Wrong Bride, Right Groom - The Cabin - Jason's Story

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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#11 of Wrong Bride, Right Groom

Hey there loyal fans and new readers alike, i first off should apologise for taking so long to get this chapter out. i got caught up in enjoying the last few days of summer and all, so this kind of got pushed to the back burner so to speak. but once that was over, i went into overtime to get it out before next month.....and it looks like i have atleast reched that goal. so thank you for continueing to be patient with me, and as a reward, i plan on having a rather special little story of mine completed and ready to go rather quickly so as to once again say "thanks" for letting me take my time.

Anyways, well you know all the legal mumbo jumbo by now, so do i really have to say it all over again?.....no?.....good. though just as a reminder folks, all characters in this story are copywrited to me, so if you want to us them in a story, just ask....i'm sure we can reach an agreement of sorts.

this chapter is dedicated to my good friend and fillow writer Cliraxis for always being there for me, giving me helpful critisim, and at times forcing my furry little rear into a chair so that i can write.....thanks buddy!

and now, without further adiue, the last and final chapter of "the cabin" miniseires....and one that i hope will make you blow your mind....maybe as well as your pants....hehe.

Sincerly your fellow furry friend,

Cyan Spirt

p.s. oh, and just real quickly....all comments and critiques are welcome at either the bottom of this page or can be sent to my email at [email protected] thank you!

"True detective work...you have yet to steer me wrong," Jason said as he stared through the windshield at the obscure dirt road ahead of him. The canine took a moment to look around the cabin that he had been driving in for the last couple of hours, his black backpack sitting on the seat next to him, his sunglasses resting on the dash, and his white baseball cap hanging off the gear shift next to him. He took a moment to pull off to the side of the road right before the entrance, putting the pick-up into park so that he could sit to gather and organize his thoughts.

He had been driving non-stop since he left the hotel hours earlier, surviving only on two granola bars and three pouches of beef jerky which he had taken from the bear's apartment, their wrappers scattered around the cabin floor. His body lasting only on the seconds of sleep he got whenever he dozed off at the wheel, only to be rudely awakened by the noise strips on either side of the road. "Luckily the road was always empty..." he mumbled as he ran his fingers through his curly brown hair, sighing softly as he once again glanced at the hidden path to the Cordero's hunting cabin.

The world around Jason was draped in blackness, the truck's headlights only managing to illuminate the brush covered entrance, the actual road vanishing higher up into the mountain. The clock on the dash read midnight, but then again it had been blinking that same time since he had started driving; so instead the canine had used his knowledge of field work and managed to use the sun, or the moon as night fell, to determine time, and figured it to be about 1 in the morning. "God....I probably look like hell had a vacation on my face..." he said as he pulled down the sun flap over his head, and flipped the lid to stare into the small mirror he discovered there.

The canine saw his ruffled brown hair that fell in uneven locks over his forehead and framed his rather bruised face; the small cuts and scabs of earlier times dotted around the soft brown curls of his pelt. His umber colored eyes were bloodshot, squinting their best as they took in the fuzzy image before them, each lens shimmering from the moisture that had collected on his lashes from hours of on and off crying. His ears laid flat against the sides of his head, and he perked each one in turn just to reassure himself that they still worked. The dog's muzzle was his normal burnt umber color save for the criss-cross markings that started just under his chin and worked their way around to the wiggling black nose; the soreness having left his face several hours before, but the bruises were still there to be seen. The boy cracked a determined smile, his fangs and teeth gleaming in the minimal light as he used his long red tongue to slowly bathe each tooth in a shimmering coat of saliva. "He'll never forget this face..." Jason said softly as he licked his lips before shutting the mirror and starting the engine back up.

Turning the wheel sharply, and making a quick turn into the densely hidden path before any onlookers saw his entrance; the dog slowly turned off the high beams so they could not warn of his presence. The dirt road was bumpy, and the truck he had stolen having no shocks did not make the ride any easier; each twig and every root he rode over, caused the boy to bounce up and down against the seat, his still bruised and sore tailhole making him wince each time. To calm his nerves, the male simply stared out the windshield at the ever enveloping wilderness, having no qualms about venturing further and further into the dark mists.

The forest was eerily silent, its black branches stretching high towards the sky as through to grasp the bright white saucer that bathed his travels in moonlight. The trail turned left and right, appearing at times to go back on itself, but all the dog could do is hope his information had been correct and this was indeed the road to the hunting lodge. "I swear....if those darn techno-hounds gave me the wrong directions...." He muttered to himself as he placed a paw on his forehead in an attempt to calm himself.

"Boy it's getting stuffy in here," he commented as he slowly reached over to push the button that would lower the car's windows, and after a number of tries of fiddling with the whirring little engine, he managed to get it all the way down. The canine stuck his head through the opening, loving the feel of the brisk night wind in his face as he let his tongue flail out the side of his muzzle in earnest. Jason took deep breaths of the forest air; each time filling up his lungs before exhaling the used air softly along with his stresses and problems, watching as though he could see them float away into the dark sky. "No use getting frustrated I suppose..." he grumbled to himself as he concentrated on staying to the curvy mountain path rather then on just how long it was taking him to drive it.

Soon however, the white truck came upon a rather formidable road block stretched clear across the dirt road, a huge metal gate. The first things that one would notice would be the two imposing stone and mortar columns that rose from the ground on either side of the rode, each one having to be at least a foot across and comprised of large sheet rock held together by a gray colored cement. Between the rods of stone was a metal gate constructed out of wrote iron and steel bars that crossed at all angles, forming holes that even a mouse cub couldn't squeeze through; while atop each pillar was a crown of iron barbed wire that also ran the length of the gate, making sure to prevent any foolhardy furr from attempting to climb over the barricade. There also seemed to be an endless length of wire mesh fencing extending from both columns deep into the wilderness and out of sight, hidden by the trees.

Slowly and carefully, Jason steered his metal steed towards the gate, making sure to keep an alert ear for any lights, alarms, or other signals that might inform the residence of his arrival. As he approached however, stopping only when his front bumper was less then half a foot from the metal wall, he noticed that out of his window was a small gray box which had numerous buttons across the face of it, along with what he took to be a card reader and a small speaker box. Overall it looked to be a very well made security system designed to keep furrs just like him out of the cabin's interior; and by some grace of god he had to get passed it.

"God damn it!...How the heck am I going to get passed this stupid security system?" Jason asked himself as he stared out the driver's side window at the accursed little gray cube. The male sighed to himself, running his fingers through his hair frustratingly, "I don't have the kind of expertise to do this...I took those 'Emotional Manipulation' courses back at the academy...not the 'Breaking and fucking Entry' classes." The canine slowly slumped back against his seat, putting himself into deep thought as he went over a mental list of things he had at his disposure that might help him acquire entry into the compound before him.

After a few minutes of sitting there, contemplating his current situation, Jason suddenly felt the light bulb go off in his head. "Got it!" he hollered to the empty forest around him as he turned the engine back up, shifted the gear into reverse, and backed a good ten feet away from the gate before turning his truck off once again. Quickly Jason made his way out of the driver's seat, taking the set of keys with him as he slowly made his way around to the rear of the truck and climbed into the bed; looking around for only a few moments before seeing the diamond plated strong box at the back of flatbed.

Making his way over to the container, the dog managed to whip out the key ring so that by the time he reached his goal, he already had the right key selected; so in single second he had shoved and turned the small key, hearing the 'click' of the tumbles releasing. Throwing open the top, Jason searched through the legions of seemingly random computer parts before he saw what he was looking for, the gleaming ax and shovel that was originally stored there and removed the two farm tools before slamming the trunk closed, taking his keys out and shoving them in his pocket. The dog then made his way off the truck, still carrying the tools as walked towards the column on his left which had the security keypad attached to it.

As he strolled up to the massive brick pillar, his presence must have activated the security system as an electronic voice stated rather coldly, "Please enter correct combination." Jason just scowled at the machine, realizing that if he didn't stop it now, it might set off its alarms; so his eyes began to scan the mortar and stone tower, searching for something....anything, that might hint at a weak point in the system. Then he found it; while looking over the gray stone, he noticed a small gray line traveling from the bottom of the container all the way down the length of the stones. As Jason reached for it, running his fingers over the smooth rubber coating, he was soon squatting on the ground as he felt the wire vanish into the dirt floor below; "this...this could be what triggers the alarm," the canine mumbled to himself as he thought it over, "then again...it might not be....oh well, only one way to make sure..." he said, backing up as he dropped the ax to the ground.

