Horndogs - Chapter 4: 6 Months Later

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Horndogs



Chapter 4 - Six Months Later

By: Ace Wolf



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Authors Note: This chapter doesn't contain yiff. The next chapter will. The more faves and comments I get the better the yiff. I've already made it up in my head and it's pretty damn hot so people, furs! RATE, FAVE, COMMENT!

Jet copyright Drayne_the_Wolf


Last chapter we left off at Jet finding Avery and Ace in the bathroom kissing. Jet walked out of school and from his short relationship, heart-broken. Since that day, Jet hasn't seen Ace, nor was he looking for him. He on occasions wanted to talk to Ace to see how he was doing, but could never gather the nerve to do so. How badly he wanted to talk to Ace. Even if he couldn't be the wolf's mate, at least he could offer his friendship, but it never happen.

Ace, on the other paw, had been enjoying every second with his new mate, Avery. They spent ample amount of time with one another: At school they cuddled at their lunch table, Avery's home they spent nights cuddling and talking about their future, spending time at Ace's place. It had been complete bliss, but to an extent. After Ace and Avery became a couple, Ace decided to tell his parents about his new way of 'life'. It didn't go to well; they kicked him out on the streets. Ace managed to find an apartment, but his little job at Wendy's wasn't enough to pay rent, so he recieved a little help from his cousin, Kiara. When his parents kicked him out he went straight to her, knowing that she would help him out no matter what. Since Kiara owned apartments, she let Ace rent one for cheap.

Avery was pretty fortunate, when it came to his parents. They didn't mind him being gay, nor did they mind Ace being his mate. They've known Ace for quite a while, and treated him like their own. Everything was going perfect for Avery. Well, not totally perfect. As his relationship with Ace excelled, their sex life stayed at a halt. He and Ace made an agreement, more like Avery forced this upon, Ace, that they wouldn't rush into sex. Ace agreed to this with a smile on his muzzle, but Avery knew that it took a lot out of Ace to keep that promise. Every time they kissed, touched, or anything physical, Ace would have to put in more effort than necessary to keep his horny side contained; he never complained, so Avery left it alone.

Now six months has passed. Our pups' has just gotten into the Summer months, and still no progress on that mysterious guy who sent those pictures out. It's not like Ace had been looking for them or anything, he actually wasn't mad anymore. Having Avery 24/7 really made life much more enjoyable for him. He didn't mind losing his parents, friends, some family for Avery. Ace was truly in love.


6 Months Later



"Come on Jet, let's go to the movies already!" A little wolf, my brother, Damon said, jumping up and down.

"Wait! Let me finish my coffee, then we'll go." I hissed, taking a sip of coffee I had just purchased. It was early Saturday morning, around ten. I promised my little bro I'd take him to see the new movie, Shutter Island, today. Parents been on my back about hanging out with the little cub more, so I decided to take him to a movie we both would enjoy, but first I wanted some coffee. The Summer months rolled around, and yet, we still had these cold breezes.

I sat in a chair; Damon did the same.

"We're gonna miss the movie if you don't hurry your ass up!" He shouted.

I took another sip of my coffee and sighed.

"The movie doesn't start for another forty-five minutes, so shut up and watch your mouth before I tell mom and dad you're using profanity again!" I said, placing the cup to my lips and taking in more coffee.

Damon fell defeated in his chair, his ears laid flat on his head. He knew if I told our parents about his mouth, he'd be in big trouble, especially after his write-ups at school he's been getting the past week. Damon wasn't bad, just spoiled. He got away with the smaller things, so I guess he could with bigger issues.

"Fine!" He said. "but, if we're late, I'm gonna tell mom you did it on purpose cause you didn't want to hang-out with me."

"Ok," I chuckled at his threat. "You do that, lil bro."

He rolled his eyes, then picked up his cup off of the table which contained Hot Chocolate, and begin drinking it. We sat in silence for ten minutes before I finally finished sipping at my coffee. I stood up and placed a two dollar tip on the table before telling Damon it was time to head out. He finished his drink and sat the cup on the table, we began walking out the café, but was stopped by someone coming in; a fur that was very familiar to me...

