A Whole Divided P4

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#4 of A Whole Divided

A sequel to Two Halves, One Confusing Planet. A recently escaped inmate runs into a not-so-recently crash landed alien symbiote who needs a host, but when they finally do get together they decide that they don't like the way things are done and desire to change it by any means necessary.

A commission for latexloya

Edited by texotic he has a tip jar if you would like to support his efforts in helping me edit! He does this for me voluntarily so anything you can throw his way would be greatly appreciated! https://www.paypal.me/Texotic

If you like what you see please feel free to take a look at my patreon for more fun stuff and to help support me in the making of these stories!http://www.patreon.com/serathin

Aiden led out a blissful sigh and sat back in his chair, letting the smoke from the cigar he had taken from Weasel's supply drift around him as he waited. Though he hated waiting and preferred to take a more proactive approach, this suited him just fine. One either side of him were his bodyguards; Bear and Horse stood completely still on his command, and even in their human guise they looked almost beastly, even in their suits. He had also adopted his human self once more, though he no longer enjoyed even being in such a form anymore, it was necessary for the next step of their plan as he waited for his servant to return.

Finally the office door opened, Weasel popping his head in while also in his human form. "I found the ones that you were looking for," he said excitedly. "Are you... decent?"

"Indeed I am," Aiden replied with a chuckle. "Bring the first one in if you could."

Weasel nodded and disappeared from the door, only to reappear a minute or so later when he opened it completely and allowed another man to walk inside. At first the newcomer had a broad smile on his face when he stepped inside, but it quickly faded when he saw who was on the other side of the desk. "Whoa..." he said as he immediately took a step back. "I know you, you're that escaped convict on the news. I don't know what anyone told you, but I'm a simple salesmen-"

"I know exactly who you are," Aiden interrupted before the other man could go on a tangent. "You've come highly recommended by the one standing behind you, and I could really use someone with your skills. If you're interested in a highly lucrative job opportunity then have a seat, otherwise the door is right behind you. Of course then I'm going to make sure that everyone knows about all the fun alias you keep up in order to keep your thriving sales business alive."

A frown crossed the other man's face and he slowly walked forward, declining the offer of a drink as he sat. "Hell of a sales pitch you got there," he grumbled slightly. "Must be something big you need me for if you're willing to blackmail a fellow criminal right from the word go, but I don't know what I can do to help you. Like I said, I'm a salesman."

"Salesman is quite the way to say you're a con artist," Aiden replied as he continued to grin. "But that reputation if yours is exactly why you're here. Now, which name do you prefer to go by?"

"Just call me Jimmy," the conman said as he leaned back in his chair. "Now just to get things straight, the only reason I even came here in the first place is because your man said that I would have the opportunity to get a huge reward for my participation, so if I don't like what I'm hearing then I'm out of here, I don't even care that you burn whatever alias PJ here happened to get for you. In any case, you have my attention, what's the job?"

"Not so fast," Aiden said as he leaned forward. "PJ may recommend you, but I still want to see a demonstration." He walked over to a table filled with liquor bottles and grabbed one, then set it on the desk in front of Jimmy. "I want you to sell me that bottle of gutrot for five times what it's worth, give it everything you got."

The disguised alien could see the anger in the human's face as he was told to prove himself, but there was also a mixture of pride and the thrill of a challenge as Jimmy flashed a smile and picked up the bottle. Aiden didn't care at all about the actual pitch, it was really a ruse for him to work his own magic upon the man. As Jimmy talked about the merits of the bottle of liquor Aiden would begin to enforce his own will upon him. At first it started with simple things, a touch of the hand or a clasp of a hand on the shoulder. The con artist was so absorbed in the display of his craft that he didn't even realize that he started to use tricks he reserved for his female marks, brushing his hand against the other male's chest or staring into his eyes as he complimented the bottle as best he could.

"Quite the performance I must say," Aiden complimented, his body now only inches from the other male as his hand had lowered from the shoulder it was perched on to the small of the human's back. "I'd say you almost have me, but I'm concerned about the quality. Would you personally stake a guarantee on the promises of flavor you gave me?"

"You bet!" Jimmy beamed, so engrossed in winning he was unaware of what he was saying in order to try and gain favor with Aiden. "It's a flavor that's as rich and strong as you are handsome."

