Fuckday the 13th

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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What happens when three dark and bad girls end up at Crystal Lake and meet the well known killer? Quite a surprise.

Fog began to roll into an old abandoned camp, the cabins starting to fall apart, cob webs on everything, with a large sign that read 'Camp Crystal Lake'. The camera zoomed back to show a small mini van driving near the sign before stopping.

"So this is the place we're staying at? Seems kinda empty."

"Exactly, this place isn't even on the maps, it's perfect!"

"Besides you guys, this is the best place for alone time." Chuckled a third voice while the van drove in while the driver seemed nervous and was a black furred anthro cat wearing a long black sweater and blue jeans.

"I'm not so sure, I mean, doesn't it seem kinda dark? It's not even four yet."

"Blame it on the clouds and air pollution, I personally think it's cool, almost as cool as the beer in the cooler." Chuckled a female grey anthro hyena with a torn tank top and short shorts on who was currently drinking one of the beers.

"Not as you babe." Smirked a golden furred lion with a mane who had a tight white muscle t-shirt and tight jeans who sat beside her and tickled her side while grabbing his own can making her jump.

"Stop it you two, and stop drinking all the beer." Growled a black poodle who was wearing a collared shirt and slacks. "I still think it was a bad idea to let them sit next to it, now there won't be any left."

"Relax, they're just getting relaxed." Waved off a brown furred ferret beside her who had a black cap on with a matching shirt and tan shorts while rubbing a small case on his lap. "And this stuff is gonna really make all of us unwind, and maybe see some weird ass shit."

"As long as it doesn't make us OD, right babe?" Called an orange tiger who was wearing a white muscle tee and blue shorts as he looked up at the driver.

"Yeah, just keep that stuff away from me while I'm driving and we won't end up hitting a rock or something." She replied while keeping her hands on the wheel and drove the van over near one of the cabins. "Todd, you made sure we wouldn't get caught, right?"

"Of course I did, this place has been abandoned for years after a mom went crazy and killed a bunch of counselors after her son was almost killed by the other kids, she was shot dead here so they closed the place down, at least that's what I read, so no one comes here anymore." The lion said as he drank his beer.

"Which means we can cut loose and go wild!" Laughed the hyena as the six got out of the van and started to grab some stuff from the back while the ferret saw the poodle's ass and gave it a brief slap when it came into his line of sight.

"Nice ass as always babe, just the way I like it."

She jumped and growled at him before giving his cheek a slap. "Jerk!" Before huffing and stamped off into the cabin.

"What was her problem, we're dating." He said with a frown as the lion and tiger laughed at him.

"Maybe she just got jealous you were more busy rubbing the stuff on the ride here than her Joey." Chuckled the lion.

"Shut up! You were busy chugging your booze, so you got no room to criticize me man!" He shouted as he flipped the lion off.

"Can one of you lend a hand here?" Called the cat trying to lift a pair of sleeping bags with difficulty.

"Don't worry, you got it babe!" Called the Tiger. "It'll toughen you up!"

She rolled her eyes and lugged them up to the cabin. 'Lazy bastard.'

"I can't wait to see the cabin, I hope it doesn't fall on us in the middle of the night!" Laughed the hyena.

"I know something that could fall on you at night." Chuckled the lion while smacking her ass making her laugh and giggle. "See, that's how you smack your woman's ass dumbass." He said as he turned to the ferret.

Joey rolled his eyes while all of them got inside and started picking their bunks. "Hey babe, wanna share a bed~?" He called to the poodle with a grin.

"If you plan on smoking that stuff right near my face when we sleep, no." She huffed with her back to him while she layed on the bed.

"Aw come on, it was one time." He sat down and rubbed her side. "Listen, what say I let you take a hit off my bong first before I touch it, will that brighten you up?"

"No, I just want you to stop smoking that stuff when I'm around, it makes my fur smell like pot for days!" She said with a huff.

"But you always clean up like it's no big deal. Remember that huge party where we got high together? You wouldn't stop taking my own joint over and over."

"Yeah, because I needed to calm myself down because your friends were tearing my house apart!"

"Easy there Rebecca." Spoke the cat. "Why don't you and I go out and get some firewood for later? It'll give us a chance to check out around the place."

"Alright, let's go." She said as she got up and walked towards the door.

"Wow man, real smooth." Remarked the tiger jumping on a bed with a smile.

"Oh up yours Jerry!"

"Hey, wait up for me girls!" Called the hyena.

"Hey, where are you going Lily?"

"With the girls, after that car trip I could use some girl time!" She laughed before running out. "Be back later!"

"Alright, but hurry up, I could use some private time with you!" Called the lion as he licked his lips.

"Didn't you two already do it before we left?" Asked Jerry while he brushed a spider web away from his bunk.

"Yeah, but who gets tired of sex with the king!" He laughed as the girls walked into the forest.

"Rebecca, maybe you should try some deep breathing exercises." Suggested the cat as they walked off while she reached down and started grabbing dead sticks.

"I tried that and it didn't do shit! I am just tired of his shit!" She shouted as she kicked a tree.

"Were you tired of it when he plowed you over the kitchen table?" Laughed Lily who tried to pick up some sticks to help her friend.