His brown eyes began to watch the ground as though he could visualize where the wire's path was under the earth, "there!" he grunted at a random place. Jason shoved the nose of the shovel into the rather solid ground and began to dig furiously around his randomly chosen area; after about half a foot of dirt was removed, he could see the gray stone coloration of the wire coiling under his feet. "Gothca!" he smirked, raising the shovel high above his head as he took one deep breath, closed his eyes to say a small prayer that this was the right wire, and brought the blade down onto the rubber tube, instantly severing the connection.

For that instant and a few seconds after, the brown male remained perfectly silent, not even bothering to remove the shovel's blade from the twitching wire, straining to hear for any alarms. Jason's ears remained alert, pointed high and stiff against his head as he slowly rotated his vision, checking for any stereotypical blinking red lights or flashing warning signs; though seeing none after more then a minute had passed, he let out his breath and pulled the shovel out from it's hole. Slowly he let his shoulders droop, reaching up to wipe the sweat from his brow before setting the shovel down and walking over to where he had left the ax, which he hoisted onto his shoulders before turning to face the gray box once again. The device still had power, that was evident due to the blinking display screen, the small illuminated buttons, the green lights, and the voice once again asking him to, "Please enter correct combinat-"

"Shut up will ya!?!" Jason screamed, the stupid electronic demands interrupting his train of thought as he braised himself, spreading his legs apart to form a good base before swinging. Sparks flew as the head of the steel ax slammed into the plastic face plate of the gray device, the blade nearly slicing the while contraption in half. The dog took a small step back, managing to pull forth his weapon from the unlucky victim as he stared blinking at his deed.

His thoughts however, were interrupted again by the crackly voice coming from the severely torn speaker box. "Incorrect combination...Please enter again..." the rest of it completely non-understandable due to the beeps, hiss, and crackling erupting from the sparking wires.

"Oh..." the canine taunted, "I'll show you an incorrect combination alright," as he once again hefted the ax over his shoulders, and with a large swing imbedded it once again into the plastic face plate. The canine watched the blade sever the device in half, the lower chuck dropping to the ground in a sputter of mangled voices, wires, and sparks; that is, before wrenching the ax free into his paws, tightening his grip on the handle, and with a downwards swipe, sliced the entire box off of the tower. Jason could see the screen flash white before dieing, the cracking stopping as he let the head of the weapon imbed itself into the hard earth.

The dog's chest was heaving, the killing of the security system using a bit more fore then he expected...or needed for that mater as he chuckled to himself. Once he managed to catch his breath, he stared back up at the stone column where the gray box had once been suspended, the only thing there now was a small plastic box shaped hole sticking out form it, a cluster of several still sparking wires residing there. Slowly Jason's mind began to tick away at possibilities before he stared down at the metal ax still stuck in the ground. "Well...senseless violence worked before," he quipped with a laugh, "and it is metal after all..." so with reckless abandon once more, he hefted the ax into a horizontal position, about level with his shoulder before slamming the blade home into the bundle of wires.

"Holy Shit!" Jason hollered as he felt the electricity coursing through his arms, though the combination of wood being a poor conductor and his leather driving gloves gave him minor protection, he still felt the tingling in his fingers before he let go. The male simply took a few steps, watching as the wires all made connection to each other through the steal blade of the ax; which of course made tons of sparks and cackling sounds as he could see the wood of the handle itself begin to char and burn from the intense heat. "Hmmm...maybe I should move farther away..." he mumbled to himself before hopping his way to hide behind the left front fender of the truck, peering out every now and then at the sparking bundle of wires.

Finally, after a few minutes, there was a loud 'pop' followed by a 'click' before the eerie silence of the forest reclaimed its territory; not to mention an even longer time till Jason first peaked his head over the hood of the hood to survey the damage and see if his goal had been accomplished. Slowly the canine made his way from around truck towards that now smoking hole in the brick column, evidence of massive burning shown by the rather extensive scorch marks along the stone. Though as he stared a bit longer, he noticed that no longer did the wires spark, or make any noise or movement for that matter. "Must have blown its fuse..." he murmured, being sure not to touch the ax incase any stored electricity was still held there as he shifted over to inspect the gate, finding a small sliver of light peeking through where the two sides met.

"So it did work..." he stuttered as he tried to slip his fingers into the crack only to find out that it was simply to slim for him to get a grip on. There was certainly no turning back now, the dog figured as he strolled around in the night time air till he almost tripped over his discarded shovel he had simply dropped; about to chuck it into the black abyss of the forest, an idea suddenly popped into his head as he greedily snatched the tool up and hurried back to the gate. "Shovel....pry-bar...same thing right?" he asked himself before shoving the tip of the metal head into the slot, then using some brute force to wedge it in there rather tight before he began to rock it back and forth in the groove.

Slowly but surly he began to part the two halves of the gate from each other, working first on the right side as he rushed the gate again and again with his shoulder till he forced it out of the road's way. Then shoving the head of the shovel into the ground to act as a doorstop, he stepped back, watching the gate shift a little before creaking to a halt. "Now...what to use for the other?" Jason pondered to himself as he canine gased around with his umber eyes till he once again spotted the ax stuck into the metal wires. Shrugging, he heft up a bunch of stone and through them at the tool till it fell loose; picking it up once again, the dog repeated the process on the left side of the gate, jabbing the ax into the ground, till he had the road clear for travel.

Nodding at his handiwork, the boy lumbered his way back to his truck, sliding into the driver's seat as he shoved the keys back into the ignition, revving the engine, and continuing down the dusty forest trail. Time having continued to flow forward, the trees and everyone else was covered over in a blanket of darkness, making it hard to see more then a few feet out of the windshield, though after some close calls with trees, ditches, and the occasional pothole, Jason managed to make it to the beige sand driveway of the Cordero's hunting cabin, grinding the truck to a halt before slowly stepping out.

"God damn this place is big....how the fuck am I ever going to find Maxi in there?" he asked himself as he scanned the building in the pale rays of moonlight that happened to filter through the tree tops. He first spotted the black limo parked in the driveway, walking closer to it he saw that it was locked, though placing his paw on the engine, he could feel a bare bit of heat meaning that it had been driven in past couple of hours. "This is the place alright..." he sighed as he glanced over the massive one story building extending out before him.

At the moment, all the canine could see was a large screened in wrap around porch, the windows dark and lifeless, and no other movement coming from the building. As he moved closer, he saw a fenced in area off to his right on the side of the house, but paid it no heed; "if I am going to do this...I want them to know it was me..." he said angrily, not having forgotten his wounds from the day prior. He was about to venture closer to the cabin, before realizing something and hurrying back to his truck, the dog yanked open the passenger side door in order to pull his backpack out. Resting it at his feet, Jason unzippered the top and pulled out his small handgun, and once he made sure that the safety was off, he shoved the weapon into the waistband of his pants before slugging the backpack over his shoulders and running off to the wooden structure.

Finding the screen door unlocked, the dog quickly stepped inside and surveyed his surroundings, making sure not to trip on the warped wooden floor below his boots. The dog had to squint slightly, not having the best night vision as he could make out the outline of the door frame, and two other squares on the front which he took be large windows. The colors of the room was lost to him thanks to the darkness; shuffling around he managed up banging his shins several times into the furniture placed around the bleak area. "Chances are I'll end up tripping and breaking my neck before even getting inside..." Jason muttered as he slowly made his way to the door, only to find it locked.

"God..." he grunted, "this place is suffocating...How can anyone possibly live here, and you'd think with all their money they could afford to clean it up now and then." But slowly he began to get his bearings, watching out of the black bug netting to see the two cars and the darkened forest around him before pondering his new plan. "They'll expect anyone to come through the door...might be waiting in ambush," the canine figured, "well...guess I'll just have to take a different route." And with that, the canine slowly made his way over to the window on the right side of the door, running his fingers over the dusty glass before feeling around for something large and bulky.

He found the object he was searching for in the shape of a dusty, wooden end table that sat on the porch between two large sun chairs. "This should work just fine..." he muttered, reaching into his waistband to make sure his gun was still there before taking the table by its legs, hefting it up to shoulder height, and lining himself up with the window panes. "Once I do this..." Jason said aloud, "there...will be no turning back..." so with a small shrug, a deep breath, and a calming moment of Zen, the dog hurled the end table into the window; watching much like a child would as he saw the table shatter the glass in to a sea of glass before thumping into the darkness of the room beyond. Not wasting a beat, the canine whipped the gun from his waistband, holding it at mar's length with his eye between the sights, as he slowly approached the shattered window, waiting for someone to poke their head out.

But that furr never came, and after a few heat stopping seconds of nothing, Jason appeared miffed, having expecting a much more confronting entrance. "Wow....the Corderos' must be really heavy sleepers..." the brown pelted male mumbled. Ever so slowly he approached the shattered window, still on edge incase of an ambush....but it too never came as he slowly made his way into the cabin's interior; his hiking boots crunching the glass shades beneath his soles. The room the canine entered was dark, it black outlines of furniture set against the many windows that plastered the fall walls of the area, yet showing no occupants. "The limo was still warm...they couldn't have left already..." Jason muttered as he turned round and round in circles, trying to come up with an answer as the cracking glass under him continued to echo into the vacant building.

