(OLD) Skyrim Fanfiction - Ricky the Whiterun Guard.

Story by Carcinomoonii on SoFurry

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LOL Sorry about the thumbnail, I REALLY didn't know what to put as the thumbnail so I put that instead.

Hopefully you all enjoy the story I made WAAAAAAY back in the past.

I was (and probably still am) a Skyrim Fanatic so rip.

Please don't steal, and thanks for viewing!

** ~~SKYRIM FANFIC - Ricky the Whiterun Guard~~ One day in the world of Skyrim... A guard was born. He wasn't no ordinary guard. He was Ricky. Ricky the Whiterun guard. His parents had died when he was at the age of 4, by a Ancient black dragon. He was quite unsure of the name of this... "black dragon." Although yet, he was sure it was evil. Legend has foretold that one day a Dragonborn would come and slay that beast. Hopefully... the Dragonborn would come soon.

As his parents died by a meteor, a hatchling slipped in and saved him... He was taken to Riften, and was left in the nearby bush, by the entrance. He squirmed around and cried... the dragon quickly left and the 2 guards approached him. "What is this?... Why is he here left alone?" One of the guards asked... scratching the back of his neck... The other couldn't answer at first, but then he finally responded... "Well, it doesn't matter, we should get him a home..." He looked at him... "Where is he going to live at? I'm not going to adopt him... I swear... maybe Honorhall Orphanage is a good place for him."

He narrowed his eyes... "Honorhall Orphanage is quite not a good place... maybe I can take care of him... "The other guard folds his arms... "Are you sure you can take care of such a child? I mean, sometimes they are a bit... moody." The guard responds... "Are you saying I'm not man enough to take care of children?..." He widened his eyes... "No! you're capable of taking care of children, just... are you sure you want to go through this?"

He nods in agreement... "Yes."

Ricky at his age of 4

Ricky followed this unknown guard that has adopted him... he was scared stiff as he walked into his home. "Welcome to Honeyside. My sweet comfy home... hope you like it here little bud. What's your name?" Ricky let out a soft, stuttering voice... "R-Ricky..." the man smiled. "Ricky? A nice name. Where are your parents?... If I-- may ask..." Ricky's tears started to form in his eyes... "No no... don't cry... just... where are they? I can take you back to them..." Ricky looked up at the man... "They're dead..." he sobbed.

Seeing the hurt expression on the child's face... he frowned... but then he smiled... "I'll take care of you... I'm sure you'll grow into a smart, strong man..." Ricky looked up at him... sniffling... he wiped the tears from his face... "You will?..." "Yeah... I will... although... where did you come from?..." Ricky looked down... but then looked back at the man... "I came from Whiterun..."

--This puts the man in shock... unsure of what to say... he pondered about what to tell the child when he grows up... Will he just give it straight? Saying he is a guard of that borderline? Or will he just live a lie forever, thinking he is supposed to be a Riften guard? Will the child ever forgive him? Or will he just shake it off and go back to Whiterun? Will he remember his parents are dead? Or will he know all along?... Life is hard...

Ricky at his age of 5

After a long while of living life, he grew to the age of 5. Instead of drinking freshwater, he got mead for the first time. Although, he got quite drunk for about 30 minutes. He sweared alot as that happened. He was sent to his room until then. A knock was heard from the other side of the door. "What?..."

The man came in... "Hey, little bud, sorry about the early mead, I guess you were a bit too young to drink there." He laughed. Ricky smiled... "What did you come in here for?..." The man looked down at him... "I'm getting married..." Ricky's mouth dropped open in shock.

"What?!" He yelled, jumping up from his bed. "Calm down! I'm just getting married. So you're going to have a mother." Ricky smiled... a new mother... a new mother! Such happiness and joy fills him. Who will it be? Is she nice or is she mean? At least a mother sounds nice!!!

Ricky at the age of 6

Turns out, the man didn't get married... The fiance rejected him right at the wedding... No mom, not at all. The man sat there in a chair by the fire... alone. Ricky came up to the room, spying on the man. Wishing he could help him... but he doesn't know how.

Ricky suddenly goes up to the man... "Can you teach me archery...?" He asked quietly... The man looked at him... "Not now..." He watched the man as he cried silently, tears running down his cheek... He never turned down such training, he always wanted to teach him... This time it was different.

The man was in agony.

