Collecting pokemon eggs (2) WARNING!!! Castration ahead

Story by Isaiah_135 on SoFurry

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Even more smut

"Char-arr!!!" The Charizard grunted loudly as he thrust furiously in and out of the toy his master held in his arms. "Come on buddy bust those nuts already so I can finish eating." Jasper said putting his right leg back to push agenst the males thrusts. The large pokemon scrunched up his face as the pleasure built and he neared climax. "If my food gets cold cuz' of you your getting blue balled for a week." Jasper said turning on the vibrating function of the toy which made the male grunt and moan louder. The Charizard grabbed onto his shoulders and lowered his head like a horse as he tried to hold back his load. "Stubborn, arent we." He said with a tone in his voice. He then turned the dial on high and started to push the toy down towards his knot. "Someone really wants to get blue balled." Jasper cooed as he watched the male pull away to avoid the knotting attempts. "Char!" The male responded and bit his bottom lip, slowing his thrust to try and test his masters patients. "Playing hard to get hmm?" He said with a grin on his face. "Well... If thats how you want to play this then I'll just take this off and..." Just then the watch on his wrist started to buzz. He turned the vibrations on the toy off and pushed the answer button. "Hello?!" He asked. "Jasper?" The voice asked. "Yah, what is it I'm kind of busy." "Its me, Hayden... You helped my Arcanine. "Yes I remember you, what is it?" Jasper asked. "Rawr?!" The pokemon growled from the sudden absence of stimulation. "Well we kind of have a problem down at the PokePark, can you get down here anytime soon?" The trainer asked. "Uhh... Yah maybe in an hour...I'm kind of in the middle of something." He said reaching down and slowly moving a furry finger along the males sensitive knot making him shutter. "Uh OK see you there." Hayden said. "Bye." Jasper said slowly taking hold of the toy again. "Bye" said the trainer. Jasper then pushed the toy down hard and making it pop past the Pokemon's knot with an audible squelch followed by a loud roar before ending the call. "Pop goes the weasel." He cooed and watched as semen erupted into the air like fireworks. "Not -herk fair...I -nuhg wasnt ready." The male said in a pouting tone as if losing some kind of contest. "Nothings ever fair big guy." He said flicking the tip of his squirting penis. "Now, clean up this mess, we have a job to do." Jasper commanded. "Grrr... Thats what I'll be telling you when your begging for my tounge later." The male said under his breath. "What was that!" He said. The pokemon just ignored him. He walked back over to the table and quickly shoveled the rest of his meal into his mouth. "There, all clean." The male said still pouting. "Saddle up grumpy." Jasper said picking up the leather case that held his tools and his bag before walking towards the door. "Uh...I think you forgot a little something there 'Romio'." Jasper said pointing down at the pokemon. "Damn I was hoping you wernt going to notice." Said the Charizard. "Give it here you big dork." Jasper said holding out his hand. The male reached down and pulled on it and it came away from his fat knot with a wet kiss. *ssssSSlOP* A long strand of sperm clung to the entrence of the toy and connected to the tip of his shaft. "Try not to eat all their eggs this time would ya'." The Charazard commented. "No promises." Said Jasper...


