New Reality | Chapter 4

Story by Cunning Fox on SoFurry

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"Wow, that stuff works fast" Paul said breaking the silence, "I hope the dosage isn't to high". "What have you done!" Judy cried "You need to say right there," Shane commanded as he walked over to the sleeping fox. Bending down he placed a pair of zip ties around his wrists and ankles. Judy watched in horror as her partner and the ranger were tied up. "Don't worry little rabbit they will be found," The rabbit locked eyes up into the human's eyes. She didn't see any hate or violence, what she saw was fear. He disguised it well but if Judy knew one thing, it was emotion. "Come on Shane we don't have all day," Paul called out, his little slip up caught the two's attention. "Shit, whops" "Just get in the back you idiot," Shane shouted at his comrade, Turing back to the rabbit, "You, Move now. In the back."1 The trio set into motion as they moved to leave the two sleeping mammals behind. "What?" Shane murmured as he opened the driver's door at front right of the car. He walked around to the actual driver's door this time and opened it up. As he settled down in the seat and tried to acclimatise himself to the reversal of the cars controls. Shane knew he did have long so he twisted the key and gave the car some gas, and lucky for the soldiers it started right off the bat. Shane then reached down to his left to change gear but was met by door. He gave himself a mental face palm as he quickly put his other hand on the stick and heave the car into gear. "Now would you enlighten us to where a radio tower might be?" Shane enquired. Judy frowned at this request she didn't want to put any more mammals in harm's way. "What do you truly want? You have got me captured so what is the harm with me knowing.". Shane looked up into the rear-view mirror, "Do you know what the ADF is?" seeing that Judy had no clue he continued, "You know Australia? The outback?" "Sorry I don't know Australia, but I have heard of the outback district, it is within marsupial territory. Don't tell me your from one of the cartels!" Judy was concerned she was in the middle of a cartel kidnapping. But it didn't make sense to just take her and not nick as well. It seemed far to rushed for that. "Where are the other humans, and since when have animals been able to talk?" Shane questioned with scrutinizing eyes. "I don't know where humans are, but mammals have worked together for the past seventeen centuries." Judy was wondering if the two creatures were delusional. The doe wonder if maybe it was her who was delusional or dreaming, and if so she thought that it was only a matter of time till she woke up. "We don't want trouble we just want to get home, if it makes you feel better we don't plan on hurting anyone," Paul sadly commented. "Take the next right follow it for 2 miles it's on the right." She clamped her mouth shut as she realised what she had just done. Nick had always made fun of her sensative bunny emotions, and know she might have just cost the lives of multiple mammals, "please just don't hurt anyone," Judy whimpered as she thought about what she had just done. Shane pushed the accelerator down, he had his goal and he wanted to get home out of this messed up place. If he knew that he could use the radio station to boost the signal of his field radio. Hopefully someone who knew what was happening could hear.

* Rihorn was starting to worry as Nick and Judy should have arrived 30 minutes ago and they were not responding two their radios. "Clawhouser, have you heard anything from Judy?" "No is something wrong?" The Cheetah sputtered with a mouth full of doughnuts. "I am just going to send officer Bitterhoth back down the road to see if they have had car problems" Rihorn responded as he waved the horse back down towards the track they had come from. The horse walked back over to his ATV and mounted it and set off back down the track. He made sure to keep it slow as he knew about how poorly the road was maintained with all it pot holes. The mammal watched as trees went by, he enjoyed been out in the middle of nature even though he was on the clock. The temperature was a little warm still as it was mid day and he was outside of a districts climate control. He loved the way the air ran through his fur and the leaves kicked up in the wake of the atv. His casual ride took a turn for the worst as he spotted the unmistakably ginger fur of Nick who was tied up with a deer off the side of the road. He slammed the breaks on and grabbed his radio and dart gun. "This is officer Bitterhoth at the southern forest, we have a officer down, I repeat officer Nick Wilde is down I need backup at the southern forest!" Stepping off his quad he slowly made his way forward taking comfort in the fact that Rihorn would already be speeding his way down to him. Once he was within ten meters of the vulpine he stoped. Taking a long look around as he sniffed the air. Once he was sure it wasn't a trap he closed the distance.

* The squeal of worn breaks signalled the arrival of the chief. The chief of police never comes to a crime scene unless it is considered an emergency. Which having not only one of his officer, but one of the best abducted was considered. The large cape buffalo almost looked like he was getting out of a clown car because of his size. As he approached his officers he surveyed the scene making sure to note the emotions displayed as they usual gave the tone of the investigation away. Bogo was in a bad mood before he even started. There were rumours around the station that a known fennec fox was trying to pressure officer Wilde into letting him have access to the evidence locker. Not only did he have to worry about the rumours been true he had to worry about ZNN hearing about it. Chief Bogo made his way over to a collection of 3 officers including Nick. "Wilde, what happened?" he questioned in a sterner tone he had started to develop for the fox. Nick didn't want to deal with the chief his emotional barrier having nearly been corroded away from Judy been kidnapped from him. "They took her," Bogo saw the pain in Nicks eyes. "Who took her?" "They weren't like any mammals I have seen. They had no muzzle or fur and they were albino," Nick concluded with a raspy voice. Nick watched as his chiefs eyes widen with surprise then anger. But Nick had no Idea what happened to chief Bogo's father fifty years earlier. The buffalo marched over to he had only early that day called a favour from. "Nathan!" the deer greeted the approaching buffalo. Bogo hated when his first name was used in front of his officers, he found it unprofessional. "You need to stop them. They have Judy," the words rushed out to fast for any mouth to handle. "what did they look like?" is all the buffalo asked. "It was them," the deer said to his friend is a serious tone. "who?" Bitterhoth asked as he had listened to the exchange. But the chief wasn't listening, he was already on his way back to his car.

Case No: 23,421 Unsolved Date: 1965 20 June Reporting officer: Detective Black Crime('s): 5 counts of murder, 1 count of Terrorism

Details of Event: At 14:25 a call came in from a farmer who reported hearing shot coming from his neighbour's property. At 14:26 Sergeant Bogo was requested to inspect the property as he was in the area even though he was off duty. Two minutes later Sergeant requested backup in the form of the SWAT unit. At 14:31 ZPD's SWAT team arrived of scene with an additional 9 officers to contain the situation. The Body of Sergeant Bogo in his car, large calibre bullet holes were located along the entire length of the car. The order was given that officers had to shoot to kill. At 14:33 five perpetrators were spotted around a beached boat. The SWAT team leader gave the order to fire. Two perpetrators were hit, one of which was immediately killed. The three remaining perpetrators fired a volley of rounds as they escaped into the forest surrounding the property. Three officers were hit one injury was life threatening. At 14:39 The Injured perpetrator was shot with a tranquilizer rifle to be apprehended for interrogation later, the dart distressed him, causing him fired shots which killed a SWAT member before the tranquilizer took effect. Officers were ordered not to follow because of the risk of another firefight occurring. Once the scene was declared safe Ambulances were allowed in two officers were confirmed deceased. One officer was saved by the heroic actions of lieutenant Jackson, as he bandaged and gave CPR to maintain the mammals life until EMT's arrived. The tranquilized perpetrator had died for excessive blood loss. From later inspection of the property it was found all three residents had been murdered. The weaponry used in the attack is far more advanced compared to all of the current weaponry designs. It would advised to study thee equipment to judge whether it is made by a known criminal organisations.

New Reality | Chapter 3

The trip so far had been a living hell for Nick, he just couldn't stand country music. The forest ranger was playing _Backtown Baaa_'s latest album. Nick felt he knew too much about the country band. The ranger given the two officers a small lecture...

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