Moving On.

Story by Icefox on SoFurry

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#2 of Kyle and Ben

Disclaimer: If you aren't legally old enough to read pornographic literature, don't like furry stuff, or don't like kink...don't read this story.

Kyle Kolden woke up and looked over at his alarm clock, 4:00 am. He sighed and swung out of bed into the cold air of his bedroom. It had been almost a year since his first time with Ben, and just over four months since he had sat in the hospital waiting for the doctors to tell him if Ben was ok. Kyle hadn't slept more than three or four hours a night since. "Ben why did you have to leave me. I miss you so much." He bent over and clutched at his stomach and cried and cried and cried..."It should've been me." This had pretty much become a daily routine since That Day.


Kyle had been at Ben and his apartment just starting the steaks when the phone rang, and he thought it must be Ben calling to explain why he was almost an hour late getting home.


"Hello, is this Kyle?"

"Yes, who's this?"

"This is Shelly, at United Memorial Hospital, you were named as the emergency contact for Ben Miller. I hate to tell you this but Ben was in an accident and.."

"Is he ok?!"

"He was hurt pretty badly and is in surgery right now, you should come down to the hospital as soon as possible."

Everything from then on, for Kyle, was a blur except for vague memories of sitting in a waiting room and repeatedly asking the wolf working at the desk if Ben was alright. His only clear memory was looking up to see the doctor walking into the room with an apprehensive look on his face.

"Mr. Kolden?"


"I'm truly sorry, but there was nothing we could do for Ben his injuries were..."

The next thing Kyle remembered was waking up in a hospital bed and wondering how he got there. He found out that he had been in the bed and unresponsive for almost three full days since he had passed out in the waiting room. The hospital had kept him there for another week after that before releasing him with a very strong suggestion to look into getting some help from a support group or a therapist. Which he never did.


After Kyle got the tears under control he got up and walked into the bathroom to look himself in the mirror and ask himself again why he kept going on. His cheeks were soaked with tears and he thought he looked absolutely miserable; which is exactly what he was. Miserable.

*sniff* "Another day. Another Hell."

Kyle hopped in the shower and cleaned the sweat from his nightmares off. He looked at himself in the mirror as he toweled off. It still shocked him when he saw how thin he'd become in the months after the accident, but at least he was starting to gain a little back. Starving himself was in the past; Ben would never have wanted him to follow him like that. Ben would've wanted him to go on and he was going to do his best even though he wanted to join Ben in a final rest. He finished drying himself off and threw on some flannel pants before going to the kitchen. It was just after Kyle had finished his toast and coffee that the phone rang.


"Kyle! I thought you had turned your phone off or something, you haven't picked up for the last four days."


"Yah, its me. Hey man, why don't you come out with me tonight. It's been four months now and you really need to start trying to move on."

"I don't want to hear it James. Just let me be for a while. OK?"

Kyle hung up the phone without waiting for a response. He was sick of all the pity and everyone telling him to move on. He loved Ben! And now he was alone. His best friend and the guy he loved was gone and he didn't want to move on; he wanted Ben! Kyle felt the tears coming back, and clenched his jaws to try and stop himself from crying again.

"TV it is. At least my TV won't tell me to move on."

The day went on like usual; watching TV, eating lunch, and being generally miserable. Something was different today though. It still hurt whenever Kyle thought about Ben (which was pretty much every ten minutes), but he felt bored. Bored was something new. The routine had become Kyle's entire life and the depression that had come to rule him destroyed any desire he might have had for anything else. Maybe going out with James wouldn't be that bad. It might at least take his mind off things for a while. If nothing else, he could get drunk. He picked up the phone and *69'd James.


"Kyle? Why'd you hang up on me earlier?"

"I..I'm sorry about that, it's just still really hard, you know?"

"I understand, man, so what's up?"

"Yeah. Is your offer to go out tonight still on the table? I think I need something to do."

"Of course it's still on the table! You want me to pick you up or do you want to meet me?"

"Uh, I guess I'll meet you. Where are we going?"

"My friend is having a party at his house tonight. Supposedly there is going to be a lot of guys there and he said he was going to get a couple kegs. So it should be pretty fun."

Kyle paused for a few minutes before he responded, "Are you trying to hook me up James? I'm not ready for that and you know it."

"No, man, it's just a party. If you meet someone, great; if not then we can still have some fun."

"Fine, but if you try and hook me up with someone I'm leaving, alright?"

