The Last Chapter

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All characters copy-write to me, Janus Wolff


Silver clad warriors bobbed everywhere in the surf below the pirate ship. Rin watched in amazement as cub after cub was lowered from the ship's hold and deck to the waiting arms of the assembled warriors below. It was almost too much for the little kitten to take, beaten and abused the way he was. He was in total and utter shock. 

The warriors had told him that "Lord Jason" had lead the assault on the pirate ship for one propose, and that was simply to rescue the cubs. Rin had no idea who or what Lord Jason was, or why a Delphic Lord might feel it necessary to rescue a band of enslaved cubs from the clutches of ruthless pirates. He couldn't even bring himself to be grateful. All he felt was total and utter shock.

The little kitten sat silently in the arms of the silver warrior behind him, completely absorbed in the sight of the floating, living skiffs being loaded with wounded warriors, rescued cubs, and captured pirates. There was a stream of violent cursing, followed by a brief scuffle aboard the deck of the ship, then a large, bloodied figure was tossed overboard into the water bellow, only to be fished out by a couple of warriors mounted on the backs of the living skiffs. Rin gasped. The half conscious body the pulled from the surf was none other then the doberman, Dominic.

Dominic was wrestled onto one of the skiffs and subdued by two large, armored soldiers. Little Rin glanced up at the big warrior behind him.

"What's he doing here..?" the kitten asked meekly. The large warrior looked down on him over the rounded  edge of his beak.

"Lord Jason has requested us to bring him back a a prisoner to the Phindom to await official punishment at the hands of the royal family."

"Who is this Lord Jason? Why has he come for us?" the warrior laughed and patted the kitten on the shoulder. 

"You shall see child. He should be arriving shortly." Rin looked back to the ship in time to see a couple of phin warriors toss a sea-weed and coral ladder over the side into the water. Slowly, the soldiers upon the deck began to descend into the surf, carrying wounded and cubs along with them. Closely following the warriors came a fox vixen, clad in the garb of a pirate; Silvia the Red, accompanied by Fi, the fox cub. Rin's breath caught in his throat. The warrior behind him put a hand on his shoulder.

"She surrendered to us, killed the captain and a few of his guards as well. She's coming with us to the Phindom on her own free will. The little girl has chosen to remain with her as well." the soldier explained softly, though it was clear by the tone of his voice he wasn't too happy about the situation either.

Rin nodded, watching the descent from the ship with interest. His attention caught on one particular warrior, climbing down the ladder along with two large, burley warriors and one with an ornate crest on top of his helmet. This particular warrior didn't have the grayish, finned tail knit with tattoos that the others had. His tail was thin, flexible, and black furred. Electric blue markings still wove around it, yet they were dyed into the fur, not tattooed into the flesh. A pair of pointed ears rose from his helmet and Rin could see black fur exposed at the joints of the silver armor. His breath caught in his throat.

"That is Lord Jason." the soldier said softly. "Husband of her Highness, Princess Alyria. He is the one who launched the assault on the ship to rescue you all." Rin's eyes widened in amazement. It was Jason. He was alive!


Jason and Sergeant Streak descended into the surf and mounted a Sting Ray skiff along with Jason's bodyguards. Jason unlatched his faceplate and gill, glancing around. He turned to Streak.

"Is everyone off the ship?" he asked. The sergeant nodded as he removed his helmet from his head.

"Aye sir. All the prisoners and ESLA are off the ship and accounted for. The dead have been piled on a Sting Ray already headed for the Phindom. The prisoner's are all chained and under heavy guard by our men. The cubs are all recovered. We are prepared to return to the Phindom my lord." Jason nodded, reattaching the face plate and Gill to his muzzle.

"Very well. Lets return home." he said. Streak nodded and gave a signal to the assembled warriors. The ESLA warriors nodded in response and began to attached Gill's to the cubs in their care, allowing them to breath beneath the surface. When everyone was prepared, Streak stood up on the skiff and addressed the whole of the assembled ESLA.

"Alright men, its time to get these cubs back home, to get them down to the Phindom and safety! Lets get them someplace they can rest, shall we?" a murmur of agreement rose from the assembled warriors. The skiffs began to submerge into the sea. Jason sat back on his Sting Ray and watched. 

"What do you wish to do with the ship my lord?" streak asked Jason as he re-secured his faceplate. Jason regarded the pirate ship carefully. 

"Burn it."


The gates of the Phindom opened slowly as the Sting Ray skiffs approached. Jason surveyed the fleet of Sting Ray's accompanying him and Streak back into the Phindom. All skiffs were accounted for. The panther grinned. They had done it. They got everyone out safely. They even had that bastard Dominic in chains. Things could not have gone better.