Yet still, nothing stood out in the dark room as the dog just sighed, making sure to still keep his gun pointed in front of him as his other paw began to feel along the walls till he located a light switch. Well, to be more exact it was a dimmer knob, so with a small flick of the wrist, he had the lights on at a setting that reminded him of dusk time, the dun already having vanished form the horizon but night yet had not fallen over the landscape. "Perfect..." Jason smirked before peering around the enclosure, "now to do a little reconnaissance work."

Even with the small bit of lighting present in the room, it was still rather difficult to make out any significant details about this cabin. The walls appeared to be a deep red color, seeming to mesh well with the obvious hard wood flooring that he was standing upon. Staring into the back of the space, he noted a huge blacked cube that seemed to tower over any of the other formless shapes he had bumped into during his small walk; "man, what a TV they got..." the canine mumbled to himself as he slowly made his way around a large armchair and into the center arrangement of the furniture. As the dog's brown eyes adjusted, he could see the form of two couches, a dining room table that he guessed was made out of wood, and a numerous wicker chairs and small end tables thrown into the mix; not to mention several black cubes on the wall that he took to be doors and a large black space at the far end where he came in that he figured was a passage beeper into the cabin.

Just then Jason heard shallow breathing coming from one corner of the room, and just to be sure it wasn't his own, he held his breath and listened; sure enough he heard soft breaths, almost purr like coming from the direction of the couch that he had seen in the dim light. So with gun drawn and poised in front of him, the dog made his way over till he could make out the slumped form of a figure resting against the side of the couch; the furr was resting on his back with his paws behind his back and his tail lazily resting on his side. But as the boy approached, a familiar scent entered his nose, swirling in his brain as new sensations of pain and pricks arose from his body, signaling only one thing about the identity of this male before him, "Nathaniel Cordero," he muttered under his breath.

For there he was, the male that had caused him so much pain in his basement that early morning, currently sleeping like a small child hidden behind the couch. Well, this dog was certainly not going to pass up the opportunity to perhaps get some revenge on the pride leader who lay before him. Looking around once more to make sure that no one else was watching him, and found no scanning eyes, Jason took a moment to contemplate just how to get his sweet reward. "Well....better at least get him off the floor..." he said softly, hilting his weapon in his jeans as he reached down and grabbed the feline's paws, surprised to find that they weren't simply resting like that, but actually bound behind his back with a garbage tie.

"Someone has been here before..." Jason growled softly under his breath, quickly pulling out the gun and taking another look around the area now that he had proof someone else had indeed come through here besides the Cordero family. And thinking of the family, he wondered where Dean and Dan were hiding, but not seeing them in the room, and having got no response from throwing the table through the window, he simply assumed they were left trussed up somewhere like their father. "Oh well...better get back to work," the canine stated, putting his weapon away as he hefted the larger male onto the couch, still face down and sleeping.

"God damn he is a deep sleeper..." Jason said with mild amusement once he managed to flip the lion over onto his back, placing him so that his head was resting against the left armrest. Slowly his eyes had adjusted to the minimal lighting as the canine glanced over his current prisoner, the feline having obviously changed since the last time that he had laid eyes on him. For Nathaniel was no longer in his windbreak and slacks, but rather a pair of formfitting white jeans, and a blue collard polo shirt with the first two buttons undone and showing off his golden chest fur; both sets of paws were bare, his tail drooping loosely over the edge of the couch, and his mane once neatly brushed, though now messy and distressed from the uneven movement of it's owner.

But as the dog continued to look over the sleeping lion, slowly his whiskers began to twitch, his body twist and turn, and his eyes begin to shakily open and take in the sights of the new day. "Ahhh....so the alpha male finally begins to awake," Jason commented with a bit of excitement, not wanting to wait much longer before he got to see the look on his face when he saw that indeed the canine was still alive, and now had him at his mercy. "Oh kitten..." the brown male cooed softly, gently tapping the sleeping cat's face with the back of his paw, "time to wakey wakey..."

"Huh?...wha...I uh..." the big cat mumbled as he slowly started to come out of the sleeping gas induced haze. His eyes fluttered open, and instantly Jason could see where his son got those big and beautiful golden eyes from, but as he stood there watching the huge yellow lens went even wider as the slow realization of just who was standing above him dawned on Nathaniel. "What the....how did....where am..." the lion sputtered as he narrowed his eyes, "YOU!" he ended up shouting.

"You know," the canine berated loudly, "you...does have a name, and for a matter a-fact it's Jason....you pompous old windbag." And with that he crossed his arms over his chest, grunting a bit as he just gave a cocky smile and coy laugh at the big cat's predicament.

"When I get my paws around that scrawny little neck of yours..." Nathaniel threatened as he tried to move his paws and legs, only to find them bound together by some means. "What the hell did you do to me you little freak?" the male demanded, a fierce growl escaping his curled up lips as he stared directly into those umber colored lenses.

A soft chuckle was the only response given to the question as Jason reached over and gently tapped the lion on nose, making sure to pull back before he could snap his teeth over the curly brown finger. "Actually....my big furry friend, it seems that someone beat me to the punch and hog-tied you up before I even got here. However, I certainly wish to thank them for giving me such an opportunity to get some reven-"

"I am not your friend!" the lion said, interrupting the canine as he continued to fidget with his bonds. Though once noticing that it was futile to test them, he slowly settled down, eyes continually watching the dog, "so how in the nine hells did you find this place anyways?" Nathaniel asked angrily.

"Well...as you know," Jason stated, reaching into the collar of his shirt and pulling out the paw pendant which signifies his membership in the P.O.O.D.L.E. organization; "we have our paws in many different areas....it wasn't too hard to check property records and find this piece of land registered under your company's name."

"Crafty little mutts..." the lion grumbled under his breath as he too began looking around the room. Though from his perspective, with his head upon the armrest and the rest of his body restrained, at most he could see was the legs of every chair in front of him, Jason, and underneath the dinning room table where unbeknownst to him, his sons lay peacefully sleeping off the effects of the gas.

Jason slowly leaned back, stretching himself as he heard a small crack before standing up again and smiling at his captive. "No use looking around for help, I have already checked...and even if someone did show up" as he pulled his revolver from the waistband of his jeans, cocking the pin as he moves, "I doubt they'd be willing to go up against this."

The feline glared down the barrel of the gun as it was pointed in his direction, though made sure not to give off any indication that he was even slightly worried. "So...what made you trek all the way out here and break into my cabin anyways?" the cat asked rather coldly.

"Well..." the dog started as he slipped the weapon away again, tapping his fingers on his chin, "you see Natty...can I call you Natty?" he asked mockingly, grinning the entire time he spoke.

"No...you can't call me that," the older male said, letting another soft growl escape as he showed his brilliant white fangs to his captor. "Only Seria has the right to ever call me that, and let me tell you....you are certainly no female," spitting slightly, though it ended up only dribbling down his chin.

The canine nodded slowly, "while that may be true Natty," he said just for spite, "that doesn't mean that I can't still be a major bitch!" his tail wagging rather happily behind him as he watched the lion's face slowly contort and the fact that he was physically restrained and under the canine's control for the moment. "And I plan to take full advantage of you...err...I mean the situation," he corrected himself with a slight snicker.

"Why you little..." the lion said darkly before letting his words hang, deciding to take a more diplomatic path at the moment, preferring to keep the worthless mutt before him with just talking his head off. "So... tell me again why you traveled all the way back here, when it is obvious you could have just fled with no one the wiser about your location," his voice now calm and cool with a hint of anger thrown in for spice.

"Simple Natirino," Jason said, purposefully messing with the elder pride member's name just to toy with him, "I came back to get your son...you know, Maximillion...I do love that little furball of a kitten, he is so cu-" though he was cut off abruptly by a large laugh from the tied up lion. The canine just glared down at the male, "and just what is so damn funny?" he demanded.

Nathaniel quieted down for a moment, squinting as he looked over the boy standing above him before giving a coy smile, "simple really....you don't love him. It's as plain as the fur on your face...you don't love my son." Then he burst into snickers as he rocked back and forth on the couch, while still trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey.

"Wha..." the canine sputtered as he slipped his paw pendent back under his shirt, "why sir...I have no idea what you mean," Jason said with conviction and feeling, "for I love your son more then I love myself, more then I love air, more then I-"

"Oh cut the crap already!" the lion interrupted in a deep growl, making sure that their voices didn't carry any further then this room. "When I saw your pendant back in that hotel room...it all clicked," he informed the boy; "we both know that P.O.O.D.L.E. doesn't send its operatives through all this fucking trouble just because they tell their higher-up they're in love. So drop the act boy, I want to hear your true intentions."