"No, but somehow his stamina has gotten worse! He barely lasts three minutes anymore!" She groaned.

"Damn, what about you Sarah, has Jerry been giving your nine lives the ride of their life?" Snickered Lily with the cat rolling her eyes.

"I wish, he's just a big pussy cat in bed, all he does is lay on me and scratch up my back, it sucks."

"I'm not surprised, he and that boy toy of yours Lily could be twins with how much they're like."

"Except AJ has got size." Laughed Lily while Rebecca started picking up wood. "Remember that one time he and Jerry sleepover at my place?"

"Yeah, they got so drunk they forgot their own names for a bit, why?"

"They also started getting naked and compared sizes. I took a picture if you wanna see the difference." She pulled out her phone and started scrolling through it before holding it up.

Rebecca blushed as she looked at the picture while Sarah frowned. "What the hell?"

"See? He's definitely 'king' in bed!" Cackled Lily while slapping her knee.

"Gee, I'm so jealous." Sarah rolled her while getting an armful of sticks.

"Oh! I know girls, before our time here is up, you two can even have a turn~"

"I wouldn't mind....though I thought we brought them out here to...you know..." Rebecca said as she looked at the other two.

"Don't worry, it'll happen." Nodded Sarah with conviction as Lily smiled. "But really, you can keep him, dealing with Jerry is plenty for me."

"Alright." Lily moved over to Rebecca and gave her ass a slap making her jump and causing her to drop the sticks. "What about you Rebecca? Wanna feel what it's like to really get hammed and not get your precious fur all smelly? From pot I mean."

"Well....yeah, I do, but on the other hand I don't wanna give those assholes the satisfaction of fucking me." She said as she picked up some twigs for kindling.

"Relax, by the time we're done we're all gonna be feeling good as new." Spoke Sarah reaching down as the other two walked ahead of her.

Chchchch ahahahah

She blinked and stood up confused. "What?"

"What is it Sarah, did you hear something?" Lily called back as she and Rebecca kept walking.

"Did you two say something?"

"We just did." Frowned Rebecca. "Come on or you'll get lost."

The cat was really confused now and glanced around the woods before shrugging and hurried towards them. 'Probably just my imagination.'

Unknown to the three girls, a large figure was hiding behind a tree, watching them. He was gigantic and wore a green suit, worn brown boots and an old hockey mask with two bull horns sticking out of the side. It watched the girls walk away while giving a silent snort through the mask and walked off.

Later, the girls came back with the wood with Jerry and AJ already in the middle of wrestling outside the cabin while Joey was trying to chug a whole can of beer in one go and failing.

"My god, we leave you three alone for five minutes and you're already trying to kill each other!" Rebecca groaned as she set down the wood.

"No, I'm just trying to get AJ here to admit I'm tougher." Spoke Jerry while getting the lion in a headlock who roared before elbowing him and tackling him. "Gah!"

"And I said I'm not the king for nothing, so it ain't gonna do shit." He chuckled while Sarah sighed. "Hey babe, wanna get in on this?"

"No, I'm good, just please don't drink yourself into a coma." She groaned as she walked past him.

"Geeze, what's her problem?" He muttered as he grabbed another can.

"She's just shy." Spoke Lily grabbing her own and popped it open before taking a big gulp and cheered. "Wooh! Hey Rebecca! Want one?"

"And become a drunk fool like everyone else? I'm good." She Said with a frown.

"Aw come on, it'll be fun! Rebecca! Rebecca! Rebecca!" She chanted.

The poodle growled before grabbing a twig and chucked it at the hyena. "I'm not drinking the beer you idiots!"

"Booo, you're no fun babe." Called Joey as the poodle walked by as the ferret tried chugging the can again but coughed and had to hit his chest when it nearly went down the wrong hole. "Ugh, I'm going to get this right!"

"Ha, I win!" Jerry shouted as he pinned AJ. "Admit it!"


While this happened the figure from before watched and clenched his hands at seeing the boys drinking that disgusting stuff that the two adults drank before. The ones who let him die and not do anything when those mean kids wouldn't stop picking on him. He tightened his grip on his machete and began to move towards them as they kept drinking beer. He had to discipline them, he had to punish the bad boys like mother told him too.

But before he could move the girls came back and he heard his mother's voice.

'No Jason, not yet. It's too early, wait to punish them later when they're truly being bad.'

He frowned, he wanted to punish them now, but mother knows best, and he loves his mother, so he turned around and began to walk back into the forest.


The six teens sat around a burning fire that Joey managed to get start using his lighter and some gasoline. Right now they were looking at it with AJ rubbing Lily's hips as she sat on his lap making her giggle while Joey was lighting up a bong while Rebecca didn't pay it much attention. Jerry was pulling Sarah close to him as he was tugging at her clothes.

"Come on babe, it's been so long." He purred into her ears. "At least let me get to second base right now, ok?"

"No, I'm not in the mood right now." She replied nudging his paw off. "Maybe later on, but right now, not happening."

"Aw, come on babe, I'm horny and drunk, now's the right time." He groaned.

"No means no." She glared while crossing her arms.

"Easy there, the others might stare." Whispered Lily to AJ feeling his paw rubbing her ass while she giggled.

