Good to be Queen: Surprise

Story by Waspz on SoFurry

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#11 of Assorted shorties

I wanted this out before the new years. I understand it's a bit rushed and like all my stories I have a frequent problem with capitalization. But at the very least this'll signal to you I'm not dead :p

Only 1 more story after this, Good to be Queen: Resolution

Greg shifted with a groan, he wasn't sure how he felt as Birds chriped and squawked outside in some territorial dispute or over an errant french fry. He was swollen with cum, his belly distended far more than he thought possible as Graces druggy seed churned and jiggled. He felt hot, hot and needy yet sensitive. Strange hormones coursed through his veins, altering his body as it should be to host Graces young. His Legs were soon splayed, his rear end sore and hardly able to move without sluggish strain as Graces fat cock throbbed against his face making him shudder and drool. So full as he was, something about Graces maleness made him hungry once more while his belly churned and shrunk if ever-so-slowly. Mere millimeters at a time, but as his Tongue began to glide along that fat slimey flaccid dick he could only pant and whimper for more as he changed internally.

Grace stirred and huffed, stretching absent-mindedly with a wide yawn as her bitches whimpers roused her from her slumber. The licks and kisses along her spent cock flesh made her shiver, grinning through groggy eyes as she lowered her Hand to rub along Gregs distended Belly, lightly pressing on it to feel the heat and resistance from the developing Eggs. The lucky Slut had no idea the role he'd play in this worlds future~

The room was a complete mess, the Bed little more than a cum sponge and sheets a sticky wrapping as the heavy drug-laden scent of their intense sex was palatable. Duke the Mightyena Runt yawned from his corner, perhaps the only spot in the room without a soggy coating save the bathroom. The black and grey Canine pulling himself up and sauntering over to lick the two for his breakfast of Graces druggy sex. Greg had been far too "occupied" to cater to the poor Animal and the complimentary Berries the Blissies brought in the throes of the Nidoqueens wild rut were quickly consumed to give her more energy. Greg could only moan through his druggy hunger, it would be a while yet before he fully recovered his mind. Instead desperate for more protein-rich cum though Grace was spent.

Luckily for the Pregnant Human a thick slimey knotted cock was soon presented to him with Graces permission, his lips meeting the bitter taste of the spurting tip to sate his growing needs. Duke growled in pleasure, his "Masters" lips soon wrapped around his fat Canine dick, feeling the human suck and lick as his tongue danced along the musky flesh collecting stray cum and cock sweat to polish his fat Member to a shine. Grace licked her lips at the sight, her maleness far too spent to remain hard for long though she happily rubbed herself off to the sight, her precious bitch happily servicing any filthy cock presented to him just as he'd been taught.

A knock drew Graces attention from the sexy scene of a horny dog fucking her lovers throat, reluctantly pulling herself up and helping duke latch on to really pound Gregs throat pussy before she went for the door. The wet slurps and grunts, the slaps and barks as canine cock flesh met human lips and fat swinging nuts drummed against his chin filled the room before the Door was opened to a blushing panting Blissey. she had a fresh bowl of Sitrus Berries, perfect for the Herm to regain her energy as she took them and looked the horny nurse over. Every breath made her tremble smelling nothing but pure thick pheromones pouring from the cum clinging to everything and the dizzying reek of sex.

Grace would rock her world if she wasn't so burnt out, afterall the Nurses had been generous and helpfull the full 48 hours or so she was turning greg into a Mother. Instead the herm licking her lips and fingering her fat throbbing cock, pulling out several digits soaked in her thickest seed before pressing them to the nurses nose and watching her shudder and cum as she purred "Later~" and winked. She could only imagine how pent-up hose poor girls were, if just feeling cum in her nostrils was enough to make her drool and orgasm.

Happily scarfing down Berries, the gifted Dickgirl Nidoqueen looked over her lover, the weak submissive human shuddering and swallowing Dukes generous loads of thin slimey canine cum and loving every second. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a few more pokemon on the team to fuck him now that she had thoroughly claimed him, maybe a flying and water type? She mused over what composition she'd want for the team, stroking herself in-between bites of fruit and thinking to how she'd care for all the young she'll have him birthing like a brood mother.

Her cum was obviously having tremendous effect, the Human already looked far more feminine and motherly, even before she finally seeded him her cum had been altering his form ever-so-slowly. His once small human cock now a decent footlong member, his nuts swollen and potent like hers yet his body far more curvy and plump just where it needed to be. That Ass~ Grace thought to herself, staring as Gregs fuck pillow of a rump and that sexy swollen doughnut of an anus, her cock throbbing at the thought as she swallowed another berry.

