The New Apprentice #2.5

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This is a follow-up of 'The New Apprentice'. They were never uploaded here, but you can find the previous works on my SoFurry here, so that you're up to speed.

Remember that if you want to support my work, then I would greatly appreciate any and all donations I can get. Every little bit helps! You can find my Ko-fi here.

Jon rolled over restlessly in his bed, his face lined with worry, his mouth wrinkling into a whimper of fear. Even in his new, comfortable life, the memories of his past still haunted him, twisting themselves into embarrassing, horrible nightmares when he slept. Elric had been kind to take him in, and kinder still to teach him his own craft, but no amount of kindness could take those memories away from Jon. He wished they would leave him alone, but they came to visit him every night.

This dream was especially as embarrassing as the rest. Jon dreamt he was standing in the rain outside of the Pub in the village, which he used to loiter around. They had a long, hanging roof around the back that could shelter him from the rain and the cold, and he'd deliberately linger there as long as he could before someone caught him. He remembered the one day he'd stepped in through the back door and lingered by the entrance of the Kitchen, sopping wet, until someone had noticed him.

They had sneered and made remarks as he had stood there, and he could remember asking them for any scraps of food they might have. Even in a tiny village, people didn't take kindly to beggars or thieves, and didn't seem to have any sort of differentiation between the two. They had mocked him, and his lack of any sort of garments, baring his usual loincloth that hung around his waist. After being refused what he'd asked, the younger Otter had stepped back to leave, and tripped on something behind him.

Despite it all being a dream, he could remember vividly how his loincloth had snagged on something as he'd fallen: a small hook that hung low on the floor, designed to hold keys. Why it was so low, he didn't know, but the rounded metal end had somehow made its way under his loincloth and caught the fabric. The string that tied the loincloth to his body had never been particularly good quality, and it had ripped easily from the sudden force. He remembered falling to the floor and scrambling to his feet, realising moments later that his loincloth was missing.

In the dream, they laughed at him, specifically at how small his young member was. Jon remembered looking at it between his legs and covering himself, but he knew all too well that they had seen it already. The words echoed in his mind, the comments of how small it was, how much of a man he was never going to be, and other hurtful things that had made tears brim to Jon's eyes. When they had seen him start to cry, they had grown disgusted, and started throwing things at him: pots, pans, and utensils flew at him from the far corners of the room as he tried to reach for his loincloth, inevitably having to abandon it, lest he get hurt. In his nightmare, the shapes and figures of those who mocked him, and the things thrown at him seemed deliberately larger and more terrifying. He had turned to run, but the door seemed to stretch out before him, moving further and further away as he tried to run towards it, whilst the laughing, mocking words echoed in his mind.

Jon bolted upright in his bed, clammy with sweat, and his cheeks wet with tears. A whimper escaped his throat and he wiped his eyes, slowly pulling his knees up to his chest. He wrapped his arms around his knees and pressed his forehead down into them, allowing himself a small, gut-wrenching sob. His sniffles were quiet and restrained: he knew it was the middle of the night, and he didn't want to inconvenience the man who had given him a home and a place to sleep. He sat like that for a while, letting his emotions roll through him and out his mouth in quiet sobs, before he eventually laid down and rolled onto his side.

He knew sleep was not going to come easy anymore. His bed felt cold and lonely, and the room was dark and unforgiving. He could feel the walls closing in on him, and his chest felt tight. Even with the blankets over him, he still felt cold, enough for him to shiver. For whatever reason, he felt uncomfortable: he was nude, as he always was, and he normally didn't mind it, but he felt as if eyes were upon him in that moment.

Slowly, he sat back up and turned himself, until his feet dangled off the edge of the bed. Sliding himself forwards, he tentatively pressed his feet out until he felt the wooden floor beneath him. He padded across the room in the nude, lingering by the door to his own private quarters, before slowly turning the handle to open the door. Elric had always made him sleep in the nude, to keep his loincloth clean, of course. Jon had always silently questioned why he was never given any real clothes, but he could only assume it was part of his apprenticeship.

Elric had never done anything to hurt him. Sure, the Panther had definitely been 'odd', in the most extreme ways possible: whilst he was professional in his craft and with his customers, he always seemed to tease Jon, doing strange things to his body amidst his work, and sometimes in front of customers. But apart from that, the food he was given was always delicious, and he was always taken care of. Jon could excuse a few peculiar quirks when faced with all the wonderful things he had been given alongside it.

The young Otter made his way across the small hallway, feeling the walls with his hands in the dark, his tail flicking left and right to touch the walls or graze against the floor. The light of the moon illuminated the end of the hallway that led into the front-end of the shop, and he could made out the dark silhouettes of various woodwork that Elric had created. Jon had lived here for several months now, so even in the dark he could manage to find his way to the Panther's room. He counted his steps and then slowed when he reached the Panther's door, and he felt for the door handle, slowly turning it and swinging the door open.

