The Voring Days 1: Edged and Hungry

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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#5 of Creation of Teryx Commodore

Teryx Commodore didn't come together quite the way that he expected, particularly with both Wiki and Steve both interested in having a lot of different fun times with their new body. So much kink, so little time...

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The Voring Days

Chapter 1: Edged and Hungry

For Wikiwarrior and TeryxC

By Draconicon

'Teryx' sat at the edge of his seat at the bar, the muscled rain dragon grumbling into his drink over the state of his dick. It was becoming more and more frustrating, even if he couldn't fault his partner for the way that they were using their new body.

Letting out another shudder at the continued throbbing below his waist, the two-toned blue dragon looked down at his crotch. He sat in such a way that the bulge running down his leg was obvious to anyone that actually looked at him, and it made his whole body ache with need every time that he saw how hard he was. It had been weeks - weeks - since he had had the chance to let off some steam, and it was starting to drive him crazy.

Not that Steve really allowed him to forget that it was his own choice.

You know you love it, mmm...and I love it, too.

His dick twitched as his boyfriend teased him again, his shaft on the verge of oozing into his pants again from how pent up the body that they were wearing was. He growled under his breath, fist clenching on a cup of booze as he resisted the urge to slam it back.

Come on, you want to keep it going for a little while longer, don't you?

Not when we feel like this.

Wiki - for that was his old name, with Teryx being the name of the body he wore - growled under his breath. The rain dragon's body was perfect for the pair of them, with a big dick to play with and a body that they could abuse to hell and back, and better still, their host loved it. He was so lost in lust that he doubted that the old Teryx ever thought about being possessed or free; it was part of what built up so much need between their legs.

But that was the problem. He had thought it would be fun to go without for a little while, to see what this kind of edging would be like, but Steve had embraced it whole-heartedly and left him high and dry without any way of getting rid of the need without Steve doing it himself. With the former feline having become Teryx's cock, it meant that their ability to cum was locked down until his boyfriend wanted to do it.

And something told him that Steve would keep them under lockdown for a lot longer than he wanted.

'Teryx' groaned under his breath as his cock twitched again, the sensitive head rubbing against the front of his pants and driving him up the wall with pleasure. He had to scoot further forward against the bar, and felt his zipper starting to give, the tight suit that he wore having a hard time containing the throbbing shaft. Much more of this, and he would be oozing through his clothes and leaving himself a musky mess without the slightest hint of relief.

Half-desperate, Teryx started glancing around the bar. It wasn't a fetish bar, but there were always people that were looking for some fun with a guy with a big dick, particularly when they were a little drunk...and particularly when he started putting the moves over on them.

Mmm, yes, more fun, more edging.

Glaring down at his cup, Teryx took another drink from it and drained the alcohol away. It didn't affect him much - most of it went to the body that he wore rather than him - but it was enough to calm him down a little bit. The dragon turned around, taking his time so that the tight suit didn't rip around his muscles or his throbbing shaft, and leaned against the bar. It would give a good profile to those that were watching from the back of the bar.

He felt the eyes on him, and couldn't help but smile. This was part of what he loved, ever since taking this body for his own. Sure, he had been a dragon before, had enjoyed some attention at the gym, but it had never been as obvious or as appreciative as this.

Mmm, maybe that mouse will want to have some fun. Remember how good it was when we had that rat slide down my part of the body? Mmmm, that was so good.

Teryx nodded slightly, the memory of their first cock voring experience already rising in the back of his head. It was the closest that he could come to cumming these days, with the pleasure of something sliding down into his balls and filling him up with power.

