Marla Chapter 1 - Finally Found

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Marla


Chapter One - Finally Found

S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Bruce is copyrighted by Iron Badger. Master David Wolf, Craig, Mike, Yvette, all other minor characters and this story are copyright 2004, 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

The cherry trees were in bloom again.

Their pink and white blossoms formed a canopy above the furs strolling the sidewalks below. On the park benches young furs, in love for the first time, cuddled and kissed. The older mated furs walking by watched and remembered their own first faltering steps in love. Many joined paws as they traveled down memory lane.

An otteress and a black wolf stood in front of a boutique window shopping. Passersby would occasionally glance at them and make disparaging sounds. The wolf was old enough to be the otteress' father, yet they shamelessly held paws and nuzzled each other.

The pair turned and moved on to the next storefront. They strolled languidly down the red brick pathway of the pedestrian mall. They had nowhere to go and nothing to do that day. The shopping trip was just an excuse to be together and enjoy each other's company.

The wolf stopped and turned to look out over the small grassy park at the center of the mall. He had a grim expression on his muzzle.

The wolf sighed heavily.

"What is wrong, Master David?" The otteress asked the wolf.

Master David looked down at his companion.

"It reminds me of another time, just before another war broke out, Kayla. It was on the planet Earth, well before we had space flight. The country was France, and the city was Paris.

"In the Spring of 1939 the entire world was on the verge of war. Everyone knew what was coming, but they tried to hang on to their illusions that everything would work out somehow, and war would be averted.

"In Paris they partied harder than they ever had before, found greater excesses, and in general did their best to find love and happiness in the remaining few days before the death and destruction started.

"Elysium reminds me of Paris just before the war broke out."

Kayla slipped her right arm around Master David's left arm and drew him closer to her. He initially resisted, but as always he gave in and allowed Kayla to pull his body close to hers.

Kayla looked up into his eyes and said, "Maybe we should be like that today - live for the moment and damn the future!"

Master David's grim expression transformed into a grin. He laughed a little. Kayla always seemed to know how to cheer him up. The years since he had bought her had been hard at times. The increasing civil strife and the slave situation made the times grim. Throughout it all she had been there as his faithful companion and lover. To this day he still thanked whatever deities that had convinced her to turn around and return to him instead of escaping that night long ago in the penthouse.

Master David shifted his arms to encircle Kayla and pull her tight against him. Ignoring the passersby, he kissed her passionately. Kayla returned his ardor as her tongue snaked into his half-open muzzle.

Nearly a minute elapsed before they broke their kiss. Master David stroked Kayla's back with his right paw.

"Do you think we should get a hotel room now or just find a free park bench?" Master David asked Kayla.

Now it was Kayla's turn to laugh. Master David just grinned down at her. There was a look of mixed of joy and lust in his eyes.

Kayla wiped the laugh tears from her eyes. She glanced at the sun dropping towards the horizon.

"It's going to be dark in a few hours. Why not grab a bite at one of the bistros and then head back to the penthouse? I want to try some of those new things you had installed in the dungeon last week tonight," Kayla said as she surreptitiously stroked his crotch with her left paw.

Master David slid his left arm around Kayla's shoulders and led her off to the center of the pedestrian mall. They had a quaint printed directory there listing all the shops and restaurants in the open air mall.

Master David started reading down the list of open air sidewalk cafes for which the mall was famous. He was halfway down the list when he realized Kayla's body had gone stiff, and she was not paying attention to him. He immediately went on alert.

"What's wrong?" he asked her in a subdued voice while he scanned the area.

"Marla," Kayla said in a strained voice.

Master David snapped his head around to follow Kayla's gaze. In one of the side alleys off the main mall was a coffle of four slaves - a female mink, a male black-footed ferret, a skunkette and a wolfess. The wolfess was shamelessly strutting back and forth in front of the other slaves as they knelt in a tight line - knees widely spread and paws bound behind them. Obviously the wolfess was the bait to lure the rich furs that frequented this mall over to the small group.

There were a half dozen large guards surrounding the slaves. At the front a weasel stood barking out to the passing furs of both sexes the attributes of the four sex slaves behind him. The wolfess turned her back to the gathering assemblage of furs, bent forward, and lifted her tail high to show off her naked sex.

"Yep, that's got to be Marla," Master David commented drily.

Kayla had been kidnapped and sold to the Academy for training as a sex slave. She had been sold, but the buyer had used forged credits. He never stood a chance. The policefurs had gotten him before their car had left the Academy courtyard. Kayla had been returned to the pens. She was to have a mind wipe in preparation for being programmed as somefur's obedient sex toy, but Master David had chanced upon her in time to save her by buying her from the Academy before the job could be done.

As bad as things were in the Academy, Kayla had still managed to find some friends there. Most notable of them were Trouble, Zassa, and Marla. The four had even hatched a plan to escape together that had almost worked. The price they had paid for failure had been high.

Master David had never been able to find Kayla's friends in the intervening years, and that had always bothered him. Now by chance they came upon Marla obviously preparing for her nightly work.

Master David swung his head back and forth. He quickly formulated a plan. It was not perfect, but with any luck and just a little greed on the slavers' part, Marla would be heading home with them that night.

Master David shifted to stand between Kayla and Marla. He pointed to a narrow side alley leading to a parking area.

"Go stand over there out of sight," Master David commanded Kayla. "I don't want Marla seeing you and doing something to tip our paw. I'll be back with her shortly."

Kayla looked up at her Master. His voice had taken on the steely tone of command, and his eyes had grown hard. She knew the signs well. He had reached a decision, and now nothing would deter him from getting Marla.

Kayla gave her Master a quick hug.

"Thank you," was all Kayla could say before turning and running away. Master David watched her go. She was wiping the tears from her eyes and crying hard as she disappeared into the alleyway.

Master David tapped out a code on his wrist communicator. The holographic display activated. A wavy blue screen appeared in midair. A pleasant female voice intoned, "We are sorry, but the code you entered is currently not in service. Please check your access code and try again."

Mater David waited. There was a soft click.

"Three S-class packages to pick up, Southern Park Pedestrian Shopping Mall, Parking Lot A-1," Master David quietly said before turning off the communicator.

Master David took out his pocket PDA and activated it. He quickly ran some financial calculations and memorized the results. He would need them as ammunition in the upcoming negotiations.

The black wolf straightened his back. His entire demeanor transformed from caring companion to arrogant, rich Master. He swaggered over to the gathering crowd.

Some of the furs were hooting as Marla dove her fingers into her crotch and brought them back up to lick her juices from them. One male fur must have said something to her. She bent over again with her ass pointed directly at him. She spread her legs wide, lifted her tail and openly masturbated for the fur. All the time she was brashly staring into the eyes of the male fur and slowly licking her lips with sensuous laps of her pink tongue. She started gyrating her hips in slow circles as she mounted towards a climax.

"I see Kayla's description of Marla as wanton and liking it wild and extreme was right," Master David thought to himself. "I wonder if the rest of what Kayla told me about her is still true?"

The weasel gave Marla a quick tap on the rump with the cane in his paw to stop her before she achieved an orgasm. Instead of crying out in pain, Marla moaned in pleasure. Master David grinned inwardly but remained indifferent on the outside. Marla offered some very interesting sexual possibilities if she were to remain with him and Kayla.

Marla was taken back to the rest of the slaves and forced to kneel. Master David's eyes narrowed ever so slightly at the rough handling the guard gave the young wolfess, but there was no other outward signs of his anger.