Ricky at the age of 7

After each day, as time passed by. His foster father had started to get drunk off of mead, and he talked differently. He talked alot differently. The man was always raging, always sobbing, always happy, and was starting to turn a bit... aggressive. One peaceful night at Honeyside. The man came home drunk once again. "Hey-- *hic* ya' wanna drank some here mead? It's mighty fine..." "Uh... no thanks... I know what that stuff does to you." "What do you mean? Rick--*hic*-y?" "I mean it messes with your mind, you need to stop drinking mead."

His eyes narrowed, staring at Ricky... "What did you say there ye' boy?" "I said...--you need to stop drinking mead! You changed! You're not the father I used to know!..."

--The man slapped the boy across the face... "Ye' don't talk to your father like that! Do ya' understand?..." Ricky stared at the man... scared... holding his red cheek. He shoved the man aside and ran out of the door... "No, wait! I *hic* didn't mean a thing! Come back!..." --It was too late... the boy ran out of the gate... The guards watched as he did, unsure if they should chase after him, or not...

3 Day's later.

He sat there, starving... There was no food at all, and he drank crap water. He was weak, he could barely move... he could barely feel his muscles. He was slowly coming to an end, he regrets leaving his home. He should've just tried the mead so he wouldn't regret anything at all. He wished he didn't say such things to his father. He wished he could die already. Oh, the pain...--

He heard a bush rustle coming from behind the tree. He could see it, but he couldn't make out what it was... it came closer to him, and as soon as it got close. It nudged him.

He softly pets the thing... It seemed to be white, with such thick skin. He couldn't think clear right now. He doesn't know what's happening...

The white creature grabbed the back of his shirt softly with it's jaw. It ran off with him, heading towards Riverwood.

About 5 hours later.

Upon reaching Riverwood. The guard's spotted the dragon... "Fire!" They yelled, and they all shot arrows at it. The dragon dropped the child. It scurried off away from the village.

The men approached the child, seeing it weakened... "Do you think the dragon harmed the child?" One of the men asked... "No, something else happened... it seems to be... skinny." "Well by Sovngarde! We need to feed this child! It's going to die soon!..."

One of the guards picked up the child, and rushed him to Whiterun, to their barracks to see Commander Caius. He stared at the men, raising an eyebrow, expecting something to come out of their mouths.

"Sir, we found a child. It was with a dragon, and it seems to be... well... weak." He watched, and looked down at Ricky... "Take this child and feed him, we shall raise him as one of our own men." "But sir, he must've came from somewhere else... he must've crossed the border." Caius shook his head... "We will raise him, and he will be treated like the other men, that's an order. Now do it." They all salute. "Yes sir!"

Ricky at the age of 8

Being grown and raised in the Guard Barracks is sort of a bliss. They all drink the mead and cheer on for their lives. They all wish to die in battle, and not peacefully in the village. Ricky was... well... not like them.

He always wanted to stay away from the other guards. He liked the mead, but he never wanted to get drunk from it. He never cared for freshwater. It was better then mead anyways.

He always wanted to explore somewhere else. He wanted to cross the border and see everything. He wanted to see who was the dragonborn if he/she came. Most of all... He never wanted to die.

-He was picked on by his fellow members for his sort of weak build. He wasn't all that strong, and he wasn't skilled for combat. He always either had a bloody nose or a black eye when he came back to the Barracks. They teased him about it, saying "It is the first step to become strong." He didn't think of it that way. He will not think of it that way. He never will.

Ricky at the age of 9

He's tired. He hates to be picked on. This went on for about 2 year's now. He's becoming scared.

He's becoming hardened by all this. He's angry. He's on the run most of the time. He thinks everything is either mean, or it's evil.

He never wants to see this place again. Although, being a Whiterun guard and all... he's bound here. Bound here until death... it stresses him. He wants to die now.

--One night in the Guard Barracks, Ricky couldn't sleep. He watched as the other guards did. He slowly got up and creeped over to the door. He opened it and went outside.

Commander Caius heard the noise, quickly withdrawing his blade. Ricky heard the noise of such a thing, and quickly starts to take off. Caius looked at the slightly opened door and starts to run outside, seeing the boy take off. "Come back here! That's an order!"

Ricky quickly ran towards the gate, although it seems to be locked. He turned and saw Commander Caius standing there. He suddenly sank into the hard wooden gate, pale... Caius watched...