Duke eventually finished, his fat knot keeping Gregs face in the canines musky crotch until he was satisfied and withdrew with a wet slurp. The dazed Human panting before he slumped down onto the bed and moaned rubbing his egg-laden belly. The poor boy was a mess of sweat and cum, and much as Grace wanted to give him the usual bath of her pungent spunk, she was still too drained from the wild loving 2-day rut. Heaving a sigh, Grace reluctantly ate all but one Berry, tossing it to Duke as she picked up her lover, giving him a tender kiss as he blushed and hugged her tight. She'd have to give him a wash with actual water and pray he has some clothing she didn't tear off him or use as a dick rag during thier love fest.

Proud as she was of being so potent and having such an amazing lover, Humans were weirdly fickle about modesty and breeding. She couldn't risk the authorities stepping in and seperating them when she was so close to being a father~ The tap soon turned, water spraying from the metal nozzle as Grace dipped her finger under it trying to find a good cum-like temperature to wash her bitch in. She grinned when her dazed slut whined at the water, wanting to carry the stink of graces cum and sweat like he'd been trained to over the past week. Gently petting him to assure him she was doing this for his own good as she slipped in with him and shuddered at the feel of it.

Being part ground-type always made water feel...weird. As though it were softening her or seeping deeper than what was natural, but she'd bear it for her breeding bitch. Her claws ruining a shampoo bottle as she poured its contents over him, curling her nose at the fruity feminine scent. She much preferred her masculine taint to what smelled like a grass-types fruity orgasm, but it'd have to do. Slowly washing the panting groaning human as he slowly regained his senses during the sensual shower. "Come to think of it, a grass-type might not be a bad addition to the team either" Grace mused, a few of them rather cute and sexy~

"G-Grace?" Greg sputtered and panted, drawing Grace from her thoughts as she smiled and gave her lover a tender lick. "w-wha happened?" he asked weakly and recieved a thick claw in his asshole as a response, forcing him to gasp and groan with a blush, curling his toes and biting his lip as she fingered and washed him. she chuckled over him, murring and draping her fat throbbing dick over his distended belly, giving it a rub as he shivered and looked over himself and her. "Oh.." he chuckled nervously as his memories slowly came back, of the wild senseless fucking that lasted for days.

Giving his gut a rob he chuckled, "Wow, you uh...really went to town on me" unsure how to respond, he still felt hot and strange, dizzy and lucid as the hot congealed druggy cum altered his insides and rushed through his system leaving him with a deep euphoria. He was oddly sensitive, able to feel every droplet of water that caressed his skin as he panted and laid back milking at Graces finger and letting out sexy confused moans. He felt way too good, even for Graces molten seed it wasn't natural.

Grace could only chuckle and hum, knowing exactly what was happening to the lucky whore, he was becoming a mother. Her Claws dancing along his belly, feeling those lumps becoming proper eggs, her virile spawn with just the right amount of their mothers genes to balance it out. The shower was soon done, both of them clean as the drain struggled with the cum she had washed off. Greg still seemed a bit out of it, rubbing his belly and groaning as Grace gave him a kiss and gestured for him to stay there and rest. It was the only clean place left in the Room and she had plans to get a little more dirty~

She sauntered out of the Bathroom, gingerly closing the door to let her Mate rest before using a call button to summon a few Blissies and Chanseys. A little back and forth with her fat dick rubbing against their faces as she bargained with them on how to hide the completely destroyed room and give each of them a rough fucking in return. The Berries had done the job for the most part, she was still a bit spent, but each of these sluts were so pent up she was certain it wouldn't take much to get them off~ Watching them get to work, hurredly changing the sheets and cushion on the bed, making it ready for fresh use before Grace would grab one of the lucky girls and lay her down, letting the others watch as she screamed in pleasure feeling the well-hung herm rapidly fucking her formerly virgin cunt into a proper dick sleeve. The sights and sounds only making them work harder, desperate for their turn to get creamed as Grace finished in the first lucky girl and let her wobble away in a daze of druggy heavily-fucked bliss.