Another guard grabbed the lead of the ferret and brought the youngster to the front of the crowd. The guard forced his legs apart with a long spreader bar. The male fur reached down and started stroking the ferret's sheath. Seconds later an impressively long if thin pink shaft jutted from the ferret's crotch. The weasel made lewd remarks about the suitability of the young stud to serving both female and male desires. He had the guards lift the ferret and turn him around to present his pink tail hole to the crowd as he described the young male's abilities and stamina.

Master David examined the furs in the crowd. None of them were familiar to him. There were some furs that appeared to be more interested than others, but most seemed to be there just to see the sex slaves perform and maybe watch the bidding. He doubted any of the furs in the crowd would give him trouble.

Next Master David looked over the guards. They were large and heavily armed, but no threat. They were certainly used to hard bargaining between the barker and customers. And with the type of credit that would be under discussion they would have a considerable reason not to do anything to harm him or interfere with his plans.

The weasel would be the key. If Master David could hook him, he could buy the slaves in a matter of minutes without any fuss.

Master David lifted his muzzle high in the air and pushed his way through the crowd to the front. Several furs gave him dirty looks but quickly backed down when they saw his haughty bearing.

The guards turned the ferret around and bent him back so his shaft pointed straight up. The mink was brought over to lick the ferret's erection. The ferret had obviously been instructed not to cum. His face was screwed up in intense concentration as he tried his best not to lose it.

The mink was not helping any. She was gliding her tongue in long, sensual licks along the entire length of his shaft. When she reached the end, she would rapidly flip the tip of her tongue over the knob of his cock several times. Then she would languorously slide her tongue down his shaft to his balls. When she reached his balls, she would first nuzzle them and then take one in her mouth. From the movement of her cheeks it was obvious she was giving his ball a quick once over before popping it back out.

All the while the weasel made lewd comments about the desirability and capabilities of the two slaves. He even offered them as a pair if any of the furs wanted a more intimate private performance.

Master David waited for the bidding to begin. The mink and ferret were taken back to the coffle. The ferret had managed not to spurt all over the sidewalk, but his cock was engorged and obviously tender. The mink was pouting because she had not been able to make the young stud break training and cum.

The skunkette was brought out next. She reminded Master David of Kayla when he had first bought her. She seemed hesitant and unhappy being on public display. When she did not move fast enough at the weasel's commands two guards grabbed her roughly and turned her around so her back was to the crowd. They forced her down to her knees. One pushed her upper body down so her muzzle was ground into the hard bricks while the other bent her tail back to expose her asshole.

The weasel came over and used his cane to point out to all that the skunkette had been safely descented and no one needed to fear getting sprayed. To emphasize his point and punish the female, he delivered five sharp blows to her ass with the cane. The skunkette did not cry out, but tears were streaming down her face as she took her place again at the end of the coffle.

The weasel moved in front of the coffle and began the bidding.

"Think of it, gentlefurs! Your very own sex slave for the evening. Do whatever you wish! Dominate them as they tremble beneath you or let them pleasure you with their sexual skills honed by training at Elysium's justly famous Academy and years of practice. Each is eager to serve you, your mate and your friends of any sex! And when the night is done, all you have to do is call us to pick them up. No muss, no fuss in cleaning them up and caring for them afterwards. We take care of all of that dirty work for you!" the weasel barked out to the furs in the crowd.

"Let's get the bidding started now!" the weasel yelled.

With a flourish he pointed at the mink. Two of the guards grabbed her underneath the arms and held her up before the crowd. Master David could see her eyes and the eyes of the other slaves roaming over the crowd. They were obviously sizing up the furs and wondering if tonight would be the heaven of a caring fur seeking mutual pleasure or the hell of a sadistic bastard looking to get off by beating a helpless slave into submission.

"What shall be the first bid for an evening of pleasure with this fine female mink?" the weasel asked loudly.

A male voice from the back called out, "Fifty credits!"

A female voice near the front countered. "Seventy-five credits."

The two bidders battled back and forth until the price had reached three hundred credits. Both had slowed their initial frenetic pace of bid and counter bid. The mink started to slump down in the grasp of her guards. Three hundred credits was a low price for her. No doubt her Masters would take the difference out of her hide tomorrow morning. Master David could already see the weasel and some of the guards frowning and giving the mink meaningful stares.

Sensing that the time had come to start, Master David raised his voice and disdainfully bid.

"Four hundred credits," Master David called out.

Several of the furs turned to look at the new bidder. Master David caught the mink risking a quick look at him. His demeanor must have been rather intimidating because she actually lifted up her head and pleadingly looked at both the other bidders in a terrible breach of her training that could earn her a severe beating.

Both bidders took one look at Master David as he stood there staring down his muzzle at the helpless mink and dropped out of the bidding. The weasel tried to get a counter bid, but no fur would accept his repeated attempts to solicit another offer.

Master David coolly said in an exasperated voice, "Are you quite through, Master Weasel? I have better things to do than stand around here all night while you try to work a higher price for this one when she obviously is not worth half of what I am paying for her."

The criticism of him and his slaves stung the weasel, but a deal was a deal, and on Elysium not honoring one carried a stiff price, possibly even one's freedom. The weasel quickly concluded the bidding. The mink was brought over. Master David pawed the weasel four one hundred credit notes, and the weasel pawed the mink's lead to Master David. He sneered and said, "I hope you have an enjoyable evening, Master Wolf.."

Tentatively the mink spoke. She began, "Greetings, Master, my name is -"

"I do not care what your name is. You are simply a slave who will service me tonight. Now kneel!"

Master David snapped down on the mink's lead. Frightened, the female dropped to her knees and bowed her head.

The weasel started to turn away to begin the bidding on the next slave.

"I bet it costs quite a bit to buy and maintain a coffle of slaves like this," Master David commented airily.

The weasel took a step away from Master David.

"I might be able to do something about that and give you a good profit along the way," Master David said to the weasel's retreating back.

The weasel paused. His ears perked up. He honestly did not like the arrogant rich wolf, but a profit was a profit. He turned around and asked the wolf with forced civility, "Really? How might you do that?"

Master David caught the gleam in the weasel's eye. He was nibbling at the bait. Now it was time to hook him.

"I know from personal experience how much slaves cost. What did you pay for these? One hundred, two hundred thousand credits? More?"

The weasel was tentatively nodding his head yes.

Master David continued, "And then of course there is the constant upkeep. Food alone can run thirty to seventy credits per week per slave if you are feeding them a high protein diet to keep their weight and energy up. Then there's the kennel upkeep, the restraints, medical costs, days they cannot work because their last customer was too 'enthusiastic'. They can add up quickly. What are you paying? One hundred fifty credits a day per slave?"

Master David saw the weasel nodding as he ticked off each point.

"And then there are the costs of operating your business. Guards do not come cheap, especially good ones. And I got a good look at their gear. That body armor may look thin, but it's top of the line military grade. Likewise their arms are military quality. Not cheap. They're a great investment to protect the type of wealth you have here, but those blasters need to have their cells replaced on a regular basis. That adds even more to your costs. Then there is transportation, permit fees, bribes and other costs. All in all, I'm betting you have to get five to six hundred credits a day for each slave just to break even."

The weasel kept the sneer on his muzzle, but inwardly he was impressed with this wolf. Whoever he was, he knew something about keeping slaves and running a business.

The weasel asked evenly, "So where do you come in, Master Wolf?"

The black wolf smiled broadly. For some reason it sent shivers down the spines of several of the onlookers.

"I have a nasty habit of going through a lot of slaves. They are one of my few vices, and I can afford the costs, but it does leave me in the position of needing more slaves on a regular basis including right now.