"Deal. Its at 4326 Kimbark Street. Be there at nine, ok?"

"Yah I'll see you there James."

Kyle sat and stared at the phone wondering if he could really handle a party. It seemed like a mildly good idea at first, but after four months of being a near hermit he wasn't really sure he could handle it. "Ah well what harm can it do. I can always get up and leave," he said to himself.

He pulled up at the address, parked, and sat there staring at the steering wheel. "This was a bad idea, I can't do this. Not yet." Kyle had put on his blandest most unattractive outfit in the hopes he would avoid notice, but he still felt like he was going to stand out. "I'll just tell James my car wouldn't start."

"Hey Kyle! I wasn't sure you were going to show," James yelled through the window, quite obviously already tipsy.

"Shit! I guess I have no choice now" Kyle cursed under his breath before opening the door and getting out.

"Yah I showed. Lets go get a drink, I think I need one."

"Yah, let's. The beer is out back." Slurred James, as he braced himself against the door.

"You're drunk."

"Mmm, I think you're right Kyle. I might be a little drunk."

'Great. The only guy I know here is wasted and disappeared somewhere, probably to the bathroom, the beer is Pap's, and Ben isn't here. Just great, what a fun party' Kyle thought as he filled up another cup of the weak piss-tasting beer. "At least the beer will get me drunk." An hour later, sitting in the darkest most unobtrusive corner he could find, nursing his thirteenth beer, Kyle was starting to have a good time. Or at least he was drunk enough he no longer cared about what kind of time he was having.

"Hey fox, you alright?"

Kyle turned to look at the new sound. It turned out to be an all gray cat with a concerned face, and Kyle couldn't help but notice the cat wasn't wearing a shirt. The cat had a smooth body with noticeable but not clear cut musculature and a white paw on Kyle's shoulder.

"Err, yah I'm great. How about you?" It sounded good in Kyle's head but came out as an almost unintelligible slur.

The cat reached over and took away Kyle's beer, "uh, yah I think this fox has had enough beer for tonight."

"Maybe your right. Now that you mention it I do feel a bit drunk. You're kinda hot kitty."

"Heh, thanks fox. Maybe we should go outside so you can get some fresh air?"

"That sounds nice." Kyle slurred as he tried to get up and failed. "Maybe a little help?"

"Yah, maybe just a little." said the cat as he helped Kyle up and outside. "So what's the matter fox? No one drinks that hard without a reason."

"I'm just enjoying my first night out in a few months. I've been a bit down lately, you know?"

"Umm, yah actually. Your friend James told me about what happened. It was my idea for him to call you and ask you to come. I lost someone a couple years ago too and I know how much getting out can help." The cat put an arm around Kyle's shoulders as Kyle started to sob softly. "I'm Tim by the way."

"I loved him so much. Why did he have to leave me. Why couldn't I have gone with him." Kyle panted between sobs.

"I don't know fox, but I'm sure wherever he is he still loves you too and I know he wouldn't have wanted you to go with him. Not like that."

"I know but, I miss him so much."

Tim pulled Kyle into a hug since he didn't really know what else to do and rocked the fox back and forth. He didn't expect it, though, when Kyle turned his face up and kissed him pretty fiercely for someone who had just been crying. He expected the sudden violent jerk away from him even less.

"Hey Kyle, you ok?" Tim asked with genuine concern.

"I'm..I'm sorry. I just thought..I'm so sorry." Kyle had turned away and barely got it out between sobs.

"Hey, no, come on now its alright. I just didn't expect it that's all."

"I think.. I think I need to go, I'm so sorry I just lost it for a minute." Kyle's speech was getting even worse now, the slur becoming pretty much completely unintelligible.

"I don't think you should be driving anywhere fox. Even if you weren't drunk. Plus I think I know something that could cheer you up a bit." Tim said it with a glimmer in his eye.

"Maybe you're right, I do feel a bit...drrruu" Kyle slurred out as he fell over, unconscious.

Tim picked Kyle up and started inside. "I guess those pills James gave me really do work. I never would've thought this fox could've lasted so long after four of them, though, if James was serious about how strong they are." Tim said, chuckling, as he carried the fox upstairs and started to whistle along to the music on the stereo.


Kyle woke up slowly and tried to look around but for some reason he couldn't move his head more than an inch or so. Not that it would've helped if he could've looked around, because everything was blurry and the light was dim. He felt groggy, and more than a little disoriented. 'Man, that must've been some party I feel like I just fell down some stairs and landed with my mouth open in a manure pile' Kyle thought to himself as he started to get up. He failed to get up and wondered why this was. That was when he heard someone chuckling. He couldn't see whoever it was but the voice sounded vaguely familiar...and why was he lying in this weird position, on his back with his legs propped up?