"I don't' mind, I got the hottest girlfriend right here and I'm proud of it." He said with a grin. "I want them to know we go at it all night long."

Joey took a deep puff and blew it out in the air before sliding down on the log and smiled. "Oh fuck, that's the stuff."

"Could you please stop smoking that shit please?" Rebecca asked as he blew some smoke at her. "And stop blowing it on me!"

"Come on girl, one puff, that's all I'm asking." He held it out to her and coughed slightly.

She facepalmed and grabbed it and the lighter. "Fine! But one hit is it, got it?"

"That's all I'm asking, though feel free to have more than one." He said with a grin as he watched her.

She held it near her and started to light one end.

Chchchch ahahahah

"Huh? Did you hear anything?" She said as she raised her head.

"Hear what?" Asked AJ licking Lily's neck making her jump and laugh.

"I don't know.... It just sounds like something weird." She said as she looked around in confusion.

"Hey Sarah, can you go get my bag?" Asked Lily.


"You know, the 'extra' bag I brought." She winked.

"Ooooh, alright, I've been looking forward to this!" She giggled as she got up and ran to the cabin.

"Wow Jerry, guess your girl is more into toys then you bahahaha!" Laughed Joey smacking the ground.

"I guess you could say that....you boys close your eyes as we get the stuff, ok? It's a surprise." Rebecca said as Sarah came back carrying a large bag.

"Wait, let me guess." Grinned AJ while sucking on Lily's neck making her growl in enjoyment. "You got some tight looking underwear in there?"

"No silly, I'm not wearing any." She whispered before standing up. "But trust us, you boys are gonna be speechless."

"Now remember, close your eyes~." They called as the boys grinned and covered their eyes.

'Please wear nothing but sexy underwear!' Thought AJ.

'Weed, lots and lots of weed!' Joey thought with a grin.

'Naked Sarah just begging to get the D!' thought Jerry.

Meanwhile Jason was watching and couldn't see what the girls were grabbing, but after seeing Joey smoking weed, the other two drink and close to doing naughty things to the other two, he was convinced it was about time for him to punish them all. He raised his machete and prepared to walk out when suddenly he heard his mother's voice again.

'Not yet dear, let's see what those girls are doing first.'

He reluctantly lowered his weapon while confused since so far they seemed naughty, well the hyena and maybe the poodle, but he didn't see her really get as high as the ferret so he was unsure. He tried to see what they were getting as they stood up and started to turn to the boys.

"Alright, we're almost ready~." Rebecca called.

"Just keep those eyes closed and no peeking~" Sang Lily with a chuckle that sounded a bit unnerving to a normal person, not that the guys noticed.

'Are they about to start an orgy?' AJ thought with a grin. 'I can't wait!'

"Alright, now you can look." Spoke Sarah before they heard a weird clicking sound.

They opened their eyes with grins only to look in shock to see all the girls holding guns pointed right at them.

"Um, babe...w-what's happening?" Joey said nervously.

"What's 'happening' is we're gonna splatter your brains all over the ground." She mocked while letting out a deep sigh. "Honestly, I was tempted this whole day since we rode here, I couldn't hold back with how much you pissed me off!"

"W-wait, you all brought us here to kill us?!" Jerry shouted in shock.

"Yep, you see, we're what you would call...bad girls." Smirked Sarah. "And we don't mean the usual goth, punk, or slutty kind, we mean girls who have a long history of breaking the rules."

"We actually met each other when we were kids, way before we even met you three." Laughed Lily with a dark laugh that made them all shiver in fear. "Each of us use to do anything we wanted to break the rules for the thrill of it. Each time we tried to make it further and further. Vandalism, my personal favorite."

"Shoplifting." Spoke Rebecca.

"And cheating off tests." Finished Sarah while pacing a little with her tail swishing. "You could say we formed this group because we could understand each other, we would watch each others back. We even liked making it a contest to see who could go farther than the others, and that's when Lily came up with this one."

"The rules were to find the crappiest guy possible, one no one would really miss and make him your boyfriend, then we could come here and do the deed, taking it to the next level, giving us the ultimate thrill!" Rebecca said with a grin as they looked at the girls in horror. "I think I won this one with the smoking ferret, right girls?"

"You kidding? AJ's been banging me over and over whenever I was nearby, I'd say loose and horny pussycat with no restraint is better." Laughed Lily holding her stomach.

"You kidding? Jerry is by far the worse, he's a dumb jock who can't last a full round without blowing his load early. When he wasn't he made me do all the work, made me pay for the dates, everything! He sucked!" she glared at the tiger who reeled back while she pressed the barrel against his forehead. "Honestly I didn't wanna use guns, it would send out a loud sound that might alert others to the location, but then Rebecca here found a location that no one was near for years. A place people were scared of, meaning if we dropped three dead bodies in the lake, no one would discover them for years to come and we'd get off scot free."

"Y-You can't be serious, you're going to kill us? For fun?!?" AJ roared in anger. "This is bullshit!"

'Nope, it's just fun." Lily said as she pulled the trigger and shot him in the head, killing him instantly and making the other boys scream out in fear.

"Holy shit! They're serious!"