The room went silent, still as the night outside as Jason weighed his options and considered just how much the lion knew about his situation, or at least about the inner workings of his organization. He glared down in the feline's face, a staring contest ensued as both males tried to derive just how much the other new, and if they were simply bluffing or had facts to back it up. Finally the dog looked away, fingers itching on his gun before spitting at the wood floor below, "so you know the 'what' do you, and now you are curious as to the 'why'?" he asked softly.

Nathaniel nodded sternly, "you are damn right I want to know why you mongrels have suddenly taken an increased interest in my operations and life." as he rolled his neck around, sighing angrily, "all the major feline families know about you, and that you are in some way, shape or form, behind all of the up-rises and minor problems that happen to our businesses." The lion stared into the dog's face, and not seeing a smile or coy look, told him right away that he was dead-on with his info; "but what is it about me that has caught your filthy noses?...The fact that you are trying to take down the richest feline family in history? Our expansion in to once canine owned land? Or the fact that with the incorporation of only a few more groups of cats, we as a species will become unstoppable; with our paws reaching far and vast into every industry and government policy in the country?....Or is this a personal thing, so you can get a little fucking plague for your wall saying that you took down the leader of the of the new world order?"

"It's none of those...and all of those," Jason replied cryptically. He had to agree that the lion was not at all uninformed about the working of the world, both business and politics; but that he had set his sights for something large, something all encompassing that would hit all targets and be easy to see and stop from a distance. Licking his lips, he looked back down at his captive, almost wishing he could see the gears turning as the feline tried to derive what he could from his state. "I'll give you a hint," the canine replied teasingly, "my mission is called, Operation Annulment."

It only took a few seconds for the red flag to go up in the lion's mind as the finally hint suddenly made everything click like a Swiss timepiece. "The wedding..." Nathaniel grunted mid gasp, "you want to stop and utterly ruin Maximillion's wedding to Diana VanHorn....which means that you know-" before a dismissive wave of the canine's paws stopped his speech.

"Oh course we know all about your customs Natina," Jason replied, once again messing up the elder's name just to taunt him, "I told you that we had our paws in a wide verity of topics, feline ceremonial rites of passage is certainly one of them." He could see the stunned silence of the lion, inwardly grinning to himself as he stood there with a smug grin on his face.

The awkward silence returning to the room as the dog sighed softly, rubbing his temples with his fingers as he tried to hold back a chuckle, "by you lack of witty retort, I take it I will have to explain it out for you...fine." And with that he walked over and pulled one of the dining room table chairs from where it sat over to the edge of the couch, just out of the lion's reach and sat down crossing his legs. "Let's start at the beginning, the place where this entire line of power can be traced to....your loins," as he tried hard not to giggle at his phrasing.

"Hey, hey..." Nathaniel grumbled, "don't be making those fag moves on me you horny homo hound. I don't know what you have done to convince my son that you two were meant to be, but I assure you that your little moves won't work on me you damn que-" before the loud smack of the canine's paw against his muzzle stopped his words dead in their tracks. The lion gave a muffled roared and tried to bite the fingers, only to once again close his fangs around nothing but stale air, his eyes blazing like golden fireballs, his lips curling, and his breathing getting ragged.

"Oh shut up will you!" Jason said as he had reached over and slapped the older male, instantly leaning back as he watched the feline struggle with his bonds as he tried to get at his captor. The dog instead took that time to admit that the male did have quite the form on him, for even under his jeans and polo shirt, he could still make out a body well stocked with muscle; and after having been picked up and carried that morning so long ago, he could certainly vouch that this guy certainly knew just how to throw his weight around him. "I was talking about children...more specifically their role in the continuing strength of the pride."

Nathaniel slowly managed to take control of his anger, calming himself as best he could so that he could still play the game of wits with the dog that sat so proudly in his chair. "What about them?..." he asked coyly, determined to give anything away that the organization may not know about his family traditions.

Jason sighed, seeing that he would have to explain anything since the lion was now about to admit anything to him, a rather smart move he had to admit if he wasn't so infuriated with his particular male. "Well let's see what I can remember off the top of my head..." as he rubbed his chin slowly, "now, I know that the transfer of power from one pride leader to the next is a family affair, as in only the sons of the current leader can be even considered for the position...that is unless a group manage to overthrow the current ruler, highly unlikely as I remember." The canine then took a deep breath as he continued to recall his information, "not to mention that it can only be given to a son....however, I think there was also another stipulation to that as well I believe."

The lion said nothing as he glared at the canine and heard him continue on with his lecture; "yes...yes now I got it, they have to be of a pure lineage, and by that I mean that by being forced to stay a virgin till marriage, and then once having their mate picked, staying together for life....there must be a strait line down the family tree so to speak. I also believe that the wedding is arranged so that the female will be in heat, thus making it very likely that a child will be conceived on the wedding night, the moment that the male losses himself to her and gives her his not only his loyalty that only she will bear his children, but his first true load of seed as well....the purest batch from what your lore tells you....and from that a child must be born. And you see, who ever he gives that batch to, they are mated for life and divorce is not an option except for the most extreme and un likely circumstances."

Once the dog stopped to take a breather, he leaned back on his chair as he continued to recount his moments in his training course on this subject so far back at the operative academy. "Now..." he continued, "should a male be born...or in your case twins, then all is good and dandy for the moment till that power must be transferred over again; however, should a female be born from that union, then not only is bad luck for that couple to have their first born be a girl, but things start getting expensive," he chuckled. "For you see, power does not go through the feline women; their family receiving nothing in the marriage; in fact they have to pay any willing bachelor's family a substantial dowry just to marry her off....even more for such fine specimens as your offspring. Thus the only true reason to want a lioness would be in hopes of marrying her to a male of a higher class, thus pulling the rest of the family up to a new social rung."

"However," Jason persevered in his lecture, "in your case, being as the head and top lion in all the known land, a female would not only cost you a lot of money to marry off, but would also mean that you'd have to lower yourself to another class. And seeing as how your first two sons have already been married off and produced exactly what you feared most, your last hope to keep your lineage true is indeed the one and same, Maximillion Benedict Cordero." The dog took a look moment to breathe, making sure he didn't forget anything in his retelling of his history lesson, "by the way Natioa...how are your granddaughters and daughter-in-laws doing?..." he teased with a cruel smirk on his face.

Nathaniel was quiet for a long time, letting it all sink in as he heard the question asked. "You bastard..." he said in a low growl, his arms and legs fighting with the plastic ties that kept him from beating the living daylights out of the cocky little canine who sat in front of him, a grin as big as his face could possibly support, just laughing at him....at him. Well he certainly wasn't going to take this laying down...and vowed a silent and mental revenge again this one particular mutt.

"Still keep them locked up in that private school do you?" the curly male asked, "trying to hide away your own family like they carried the plague....shameful. Well I'll be sure to make you pay...for I plan on stopping your operation dead in its tracks and making you pay for everything you have done." Jason then began o twiddle with his fingers, knowing that the lion was has dieing to know how.

"And just how do you plan to do that?...The wedding will happen weither you like it or not..." the feline stated, fully confident that there was no loop hole that the male or his blasted organization could ever mind that would dismantle his organization.

"Simple..." the captor stated, "no where in our research has a particular rule ever managed to surface, and trust me we have been thorough....then it dawned on us that quite possibly there wasn't a law ever drawn up to address that issue." Jason took a moment to savor this moment, holding Nathaniel Cordero hanging over just how he would make his entire tower of cards come crashing down, "for you see...not once was it ever restricted that a male could only loose his virginity to a female."

Instantly the big cat's eyes widened like dinner plates, or the pale white moon outside as he began to run his mind raged trying to think up a counter argument...but for the life of him nothing came to a head. "No....you can't....you wouldn't...that...that is not possible," the tiger said, his breath heavy and damp as he felt the first pangs of panic run through his body.

"That's right Natalisky," the canine said proudly, after having showed just how P.O.O.D.L.E. had outwitted him at his own game; "I was given the mission to seduce, and ultimately take your son, one Maximillion Cordero's virginity...then he will be belong to me by your own feline rules. And you sir will be forced to revel your granddaughters, and should you want to continue operation, marry them off with a very large dowry...thus lowering your status and creating an internal power struggle among the lions, and ultimately the entire feline species as a whole." Jason now laughing at this point as he made a swooshing motion with his paw, "and then us dogs just sweep right in, take advantage of everything, and become the new ruling class..." he continued laughing for a few minutes before slowly settling down while a few last happy murmurs escaped his sealed lips.