"Right, I think that's it right there." Jasper pointed and the Charizard started to fly down. "Finally, we thought you'd never get here." Said Hayden. "What's going on?" Asked Jasper. "5 wild pokemon rolled in and started attacking people." Hayden said. "Its that Ninetails, he's their leader." Said a man. "Your the park owner I assume?" Jasper asked. "I am." Said the man proudly. "We caught one of them." Hayden interupted and started walking away into a building, everyone following shortly after. "This Luxray was a part of their gang, we managed to knock him out and drag him in here." Explained the trainer. Jasper walked up to the pokemon laying on the counter. "He's a mean bastard, put up quite a fight he did." Said man rolling up his sleeves and showing the scratch marks. "He could use a good kick between the legs." Said the park owner. Jasper reached down and started fondling the males balls. "Well its not a kick but ive got something that will definetly put him in his place... Stand him up for me would ya'." He said. "You hold his front end down against the counter and Hayden you keep his tail end up, can you do that?" He asked. "Taming a pokemon is quite easy, and since this guy has such shit stats, doing this isnt really a waste." Jasper said rolling his tools out on the counter. "You just grab ahold of his bag." He said taking a firm grip on the males orbs and grabbed a scalpel. "Make two incisions." He began running the knife along the underside of the blue furred sac. Hayden looked away quickly, not wanting to watch. "Fish out his oysters." He said squeezing down from the neck of the sac and making the pearly white orbs slide out into the room. Jasper grabbed the lightly throbbing cords inbetween his fingers and pulled them away from the males body. He put down the knife and grabbed a long pair of sheering scissors. "And clip them off." He said with a smile on his face as he brought the scissors in and sliced through the cords. "And voilà, no more pesky hormones. He'll be a nice little docile kitty now." Jasper said putting down the scissors and spraying the males wound with a Potion. "Well that was uh...that was something I didn't need to see." Said a man. "Well you wanted to put him in his place didn't you?" Jasper said all smug, turning away and popping the severed orbs into his mouth and chewing away. "That's vial." He said holding his mouth with his hand as if about to throw up. "Why waist good meat. Come on." Jasper motioned. They quickly his behind a wooden crate and peaked out at the males causing trouble. "You say they just walked right in and started doing this?" Jasper asked the park owner. "Yah! They've been coming around here a while, messin' with peoples pokemon and tearing up my plants but they've never done anything like this." He said. They all looked back up and saw the Ninetails setting fire to one of the pokemon and causing it to run away. "That's the leader?" Jasper pointed and asked. "Aye. And that Charizard and Tyranitar are its body guards." "And the Arcanine?" Jasper said pointing. "What!?" Said the owner looking back up over the crate. "He wasn't there before...he must have heard what was going on and joined in." "Oh well, more eggs for the bucket." Jasper said. "Do you have a plan here or you just gonna run in there?!" Asked the owner. "Well a conscious pokemons not going to let me pick his fruits now is he." Jasper commented as he reached for his belt and grabbed a poke ball. "Celebi take care of the Arcanine first then go for the Charizard and Tyranitar." He commanded. Celebi nodded its head. It slowly flew over, going invisible to avoid being seen before reappearing and touching the large reddish purple and black Arcanine making him fall over unconscious. "I love psychic pokemon." Jasper smiled watching the Charizard fall to the ground and the Tyranitar shortly after. "Well that was easy." Said Hayden. "Well since you boys have weak stomachs I'll go pluck the pokemon you three go and put out those fires." Jasper said getting up. "Oh no you don't that Ninetails is mine!" Exclaimed the owner. "OK OK calm down I'll save him for last how's that?" He said. "Fine! But I want him awake and feeling everything." The owner said angrily. "Deal, now hurry and put those fires out." The owner nodded his head and through out his water type pokemon before running towards the buildings that were on fire. Jasper slowly walked up to the large purple Arcanine, hearing grunts and growls coming from him and seeing his chest heaving up and down. "Grrrr." Growled the stunned male. "Celebi I meant knock them out not stun them." Jasper groaned. "Bii." It said, flying back in and touching the male again. After several attempts it was clear the male wasn't going to be falling asleep. "Looks like someone's immune to psychic type moves." He said kneeling down on