Unexpected Surprise part 2

Story by Neofox on SoFurry

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#2 of Unexpected surprise

David sat down on his couch, fluffing a blanket over top of Amy. He had turned his thermostat up a little to warm the place. He usually liked it on about 65 degrees year around. He had taken Amy's sweater and threw it in the dryer along with his clothes to dry. She was still shivering a bit, and her hair was still a little wet. She was wearing only a white tank top under her sweater. He couldn't believe she would wear this little clothing on a night like this.

"What exactly happened...I mean...how did you get here?"

"Well...I uhm..." Amy began to stutter, her teeth chattering a bit. "...I was on my way back to the dorms... the doors were locked!"

"Huh? Why the hell would they lock the dorms? I mean, I'm sure they know that students might be out late or something...that doesn't make sense!" David exclaimed, giving a puzzled expression.

"I know...I don't know either. Sometimes if there was an emergency or something, they might lock up to inspect the grounds. But this must have been an accident or something".

"I would think so. You might even want to complain about that to the head office. That could be something they might get into trouble with" he replied.

"Heh, yeah, I'm not going to pass up that opportunity to give them a piece of my mind! Making me walk around in this godforsaken freezing rain!" she said, her face giving twist of anger.

"Well, I suppose if you'd like, you...you can stay here...if you want to that is" David said, looking down, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh please? That would such a relief...I feel awful just barging in and asking to stay...and on top of that looking like I do. I'm sorry". She said looking to him contrite.

David looked back into her eyes deeply and smiled. "No...don't be sorry, I was the one who said it was okay. And besides, it doesn't matter what you look like to me...I'll take care of you". Amy bowed her head a little and blushed. He reached out to her and grasped her in a hug. His heart was pounding and he saw this opportunity his best to express his feelings to her at least a little bit. He was scared, but shook it off feeling that she was moving into his embrace. Her damp hair pushed into his grey button shirt. She sighed a little in comfort. David slowly took his hand and put it over her, stroking her arm gently.

"T...thanks David; you're a really caring man. Your girlfriend would probably be mad to see me here with you like this".

"Actually...uhm, I don't...have a girlfriend" David stuttered, sighing a bit to himself. His heart was still pounding hard in his chest. It was now hammering against his chest hard enough that he was beginning to get sick at his stomach. She was right there..."make your move" David thought to himself. But, he kept himself from doing anything he might regret.

"Oh I didn't know that...I figured with as attracting...*ahem* I'm sorry" She looked down.

"Sorry for what?" David chuckled to himself.

"David...can I ask you a question, if that's alright with you?" Amy looked down at her knees.

"Sure, I don't mind, go ahead" David replied, rubbing her arm lightly in comfort.

"C...I..." Amy began to stutter "...Can..." she blushed mad and closed her eyes. "I Love you David" Amy said before she looked away quickly toward the wall.

David felt his heart drop. He didn't really think she actually liked him that much. He thought that she just acted like that for the fun of it. Most women now days did, it was more or less a trend. But not her, she did this for the truth of her expression. It all made since to him now. He understood what everything was all about. He blushed hard; his face feeling like it was on fire. She came in the sub shop all the time because of him? It really felt now like this was all one of his dreams. He even considered pinching himself. Instead however, if this really was real...then what was he doing wasting time thinking. David looked up at her. She was still looking away and frowning slightly in embarrassment.

"I..." David was now speechless. He knew what he wanted to say. The words wouldn't come out. He was trembling in his hands, and his throat had gone dry. It felt as rough as sandpaper to even speak. Amy glanced over at him once again, and took a deep breath.

"The truth is David, I liked you from the moment I saw you. I had come into the shop once to just grab a bite for everyone back in my dorm. However...when I saw you there, I felt something different. I went blank for a few seconds, as if reality left me. It was very strange at first, but then it felt like there was a connection". Amy gained enough courage to look at him in the face now. Yet she still clenched the blanket up to her chest. "I thought about how it made me feel for a long time. And I came in more often to understand just what exactly it was I felt like. I just couldn't figure out why I became infatuated with you. But...I believe that what I wanted to hide was the fact that...I had...fallen in love with you". Amy smiled to herself as she looked down. "I really did, I couldn't resist not showing myself a little toward you, but I was too embarrassed to tell you my feelings". David giggled to himself. Amy looked at him at that instant with a confused smile. "Why is that so funny?" Amy asked him. He just rubbed at his chin for a few seconds, swaying his tail in excitement.

"Well, my truth is Amy, that I liked you too. When I was working, I would always look over at you, making sure you had everything you needed. Of course, customer satisfaction is one of my job priorities, however you on the other hand, I always did some overtime. I would probably say that I've even missed some things that other customers probably needed just satisfying you. And I did notice that you acted a bit strange sometimes, but I guess now I understand why. But, I guess I've had my fair share of those too". David said, laughing a little, remembering what he'd done. "But, Amy, I suppose thinking to myself on how I felt, I guess...I....love you too". David felt his pain in his stomach go away now. He almost felt as if he'd lost all the weight in his body.

Amy's face took on a new look of surprise. However, it was switched then to a bright smile. She leaned forward, throwing her head onto his chest. He leaned back, allowing her to lay on top of him enough to do so. He slowly stroked her hair and looked down at her muzzle. She was breathing heavier on him. His shirt collar ruffled in response to her breaths. She opened her eyes, returning his gaze, her caring eyes staring into his. He leaned down, his heart rate soared, and he slowly closed his eyes. Just before his vision going black, he saw her coming up at him slowly. It was at that moment, he felt her warm lips press to his. Her tongue slowly slid between their parted lips, meeting his halfway and tussling at one another. He lightly wrapped his arms around her sides, falling slowly forward onto her slender body.

Everything felt like nothing he'd before experienced. Her kiss had literally paralyzed his mind. His body was now acting on his wants, and he could feel himself becoming aroused by all of the intimacy they were sharing. Her body's warmth and tenderness was being pressed to his. Her soft, silky fur brushed his. She was beautiful, and he couldn't resist her. His mind was blank, and all that was on it was what he was experiencing now. The sight of her half closed eyes glimmered in the light. Her nose, crossed in his vision, and her mouth, moving in unison to their kisses. This may have all seemed like the perfect dream to him, But David had a feeling that tonight...his dreams were more than likely going to become a reality.

... To be continued