"You can struggle if you want fox but I don't think it will really help," said Tim as he looked down at his handy work. He had tied Kyle's hands to the head-board and the fox's legs to a ring attached to the ceiling. 'Glad I bought these new restraints, never been able to fully immobilize someone before' Tim thought to himself as he reached down to check the tightness of the straps around Kyle's stomach, chest, and head. "I wouldn't bother trying to talk if I was you either, don't want to stress your jaw," Tim said as he tapped on the circular gag that he had strapped into Kyle's muzzle. It was his favorite gag. It held the muzzle open, but had a hole in it so that things could be poured down his pet's throat or insert things into their muzzle without having to remove it. Tim reached down and pushed the padded wedge a little further under Kyle's lower back, lifting the fox's rump up a bit further.

"Your friend was really worried about you, you know? He told me you hadn't even left your house except to pick up or drop off work at school. That is not a good way to recover from something like what you went through." Tim said as he gave Kyle a smack across the rump. "But, I think I can distract you from it for a while. My methods are...unconventional but I think you'll find they're effective at taking your mind off your distress. James thought it might help."

'My own friend! My own friend set me up for this! I'm going to kill him.' Kyle thought to himself as he struggled against the restraints to no avail.

"I guess we should get started now, eh foxy?" Tim giggled as he said it.

Tim went over to his dresser and started pulling out some toys. "Hmm lets see: a three inch butt plug, an inflatable butt plug, a twelve inch wolf cock with a huge knot, and last but not least my ejaculating dildo. Oh I can't forget the lube now can I foxy? I think I'll give you the three incher first." Tim said with a huge grin across his face and started to purr as he thought about dominating Kyle. He lubed up the plug and crawled up onto the bed. "I hope you relax yourself foxy because I'm not going to be gentle. You have to earn that." Tim placed the tip of the plug on Kyle's little pucker, which was clearly not relaxed, and started to push. Hard.

Kyle whimpered and strained against the restraints as he began to be forced open. 'No! Please no! It's too big!' he thought desperately. A groan came out of his muzzle as the plug popped in with a sharp pain. Kyle tried to relax, but tensed up as soon as whoever was doing this to him started to twist the plug around inside him.

Tim grinned as the plug popped in. He thought it would've taken at least a few pushes first, but obviously this fox wasn't a virgin when it came to large objects. "Well, how does that feel foxy? Good?" he said between giggles. He began to tug on the plug, not enough to pull it out but enough to yank on Kyle's tail hole as he reached up and dragged his claws along his new pet's stomach. After a couple minutes of tugging on the plug he gave it a sharp yank and pulled it out with a loud, wet pop. "I don't want you to get too used to it foxy," purred Tim as he watched Kyle's stretched tail hole begin to close slowly. "Mmm I was going to use all of these toys on you, but you're just too cute for me to resist when you're all tied up. I think I'll just mount you right now."

Kyle's eyes went wide when the stranger said he was going to mount him and tried to say no around the gag, "nnuhh, uuh uuh." He strained against the restraints as hard as he could but couldn't budge them at all and started to cry and let out strangled sobs. Kyle even tried to squeeze his tail hole shut but it wouldn't flex at all; it was too strained from the huge plug that had been rammed into him without any pity.

"Hehe, don't worry foxy it'll feel good." Tim didn't hesitate any longer and pushed himself into his pets tail hole to his sheath in one thrust; without lubing himself up first. He held there for a moment, fully hilted in Kyle's tail hole, reveling in the twitching he felt around his shaft. "This, is going to be fun." Tim said as he pulled back to his tip, dragging his barbs out fast. He thrust in as fast as he had pulled out and started to pump into Kyle as quickly as he could. Tim could tell he wasn't going to last long, the whole situation was just too hot, but he would be damned if he was going to stop or slow down now. As he felt his climax nearing he pulled out and crawled up to straddle Kyle's chest.

Kyle felt the stranger pull out of him suddenly and then felt a body crawling up and straddling his own. That was when he first saw the face of his rapist. It was the hot gray cat he had seen at the party last night! As he was trying to come to grips with the fact of who was raping him he felt something slick and bumpy slip across his tongue.