His heart was pounding. He felt as if he were breaking some cardinal rule, or maybe it was just the idea of sneaking around at night. As he stepped into his mentor's room, he could hear the Panther's slow, deep breathing on the far side of the room, and the man's outline was illuminated by the dim light of the moon shining in from his window. The Otter hesitantly stepped forwards, tip-toeing across the room towards the bed. He lingered by the edge, feeling his nerves momentarily get the better of him, before he finally found his voice.

"S-Sir?" Jon whispered quietly, and his muzzle wrinkled into a nervous frown when he didn't get a response in return. The Panther's breathing remained the same, and he barely even stirred at the voice. Jon gulped down the anxiety that was brewing away in his gut and raised one of his feet up, hooking himself on the wooden frame of the bed, slowly climbing up.

As he slipped under the covers and curled up beside the Panther, he was aware of two things: firstly, Elric was incredibly warm, and secondly, he didn't seem to be wearing a shirt. That didn't surprise the Otter, of course, but he had also never seen the Panther without a shirt on before. He couldn't help but reach over the lightly touch Elric's chest, feeling his muscles underneath the luxurious midnight fur.

Inevitably, it was the touch that finally stirred Elric from his slumber, and his breathing suddenly quickened for a moment. His eyes shot open in the dark and he turned his head to see the Otter curled up beside him, looking meek and worrisome. A sigh escaped Elric's nostrils, but he wasn't angry, of course. He shuffled a little to give the Otter more room, and he rolled onto his side to face the boy.

"What's wrong?" He asked in his usual, low, authoritative tone. Jon always felt himself get a little anxious when the Panther addressed him, and he fidgeted, reaching up to smooth a hand over the tuft of dark brown fur atop his head.

"I had a nightmare." He mumbled quietly, wondering if this was a bad idea. Was it just trivial? Was he overreacting?

No sooner had he begun to question himself, than the Panther gently rolled him over, so that the young Otter was facing away from the tall, muscled man. Jon was momentarily perplexed at first, but then he felt the Panther's large, warm hand around his stomach, and he was pulled across the bed until his lithe back was pressing right up against the Panther's heavy chest. The hand curled tighter around him, and Jon's worries melted away in an instant. He suddenly felt safe. The warm heartbeat thumping against his back and the hand idly stroking his chest fur made him relax almost immediately, and a sigh escaped his mouth.

He felt the hand stroking along his chest, and down to his stomach, rubbing along his soft fur and kneading ever so slightly into his supple flesh, pressing against his skin in a way that made Jon's heart melt. He curled his toes and sighed gently, overcome with the overwhelming sense of security that was making him feel a little groggy. The hand trailed up his body and above his chest, and Jon's eyes widened in surprise when he felt the hand gently rubbing over his revealed tusks, sliding across the smooth surface. Jon couldn't help but reach up and wrap a hand around the Panther's wrist, cradling him as his body was caressed.

Elric was peculiarly silent the whole time, and Jon wondered whether the Panther knew how to look after a child. He always got the distinct impression that he was nothing but professional, but there were these rare moments where he was passionate and caring in the things that he did. The Panther was an enigma that never talked about himself and never divulged any details about his personal life, so moments like these were strangely important to the Otter. Those hands traced up to touch his ears, rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger in such a way that made Jon shudder with pleasure. His hands returned to the tusks again, for just a moment, and Jon pressed his head against the man's hand, rubbing into it.

Slowly, he felt the hand slide from his tusks, and Jon instinctively let go him, assuming that his hand might rest upon his chest so they could sleep. He was surprised to find the hand trailing lower and lower down, teasing along his upper pelvis, lingering there for just a little too long. Jon nervously glanced down, but couldn't see anything in the dark. He knew he'd have to rely on his sense of touch, but he wasn't prepared for what Elric did next.

He felt the Panther's hand enclose around his small package, the large fingers rolling around his small balls and trailing up to his humanoid member. His own brow wrinkled in confusion as he felt his penis being held between the Panther's thumb and forefinger. Jon could feel a peculiar stiffening in his loins, a pressure that suddenly tightened inside him. The blood rushed to his member and it grew in the Panther's touch, pulsing to life as the digits lightly stroked the end of his penis, circling around the head of his small, young cock.

"U-Um, what are you doing, sir?" Jon was nothing if not polite, and he didn't want to give the Panther the impression he was being rude. At first, Elric said nothing as he lightly tugged on his cock, sliding his fingers all the way to the base and up towards the glans, teasing along the sensitive flesh in a way that made Jon shudder and groan under his breath. It was a peculiar feeling, but Jon could feel a mounting pleasure that swarmed through his body, making his skin tingle with an unfamiliar sensation.

