The Best Roommate

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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#1 of Roommates

A helpful roommate assists his friend in unwinding after a long, rather frustrating gaming marathon. :3

This story was written for Tuton. It contans M/M sexual acts between consenting adults. :3

The Best Roommate

Sebastian was a great roommate. He always paid the rent and bills on time. Always texted when out at the shops asking if Tuton needed any groceries. The squirrel was always happy to chat when they were feeling social, but at the same time he was just as happy to chill out and give Tuton some space when needed, too. And even then, when they weren't hanging out and the wolf found himself wishing nothing more than a few hours sitting and playing some video games, Sebastian found ways to show his friend that he was still thinking of him.

"C'mon! C'mon, die!"

The wolf growled as he mowed down another rank of the dreaded alien menace, only to discover that without even realising it he had slid his way right into a boss encounter. His health bar was already flashing dangerously low, but he wouldn't retreat. Wouldn't surrender.

"Just a... just another few shots... c'mon. Don't you fucking dare!"

He was so focused on the game, so fixated upon it, that the wolf was entirely unaware of the bedroom door sliding open. He didn't see Sebastian slipping into the room with a tray laden with snacks and a rather large, whipped-cream topped milkshake. For that matter he didn't even hear the squirrel, the whole room echoing with the booming cries of his cannon-like weaponry and the shrill alien shrieks of the boss. It was only when he succumbed to the boss's special attack, howling in frustration and unleashing about a dozen frantic, echoing curses all at once as his character was engulfed in shimmering liquid plasma and began to melt down to a quivering puddle of ooze that he began to return his attention to the world around him. Setting his controller down by his side upon the bedding, he flopped back with a groan of defeat, and only then saw the now upside-down figure of Sebastian smirking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Having fun?"

Tuton gave a frustrated grin, not moving from where he was lying flopped across the breadth of his bed, scratching at his bare chest with the fingertips of one paw. It was then he noticed the tray clutched in the squirrel's hands, and pulled himself upright, dragging his only boxer-short clad body to its feet and gazing at the tray of delectable treats in wonder. Before he could ask, Sebastian pressed the tray forward, and set it into the wolf's outstretched arms.

"It sounded like thirsty work. Thought I'd bring you something to help keep your stamina up and your blood pressure down."

Blushing a little as he realised how into the game he had gotten, wolf set the tray down on his bedside table. He was already beginning to smile as he grabbed a cookie from one of the several plates upon it, and was feeling the tremblings of rage turn to those of relief as he let himself relax, stuffing the delicious morsel into his muzzle right there and then.

"Ymmnhh rrnh nh snnht!"

He groaned happily as he tried to talk and chew at the same time, failing on both counts as the surprisingly gooey toffee chocolate cookie clung to his teeth. After a few more seconds spent eagerly chewing on the delicious morsel he tried again with somewhat greater success.


He gestured eagerly towards the squirrel.

"You're the best!"

Sebastian smirked, taking a rather lengthy and playful look up and down the length of his roommate's underwear clad body before shaking his head. He winked to Tuton, both their smiles broadening and a subtle redness rising upon their cheeks.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that. But, I hope it helps you relax. Remember, they're video games. They're meant to chill you out, not stress you out. Maybe when you're done with that level or... world, or whatever, we can hang out some? No rush though. Take your time. I understand that the galaxy can't save itself from..."

The squirrel looked at the game over screen upon which the game remained, a vast pair of many-toothed and vertically oriented jaws drooling over the hissing, bubbling remains of Tuton's character.

"...whatever that is."

Tuton beamed with genuine gratitude towards his friend, and flopped back down onto the bed, reaching over to grab the milkshake and take a thick, slurping first sip as his other paw grasped the controller from where he had set it down.

"Sounds good. Just wait for the explosions to stop. After that, come find me and we'll do something."

Nodding warmly to the wolf, still allowing his eyes to shamelessly linger on the lithe, handsome figure of his friend, Sebastian began to back out of the room. One last time his eyes flicked over to the milkshake, and he grinned as Tuton moved to take a second sip. Under his breath, licking his lips, the squirrel murmured to himself as he made his exit.

"Yeah. We'll do something, for sure."


