A Nightmare's Remedy Part 1: Scarred For Life

Story by Tierney on SoFurry

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Written By: Jennifer A. Hall AKA Tierney Sloan

Legal Stuff: If you are under 18 and or offended by yiff, or just sex in general then do not read any further. Tierney Sloan and Angel Striker are copy writen by myself and Angel Striker.


In a dark room, lit only by a few candles, Tierney is tied to a bed by rope. She is naked and cold, hungry and frightened. Her wide, emerald, leopard eyes spot three faceless male wolves standing in the doorway. Whimpering, she fights against her restraints as the wolves make their way towards the bed. Their wolf hoods full and swollen, ready to take her as they see fit. One silvery wolf growls low as he approaches her with a barbed whip. The frightened leopard begins to cry, struggling harder against the ropes. Just as she opens her mouth to beg, a loud beeping noise echoes through the room.

Tierney Sloan sits up in bed when the sound of her alarm clock rips her from her sleep. Her spotted fur drenched in a cold sweat. For a moment, she hangs her head, covering her face in her delicate paws. She has had the same dream everyday for the past three years, since the very thing happened to her. After being kidnapped, starved, raped, and beaten repeatedly with a whip and huge fisted paws, damaged a part of her, and she has not been able to look at another male without cringing in fear. When she was finally found, she unconscious and bleeding heavily, the doctors said that it was not the cops who found her. Some unknown male tiger had brought her to the hospital covered in a blanket. Her nurse had said if he had not found her when he did, she would be dead. When she was released from the hospital, Tierney stayed hidden in her room, ashamed by her wound ridden body. It had gotten so bad, that her best friend and roommate, Kyomii Kitsune was afraid that she would starve to death or at least turn full lesbian on her. None of that happened. Tier finally emerged from her hidden world to return to almost normal. She returned to work, her friends, her family, but has not had a relationship since.

After a long cold shower and dressing, Tierney stands in her small kitchen making a hot pot of hazelnut coffee. She leans on the counter, her eyes spaced as flashes of her dream run through her mind. Kyomii enters the room and spots her friend. She places an orange paw on her shoulder pulling Tier back to reality. Blinking rapidly, the leopard places a paw on the vixen's, "Hey, sorry...want a cup?" Tierney asks standing up straighter.

"Sure, that is why I am here," Kyomii replied before hugging her best friend from behind.

"You had that dream again, didn't you?"

Tierney hanged her head in shame, her ears flattening down, her tail tugging between her legs as if being scolded. "...yes..."

"Tier, you have got to let this go. It happened over three years ago and the cops caught those bastards...you have nothing more to worry about."

"I know...but every time I look in the mirror, I see those scars. It's a constant reminder of how dirty I am..."

"Stop that. You are not dirty. You helped put three rapists away so they couldn't hurt another furry. You are a hero to so many women. You should be proud."

Tierney sighs softly turning around in her friends arms to hug her back gently. She nuzzles the fox softly with her flat muzzle. "I am glad that you think that way about me, Kyo. It means a lot."

Kyomii nuzzles her back with a smile. "No problem. Hey! I have an idea! Let's go out tonight, go dancing, get some drinks. It will be fun. What do you say?"

The leopard nods pulling out of her arms for a cup of coffee. "Sure, why not. Sounds like fun. I could use a night out."

"Great! I got to get going. See you tonight!" Kyo says waving as she heads off to class. Tierney waves to her friend as she takes a seat at the small breakfast nook. She had a free day from classes and planned to go to the gym, but not before her first cup of sweet coffee.

A few hours later, Tierney walks into the locker room to the school gym. She changes into a tight pair of grey shorts with a hole for her tail, and a matching sports bra. She locks up the rest in her locker and heads out. After a few whistles and cat calls from several males, a jackal, cat, and rat, she is able to locate a treadmill. Her doctor has her on physical therapy to keep her legs in working order, and says that she should run everyday. However, her class and work schedule does not really a lot for that. As she runs, her mind starts to drift, and she did not notice that someone had taken up the treadmill next to hers.

"Hey," said the voice. Tier turns her head blinking a bit before she smiles. The voice belonged to a tall female panther. Her fur so dark that her workout clothes almost blended in.

"Hi," she replies with another smile. For a moment, Tierney stared into the yellow eyes of the sultry panther, making her blush lightly underneath her spotted fur.

"I have seen you here a lot..." She says as she holds out a paw. "I am Josie."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Tierney," she says taking her paw and shaking it as she runs.

"Same...so...do you always run when you are here?" Tierney smiled. The panther's attempt at small talk was cute.