"Now then foxy, its time to please me. I'm going to muzzlefuck you and if you don't help get me off with your tongue and throat, or if your shit isn't all cleaned off when I pull out, then I'm going to have to punish you." Tim said with a dangerous tone as he started to thrust into Kyle's muzzle through the ring gag. He could feel Kyle's tongue slowly start to lick him and then speed up bit by bit. "Yes that's good foxy, but don't forget to use your throat." He thrust in all the way feeling his cock tip press against the back of Kyle's throat before angling down slightly. Tim quickly approached orgasm again because of his pet's quick tongue and rippling, swallowing throat. He didn't even warn Kyle, but simply slammed into his pet's muzzle till his balls slapped against Kyle's chin and came down his throat.

Kyle could feel the cat squirting cum down his throat and felt more ashamed than he ever had before. Here he was, tied up, with a complete strangers cock, that had some of his own shit on it, down his throat, swallowing this same strangers cum, and he was starting to enjoy it! 'No, I can't be enjoying this. He must have drugged me I would never betray Ben's memory. NEVER!' Kyle screamed his thoughts inside his head.

Tim slowly pulled out of his pet's muzzle and meticulously check his cock for anything Kyle missed. "Very good pet, very good. You earned yourself a reward." He slowly turned around and noticed that Kyle had become completely erect; his knot fully exposed and swollen, cock bobbing in time to his heartbeat. "Oh, it seems my little fox enjoyed that. Did you enjoy that fox?" Tim said and promptly leaned over and took Kyle's cock into his muzzle without waiting for, or expecting, an answer. He bobbed up and down and sucked hard on it. 'I guess I should give him something nice' he thought to himself as he sucked off his pet.

Kyle moaned without even thinking when he felt a mouth around his cock. He tried to buck against it but couldn't even twitch his hips against the straps. This hot cat was clearly raping him...but his rough tongue sure did feel good on his cock. 'No! I will not let myself enjoy this! I won't!' he thought to himself. Try though he might, he could feel himself getting closer to cumming. The feeling was just too good and the cat obviously knew what he was doing. It didn't take long, especially after getting his prostate severely abused, for Kyle to feel himself start to cum. Just as he started to cum though he felt sudden pricking pains around his knot, but the pain mixed with the pleasure...

Tim had put his paw around Kyle's knot to hold his cock in place, so he felt the knot start to pulse as cum began to pour into his muzzle. He grinned and stopped bobbing and licking; simply sucking as hard as he could when something occurred to him. Tim flexed his paw to put out his claws and then pressed them into Kyle's knot till little pinpricks of blood began to form. 'Certainly not going to let my pet get away with feeling pleasure without sharing now am I?' he thought to himself as he swallowed his second mouthful of fox cum. Tim didn't wait for the flow to stop; once it began to slow down he simply pulled off and let his pet finish cumming on his own stomach. "I'm glad you enjoyed that fox. Or at least I hope you enjoyed it." Tim said with a grin and chuckle. "I'll be back in a couple minutes but I'll leave you with something to occupy your thoughts. I don't want your mind wandering." Tim said as he walked over and picked up his inflatable butt plug. He didn't bother with lube this time. He just rubbed the tip of the butt plug in Kyle's cum which was all over Kyle's stomach then pushed it into him. Tim gave it six good pumps to get it up to about the size of a lemon, got up and grabbed his ejaculating dildo and walked out of the room.

Kyle sat there wondering what was happening to him. 'I just got raped, sucked off by the complete stranger who raped me, and now violated by something that got bigger inside me and I enjoyed it! What is wrong with me?' he thought as tears began to flow down his cheeks. He lay there for what seemed a long time, clenching down and trying to push out whatever it was that had been put in him, before he heard someone moving around in the room. He hadn't succeeded in removing whatever was in his tail hole and he gave up when he heard the cat walk back in. No way his rapist was going to take it out until he was ready.

"Ah good, your cock went down. I was hoping for that. Got a surprise for you foxy." Tim said softly as he deflated the plug in Kyle's ass and pulled it out. A big smile spread across his face as he slid the ejaculating dildo into Kyle. He didn't wait before squeezing the bulb that was attached to it, forcing the ice cold castor oil he had filled it with into his pet. He watched his pet's stomach clench and twitch for a moment before he spoke, "That my little fox, is going to make it real hard for you to hold anything in, but I think you'll come to enjoy it after a while." Tim reached over and grabbed the inflatable plug before quickly pulling out the ejaculating dildo. He quickly shoved the inflatable plug in again and inflated it with eight pumps filling Kyle up with something the size of an orange.

