A Romantic Night 2

Story by Kaeryn on SoFurry

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A follow-up of 'A Romantic Night!'

Menewa layed down and curled his trunk around, protecting his mate from the snow before motioning to the basket. It was slightly open and some of its contents were on the snow as well. Ada smiled and curled up to the Mammoth.

"I want to show you a good night, so tonight, no worrying about anything. Tonight is your night."


Adahey had reached over to gather the components of the basket and place them down proper, making a nice picnic set next to them. Though the way Menewa had his trunk, it made it a little difficult to get the things set in place as he wanted, so he worked around the trunk. He didn't use the blanket that Hati had packed, since the trunk gave him that warmth, though he may use it later to sleep. Even with his long fur, a blanket to keep the blowing snow off was always nice.

Menewa watched as he set the picnic up, neatly placing all the food and drinks around them. There were bottles of wine and water, since mammoth really shouldn't have wine, but Ada usually snuck him a sip or two. There were also three tightly wrapped bundles of burgers, vegetables and buns. The burger set for Menewa was made up of a large slice of lettuce within the bun, with special herbs and tomato, while Ada's was your regular ole kodo burger. Deeper down in the basket there were snacks and other desserts. They were warm to the touch, which fit perfectly for the place they were at, even though both of them couldn't be more warm, the thought of a nice hot treat after dinner sounded perfect and it smelled perfect as well. The one item that intrigued them both, was this interesting sweet thing on a stick. Ada did remember that Hati made some snacks herself recently, so decided to give it a try. It tasted like a mixture of honey, sap and mint all rolled into one, melted and stuck on a stick. He looked to Menewa and reached around to give the mammoth a taste of it as well. His rumbling told all, he liked it! But they should probably start with the main course fist, before going on to the snacking.

Ada unwrapped the two burgers, placing his own on his lap before holding out Menewa's to him. Since he was sitting on his trink, he was unable to feed himself, so the moose helped with that and hand fed him. He wondered why there was only this one small burger for him, then he noticed.. there were six more at the bottom of the basket! As Menewa rumbled and ate, Ada got the rest of them unwrapped with one hand and ate with his other, so that he wasn't just eating and his mate was watching.

Once all the burgers were done, they relaxed a bit. The clouds had move apart, letting the stars shine through. Ada had some questions for his mate and he was sure that he had some for him as well. He was about to open his mouth and speak, when Menewa asked first, 'How are you and your mate, Mu'hati?' He rumbled low, curling his trunk in tighter. Ada smiled and rested back against his face, "We are well. Aurora goes strongly everyday, she eats like me and has started to grunt like me." He chuckled. "I've been so busy lately that we've not had enough time alone together, but I hope we can start spending that time together soon." He looked up to his mate and ran his fingers through his thick fur. "How about you? I saw you with that female earlier, I assume she is your special one outside myself?" The mammoth rumbled, 'She is but one. We mate each season , but I also mate many more. You found me on the last day. I will have many offspring, maybe even one that could be the mount to your own.' He rumbled again, his eyes moving up towards the stars. 'I wish for us to have more nights like this, I know that your Mu'hati would not mind. She knows how much you care for me, and I for you.' He lifted the end of his trunk, it was freed just enough that he could teasingly rub against the crotch of Ada's pants. 'Your other mount, An'keta.' He started to say. "What about him?" Asked the curious moose. 'You should allow him to mate Mu'hati more often, it would make her feel less left out when it came to us being mated. I know that she loves you, and wishes for you to be happy, but she has been lonely.' Ada turned towards him more, "She has permission to mate anyone she wants, as long as it's one of her creatures or mounts, she knows this." Menewa rumbled lower, 'But just mating is not the same as having a mate such as you. Allow An'keta and Mu'hati to be mates like you and I.'

Adahey thought on this for long moments before nodding, "I will speak with her on it, and see what she thinks. But I know she has no problem with us being together, if that's what you're worried about. She was the one who packed most of this basket." Menewa uncurled his trunk a little, 'That is not what I mean. When you and I are out here, Hati is home with your child and no one else. She has no one to curl up to her and make her warm, make her feel loved when you are out here with your other mate. Giving her something like that, giving her another mate that is not another Shu'halo would make her happier. I only say this, because when I am gone from the mammoth, my own mates crave that and I allow them to have another for that only.' He nuzzled against Adahey, 'But enough of that, we are here to spend time, to relax.. and also give gifts.' Adahey looked at him a bit confused before he saw something at the comer of his eye. Menewa had lifted something towards him from the snow. It looked like part of a tusk. The thought of that had Adahey spinning around the look at both of Menewa's tusks and sure enough, there was a chunk missing off one of them. "What happened?" He asked. Menewa made a rumbling laugh, 'I had a run in with a rather large boulder while trying to cross a frozen lake, the boulder won and I got that piece out of it. It is small, but you could wear it around your neck proudly.' Ada smiled and nodded. He placed it with one of the packs he had at his belt until he got home to make it into something. "I have a gift for you too, but it's no tusk."

Ada stood and moved off of the mammoth. "You had mentioned once before, but never said it out loud, that you had wanted a tattoo. I've done them for many, but never one for you. So where would you like it?" The mammoth moved a foot and motioned there. 'Above my foot, just before the fur gets thickest.' Ada nodded and pulled a bunch of tools out of the basket, they had been hidden well from sight form all the food that was placed in there. He took the ones needed to make a tattoo and started working.

"I think that should be it." Ada stated as he stepped back up onto Menewa's trunk. 'What is it?' The mammoth asked, as he tried to move his foot around to see. "It is of a mammoth walking with a moose, together, forever." He smiled wide, "I even added the moon and stars, to remind you of tonight.

Menewa couldn't be happier as he took his mate and held him closely, the mammoth rumbled low enough for everything nearby to hear.

'So how are you, are you glad you came and found me?' Menewa asked. Adahey nodded, jsut as the mammoth started to slip his pants down. "I am. I've been tired lately, so much stuff has been going on I just needed a break.I've not spent much time with you and wanted to give you the attention you needed." Ada gasped out as the mammoth moved him around, before fully covering him. 'I am glad you came as well. I was going to keep just to cuddling, but you know how I get around you.' He rumbled low and started to prod at Ada's backside. The moose gave a simple nod, his antlers rubbing to the belly of the mammoth ever so slightly before Menewa pushed in. There was nothing fast about this, nothing rough.. just everything so tender and loving, as Menewa starting making love with his mate. Each grunt made him thrust in a little harder, but he kept the slow pace.

The night would end with them making love until the morning sunrise, before they finally got some rest. Each of them very well spent and content with one another.

A Romantic Night

The day started out brisk and cold, colder then a normal day would. Adahey was out in the stables fixing things up from the night before. Mu'hati and himself had quite a lot of fun with all the mounts and pets who stayed within the stables, though...

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A Day in the Stables

Today would be a special day, today is the day that all the mounts and pets that Adahey and Mu'hati keep in the stables get their time and energy released. Mu'hati has been wanting to spend a day in the stables, submitting to the creatures there but...

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The leader took one look at Adahey before turning to his mate. Her eyes were on the bull and never leaving. The leader grunted and pointed out of the tent. The general looked to Adahey, and motioned with his head to get out. The moment they were...

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