It had been a surprising turn of events, if he was completely honest. He had expected Teryx to be interesting - after all, the rain dragon's body had swallowed him up and could easily be used as a suit - but he hadn't expected the rain dragon's body to be able to swallow up other people and consume them that way. And their 'victims' weren't killed, either, or at least, he didn't think they were. Sure, they were drawn in and turned to cum, but Steve had some way of drawing that information back out of their balls and using it to change their -


He bit his lip as a new wave of pleasure ripped through him, changing his dick. He resisted the urge to just whip his head down and stare at it, but he couldn't resist the need to see what was happening to his body this time. Teryx glanced out of the corner of his eye at the bulge in his pants and bit back a moan at the sight before him.

His cock was already throbbing and dripping, making it clear that the shaft size and shape was changing before his eyes. He could see the head starting to narrow slightly, becoming barbed rather than rounded, and he shivered as it started sliding even further down his leg. It was already at mid-thigh, and it pushed even further down, almost to his knee before Steve stopped it in its tracks.

"You fucking tease..."

It'll get us a little more attention. Come on, look around. What do you see? What do we get?

Teryx did as he was told, though it was with a little bit of annoyance at having to follow the orders of his own dick. He glanced at the different people that were in the bar, checking those that had been looking at him before. There was a mouse that had turned away, probably a little too intimidated by the size of the dragon's dick, as well as a stag that had looked like he would be interested before turning away as well.

Finally, he spotted a lion, and a rather handsome one, at that. The feline obviously had been hitting the gym lately, having trimmed down a gut - there was just enough of a bulge and looseness to the clothes to suggest that he had been much more overweight in the past - and he had a nice set of arms but a slender set of shoulders. His mane was a little bit thicker than the dragon would normally like, but that was all the more interesting to look at. Masculine mane, twink body...

Yes, that would do nicely.

Teryx turned his body a little further, putting his bulge and his balls - which had grown as well - on display as he sat on the stool. The lion 'ignored' him for a few more minutes, obviously playing a game of being hard to get, before the feline started making his way over. Teryx allowed the lion to sit by him, pretended to be completely fine with being ignored as the lion placed an order for a drink.

Then, when the bartender had turned away, he deliberately reached over to the other male, grabbed his hand, and dragged that golden paw down between his legs.

"Heh, you were staring. I think we both know what you really want."

"A drink, I'm sure."

"Yeah, but you know what you want. Not booze, just...this."

He felt the fingers squeeze at him through his pants, and despite feeling enough pleasure to moan like a bitch, he held it back. Instead, he just savored the look on the lion's face, the shock that spread across his features as he realized that the shaft was completely real. No padding, no packing, just a thick, heavy bit of dragon meat that was waiting to be used on a willing ass.

The lion didn't even take his drink when it was brought back, only groping and squeezing down on Teryx's cock, and the dragon wasn't about to complain about that. Even as the fingers slid along his bulge, working him from base to tip and back again, making him ooze through his pants and soak the fabric with his obvious lust, he didn't make the slightest complaint. The lion kept on teasing him, stroking him, working him, and he kept himself as still as possible.

Steve was pressing at him, begging for some fun, but he kept himself still. There was still the chance that they might scare the feline off, and he didn't want to get rid of a good thing if he could avoid it.

Finally, the lion turned to face him directly, and though the stranger looked like he was completely at ease with the situation he was presented with, Teryx could see the blush on his cheeks, could see the red in the face and the soft nervousness in the eyes. The lion wanted it, but the little bitch knew that he had limits that he might be pushing past.

He could deal with that.

Teryx reached out and put a finger on the lion's lips before the other male could say anything. He chuckled, leaning in until they were almost nose to nose.

"You can take it, little pussy. The question is, do you want to?"

The lion slowly nodded, his cheeks on fire, hot enough for the dragon to feel it from their close proximity. He pulled his finger back, stood up, and grabbed the lion by the tail.

"My car's out back. Come on."


It didn't take them long to get back to the hotel room that Teryx was renting, something that the owner of the hotel had been happy enough to give them after the rain dragon had cock vored him and then spat him back out right after. The intimidation factor had been sufficient to make sure that they had it for free. Sure, it would probably come back to bite them in the ass in the future, but for the moment, they were living the high life.