His stomach was clenching and cramping worse than anything he had ever felt before, and Kyle actually didn't mind that. He had done many enemas with Ben and had gotten used to the feeling and had come to enjoy it to some extent. That was with Ben though, and was always a precursor to something more pleasant. This was not that situation, but he still was enjoying it. He couldn't help himself, and he hated himself for it. Cursed himself for it. 'Ben, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry.' he thought to himself.

"Mmm, one last thing foxy and then I'll take out the gag. But you have to promise me you won't scream or anything. Do you promise?" Tim looked at Kyle and grunted when he saw Kyle bob his head as much as the straps would allow. "Good. You might even enjoy this," he said as he climbed up and straddled Kyle's stomach, facing away from his pet's face. The naked, and once again fully erect gray cat, reached down and grabbed Kyle's sheath digging his claws in slightly. Slowly he put his cock tip against the small opening on the top of his pet's sheath, then thrust in quickly as far as he could go. Tim moaned as he felt his cock rub against the member inside its sheath. "Oh foxy that feels good," he moaned out as he began to pump back and forth with short thrusts into Kyle's sheath. It didn't take long before Tim came. Squishing around his pet's member in its sheath with his own cock felt really, really good and he was already sensitive. The cum began to squirt out around his cock from the pressure as it exceeded the sheath's capacity. It dribbled down onto Kyle's balls and Tim reached down and rubbed the cum into the furry sack; moaning all the while. When his orgasm began to wind down Tim promptly started to piss into the sheath. "Now your mine fox. Marked with my scent inside, and out." He began to rub his piss into Kyle's fur as the excess poured out of Kyle's sheath; spreading it around as much as he could.

Kyle could smell the sexy cat's piss. It was a pungent smell, but not unpleasant or overwhelming and he couldn't help but enjoy it. If he could've licked his lips, he would have. Then he felt the cat pull his cock out of his sheath; the barbs catching and tugging insistently on the sensitive flesh inside his sheath.

Tim didn't hesitate to undo the gag in Kyle's mouth. He wanted to kiss his pet for the pleasure he'd received, and he did as soon as it was out of his muzzle.

As he pulled back he said, "So? I'm sure you have something to say foxy."

"You raped me! Untie me now!" Kyle said, barely able to keep himself from screaming.

"Yes. I did. But look me in the eye and tell me you didn't enjoy it."

Kyle did look Tim directly in the eye and couldn't say a word. The cat was right. He was absolutely right. Kyle had enjoyed it. He shouldn't have, he had been raped! But, nonetheless, he had enjoyed it.

"I... I did enjoy it. I shouldn't have, but I did and I hate myself for it and I feel more ashamed than I ever have. But why did you rape me?" Kyle whimpered softly.

"Because you needed to be punished. Not so much because I felt you needed to be punished but because you felt you needed to be punished. Like I said last night fox I lost someone too and I felt guilty that I lived and my mate didn't, like you. You needed to feel pain, and anger, and shame. It's what you felt you deserved because you lived and he died. It's not nice, but its still true fox. Your expression speaks for itself. I can see the anger and relief in your eyes." Tim said as he slowly dragged his claws across Kyle's chest.


"No, no buts. You feel better now don't you? It still hurts that he's gone, but the pain isn't as immediate is it? You cried before, yes, but you were holding too much back and look where it's gotten you up till now? You barely go out, you've obviously lost a lot of weight, and you soak up liquor like a sponge. You needed something."

Kyle sat there, stunned. Tim was right. He did feel better. Angry, but he didn't feel as depressed. It still hurt when he thought about Ben, but he didn't break down and cry on the spot. "Your... You're right, I.."

Tim pressed a finger against Kyle's lips, "I know, and I'm sorry for what I did to you but we both enjoyed it didn't we, and it did break down some barriers for you."

"Yes.. and that betrayed his memory. I loved him and I promised to be his forever, I married him for god's sake! And then I do this and enjoy it! I betrayed everything we had by enjoying this" Kyle said as he sobbed uncontrollably.

Tim undid the straps and then hugged Kyle tight, "Do you really think that somebody who loved you like Ben did actually wanted you to spend the rest of your life alone, unhappy, unsatisfied, and grieving forever? I don't think so, and I certainly hope not. James was right fox. It is time to move on."

The End.

Hope everyone enjoyed this. I enjoyed writing it and look forward to seeing what everyone thinks.