"I am prepared to take these slaves off your paws and pay you well for them."

The weasel glanced at the slaves. He and the other members of the company were their owners, but he had a certain loyalty towards these four furs. They had kept food on his table since they had broken with the bordello and gone freelance. This wolf smelled of trouble.

Still, business was business.

"What are you willing to pay for them?" the weasel asked Master David.

Master David grinned even more broadly. The weasel had taken the bait and was hooked. Now all he had to do was reel him in.

Master David made a show of looking over each of the slaves. He made a point to thoroughly inspect each inside and out with his paws lingering inside the cunts of the three females for a few more seconds than was strictly necessary. He could plainly smell their fear as he examined each, but he had to maintain his act for a little while longer.

Many of the crowd had dispersed when it became evident there would be no further bidding tonight. They had boutiques to visit and sidewalk cafes to see and be seen at. The fate of four slaves was of no concern to rich furs such as themselves unless they were the owners of the properties in question. A few of the businessfurs remained to watch the negotiations.

Master David began his pitch.

"I would estimate the average worth of each slave here to be one hundred fifty thousand credits if they were auctioned on the free market. Based on their age, I figure they have five to ten years of useful life left as a sex slave. After that you could potentially sell them off as a servant or to some sick sadistic fur who wants a 'Final Fling' with one of them."

Several of the remaining furs caught the meaning of Master David's allusion and shot both him and the weasel shocked and offended looks. Several pointedly left in a huff.

"Assuming you keep pimping them twice per day at an average of four hundred credits a trick and they work three hundred days per year for the next seven and a half years, that gives you a total income of around one million eight hundred thousand credits. A sizable amount, but taken as a net present value with an eight percent return, the historical average return of the stock market, as an investment the income they will generate is actually worth only about one million credits. Still, their present worth and income add up to 1,185, 303 credits."

Master David paused and grinned coolly.

"In round figures, of course."

Several of the businessfurs had gotten out their pocket computers and were checking his calculations. He saw several nod in agreement and look at him in surprise. He had seemingly correctly calculated the value of the slaves in his head faster than they could with their computers. His planning was paying off, and he could tell that the weasel was taken aback and somewhat confused by the rapid-fire presentation of the numbers. It left him a bit confused and uncertain.

"Of course, that is just the assets side. As I said before, there are many liabilities. I would estimate your costs to average five hundred fifty credits per slave per day. That includes their direct costs and the indirect costs associated with your business. Am I correct?"

The weasel did his best to cover his mental confusion. This wolf knew his stuff, but he was not about to let the arrogant black wolf know it. The weasel decided to try to low ball his costs and see if the wolf would bite.

"Actually they are closer to three hundred and fifty credits," he replied.

"I doubt it," Master David replied flatly.

The weasel said nothing.

Master David sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Very well, for a starting point we will assume your costs are three hundred and fifty credits per slave per day. That works out to 164,250 credits per slave per year or about 1,231,875 credits over the useful life of your slaves."

The four slaves cringed inwardly as the strange wolf callously described their worth and costs. His casual pronouncement of their 'useful life' also scared them even further.

"The net present value of that money is 716,321 credits. That gives a net value of 468,981.68 credits per slave. Or, given your true costs, 315,280.93 credits. I am willing to split the difference between their actual value and your inflated value and offer you here and now 392,131.30 credits per slave for a total of 1,568,525.20 credits."

The businessfurs in the audience were frantically punching in information into their pocket computers and running 'what-if' situations. What had started off as a simple purchase had turned into an interesting lesson in economics and business. Several were frowning as they saw the high costs and low potential profits of sex slaves for the first time. It put slavery as a business proposition into a much less desirable light.

Many of their mates were losing interest, though, and started wandering off, leaving their mates to watch the competition between weasel and wolf. Several put away their pocket computers and joined their mates to stroll down the brick covered walkways in the afternoon sunlight.

The weasel was still stunned at the fast paced delivery of the wolf. He had managed to peg the worth of the slaves very closely without even seeming to break a mental sweat. He would have to be very careful if he was going to come out on top in this bargaining. Right now he needed time to regroup and regain his composure.

"Let me talk to my co-owners," the weasel told Master David. He gathered the guards around him and spoke in hushed tones. It was rapidly apparent that the guards were in favor of taking the money.

After a couple of minutes the weasel left the guards and returned to confront Master David.

"That's a lot of fancy math, but it doesn't change much for me. I figure their worth by the seat of my pants. I will not accept a fraction of a credit less than two million credits.


Master David stared down his muzzle at the weasel. He saw the greedy look in the weasel's eyes and knew he had won the battle that truly mattered to him. Now it was just time to put up a good front to divert attention from his real purpose.

Master David raised his arms up high over his head and shouted, "That's highway robbery! They are not worth a credit more than one million six credits!"

Now it was the turn of the weasel to smile. He knew he was out of his league going economics and business theory against this wolf, but he could easily hold his own against anyfur when it came to bargaining.

"You insult me!" The weasel yelled back at the black wolf. "They are worth three hundred-fifty thousand credits more than what you offer to me and my poor company!"

The two furs haggled back and forth for several minutes, but eventually they struck a bargain. Master David handed the weasel his credit stick. The weasel signed and handed the ownership papers for the four slaves to Master David. The guards watched eagerly as the credits were transferred. They had made a lot of money that afternoon and were ready to celebrate.

The last of the crowd dispersed as the two furs went through the mundane paperwork to complete the transaction. That suited Master David well. He did not want any more witnesses than necessary for the final phase of his plan.

Once the slaves were purchased, the weasel handed their leads to Master David. Master David took the four leads and handed his business card to the weasel.

"First thing Monday morning give my secretary a call and arrange a meeting with me for yourself and your partners. I have a further proposition you may find interesting. It will definitely be profitable for you. Very profitable!" Master David told the weasel.

The weasel was uncertain about the wolf's offer, but there was a look of pure greed in his eyes. This wolf seemed to have plenty of credits and was not shy about spending them. He took the card before leaving with his guards. Master David was left standing on the sidewalk holding the leads to four naked slaves in various states of bondage and arousal. All reeked of fear.

Master David pointed at the mink and skunkette who were standing on either side of the ferret.

"Remove his spreader bar and hand it to me," he ordered them.

The females undid the fastening of the spreader bar and handed it to Master David. He tossed it in a nearby trash can.

"Come with me," Master David instructed the four slaves.

Mater David walked down the sidewalk towards the parking area at a good pace. The four slaves had to walk quickly to keep up with him. They passed through an opening in the green wrought iron fence that separated the mall from the parking. Master David turned left and walked down to the exit of the alley where Kayla was hiding. She saw him and started to run towards them, but he stopped her and gestured for her to hide herself. He saw her duck behind a tree, but her head was sticking out, and she was watching Marla's every move.

For their part, the slaves were totally unaware of what was happening around them. Each had their head bowed and were staring at a spot on the sidewalk just in front of their feet. As far as they knew, some crazy fur with sadistic tendencies had just bought them to torture them to death, and there was nothing they could do about it.

Master David moved the coffle to the fence. He extricated Marla's lead from the mess in his paw. A sharp jerk sent Marla dropping down to her knees. She quickly spread her knees as wide as possible to display herself to her Master and any other fur passing by.

Master David looped the end over the rail of the fence. A simple hitch knot secured it in place.

" YOU ," Master David said sharply to Marla, "will remain here until I return. Try to escape, and I will flog you. Do you understand?"

Marla replied submissively, "Yes, Master."