"What are you doing up this late boy?... you're supposed to be asleep, it's midnight here, and you need to get up at 7:00AM tomorrow for your duties." The boy didn't answer, Caius just stood there... "Boy... are you alright?" He reached out his hand, Ricky just shouted. "S-stay away from me!" He jerked back his hand... seeing the child frightened. "It's just me, your commander, Caius."

"I-uh, sorry, sir... I'm just, tired." Caius smiled. "It's alright... what are you even doing here anyways?..." Ricky just stared. "I just wanted to have some time, to enjoy the view. That's all." "Ah, alright then... but return to your station as soon as possible..."

Ricky at the age of 10

Life passes on, time passes by... Same duties as always. "Watch over the people." "Watch over the people." "Watch over the people."

By shor, this place sucks. Although, for the first time in forever. He saw a dragon... it was white. The first one that ever saved him. It's still young...

It watched him, sitting by the distant land... He looked around, and looked back at it. One of the citizens shouted. "Dragon!"

He shouts... "No no! It's a friendly dragon! Wait--!" He was too late, the guards had withdrawn their bows and fired at the young dragon. The young dragon ran off, heading towards Riverwood. "After it!" They all ran to the stables and got their horses, Ricky got on one as well. This was his first time riding a horse... Damn! He hopes he doesn't fall off. They all rode to the bridge, skidding to a stop. They looked around for the young dragon. There was no sight of it. The rest of the guards decided to return to their station... Ricky got off his horse and stood there, looking for the dragon. He heads towards the village. He searched everywhere for the damn thing. From behind houses, in houses, around the area... no sight of it. Not at all.

The dragon slowly peeked from the barrel, and came out of it. It slowly went to Ricky... he jumped, pointing his sword at the dragon. The dragon backed up, eyes wide... he sheathed the sword. "You scared me there... sorry." The dragon slowly went up to him. He reached and softly pets the creature. "Thank you... for saving me..."

Ricky at the age of 11

After a long while, Ricky is learning how to craft armor for the first time. He made a strong helmet for him, and made a helmet for his newfound dragon too. He was unsure on what to name the dragon. So he just named it Dovah. He and Dovah played in a secret area. The area was named "Bleak Falls Barrow." They knew nobody had the guts to go there. They also knew it was a place where many are resting in peace.

Where the dead isn't disturbed, where it didn't come alive, like the rest of the creepy places. It was just... dead. Commander Caius looked around for the boy, having no sight nor insight of him at all. He asked one of the guard members. "Where is Ricky?..." The guards shrugged. "We're not sure where he went, sir. One of our fellow members has last seen him heading toward Bleak Falls Barrow." "Bleak Falls Barrow?" He asked. "Pretty sure you're going to have to ask Farengar about that place. All we know is that it's a disturbing place."

-- "Bleak Falls Barrow?" Farengar asked, at his desk, as usual. "I've heard that one of the guard members said that it's a disturbing place." "Ah, -yes, it's where the undead lies at. There's been rumors that Draugr's are there, and yet, there are." "So... what do I need to know about this place?..." Caius asked. "Well- many had entered the ruins there, none has came out. Most likely, bandits are there over for some treasure that is hidden inside it."

"Treasure?..." "Yes, treasure, there was said that there was a gold claw hidden in there somewhere, would be interesting to see if someone actually brought that here." "Alright, so, how do I get there?" "Take the path up the mountain by Riverwood, should lead you there." "Hm- alright then..." "Good luck." Farengar said, looking back at his book. -- Commander Caius went back to his station to gather up his guards, although he spotted the boy walking back into the Barracks. "Boy! Where have you been?!" He shouted. Ricky looked at him, he couldn't give an answer. "We were looking everywhere for you! The guards have told me you were at Bleak Falls Barrow!" Ricky looked around... "Bleak Falls Barrow?..." Caius folds his arms. "Don't play dumb with me! Answer!" "But sir! I don't know what is Bleak Falls Barrow! Is that a area?"

He grabbed the boy and turned him towards the mountain. "See that mountain there?" Ricky nods. "That there is Bleak Falls Barrow. If I hear one of our hold-mates say that you're there again, you'll be punished!" Ricky shuddered and nods...

