Bound to Relax

Story by Natac on SoFurry

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We've all had those days or weeks where everything goes to hell at once, and we've all dealt with it in our own ways. Here's how one couple copes with it and turns that frustration into something positive.

Rayn couldn't believe it. How many things could go wrong in one weekend?!

First his personal email got hacked on his first half day all year, causing what should have been a long day with Alice to be lost in scrambling to protect his computer, accounts and personal information. The next morning looked like it would go well and Rayn turned on one of his favorite games, only to get completely crushed by the opposite team and insult-to-injury LECTURED on why he lost. He had to drive to visit his folks while frustrated, but turned around to go back for something important he'd forgotten. Getting back on the road took him a good twenty minutes to realize he was driving the wrong way! After a two hour drive that should have only been one, he had to buy new windshield wipers before even reaching his folks' place due to them shredding during the drive. He tried to help make a set of delicate family-recipe cookies that they mail out to everyone during Christmas-time, only to botch the dough and set all of their plans back half a day. On the way home his car started screaming that the tires were low pressure, which turned out that they were only at 2/3 of what they should be, forcing him to stop and refill in bitter cold that pierced right through his golden fur. And now he got a text from Alice saying the dishwasher was broken and they wouldn't be able to get a repairman out until late next week.

Needless to say, Rayn was one pissed jackal. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to break something or just curl up in bed and skip the next week. Finally reaching home that evening, he dropped his stuff by the front door and sorted through the mail... OH COME ON! An overdue house payment on top of everything else?! At the sight of the $80 late fee he froze, then let the letter fall to the dining room table and went straight for the shower.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Alice was on the couch napping, but woke to the sound of the door slamming followed shortly by running water. She got up and stretched, straightening out her shirt, then followed the sound to the bathroom. Rayn never locked, fortunately for her.

Despite how bad things had been the last few days she couldn't help but stop and admire his profile. Taller than her by a head, built like a runner with stamina to match and very... flexible. Focus Alice, focus. There'll be time for that later. She shook her head and looked at his outline more closely, and realized he was... just standing there, holding his head.

Something else had to have happened on top of what she knew about. Dammit, she should have known better than to tell him about the dishwasher, it could have waited until after he'd gotten some kind of good news! If this didn't get fixed soon he'd drive himself into a misery feedback loop, making things worse no matter what good events might happen.

It might be time for that now, rather than later. Thinking fast Alice went into the bedroom, prepared a set of items as well as one of her favorite drinks, then stripped down and went back to the bathroom. On the way she saw the bill on the table, shuddered and kept going. That would definitely do it. But this would work. She'd make it work.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Rayn clutched at his head, trying to calm down and push the events of the last few days away. Everything was going wrong at once, and every time he tried to do something else it just went wrong too. What was he supposed to...?

The shower curtain shifted behind him and then silver-furred hands wrapped around his chest, pulling him back against a familiar chest. "Alice what-"

"Shh. Just stay like this for a bit okay hun?"

He didn't have the will to argue. Minutes passed as he simply focused on the warmth of both the water and her body. He left one arm resting on hers while he reached behind with the other, caressing her back and slowly drifting down to her slender hips. The water getting cold finally drove them out of the shower, and after they dried off Alice kissed him and took his hand. "Come on, I have something set up for you."

She led him into the bedroom to show off her preparations. Straps with metal rings slipped under the mattress to tie a partner's limbs at any angle, a large amount of rope, four leather cuffs and a blindfold. "Alice, I don't think I'm in the mood to be tying you down-"

"Good. Because you'll be the one tied tonight." She kissed his cheek and grinned. "You get to lay back and relax."

He looked at her in surprise. "You sure? You haven't really taken charge like this before. Besides, with the week I've been having..."

"That's precisely why it needs to be done this way. Look Rayn, right now you're probably thinking something like 'everything I try to do goes wrong', am I right?" He gave a half-chuckle at her accuracy and she brought his hand up to cover one of her breasts. "Well, now you'll be doing exactly nothing. That way nothing can go wrong. Just leave it to me, okay?"

He could never say no to her. Another hug and a kiss, then Rayn let himself be guided over to the bed and secured. Cuffs on his arms and legs, with additional rope to hold his arms bent and his legs spread out in a V. More rope around his torso and shoulders to make a hand-grip harness for Alice.

"Comfortable? Nothing chafing or too tight?"

"Everything feels fine so far hun, nothing out of place."

"Good." She gave his sheath a quick stroke and laid down against him. She pressed her chest against his and kissed him before whispering, "Now. You're going to stay right there and let me take care of you. And by the time I'm done with you, you're going to be too drained to do anything BUT relax. Got it?"