Master David turned and walked over to the edge of the traffic loop. A large black limousine had just pulled up and several large bears and tigers were getting out. All had the cold hard look of a killer.

Master David pointed at the curb beside the limo and said, "Kneel facing away from the car."

The three slaves knelt in the same basic position as Marla. The male ferret put his paws behind his back lest he accidentally touch his erection.

Master David took a quick look behind him. Marla was still kneeling with her head bowed low. She would neither hear nor see what was about to happen.

Master David turned back to his three newest slaves and said, "Look at me."

The three slaves briefly hesitated. Normally a slave did not look at a Master, but theirs had just given them a direct command to do so. Reluctantly one by one each raised their eyes to look at their new Master.

Each slave was surprised at the transformation they saw. Master David was smiling gently at them. His arrogant attitude was gone. It was if another wolf stood in front of them now.

Once he had their attention Master David quietly continued.

"I know you are afraid. I can smell your fear. Try to rest easy, though. The arrogant spoiled rich fur is more or less an act. I find it makes other furs less likely to examine me and my motives too deeply."

Master David took a deep breath and let it out. It helped to calm the slaves.

"Now, the good news. The three of you are going to be taken to a halfway house I have established. There you will get training and employment.. You will also get your freedom as soon as the papers can be processed on Monday morning."

All three slaves gasped. The skunkette fell down on her stomach and grabbed Master David's right foot. She was crying uncontrollably. Around her sobs she was repeatedly saying, "Thank you! Thank you!"

Master David let the skunkette go on for just a few seconds before reaching down and lifting her back up. As he returned her to the line, he quickly checked out all three. Copious tears were openly flowing down their faces.

"These are my guards," Master David said while pointing to the furs from the limousine. "They will take you to safety. I don't know if I will ever see you again, but good luck. And try to keep out of the slave system!"

Master David had half turned when the skunkette spoke.

"What about Marla? What are you going to do with our friend, Master?" she asked.

Master David turned back and gave the worried slaves a reassuring smile.

"Marla is in no danger. She is, however, going somewhere else."

Master David's grin broadened considerably and a sly look appeared in his eyes.

"She is going to meet an old friend," he said cryptically.

The three slaves were uncertain, but they could do nothing but hope that this strange wolf was telling the truth. The swift changes in his attitude and their sudden release had numbed both their minds and bodies. Each silently said a prayer for Marla as they were loaded into the limo.

Master David turned around and started to walk back to Marla. By the time he got back to Marla the three slaves were on their way to freedom and a new life. He hoped they would do well, but he had others to worry about at the moment. He caught a glimpse of a nervous and impatient Kayla shifting from foot to foot in the alleyway. Briefly he grinned. Marla was still kneeling with her head bowed and not looking at all happy.

"Now, for the really fun part!" Master David thought to himself.

Master David resumed his arrogant outer demeanor. He undid the knot at the end of Marla's lead and pulled upwards on her lead. Obediently Marla rose to her feet. She kept her eyes and head down, though, as befitted a sex slave in the presence of her Master.

"Now it is time for you to meet your new Mistress. Eyes down at all times! Is that clear?"

"Yes, Master," Marla replied quietly.

Marla was a graduate of the Academy. She had spent time in a bordello before the coffle. She had been through a lot of hell in her short life, and she thought she was relatively immune from most of the common fears of slaves. However, this black male wolf scared her with his casual talk of killing slaves. Worse, her friends in the coffle were gone. She had chanced a look and seen Yvette grabbing the wolf's ankles and all three crying. She could only guess where the burly guards were taking them and what would happen to them when they got there.

For now she could not think about the others. The wolf was taking her back to the pedestrian mall. No doubt some equally cruel Mistress awaited her there. Marla did not mind serving females, but most likely this one's favorite form of enjoyment would be delivering pain with a whip or cane. Marla had little doubt who would be on the business end of that whip.

The wolf stopped Marla beside a tree.

"Down!" he ordered her while jerking down hard on her lead.

Marla sighed inwardly, but she obediently knelt and spread her knees wide.

"Nose on the sidewalk!"

Marla leaned forward and placed her nose on the red bricks. Apparently this one liked to have complete and total control and domination of his slaves. This could be bad.

Two feet appeared beside Marla's muzzle. The smell of pleasant perfume wafted to Marla's nose. She could see what appeared to be expensive sandals out of the corners of her eyes. The feet appeared to be female. She could see some medium brown fur, but she could not make out the fur's species yet.

"Slave, greet your new Mistress!"

Marla took a deep breath and exhaled slowly to calm herself. If she could make a good first impression perhaps she could play off her Mistress and Master against each other.

"Mistress, this lowly slave is honored to be bought by you. I hope I can serve your every desire and whim to your total satisfaction. I --"

A paw slid under Marla's chin. It was not particularly big, but it was webbed. It slowly but insistently forced Marla's head up and returned her to a kneeling position. Marla's head went past a pair of long brown legs and a pair of stylish shorts. Marla could see the white tummy fur of what appeared to be an otteress. She could not help but notice the female's generous hips and tight stomach. This might not be too bad after all. She kept her eyes downcast, though.

The otteress placed her right forefinger under the very end of Marla's muzzle and pushed upwards. Marla had to tilt her head backwards. She saw the strange female's ample breasts beneath a swank top. Marla concentrated on the two orbs to keep her eyes from meeting her new Mistress' eyes and committing a serious error of slave protocol.

In the end Marla's Mistress could not be denied. Marla was forced to look into the broadly grinning muzzle of her new owner.

"Hello, Marla," Kayla greeted her old friend.

Marla's jaw dropped, and she blinked several times. Many times in the kennels she had dreamed of seeing Kayla, Trouble, Zassa, Jenny and the rest again. The dreams had helped shut out the grim reality of her daily life. She had never thought any of her dreams would come true.

Now here was Kayla standing in front of her.

Grinning and giggling.

" KAYLA!!!"

Marla pounced on Kayla and grabbed her in a bear hug. In her exuberance Marla knocked both of them over. Kayla fell over backwards onto the pavement. Marla was on top of her in an instant, kissing and hugging her friend. She kept repeating Kayla's name over and over.

Kayla managed to slide her arms around Marla and partially contain her. She responded to Marla's kisses with some passionate ones of her own. She pulled Marla close to her and did her best to just hold on until her friend regained some semblance of self-control.

Marla suddenly went rigid. A shocked and worried expression replaced her wide smile. She turned her head and looked up at her new Master. From his prior demeanor she expected to see him scowling at her and preparing to punish her for attacking her Mistress and disobeying his orders. Instead he was just standing there with his paws on his hips laughing.

Kayla grabbed Marla's muzzle and turned it back towards her face.

"It's okay. Master David won't hurt you," Kayla reassured Marla before kissing her full on the lips.

The two females lay on the sidewalk for several minutes. Neither of them wanted to end their reunion by breaking their embrace. They ignored the passerby who stopped briefly to watch the richly clad otteress and naked wolfess rolling on the ground. A frown from Master David sent most on their way immediately.

Eventually, though, they had to get up. Master David assisted Marla to her feet. She was shocked when he offered her his paw. A Master should never do something like that, especially in public, yet here he was lifting her up with his own paws. Marla was even more shocked when Kayla waited for her new Master to help her up. Kayla was actually expecting it! Marla could only shake her head and wonder what was happening.

Kayla took Marla's paws in her own and turned her to face the strange black wolf. She quickly performed introductions.

"Marla, this is Master David, your new owner. Master David, this is my good friend Marla from the Academy."

Marla was ready to drop down to her knees again, but Master David slid his right paw into her left paw and held her up. He bent forward and planted a fleeting kiss on the back of her paw.