"What a compliment," Aiden grinned. "You're quite the sly fox, you know that? But would you be willing to go beyond mere words? Would you, say, bet your ass on it?"

"Bet my ass?" Jimmy replied in confusion before he realized he had faltered and regained his bravado. "Of course! Anything to show you that what I got is what you need."

Aiden's grin grew wider as he held up a finger and then proceeded to open the bottle, then take a swig from it. "I definitely don't think that this is top shelf like you said," he said as he held the bottle under Jimmy's nose, making him recoil slightly from the harsh smell. "So I believe that in this case we can safely say that you lost, which means that you need to bend over and put your stomach on my desk here."

Jimmy was at a loss for words as everything around him happened so fast, hardly registering that Aiden had reached down to grab his groin as he tried to replay what had just happened. The other man had essentially entrapped him, made him promise something that he couldn't deliver and then asked for something when he couldn't fulfill it. It was a rookie conman mistake and he fell for it, and he somehow felt a deep shame for that. Even as the stronger male grabbed his pants and pulled them down before turning him around, he continued to remain focused on how badly he had been played.

It was exactly what Aiden wanted to see as he shifted back to his demonic rubber alien form, stretching his wings out as his heavy hands continued to pin his prize to the desk. By now his prey had been completely ensnared in his trap as his freed member pressed up against the cheeks of the human beneath him. His influence had warped and corrupted the male so badly that even if he had shown Jimmy his true nature they'd still be in the same position, the conman believing that he had to pay up for his shortcomings on the liquor bottle. The others remained in their human disguises as they watched Aiden take the thick, black pre that oozed out of his cock and slather up the man's hole to prepare him for what was to come.

As it finally clicked in the con artist's mind of what was about to happen it was already too late, the alien symbiote had already begun to assimilate the flesh of his rear end as he laid there. Even if he could manage to escape he had somehow been marked by the other male, he could feel Aiden's influence spread not only inside his body, but also his mind as something probed against the ring of muscle. Instinctively he felt his muscles tense; while this had not been the first time he had slept with another man in order to get what he wanted, it was the first time he hadn't been completely in control when it happened. Before he had manipulated his partner so that he was either on top or in the lead, but now he found himself completely powerless do anything as black tendrils climbed up his body.

"I have the perfect form picked out for you already, Jimmy," Aiden said as he saw the alien rubber spread up to his latest victim's head. "Or should I say, Fox..." the other male gasped as his face pushed out into a triangular muzzle. The alien felt the thick synthetic tail begin to push up against his abdomen as it grew out from the spine just above where his cock was pushing in and out. By this point the male beneath him was completely lost in his own lust, which was perfect for Aiden as he made a psychic connection to his mind and began to tweak it.

By the time Aiden was about to climax deep he had removed any trace of Jimmy, which only left Fox as his devoted con artist slave drone. The assimilated fox alien was begging loudly for his new master to finish in him, to fill his rubbery hole with his seed. It was begging that Aiden was all too happy to fulfill as he gave a few more heavy, hard thrusts before he shot his corruptive load inside the fox and sealed his fate as his newest toy.

Once he was finished Aiden instructed Bear to take the exhausted convert and carry him up to one of the bedrooms upstairs to recover. "Alright Weasel," the demon alien said as he reverted back to his human form, his helper looking at him in glee. "Please bring in my second interviewee..."


Xavier looked around the mess hall of the facility as he grabbed his lunch, his eyes glancing around for the others of his nest. Tobias and Flynn had already informed him that they would be working through their normal noontime meal, which meant that he was on his own as far as company was concerned. Those servants that were available to talk to were otherwise predisposed with their own human friends and he didn't want to interrupt them. It meant a lunch to himself, he thought as he sat down with his tray and began to eat.

It didn't stay that way for long; however, as another, younger man sat down on the opposite side of his table. "Mind if I sit here?" he asked, Xavier gesturing to go ahead. "Thanks a lot. One of the problems with a new workplace is I don't have all the groups and social office interactions down yet."

"It can certainly be a tricky maze to navigate," Xavier replied. "I didn't realize that we had any new hires come into the facility recently, my name is Xavier."