"Ace" I whispered under my breath. Ace came walking in with sweat pants and his usual black tank top. When he walked in, I was quickly spotted. He looked me directly in the eye and smiled. My heart sank, body locked up, muscles tightened. I couldn't move. He walked over to me and Damon, smiling.

"Hey, Jet..." Ace spoke, leaving me unable to. "Funny running into you, I was just thinking about you, and is, I mean was actually looking for you." I looked up at him; he wore that same grin he did that day in the locker room, like he was up to something.

I bit my lower lip, "Hello...Ace."

He frowned and placed both paws in his pocket; his tail wagged, slowly, "Wasn't the greeting I was expecting, but ok." He shrugged, and the smile formed once again.

For some reason, I don't know why, that infuriated me. When he smiled it seemed like seeing me was nothing more than old friends meeting at your local grocery store. "YOU! You BASTARD!" I screamed, tears welled up in my eyes. Every eye in the café was on me now, I could feel their eyes pierce me from every angle.

My words didn't seem to affect Ace all that much, all he did was tilt his head and look over to my side, looking at my brother, then back at me. I knew what was trying to be said, he wanted to talk in private. I balled my fist and looked at my little brother. "Stay here, Damon. I have to take care of something..." I snarled.

Damon looked up at me confused. He nodded and sat at a table. I'm guessing he knew how serious this was, that's why he didn't argue or pout.

"Let's go" I said, leaving the café with Ace following close behind. I walked to an ally beside the café. Once halfway in, I stopped and turned around, swinging my fist at Ace's muzzle, hoping to hit him. My attempt failed; he pushed my paw away with ease, and stepped back.

"Hey! I just wanted to talk. Didn't want any trouble..."

"Did you?" A growl escaped my muzzle.

"What does that mean?" He growled back.

I stepped forward, "You wanted trouble since the beginning. At the party, where you forced yourself onto me! You begged for trouble, sleeping with a minor!" I didn't know what I was saying, it just came out, every word from pure anger.

"What??" He shot back. " Force myself on you? You have to be fuckin kiddin' me, kid! You wanted it just as bad as I did that night, and you know it. I don't remember you saying no, or trying to push me off, but I do remember you begging me to tie us!"

As much as I wanted it to be wrong, he was right. I did want it, more than anything.

"What about what happen in the locker room?" I protested. "You sucked me off, then said I was your boyfriend. Two minutes later you were in the rest room kissing another guy! You used me as some fuck toy and you don't think that's begging for trouble??"

His ears lowered, arms draped to the side. I knew I had one, the almighty Ace had been beaten.

"You're right, I did use you...but not on purpose," He responded. "At that time, I wanted to be with you. You were the only thing on my mind, and I was curious as to where our relationship was going to lead us. But," But? But was always a bad thing to hear. "I wasn't in love with you. At the beginning I thought I was, but after seeing my best friend, and feeling the way I felt for him, I noticed that what I felt for you wasn't love, more like lust. I'm sorry for putting you through this, I'm sorry for not telling you about this, I'm sorry for avoiding conversation with you... Jet... I'm so sorry..."

His head hung, ears flat, tail at a halt. He did look sorry. Like a puppy who spoiled his diaper. It was sad. All those months of heart-ache, and sleepless nights had seemed to vanish at the sight of this depressed looking wolf. He looked back up at me.

"I'm truly sorry for what I did, but I regret nothing. You've helped me discover myself, along with my other half." This wasn't the words I was expecting from him, but I listened, a waiting what would come out of this. "The reason why I was looking for you is for two reasons. First, I wanted to thank you for all of this. I wouldn't have been able to life a happy life without you."

"You're welcome." I said.

"Second... I want to ask you to forget about me. Everything we did together, every thought you had of me, forget about it. Erase me."


"I'm...I'm getting married soon..."

"WHAT!!??" My eyes widened. This was definitely a shock. Ace! He was getting married! My stomach twist, head turned, body weakened. I was hit with a number of emotions all at once: sad, hurt, anger, happiness. I was sad because, well, the guy I liked, and once thought loved, is marring another guy; hurt to hear him ask for me to forget about him; angry at myself for allowing that Dalmatian to come and steal what should have been mine...

Happiness. . .