"Charmed, Marla. I've heard so much about you already I feel like I almost know you as well as Kayla," Master David said urbanely.

Master David straightened up and closed the distance between him and Marla. He took both of Marla's paws in his and continued, "And welcome to our home. I hope you enjoy your time with us."

Marla was totally confused by the change in Master David's demeanor, but Kayla's presence and obvious happiness allayed her fears for the moment.

Master David led the two furs to a nearby park bench. Kayla placed Marla in the center and sat down on her left. Her arm snaked around Marla's waist and drew her close. Marla put her left arm around Kayla's waist and let her right paw fall on Kayla's right thigh. Master David sat on the bench on Marla's right side and slid his left arm around her shoulders.

Kayla and Marla sat doing little more than stroking each other's fur and giggling. Neither could believe the good fortune that had brought them back together after all these years.

Master David sat and kept watch over them. He made sure the furs that stopped and stared at Marla's naked beauty and the sexy otteress went on their way quickly. Soon, though, more furs were lingering in the small alleyway.

Master David turned to Kayla and said, "I'm sorry to break this little tableau up, but Marla is about to cause a riot, and you are not helping matters yourself."

Kayla openly grinned at Master David. Marla even managed a tentative smile.

"So what do we do, Master David? Head home?" Kayla asked.

"No, we engage in your favorite form of recreation - shopping!" he replied.

Kayla stood up quickly. She pulled Marla to her feet and started dragging her out into the main mall.

"I know just the place to go, too! They have a V&T Boutique just around the corner. I shop there all the time! Just ask Master David," Kayla told Marla with a grin.

Master David laughed as he got off the bench and quickly caught up with the two younger females. He slid his left paw around Marla's shoulders.

"You can slow down a bit, Kayla! I'm sure the store will be open when we get there," he told the otteress with a bit of a laugh.

Kayla grinned at Master David, but she did slow down.

The trio exited the alleyway and turned right. Marla's nudity caused some passing glances, but on Elysium casual fur was not uncommon, and slaves seldom wore anything even in public save for costumes given them by their Masters and their ubiquitous collars. Several of the male furs looked her over speculatively when they saw the heavy metal collar on her neck and obviously wondered about the threesome and what they would be doing that night.

Master David leaned in close to Marla and said, "I'm sorry."

Marla was dumbfounded. It took her several seconds to find her voice.

"Sorry? For what, Master?" she asked.

"For frightening you by acting like an arrogant, sadistic bastard." he replied.

Marla was shocked. Why would her new Master apologize to her?

"Master, you have the right to act as you chose without regard to a slave's feelings," she replied in confusion.

Kayla giggled and said, "You've got a lot to learn, Marla."

Marla was about to reply when Kayla pointed to the right. Marla glanced up at the sign. V&T Boutique was spelled out in bold red letters edged with gold trim. Two large windows flanked the central doorway. Several pieces of intimate femfur clothing were on display in the windows.

Kayla pushed open the door and strode into the shop. Master David held the door open and gestured for Marla to enter. She hesitated briefly. Master David cocked his head and raised an eyebrow.

Marla lowered her head.

"I'm not used to courtesy, Master," she said in a quiet voice.

Equally quietly Master David replied, "You'll get used to it. I promise."

Master David gave Marla a tight smile. She realized it was being shared just between the two of them. It helped to reassure her. She returned his smile and lifted up her head before marching through the door to follow her friend.

"Craig! Are you here?" Kayla called out.

From the back an older leopard appeared. As soon as he saw Kayla he smiled warmly.

"Lady Kayla! How good to see you again so soon. How may we serve you today?'

Marla wondered if the surprises of this day would ever end. Lady Kayla? Marla took a close look at her friend's neck. The collar was small, but it was definitely there. Kayla was a slave, not some highborn female. Not for the first time in the past few minutes Marla wondered what was going on here. She felt she had fallen into the rapids and was being swept along by the current. All she could do was have faith in her friend and hope the torrent would bring her to safety.

Kayla waved Marla forward.

"Craig, this is an old friend of mine. Marla, this is Craig. Craig, Marla currently is short on clothing. She will need undergarments, several outfits, and accessories," Kayla said to the older leopard.

Craig clapped his paws three times. Two chimpanzees appeared form the back of the store. Craig looked over his shoulder and said, "This is Lady Marla. She is a friend of Lady Kayla. Get her measurements and be quick about it!"

The two chimps escorted Marla to a measuring booth in the back of the store. She stood inside with her legs slightly spread and her arms clear of her sides while several invisible laser beams took her measurements. The ultrasonic sound measurements were next. Marla had to grit her teeth slightly. The sound waves that penetrated her pelt were just barely audible to her canine hearing.

Craig reappeared with several undergarments ranging from the prim and proper to the outright naughty.

"Lady Marla, what styles appeal to you?" Craig asked Marla.

Marla glanced at Master David and Kayla. She was not sure how to respond. The sexier lingerie looked heavenly, but did her new Master desire her to wear simple underwear?

Kayla stepped forward and took a plain white bra and panties set from Craig. She held it up to Marla's gray fur.

"I think we will take a dozen of these in different colors for normal wear," Kayla informed Craig.

Kayla turned around and picked up the red lace thong and dental floss bra from Craig's right paw and handed them to Marla.

"I know you'd prefer these, though," Kayla told Marla with a grin and a chuckle.

Marla chuckled back at Kayla as she slid into the barely concealing strips of fabric. She turned back and forth while she looked into a full length mirror. She struck a few revealing poses. She liked the way the panties and bra barely concealed anything but accentuated her sexy look by hiding just enough to give her a certain air of mystery and intrigue. Whoever had designed the outfit knew their work well. From the small bulges in the front of the males' pants Marla was having her desired effect. She could see Kayla standing behind the males and covering her muzzle with her left paw. She had little doubt Kayla's paw hid a wide grin.

After flashing the chimps some good looks at her flanks, Marla tentatively said, "I'll take these too."

Craig swallowed audibly and said in a slightly strained voice, "Would Lady Marla like to try on some more lingerie?"

Marla smiled and drew her tongue over her lips sensuously.

"Why yes, I think I would ..,. Craig."

It felt so strange not to call Craig "Master", but Kayla had not and apparently Master David and Craig did not expect her to do so either. It went against her training, but her first duty was to please her new Master. If he wanted her to act like a normal fur in public, she would have to try to do so. She just hoped she would be able to acquit herself well after so many years as a sex slave.

Craig had the chimps bring out several more sets of sexy lingerie for Marla to try on. Master David announced, "I have a little shopping to do. I'll be back in a while. Craig, please see that Kayla and Marla get whatever they need."

"Of course, sir. We will see to their every need while they are with us," Craig replied deferentially to the black wolf.

Master David disappeared out the doorway. He was quickly lost in the crowd.

"Let's try this one on next, Lady Marla...."

It was almost two hours later when Marla stood in front of the mirror dressed in a simple yet elegant top and mid-thigh length shorts. Her pierced belly button was accentuated by a small cut crystal raindrop pendent. She wore shear lace underwear beneath her clothing in case her Master had any desire for her services later tonight. A large number of boxes were piled up beside the checkout counter. Kayla had liked some of Marla's choices so much she had gotten some of the outfits for herself as well.

The leopard was totaling up the cost of the purchases.

"...Three bras, one panty, four tops... Your total comes to 4,230 credits with taxes," Craig declared.

Marla was shocked at the high cost of their clothing. Granted, the workmanship had all been first rate and the styles topnotch, but somehow she doubted Master David had meant to spend anywhere near that much on his new slave.