"And then what?" the lion asked once he had calmed down, determined that once he got out of here, to go strait to his lawyer's office and demand either a solution, or his resignation. "Are you just going to shatter his dreams?...Just drop him off in some slummy whore house for the rest of his days while you sit in a big comfy office? Because I told you before, I can see it in your eyes and your voice...you don't love him."

"Hey! I'm an operative alright!" he shouted, standing up as he used a foot and kicked the chair he was sitting on, sending it flying back into the dinning room table as he unknowingly startled the sleeping twins tied up beneath it. "I am AHB....Agent Heartbreaker for your layman's terms, and as my name implies, I break hearts. I've been training in emotional manipulation for over five years now and I'm one of....no...the best one that they have. I do not....I repeat, I do not get attached to my targets!" scowling at the elder while he talked.

"You horrid little monster!" the older male growled in response, "You are just like the rest of the filthy, worthless, distrustful mutts that infest this world...you'd crush a boy's misplaced heart for your own selfish desires...at least for me he will be continuing the rites that was bestowed upon him from birth and continuing his heritage, but you....you freakish little gibbering worm, will have him for your own purpose only to throw him aside into the trash....you disgust me!" The entire time he spoke, his voice was cold and harsh, filling with anger and hate at the pompous dog who stood over him once again.

Jason went silent, it wasn't like this was the first time in his life he had heard such insults directed at him, and it wasn't like it was a big surprise coming from the lion; yet something in him burned and filled him with pain, was it because he really did have feelings for Maxi....or was it because if Nathaniel knew all the circumstances about having to choose between family or love...that he would make the same decision as well. The thought of him even being remotely like the lion made him almost gag, but he managed to suppress the feelings as he sighed softly, "Well...none the less, now you know...and now I think I'm going to have a little payback for that other morning."

Nathaniel just huffed while he laid there, "you don't have the balls to torture me ya pup...I should know, I saw those little marbles." A gruff laughter following as he rocked back on forth on the couch, making sure not to roll to much or risk falling off of the pillows. He could see the dog's face get red and flush in anger, knowing that at least he could still take some pot shots ad the mongrel.

"Hey....what do you think they have been doing Dean?" Dan asked groggily as he awoke to find both him and his brother on their backs with paws and ankles restrained by some means. They had been watching in silence since a few moments after Jason kicked the chair back at the table, having gotten over the shock to see the dog still alive a few minutes prior and still doing their best to lift their heads out and stare up at the quarrel taking place.

"How the fuck should I know numb-nuts?....Am I some sort of mind reader?" Dean retorted, glancing over at his twin and seeing his messed up mane, his dirty smudged fur, and his blood shot eyes, figuring that he was in a relatively same state. "Now be quiet so that I can hear," he grunted under his breath, watching as the dog slowly approached their father and gave him a solid punch in the stomach, though nothing that feline couldn't take.

"Ouch!" the other boy grunted, watching as his father got smacked, "Ooooh....he is definitely going to feel that in the morning." Then they simply laid back, not able to do much else at the moment, and contended themselves to staring in anonymity.

The dog sighed, slowly bringing his arm back to his side as he blew a bit on his knuckles out of habit, "well, this time it isn't about the size of my balls....but yours," leaving his cryptic remark at that as he watched the leonine elder groan and twitch in his bonds, trying to comfort his injured stomach. Then his fingers returned to the male's body, this time as a soft gliding force over his lower chest and crotch area, a rather cruel smirk on his muzzle.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?" the lion demanded, hearing and feeling the snap and fly of his jeans being open by the brown paws. All he got in return was a rather uncomforting giggle, lifting his head as much as possible as he tried to watch at just what exactly Jason had planned for his body. It was then that he felt the dog's knee nudging his hips off the couch, and in a quick as lighting move, has his pants lowered to about mid thigh, leaving his groin still clad in his rather muted black boxers.

Jason just laughed, noticing that the older male at least had some style about him as he saw the feline's chest rise and fall with each breath; those black boxers melding nicely with the permanent glow of the soft golden fur that covered his chest and lower torso. "I just want to check the crown jewels of the Cordero household is all..." he smirked, repeating the move with his leg till he managed to slide down the boxers as well and had a clear view of the male's sheath and sac.

"Get those filthy paws of yours off me!" Nathaniel shouted, trying to shift his hips away from the soft pads of the other male, hissing each time they would touch his body. He threw his eyes all around the room till finally noticing two sets of ears and eyes peering at him from under the dinning room table, and recognizing them in an instant. "Dean...Dan....get the fuck out here and help me you whelps!" he screamed, fidgeting still under Jason's persistent rubbing of his crotch.

Eagerly the canine slipped his paw under the soft sheath, raising it a bit as he inwardly marveled at the feline's unaroused girth; "I wonder if Maxi inherited this from you as well Natirena.....seems you are quite the male playboy," he joked. Though as he heard those names he instantly let go, whirling around to face the possible assaulters, placing his paw on the hilt of his revolver, ready to withdraw and fire if need be.

However, no cavalry ever arrived for the pride leader as weak cries of, "we can't move," "we've been tied up," and "help us daddy," echoed from under the dinning room table. Slowly drawing the dog's attention as he left the tied-up statesman and walked over, peering under the table to see two shirtless and bound lions laying face down against the hardwood floor, shock on their faces as they feared whatever this vengeful male had in store for them.

"Looks like we had a couple of peeping-toms," Jason said, turning back to grin at the lion before refocusing his attention on the twins; "like seeing your father embarrassed and mortified at the paws of a canine huh?" he asked with a sinister smirk on his muzzle, making the young cats treble with fear of the unknown. He then reached over to ruffle their manes. Watching each cringe while his mind was already thinking up ways to get a little payback on them as well as their father.

Then turning around, the dog made his way back to the older feline, his rear swaying behind him in joy, the severe wagging of his tail told the story of a dog whose dream had just come true. "Now, now...I know that pain won't teach you anything..." Jason said softly to Nathaniel, his fingers traveling down his crotch again, "so I'm taking a different route, and seeing if I can't tame you with pleasure."

"I thought I told you to keep your fag fingers to yourself!" the feline hollered as he tried to avoid the canine's grasp, though soon enough the rough pads gently gripped the base of the still soft sheath. The warm feelings, sent a shiver through the elder's body, though he made a mental promise to show no signs of arousal, no sounds or actions, and above all else, refuse to give Jason the satisfaction that he is looking for.

"You know...." Jason started as he ran his fingers under his chin a moment, "I don't think it's so much about my gender....but rather about my species." As he snapped his fingers, "yeah...that's why you don't want me around you.....well then I'm certainly going to enjoy this..." as he began to sued his fingers as best he could over the lion's sheath and sac, knowing that he would be getting no help in trying to get him excited.

Nathaniel just remained in a stern silence, making sure to give no indication as to what his thoughts were at the moment, not to mention now that he knew his sons were forced tow watch this, he had to save face in front of them. So the dig lion had forced himself to subscribe to a code of absolute neutrality, knowing that anything he said would be turned against him and ultimately give the dog exactly what he wanted.

And so it went, none of the four males in the room saying anything more then a few snickers from Jason and the occasional grunt from one of the lions as the canine cook pride in knowing that he was making the leonine elder suffer at his paws...weither he spoke against it or condemned him to silence. Now as the minutes passed, all that was ever done to the tied up male was done through his furry brown paws, either rubbing, gripping, or squeezing the golden sheath or sac hidden below till at long last pink head finally made itself apparent from it's furry covering.

"Seems your body is less picky about where it gets its pleasures from," the canine joked as he saw the disgust grow on the lion's face, the absolute mortification that his body would expose himself like that. It was then that the dog began to slowly move his fingers ever so softly over the exposed glands, grinning as he saw the slight tremors slither their way across the elders body.

"Dad is going to kill that mutt..." Dean said softly as he watched in awe along with his brother as their sire was masturbated against his will. The other twin only grunted in agreement, neither boy able to take their eyes away from their father's face which was currently looking up at the ceiling blankly before turning to face them; an evident snarl on his lips as each male could see the flames of hate brewing in his eyes, though still remaining silent least he give the dog exactly what he was waiting for.

As time continued marching forwards, and as Jason's paws continued their sensual dance over the lion's body, slowly but surly he managed to get the feline's member to full mast; and a large mast it was, measuring over eleven inches and almost as thick as his wrist the canine estimated, this cat certainly had the equipment to be a leader. "My my..." the captor taunted, running the tips of his cut claws over the small bumps around the sensitive glands, "seems someone must be quite the love-machine in the sack." His voice getting ever shrewder as he enjoyed the torment he was putting his prisoner through.