"Run!" Screamed Joey throwing his bong at Rebecca before he turn and ran off before groaning when he felt the bullet go through his chest along with two more in his head before dropping down dead.

"Shit, shit shit shit!" Jerry cussed as he tried to run before he felt two bullets enter his legs as Sarah approached him. "Babe, please, don't do this, I-I can be better!"

"No, you would make a better rug than a boyfriend." She said before shooting him in the head as the other girls started to empty their guns into their dead boyfriends.

After emptying their clips Rebecca dropped her gun and sat down before letting out a deep sigh and rubbed her head.

"Wow...we actually did it, we just killed them."

"Yeah.... God does it feel good, this is the best rush I've had in years!" Moaned Lily as she sat down. "I feel like I could go wild for a week straight!"

"Keep it in your pants." Spoke Sarah while looking at the bodies. "Let's just get them in the water first and clean up the blood to make sure no one can link this to us, THEN we can sit back and relax."

As they got to work Jason watched them with wide eyes. They killed the wicked, they did his job...but that made them bad, so he had to punish them now. He started to walk towards them slowly.

'Wait Jason!'

He stop and inwardly groaned. What did his mother want now, he had waited and seen the girls kill three boys, what did she want to do now?

'Honey, mother knows these girls are bad, but you don't have to kill them. You could punish them in...other ways, and give you dear mother some cute grandbabies, ok?'

That made him tilt his head in confusion. He had heard the birds and bees a while ago, but considering the only people that came here were naughty, he never even thought of trying that on them, especially since he was always over taken with anger, that and his lack of voice.

'Since these are naughty girls, you don't have to hold back honey, you can have fun, punish them and give your dear mother the grandbabies she's always wanted, ok?'

He nodded while seeing them drop the bodies in his lake and easily get rid of the blood with some water and dirt before they sat down around the fire.

Sarah let out a deep sigh while rubbing her head. "Man, that felt more intense than I imagined."

"Yeah, that was intense, I can't believe we actually went through with it." Rebecca said as she picked up her ex's bong. She smiled and chucked it away while taking a deep breath of the nature air. "Ah, now that's what I like, fresh air without any of that gross weed smell. Maybe now I won't need to go through shampoo every week."

"This reminds me of that one time I got into a fight in freshman year." Spoke Lily taking a beer and sipping from it. "Remember? It was with that cow Ashley who thought she was queen bee."

"Oh yeah, you beat the shit out of her between classes, tied her up in the lunchroom and milked her, you got suspended for that!" Laughed Rebecca.

"Says the girl who got banned from the mall when she tried to kick one random lady's ass just because she happened to get the last dress you wanted for prom." Sarah raised an eyebrow with a smirk.

"That bitch saw me going for it! And it was worth it, I got the dress from her bruised, broken hands before security came!" She said with a blush. "And what about Lily, she's banned from every walmart, they have her picture up and everything!"

"Oh suuure, I try to walk out with a thong without a top on one time, and people make a deal about it. Except for the guards, they didn't seem to mind when I gave them a free show." Smirked Lily. "But what about Sarah over here?"

"What about me? Are you talking about the time I robbed that candy store in fourth grade?"

"Of course, out of all of us you're the one who can't go a week without sweets." Smirked Rebecca. "You practically started a riot when they stopped making twinkies, remember?"

The cat coughed and looked away while grabbing her water bottle. "It wasn't THAT bad."

"You led a mob to every store and stole every box you could get your hands on, the national guard was called in! I still can't believe you got away with it!"

"Well my dad's influenced just happened to help." She smirked with a chuckle before taking a drink just as a twig was heard snapping making her turn her head. "Did you two hear that?"

"Yeah, I think so....what was that?" Lily asked in confusion as she looked around.

"Probably just some small critter." Rebecca waved off without looking. "You two did make sure to give everyone a convincing story about where we were going, right?"

"Yep, to an old movie theater to binge watch a bunch of old movies, my dad owns it and he'll make sure it's true." Sarah said with a grin.

"And I made sure to let it slip that the guys had been acting a little off." Chimed in Lily. "You know the usual, drinking too much, getting too loud, and about Joey's habit of doing weird stuff when high off his ass."

"Good, then I would say this is a success, let's wait for the heat to die down before trying something like this again, alright?"

"Good call, with exams coming up I'm gonna need to buckle down and see who I can blackmailed into getting me the right answers." Laughed Sarah. "After all, if I'm gonna be a big time official like my dad, I'll need to really focus on the right stuff."

"On blackmail and ass kissing?" laughed Lily before hearing a twig snap again. "Hey, did you hear that? I think something's out there."

"I already told you it's just some critter." Spoke Rebecca with annoyance. "Honestly you two are getting jumpy now, what? Scared those two are gonna rise up as ghosts and haunt us?"

"No, I'm just worried there's a crazy mountain man, and we're all out of ammo." Said Sarah as she looked around.

"Relax girlfriend." Lily sat up and went over to the bag before rifling through and pulled out a serrated knife. "I brought some of these in case we lost the guns or had to go with something more up close and personal."

"Good thinking, and you're probably right, it's probably nothing." Sarah said as she shook her head. "So Rebecca, have you finally got a clue on what career you're gonna go with after school's done?"