Kayla reached into her shorts and brought out a credit stick. Marla was shocked to see a slave with one. Kayla and Craig treated it like a normal, everyday experience. He took the credit stick and ran it through the reader.

Marla felt a paw on her right shoulder. She nearly jumped out of her pelt in surprise. Turning, she expected to see a policefur come to take away the slaves that had stolen their Master's credits. Instead she found Master David looking at her with a gentle smile.

"Sorry if I startled you Marla."

That was the second time today he had apologized to her, a lowly slave he had just bought and hardly knew.

"I'm done with my shopping. Are you done with yours?" he asked her.

Marla's heart was still pounding hard, She did not trust herself to speak. She just nodded her head yes.

"Good! Let's go over to the mirror and get a good look at your new outfit."

Master David led Marla over to the mirrors again. He had her turn back and forth to show off her outfit. Back on more familiar ground, Marla smiled seductively and proceeded to give Master David a good look at both her outfit and her body.

Master David just smiled at Marla's open sexual advance. He was enjoying the show, but he had no intention of taking advantage of the younger wolfess. Perhaps later, when they had come to know each other better and he could trust her, he would accept her offer. For now, he only watched.

Marla finally stopped. She was facing Master David with her head slightly down but her eyes raised enough to watch his expression. He raised his paw and put it under his muzzle.

"Something is not quite right..." He said as he seemed to ponder the young female before him.

Master David appeared to come to a decision. He crossed his arms over his chest and firmly commanded Marla, "Turn around."

Meekly Marla complied with her Master's orders. She still was not certain where the stood with this unusual wolf, but she could tell a clear command when she heard it.

Kayla appeared on Marla's left side. She stood watching Marla's face in the mirror. The calmness in Kayla's stance and face reassured Marla.

"Pull your hair back and up," Master David commanded Marla.

Marla took her hair in both paws and lifted it clear of her neck. In the bright light of the shop she could clearly see the heavy steel collar that encircled her neck. Master David reached up and inserted a key in the lock. He turned the key, and the collar fell off Marla's neck and into Master David's left paw.

Master David turned to Craig and handed him the collar.

"Dispose of this," he commanded the leopard.

The leopard looked at the collar like it was a poisonous snake ready to bite him. He handed it to one of his assistants.

"Throw this in the incinerator immediately along with any other trash we have to dispose of," he ordered the chimp.

Marla stood in front of the mirror collarless for the first time in many years. Ever since she had entered the Academy something had been around her neck to proclaim that she was a slave. It felt strange to have the weight of her collar removed.

Master David took something out of his pocket. He wrapped it around Marla's bare neck and fastened it with a small click. Looking at her throat, Marla saw a simple golden choker necklace with an oval plate in the front. Her name was spelled out in small sapphires that matched her light blue eyes.

Marla saw a flash of movement out of the corner of her eyes. Kayla's right paw had come up to stroke her matching slave collar. Marla expected Kayla to betray some sadness at wearing a collar, but she actually seemed happy. Marla could only shake her head at the changes that had happened to her friend in the years since the Academy. Back then she would have at least pretended to be mortally offended at having to wear any collar. Now...

"You can let go of your hair now, Marla".

Master David's words snapped Marla back to the present. She hastily dropped her hair. It hid most of the collar, but the name plate was still easily visible. She quickly patted her hair back into place. Privately she had to admit that the collar looked as good on her as it did on Kayla.

"Are we done here?" Master David asked the two females.

Kayla held out her paw to Craig. He handed her back her credit stick, and she slid it back into her pocket.

"Now we are."


Master David slid between the two females and offered each a crooked arm.

"While I was out I made reservations for us at James' Bistro. They are expecting us in ten minutes."

Master David guided the two females out of the shop and further down the mall. Kayla apparently knew where they were going. She spent a lot of the short walk fur watching.

Marla kept her eyes glued on her Master and friend. They seemed so relaxed and at ease with each other. Kayla had always been a repressed and unenthusiastic "student" at the Academy. At times Marla and the others had wondered why she was there at all and if she would even make it through the training. Kayla had somehow made it and been sold the same day as herself, Trouble and all of their other friends. She had never expected to see any of her friends again.

Now Kayla had not only found her but engineered her purchase by their Master. Most surprisingly, Kayla appeared to be genuinely attached to this wolf that now owned both of them.

The three furs arrived at the bistro. Master David gave the waiter his name and started to look for a seat. The maitre de appeared instantly upon hearing Master David's name and personally escorted them to a small table in the corner well away from the pedestrian traffic. A bottle of champagne on ice was already waiting for them. Marla was surprised as Master David seated first her and then Kayla. Kayla just gave Marla a knowing smile when she gave her otter friend a quick glance.

The maitre de popped the cork and filled their glasses. He bowed and left them alone to make their selections.

Master David lifted his glass high in the air.

"To Marla, may you find happiness in your new home," he said in a simple toast.

Kayla lifted her glass and touched it to Master David's. Belatedly Marla lifted her own glass to touch it to her friend's and Master's. It made a clear ringing sound as the fine cut crystal clinked together. Silently she hoped that she would indeed find happiness with her friend and her owner.

Marla took a small sip of the champagne. The bubbles and alcohol made her slightly heady, but the liquid was a warm river as it flowed down her throat and helped relax her. She looked at the other two furs and smiled broadly. They responded with wide grins of their own.

They looked over the menus. While it was called a bistro, they actually served a wide variety of food. The menu went on for well over twenty pages including the deserts. Marla cringed at the cost of the dinners. She had been rented out some nights for less than the cost of these dinners. She looked over the menu and found the least expensive items.

The waiter appeared to take their orders. Kayla ordered a healthy portion of seafood. Master David settled on a beef dish.

The waiter turned to Marla and asked, "And for Madame?"

"I'll have the small Caesar salad and water, please," she said as she folded her menu and handed it to the waiter.

Master David looked at Marla and frowned. For the first time in some time Marla was afraid she had done something wrong.

Master David reopened his menu and firmly told the waiter, "The young lady will also have a shrimp cocktail and the twelve ounce rib-eye steak dinner. Give her a baked potato with everything on it as well."

"As you wish, Monsieur." the lemur replied and left.

Kayla was looking at Master David strangely. For her part, all Marla could do was stare at the napkin in her lap. She had obviously displeased her Master.

Kayla hissed at Master David "What was that about?"

Marla's muzzle half opened in shock, and she shot her friend a startled look. No slave should ever use that tone of voice with their Master!

Master David did not even bat an eye. Instead he turned to face Marla and asked, "I got a good look at your ribs this afternoon. I saw the signs.

"How long have they been starving you?"

Kayla gasped. Her paw found Marla's right paw under the table. Marla shot her a look of thanks before dropping her muzzle again.

"My former Masters and I had a ... disagreement. It was the type of disagreement where the Master always wins and the slave always loses. My punishment was to only be allowed to eat the cum of the clients. That was two weeks ago. I have not eaten solid food since then," Marla said in a subdued voice.

Marla felt Master David take her left paw.

"I know you do not know me, but please try to trust me or at least Kayla. You will find that life is not too bad now, and things like your punishment are in the past. Now, get a good meal including desert for yourself."

"Regardless of the price?" she asked tentatively. She was still in shock over the cost of her wardrobe.

"Regardless of the price, Marla. In truth, I have more money than even Kayla can spend in my lifetime.

The wolf laughed and added, "Not that she is adverse to trying to bankrupt me!"