That is something difficult to explain. I couldn't help feel warm and content to hear him being with someone for the remainder of his life, it was something I had wanted from Ace, and I knew how it felt to actually have him, even if it was for a split second. It was obvious, I was jealous of Avery, but not the bad jealousy that made people do stupid things to ruin others lives, the good, motivational, jealousy, which made me want to work hard to achieve what he had.

"Yeah, I'm getting married after I graduate and I don't want you to hurt anymore, so let me go, please."

I looked at Ace and smiled, a big wide smile. "Congratulations! I'm really happy for you. I didn't know you and that Dalmatian of yours were so serious?" - pause - "As for your request... I'll cope with it. If you want me out of your life for good then I'll leave and never turn back. This is really a disappointment though, I did at least want to be your friend, and a close one at that. Woulda been nice to be your best man at the wedding, you know?"

Ace chuckled and stuffed his paws back into his pockets.

"Friendship?" He says before turning around. "That's something. . . I don't want. I have Avery, that's all I need, and will ever need." He started walking off. "Forget about me, Jet. Live your life happily, and one day, marry the man of your dreams. Do that for me, ok?" After he reaches the end of the ally, he turned and vanished from sight.

I stared at the spot where he stood and smirked. "I was hoping it'll be you, idiot." I said to myself before walking out of the ally.



The early morning sun beamed through the window of a medium sized bedroom, hitting my face. I groaned and moaned as I opened my eyes to find morning had snuck up on me once again. I looked down to find a small canine laying on my chest fast asleep. I wrapped my arms around the smaller canine and gently hugged him, careful not to wake him. This is how I woke up every morning: me on my back, and Avery laying across my chest. It was the way we've slept for 6 months, and a way I wanted to wake up every morning for the rest of my life.

He began to shift in my arms, snuggling closer to my torso. A few sleepy moans escaped, then he fell back to sleep. I looked over at the clock on the dresser to my right, but to my surprise, the clock wasn't there. I looked on my other side and found it there. I forgot I spent another night at Avery's; our night stands were on different sides of our beds, and sometime I got them mixed up.

The clock read: 9:00 A.M. I sighed and pressed my muzzle to the top of Avery's head. I'd be here for another two hours or so. Today was Sunday, and on Sunday's Avery usually slept in. He liked to rest up and prepare for the following week. He was a workaholic, studying every chance he had. Even with a week left of school, he still studied. We were seniors, and our exams really didn't matter anymore, but he insisted on studying for nothing. I didn't care, I sort of look up to him. My grades were good, but he made it through his entire twelve years with a 4.00. He received scholarships left and right, every college in the country wanted him at their school.


Avery wouldn't accept any of those rich and fancy offers, he decided to stay back with me, and go to a simple university. I felt bad. He should be off at a school fit to handle that big brain of his, instead, he picks somewhere close to home so we can stay together. I expected his parents to be upset with him, hell, I wanted them to make him go off to those fancy places and get the education he deserves, but they didn't. Mr. and Mrs. Cossich thought it was really sweet to see that their son was willing to give up some great opportunity to stay with me. They were crazy, but I loved them.

So in the end, we ended up getting accepted into a college not far from where we live now called West Wing University. It wasn't a bad school, they just were more about sports than academics. Their test scores were great, but they focused a lot on football, and funded them a lot more. With me being such a great player in High School, I received a full scholarship to play for them, and with Avery's outstanding grades, he got accepted too. We sent all our information out, and requested a room so we could share with one another, everything is set for us, we just needed to graduate, and that was just a few days away.

Graduation is going to be the best day of our life! Not just because we would be taking that giant leap from being teenagers to adults, but for another reason. I had a big surprise for Avery, something that was going to change our lives forever. I plan to propose to him. I had it all worked out in my head: right after we threw our hats in the air, I would get down on one knee, pull the ring out from behind me, take his paw in mine, and ask him to marry me and be mine forever. I smiled at the thought of it; how he would look down at me and say yes; and how I would slide the ring on his finger. So perfect, a happy ending it would be.

I laid there, thinking of that perfect moment for what seemed like hours, and to my surprise, it really had been hours. It was now 11:23. Avery's body began to stiffen; he rubbed his face against my chest, murring softly before opening his eyes to look at me.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I rubbed a paw over his cheek and smiled.