"Well, I was thinking of opening up a weapon shop in town, that way I won't habt to pay as much to get a weapon, plus I'll be prepared for when the cops try to take me in eventually."

"Wow, here I thought you'd retire and be little miss fashion model and salon manager." Teased Lily.

"Please, I've heard enough of mom trying to get me into fashion school, I swear she's grooming me to be a model so she can live off the high pay checks I'd earn, well screw her!" She said as she rolled her eyes. "Although, I'm still gonna make sure my shop at least smells nice, god knows I need to take a shower after smelling like gun polish. What about you Lily? You like to be quiet on what you'll be doing."

"Well, I was thinking of living on the edge, maybe I'll open a bar for bikers, that way I can get all the booze I want, and the bikers can scare away the health inspector."

"And so you can get free tail if they can't pay their tabs, right?" Guessed Sarah with a knowing look.

"Maybe~." She called with a grin as Jason got closer and closer to them. "Hey Rebecca, didn't you hear about some weird rumors around the place? Besides the stuff AJ pointed out when we got here."

"A few, apparently everyone who come heres dies, and that there's some kinda psycho monster here? But those are just rumors, right?"

"Zombie? Really?" Sarah raised an eyebrow while not seeing the dark figure slowly appearing behind her. "That's just as crazy as ghosts."

"Like I said, it was just a rum....or....oh my god!" Rebecca shouted as she spotted Jason behind Sarah right before he grabbed her.

"Wha-hey!" she cried out trying to turn her head before seeing the hockey mask and paled before squirming in his hold. "Let me go!"

He was silent as he began to run away with her, starting to pull off her clothes as he ran.

"Hey!" She blushed while crossing her arms to cover her bra while the other two ran after them. "Put me down!"

He shook his head no before tearing her bra off, making her squeal as he reached an old cabin before entering it and locking it before the other two girls could reach them.

"Hey!" Rebecca grabbed the knob and tried pulling it open. "Let us in! Sarah!"

"Hang on!" Lily walked back before letting out a loud yell and ran at it before lunging with her shoulder turned before she hit it and the door broke off and fell down. "Ow! Fuck that stung!"

"We have to hurry! This is like a horror movie, he could be stringing her up like a piece of meat before butchering her!" Rebecca shouted as she ran into the cabin. "Hurry up Lily!"

"I'm coming!" Yelled Lily following her as they rushed in and spotted the figure sitting on a large bed and holding Sarah on his lap while he was trying to tug her underwear off. "Hey, get off of her!" She shouted as she pulled out her knife and lunged at him, stabbing him in the arm. She paled as he just looked up at her before grabbing her by the neck. "Gah!"

"Lily!" Screamed Rebecca in horror. She tried to help her before Jason grabbed her by the neck too.

He looked around before spotting some old sleeping bags he had taken from some of his victims and got an idea. He threw the girls to the bed before going over and picked up the sleeping bags.

"Hey, what are you doing with those?"

He didn't respond before grabbing Rebecca and shoving her in one and walked over towards the wall where a large hook was before impaling the opening on it, thus hanging the bag on the wall and trapping her with only her head sticking out. He grabbed the other bag and turned to Lily.

"Woah there big boy, if you wanna restraining me, you gonna have to work for it." She smirked while daring him to come at her.

"Lily, don't antagonize the giant scary man who has a machete on his back!" Hissed Sarah as he slowly approached them..

'Jason! You stop that this instant!'

Jason instantly stopped in his tracks as he heard his mother. Why was she stopping him, he was doing what she said to do.

'I want you to punish them, but at the same time you need to still treat them delicately, they're still girls who aren't as strong as you.'

Jason frowned, these girls weren't that fragile, they had killed naughty people, and he was just restraining them, one of them had stabbed him!

"Huh? Hey, what's the hold up? You wanna go, then bring it." Dared Lily.

He looked at her and his blade before tossing it aside and moved at her, but this time careful before Lily tried swiping her knife at him, but this time he grabbed her wrist and started to pick her up and carry her over to the sleeping bag before using his free hand to take the knife from her and toss it aside.

"Let me go you bastard!" She shouted as she tried to get free as he hanged the bag up before turning back to Sarah.

She shivered in fear as he walked over and sat down before getting pulled back on his lap and let out a squeak when she felt his hand reach down and tear her underwear off. "W-What are you doing? A-are you going to kill me?" She called before feeling something long and hard in his pants. "Wait...is that...."

He didn't respond as he started to take off his pants to reveal a large rock hard dick as she gasped.

"Wait....do you want to...."

"Damn!" spoke Lily while Rebecca dropped her jaw at the pulsating member. "Look at the size of that thing! It's like another arm!"

"I-I think he wants to fuck us!" Sarah said as he lifted her up and positioned her above it. "Oh god, he IS going to fuck us!"

"So then...HE'S the rumored psycho?!" Spoke up Rebecca in shock before he started to lower the cat over the tip making her jump and let out a loud moan as gravity helped make it easier, but the girth was slowly stretching her open making her go wide eyed and tense up. "Sarah, are you ok? Is that going to even fit inside of you?!"

"W-Well, we're about to see!" She cried out gritting her teeth the more she took it in, but winced and hissed as a bulge slowly formed with her groaning as half of it went in before stopping. "Fuck! It's gonna tear me in half!"