"Yeah. I am on physical therapy. This is doctor prescribed." She says watching Josie's breasts bounce slightly in her sports bra. Something about a physically fit female always turned her on. Josie noticed her watching.

"See something you like?"

Tierney blushes more, glad that her dark fur hid the reddening. "Yes...much...sorry..."

"Don't be..." Josie says reaching over to turn the treadmill down, then off. She grabs Tier's paw and pulls her into the showers. The panther pins the leopard to the wall before kissing her deeply. "I enjoy being watched...don't you?" Tierney stares at Josie with wide eyes.

"Y..yeah..." She stammers.

"Want more?" Josie asks groping the leopard's full breast. "Mmmm you're so big..." She says before pulling down her bra to expose her nipple. A quick flick of her wet ruff tongue, makes Tier writhe and moan softly. "Not too loud now, or other's will hear you..."

"Yes...ma'am..." Tierney replies wanting more as her pussy swells slightly. The panther laughs letting the bra snap back in place.

"Too bad!" And with that she walks away, leaving Tier against the wall, horny and ready.

"BITCH!" Tier yells after her. Hearing the faint laughs of Josie, Tier growls before grabbing her stuff from the locker and going back home, without bothering for a shower.

Half an hour later, pissed off and horny, the leopard storms into her bathroom and turns on the shower. She strips off the sports bra and stares in the mirror. After a moment, she places a hand on the breast that Josie had licked on before. A scar runs down her breast and just under the nipple. Perhaps that is what scarred her away. Sighing to herself, Tierney strips the rest of the way, standing in front of the mirror. Parts of her white belly fur never grew back, ruined by scars left by the barbed whip. A small tear comes to her eye, sliding down her fur. Who could ever think she was attractive with her body in disarray? With her self esteem shot, she climbs into the shower, letting the hot water beat down on her body. This did nothing for her sexually. Desperate for at least a small release, the emotionally scarred leopard licks two padded claws before sliding them down her flat belly and over her swollen clit. That first touch makes her cry out in pleasure. It has been along time since she allowed herself any kind of release. Her sweet scent soon fills the air, making her paw her clit faster, her other paw grabbing and pinching at her damaged nipple. Her moans grow as she approaches her climax. Her claw spreading her wetness around, causing it to drip slightly from her pussy, before she lets out a small roar as she cums over her paw. Her body shakes lightly as she rides the small pleasure for a moment until it stops, leaving her panting against the tiled wall of the shower.

An hour later, Tierney is clean, and dressed for the nights outing. She was actually looking forward to it. She stares at herself in the mirror once again. A silver, low cut shirt exposes just enough of her cleavage to show that she is wearing no bra, tied around her neck and back with a thin string. A short black skirt, black lace panties, and knee high black healed boots complete her outfit. The leopard pulls back her shoulder length hair, pinning it to her head so the tips stick up in the back. She does admit to herself that she looks good. A soft knock at the door and Kyomii walks in dressed in an almost similar outfit. Purple shirt, a slightly longer black skirt, and the same style boots, her dyed purple hair brushed straight to hang at her waist. "Ready to go? I can already feel the music and alcohol running through me and I am ready to boogie!"

Tierney laughs and nods. "Yep. Let's get out of here."

Soon the two friends are sitting in a booth. The music pulsing around them so loudly that they have to lean across the table to speak to each other. As Kyo left to get them drinks, Tierney surveys the dance floor. She smiles faintly watching the couples dance as if having sex to the music. Soon her emerald eyes spot a masked man dressed from head to toe in black on the other side of the dance floor. On closer inspection, she notices his tail. He is a white tiger, and large at that. He nodded to her when he caught her staring. Slowly, Tier nods back, before turning her attention back to her hands on her lap. "What's wrong?" Kyomii asks as she slides back into her side of the booth, bringing Tierney's eyes up to her.

"Oh..." She took the beer and took a sip. "This guy was staring at me."

"Really? What guy?" Kyomii asked, excitement showing on her face.

"That guy over th..." Her words are cut short when she finds that the masked tiger is no longer standing across the dance floor. "Uh...well...I guess he is gone..."

"Damn. Well...what did he look like? Maybe we can find him."

"That's just it, Kyo. I don't know what he looked like. He was wearing some sort of mask."

"Ohhh! The mysterious type! Did you at least see what type of furry he is?" she asked, practically pouncing in her seat.

Tierney simply nodded. "Yeah...white tiger." She said as she started spinning her bottle in her hands.

Kyomii giggles. "Oh he sounds hot!"

Tierney laughs, shaking her head. "Yeah, yeah. I will be back, I am going to run to the bathroom. Don't put anything in my drink!" She says as she walks away.