"Fox," the man replied with a smile. "And I'm not a new hire so much as a transfer, I've been brought in to help audit the aquaculture lab so that the government isn't looking down at us for the next two years. It's a thankless job but someone has to do it, even if it means I'm traveling ten months out of the year. One of these days I'm going to just find a facility that I like and tell the higher-ups that I'm not going to leave, put down some roots, you know?"

Xavier just nodded in reply as he looked the other male over. Mentally he frowned at the sudden realization that his gatekeeper failed to tell him that there were new people in the facility, even if they were just temporary. He made it a fact to try and know everyone that could possibly interact with their nest, whether they be the aliens they converted or the humans that they didn't, even though they had taken other measures to make sure their secret was hidden. For all he knew this was someone that is part of an organization that knew of their existence and was now testing him, though as he listened to the man continue to talk while he attempted to open his milk carton, he began to doubt it.

The two continued to make small talk as Xavier tried to get as much information from him as possible. Even though the fact he wasn't going to be here long made him a poor candidate for conversion, he still wanted to get a profile done in case that ever changed. Fox was quite forthcoming in his information, giving the disguised alien everything from where he was born up to what sort of food he enjoyed eating. Once he was satisfied with the results Xavier took his mostly-eaten lunch and informed his conversation partner that he had to get back to work. Fox just nodded and waved him off, then watched as he cleaned his tray and left the room.

After about a minute a smirk crept across Fox's face once he was sure that the other alien hadn't chosen to double back on him. The drone could feel his excitement build that he had successfully made contact with the target Master had given him and the other alien didn't even realize he had already been converted. He could already hear Master's words of praise in his ears as he stood up and discarded his own hardly-eaten food, then moved in the same direction that Xavier had. While his initial meet and greet had been productive it was not the reason he was there, especially since even with Master's power behind him, there was no way he would be able to take down an actual alien.

It had taken nearly two weeks for Fox to finally acclimate enough to the facility to pass himself off as a researcher, though thanks to Master's connections he was able to get the credentials to help facilitate his story. After that it was up to him to use his natural wit and charm in order to integrate himself into the roster and to finally make contact with the enemy alien nest, something he was more than capable of doing. Master had specifically hunted him down for that purpose, and though everything before he had been given his new form was a little hazy, he knew he was good at what he did. He still remembered when that powerful creature took him, licking his lips as he mentally recalled the muscled form of the demon pushing that powerful cock inside his yielding body...

Fox quickly snapped himself out of the mental image when he realized he was quickly growing aroused, which standing in the middle of the hallway would not have been a good way of remaining inconspicuous. He gave himself a few moments to calm himself before he continued on with his real mission at the facility. Now that he knew the other aliens couldn't detect him while in his human guise he moved on to his real target, one that just entered into his field of vision as he passed by one of the labs. It would be his first time making contact and he had to make sure he got it right, otherwise Master would be extremely displeased with him, and he shuddered to think of what the consequences of that might be.

"Hi there," Fox said as he quickened his pace to match that with the man in front of him. "You must be Balen, right?"

Balen turned his head slightly as he looked over at his sudden walking companion. "Yeah, that's me," he replied. "Can I help you with something?"

"Actually I think you can," Fox replied with a glimmer in his eye. "Xavier and Tobias sent me in order to brief you on something, can we go to your quarters and discuss it?"

"Xavier and Tobias sent you?" Balen replied, raising an eyebrow in question. "Why didn't they just... you know... call me on our personal line?"

"They believe that line might be... bugged," Fox explained. "Which is also why they told me to warn you not to go there at the moment since they don't want to reveal your position. It's also the reason why they can't interact with you in person right now, either, they managed to get in contact with a few of us and now it's up to us in order to make sure everyone is in the loop. Now are we going to go back to your place and discuss this, or am I going to have to show myself right here in public so that you believe me?"

Fox tried to not bite his lip as he saw Balen look him over while he contemplated what he had to say. If Balen didn't believe him and hopped on the psychic plane or met up with another of their kind then he would have to cut and run when his story fell apart on their scrutiny. Fox knew that the one he talked to was the newest of their converts, though, and hoped that meant he was unsure enough of their hierarchy to allow him to slip in. After standing there for nearly a minute Balen told Fox to wait there while he got someone to cover for him, something that caused Fox to inwardly breathe a sigh of relief.