"Heh, yes ma'am, though it's a little late to be checking in with me." He pulled at his arm bonds to prove his point.

"Yeah well, too bad you need this. Just focus on now, on your senses, and let everything else just vanish for a few hours." She pulled the blindfold down over his eyes, making everything go dark.

A quick shift of position and Rayn felt her firm hands applying pressure to his arms, kneading away the tension while still keeping her breasts in contact with him. The other arm followed after a while. Another shift and she was straddling him now, focusing her palms on the front of his shoulders and using her fingertips on the back side as she squeezed and massaged. And it was surprisingly easy to just lean into the massage as best he could, finally relaxing for the first time in a week. Alice was working tension out of his shoulders that he didn't even realize events had built up. Soft moans escaped him as she worked her magic.

"Starting to enjoy ourselves are we?"

"Mmmmm, yes..."

"Good. I've been taking classes, glad to know they paid off."

Rayn blinked behind the blindfold and lifted his head to 'look' at her. "Wait what? When have you been taking classes?!"

"The Sunday meetup with my friends has been all of us taking the class together for the last two months. I'm the furthest along, so no telling their S.O.'s about this."

"Heh, you're just plain evil aren't you?"

"You know it, you love it." Alice paused to give Rayn a chance to deny it - which he didn't - before she continued. "Now shush. Talking is doing something." Rayn chuckled and settled his head back in a neutral spot.

He couldn't tell how much time passed with only the scent of Alice and the feel of her hands to go by. She worked all along his body, removing tension from his limbs first and slowly moving inward to his waistline. As she started on his thighs, laying right between his legs, Rayn found his member slowly growing out of his sheath.

"About time. I was starting to think you'd fall asleep on me first, then I'd have to give you some of what you gave me before." Rayn couldn't resist a grin at the reminder of that incredible night. Suddenly he felt one hand lift from his thigh and grasp his manhood. It felt so GOOD and so sudden after the long wait and massage, he was overwhelmed by the sensation and could only gasp and pulse in her hand. On instinct he tried to reach for her, only to be reminded after a short motion that he was thoroughly restrained.

"Now, what to do for THIS tense muscle..." Alice shifted her hand along his length while still massaging one thigh, causing more grunts and moans from her gold-furred lover. "Well, I guess a proper warm-up before the marathon is in order." Warm breath played across his shaft, making him flinch. "Though I'm guessing you'd like to go straight to the marathon eh?"

"You know I would, you tease!"

"Shhhh." She gave his member a quick lick, running her warm wet tongue across it. "I'm going to make you feel nothing but amazing tonight, you just have to be patient okay?" Rayn barely resisted the urge to make a joke and simply nodded. "Much better." She started to breathe on him again, getting warmer and warmer, then suddenly her mouth was completely enveloping him. Her tongue pressed right against the base and she growled, sending vibrations through herself and him that left him squirming against the bonds and growling himself. Slowly Alice started to bob up and down on him, licking and swirling as she went as slowly as she could. Rayn tried to strain up against the bonds whenever she withdrew, only to be pushed firmly back into the bed. He swore he could feel her smile around his shaft each time.

With how long she'd kept him waiting Rayn couldn't last long. As Alice bobbed down again she gripped his knot in her hands and squeezed to fake a tie, and Rayn was overwhelmed by pleasure as he exploded into her waiting muzzle. Shuddering, he came back to reality to realize she was still on his shaft and sucking him dry.

"Alice, what are you... You hate taking a full..."

She finally released him and lifted up off the bed, leaving him lying in darkness with no sensation but the cuffs and rope. He heard her drink something and swish it around a little before something was set down on a surface. "I don't like doing it, but I don't hate it either. It's just too much of the taste at once."

"Honey, please, you don't have to do all thi-"

Her surprise kiss silenced him. Lingering a long moment, their tongues entwined, Alice tasting like mint and berries from whatever she washed out with. She released him and rested her head against his, whispering. "You'd be doing the same thing if I was the one having a hell week. Just let me make yours better okay? Stop worrying about me and focus on your own enjoyment." She gripped his manhood, soft but not retreating, and the sudden stimulation left him gasping as he rapidly hardened again. "Because I'm not done with you by a long shot."


"You think I never noticed you get more sensitive after your first cum? I've been waiting for this." There was no mistaking the wicked tone in her voice. The bed flexed, her legs brushed over his, and he felt a very different warmth grinding up against his member now. Back and forth, one side only, and very, very wet.

"Unnngh... Alice..." She leaned forward until she had Rayn trapped against himself, pressing her breasts against him again. "You're amazing..."