After fighting through the crowd, Tierney makes it down a dark hallway. Her heart begins to beat faster. This was not somewhere she wanted to be. Suddenly a voice whispers harshly into her ear, "A beautiful kitten such as you shouldn't be here all alone." Tierney freezes in place and is not sure what to do. "It isn't polite to stare at people, kitten." The voice said, this time with a growl. She knew who he was. It was the masked tiger that had watched her.

"I...I'm s..s..s..sorry...Please...don't hurt me..." Tierney stammered over her words frightened and shaking.

The whispers stop, becoming a deep male's voice. "I know you...I know your scent..." Quickly, the large male turns her around to face him. The frightened leopard, yelps, her ears flattening against her head. She turns her emerald eyes up to his. Even from behind the mask she can tell that his are a deep blue. "Who are you?" He asks her, gripping her arms tightly, making her cry out.

"T..Tiern..ey...Sl..oan..." she stammers as she begins to cry.

The tiger releases her slowly, only to remove his mask. "I do know you...I would know those eyes anywhere!"

Tierney backs away from him slowly as a memory flashed through her eyes. She remembered gun shots, and strong arms carrying her away. A soft tail stroking her hand as he drover her to the hospital on a black motorbike. "You...you are the guy that saved me!" She exclaimed standing still.

Swiftly, the tiger grabs her and kisses her deeply. Wide eyed, Tierney remains still against his lips until he breaks the kiss. "I have been looking for you every where. When I took you to the hospital, they said I couldn't see you. I wasn't family and only family was allowed in the recovery room." His blue eyes stare deeply into hers. "I found those bastards and hurt them for you! After what they did to you, prison is a luxury. They should have been tortured the same way they tortured you."

"I would never wish what happened to me upon anyone else, sir."

"Angel...Angel Striker."

"Angel...no one deserves what happened to me. The pain and torment I went through was almost too much for me to bear." Tier says softly as her eyes well up once again.

"I'm sorry...I should leave you. I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He says as he turns to walk away.

Tierney's heart drops and her ears flatten once again. The thought of him walking away from her saddened her deeply, making her realize that she does not want him to disappear from her life again. "No...please...don't leave me again." She whimpers softly, reaching for him. "You are the only man that I am not afraid to be around....please..."

The tiger turned with a toothy grin. "I had hoped you would want me to stay!" His huge arms lift her up into an almost smothering hug. His muzzle finds hers and kisses her deeply once again as he spun her around before setting her down on her feet. The quick movement exposed part of her damaged breast. When he spotted the scar, a low growl escapes his muzzles. "How bad is it?" Angel asked as he traces a gauntleted claw down the scar until it disappeared into her shirt.

"Bad enough to drive would be lovers away...." Tierney says looking away from him, now afraid that he will leave her as well. Suddenly, aloud voice enters the hallway.

"TIER! There you are!" Kyomii screeched before running down the hall towards the couple. "I thought you had gone home...or worse..." The fox said as she hugged her friend.

"I'm sorry, Kyo." Tier hugged her in return. "I didn't mean to keep you waiting...I just ran into someone I knew. Kyomii, this is Angel. Angel this is my best friend, Kyomii. Angel is the one that saved me three years ago."

Angel bows politely and so does Kyomii before turning back to her friend. "Well, I will leave you two be. Eric is here anyway," -she motions to a tall grey fox at the end of the hallway- "and well, you never know." The vixen grinned and waved before walking off.

Tierney shakes her head. "Sorry about that." She says as she turns her eyes back to the handsome tiger in front of her. He flashes a brilliant smile before grabbing her paw and pulling her out onto the dance floor. For hours they dance and chat together, sharing stories and drinking. The leopard finally lets her guard down and enjoys herself, even becoming her old flirty self. As they talk in a booth, sharing a pitcher of beer, Tier places a paw on his muscular thigh bringing a small reaction from Angel.

"Can I ask you a personal question, kitten?" Angel asks, placing a paw on top of hers.

Tierney blushes again, this time deeper, but her fur hides it. "S..sure.."

The tiger turns his big blue eyes to her, speaking in a soft, lustful tone. "When was the last time you were with a male?"

"Um..." Tierney is a little taken aback by his words and hesitates before answering.

"...Three years...since my...attack..." She looked away, afraid of what he will say.

A smirk crosses Angel's muzzle, his sheath hardened slightly threatening to push his cock from it. "Is that right? Gods, you must be so tight..." He whispers with a purr into her ear.

Tierney blushes more, turning her head back to him. "I wouldn't know, Angel..."