The lion looked around the room with surprise as they settled in, and Teryx supposed that the feline hadn't expected someone that was hanging around a dive bar to have something of a suite to their name. The dragon didn't bother explaining anything, but continued to use the lion's tail as a makeshift leash to drag him back towards the bedroom. Occasionally, he tugged a little harder than he needed to, just to make his point that they were the ones in charge, but it didn't seem to bother their catch.

They reached the bedroom quickly, and he threw the lion onto the bed. He kicked off his shoes, and the lion looked back at him, blushing.

"Um, are you...are you sure that we can do this?"

"I invited you back here, didn't I?"

"Yeah,'re big."

"And I know that a little slut like you can take this."

He pulled down his zipper, allowing his cock out. When he felt the cool air of the bedroom hit it, he groaned, his own pleasure begging to be released. The need to cum that had been suppressed during their walk home hit him full force right then and there, and he wanted nothing more than to bend the lion over and use him as the cock sleeve that he really was.

The shaft was even bigger than he'd expected. The stupid thing had grown to over a foot long, probably closer to fifteen inches. Maybe longer, for that matter, stretching forward with the serious size that would have made some of the anthro stallions he'd been around jealous. His balls hung down between his legs, pulsing and churning with suppressed seed, and he could feel them weighing him down now that they were out in the open. It was like carrying a pair of swaying weights between his legs, begging for constant release.

Not that Steve would be willing to give that up, he supposed. He needed to have something to enjoy, and the submissive little cat - now a cock - seemed to find chastity very enjoyable.

He advanced on the lion, slowly shedding his clothes as he went, and he grinned as he stroked his cock in the process. The feline's cheeks burned hotter than ever, but the dragon could easily make out the throbbing bulge in the front of the lion's pants. There was no denying the need down there, no holding back from what was to come.

Grabbing his conquest by the front, he squeezed, teasing that shaft to get bigger and bigger, to start throbbing for him. The lion obliged, moaning and leaning his head back as he was groped, the dragon pulling himself on the bed. The two of them were on their knees, but Teryx still loomed over the smaller male. He groped, he squeezed, he stroked over the lion's jeans, pulling at that bulge until it was soaking wet through underwear and pants.

"You want to be my little slut, pussy cat?"

"I do...Fuck, I do."

"Then get naked."

It didn't take the lion long to follow that command, no matter how nervous he was. The jeans hit the floor, followed by the shirt. Shoes had been left at the door, and underwear soon hit the floor with the rest of his clothes. The rain dragon chuckled, and gave the lion a little shove, knocking him back onto the bed for inspection.

He had picked a good choice for his play. The lion was a pretty slender guy, though obviously someone that had been working to get more fit. He wasn't bulky - which was good, for what would come next - but he had a good little bit of muscle in his ass, and his arms and legs were showing some results from work outs.

"Looks like you've been working hard for some attention, you little bitch cat."

" worked, I take it?"

"It's working."

He jerked his cock a few times, keeping it nice and hard. Not that it needed it, with weeks of edging before the day. Teryx growled under his breath, his eyes going down to that rump as the lion rolled over onto his back. It was a rounded thing, soft and smooth, with the fur almost looking like it was oiled down to make the roundness of the muscle back there all the more appealing. The bubble-butt nature of that rounded rump made him growl with need, and his cock throbbed and oozed onto the bed.

There was no holding back at that point. He was thinking of taking it slow tonight, wondering if maybe he could trick Steve into cumming if he held back long enough, but no. Not with that ass. Not with this slut.

He lunged forward, thrusting his cock between the tawny cheeks and grinding between them. The lion gasped, his eyes going wide, his back arching to put his ass more on display, more easily used as the dragon got himself into position. He thrust back and forth, grinding his shaft between the ass cheeks, using it as a sex toy before he could even get inside. The feeling of those plush rump cheeks pressing against him, the firmness beneath the bubble-butt roundness driving him mad.