About half an hour later Balen and Fox walked back to the residential quarters of the facility, which were mostly quiet since the majority of its occupants were either at their jobs or sleeping in the case of the night shift. For Fox it meant that the likelihood of meeting another of their nest was very low, something he had counted on as they walked into Balen's apartment. "Alright, let's see it," Balen said almost as soon as the door was closed. "You show me yours and I'll show you mine."

Fox just nodded and concentrated on his form briefly, the guise of his handsome human form shimmering before it was replaced with the athletic, rubber-covered muscles of his alien form. His face grew into a vulpine muzzle as his tail grew out behind him, which caused his butt to wag slightly from the pleasure of reverting back to his new form. For the most part he was purely a fox man save for the pair of horns that jutted out from behind his triangular ears that twitched as they slid out. When his transformation was finished he looked at Balen, who nodded and reverted back to his rubbery gryphon form.

"Now that we're back at my place and safe, can you please tell me what's going on?" Balen asked. "Has the nest been compromised?"

"That's what they're trying to figure out now," Fox replied, trying to keep the grin off his face at the duplicity of his words as he moved forwards. "At the moment we need to keep the entire nest on alert for any suspicious activity, without using the psychic plane for assistance. Full radio silence until this gets resolved."

Balen appeared to be troubled by that, but nodded nonetheless. "Well thank you for telling me this," he said as he fluffed his wings out for a second. "I will head back to my post and make sure to keep an eye out."

"Wait!" Fox called out as he began to see the other alien start to shift back into his human form. "I mean, since we're both out and alone... I mean, I haven't been with any of the others besides the one that converted me, and your form is so much more exotic than mine... Perhaps you'll do me the honor of letting me explore your body?"

As soon as Fox put a paw on the other male's groin he could see the lust fill the other alien's eyes. It didn't long before the two were making out, their tongues squeaked against one another as they made their way to the bed. The gryphon alien was superior in both size and build and he found himself taking charge, his cock already throbbing at full length before they even hit the sheets. Fox allowed the other male to lick and suck possessively on him as he closed his eyes, already feeling the presence of another begin to fill his mind as he surrendered to the will of his Master.

Balen failed to notice anything was amiss as his newly-acquired lover laid back on the bed, content to lick his tongue along every crevice of muscle on the fox's body, until he felt the body underneath him began to shift slightly. The gryphon alien pulled back slightly as the creature underneath him began to shudder and convulse, a look of pure pleasure on his face as his muzzle continued to whisper the same words over and over again. When Balen asked if he was alright Fox suddenly stopped, then when his eyes opened they had turned from black to red with a reptilian slit in the middle of them.

Before Balen could say or do anything his already-open mind feel prey to Aiden's stare, having possessed the body of his fox toy he was able to see the alien gryphon's eyes begin to droop. Fox's body began to grow more muscular as it was filled with the essence of his master while his words continued to seep into his prey's ears. Balen had not expected to be mentally assaulted by another alien and Aiden's psyche immediately began to soak into the other creature's. The demonic alien could feel himself taking control of the other aliens' drone as he flipped the male off of him and onto his back so he could continue to take his mind just the same as his body.

"Your masters are weak and pitiful," Aiden growled as Balen's body continued to go limp, his tailhole offering no resistance to his cock as he slid inside the now-smaller male. "They believe that pathetic drones like yourself should have the free will to choose when you already know better. What you need is someone to take control over you, to shackle your will to another so that you can live out your life in blissful servitude."

As Balen felt the hard cock get shoved up inside him the words continued to echo in his mind over the pleasure he was getting. Part of him knew that this wasn't right and that he needed to warn the others, but the fox alien had warned him about the psychic realm and he had shut himself off from it to protect himself. Now he found himself without the will to rejoin it, and the longer Aiden talked to him, the more he could feel his sheer will overwhelming his own. Glowing red lines began to trace up from his groin where the demon fox alien's cock slid into him, spreading over his body like wildfire as Aiden took control. All Balen could do was gasp as he felt his thoughts shift and the words become imprinted in his mind as he began to realize that the creature spoke the truth, his eyes shifting from blue to red.