It was almost two hours later when the noises of the game finally ceased. There had been a few gaps in the last half hour, brief punctuated periods of silence... well, at least an absence of the explosions and monstrous roars of the game. And though the sounds that had emerged from the bedroom in those times had already confirmed to Sebastian that his plan had succeeded, he was still determined to keep his word. He would only enter when Tuton had entirely abandoned his games, indicating that the wolf was ready for... a different type of entertainment to fill the rest of his day.

Thus, after about ten minutes of relative quiet, Sebastian approached his roommate's bedroom once again.

He knocked.

Not a sound.

He knocked again.

Silence. More perfect and complete silence than at any point in the entire day. Yet Sebastian knew that Tuton hadn't left. Thus he hefted the second tray laden with yet more plates of cookies and crisps, peered down at his attire... a slinky tank-top and a pair of tightly fitted shorts, and entered the room with an innocent and gleeful call, knowing full well what awaited him within.

"All done alien hunting, are we? Well, even if your lust for battle has been sated, I hope you're still hungr-..."

His voice trailed off, and though Sebastian's face was lined with the most gleeful smirk as he peered around the seemingly empty bedroom, his voice played up his surprise and confusion to the extreme. He could see all the signs of course. The pair of boxer shorts draped over one corner of the bed. The toppled, empty milkshake glass seated upon the tray. The streaks across the bedding. Soaked into the fabric but still dark and wet. And the scent. Invisible, but ever-present in the room. The scent of arousal. Of sex.

Yet still, he played up his innocence.

"Tuton? Where'd you go?"

The door swung closed behind him. Sebastian tensed up, and fought not to burst out into gleeful giggles as he heard a deep, rumbling growl emanate from the figure stepping out from behind the now shut door. Slowly he turned on the spot, the squirrel's rich ginger fur fluffing up a little and his already lush tail twitching from side to side in anticipation. He groaned, trying to sound shocked and dismayed despite his obvious arousal as he saw Tuton standing there. The wolf was naked. The wolf was rock hard, his cock's knotted base already swollen to the extreme and its pointed tip dribbling liberal quantities of pre without a single touch being required to provoke it.

Tuton shuddered as he glared at the squirrel, then across the room to the empty milkshake glass.

"H-how many times are you gonna do this to me..."

He advanced towards the squirrel, snarling as Sebastian giggled and retreated further into the room, no escape possible given the wolf's presence between him and the door.

"How many times are you going to make me drink..."

A deeper, more frantic growl escaped the wolf, and he reached out with desperation to grasp at his own erection. He squeezed it. Pumped it a few times in rapid succession, and threw back his head in a piercing howl that sounded similar to those he had unleashed in the last half hour or so before the video game noises had ceased once and for all. Ribbons of thick cum poured from Tuton's cock as he came with barely any provocation, shuddering and snarling and pumping his hips against his trembling paw. It took all of Sebastian's willpower not to rush forward, drop to his knees and allow Tuton to paint his face with streaks of seed. All his strength not to lunge forward and wrap his muzzle around that throbbing, cumming cock. But he did resist. He did wait. For he knew this wouldn't be the last load to come pouring from Tuton's needy body today. Not even close.

Sebastian opened his muzzle to respond, to teasingly, playfully taunt Tuton with some comment along the lines of 'as many more times as he'd fall for it'. He never got the chance however, for no sooner had he ceased cumming, dribbles of seed still trickling from his unceasingly erect cock, Tuton tackled him. With a roar of desperation and savage lust the wolf whose mind was filled with nothing but the addictive aphrodisiac effects of the squirrel's own seed lunged forward. He grabbed Sebastian, flung both the squirrel and himself down onto his bed, and began to kiss his roommate. His friend. His frequent, regular bed-fellow, so very often under the thrall of that which Sebastian was all too eager to provide.

"You want to make me lose control?"

Tuton groaned as he pinned Sebastian beneath him, dragging down the squirrel's shorts to reveal not a scrap of underwear beneath and immediately starting to rub his swollen, hyper-sensitive member between the taut, fluffy furred cheeks of Seb's ass.

"You want to dose me with cum and drive me wild when I'm not expecting it?"

Glistening pre-cum oozed out over the squirrel's backside, and Sebastian let loose a lustful wail of his very own as he felt Tuton's teeth upon the back of his neck and the wolf's clawed fingers ripping, tearing his tank-top to shreds in order to more rapidly relieve him of his clothes.