Ricky at the age of 12

After a year of not seeing his friend, he suddenly became lonely. He didn't eat much and nearly didn't focus at all. He didn't obey much of the orders his commander has given him, which was, of course. "Stay on duty." Caius has noticed this and asked him to stay before all the other guards left. "Boy, what's going on?" He asked, unsure of how to start off. Ricky shook his head, not wanting to tell Caius anything. "You need to tell your commander this, so he can know what's going on. It's our duty to protect one another." Ricky sighed, his words were. "Just a distant friend."

Caius raised his eyebrows... "Distant friend?..." He questioned. "Yeah..." "Well, why haven't you told me this? Many of our friends die. Some even die in battle." "Well, it's not like that.--" "Sometimes... you just need to move on. Your friend will always be there for you..." Ricky was silent... looking at Caius. "Now go out there and do your duties."**


Ricky at the age of 13

After 6 years here in Whiterun, he finally grew a tad bulky, just not one of those big-ol' buffed guys here. He made some friends as well, and started to drink at least some mead. Oh, he also loves the Sweetrolls here as well! Especially the frosting. He sometimes went and saw some cute ladies here in Whiterun. He didn't know their names, and he didn't bother to ask. He was shy, also a tad quiet... One day he heard some yelling about a dragon, he ran to the entrance of Whiterun and grabbed his bow, running down to the stable. He got on his horse.

He saw the guards chasing the dragon... It was the same dragon from 2 years ago... wearing the helmet he made for it. He followed the guards. "Stop!" He yelled. They wouldn't, they just ignored him, shooting some arrows at the dragon. The dragon went to a lake by the hunters camp. The hunter came out and spotted the dragon... "I see a hatchling!" He smiled, and raised his bow. "Don't!" He shot at the dragon, the dragon turned and face towards the hunter... It's eyes widened before it was shot in the shoulder, piercing through the flesh and went deep enough into it's heart. Insta-death... Ricky just sat there on his horse... tears forming in his eyes... He got off his horse, along with the rest of the guards. They watched as he ran over to the dead dragon. "You bastards! You didn't know this dragon, as much as I did..." He sobbed. The guards looked at each other, feeling bad for the poor guy.

One of them approached, putting his hand out, about to touch the mans shoulder. "Don't touch me!" He jerked away, staring at his dead friend. He backed up... Commander Caius sighed... and reports, "All guards back to the barracks. We must inform the Jarl about this incident." They all salute. "Aye sir!"

Ricky at the age of 14

After a year of getting over the fact of his friend is dead. He realized, he may not be dead after all. He knows that the dragonborn has the blood and soul of a dragon. What if it was his friend? But will his friend remember? What if he doesn't remember? Lots of things are on his mind... He wrote in a book about his life-long story. He wrote everything as each day passed by. He also remembers the good times he and some other fellow members had. He also wrote in a book about his commander, Caius. He wrote about how he came to Whiterun, and he especially wrote about the Jarl.

He wrote about how he's learning about mythical creatures of the world. Farengar is just allowing himself to give knowledge about such things. Isn't the world an interesting place... It is... even the dangers are interesting!... Life is really mysterious, isn't it?

Ricky at the age of 15

Growing older, he is starting to shave, or actually. He's cutting his beard. He also learned about how things go around here. The women are the babysitters and the men go to war. He wished he was a babysitter, so he doesn't have to go around patrolling the area all the time. Although, this is his life. One day he wants to go to other cities. Such as Markarth, Falkreath, Riften, and more. He wants to see how it's like over there. He has heard about the Stormcloaks and the Imperials... He wonders who, or what they are. ~Oh well...

Ricky at the age of 16

He finally is going on a trip! He's going to Riften, he doesn't know much about it, but he knows that it's actually a dangerous area. He better keep his watch... He hopped onto the Carriage, Bjorlam looked at Ricky... "To Riften we go." He smiles. -- Ricky looked around, seeing Riften up ahead from the Carriage. "Becareful around here." Bjorlam said, Ricky hopped off the cart. "Will do." He saluted, Bjorlam salutes back and starts to head back to Whiterun... Ricky looked around the area... it doesn't look so... nice as Whiterun. It looks really dark, and creepy. He starts to approach the entrance of Riften. The guards watched him. "Halt." they say, he stopped. "There's a fee to enter this city." One of them said.

Ricky shook his head. "There is no fee to enter this city, I know." They looked at each other... and they look back at him. "Okay! Shh- not so loud! Look, we'll unlock the gate for free. Just... keep your mouth shut." They said... Ricky nods as they went over and unlocked the gate. He went inside the hold, looking around... He has a faint memory of this place... He looked to the right, at his old home... Honeyside, he thinks the name was... He went on over and knocked on the door. Nobody answered.