The next lucky girl the same Blissey form before, her cunny dripping wet as Grace hefted her into her lap and casually shoved that thick beastial cock into her waiting lips. Bouncing the slut like a toy on her enormous prick as she screamed and moaned for the others to watch with envy. The walls were being scrubbed, practically bleached to save what paint they could as the carpets loudly squished with the drum of feet going across them. With how rough and long she usually went with Greg these girls were childs play, rewarding each and every one of over a dozen horny nurses with a full womb of druggy nidospooge while Duke was forced to watch and whine licking his length at the sight.

By mid-day you could hardly tell the room was decimated by a wild rutting nidoqueens hot slimey cum, the room still stank heavily of her sex, a musky scent that was doomed to linger for days if not weeks. But as for physical looks, the room was perhaps a bit roughed up, but more than serviceable now. The carpets were wet from shampooing again and again, the paint on the walls was loose or had peeled off in some places only to be scraped away later by the nurses. It certainly looked like a Pokemon had gone wild in here, but not that she had showered every wall and even the roof in her spunk~

Greg soon wobbling out of the bathroom in a daze as the Nidoqueen smiled to him and pat the bed next to her. He looked pregnant alright~ Not that any Humans would suspect that. the Human huffing and holding his gut as he wobbled over and sat rubbing his belly and blushing hard. "I feel so full.." he groaned, resting against her as she giggled and murred petting him tenderly, her paw rubbing his belly proudly as he smiled and sighed. Duke unexpectedly trotted over, climbing up into bed with them and curling up against Greg as the others smiled at the Canines affection. Greg soon petting the runt of a Mightyena as his tail cutely beat against bedding.

The human couldn't help but chuckle, looking around at the ruined room and his heavily swollen gut while he pet Duke and ruffled his fur. "God, look at this place.." Greg sighed, "Look at me!" rubbing his belly and looking to Grace. "Even if we sneak out of here this room is tied to my trainer I.D." he sighed, "Least I shouldn't be reported for it. I could say one of you went wild I guess" he shrugged and smiled, his hand lowering to grab graces cock and give it a few loving strokes as she murred in pleasure. "Not exactly a lie afterall" giving her a wink as she grinned.

With a grunt and a deep breath, Greg pulled himself form the bed, wobbling a bit and blushing at his full belly as he looked for his gear and clothing. Nothing could hide or cover that belly, the lumps becoming more noticeable by the minute as he struggled to pull his pants up over his generous Ass and do anything to cover his gut. Grace of course coudln't have been more proud, rubbing his belly and nuzzling her lover as the human balked at the idea of walking around town like this. He complained his Feet hurt, feeling flush as he huffed and blushed holding his belly protectively, motherly instincts beginning to manifest as all he wanted to do was find some place to lay down and nest until he felt better.

He couldn't shake how hungry he was either, the second he left the pokemon center to dozens of stares and laughter he lead grace behind the building and drpped to his knees begging for a throat fucking, needing her cum to help ease his staggering thirst as she was all to happy to oblige. Letting the slut savour every salty-sweet inch of her druggy dick, lapping up her cum and cock sweat, tasting the blissies and chanseys she had dominated earlier until hot gooey cum was pouring dowen his throat. The human shuddering in pure bliss and cumming from just a taste as the stain of his seed seeped through the clothing, forcing him to change and wiggle his fat ass at Grace as she growled and whistled in response.

Greg wasn't stupid, he knew something wasn't right, but whenever he tried to think of it his hands would drift over his stomach, cradling it lovingly as he felt the euphoria wash away his doubts. He meandered through town, having to take breaks constantly and find some place to sit, Grace unusually affectionate the entire time, always at hand, holding him and seeming to ask him if he needed a drink or rest. Her constant affection was certainly helping, the frequent stares and gestures from passer-by were getting to Greg, making him flush with embarrassment before a loving hand took his and his lover nuzzled him gently or gave him a kiss.

"Why did the Professor have to live so far away?" Greg whined in his head, most of the day gone by and they were still struggling to reach his place before dark. Gregs belly was only getting larger, the frequent cum meals from Gregs ceaseless hunger not helping as something was becoming solid in there and it worried him immensely. His hands soon trailing over what must be at least six large lumps as he whined and lead Grace behind a convenience store to swallow her fat cock and shudder in bliss as she creamed his throat, smothering him in that druggy musky stink of her potent sex as the bliss and satisfaction washed over him.