The Skiffs arranged themselves into a double file line, keeping in tight formation as the shot through the outskirts of the Phindom. A giant coral tunnel loomed before them, and Jason almost flinched as they rocketed past the opening into the dark, swirling pathway that lead them directly to the Palace.

The coral ridges swirled and spiraled around them, and the panther could hear the gasps of shock and fright from the cubs arrayed behind him on the skiffs. A light appeared at the end of the tunnel, slowly growing larger and brighter until suddenly the tunnel fell away and engulfed to troop in a blinding, watery light. The skiffs peeled out of the tunnel, circling around the landing area connected to the palace until the rest of the skiffs emerged.

"Lets land these skiffs and get back to the Palace. Im sure Alyria is about ready to send out the army to find us." Streak chuckled and gave the signal to descend to the platform. The procession began the spiraling descent through the water into the palace. Jason and Streak's Sting-Ray skiff skidded through the coral platform to a halt, closely followed by the rest of the skiffs. Soon all the remaining ESLA and cubs were safely landed and unloading. Jason swung himself from the skiff and stretched. 

"Lets get these cubs unloaded and inside so they can take these annoying Gills off. Cant wait to get mine off.." the panther said, looking around as ESLA began to unload and escort the cubs past him into the Palace. A lot of them still looked confused and frightened. Most seemed to be in a state of shock.

"Jason!" someone yelled, sounding relieved. The panther turned in time to see Princess Alyria, dressed in flowing white and golden robes flung herself into his arms. The panther laughed as he tumbled backwards into the coral platform. 

"Hey darling," Jason chuckled, "I'd kiss you but then I would drown." Alyria slapped him on the head as she held him tighter.

"Shut the fuck up." she snarled playfully as she got off him. "I was so worried about you...did you get everyone?" Jason's face hardened.

"Yea. We got everyone. A few extras too." he said as a couple of phin warriors dragged and kicking and snarling Dominic past, and as Silvia the Red helped Fi down from a skiff.

"Jason!" an excited chorus erupted from behind him and Alyria. The Panther and the Dolphin turned to see Rin, Sara, and Amelia rushing towards them, still wearing their Gills. The panther laughed and dropped to his knees, embracing the teenaged girl and the two little cubs.

"We thought you were dead!" the little raccoon Amelia sobbed. Jason smiled.

"I thought I was too kiddo, but as luck would have it, someone was looking out for me." he said, smiling up at Alyria through his Gill. 

"Come on, lets get you kids inside and get those things off your faces." the Princess said kindly, placing a hand on Rin's shoulder.


The council chamber was full of Phins. The Royal Family, Jason and Alyria, the entire troop of the ESLA strike force from the pirate ship, even the cubs. Standing in the center of the council chamber stood the Doberman, Dominic, wrapped in chains and flanked by two massive Royal guards. The Doberman snarled viciously and struggled against his chains.

"You fishy bastards!" he roared. " Release me and I will show you what a mistake you have made!" 

"Silence!" the Phin King roared, rising to his feet. Silence fell in the council chamber.

"Dominic, you stand accused of piracy, rape, murder, slaying of Phindom Royal soldiers, and above all, betrayal of your comrades. What have you to say for yourself, dog?"

Dominic merely laughed, throwing his head back and howling in deranged glee. The warriors flanking him attempted to subdue him but he simply threw them off of him.

"You think I regret what I've done?!" he roared. "I joined the most notorious pirate crew on the seven seas! I had pathetic little sex slaves to do with as I pleased every day! I had the opportunity to rape and murder and burn! The only thing I regret is that I didn't manage to kill that bastard Jason when I had the chance!"

"You shall address him as Lord Jason you scum!" Princess Alyria snapped at him harshly. Dominic only laughed.

"Lord' Jason...Hah! I spit in the thought! On both him and you, your royal bitchy-ness! May you suffer long when you die you bunch of cunts!" Jason sat back in his chair and shook his head sadly. The doberman before him was not the Dominic he once knew. Jason suspected that Dominic had died a long time ago, maybe even before the pirate attack. He used to be proud, a fighter. No one could break him and he was once Jason's greatest ally in the defense of the cubs. Thats why he had been chained up when the pirates had attacked. The slaver's knew Dominic was deadly from experience. 

Yet the dog before him now was a killer, insane and demented, the light of a psychopath glowing in his dark, merciless eyes. The panther sighed and shook his head sadly.