-He went on inside and looked around... it seemed to be empty. He saw a note by the old fireplace. He picked it up... "Dear Ricky, if you ever see this note... I'm sorry that I hit you, I was drunk at the time. Remember when we both used to go out and play, and remember that I taught you some Archery lessons and taught you how to block? I hope that came in handy, and I hope you grew up to learn your true self. You are a natural born Whiterun guard. I yet failed to raise you in Riften. Even though I might've chased you away, I hope you learn that all goes well even in the darkest of times. By shor, I hope you're happy. When I first adopted you at the gate, I wondered what to tell you in the first place when you came here. You had tears in your eyes at 4 years old. You said your mother and father was dead, by a dragon. I'm not sure how you came to survive. I mean-- there was no dragon here, at all. I'm not saying the chances of you surviving a dragon attack is nearly impossible, I'm not sure how you came all this way from... well, wherever you came from. I moved out of the home 3 days later after you left. Seeing there was no point in staying here any longer. After all, I must admit. My fiance was a bitch. Since then, I then jumped off a cliff and fell a quick, and painless death. I now see that you are happy. I am happy too."

At the end it had drips of blood, he thought that his father possibly cut himself at that point, he must've been in alot of pain... He felt sorry for leaving him... He wished he hadn't left... He later hopped back into the carriage and went back to Whiterun...

Ricky at the age of 17

He thought about his family line... He never knew about his true mother or father. He never learned the true adoptive father himself. He never even learned the names of them. All he knows is that... Caius is like a father to him, or a brother. He wasn't sure. One day off of guard duty, he was sitting on a fence, by the whiterun stables. Bjorlam watched him... "Nice day for the weather, huh?" He said... Ricky looked back at him... "Yeah, it is..." "Well, why not go explorin'? It doesn't hurt to explore much, it's just that you gotta watch out for wolves, and sabercats, and such." Ricky nods, "Good idea."

He got off the fence and walked around the area, admiring the view. He heard the greybeards from the mountains, chanting for the Dragonborn... He wondered who the Dragonborn may be... Will he/she be a murderer, or be a thief to the unknown? Will he/she be from here, or from another place he didn't know? He is not sure. He doesn't possess such knowledge. One day, he will learn. Possibly soon.

Ricky at the age of 18

Vampires, they came... This is the first time he has seen these powerful beings. 2 guards have died from them. Luckily, they weren't his friends to mourn over. After the vampires have died, he inspected their corpse. He saw their fangs, and saw that they were pale... --Later the Dawnguard came, asking people to join their group to kill the vampires. Turns out, nobody cared. Not at all. Ricky thought about joining Dawnguard, although, Caius said that he had guard duties to perform. What guard duties? Oh wait! None! Not at all! All he does is patrol the area! So you call that a duty?! When will his commander understand... Possibly never.

Ricky at the age of 19

Again, more days here in Whiterun. Again, the guards came out of the barracks. But yet, he didn't go out this time. "Soldier, go out there and patrol the area!..." Caius yelled. Ricky turned and looked at him, and finally said... "No." Caius narrowed his eyes. "What have I taught you all these years?!..." He yelled back at his commander. "You actually taught me that patrolling here is actually worthless! Going to war is actually pointless! Being bound here is also actually pointless as well! Why do we men have to go around watching over this place all the time? Isn't that pointless? There are nearly next-to-no attacks on this city. Why are we even forced to be guards anyways?! That's pointless as well!" Caius stepped toward the man. "We patrol around here because we have to be on our guard all the time! What if a dragon attacks at one point and there is no guards to patrol this area?! This would be a ruin! The Jarl is counting on us to protect this city at ALL costs! Which is why men are forced to be guards here at times. To PROTECT this city." Ricky shook his head. "So why am I bound here? Why do I have to live here in the barracks? I barely got to do anything for all these years! I didn't get the good adventure, out of anything. You trapped me here in solitude for 12 years. You always cared about what I did, all the time. You always wanted me to patrol the area. I barely did anything. I was picked on for my build and you barely cared about that. I get a 'that's the first step to being strong' each time I came here with a black eye, or a cut. I think that's shit. It doesn't make you strong. It makes you grow to be an asshole. You're an asshole too. I quit." He took off his helmet and threw it onto the ground, going outside and towards the gate. "Wait! Soldier!-" Ricky didn't dare look back at his commander. He heads out of the gate, going elsewhere... Caius watched as he walked off... "By Sovngarde, I hope he's going to be OK."