the floor. "Oh well the owner wanted me to neuter you guys while you can still feel pain anyway. Now...let's look at your stats." He said reaching for his pokedex. "Meh... Not great but not bad either. How about your goods?" He grabbed the males large leg and struggled to lift it up from its sheer size and weight. "Ooo big ones, you Arcanines never disapoint do ya'." The male just kept growling. "Lift him up and put him in the yellow building over there would ya' buddy." He said to the Celebi. "Bii!" It said nodding before closing its eyes and taking on a pinkish glow, lifting up the pokemon like it was nothing. He looked over and saw the others were just about handling the flames. He continued walking until he stood over the three trouble makers. "So, you boys were the ones that started all this." He kicked the Ninetails over with his foot and looked at him. "Pathetic. None of you even have relatively decent were just asking for someone to pluck you out of the breeding pool weren't you?" He said to himself. "Well I'll be happy to do that for you since you so kindly asked." He bent down and picked up the alpha Ninetails and started walking towards the main building. "Bring those other two boys as well Celebi." He told it as it flew past. "Guess we'll start with you dragon-likes first." He said walking back over to the counter where his tools were still sitting near the freshly nutted Luxray and pulling out the 'Y' shaped device. "You boys and your internal balls are always such a pain to neuter." He said kneeling down and putting the tool in place along the two buldges just under the tail. "Normally I'd give you guys an anesthetic but since you caused so much trouble..." He said pushing the button and the device cut along the bottom of the two buldging lumps and sucked in the pearls. "... I think I'll just let you deal with the pain." Once the toy had a hold of his balls he set it down on the floor and went to check on the others. They had just gotten done putting out the last fire when he walked outside. "OK that's all the fires out now where are those bastards." Said the owner walking into the building. "I left your male on the counter for you but first let's deal with the other boys. That way its just you and the Ninetails." "Sounds good to me." The park owner said. "OK just kneel down right there and grab onto that tool." Jasper pointed. "Uh OK..." Said the owner. "Now, his balls are already in there so just give it a good yank." The boys cords made a sound as they ripped and seperated from the males body. "And there you go that's one more boy down." The owner took a good long look at the long cords dangling from the end of the device. "I'll take that." Jasper quickly grabbed the thing from the owner and pushed the release button which dropped the oysters in his paws. He knocked his head back and dropped the testicles in his mouth and ate them just as he had don't to the Luxray. "On to the next one." He said with his mouth full. He did the same to the Tyranitar and placed the tool on the buldge just under the tail and pushed the button. "Here ya go." Jasper said moving to the side. "Won't they bleed out?" Asked Hayden as the boys nuts were torn away. "Nope. The big tug causes their cords to thin out enough to close up on their own but, just in case, This makes sure." He once again sprayed the wound with the Potion and took the tool from the owner. "Now then shall we start with the Ninetails?" "W-wait what about this one?" The other man pointed to the purple Arcanine laying on his back on top of the table. "Grrrr!" Growled the male. "Oh sweet Jesus!" The man said backing away and tripping over himself. Jasper laughed. "I have to put him out myself since he's immune to Celebi's 'sleep touch'. But if you like I can let you pick his fruits." Said Jasper. "I'm good thanks." He said lifting his hand. "Wake him up buddy and get him into position." The Celebi moved the yellow Ninetails so he stood with his rump in the air and his front end down like they had done to the Luxray before waking him up. Jasper walked over to where his bag lay on the floor and opened it and started rumiging around inside. "I normally don't use this on pokemon but I think I'll let it slide this time." He walked back over carrying a burdizzo clamp and held it up. "He's going to feel this far worse then any kick could ever do to his parts. Do you know how to use it?" He asked. The Ninetails started to struggle as he slowly woke up. The owner shook his head no. "Well first you choose which ever testicle you fancy." He reached in and took a strong hold on the males sac which made the pokemon growl loudly. "You feel around until you find its cord and grab it between your fingers. Make sure to use both hands." He used his fingers to hold the top of the sac and trapped cord and used the other hand to hold