While the constant scenes went unnoticed by Humans, several wild pokemon had not only caught the scent of a proper bitch, but watched as the Human effortlessly swallowed that enormous cock with a craving for cum few females in heat could match. A small parade of horny males soon in tow as Greg reluctantly took the back streets, his body flush with need and only Grace keeping the tide of horny Animals at bay. By nightfall they had reached the Professors Lab, isolated on its own property with a tall concrete wall to keep pokemon in with a special capture device yet protect their privacy as well.

Greg needed to be discreet when entering, something he couldn't do with dozens of horny animals in tow. At least that was the excuse, honestly his body was burning with need and Grace had all but worn herself out, only able to feed him periodically as he begged her to let him "humor" all the lesser males. Rattata, Weavile, Birds of all sorts, wild Stoutland and Leipard all with their animalistic cocks dripping and drooling hoping for a chance.

Grace was both somewhat disgusted and amused, she knew exactly why he was so hungry for cock and frankly she only had herself to blame~ But letting her bitch satisfy a practical army of lesser males? She was about ready to send them all running with an earthquake were it not for her mates pleading eyes and the clear heavy scent of his need as he squeezed her hand begging for permission. Much as she hated the idea she knew her young needed a LOT or protein...

With a reluctant nod, Grace lead Greg and his admirers around the property, sniffing out and looking for a secluded hedge near the walls before slipping into it with him. If she was going to watch her mate be used as a cum dumpster she was going to at least watch and enjoy it. Soon sitting and rubbing her fat cock across from him as the first brave few Rattata leapt forward, latching onto Gregs ass as he gasped and moaned feeling several tiny rodent cocks grinding against his rump, a few finding purchase as they squeaked and grunted eagerly fucking his puffy asshole as the others settled for grinding and cumming on him. A Rattata soon in front, presenting his small dick to Gregs lips as the human blushed and leaned down, panting in a lusty daze as he began to suck the feral creature off, tasting the bitter salty cum and shuddering in pleasure from the smell of a horny male.

Grace could only watch and jerk herself off, watching her lover used like a cum rag by a dozen horny rodents all grinding and humping against him, spurting thier cum onto his bare skin as he sucked on off and allowed others to breed his rear. It was hardly feeding him, but the sooner the weak Rats were gone the sooner those stronger males could have thier way and be off. Greg was the center of an orgy of rat cock, soon swallowing the cum from one as another tries fucking his nose before he manages to get his lips around its pecker, feeling their seed spurting against his ass and glazing his doughnut as he groaned and shuddered from the filthy breeding. That burning heat not subsiding with such small dicks even as cum began to drip and ooze off of him.

The Rodents were as quick to cum as they were to leave, soon scattering after getting thier rocks off all over Greg, the Human sucking one last rodent off before it scampered away happily and left the male in a puddle of sticky Rat jizz. He was given no time to recover, a thick snout soon buried in his rump as he yelped and blushed, looking back as a large Canine hefted itself onto his Back and prodded Gregs rear with a thick canine dick. A Stoutland, thick glistening fur that even the cum wasn't sticking to huffed and rammed himself forward. The Human screaming in pleasure and shuddering as he was bred hard. the wet slurps and hard slaps of cock and heavy balls beating against his rear drowned out by his constant moans. A thick red member soon pressed to his face as a grinning Weavile begged for entrance. Soon having his wish granted as he moaned feeling the human unhesitantly suck him off, swallowing his sizeable dick as his thick claws gently dug into the humans hair.

Greg murred and sucked, tasting this oddly cool yet mouth-watering cock. A dark-ice type stirring his throat with an impressively-sized footlong member as the creature held him gently, lightly humping but letting greg take the lead as chilly thick cum splashed against the back of his throat like frozen yogurt. The scent and taste unusual, somehow soothing yet potent and dominant, enough to make greg shiver and blush from the mix of salty and bitter flavours dancing on his tongue. It took little time for the stoutland to finish, grunting and growling as he plunged his thick knot into Gregs asshole and emptied his nuts, not even waiting to deflate before tugging it out with a messy plop and trickle of cum.

The Weavile was not far behind, panting and grunting as he began to hump harder, shuddering and digging his claws into the dirt as he screeched his name and came hard, pumping cool mouthfulls of his delicious seed into the eager humans throat, slowly pulling back and petting the bitch as he glazed Gregs tongue, watching him savour the taste and swallow until the male was done and popped out. Unlike the others however he sat back and murred, sticking around as andother canine soon rode Greg, ramming his dick into the sluts puffy asshole as Greg watch the Weavile talking with Grace.