"Well?..." Nathaniel said finally, feeling the urge to say something rising, though needing the comfort of remaining the dominate one, even though the situation was clearly not favoring him; "You going to go down for a taste of kitty cream?" he asked bluntly, eliciting a few chuckles from his sons under the table as he glared at the canine intently, showing no fear towards his actions.

"No," Jason replied calmly with a shrug as he pulled his paws back to his sides and simply stood there with fingers on his own hips this time, "I figured it would be better to leave you still......wanting...more." The dog purposefully stressing the second to last word as he returned the glare with one of his own, his revenge sinking in as the lion suddenly found it rather uncomfortable to move and a ranging hard-on with no one to care for it; no one that is...except for Jason, and just as he boy had figured, the feline would not stoop so low as to ask any worthless mangy hound for help with anything.

The twins however, were rather confused by this whole thing, having only recently come into the situation as they watched their father growl with a mixture of rage and arousal, opening his mouth to scream, only to be stopped by a large pillow that became wedged between his muzzle. "He....he won't bother us, will he?" Dean asked softly, turning his head to face his brother, only to see Dan still staring at his father basically gagged by a throw-pillow.

"I should hope not..." the other male said softly, their bodies worming around on the floor as they tried to squirm their way to freedom; only to be stopped by a brown paw that gripped each of their manes, holding them tightly in their place despite their whimpers and whines for mercy.

They face the brown pelted boy just in time to see him slide two large throw pillows, one for each twin, under their chins so that it became too painful to move or even speak, however giving them perfect views into the room. "Now....you don't think I'd forget about you two?" the dog asked coyly at the feline, receiving only mews in return as they looked at each other out of the sides of their eyes and resolved to simply go along with things. "However..." Jason continued, "I think I have made my point clear, your father can fill you in on the rest."

"You can't leave him like that!" Dean cried, staring to talk before letting his face fall back into the plush cushion, his eyes darting over to Nathaniel who had just recently given up on trying to expel the foul tasting fabric from his maw.

"I...I suppose not...wouldn't want your brother to get any inklings as to what was discussed..." he replied softly, standing up and walking over to the big cat, reaching behind the couch to throw a rather small and light blanket over his crotch. "There...all done," as he saw that the still hard member which pointed strait towards the ceiling was making a rather obvious bulge in the thin cloth.

Nathaniel just grunted harshly through the material as he fidgeted a bit more before giving up the fight once again. "No thanks is needed...now just remember what we talked about, okay?" he cooed, gently patting the lion on the forehead before walking back to slowly turn down the dimmer, taking a moment to let his eyes readjust to the absence of light. Taking a deep breath, he strolled towards the hallway in front of him that looked to turn to the left and vanish into darkness; drawing his weapon and cocking it back, he slowly moved into the unknown, determined to find out who else was here, and where his target was.

With gun drawn and arm steady, Jason made his way around the corner to stare down the blackened corridor, the only light seeping in came from the circular window at the bar rear of the hall and from the one open doorway at the end. Cautiously he approached, the sound of muffled voices and breathing reaching his ears as he moved softly, tying to retain as much of the element of surprise that he could. Suddenly a head popped from the lighted doorway to stare in his directions, those bright neon eyes sending chills down his spine as the pair was soon joined by a golden set of orbs peering at him from the same place.

After a moment, the furr who had those brilliant golden eyes slowly wiggled his ears before seeming to perk up, slowly taking a step into the hallway as he stared down the barrel of the gun with no fear etched in the creases of his face. "Ja.....Jason...." he whispered, and the dog could instantly tell that the male was on the verge of his tears. Slowly the male moved forward again, the light finally bouncing off his body to show him completely void of clothing, his tail wrapped around his waist to cover his sheath, his golden pelt covered in dirt and grime as he wiped his eyes before glancing back up at the dog in his way. It....it's me....Maxi..." he said, chocking back sobs as he sniffled, seeing the male he thought dead, standing there in the flesh and very much alive.

"Oh...Maxi..." the canine responded, sniffling some as he slowly moved forward, wanting to intercept the lion that he had been chasing for the past day. But suddenly the other set of eyes, those bright green ones that spoke only of mischief, began to move behind the lion as the furr placed his paws over Maxi's shoulders and restrained him from moving, "Hey....you stay away from him!" Jason shouted in mock anger, aim the gun right between those green orbs as he waited for his actions to sink in.

"Maxi!....Just who the hell is that?" the other male asked, slowly stepping into the dim light, keeping his eyes firmly on the gun in the dog's paw as he revealed his form to the other. Jason saw the sinewy black curves of the leather driving outfit that the feline wore, the shiny metal clasps and buckles that ran the length of his form, and the bright red bandana tied over his forehead that hid his ears from view and kept the black hair from falling in his face. "He just broke in here remember...we can't trust him!" the boy shouted as he began to drag the lion back into the lit room where they had left moments prior.

The lion however resisted the small jerks, patting the paw softly, "calm down Locke...this...this..." his mind falling short as he just could spurt out his feelings like that, "this....is just a long lost friend," he finally said. He then turned back down the hall, making sure that indeed the male was there and not some sort of hallucination created by his fear and depression; "Oh...Jason I...I...was so worried," he sputtered as he tried to take another step forward, only to be held back against by the panther.

"I thought I told you to let him go!?!" Jason shouted at the unknown figure, raising his gun as he tried to at best, guesstimate just where the center of his forehead would be should he need to discharge his weapon. The dog could see the eyes glance over his form still hidden in the shadows, testing his will to fire and kill if need be; and at once determined that whoever this boy was, he was certainly no amateur at whatever he was doing, and came here as well seeking the head lion's youngest son.

Locke just growled, bearing his shiny white fangs some as he slowly let his grip loosen on the lion's shoulders, opting to stare down the intruder instead. Soon however, it became increasingly obvious that there was no way to safely escape with Maxi still on his side and uninjured, especially not with a gun toting dog who was indeed willing to shoot-to-kill if the need arises. So the boy dropped his pride, figuring that the feline would need him again at some point and would call on the disguised phone. "Cover your eyes Maxi!" the panther shouted as he closed his eyes and flipped the light switch on next to his free paw; the bright lights temporarily making Jason see spots as his arm wavered before pulling the trigger, shooting off a round down the hall, hopefully into the body of the black feline.

"What the heck do you think you are doing?!?" Maxi shouted as he instinctively hit the deck, looking up to see the bullet strike into the doorframe only inches above Locke's temple; who at the same time as he flipped the lights, turn and ran in the opposite direction towards the dead-end of the hall. And once Jason had recovered from his temporary blindness, sprinted past the prone lion on the ground who gasped in horror, "Jason...don't!" though was too late as he turned to watch the scene unfold.

Seconds later, the sound of breaking glass echoed through the cabin once again as Locke, with his paws covering his head a face, launched himself through the circular window and into the back yard. The male rolled on the grass for a few moments before stumbling to his feet, glancing up at the house once more before turning tail and launching himself into the woods at full force, trying his best to hide himself among the dense foliage and the dark night of the woods.

"Fucking crap!" Jason sighed quickly as he gave chance and too jumped through the already shattered window, quickly getting to his feet and drawing the gun; but by the time he managed to get up to his feet and ready his weapon, the panther had already hidden himself deep in the darkness outside. "God damn it!" the canine cured as he glared around for any sign of the male, only to see nothing; so out of pure anger he began to fire his weapon, getting off only two shoots that whizzed into the forest, never to be heard of again, before the gun clicked, signaling that he was out of ammo.

Maxi on the other hand had quickly rushed to the shattered window once he saw the curly pelted male jump through, panting hard as he saw Jason scan the woods before hesitantly dropping his weapon and walking back towards him. "What were you thinking?" the lion asked softly, "the panther just saved me..." as he sniffled again, seeing the dog return back to him as he slowly helped hoist the male back into the cabin, both landing on the wooded floor with a thud.

"I couldn't risk him hurting you kitten..." Jason said softly as he stretched his legs out and leaned against Maxi, resting his tired head on the lion's shoulder. "Besides, I chased him out....he's gone now and there is no way of finding him again," the dog commented, gently tacking in the feline's scent again as he gave a soft smile to the cat, having missed his presence around him for so long.

The feline just smiled and said nothing, making sure to hide the cleverly disguised phone that Locke had given him minutes before behind his back and out of the dog's sight. Using his free paw, he reached up to rub those soft brown cheeks, "you....you healed up pretty nicely," he stated, longing to once again stare into the burnt umber orbs, the ones that made him feel like he was truly wanted for just being him.

It was like Jason could sense those wants, for at the same time he slowly turned his head, staring back into the big golden eyes, and giving a gentle warm smile that melted the cat's heart. "It is all thanks to you..." he replied happily, the small thumping of his tail against wood could be heard echoing, "that tongue bath you gave me really did the trick."