"That's a good drone," Aiden cooed as he rubbed a hand across his newest thrall's cheek, which the other male nuzzled into. "Who's your master?"

"You are," Balen replied breathlessly as the thrusts grew in intensity, the submission to the new alien causing a wave of pleasure to cascade through both males. "Please fill me master, mark me as yours."

"Good slave," Aiden continued as his fanged grin widen. "When my drone cums your will is mine completely. You will listen to everything Fox has to say. You will remain off the psychic plane, and if any of the others ask about it you'll just make up an excuse. Do you understand, Gryphon?"

Gryphon nodded and he was rewarded with another jolt of pleasure from his new master, gasping out loud as the two corrupted creatures continued to rut even as Aiden returned to his own body. As much as he wanted to be there when the big finale happened, one of his other plans was about to fall into place, one that he had been waiting for ever since he arrived back in the city. He could feel his host body vibrate with excitement as the alien regained control over his body once again. Once he was up and moving, he called Bear and Panther to follow him to their next destination...


Back in the city a tall, well-dressed man sat behind his desk as he looked over the figures on his computer. The crime boss frowned as he looked at the numbers in red that represented the blowbacks he had been getting in his organization as of late. Shipments have gone missing, people that he relied on and trusted to do his work out on the streets have disappeared as well, and the worst part was no one knew why. If it was some sort of rival gang they would have made themselves known by now in some fashion, but there hadn't been any bodies turning up and no one new has been conducting any illegal activities on the streets. If it had been the police neither his contacts nor the media had produced anything, either, which left him completely in the dark while he tried to figure out who was dismantling his empire.

As he sat back with a dismayed look on his face his buzzer suddenly went off, the sound of loud music echoed in the background as his bartender told him Jax was there to see him. He immediately told him to send him up and then went over to the wall of windows that saw out into the nightclub below him. It had been his place of operations for many years, and after a bit of soundproofing and tempering the glass so the flashing lights wouldn't come into the office, it proved to be a very efficient way to not only launder money, but keep his public reputation up, as well. It was also a great way to sniff out cops who would stand out in the otherwise young crowd, like the one that had just left the bar and started to make his way up to his office.

"It's good to see you Leo," Jax said as he adjusted his fedora and walked over to the wet bar in the office. "I wish I could say that I come bearing gifts, but unfortunately I don't consider bad news to be such. Don't mind if I make myself a drink, and with what I have to say I'm going to make one for you, too."

The detective had been in the crime lord's pocket for years now and was one of the few people he could call a friend, the other man even knowing his preferred drink as he was handed a glass that he immediately took a swallow from. "I take it you found my guys floating in a river somewhere?" he asked with a sigh as he leaned back in his chair.

"Not quite," Jax replied. "It was a tough case to crack, especially since these people seem to vanish without a trace. Eventually someone must have known that I was sniffing around and made contact with me, though, and after a bit of small talk and the exchange of big bills, I was told that there is a new player in town and they're dead-set on taking your enterprise for themselves."

There was a loud bang as Leo slammed his fists down angrily on the desk, the detective taking his drink off the table to prevent it from spilling. "I knew it!" he shouted. "Tell me you know where this bastard is, I want to personally put a bullet through his skull along with all the traitors that decided to join him!"

"Settle down there Leo, there's more of the story to tell," Jax replied as he handed the irate man his beverage once again and motioned for him to take a drink. "So I did manage to find where the man who would be boss was hanging out, turns out he took another page from your book and was operating out of the back of some nightclub, along with one of your former accomplices named PJ." Once again Leo's face turned bright red and the detective gave him a few seconds to calm down before he continued. "Turns out the ringleader is someone that you might know as well, a man by the name of Aiden is down there running the show."

"The escaped convict?!" Leo shouted. "Well go down there and arrest him, send him back to the chair and make sure they do it right this time!"

"It ain't that simple, Leo," Jax replied with a smirk. "Turns out I've been on his radar for a while now, and he knew that when your men started to go missing he knew that you would send me to try and find them. Walked straight into their trap, never even saw it coming."