"You just noticed?" She laughed and kissed him again, deftly lifting her hips and catching his shaft at her entrance. She lowered herself, slowly, agonizingly, dragging out the long-awaited connection even longer. Rayn could feel every part of her on the way in, his over-sensitive shaft picking up every shift and texture and turning it into pure stimulation. Alice never lost their kiss the whole way down. Once they were fully nested together she ended the kiss and shifted into a sitting position. "Hold on tight love." Her walls suddenly clamped down hard, nearly making Rayn explode then and there. "This is going to get bouncy."

And to suit her words she lifted up until he was halfway out and dropped down again, pressing against his knot with a yip before rising up again with no time lost. Each stroke drove Rayn wild, struggling against his restraints, wanting to hold her close but left at the mercy of her deliberate pace, Alice never letting her vice grip loosen. He didn't know if it was the blindfold, the extra sensitivity or both, but he could feel every caress and stroke tenfold. The longer it went the less he was able to even process how good it felt. Intense, it was too intense. Even if she didn't take his knot he wasn't going to...

"Alice I can't last-"

"Shhhh -ah- just -oh- let me -mmm- yes!"

"But I'm about to-"

She stopped and lifted right up to his tip, leaving him fully exposed to room temperature while he caught his breath and tried to avoid cumming then and there. When she spoke it was obvious she was getting annoyed. "Now you listen to me Rayn Kallaren, first off I refilled my pills and have been using them for more than a week. I'm safe. Second, you're not supposed to be worried about me right now, only yourself! Now I'm going to keep riding you until you erupt like a volcano, and I'm not. Wasting. A single. Drop. Interrupt again and I'm gagging you. Understood?"

Very meekly, "Yes ma'am."

"Good boy. Here's your reward." Still holding herself right at his tip, she dropped herself back down with expert precision and drove right down to the hilt again in an instant. The sudden flood of heat and stimulation after resting in cool air nearly finished Rayn again and he cried out, pulling at the restraints. She held for a moment, then raised up to the tip and dropped down again, drawing an even louder cry from him. She repeated this four more times, each stroke flooding his thoughts with pure pleasure, and on the last one she used his harness to pull herself down harder and drive his knot home. The instant it popped in Rayn howled as ecstacy hit him like a truck, almost blacking out from the sensation as he shuddered and pulsed and filled Alice to the brim.

Rayn's world was condensed to a few sensations: the textures of the bed, ropes and cuffs. The scents of exertion, sex and Alice. The combined sound of their heavy breathing. And the very warm, firm pressure on his manhood buried inside his silver-furred lover. It took a moment to realize that Alice was staying perfectly still, her breath the only indication that she was as drained as he.

"*huff* Alice? Everything *huff* okay?"

"Thought *huff* I heard knocking *huff* thought the *huff* neighbors had *huff* come to complain."

Rayn burst out laughing. If he could have he would have been clutching at his sides, it hurt to laugh that hard after the 'marathon'. After a moment of what he could only assume was offended silence Alice started laughing just as hard and fell forward to lay on him again, both of them consumed by hilarity and afterglow.

The blindfold came off, giving Rayn his first fresh glimpse of Alice's flushed grinning face and her ocean-blue eyes. "Feeling better now?"

"Much." He took advantage of his sight to kiss her thoroughly again. "I love you Alice Sheran, I have no idea what I'd do without you."

"I love you too. And you're pretty amazing too, when you're not beating yourself up." She reached over to undo the cuffs and free his hands without lifting up from him - hands he immediately wrapped around Alice to hug her tight only to ease up with a gasp as he half-pulled her and put pressure on his knot. "Easy now stud, you get a break before our next run."

He couldn't help but laugh. "How about some dinner? I'm starving now thanks to you."

"Oh fine, we can order pizza." She tried to reach for her phone but couldn't quite. "Once you let me go anyway."

"Not my fault, you're the one who did the knotting this time. You could always free my legs if you're that hungry. Besides, I get the feeling we'll want to be in the bathroom when I pop out."

With a mock-sigh Alice did end up undoing his restraints, and together they shifted around to minimize the mess when Rayn deflated and then get a delivery on the way.

Alice padded back into the room, still naked, setting the phone on the dresser before sitting next to him. "Alright Rayn, they'll be here in about twenty minutes. Anything you want to play while we're waiting?"

"I can think of one game." He grinned as just looking at her made him perk up and start to harden again, and he lunged for her. "REVENGE!"


Yes, a lot of stuff had gone wrong. Yes, some of it would still need to be addressed tomorrow. But for tonight all that could go screw itself. Rayn had something going right finally, and he was going to make the most of it and the wonderful woman who made it happen.