"And I'll do it again any time you ask me for one Jason," Maxi said sweetly. Slowly their faces began to slide close, their muzzles almost touching at the cat closed his eyes, preparing for the kiss only to be disappointed as the dog quickly stood up, brushed himself off, and extended a paw down to the feline below him.

"First..." the brown male had said while getting up, reaching behind him to make sure that his backpack was still there, "we have to get out of here...then we can make-out as much or as little as you want...promise." Jason then gripped the lion's outstretched paw and pulled him to his feet as he giggled, noting the cat's nakedness with only a slight blush on his brown cheeks.

As they slowly made their way down the hallways, the lion just smirked and gave Jason's arm a quick, playful nudge, "how come I always seem to be naked around you?" he asked rhetorically. Only getting a soft murmur and a large paw ruffling his mane in return.

"Well, I have no idea...but you will certainly never hear me complaining about seeing you in your birthday suit," as he smiled, before both males began to laugh in each other's company. "So....you have a bathroom around this place kitten?...I really don't think you should be going out naked at this hour," he said, before being directed to a door on the right side of the hallway and being led inside, making sure Maxi was right behind him before closing the door a flipping the lights on.

Both boys were not standing in a rather small tiled bathroom, the burgundy wallpaper and bright crimson tiles adding a aura of whimsy and playfulness to the room. There was a rather large bath/shower combo taking up the entire back wall of the room, while a toilet, vanity, and mirror was placed on the right wall, and only a small rack with back towels on it lay against the left wall. "will....this do?" Maxi asked as he saw Jason rest his body against the left wall, walking over to him with a big grin.

"This...will be fine," the canine said as he wrapped his paws around the lion's waist, pulling his naked form against his body as he gently kissed the feline's forehead. "I've...missed you so much," he said, and before the cat could even have a chance to respond, his found his lips hushed silent by a deep kiss. The kitten purred with joy, draping his arms over the larger male's shoulder as he pressed himself fully into he embrace, opening his muzzle a crack as Jason's tongue slipped in, gently probing his mouth while they embraced. Slowly, small tears of relief traveled over Maxi's face as he closed his eyes, having thought he would never be able to do this again with the dog.

Slowly the lion finally pulled away, smiling as he felt the warm pads of the other, wiping the small tears from his face. "Oh god Jason..." he mumbled, feeling he would soon break down again as he hugged the canine tightly, pressing his face into the blue sweater as he let the cloth catch his sobs of joy. "I thought.....you were dead...that I'd never see you again...never again tell you how much I...I...love you," he choked out holding the male ever tighter and purring.

There were those three words again Jason thought, slowly draping his paws over the lion's shoulder as he held him close, resting his head atop the golden blond hair, taking in the male's scent. "I was afraid that I'd never see you again as well," he mumbled, specifically avoiding those words after his talk with Nathaniel moments prior. He would gently lick the cat's ears, hearing the male purr and grin against his chest.

Maxi didn't mind that he was still buck naked as the day he was born, those warm arms around him were all the covering he ever needed, though something did suddenly pop into his mind. "Wait....last I left you, you were naked as well...where did you get those clothes?" he asked, peering up into the male's face with a curious smile.

"Let's just say....that Bubba made a few donations to the cause," Jason chuckled. He kissed the male's head again before slowly turning him around so that they were laying chest to back, and staring into the mirrored glass of the vanity before them. "I think you look perfect as is," he said into the feline's ears, "but you will get cold...so I managed to take a set of clothes for you as well if you want them." But directed the boy to simply stare into the mirror, watching it like a living picture as a small smile crept across his face.

The lion eagerly obeyed, watching the mirror as he leaned back and sighed contently. He stared at the two figures before him; first himself, as he watched his own golden eyes canning his face, seeing all the dirt, grime, and dust that had gotten trapped in his fur, seeing the wet streaks his tears took only seconds ago, and seeing the wide smile on his muzzle as he felt the brown arms encircle his waist. Which of course brought him to the other subject in the mirror; he could still see a light trace of the black eyes the canine once had, the rope burns that have since started healing and are no longer bright red, and the numerous other small injuries that had plastered his complexion. But he also saw the kindness, the worry, and the love in those eyes; the knowing that this male, weither he was a feline or not, loved him and wanted to spend the rest of his life next to him. Slowly he tipped his head back, planting a kiss on the underside of his muzzle as he strained to watch his reflection pull the same move, "so...you mentioned clothes?"

The next thing that the feline new, there was a cold shiver rising from his rear, as much to his surprise, the dog had eagerly lifted him up and sat him on the edge of the marble vanity. "Yes...yes I did," Jason said softly as he moved closer, slipping the backpack from off his shoulders as he stepped between the lion's legs and smiled; instantly his paws were around the boy's back as he pulled him into his chest, hugging him again as he felt the golden male hug him back, embracing for a moment before he pulled back. "You are filthy," he said with a soft smile, dusting his sweater off a bit, "mind if I...."

"Mind if you...what?" the male asked, his eyes sparkling a kind of curiosity that only the truly innocent could ever hope to achieve; then using the moment to stealthily slide the cleverly disguised phone behind him. Moments latter, his paws were resting on the clothed male's shoulder, arms hanging loosely as he just smiled, batting his yellow eyes while this tail swayed behind him. Suddenly he saw the dog lean in, and in a quick motion felt something wet and slimy slithering over the right side of his neck, the action almost pulling a soft mew from his lips.

"Repay the favor and give you a tongue bath?" the dog asked with a smirk, "after all...I don't want your new threads to get all dirty already," he teased, giving another soft lick to the lion's neck. All he got as a response was a quick kiss to his nose and a small nod, but that was enough of a signal as he continued to lick away the dust and grime along the silky smooth neck.

A loud purr filled the room as Maxi felt the canine slip form his neck and begin licking under his collar bone before dipping lower and cleaning his chest fur. "No need to do everything..." he chuckled out between mews and purrs, "besides...I thought you wanted to get out of here as quick as possssss..." the lion hissing when he felt that sweet appendage slip over one of his nipples.

Jason just giggled, looking up a moment to wait for the lion to calm down before licking over his other nipple and watching the feline squirm and mew loudly. "I know, I know...you are right," he said as he began to cleanse the soft yellow pelt from dirt and grime, "let me just finish your chest...and then we will get changed and leave...promise." He watched the lion nod before he lowered his face again and began to lap his way further down, now only a few inches from the leonine sheath and sac, the true target of his mission.

Though as the canine continued to clean his way down the boy's body, he began to pick up the taste of something rather familiar on his tongue. "Tastes like.....steak," he finally said, licking his lips some as he went to work cleaning off the meaty fluid that had stuck to the lion's fur over the past couple of hours. Jason began to hum a bit while he worked, making the scene even more pleasurable as he felt those soft golden paws start to massage his ears; a soft laughter ensuing form his lips as his tail wagged behind him, his body hunched over as he continued moving ever closer to that golden prize.

Just then, Maxi realized what other substance had dripped over his soft pelt in the last hour, and was rather worried what should happen if Jason were to find out about it. "Umm...puppy, there...really isn't any reason to continue....it's enough..." he stuttered, his cheeks starting to flush as he saw the dog only shake his head playfully and go back to licking him clean. "Jason...honestly," he cooed, "you really don't have to, I mea-" though as he said that, he could see the canine's eyes go wide as dinner plates before the brown male slowly tipped his head up to look into the feline's face.

As soon as he had tasted that spilled seed and determined that it was the lion's, a horrible thought passed through his head, one that would completely ruin his mission and send their entire plans into a disastrous tailspin to oblivion; that this particular feline had just lost his virginity to some unknown stranger, and that now there was now leverage to acquire. "You didn't Maxi..." he whined softly, "Oh god, please tell me you didn't let him tak-" before he was cut short by I high-pitched squeal and two golden arms wrapping around his neck tightly.

"Of course not doggy!" the feline said quickly, pouting a bit as he knew he had done something wrong, "I'd never let anyone do that to me till after marriage." His voice tinged with trust as he took in a deep sigh and stared down at the marble vanity below him. "I...I was just horny...and...he caught me by surprise really...he...just used his paw...nothing more I swear. You believe me don't you?" the boy asked, tilting his head as he waited on pins and needles for the response.

Jason thought about it for a minute before nodding, "Yes...yes I believe you kitten," as he stood up and hugging the smaller male tightly. His own mind figuring that this particular cat was far to loyal to his customs and his body to simply let himself be taken by some stranger from out of nowhere. "But I think that is enough grooming for today...So how about we go get you dressed, out of this place, and maybe find something to eat down the road, hmmm?" as he slipped his paws around the lion and slowly lifted him from the sink, gently lowering him till he heard the sound of the cat's claws clinking against the tile floor.