Leo's anger turned to confusion as he began to notice something about the detective's face seemed... slightly off. He began to notice that, as well as looking more youthful, his face seemed to protrude out further than before in an almost animalistic fashion. Before he could follow up on his observations, though, he felt something drip from his nose and dabbed the liquid with his fingers before looking at it. A shiny black substance began to run down his digits, and when he looked up at the detective to demand an answer, he gasped at what he saw.

While Leo had been looking at the strange liquid dripping from his nose Jax had removed his fedora and placed it on the desk, a pair of rubber canine ears sticking out of his head. "Master gave me a rather simple task," the detective continued to speak as his head morphed even more, rubber replacing flesh as his face grew out into a muzzle that resembled that of a dog. "He knew you would likely shoot him or have him dispatched if he showed up personally to your club, so he sent me in first to... soften you up for his arrival."

Leo tried to speak, but all that came out of his mouth was more of the black liquid as he tried to get out of his chair, only to fall backwards as he felt his body begin to go numb. From the reflection in the glass he could see his veins turning black as his expensive suit began to grow holes from where the substance touched it. As his ears and eyes began to leak the same fluid Jax went over to the phone and made a call, the human visage and clothing he wore shimmered right in front of Leo and was replaced with a sleek, athletic, rubber humanoid body complete with tail, feetpaws, and fur as he told the person on the other line it was safe for him to come up. About a minute later walked into the room, already in his demonic visage as Jax ran up to him with his tail wagging.

"You did very good, Jax," Aiden said as he petted his new slave between the ears, which caused a bark of happiness to come from the German Shepherd before his gaze went down to the man on the floor. "Hello there Leo, I was rather hurt that you didn't invite me to your place ever since I made it back to the city, so I thought I would invite myself. I hope you don't mind."

Once again all Leo could do was gurgle and gasp as he felt his insides shifting, which could be seen as the tattered remains of his suit fell away from his body. He looked up at the bottom drawer of his desk where he held his gun and slowly began to shift his body and crawl towards it. His eyes stared up at the creature with murderous intent as he tried to reach up with his arm to open the drawer and grab the gun, only to find that his arms were stuck fast to his sides. No matter how hard he tried to move them they felt glued to his body, and when he looked down he saw that a layer of the same rubber that covered his friend had also appeared on his arms and sides that caused them to bond together.

"Oh Leo," Aiden said as he crouched down by the crime boss, watching as the alien rubber that the former detective had spiked the human's drink with continued to spread and assimilate. "You thought you could get rid of my host by sending him to prison, but all you did was lead him straight to me. Now even though I could have just left it all alone, I felt a strange sense of... what do you humans call it... obligation to come here and personally convert you myself. Not only that, but your little empire here will be very useful to me to be able to expand my nest."

Leo glared up at Aiden but was unable to say anything as he felt his rubber covered face begin to push out into an inhuman form, his drooling mouth stretching open as it grew into a serpentine muzzle. At the same time his latex legs suffered the same fate as his arms as he tried to kick them out at the smirking male hovering above him. By then the rubber had already fused the appendages together and the alien mutation caused his entire body to stretch out. Aiden laughed as Leo continued to flop around while his insides shifted and were converted to his new snake body.

Jax wandered over once his friend's transformation was nearly complete, looking down at the fourteen-foot-long, limbless creature that continued to writhe as the last of his flesh was covered with rubber scales. "He always was a snake in the grass," Aiden commented as he placed a hand on Leo's head and shackled his free will to his new master, which was now almost effortless to him before he stood back up and looked at the other alien. "Now he gets to have his outside match his inside. Dog, why don't you take Snake to his home until I can find someone to build a decent terrarium for him or something? The back should be clear tonight, and I already have Weasel in a car waiting."

The former human detective nodded and got Snake's attention, who looked up and hissed at him angrily. It was clear that the demonic alien had not only taken away the creature's limbs but his ability to speak as well, the synthetic serpent still drooling more of the thick, black ooze as he used his new body to slither forward. Unlike the others Aiden made sure that the former human remembered his past, a fitting punishment for him as he sat in the chair the former boss had been in only moments before. With his objective complete and his power secured his focus was on two things, expanding his nest and getting rid of the other two aliens as quickly as possible...