"T-that's fine. You know I can't get enough of how your cum makes me feel. But... g-goddammit, Seb. I was so close. S-so fucking close to beating the final boss. But I was too horny. Too fucking hard, too desperate to cum to think straight, even after I jerked off a couple of times. So now... now I need you to drain me."

He rolled Sebastian over, the squirrel now trembling, now naked with only the tattered remains of his tank top resting upon his torso and his shorts dangling off one ankle. One of Tuton's clawed hands delved between their bodies, and Sebastian whined happily when the wolf grasped one of his twin black erections. Squeezing it, rubbing it for just a few seconds before moving over to do the same with the other.

"You're gonna make me cum... a-again, and again... until I'm spent. Because you did this to me, S-Sebastian. And now you're going to be the one to... to solve the problem."

Sebastian shuddered happily as his cocks were stroked. As the wolf's muzzle nipped at his neck, nuzzled at his chest, breathing hot air over his firm nipples and warming the metal bars passing through the raised pink flesh. He groaned happily as he lifted his legs up high, paws trembling in the air as he gave Tuton's erection better access to continuing to rub and prepare his ass for entry.

"O-oh no."

He giggled, squirming in delight.

"Whatever will I... a-ahh... do. Getting fucked by my horny roommate. It's just the... mhh... the worst. Not what I had planned at all. N-nnh... nosiree. Ah. Ah! Aaa-aahhhgod!"

The squirrel's laughter soon turned to moans, grunts, then outright cries of pleasure however as Tuton began to press his cock against the other man's pre-cum lubed pucker. His eyes widened, he squeaked and gasped, and stared in pleasure-stricken glee at Tuton while the wolf sank his member deeper and deeper inside Sebastian's ass. It was only when the wolf was almost all the way inside him though, only the knotted base of his shaft still exposed, spreading and stretching apart the cheeks of Sebastian's rump around its girth, that Tuton growled to him with passionate hunger once more.

"You can plan whatever you want. Trick me into fucking you as many times as you like, even though you know I'd do it anyway if you just asked."

He licked his lips, snarling and shuddering as a thick spurt of pre-cum launched itself deep into the hot, tight depths of the squirrel's backside.

"But... now that it's happening? You don't get to plan any more. You don't get to call the shots."

Tuton rose upright, pulling away from where until now he had been leaning down close to the squirrel's upper body and blushing, panting face. He reached down with both his hands, wrapped them around the twin lengths of Sebastian's erections, and began to pump and squeeze them agonisingly slowly but intensely. At the same time he began to thrust. To rock his hips and pull his cock in and out of the squirrel's flexing back passage.

"You get to lie there, and take it. Whatever I give you."

His hands pulled away, and before Sebastian could reach out to grasp at his erections with his own paws the wolf was grabbing them by the wrists, pinning them down against the bedding with a deep and savage snarl.

"Whatever I deny you."

He pumped his hips harder. Faster. Grinding his knot against the squirrel's body and making Sebastian wail in pleasure as his twin cocks twitched and jumped, dribbling pre over his smooth belly but still desperate to be touched, to be granted yet more deliciously intense stimulation.

"You fed me your cum, Seb. You made me need your body. Your ass. But... I didn't have to do a thing to make you need me. Hell, you wouldn't have fed me your cum then walked right in here if you weren't already eager to have me riding you all night. You know what it does to me. So, you're going to do whatever I ask of you. Whatever I tell you. You're going to take whatever I offer you. Isn't that right?"

Sebastian wanted to say something witty. Something smart and funny to further tease and playfully aggravate his horny roommate. However, under the circumstances he was a little too distracted to come up with anything quite so sly.

In fact, all he could do was groan loudly as Tuton began to rock a little more rapidly against him. Humping. Snarling. Dribbling hot pre-cum deeper and deeper into Sebastian's ass while watching the squirrel's twin cocks quiver and drool. Desperate to be stimulated, pleasured, and driven to spurting, sticky, uncontrolled ecstasy by the wolf looming over him. By his friend.

"O-oohh... god... yes."

His roommate.

"Harder. Aah. Ah fuck... y-yeah!"

The best roommate he could ever have asked for.

"Tuton! A-ahhhhh... ahh, please, harder. Harder! Yes!"

By Jeeves

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