A dark figure soon stood over the grunting human, blushing as he looked up to see a thick red barbed dick, the Leipard form before spurting some pre over the submissive humans face before he began sucking him off. A light purr of approval heard as he tasted the felines maleness, eagerly swallowing, needing more hot seed for his hunger as he was creamed again and left to relax savouring a kitty cock.

A few Flying types made attempts, most of thier cocks too small for Greg to even feel, much like the Rattata. Though the Liepard also chased a good number of them off. It was only when a large Fearow swaddled Greg in its feathers he screamed around the Leopards Member, feeling a thick drooling mass of Avian cock soon finding purchase in his stretching anus as the well-hung Bird began to breed him hard. He was nearly Graces size, something Greg both appreciated and bemoaned. The Feline hissed a few times, but was no match for the huge bird, forced to share the cum sleeve of a Human as he was stretched wide and clenched around that thick buzzard Dick invading his insides, he was shorter than Grace but MUCH thicker, almost stretching him past his limit as he couldn't help but whimper and cum around that impressive girth.

The Fearow had to be bigger than normal, Greg digigng his fingers into the dirt and sucking the Feline off until it emptied its thick creamy load into his throat. The Leipard quickly hissing at the Fearow and darting away as Greg moaned to the sky with cum on his lips feeling that incredibly horny Bird loudly breeding him. The hot breathes between the four remaining individuals in the brush as the Weavile and Grace worked thier lengths watching the large Pokemon caw and grunt pistoning himself in and out of Gregs rump, smothering him in those soft feathers as the human was losing himself in the bliss. Only able to purr the name of his mate with a deep love and look to her as he drooled through the rough breeding.

the huge bird eventually finished, letting out a screech and pumping hot loads of incredibly thick bird spooge into Gregs milking asshole, letting him grunt and shudder with each loud gurgle and spurt until he's done. Like the Weavile however the Fearow stuck around, hopping back to preen his feathers and clean his dick but possibly hoping for another round or something more~

Grace meanwhile whistled at the sight of her mate thoroughly fucked by dozens of wild pokemon, getitng stiff again as she tossed a pokeball at both the Weavile and Fearow, both caught without much effort as the dazed human tried to make heads or tails of the events. His lover simply picked him up, licking away most of the collected cum and setting him down. He still needed to see the professor, and much more of this and he'd be too much of a mess for it. Wobbling a bit form the extra-dicking, Greg lead Grace to the gates, soon contacting the Professor through the com with a signature tree icon in the background.

"Ah Greg! Yes, yes. I expected you quite a bit earlier than this. Mind coming around back, my boy?" the Professor barked, Greg still a bit dazed as he sighed and gave a nod. Walking with Graces help and affection to the rear entrance and into a large area normally set-aside for treating Pokemon before releasing them into the enclosure. It was unusually empty, sterlie-white as a few monitors blinked and machines appeared to process samples of some sort.

"It may take roughly an hour or so, Gregory. Sorry for the delay, but there're some comfy chairs and a med station if your pokemon are injured" Professor Tree-Pun Chimed before going silent again. Leaving the Human and his herm Nidoqueen Lover to look about and find somewhere to rest. thankfully there was a bathroom, able to clean himself a bit more adequately as Grace happily worked her digits in his messy rump, leaving the human to moan and whine with a heavy blush. The 6 lumps were clearly identifiable now, looking like eggs as Greg blushed shaking that thought from his head. He couldn't possibly be pregnant...could he?

his rumbling belly shook his mind from such thoughts, groaning and holding his gut as he looked to Grace and reached back to rub her fat dick. "M-master. I really need it...could you..?" he asked before getting his answer before he finished. The herm stepping back with a grin, sauntering out the the middle of the room and pulling two chairs together as she sat back and spread her legs, her fat prick half-flaccid the entire trip as it finally regained some of its former energy. throbbing hard and straining to force her fat nuts out with lewd splats of musky cum and sweat to make Greg shudder and drool.

Waddling over, Greg soon kneeled before the Queen, kissing her fat pulsing cock and beginning to suck on the tip as he massaged her swollen nuts, hearing her purr and moan as he savoured her maleness and felt her pre soaking his tongue. the Human just getting into the carnal act of loving his mates fat salty cock when the doors hissed, unlocking in time for him to pull back and go pale.

"Surprise!" shouted a collected group of Gregs family, friends and the professor. All appearing in time with sparlkers and confetti to catch him with thick strings of cum connecting his lips to the huge cock of a clearly herm nidoqueen as he cradled a swollen belly.