Jason himself let out a loud groan while blown away at the snugness and warmth that made his body wake up.

'Remember Jason, they will be punished, but if you follow my advice you and them will keep going until they've learned their lesson, understand?'

He nodded his head as the girl on his dick moaned. Mother knew best so he would listen to her, but what should he do with her now? It didn't seem like any more of his dick would go into her and he had no idea what to do now.

"Oh fuck! Jerry's was nowhere near this size!" She groaned before Jason moved his hands up to her chest and started to give them a squeeze while staying perfectly still. She moaned in pleasure before looking at him and gulped. "Um...C-could you do that again please?"

Jason nodded before squeezing her breasts again while his mother urged him to be careful and not too hard, so he stuck to being firm, but also rubbed them at the same time. She moaned in response as she tried moving her hips a bit, making him groan.

"T-This isn't half bad..." She got out while her tail brushed against him. "But it's still gigantic..."

"I-Is he going to do that to all of us?" Murmured Rebecca with a blush.

"I sure hope so." Muttered Lily licking her lips. "How many people went missing before we came here?"

"I don't know exactly, I think a few dozen?"

"Aw hell yeah! Getting fucked by a psycho killer whose killed more people than us? I can feel my shorts getting wet already."

"Are you nuts?!" Whispered Rebecca. "Neither of us can handle that size, and besides, don't you know what killers like that do after they fuck their victims?"

"Fuck them again?"

"No! They kill them! He might fuck us, but it's almost guaranteed he's going to kill us!"

"Hmm, then we'll have to make sure it doesn't happen." Smirked Lily with a glint in her eyes.

"And how are we supposed to do that?" Rebecca whispered back as Sarah moaned in pleasure.

"Oh, oh yeah, right there." Moaned the cat from Jason's kneading before she started to move herself up and down the dick easier than before making him grunt more along with her. "Oh god, Jerry was never this good!" She moaned as she kept bouncing on his dick.

'That's it Jason, keep rubbing her chest and try to move your hips as she comes down, it'll feel even better and warmer."

Jason nodded his head and did as his mother instructed, inciting a louder moan from Sarah.

'Perfect, now keep it up.'

Sarah herself felt her body getting more hot while trying to get as much of the dick in as she could while feeling his fingers pinch her nipples making her jump with a cry. "Oh yes, yes, yes! Keep it up, please!" She moaned as her eyes started to glaze over.

Jason was surprised at the eagerness and moved his hips upwards faster while groaning since the tightness deep inside was getting to be too much and he felt pressure building up. It kept building up until he felt it moving up his dick and a white liquid shot out of it, making him and Sarah groan/moan in pleasure.

"OH GOD!" She moaned as she felt him shoot giant load after load of cum into her, filler her up like a water balloon as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "That...was...amazing...."

Jason groaned while falling back on the bed and panted while blown away. What was that!

'That was sex honey, and you just came, meaning the girl might be pregnant now. Why don't you give her a break and try one of the other girls, ok?'

He panted and slowly nodded before sitting up and carefully lifted Sarah up who moved while sperm insides seeped out onto his dick and he set her down on the side before turning to the other girls and looked between them. Now whick to chose, the hyena looked very eager, but the poodle seemed torn between terrified and intrigued. He moved towards them before grabbing Rebecca's sleeping bag.

"W-Wait! Me?!"

"Hang on big boy!" Spoke Lily up making them turn to her. "Why settle for one at a time when me and my pal here can show you a real fun time at the SAME time?"

He looked at her in confusion. He thought sex could only be done with one woman, but he can do it with two? He wished his mother could tell him what to do.

'Wait, I might know what she's getting at, free them both Jason.'

Really? He didn't get what his mom was getting at, but mother was always right. He grabbed Lily's sleeping bag, making her grin as he dumped both her and Rebecca onto the bed.

"Are you nuts?" Whispered Rebecca with a gulp.

"Yes, but that's besides the point." She whispered with a grin as she started to take her clothes off. "Now strip."

Rebecca frowned, but complied while feeling embarrassed as Jason stared and felt his penis stay rigid hard to the point it hurt a little. Ok, so he knew how to have sex....but what was he supposed to do with two of them. He shrugged and decided to start with the poodle. She gulped before Lily moved in between them.

"Woah there fella, if you're new to dealing two girls at once, follow my lead. Go ahead and take a seat."

He narrowed his eyes before shrugging and doing as she said. He hoped this was as good as she kept saying, or he was REALLY going to punish them.

Lily made Rebecca move over and get on their knees before spreading Jason's legs to stare at the dick upfront making Lily really get turned on and her friend to feel even more nervous.

"Damn, this is the kind of dick I've dreamed about, and it's still hard as a diamond." Growled Lily swallowing her saliva seeing the leftover sperm ooze down it. "Want the first lick Rebecca?"

"L-lick? Wait....you want me to....both of us....at the same time?" She said with a blush as Lily put her hand on the back of Rebecca's head and started to push it towards the dick.

"Of course, this thing isn't gonna clean itself up. Plus it'll just go to waste." She said with a grin as her friends eyes widened as she opened her mouth to protest only for it to land on his dick.