the testicle. "Now once you are sure you have his cord you take the clamp and slide it over in between your hands and slam it closed. It will completely crush his cord and kill the testicle. Sound painful enough?" Asked Jasper. "Hell yah." Said the owner. "Good, get in here and hold his cords." He said grabbing the clamp and switching sides with the man. "You got it?" Jasper asked. "I think so." Jasper felt around and made sure he was holding onto it correctly. "Good now don't let go, he's going to kick hard." He said looking at the man and putting the clamp into position. "Ready Celebi?" "Bii!" It said. *SQUEL-UNCH* The clamp closed around the lifeline to the boys left nut, making the unique half squelch half crunch sound that you can only get when you smash a males spermatic cords this way. The Ninetails throw back his head and yelped loudly, he started to pull away but Celebi strengthened its hold on him and Jasper let go of the clamp letting it dangle in the air. "YAH NOT SO BIG NOW HUH!?!" Yelled the park owner as he smacked the Pokemon's thigh. "And now we wait for a few minutes while the clamp does its job." "THATS FOR BEING AN ASSHOLE!" The owner continued to yell. Jasper opened the clamp and waited for the owner to find the next target. "AND THIS... *SQUEL-UNCH* IS FOR DESTROYING MY PARK!!!" The pokemon squealed loudly again as the last of his male hood was destroyed and pain shot through his whole body. The owner spit on the pokemon before walking outside and leaving Jasper to his business. Jasper lightly hummed to himself as he took the clamp off and grabbed a knife to fish out the boys testicles. He sliced horizontally through both sides at once and pulled them out with little effort before cutting below the bruised cords. "Well I wasn't expecting to watch 4 pokemon lose their boy parts but I will admit it was kind of hot." Said Hayden. "Oh yah?" Said Jasper tossing the severed balls in a plastic cup. "And what about this one? You haven't taken his parts yet." Hayden pointed at the Arcanine who was still laying on his back. "I think I'm going to take this one home, you know, have a little fun with him before I cut off his balls." He walked up and lightly patted the boys belly. Still the Arcanine gave a growl in defiance. "Oh hush." Said Jasper. "He really pissed off isnt he." Hayden commented. "He can be testy all he wants, but by tomarrow his testes will be laying on my dinner plate whether he likes it or not. Yah. You're a naughty doggy" Jasper said playfully with an evil grin while booping the Pokemon's nose. "So, what was it you were doing here before all this happened?" Jasper asked. "Well, I do work here...." Said Hayden. "Oh wow really? What happened to the Cafe you were working at?" "Well I didn't really like it there. You never really realize how much of an asshole people are until you have to serve them their food. Plus I get to spend more time with my Arcanine here." "Yah, how is he by the way? Did you ever give him a name?" "Max. I know its not the most creative name but I thought since I or rather- You took his dangly bits that he should at least have a name." "Max huh." "Yup and he's still just as hyper and horny as he was before the snip." "Really well that just goes to show you you can't keep a good boy down." They both laughed. "Well I think I should go, its what like 3 am?" He looked down at his watch. "Come on buddy." Jasper pulled out a Quick Ball and tossed it in the air, the ball opened up and pulled the wild male into it. It spazed side to side a few times before giving the tale tale click signifying that he'd been caught. He picked it up and put it in his pocket before walking back to the counter and picking up all of his tools. "What are you going to do with all of them?" Asked Hayden. "We'll call the Pokemon Humane Society in the morning and have them pick them up. I'm sure they'll be happy to take in 4 already neutered males. I'm off on Thursday if you guys still need help fixing up the park." "That sounds great." Jasper pulled out another poke ball from his belt and throw it. "See you then." He said flying off on Charizard.

Collecting pokemon eggs WARNING!!! Castration ahead

"Arcanine!" The large male Arcanine shouted as he waited in the lobby with his master. "Hello?" The young trainer shouted as he rang the bell on the counter. Just then a dog morph emerged from the door on his left, wiping his hands off and throwing a...

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Plucking some fox grapes WARNING!!! Castration ahead

"Hurry up kit, we're already late!" The wolf said pulling on the leash of the small fox who was trying desperately to pull away. "You are going to get it later if I have to pick you up and drag you in there." He said in a frustrated tone. The poor fox...

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