Angel's lips find her neck and begin to kiss along the edge of orange spotted fur, making Tierney shiver lightly. Seeing her reaction, the tiger grins to himself as he pulls her delicate body into lap, turning her so she straddles his muscular legs. He pulls her tight body against his chiseled chest as he kisses her deeply, as his cock starting to grow, sliding from his sheath, making the leopard writhe slightly over his crotch. His touch makes things low in her body grow tight with need, causing her to purr and moan into their kiss. Her moans does it for him, making his ten inch tiger dick grow to full capacity, putting pressure on his pants. Angel ignores the pain in his pants as he slips a paw down under her skirt finding her lace covered, semi wet pussy. Tierney moans louder with his touch, the sounds muffled by his muzzle and loud music. His sharp claws slice the thin material, between her furred pussy lips, then slips his padded finger across her swollen clit, drawing a hissing moan from her muzzle. "You're so wet, kitten." Angel says as his licks his wet paw before inserting it back into her pussy, finger fucking her lightly. The leopard is a little embarrassed that he is doing this to her in public, but is too turned on to object. She lets her small paw caress the massive bulge in his pants, bringing a low moaning growl to his striped muzzle. Unable to take the pressure any longer, Angel lifts her up long enough to unzip his pants, pulling his huge human-like dick from his silk boxers. His deep blue eyes gaze deeply into hers as he lowers her down, gently sliding his big cat hood into her tight wet leopard cunt. She roars lightly, somewhere between pain and pleasure before his muzzle found hers kissing her passionately. Angel moves her up and down on his cock growling low with pleasure into her mouth. His growls cause her to cry out, writhing over his hard quivering member. The large tiger roar heavily as he lets loose a stream of heavy cum inside her hot, silky pussy, throwing her into her own orgasm. Her slender furry body bucks wildly against his, driving him deeper inside her, making her cry out more. Their moans continue until he is temporally empty of his thick, sticky cum. Tier giggles lightly, collapsing against him with his still incredibly hard organ still sheathed deeply inside her. She is amazed that no one said or even noticed that they just had the hottest sex of her life in view of the entire club. "Gods, kitten..." Angel pants into her ear before he licks it in one fluid motion.

"You..are...am..azing...Ang..el..." Tierney breathes against his neck wanting to keep him inside her. "I..want......more..."

"As do I...I want to hold you...all night..."

"Yes...please...my Angel..." Tier says pulling her head back to look at him with deep wanting in her eyes.

Quickly, Angel picks her up off his still bulging cock, his knot full and ready for more. Tierney moans and looks down at him, wondering what he would taste like as she licked her lips. As if reading her mind, Angel speaks with a lustful growl. "Later, kitten...I will let you have all you want." He pushes his maleness back into his pants before standing her on her booted feet. He fixes her skirt with another smirk and leads her out of the club. "Ready for a ride?" Angel asks as he climbs onto the same black motorbike he had whisked her away on three years earlier.

"Yes...I am." She smiles at him sweetly, taking the helmet he offers to her. After placing the helmet on her head, she climbs on behind him, holding onto his masculine torso. As he cranks the engine, the tiger places a gauntleted paw on hers, giving it a light squeeze. The roar and vibration of the bike made her shiver heavily as the vibrations stimulate her still wet pussy. Amused by her reaction, her hero's tail reaches underneath her skirt and brushes the delicate fur, making her shutter against him, as a loud chuckle emerges from behind his helmet. Before she knows it, they are off, speeding down the road with his tail playing at her pussy lips, threatening to enter her to increase her pleasure and bring her again. Tierney shutters against him heavily, as her juices drip from her pussy, coating his tail, her thighs, and the leather seat between her legs. With a sly smirk, Angel hits a bump, lifting Tier into the air. As she came back down, he plunges his tail into her wetness, snaking it around her clit and against her silky walls. The quick movement brings a loud gasp from her muzzle, muffled only by the face mast of her helmet.

With each turn and bump of the bike, Angel moves his tail deeper and deeper into her hot, sticky sex. Soon they pulled up in front of her apartment building, but he did not shut off the bike, instead he removes his helmet and turns to see her with pure lust in his blue eyes. He removes her helmet to give her a wanting smile. "Feel good, kitten?" He asks in a low growling tone.

Tierney nods quickly, leaning back so his tail has better access to her body. "Yes...yes yes...Angel. It feels sooo good..." She finally notices where they are, her sensitive ears pick up all the familiar sounds of home. "Aren't...we going....inside?" She says through her soft moans, not wanting anyone to hear her.