Jason jumped while Rebecca gave out a muffled groan of protest before Lily moved her head down near the base and started licking the sperm around it making the bull groan louder. 'Nice and salty, this is going to be a great fucking!' She thought as Rebecca began to hesitantly lick the dick.

'I'm gonna kill her when this is over! If he doesn't do it first.' She thought with a blush as she licked the hard dick. 'It's pretty salty...and I am glad it doesn't smell like pot.'

Jason looked at the two girls and grinned under his mask. This felt pretty good, though he wondered how he was supposed to fuck both of them at once once they were done licking.

'Relax Jason, they're just getting you all nice and clean, can't have you making a mess in here right?'

Right, a clean Jason is a good Jason, at least that's what Mother would tell him.

'How big is his dick? And why does he want to do me over Lily?" Rebecca thought as she licked it. She tried to lick up all the amount across the tip made her feel her own body beginning to heat up even more.

Lily got an idea and started to drag her tongue downward towards his balls before flicking her tongue faster across them making him jump and grab Rebecca's head before pushing her head over more of the rod.

'Lily! What are you doing?' She thought as his tip entered her mouth. 'I don't think it's going to fit!'

'Guess he's ticklish right here.' She thought as she kept licking his balls as she kept her hand on Rebecca's head and began to slowly push it further onto his dick.

'Lily! I'm gonna wring your neck!' She thought feeling her mouth stretch open before her friend started to move her head up and down the cock making Jason groan louder and grip her head harder.

'Be careful Jason, she's going as fast as she can go.'

Jason sighed, these beings are fragile. But it's hard to hold back, this feeling was amazing, almost as good as sex! He didn't want to wait, he wanted more, now!

'Rebecca is going to kill me, but this is perfect.' Lily thought with a grin. That's when she started sucking on the ball with a moan while Jason let out a loud snort and they felt the dick start to twitch.

'Oh no, no no no! I don't want him to cum in my mouth!' Rebecca thought as Jason pushed his dick deeper into her mouth as he held her head. She tried to pull away, but his grip didn't lessen.

Lily pulled back and chuckled. "Hey big guy, if you wanna make my girlfriend here, let her breath, and make sure you aim that fella right at our faces."

He pondered it quickly before shrugging and pulling her off his dick before pointing it at their faces. It twitched before spraying cum at them like a hose, covering both of their faces.

"Ugh, gross!" spoke Rebecca feeling it cover her while Lily opened her mouth to catch some while the poodle glared at her. "Lily! What the hell?!"

"What? I thought it was fun, besides, I think he likes you." She said with a grin. "Bet you five bucks he grabs you next as the next cow girl who gets to ride his dick."

"Lily, I'm gonna-" She started before Jason grabbed her by her waist. "Oh come on!"

"Told you." She said with a grin. "Hey, hold on big guy, wanna learn a new way to have sex with her?"

There was another way to have sex? Jason looked at her in confusion as the poodle paled as he nodded his head.

"Lily, shut up." Growled Rebecca through her teeth.

"Sorry Rebecca, but he wants to know. Ok, instead of doing her in the pussy....you do her in the ass." She said with a grin.

Ass? That could actually be used for sex? He thought as he lifted her up to look at it, making her blush. He never knew he could do that... well, it might be fun to try it, plus she doesn't seem to want to do it, and this is punishment after all.

'Go ahead Jason, but to really make it enjoyable, make her get on all fours.'

On all fours? Ok, if mother says to...

"H-hey, what are you doing!" Rebecca said as he made her get on her hands and knees. "Oh my god...he's going to do me doggy style!"

"Hahaha! He's going to make you his bitch!" Laughed Lily. "Go ahead and smack her ass while she's like that if you're into that."

"LILY! Stop encouraging him!" Cried Rebecca as he raised his hand and slapped her ass as he positioned his dick. She winced and gulped feeling the tip rub the spot. "E-Easy back there, that thing will REALLY split me in half."

'She's right Jason, go in slower than the last girl.'

Jason sighed but agreed, these girls weren't as strong as him, so he had to go slowly. He began to slowly push his dick in, making her groan.

"Fucking hell!" She bit her lip while grabbing at the sheets feeling her asshole get spread wide open due to the cock. "I'm going to get you for this Lily!"

"That's what they all say, now enjoy your butt fucking." She said with a grin while she gave her own breast a squeeze while reaching down to rub her pussy as she observed. 'I can't wait for my turn!'

"A-AHHHH!" Groaned Rebecca the more the dick pushed into her while feeling a bulge forming in her stomach and gritted her teeth while nearly tearing the sheets. 'God, it's like I'm getting fucked by a lamp post! How is he so big?!' She thought with a groan as he began to bring back his dick and thrust it in, making her moan.

Jason went wide eyed while having to try really hard since this was tighter than the other hole! The hyena was right, this was new, it felt amazing, though it did take a bit more work.

"T-This is going to tear me in half!" Moaned Rebecca who didn't notice her pussy dripping on the bed while feeling her eyes roll in her head before he stopped, pulled back, and then slammed back in making her scream out as he began to move back and forth.

Jason groaned as he kept slamming into her, making her moan every time before his dick started to twitch. He thrusted into her one last time before unleashing his load.