He returned the smile and moved his muzzle closer to mine. "Morning handsome," He attempted to kiss me, but I stopped him, placing a finger to his lips.

"How about we brush our teeth first," I said teasingly.

Avery chuckle and pushes himself up, leaving his paws on my chest.

"Ok, silly."

We both got out of bed and retreated to his bathroom to get freshened up. It didn't take us long to finish, we quickly brushed our teeth, and straightened our fur before leaving the bathroom and going downstairs. In the living room, Avery's dad sat on the couch watching the news. He noticed our arrival.

"Mornin boys,"

"Mornin dad," Avery and I said at the exact same time. We left the living room, and made our way to the kitchen where Avery's mom prepared breakfast. She must have been in a rush today because not much food had been prepared. All I could see was toast, eggs, and sausages, really not normal compared to the buffet she have ready for us every morning. She greeted us as we entered the kitchen; we returned the welcoming and sat at the table.

After breakfast, I decided to take a walk; Avery followed. We walked all over town: school, mall, parks. The rest of our day was spent traveling. When the day turned to night, we made our way back home. It had been planned for me to spend another night at Avery's, again. At home, we showered and headed to bed. In bed we cuddled and watched T.V until about eleven.

One of our shows had just ended; Avery climbed on my chest. He sat on my belly and smiled his gorgeous smile before leaning down to kiss me. My eyes slowly closed as our lips met, this was the best part, our kiss. Each and every one we shared it felt just like the first; his lips, so soft, amazing, blissful...magical. Our tongues wrapped together, we held paws, bodies touched; all sent me into an excited fury. My free paw rushed down his sides until it met the waistline; the other squeezed his little paw, but not too hard. Breathing became very steady, both our hearts beat in a rage, pumping faster than normal. I felt all of this just from a kiss. . .

The next thing I did caused the kiss to cease; I let the moment get a little too out of hand. My paw slipped in his pajama pants, and I gripped his tight ass in my paw. Avery leaned up, moaning in the progress. He loved when I did that, but preferred that I not. Usually when I take it to the next step, grabbing his ass, fingering him, or putting us in the position that sex is possible, he would push back.

You see, Avery didn't think he was ready for sex, even though we've dated for half a year, now. I never found out why he wanted to wait, it wasn't like we were at a risk or anything? We both went to get tested for any STD's, worms, and parasites; the possibility of him getting pregnant is slim to none. I just didn't understand why he wanted to wait, but I never queried. I respected his decision and didn't push on the topic.

"Ace. . ."

I leaned up so that I was sitting, and he sat on my lap. "Yeah, I know. . ."

"I'm so sorry," Avery looked at me apologetically. "It's just...I'm just..."

I placed a finger to his lips. "It's ok, I understand. I should be the one to apologize. Guess I was lost in the moment."

He sighed and hooked his arms under mine, making me fall back down. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too," I said, smiling. "And I'll wait for you forever."

"Thanks" He rubbed his cheek against my chest.


The rest of the night Avery lay latched onto me, nuzzling and cuddling my chest.



"Get your cute little ass in here and help me fix my tie." Ace yelled from the bathroom.

-sigh- "Tell me, why are you making me wear a suit again? We're graduating, not getting married." I said.

Today was our big day, the day we would be freed from High Schools leash! Today, we graduate! I didn't see the point of Ace making us wear these monkey suits; my parents had made plans to just go out to eat at Olive Garden, not fancy enough to get all dressed up over.

I walked into the bathroom and helped Ace with his tie; I tidied it up really nice. I was a pro at tying ties, learning how to from the internet. It seemed like the Google had everything anyone will ever need now a day. As I finished tying his tie, I pushed myself up and kissed him on the lips softly.

"Heh," He smiled and kissed me back, placing his paws on both sides of me. "I have plans for us today, so be a good pup and go along with it, k?"

Seeing him smile only forced a smile across my muzzle. It was hard not to smile around him, especially when he did, and the way he handled me, like I was some puppy or delicate vase, made me feel warm and secure. Every time he held me it would always send a warm, pleasurable sensation through me.

"Ok," I nodded before placing my own paws over his.

"Good! Now, finish getting ready! We have like thirty minutes till we have to be there. I don't wanna be late." He let go and turned around to look into the mirror.