"How are you finding your studies, Jon? Are you keeping up with what I'm teaching you?" Elric asked a peculiar question out of the blue, but he sultrily whispered it into Jon's ear, making the Otter quiver with a feeling he couldn't quite understand. He felt the warmth of the Panther's hand wrapping around his length and squeezing firmly, lightly dragging back and forth. It slowly began to pick up speed, and Jon reached down, grabbing the Panther's wrist. His breathing was hot and heavy, his cheeks flushed. A quiet whimpering escaped his mouth: the feeling was incredible, but the confusion was even more overwhelming.

"I-I am, Sir." Despite that, he was going to answer the man's question, as it was definitely going to be considered impolite if he didn't. The hand dragged itself all the way to the base of his member and suddenly let go. Jon sighed as the pressure around his member disappeared for the moment, before he felt the man's fingers against the head of his member, teasing the most sensitive part of his cock. Elric's thick fingertips grazed across the smooth flesh and Jon let out a heated hiss through his teeth, feeling stabs of pleasure in his gut, mixed with a discomfort that made him defiantly wriggle.

"What about the rest of your life? Are you happy? Content? Am I treating you well?" Elric questioned further as his hand returned to wrap firmly around the Otter's member once more, though his movements were quicker and firmer. Jon could feel the man's hand bumping against his pelvis, his hand gliding over his length in such a way that made Jon's body tense. His breathing grew heavier and heavier as Elric continued.

"I-- Hah...Yes, sir, I'm h-happy." Jon replied amidst his moans of pleasure, feeling the pressure building and building. His breathing grew more laboured, and Elric suddenly stopped, leaving the Otter begging for more as the hand drew itself away from his cock. Jon desperately wanted that hand to return, but the Panther didn't seem to want to do anything of the sort.

"Good. Good..." Elric muttered quietly, reaching his hand back up to stroke Jon's stomach again, tracing across his fur and pressing against his flesh, just as he had done before. Jon couldn't help but feel a little bewildered; he had no idea what the man had just done to him, nor why he'd stopped when it felt so good!

"Um...Elric, sir, what did you just do to me?" Jon asked quietly, but Elric didn't answer him, letting their conversation fall into a quiet silence. Jon's penis pulsed weakly between his legs, tiny droplets of pre-cum dripping onto the bedsheets beneath his member. Slowly, his cock began to soften and relax as Elric's hands leisurely stroked his fur.

Just as Jon thought it was over, the hand drew to his length again, coaxing it with his fingers. Jon let out a groan that was a mixture of surprise and frustation, and he tucked his knees up, breathing deeply through his nose. His penis stiffened almost immediately and pulsed to life as Elric's fingers stroked his cock once more back to full-hardness. The hand let go again and trailed down, cupping the boy's small balls and rolling them about in his fingers, gently squeezing them every so often.

"I feel funny..." Jon muttered quietly, breathing hard through his nose as his balls were massaged, but he didn't quite have the same peculiar feeling that he had felt moments before. He wasn't quite sure how it worked, but the best guess he could muster was that he needed Elric to touch him some more again. It seemed the Panther knew this too, because he was deliberately avoiding it.

"Why don't you tell me about your dream?" Elric suggested, and Jon felt momentarily uncomfortable, wriggling a little in the bed. His heartbeat quickened, and he felt his mouth go dry.

"'s embarrassing." He eventually said, and Elric's gentle squeezing and stroking of his balls stopped, just for a few moments. There was an eerie, uncomfortable silence, and Jon worried that he might have offended his mentor. Then, after a moment, the hand sunk lower, sliding between Jon's upper thighs. The Otter instinctively raised his free leg up and felt Elric's digits slide down his taint and between his legs, moving around to between his cheeks. He could feel the fingertips lightly poking and prodding against his rear end, eventually finding the entrance and lightly teasing the taut, pink button.

He felt the fingers gently massage his sensitive flesh, and a small groan escaped his lips. The pleasure there was nice too, even if it was a little weird. Elric had touched him there many times before, and Jon had taken to not questioning him on the subject, as he never seemed to get an answer. The fingers probed a little more and he felt the tip of one of Elric's fingers sliding into him, stretching his taut ring and rolling around between his outer and inner sphincter. His muscles spasmed and twitched and his toes curled with pleasure at the sensation.

"You can tell me," Elric continued. "I wont judge you. I promise."

He was being so incredibly kind, whilst being so strangely perverted at the same time, and the opposing personalities was confusing the Otter, if only a little.

"What are you doing? That feels..." The pleasure was building again, he knew that to be true. His cock pulsed and throbbed as he felt that finger teasing his entrance, rolling around his rump and probing his tight pink ring. His breathing deepened and he felt an arm sneak under his body. Elric's other large, powerful arm wrapped itself around him and stroked his chest as his finger suddenly pushed a little deeper, sinking past the inner sphincter and up to the Panther's middle knuckle. Jon wriggled and his tail flicked about, the tip wiggling as he tried to find a comfortable spot for it.