"No." Angel says with a growl. "Not until you come for me. Not until you come all over my bike." The large tiger leans back, letting his tail do all the work, his rock hard cock, pressing painfully against his pants. His metal clad paw runs over that huge bulge, dragging a ragged, hissing breath from his muzzle as he fucks her with his tail. Tierney writhes for him, moaning softly, trying to keep her voice down. "Come on, kitten," Angel says with a lustful smile as he paws at his concealed cock. "Let me know you are enjoying this." With that, he drives his tail deeper into her, rougher this time, making his leopard cry out loudly with pleasure. "Yes, that's right. Take that tail." He says, driving up her sex drive and her need for him. He finally gives into his pain and unzips his pants again. The ten inch tiger hood that had been inside her only twenty minutes ago rises from his boxers with a loud moan from his lips, making her want him more. Her body shutters heavily, her moans growing louder, drawing attention to them.

Soon, several fury males approach them wanting a closer look, their bulges very apparent to the leopard and tiger. Angel growls loudly, to let the smaller males know that they are getting too close. They stop approaching, but make no move to retreat. Instead, they watch closer as one by one pulls their sizeable dicks from their pants and each begin to paw off while watching the couple on the bike. At first, Tierney is a bit embarrassed, but as she comes closer to her climax, she simply forgets about their audience. Her body begins to shake with pleasure, her body threatening to erupt in her own orgasm. All four males see this and start pawing faster as her sweet scent fills the air. "Oh...gods...I..I...I...going..." She screams as she explodes in her orgasm, her cum shooting out around his tail, coating her thighs, and dripping down the leather seat of his motorcycle. Her body bucks and writhes as his tail pulls out to tickle her swollen nub, as her orgasm continues. Soon loud deep moans can be heard from the three smaller males. Their hot cum spurts out, causing their knees to grow weak, drawing more moans from their individual muzzles. The three collapse onto each other, panting, but happy. Tierney giggles at the sight of them before turning her eyes back to Angel as he pulls his tail away; he had not finished himself off. "Oh..gods.." She says smiling at her tiger.

"Oh, we aren't finished yet, kitten." Angel says with a smile. He turns off the bike and picks her up. To conceal his hardness, he slides himself inside her pussy, making her cry out and shiver greatly. Angel smirks again. "Like it?"

"Oh..yes..mmm..." Tier moans into his ear.

"Please..." One of the three other men stood up, this one a yellow lab. "Please, let us come with you...we just want to watch." He begs, his cock still hard as a rock. The other two, a skunk, and a husky, nod in agreement with pleading in their eyes.

Angel growls. "No. This time she is mine and mine alone." And with that, he heads inside, letting her move up and down on his cock as she pleases. He walked up the stairs, stomping his feet to make her bounce on him lightly. She purrs with happiness, her tail twitching happily behind her. Hearing her, he smiles and purrs back.

After a few flights of stairs, the lustful couple finally enters the leopard's apartment. He follows her scent and finds her room. Upon entering, he lays her on the bed, removing himself only long enough to remove her clothing. His blue eyes stare down at her slim body. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect." He replies, leaning over to kiss her. Tierney turns her head away. "What? What's wrong?"

"I am not perfect...I am far from it..." Tierney says as she traces a paw over the scar on her breast. He draws a gasp of surprise from her flat muzzle when he grabs her paw away from her body.

"Your scars are nothing that does not take away from your beauty, my Tierney." Angel removes his shirt to reveal a chest covered in scars. "Besides, I have seen worse."

"Oh, Angel..." Tier says as she paws lightly at his scars. She loved them, they made him look more rugged and handsome, a real dominate alpha male.

"Please do not feel sorry for me, my sweet." Angel says fearing what he would see in her eyes.

Tierney smiles leaning up to kiss his muzzle lips softly. "I do not. They are....wow.....I do not have the words..."

Angel smiles returning her kiss, "Then do not speak, my love. Let your body do the talking." The tiger says as he slides his jeans and gauntlets off, finally touching her with his bare paw. "I love you, Tierney. I have since our first meeting. At first glance, I knew that I could never deny you anything that was in my power to give."

Tierney's large green eyes tear up; again, she does not have the words. So instead of speaking, she pulls his muzzle to hers and kisses him as lovers should kiss; long, deep, passionate, and probing. She let him feel her love for him as she pulls him down on top of her. Angel moans softly into her mouth as he slides himself back into her wet and awaiting leopard sex.

The tiger breaks their kiss slowly to gaze down into her eyes. Tierney becomes lost in the deep blue seas of his eyes. The two make love for the rest of the night. And finally by dawn of the following morning, the leopard sleeps peacefully for the first time in three years, wrapped in the warm loving embrace of her hero.