Master David leaned closer to Marla. Kayla gave her friend's paw an affectionate and reassuring squeeze.

"The cost of a good meal, even at these overly inflated prices, will not even make a small dent in my wallet," Master David reassured Marla.

The three furs ate a hearty meal. Night fell rapidly. Waiters brought around small scented oil lamps to light the tables. Outside the streetlights styled after 19th Century English gas lamps came on to illuminate the furs walking beneath.

None of them felt comfortable talking about the past few years in public, so much of their conversation centered on Marla's new wardrobe and the furs passing by on the sidewalk just outside the bistro. Kayla made a few sly remarks about some of the wolf couples. Marla might have taken her bait under different circumstances, but the large meal and the safety of friends were making her sleepy. She was nodding by the time desert was served.

"Marla!" Master David said for the third time.

Marla snapped awake and focused her attention on her Master.


"I said, 'Are you up to finishing the meal or should we go home now?'"

Marla looked at the chocolate ice cream in front of her. It was topped with chocolate syrup, chocolate pieces, and chocolate whipped cream. It had been years since she had last tasted chocolate.

"Um, if Master would allow it, I would like to eat this and then go to sleep," Marla humbly replied.

Master David just grinned.

"Eat up, Marla, and then we will head home and get you to bed."

Marla dove into her desert. After devouring it, she waited for Master David and Kayla to finish the last of their much smaller deserts. The maitre de appeared with the check, and Master David took care of it quickly.

Master David assisted Marla out of the bistro and back to their car. Kayla took her other side and helped steady her. She was a bit surprised at the large limousine, but she was grateful to curl up against Kayla on the front seat.

Marla was barely aware of the limo slowing down. She heard the door open and a pleasant male voice say, "Good evening, Master David and Lady Kayla."

"Good evening, Mike," Kayla replied as she was helped from the limo.

Marla felt strong paws slide underneath her and lift her off the seat. She blinked in the harsh light of the fluorescent bulbs. She was suddenly aware that she was being carried by Master David and there was a male wolf about her own age staring at them. He closed his muzzle and looked up at Master David.

Master David introduced the two.

"Mike, this is Marla, an old friend of Kayla's. She will be staying with us indefinitely. Marla, this is Mike, our parking attendant, chauffeur and general fur-of-all-trades."

Marla looked at Mike through half closed eyes and sleepily said, "Hello, Mike."

As soon as she said it Marla realized she had just given the young fur her best "come hither and hump me" voice, but she was too tired to care. She did not see her Master roll his eyes heavenwards, but she did see the young wolf's shocked expression and hear Kayla's girlish giggle.

"Uh... Good evening, Marla," Mike tentatively replied. The fur of his face was taking on a decidedly reddish tint.

Both Master David and Kayla openly laughed. Sheepishly Mike joined in. Even though he was Marla's age and had grown a lot in the past couple of years, Master David still made him feel like a cub, especially when he unexpectedly appeared from the limousine with some strange, beautiful fur wearing a slave collar in his arms.

Master David interceded to save both of the younger wolves from any further embarrassment.

"Marla, I think it is time for you to get some sleep," he firmly told the wolfess in his arms.

"Okay, Master David" Marla sleepily replied.

Master David took Marla over to the bank of elevators. Kayla punched in a code to summon a car for them. The entire time they were waiting Marla was hungrily watching the young male wolf. Kayla appeared to have Master David's attention. She might want some companionship of her own if she could not get into her Master's bed. She just hoped her Master would allow her to associate with the hired help. If he did, this male had some real possibilities.

The elevator ride was uneventful. Even in her sleepy state Marla could not help but frown at how long it took. Apparently the elevators in this building were unusually slow. It must be to make sure the stomachs of the rich furs living here were not bothered by the acceleration and deceleration.

The trio exited the elevator and entered a large apartment. In the dim light Marla could not see much in the foyer except a large statue.

"We'll put her in your old room for tonight, Kayla," Master David said.

Marla looked around sleepily as her Master carried her down a hallway and up a flight of stairs. There was another long hallway, and then Kayla was opening a door and turning on some lights.

Marla got a quick glance at the large bed and white furniture. There was a large walk-in closet off a short hallway that led to a magnificent bathroom. Kayla was already drawing a warm bath for Marla by the time Master David got there. He deposited her beside the large whirlpool tub. Marla felt four paws removing her clothing. She smiled dreamily.

Master David lifted Marla up and gently deposited her in the warm water. Kayla quickly stripped and joined her in the tub. When Master David turned on the jets it was just like they were back at the Academy. Marla half expected Trouble and Zassa to slide into the tub beside her and Kayla or Jenny to appear in the doorway, bound in tight restraints by the hyena that had favored her. Master David could be one of the guards, striking them with his quirt when he overheard them talking.

Instead Kayla rapidly and efficiently soaped up Marla's pelt. She paused as she was working the soap into her friend's fur.

"I can feel welts and scars under her fur," Kayla grimly reported to Master David.

"I know. There's not much we can do about it tonight except get her plenty of food to help her body start to heal itself. Tomorrow we'll get her to the doctor for a full examination and medical help," Master David replied.

Marla woke up a bit when she was introduced to the luxury of a full body fur drier. The blast of hot air quickly dried her fur. Master David picked her up and took her back to the bedroom. Kayla turned back the bed and helped her Master to slide Marla underneath the covers.

Master David gently shook Marla.


Marla woke up enough to focus her eyes,

"We are going to leave the lights on low. Sleep yourself out. In the morning, come downstairs, and we'll get you breakfast," Master David told Marla.

Marla sleepily made an affirmative sound before falling completely asleep.

Master David and Kayla left Marla's room. They walked paw in paw the short distance to the master bedroom. Kayla took care of her few needs while Master David prepared them both a fruit smoothie. She slid into bed and waited for him to bathe. He took less than fifteen minutes.

Master David slid into bed beside Kayla. He was surprised to see the troubled expression on her face.

"What's wrong, Kayla? I would have thought you would be overjoyed at finding Marla after all this time."

Kayla sighed.

"I am, but I realize she will just be here for a short time. That makes the reunion bittersweet. She'll probably be gone before the end of the week."

Master David propped himself up on his right elbow and looked down at Kayla as she lay on her back.

"You expect her to 'escape' that quickly?" Master David asked Kayla in surprise.

"No, I expect you to send her away that quickly. I know she is a security risk you cannot afford to take now."

Master David slowly sipped on his drink for several seconds.

"Kayla, do you trust Marla? I mean really trust her. With your life," Master David asked Kayla.

Kayla pondered her Master's question. It had been years since she had last seen Marla. So many things could have happened since they parted ways. For all Kayla knew, their reunion could have been arranged by the Elysium Government just to get Marla into Master David's household as a spy. They would certainly love to know what happened here and what his most secret plans were.

In a whisper, Kayla replied, "I don't know. We went through hell together, and I love her more than my natural born sisters, but I have not seen her for years. I cannot vouch for her."

"What does your gut tell you, Kayla?"

Kayla remembered the sex slave shamelessly flashing her wares at the assembled furs. She felt again the iron grip of Marla when she first grabbed her in a bear hug. She savored the sound of her friend's voice at dinner. In every way Marla seemed unchanged.

"I trust her," Kayla replied.

Master David finished the last of his drink.

"What do you think about Marla joining our pack then, Kayla? Not our extended pack, but our personal pack. You, me and Marla," Master David asked her.

Kayla's muzzle shot up and looked at her Master. He was grinning, but he obviously meant his offer.

Kayla took the glasses and placed them on the headboard shelf. She grinned up at her Master before tossing back the covers and gently pushing him onto his back. She swung her right leg over Master David's waist.