Rebecca moaned in pleasure as he came into her. "Oh Yeeessss!" She cried as he shot load after load inside her, his dick so far up her ass not a drop was able to leak out. She fell down on the bed and felt her mind turning to mush from the boiling hot spluge. He pulled his dick out of her and pushed her onto Sarah before turning to Lily. He pointed at her and she grinned.

"All right, my turn!" She laid on her back and spread her legs while doing the same for her folds. "Jam it right in and don't be afraid to get rough."

He looked at her before shrugging and crawling on top of her and began to ram it into her.

"Yes! This is what I wanted!" She moaned with a grin. She felt the dick stretch her out more than what AJ could do and wrapped her legs around him as best as she could. "Fuck me senseless!"

Jason nodded as he pushed his dick deeper into her and reached up and grabbed her breasts, making her moan as he squeezed them.

"Yes, yes, now ram into me with all your strength!" She urged while feeling the dick stretch her cervix open and cried out when it started pushing in deeper and rubbed against the entrance to her womb. "OH FUCK YEAH! RIGHT THERE BIG BOY!"

'Good job Jason, now start thrusting into her.' His mother's voice called.

He nodded and began to thrust into her, making her moan in pleasure at each movement. It was clinging around his dick and hugged it each time he pulled back while feeling like the tip was touching the end of some smaller hole of some kind. He was wondering what it was in confusion before he pushed it in deeper in an attempt to figuring out what it was.

Lily's eyes bulged out of her head as she arched her back and moaned her head off feeling the dick start pushing into her womb making her grip his shoulders tightly. "T-That's the spot, keep thrusting!" She moaned in pleasure as he brought his dick back to thrust it in again.

He grunted and flared his nostrils while his mom urged him on with the pussy getting so tight it was making it hard for him to move as fast. He kept thrusting as hard and fast as he could before his dick started to twitch. He grunted as he thrusted into her one last time before he shot his load into her, making her scream in pleasure.

"FILL ME UP LIKE A DONUT!" She moaned as the sperm gushed directly into her womb making her juices spray out over his cock while she held him as close as possible with her tongue hanging out. "Yes, yes, that was amazing!" She moaned in pleasure as her stomach bulged a bit from all the cum he shot into her as he pulled his dick out of her. She shuddered feeling it ooze out onto the floor and felt her head drop back and pant with her eyes rolled into her head.

'Very good son, I would say they've learned their lesson...or you could keep going if you want, but it seems like you fucked them senseless.'

He nodded and looked at the passed out girls before picking Lily up and moved her onto the bed before going ahead to try and cover them all together and sat down against the side of the bed before closing his eyes.

(2 days later)

"Wow, this was by far, the best trip ever." Grinned Lily as the three girls were in the middle of moving their stuff back into the minivan.

"Speak for yourself, my legs still feel numb." spoke Rebecca who sniffed her arm and shook her head. "And I still smell like sperm, thanks a lot!"

"Hey, it's not our fault he favors you, you're just so adorable." Laughed Sarah as Jason approached them carrying one of their bags.

The poodle huffed while turning to said man. "Look, not gonna say what we did was bad, but I doubt I'm gonna get use to your cock, so if we ever meet, just take my vagina."

"Use her ass, it'll loosen her up, she needs it." Whispered Lily with a cackle.


"Calm down you two, we'll come back here in a month or two, ok?" She said with a smile. She patted Jason on the shoulder. "Believe us, this was amazing. Meeting an experienced killer AND the best lay of our lives? We could learn a lot from you."

He just nodded as he set the bags in the trunk and closed it as the girls got in the car. Behind his hockey mask he smiled at them. He couldn't wait to see them again, his mother had been talking a lot lately about how happy she was to be getting grandchildren.

Lily gave him a tight hug while looking at him with half lidded eyes and trailed her hand across his chest. "Keep one of these cabins warm big guy, next time we come back I'll be wearing something extra nice, or maybe nothing at all~"

"Come on you, we gotta go if we want to make it home in time, there's a sale I'm planning on robbing!" Rebecca called as she looked over Jason. 'I will miss him....but why did he keep chasing me first?'

"Bye Jason, see you later!" Sarah called as she started the minivan.

"Next time we'll get Rebecca all dressed up for you!" Laughed Lily with the poodle punching her in the arm. "Ow! What?"

"Stop trying to pimp me to him!" She shouted with a blush.

Jason waved them goodbye while feeling a little more....mature, like he discovered the real feeling and experience of what it meant to feel more like a child, of course he'd still be one to his mother, but now he felt more confident than before, and learned just how good his spot could feel that he never dreamed of.

'Ah, it's nice to see you maturing a bit Jason.' His mother's voice called in his head. 'Seems to me like you have a crush on that poodle, oh I'm so proud of you!'

He scratched his head in confusion. Why had he liked the poodle so much?

'Hmm, you know out of all of them she seemed more groomed and clean. I guess you thought she was beautiful, didn't you?'

Jason scratched his head again. She was cleaner...plus she did seem kind of cute to him...was this what having a crush was?

'Well I suppose it'll be worth it, after all, with all your big boy sperm in them, they're sure to end up pregnant in due time. Now I get to be a grandmother!'