"He is beyond saving.." he muttered to Alyria softly. "We must end him before he disgraces himself anymore.." the Phin princess looked at Jason carefully, then nodded.

"As you wish my love." she said. She rose to her feet and announced in a strong clear voice;

"Dominic. It has been decided you cannot be brought to see the error of your ways..." the doberman laughed insanely once more. Alyria frowned.

"Guards. Execute the pirate." the two massive Phin royal guards stepped forward, swords drawn. The Doberman's head rolled to the floor, still laughing as the light died from his eyes. His body collapsed soon after, almost as if it still lived for a moment. Then it was over.


Jason and Alyria walked side by side down the corridor in near silence. Finally, the Phin princess spoke up.

"So, what made you decide to spar her life, my love?" the panther smiled slightly.

"She killed the captain and several pirates on her own to protect her slave." he answered simply. 

"Yet she still keeps her as her slave.." Alyria said, not quite understanding.

"But not against her will. You will see when we get there." he promised. They came to the end of the corridor and to a small wood and coral door. Jason opened it without knocking.

Inside were Fi and her mistress, Silvia the Red. The two vixens were naked on the moss bed, interwound with each other. The little cub's head was buried tightly into the older vixen's pussy and Silvia was groaning loudly, arching her back in pleasure and pressing her chest into Fi's stomach.

"mmm... good girl...very good girl..." the vixen praised her slave, throwing her head back and screaming in ecstasy as she came all over the child's muzzle. Fi pulled her face from between her mistress' thighs, giggling and licking her lips clean.

"Did you like that Mistress?" she asked, trying her best to be demure for Silvia. The older vixen laughed and kissed Fi on the forehead. 

"Very much, my little Bitch. Now, I want you to make out with my tail hole while I talk to Lord Jason and his wife, Darling. Its feeling lonely." Fi giggled again.

"Anything you wish Mistress!" Silvia stood and turned to face Jason and Alyria, sticking her butt out and lifting her tail.

"What can I do for you, Milord?" she asked pleasantly, sighing slightly as Fi dove between her ass cheeks gleefully, locking lips with the little pucker hidden within. Silvia groaned in pleasure, but kept her eyes locked on Jason's.

"Me and my wife simply wish to know what you plan to do now, Silvia. You are free from Captain Cubs, and are pardoned from all charges here within the Phindom." Jason replied. Alyria nodded.

"Yes, indeed you are." the Princess said, licking her beak in lust as she stared at the little fox girl rimming her mistress. Jason's nose twitched and he smiled as he smelled his wife's arousal. 

"If you wish," Alyria continued, trying to focus. "My people can provide you and your slave with Gills and an escort to the surface world." Silvia frowned slightly, though she was still panting and moaning as the sloppy sounds of Fi's Mouth-to-Tail make out session permeated the air.

"Actually, your highness..." she said between moans and sighs. "I was hoping that maybe me and my Bitch could remain here? If maybe there was a position I could fill, or a service I could provide to earn my keep?" Alyria hardly heard her. She was too busy grinding her thighs together, trying to subdue the burning need between her legs. Jason laughed and decided to take the lead.

"That would be perfectly alright for you to stay, Silvia. On one condition of course." the vixen and princess both looked at Jason curiously. The Panther smiled.

"Your duty will be as the Royal courtesan. It appears my wife thinks your endeavors with little Fi hear to be quite a turn on." Alyria bit her lip and her cheeks and beak turned a fetching shade of pink.

"You and your slave shall be her personal toys. You will be provided lodgings, food, and money if ever the need arises for you to have it, and both of you will be on call for my wife to use as she pleases at any time. Understood?" Silvia laughed lightly.

"Understood Milord. And what shall the lovely Princess require of me and my Bitch as of this moment?" she asked coyly. Alyria murred deep in her throat and looked sidewise at Jason. The panther smiled and nodded.

"I require you and your Bitch to submit to your princess," Alyria cooed playfully, stepping forward and sliding out of her robes sensually. 

"The little Bitch can rim me, as she did you, while you take care of this poor neglected cunt of mine.." Jason grinned as he saw his wife put the two in their places an stood regally between them, chest jutting out slightly. The panther left as the two vixen's pressed their muzzles into his wife's body, causing her to moan in extreme pleasure.


Jason was grinning widely as he returned to his and Alyria's room. He opened the door and stepped in, only to find Sara and her little brother, Rin, waiting for him.

"Hey guys," he said, smiling. Sara ran to his arms, throwing herself at him. Jason grunted as he caught the smaller feline.

