the bridge of her nose. Grayson couldn't escape, there was nothing else she could do before the next thrust drove into her body. It plunged forward with a wild roll of the hips that began to work itself steadily, tugging, stimulating and the pressure began to rise up. She wanted to sob when she felt it, her body ached so badly for release, it was painful, almost too much while she arched her belly up in the air and then pushed her muzzle deeper into her own daughter.

She could barely recall what they looked like as her nose was hilted into the gripping maw. The tightening walls were pulling her in deeper, trying to coax her to impale as much as she could into that heat and warmth. Her heart was hammer, throbbing wildly in her chest, screaming for more. She wanted this, she needed this, it was everything she could desire and the barbs that were stiffening helped it grow worse. She choked back a noise, high pitched and sweet sound as he bore down against her. The beak dug down brutally hard, keeping her head still while the white haunches pushed down firmly.

The smooth movements pumped and worked, trapping her between both of them while his legs splayed wider. The toes opened up as far as they could go, choking out cry after cry. The thrusts came with the shaft growing wider and heaver, stretching her inner walls wider. She contracted around him as her hind legs splayed just that much further open. She was crying out, her high pitched voice growing rapidly as her orgasm approached. Her jaws opened, stretching Michael's passage open wide, her tongue gaping wider as she was rocked wildly.

Her entire body tensed, ready to feel the sudden yank backwards, to have the cock pull from her to leave her empty and wanting once again. It didn't happen. It began to bare down against her with a wild series of thrusts that made her see stars. The feel of pleasure burst over her in a liquid wash that poured down her body in waves, the contractions bursting over her while her lips worked through Michael's passage. Her eyes squeezed shut as the mound nearly pushed up and over her eyes. She was lost in the pleasure, waves of it pouring down the line of her spine, making sure that there was no stopping it. She was lost in it, shaking and writhing as she choked out another guttural cry, her body stiffening up while the drake bore down against her.

The hot heavy bursts of breath ran against the line of her neck as the barbs hooked inside of her, catching her, stimulating as her orgasm was drawn out. She was trying to twist her muzzle free of Michael's mound, her humid breath bringing with it the lustful scent of heat and need on the air. She couldn't think that these were her sons, she couldn't think that it was an animalistic cock that was stretching into her passage. Her lips were opened up wide, the tip bottomed out inside of her before she gave a sudden tremor and the hips plunged upwards with a slap of balls right along her inner thighs.

It shoved the weight right up against her so she could feel the powerful contractions rippling over them, heaving upwards until the cock tip erupted in a sudden stream of hot gooey cum. It poured into her belly, rich and heavy, flushing deeper while she tried to let out another noise. It was muffled, strangled as her toes dug down roughly against the ground as there was another hot eruption of cum. It was weighing down her belly, filling it out as her son rocked his hips, shuddering and trembling through it as the orgasm kept running over her. Making her grateful for it, grateful and ashamed for how badly she wanted, it even when her own son was buried balls deep inside of her.

Above her, Andrew lowered his head, his ear tufts folded flat back to her head, the pang of regret and horror was rising up in his chest and threatening to swallow him. He was driven into the smaller body of his father, emptying himself into the narrow passage, but there was no escaping it. He had done t his, on his own. There hadn't been a damned thing to force him except for his own lusts. He began to shudder as he felt the wolf writhe beneath him, the dark muzzle still driven deep into Michael. Was that all it took to break them? Denied need? Lust? He didn't know, but all he knew was that there was no coming back from this.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of trumpets and laughter filled the city, the air of a festival was being held in the heart of a fortification that was built for war as soldiers and men who were thought of as doomed came back through the gates. They were greeted by their loved ones, elation and laughter filling the air as they came in rows. The music swelled as there was a style of a parade happening as the main troops of the royal house came down the line, bringing the soldiers home as if in honor. They were unarmed, but also unharmed, which was many of the families had been praying for all this time. And it was answered as prince Reuben sat in the saddle of a glistening black gryphon, reins pulled up as he moved to the heart of the city.

The royal troops did not come as conquerors, they were coming as a force of relief, with food and supplies. There were live stock to replace what had been sucked away by the former lord, grain and cart loads of clothing for the winter. They were viewed benevolently, which was displayed in those that paused to give thanks. They abased themselves, looking as if they had been waiting for this day for many long years. There was no anger, nothing like resentment, which made it all the worse for the chained wolf that followed the prince.

They reached the city square, the traditional area that was used for punishments and sentencing for higher ranked individuals. Grayson had once stood here as lord and master of this land, a person of great influence that could offer life or death. Now... Now she walked with her tail between her legs, miserable as Reuben swung the reins about on the beak of her own son. Andrew had let the man put a saddle on him, had allowed himself to be ridden, prancing as if he were something proud with his head lifted high up on his elegant neck. Had her son have no shame? At least Michael displayed the misery of someone being punished, though she was in the same situation Grayson was. Andrew deserved to be this one, damnit, andrew did.

"You have fought well for your cause, your lord." Reuben spoke as the crowd began to settle, lifting his arm up high with a slight smile. "I hold no ill will against those who were forced to fight under a false Lord's name. I will not take the lives of men who were only being loyal."

_You don't want them to rise up any more. _ Grayson snarled and then gagged as her leash was yanked, making her stumble slightly.

_ _

"Instead, I wish to honor this town. My Lord Father has given it to my care, where it will flourish as one of the royal cities. You will be given all the accord deserving to you." Reuben shifted in the saddle, his smile growing at the sound of approval. "And to prove that my father is merciful, he has returned your lord and his heirs to the seat of power, to serve the people here as reminders of how far they strayed."

_ _

There were a few questioning sounds that came from the crowd, growing a little bit louder as they started to look. Their eyes were casting this way and that, looking around to see if they could spot their lord. The wolf crouched down tight to the ground, stomach nearly touching against the ground as she tried to make herself small, but she was given no such luck. Instead, the leash was tightened and she was forced to stumble forward, nearly falling over her own paws as she did so while Michael was similarly forced forward.

_ _

Eyes were on her, eyes that made her keenly aware of the fact that her body had become heavy and round looking. In the weeks that she had spent in the care of the prince things had changed for her, most horrifically, the fact that the times that her son took her were not in vain. Her stomach was swollen and heavy, rounding out with an egg that she was horrified to think of as coming out of her. It made her entire lower stomach hang down as her teats began to stick out, stiffening and growing a little stiffer as the moments passed. The thick dugs stood out against her underside, making her painfully aware of her gender.

_ _

"I bring you back your lord in the form of his house, to live out his days in the royal stables with his sons." Reuben purred the words as he kneed Andrew forward. "Heirs that shall give you a new generation of gryphons to form your own Aerial Corps. It is a gift from my father to welcome my command over this royal city. For all of you."

_ _

The way he spoke, made the former man flinch, but then she saw faces turn towards her. Faces that she knew, faces that had once looked upon her with awe and respect. And now they saw her body and what had been done to her. The egg was so large inside of her, and she had been assured she had weeks yet to go before it would finally be ready to be laid. Weeks, and then she would push out a new generation for the prince. The first of many, or so he had told her. Her heart began to beet faster as she shrank back and yanked on the leash again, waddling with her hind legs partially spread as people watched her.

"To make sure that none of you forget the treachery of Lord Grayson and his sons... they will be stabled here in the courtyard. So you will never forget the price of disloyalty...rebellion." Reuben said the words with relish and Grayson understood their meaning. Her life would now be a public display, punishment, for all the world to see.

Death would have been kinder....