"That sounds simply divine," Maxi mewed as he stretched out a bit, watching the curly brown rear as its owner bent over and began removing clothing from his pack. "So....what did ya get me puppy?" as he tried to peer over the shoulder, only to be jokingly pushed back till Jason finally stood up, paws behind his back, with a devious smile on his face as he presented the feline with a bundle of clothes, tightly wrapped in the brown fleece jacket that the dog had been wearing.

"You'll find out once you open the bundle," Jason said, snickering a bit as he watched the cat's eyes go wide as the first thing he managed to pull out was a bright white thong. The canine even giggled some when Maxi's cheeks turned bright red as he looked the garment over before trying to hide his embarrassment in his paws. "I think you will look great..." the boy said, gently patting the golden shoulder.

"Yeah yeah," the lion retorted, stepping through one of the leg holes as he placed his paw on the canine's shoulder, steadying himself as he managed to get the other leg in; he then started to work it up his body till at last he managed to squeeze his sheath and sac into the rather restrictive garment, grunting a bit as he did so to get used to it. "How the heck am I supposed to move in this thing?" he asked while walking around to get used to it.

"I did..." Jason said softly, pulling down the rim of his jeans to show off his bright yellow pair as he feline giggled some, "now hurry up and finish...we should get moving." Though the dog had to admit, he didn't mind watching the two firm golden globes jumping around the room, the rather impressive bulge in the front as he wondered if he was really as well-hung as his father. "The rest of your clothes should still be in there," he quipped, leaning over to put his ear to the door incase the other lions managed to free themselves.

"Alright, I get it...sure you don't want to see my rump anymore?" Maxi asked, smirking as he wiggled his rear again quickly before jumping out of reach of the dog's paw just in time. the feline then proceeded to finish getting dressed with what the dog had given him, donning a pair of bright blue socks, a beige t-shirt that had a small jeep on it in one corner, a pair of frayed black jean shorts, and for shoes he was given a pair of tennis shoes which he quickly slipped on. Looking back into the mirror, he wetted his paws and brushed down his mane and hair before smiling and slowly moving towards the door, "all done here...ready to go puppy?" Though a sudden thought passed through his mind as he reached back and slipped the cleverly disguised phone into one of his many pockets.

"What was that kitten?" the dog asked, seeing the tip of an object as he reached in a pulled out a brown dog biscuit. "Oooh...a treat...can I have a bite?" he asked, already placing the electronic in his muzzle before the cat snatched it from his paws.

"You don't want that..." the boy said quickly, stuffing it back in his pocket, "I found it in the limo's trunk...I'm going to throw it out incase it is poisoned or something." As he held his breath, hoping his excuse would fly, though as he heard the other male grunt and nod, he let out a long-winded breath.

"Well, I'm ready and willing will you are!" Jason chimed in afterwards as he watched Maxi open the door, and followed him out into the hallway as he took a good look at him again. Even with clothes, the boy was certainly startling, his golden pelt shimmering even in the fluorescent lighting as his tail swished back and forth behind him eagerly; then surprisingly, he felt a grip on his arm as he looked over and saw the cat holding him tightly. "You look great," he said sweetly, kissing him on the forehead till he strolled into the main area and directly into Nathaniel's point-of-view.

Slowly both boys made their way into the main area where Maxi first laid eyes on his father who lay draped under a large blanket with an oversized pillow still wedged in his muzzle. "Dad?!?" he shouted in confusion as he quickly left Jason's side and rushed over to his pride leader, jerking the pillow form his maw as he looked him over. "Are you alright?..." he asked quickly before remembering what his father had done to him earlier in the evening, and suddenly lost his compassion and worry for the older male. He was about to lift the blanket and check for wounds, though a booming voice from his dad stopped that.

"Don't touch that!" Nathaniel hollered at the top of his lungs, the room seeming to vibrate with every vocal. The elder lion of course, recalling that his crotch was thoroughly nude under the meager blanket, and while not at full-mast anymore...was still quite hard. He watched as his son slowly backed up closer to the inviting arms of the dog as he growled under his breath, "I thought I told you to keep away from those filthy mutts," he spat out.

"You never listen to Dad!" Dean cried out from under the oak dinning room table as he nudged his twin in the side. "And now look at you," he continued as his tail swayed back and forth, "you're this mongrel's filthy bitch!"

Dan just giggled and rolled with laughter as he rocked back and forth, "yeah...you and poochie over there probably do it doggy-style....with you as the bitch in heat!" those statements of course making the youngest sibling's cheeks flush bright red as he looked down to the floor while the twins continued on shrieking in joy.

Jason was about to open his mouth and spew threat after dirty threat at the two males, but their father beat him to the punch with a roar that seemed to make every single rafter shake in its foundation. "You two leave your brother alone!" he screamed, as he rolled to stare each cub squarely in the face.

"But Dad...." The twins whined, confused as why he would suddenly stand up for the black sheep of the family. Though of course, they had no idea that should the dog and the youngest lion actually...as they put it, 'do it doggy-style', then their entire way of life as sons and heirs of the great Cordero fortune would go right down the tubes.

"But nothing!" he retorted angrily, watching as each boy slowly nodded before he took a calming breath and stared over at his youngest sired child; "now Maximillion, come over here and undo these ties around my wrists....then we can take care of this dog as a family hmm?....father and son, just you and me."

"You don't have to go..." the canine said, placing a brown paw on the boy's shoulder as he gave him a soft a squeeze, "he doesn't own you kitten...you were blessed with free-will.....use it." The male directed, as he felt the lion nod slowly in understanding as he slipped free from the weak grip.

Nathaniel just let a small, low growl escape from between his curled up lips, "the boy came from my body...therefore I do own him, and that is why he is going to come over here right now and fucking untie me!" by this time the older male was breathing heavily, his eyes shifting between his son and that accursed dog, not sure who here was the biggest thorn in his side.

Slowly Maxi to a step towards the couch in silence, heck...the entire room fell into a forced hush as ever set of eyes followed the young male's moves; each knowing that it was his choice as to who won, and who lost this round of the war between the canine and the felines. Nathaniel knowing very well just how much of their fortune stood in the balance, while Jason was well aware that should the boy go against him, he would not survive this night to tell about his mistake.

But however sternly Maxi kept his face, he slowly made his way till he was mid-way between dog and dad; his whiskers shifting a bit as he lowered his ears, looked back towards the brown male, and sighed, "I'm....sorry..." and with that the sides were declared in everyone's mind as the youngest cat slowly walked towards the male still laying prone on the couch.

"Now that's a good boy..." the elder cooed softly, giving a broad grin back in Jason's direction as he watched the male stare down at the floor, figuring that he was probably thinking of in just how many horrible ways they could torture him before he was granted the sweet release of death.

"Dad..." the lion finished as he looked down at his father before him. "I'm....sorry Dad," he repeated again as he turned around and made his way back to the canine, wrapping his arms tightly around his waist and kissed him on the nose. It was then that the realization at the tables had turned, and Jason's heart beat like a drum as he felt that small gesture of affection.

"Oh...Kitten..." he cooed, small tears on his eyes, though not taking the time to think if they were fake or not, as he pulled the feline closer into his body. Then, in front of the lion's family, he kissed him passionately on the lips, each boy slightly moving his muzzle apart as they let their tongues mingle with each other in a dace of embrace. Jason keeping his eyes on the older male as he watched that golden face turn bright crimson with pent up anger and fury.

Sure there was screaming, hollering, gasping and growling coming from Dean, Dan and Nathaniel, but neither boy gave it a second glance as they intertwined their fingers and slowly made their way to the shattered window, stepping out into the front door. As they walked out of the porch, the sounds of frustrated sounds coming from inside still carrying through the night air, they looked into each other's eyes and kissed again as he held the other's waist for a few good minutes.

"So....where to now Jason?" the lion asked as they made their way back towards the white truck; the canine tossing his backpack down between the seats as he shuffled through the driver's side door. The feline himself slowly climbed in the passenger side, buckling his seatbelt as he turned to stare at the male he was officially leaving home with.

"Well....I figured some breakfast would be nice..." he quipped, giggling a bit as he rotated the key, turned the vehicle around, and sped back along the twisting dirt road that had led him here. Making sure that every now and then he would glance over in the lion's direction with a coy smile on his face.

Maxi just nodded, settling back into his seat as he smiled innocently over at the dog, "anything sounds better then being stuck in that cabin," as he murred playfully and leaned over to kiss the curly brown cheek before sitting back down. Both boys staring out the front window as they saw the first few rays of the morning sun light up the horizon in the brilliant colors of a brad new day that awaited them...together.

well, congradulations for reading this far. i hope this new chapter has made the story a little more intresting for you...if not completely shifting it on ear. but like i mentioned all the way at the top, all comments and thoughts are welcome below, so don't be afraid to post....thanks once again!