Ricky at the age of 20

After a year of living alone. He finally knew that he didn't truly understand the important means of being a Whiterun guard. Which was to care for your fellow friends and back them up in a battle. To back up your other friends. That's not silver. That's gold. True treasure there. He regrets leaving his commander at his station in Whiterun. He has been having alot of nightmares lately now. He has been dreaming of death, loss, agony, pain, suffering. He's been also dreaming the greybeards alot now. He is unsure of why. Why now after all these years? Dreams can be weird. Sometimes to the point of insanity. He sat at his tent by the fire, looking at his swollen arm. Earlier he was bitten by a damn wolf. This was his result. He looked around, seeing a silhouette in the dark mists here in the forest. "Who's there?" He withdrew his bow, aiming at the shadow... "Relax, it's... just your... well. It's just Caius here..." -"Caius?..." He asked, confused. "Yes, your... once-commander..." "Well, go away! I-I never want to see you, again..." He yelled, quivering. "It doesn't hurt to have a little chat... look... I'm sorry that I gave you all that trouble. I just wanted you to grow strong, like the rest of your crew-mates.

From the first time that I glanced at you, you were weak. Starving. We weren't sure where you came from, records show that a couple had a child... It was Ricky. Although, Alduin had came and attacked riverwood 16 years ago. At the time, the child had to be four years old, and the couple died. We weren't sure where the child went. He mysteriously disappeared... It was reported that a white dragon saved him. But we weren't sure where the dragon went. We assumed it ate the child..." Ricky stared, looking at Caius... "That was me... and that was the same dragon that died..." He finally said. "What?" "Remember the hunter that killed that white dragon? Well, that white dragon is the one that saved me, when I was four years old." "Are you nuts?..." Caius was confused. "It was the same dragon the guards spotted when I was 7." Caius just stared, mouth-opened... he shook his head. "It can't be..." "It is... I'm Ricky... the natural born Whiterun guard..." He smiled. "It's good, to see you again, Ricky..." "Just call me a soldier." He said, chuckling.

Ricky at the age of 21

It's good to be back at Whiterun, it's especially good to see his fellow friends again. He has been through alot in his life, although one day, the darkest days may come if the Dragonborn doesn't come. At least he enjoys life while it lasts. He drank some mead with his friends, and joked around with one another. He wrote in a journal about his everyday life story. All the ups and downs. He watched children play around, and always saw commander Caius yelling at them. "No running!" He always yelled. He always chuckled as the children disobeyed. Sometimes, the children came up to him, saying that they want to grow to be just like him. He sometimes told them about his years of growing up. They couldn't believe the story. It was nearly impossible to believe anyways. He finally came around to help feed the horses around the stables at times. Turns out, he loved the animals as much as his fellow crew members. He's been hearing more and more chanting for the Dragonborn now, hearing songs made for him/her. Will he/she ever come?... ...Of course he/she will. He knows it.

Ricky at the age of 22

There was a rumour that the imperials caught some prisoners crossing the border here into Whiterun. Also said that a Nord horse-theif died there, Lokir... he thought. It was also said that Alduin attacked Helgen, although he wasn't quite sure why Alduin would go there... He finally found out an hour later. The Dragonborn came... His friend, reborn, alive again. He thought that his friend would remember him... Although, it turned out, he/she didn't remember him at all. As each day, one by one passes by, his friend would just look at him as if he was a complete stranger. A different being. He tried to tell jokes to the Dragonborn each time he/she wandered by, thinking he/she will remember. Turns out, he/she didn't. He/she thought he was weird. He tried to get some facts over to him/her about his life. "I used to be an adventurer like you... until I look an arrow to the knee." Was one of them. In which he tried to explain that when he was a child, the dragon had saved him and taken him to a hold, and when he was 7, he saved him from starvation. In which he lived in solitude for most of his life. Which explains the "arrow in the knee" part. Although the Dragonborn didn't get these kinds of jokes at all. He/she wasn't from around here. He/she was really something else... Although, he hopes that one day... The Dragonborn will remember who he/she was... A friend of a different kind.

==The end.==**