"I promise you that it won't be as scary as you think. You can tell me." Elric pushed for the answer once again, and Jon sighed through his nose, knowing there was no way out of this. He wriggled a little as Elric's strange, molesting movements slowed, giving him time to compose his thoughts.

"Okay, um, well...I was at the Pub in the village, and I went inside to ask if they had any food. They started mocking me and laughing at me and I got scared and embarrassed, so I stepped back, but I tripped. My loincloth fell off and they started laughing at me even more."

Jon paused for a moment to take a breath, and Elric tightened his grip around the boy's stomach, his finger still firmly embedded in the Otter's behind.

"And then, well, they started making fun of my penis. Started telling me how small it was, how I wasn't a man. I started getting upset and they threw things at me: pans, forks, knifes...then I turned and ran, but the door kept running away from me."

It was a common trope that Elric was not necessarily familiar with in terms of experience, but it was one he knew about. They had someone in touch who was meant to be a 'dream interpreter', and they loved to gossip whenever they came into the shop.

"Jon," The Panther began, and Jon tilted his head back to look at him. "You are only a child. I'm sure your penis will get bigger when you get older."

"I know that, but..." Jon trailed off. He couldn't explain why it had made him feel so horrible, but it was the sheer act of them laughing at him that had upset him. Logically, he knew he'd become more of a man as he got older, yet he couldn't help but feel ashamed for not being a man now.

"It was just a dream." Elric pointed out, and Jon shook his head.

"It...actually happened. A long time ago. It wasn't the same, but it...was the same." He knew he was probably sounding a little cryptic, but Elric understood. Dreams were often not what they appeared. His head lowered down and trailed against Jon's cheek in a rare display of affection, before his movements started up again. Satisfied that Jon was being honest with him, the Panther wanted to finish what he had started.

His finger worked its way deeper into the Otter's asshole, making him gasp and grunt in surprise, whilst his free hand finally trailed down to wrap around the boy's penis. Jon gripped onto him tightly, one hand craned back to grab one of Elric's arms, whilst the other held onto his other wrist. The hand worked deftly over his member, stroking his cock back and forth as he stimulated the head with his fingers, teasing the sensitive flesh.

"I-I feel weird. Stop, it's..." Jon didn't quite know what to expect as the pressure in his loins reached its inevitable peak. Elric refused to stop, feeling the spasming muscles clenching and squeezing around his fingers as he stuffed the digit knuckle-deep in the Otter's anus, whilst his other hand freely jerked the boy's cock back and forth, picking up speed for just a short moment. His mouth trailed along Jon's neck and up to his ear, lightly taking one of the ears in his mouth, nibbling it between his teeth. The very sensation made Jon gasp and his body tense.

Suddenly, the tight feeling in his loins reached its climax, and his body was swimming with the intense feeling of pleasure. Then, it instantly loosened, and a sickening wave spread over his body, making his muscles relax and a sigh escape his lips. He didn't quite know what to relate the feeling to, but it was like relaxing in a hot bath with your favourite food. It was a feeling he never wanted to end. His penis twitched and convulsed, and Elric knew the boy was orgasming for the first time in his life. The climax was dry: his cock twitched and pulsed, but nothing dribbled forth. His insides spasmed and squeezed with each convulsion, gripping tightly around Elric's finger. The Panther coaxed the digit back and forth a little as he lightly stroked and squeezed Jon's member, hearing him groan his complete and utter delight.

The orgasm faded as quickly as it had began, and Elric wondered whether Jon's first sexual experience had been a happy one. His digit slowly slid from the boy's asshole and he unravelled his arms and hands from the boy's body, allowing him to rest upon the bedsheets. His half-limp cock weakly twitched against the smooth covers of the bed, and Elric pulled himself up against him, curling his arm around the boy's waist.

"That felt...I..." Jon didn't even know what to say, mumbling something incoherently as he closed his eyes. The orgasm had made him incredibly groggy, and his muscles sagged against the bed. He pressed his head into the pillow and heaved a long sigh, grazing his tusks against the smooth fabric with a tired delight. Elric knew he'd likely fall asleep fairly quickly, and he didn't mind that in the slightest. He curled up against him and rested his own head on the pillow.

The night was quiet and silent, with nothing but their slow, heavy breathing to accompany one-another. The panther's throbbing erection that had been sitting inside his undergarments steadily softened as sleep took him.

For Jon, his dreams were a mixture of thoughts and feelings, but were primarily centred on the sweet, blissful pleasure of the Panther touching him, and his body arching against his mentor, begging for more.