"Let me show you what I think about it, Master David," Kayla replied with a wide grin.

Kayla knelt above her Master and looked down at him. In the years since she had come into his life, she had come to love him deeply. He had never treated her as a slave, not even before she had made the total commitment to him that he required of her. She relished their times together. She had never wanted to be a sex slave and had hated the Academy with a passion for what it had done to her and her friends. However, Master David took only what she freely offered and gave back so much every time they coupled.

Master David tended to her needs and desires as a fur, not as an object to be used and tossed aside when his own needs were satisfied. He romanced her, held her close when she needed it, and made love to her whenever she desired but only when she wanted it.

Master David allowed her almost total freedom and equality both in and out of bed. It had led to the formerly sexually reserved otteress often stalking her Master for sexual sport. She had frequently ended up in the dungeon in pure ecstasy.

Kayla also found she enjoyed taking the dominant role in their more normal sex acts. She particularly took pleasure in mounting her Master while he lay on his back as he did now.

Kayla looked down at Master David. He smiled up at her. All of Kayla's doubts disappeared when she saw the joy in his face. She laughed and smiled back at him.

As Master David lay calmly on the bed Kayla began to run her paws over his chest and stomach. She loved the feel of his pelt running through her slightly opened fingers and over her webbing. She also started to lift and drop her tail so that it trailed over her Master's sheath and scrotum.

Kayla continued to gently massage her lover for several minutes. Neither of them was in any particular hurry. Both knew the joy that awaited them from many prior days and nights spent in sex play. Kayla wanted to draw out her foreplay to allow her Master to relax and unwind. Today had been a good day of rest and relaxation spent together, but these days were growing further apart as the situation on Elysium continued to slowly but inescapably lurch towards civil war. The tension always seemed to melt from his body as Kayla worked her paws over her Master's body.

Master David lifted his arms and placed his paws on Kayla's thighs. Like her, he wanted the foreplay to draw out through the night. He was content to lay quietly and drink in the sight of his beautiful otteress as her naked body swayed and danced above his.

Kayla leaned down and started to lick and suck on Master David's nipples. He shifted a bit under her body. She dropped more of her weight on him to pin him more securely to the mattress. She smiled wide as he gasped when she rapidly flicked her tongue over the tip of his right nipple.

The otteress sex slave checked her lover's dick. It was half out of its sheath with several inches of pink flesh on display.

Kayla started at Master David's sternum and worked her way up his chest to his neck. Along the way she tried to kiss, lick and nuzzle every square inch of his chest. When she reached his neck, she worked her muzzle deep into the hollow of his neck. She sought out all the little male erogenous zones there that the Academy had shown her.

Kayla felt Master David's paws shift to her back. He ran them over her back to give her a massage with his powerful paws. Kayla moaned in a mixture of sensual pleasure and raw desire.

The couple continued to slowly pleasure each other for several more minutes. Kayla could feel Master David's cock grow and brush against her belly and crotch. She pushed herself back up to her knees and looked down at the older wolf. She grinned at him as she lifted her hips high into the air and lowered her cunt onto his hard shaft. She took just the tip into her at first. The wet precum juices mixed with her nectar to provide lubrication.

Kayla placed her paws behind her head and arched her back as only an otter could. She had always been limber, but the Academy had taken extra time to stretch and train her body so that she could practically tie her body into knots. Now she used her ability to bend back her body until her paws rested on Master David's thighs and her muzzle brushed his balls.

Kayla heard Master David's quick intake of breath as she ran her tongue over his testicles. She played with them for a while, licking and kissing them before pulling them into her mouth to suck on them gently.

All the time Kayla was playing with Master David's balls she was also presenting her pussy to his rapt view. She was also not ignoring his hard shaft. As his shaft stiffened to a full erection, four inches had lodged in her cunt. She used her vaginal muscles to slowly but strongly fellate his trapped shaft. The rubbing of her inner flesh against his prick combined with her visual presentation of her body brought him rapidly to full hardness.

Kayla slowly unbent her body and straightened her back until she was squatting upright above his hips with his prick trapped in her cunt. She grinned down at Master David. His eyes were wide with wonder and appreciation of her skill as they always were. His wide grin showed his obvious delight at her work.

Kayla paused and started to play with her breasts. She worked on her nipples until they rose proudly above the thin white fur that covered her breasts. She knew Master David enjoyed seeing them as they made love.

Once her nipples were hard, Kayla moved her paws underneath her body and found Master David's dick. She guided it deeper into her as she lowered her body onto his shaft even further. Inch by inch the large rod disappeared into her hot cunt. The feeling of being filled by her wolf sent shivers through Kayla's body as she experienced several mini-orgasms.

At last Kayla came to Master David's knot. She grinned at him. She still remembered the first time she had mated with him. He had been so afraid she would hurt herself pressing his knot into her pussy. Now he just grinned up at her and waited. Kayla barely paused before using her vaginal muscles to draw her Master's knot deep into her body and tie the two furs together. She barked as a large orgasm took her as always seemed to happen every time his knot entered her pussy. She felt her lover answer with a stream of hot cum that coated her interior.

They played with each other's bodies for some time as they lay on the bed tied together by Master David's knot. Kayla bent forward and kissed her Master's face and neck again. Her muzzle found his, and they languidly French kissed.

Kayla felt two paws slide under her tail. Her Master started to gently stroke her tail hole. He never penetrated her rear entrance, but he worked her over and brought her off with his anal stimulation.

Kayla made every effort to make this a special night for her Master. She briefly wondered what it would be like to have a third fur, a very horny Academy trained wolfess who she loved deeply no less, sharing their bed. Kayla had not been involved in any three-ways for some time. Master David had always chosen to spend his private time alone with her. Now that Marla was here, they could tag team their Master to bring him more and longer sex.

Master David did not understand Kayla's sudden laugh or the gleam of mischievousness in her eyes, but he suspected they somehow involved him. He just smiled. His otteress meant the world to him, and he knew she would do him no harm. Indeed, if the future was like tonight, he would be having a most enjoyable life.

Briefly a troubled expression crossed his face as he thought how unlikely that would be, but a fresh wave of pleasure erupted from his crotch as Kayla squeezed his shaft and gave him another orgasm.

Both furs had several orgasms over the next hour as they lay entwined. Kayla did her best to repeatedly show her thanks to her Master for his decision to keep Marla here with them. He responded by stroking her hair and face with his paw and kissing her passionately as he pumped her full of sperm.

While the two furs celebrated their love and the coming of a new fur to their pack, a short distance down the hall Marla tossed and turned in her bed. For the past several months sleep had been nightly filled with nightmares from the unrelenting pain in her body and the knowledge that her time as a sex slave was rapidly coming to an end. It would likely be a tortured end at that, a 'Final Fling' such as to which Master David had alluded earlier that afternoon. She had come to expect her body would be mercilessly broken and her life snuffed out by some sadistic fur that enjoyed the thrill of killing.

In her nightmare Marla ran from the faceless silhouettes of unknown furs that stalked her as she ran through a dark plain. She could hear them all around her. Every night they got closer and closer.

Tonight, though, she saw a light ahead of her. She ran to it. Awaiting her were Kayla and her new Master. They welcomed her with open arms and warm hugs. The shadows beyond the light faded from her sight and hearing as she buried her head in Kayla's warm, lightly scented pelt.

As Marla's subconscious reconciled her fear of impending death and the new hope that filled her Marla slid into her first dreamless sleep in months. Her body stilled as Marla found peace at last.