"How did you do it?!" she cried. "They shot you! Threw you overboard! And not only did you live, you saved us all!" the panther laughed and carried Sara over to  the moss bed where Rin waited, and flopped her down, laying down beside her.

"Alright alright, give me a minute, I'll explain everything." he said with a smile. The big panther got himself comfortable beside the two smaller cats, and began to explain.

He told them about being pulled from the water, waking up in the medical caverns of the Phindom. He told them about meeting Alyria, falling in love with the Dolphin Princess, the ceremonies, the marriage. Everything he could think off. The two sat in rapt attention as he explained the trials he and his new wife had to undergo to gain approval for the assault, about the search for the ship through the sea's, and finally the battle that raged across the decks. When he was finished, Sara threw herself into his arms again.

"Oh I'm so glad your ok!" she cried, pulling him down and kissing him firmly on the mouth. Jason was taken aback, but accepted the kiss, smiling around the cat's muzzle. Rin laughed a bit behind his sister as he watched them kiss. Sara broke the kiss and blushed beneath her fur.

"Oh...I'm sorry...your married now.." she said, sounding slightly dejected. Jason laughed and shrugged.

"Oh its no big deal. My wife has her playmates, why cant I have mine?" he joked, cupping Sara under her chin and locking her face to his in another kiss. The cat purred affectionately, wrapping her arms around the panther's shoulders. Rin coughed uncomfortably.

"I think I'll just go and find Amelia guys..." he said hesitantly, a small smile on his face as he backed out of the room. Jason and Sara didn't even notice as he left. Jason leaned forward into Sara, pressing her back down into the bed, swinging one leg over her so he straddled her chest. He broke the kiss and smiled down at her.

"Ready for someone who cares about you..?" he asked softly. Sara blushed again beneath her fur, still purring. The cat girl reached down, grabbing the hem of the white robe provided to her by the Phins, and pulled it up over her head, exposing her bare body beneath.

"Take me.." she whispered. The panther smiled softly and nuzzled his face down under her chin, nibbling gently on her neck as he pulled down the loose britches he wore and pulled out his already hardening cock. 

The bigger cat spread Sara's legs gently and positioned himself before her. He went slow, knowing full well how much sexual trauma she had suffered recently. The cat groaned softly over her continuous purring as the thick head of the panther's cock penetrated her nether lips. It was the first time someone had taken her lovingly in a very, very long time. 

Sara purred deeply, wrapping her legs around Jason's waist and gripping his neck and shoulders with her claws and paws, pulling him down and close to her.

"Oh Jason...fuck me...please fuck me..." she groaned softly, her half lidded eyes gazing up at him. The panther chuckled at the younger feline. He knew that Alyria wouldn't mind if he took her as a vassal, and he knew that Sara would be happy as well. Jason smiled and pressed himself forward, penetrating into her pussy. Sara moaned deeply, eyes squeezing shut.

Jason began thrusting in and out if the small cat beneath him, smiling at the mewling and purring noises she made as he fucked her. He gripped her thighs tightly as he trusted into her.

It wasn't long before he himself began grunting as he fucked her. His pace sped up and her mewling increased, growing louder and more needy as the panther pounded away at the little cat. 

Sara cried out in pleasure, clutching hard at Jason's fur and screaming in pleasure and delight. Jason smiled and grunted, picking up his speed and pounding into her harder and harder. The panther could feel her orgasm building within her as her legs twitched and she thrashed in pleasure beneath him. Jason snarled in pleasure as he came, shooting thick ropes of panther cum deep into her body. The feel was too much for Sara, and she screamed in pleasure as she came as well, twitching hard.

Jason smiled, and still panting, began to pull out and stand up. Sara mewled softly beneath him, curling up comfortably on his bed. Jason leaned in and kissed her on her forehead before back away from her as she began to fall asleep. 

"So you have one too, hm?" Alyria said behind him as she walked into the room. Jason smiled and turned around to face his wife.

"Of course," he answered. "you have two vassals with which to do what you please. Why shouldn't I as well?" Alyria laughed lightly and pressed herself into Jason's arms. The panther wrapped his black furred arms around the blue-grey skin of his wife and held her close. She was naked and still breathing heavily, the tribal tattoos on her breasts heaving with the flesh. 

Jason lifted her and flopped her down on the bed next to the sleeping Sara. Alyria grabbed his already hardening dick and began to jack it off in her hand.

"You did good, Lord Jason." she said in mock formality as she played with his furry black balls. "these cubs will have a better life because of you." Jason smiled.

"And I have a better life because of you." he said, pushing the head of his cock into her already used and wet pussy. "everything works out in the end."