I returned and started to get ready for myself. Ace was right, we didn't have much time. It's good we planned ahead of time and ironed our monkey suits the night before, or we would have been shit-outta-luck. We rushed through our preparation. Ace dumped a bottle of cologne on right before my mom screamed from downstairs. . .

"BOYS! LET"S GO! WE"RE LATE!" Mom yelled. We came down in our suits, with the cap and gown in our paws. Ace wore an all black suit with white undershirt and a tie; he looked really nice today, even tucked his tail in. Me on the other paw wore a white suit, black undershirt, and striped black and white tie. Once my mom caught a glimpse of us she did what every mother do.

"Oh my GOD!" She slapped both paws to her cheek as she squealed. "You two look SOOOOO cute! Let me get my camera!" She ran off, returning a couple seconds with a camera in paw. She snapped a few shots of us, few separate, some together. In one of the pictures, Ace stood behind me, wrapping his arms around me, laying his chin on top of my head. Mom squealed once more, saying how cute we looked together. I couldn't argue with her on that, we looked amazing together, and that picture was one I'd surely have to steal from her one day. After she finish taking pictures, we headed out. The drive from my house to the convention center, where we would have our Graduation Ceremony, wasn't all that long, especially with my determined mother behind the wheel: she ran red lights, stop signs, and even parked beside a fire hydrant. Dad, Ace, and I just sighed in relief and shook our hands once out of the car.

Once there, mom and dad went one way, and Ace and I went the other. We found our Principal, a German Shepard, Mr. Burnett. He kindly walked us to where we were supposed to go: I was closer to the front since my last name starts with a C; Ace got put closer to the middle with H's. Before we took our positions, Ace briefly kissed me and said congratulations; I returned a congratulations.

The ceremony began. Mr. Burnett came up and gave a speech for parents and other guest. A few other teachers came up and said some things, then coaches, then Mr. Burnett returned.

"Thank you all for coming today to see these very intelligent young men and women graduate." The Shepard started, "For four years I've none these students and I have very high hopes for them all. They came to my school as children, but today, today they leave as Adults with these," He flashed a diploma. "Now, if you will sit patiently, we will begin handing these future leaders their tickets to success."

After Mr. Burnett's little speech, the actual ceremony began. He went down the long list of names. Once my name was called I went up to him and grabbed my diploma. Mom stood up and took pictures; dad whistled. The list went on till it hit Ace's name; mom and dad did the same for him as they did to me. It really made me happy to see my parents accepting Ace as if he were their own. Ace's parents didn't show up, but at least he had my parents here to support him.

After about twenty minutes, the names had all been called out, all four hundred and thirty-seven of them.

"That concludes 2010's graduation," Mr. Burnett said after the last fur took their place back in line. "Congratulations Class of twenty-ten!"

As he said 'twenty-ten', every one jumped up shouting, and all the graduating students threw their hats into the air.

I looked around for Ace, but couldn't find him. I expected him to be right beside me after graduation ended, but he wasn't. All of a sudden, I felt someone pulling the bottom of my gown; I looked down to find Ace on one knee. He looked back up at me and smiled.

"What are you doing down there?" I asked, confused.

Ace just stared at me, not answering my question. He withdrew a paw from behind his back containing a small black box. Once I saw this I knew exactly what was going to happen next. My mouth hung open agape.

"Avery Russel Cossich," He said my FULL name! Now I really knew what he was about to do... "Will you marry me?" He opened the box to reveal a diamond ring.

'Will you marry me?' That question kept playing over and over and over again! Like a broken record it played, but it sounded so nice. The ring kept shining in my eyes, flashing its glory, tempting me. I stared at it, speechless. I didn't know what to say, it happen all so sudden. Where were my parents when I needed them.

I looked down into his eyes and smiled the biggest smile I could ever squeeze out. He looked back up at me with hopeful eyes. I then knew my answer.

"Yes..." I said. "Yes, I'll marry you!"

He took the ring out of its container and slid it on my finger, then jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you so much, Avery!" He whispered.

I hugged him back saying softly, "I love you too..."


Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Special thanks to my boyfriend Jason! He's so much like Avery in so many ways! Love him muches!