He was oozing all over the pucker that was begging for his cock, grinding against it, thrusting forward, back, and then forward again. Each thrust left behind strings of pre, oozing down against that tail base and then down over the hole. Each time he pulled back and looked down, he could see that the pucker was slippery and wet, getting shiny and slick every time that he came near it.

The lion wasn't quiet about his need, either, arching his back and moaning at the top of his lungs, whimpering with his need.

"Please, please, fuck me."

"Heh, I will. I will."

He didn't do it just then, even though he wanted to. His cock begged to be sheathed in that tight hole, to fill it up and use it right then and there, but he knew that it needed more time, more pleasure before it could be used the way that he needed. He thrust forward, bumping the pucker with his barbed cock head. He bumped it again, and again, each thrust making it bend forward, each 'kiss' of the barbed head making it throb and pulse for him a little bit more.

It didn't take long before that pucker was nice and loose for him, not quite gaping, but with a little opening in the center. He felt Steve's desperate need for pleasure getting stronger, too, the other part of him getting more eager to drown that hole with cum and pleasure. He smirked to himself, pressing the very tip of his cock to the lion's ass -


And the lion pushed back to meet him, sheathing that shaft deep inside of him. Whether the feline was cock drunk or something else entirely, the dragon didn't know, nor did he care. That eagerness was just what he wanted from his sluts, and he had a good one here.

That hole squeezed him as the rim pushed further and further down his shaft, taking it deep. The lion obviously had some experience with large cocks before, though how much was up for debate. He was taking this one with relative ease, though, pushing himself all the way back to ten inches of shaft before slowing down, panting in exhausted need. It was rather pleasant to see a sub enjoying himself so much...

Even if Teryx was beyond horny himself.

The feeling of a tight hole around his cock was pushing at his self-control, making it so hard to think, so hard to hold himself together. He wanted nothing more than to lose himself and start humping away, to push himself to fuck and thrust and cum and claim the little slut beneath him. He wanted to fuck the little lion until the whore of a pussy cat was nothing more than a cock-sleeve, nothing more than a cum-dumpster, and leave himself finally satisfied...

But even though it should have only taken that thrust to take him over the edge, he could feel that orgasm was as far away as ever.

Mmmph, feels so good to always be horny...feels so good to always be needy...

He growled under his breath, even as he started to pull back. The sensitivity of his shaft was driving him mad. Normally, anal was something that could be built up, with the tightness of the rim countered by the looseness further inside, but with his cock being this sensitive, even that slight thrust made it hard to control himself. It was driving him mad to not cum, but he loved the feeling of it at the same time.

Stupid contradictions...

He groaned as he pulled his cock back, and then slammed in, again. The feeling of that hole squeezing down, of the tight grip at one part of his cock and the soft, slippery inner walls against the other parts of his shaft made him growl deep in his throat, drowning out the lion's moans and whimpers as the feline pushed back to take even more into his body. The feeling of the slut under him being so needy finally broke him, and he really went to town.

Teryx slammed forward, hard, breaking his way into that hole and sliding all the way in. The barbs at the tip of his cock were raking over those inner walls, and he could feel the depths of the lion starting to puff up at the sensation of it. He could feel the tightness down there increasing, the way that the walls were cupping and squeezing his shaft getting more and more intense. He panted, his fingers curling around the lion's hips in a desperate attempt to pull him back faster, harder, deeper.

He rutted the little feline slut right into the bed, taking him and using him harder than he had any of the other little subs that he had brought back to the hotel. In and out, in and out he went, always going harder, faster, slamming his scaly crotch right into the lion's ass cheeks, making sure that each thrust was that much more intense than the last one, wanting to make this little bitch his own in the worst way.

In and out, in and out, his balls swinging forward with bruising force, beating the lion's cock and balls into submission.

In and out, in and out, drawing mewls of need and submission from the little feline every time that he worked himself up to the hilt and pulled back to do it again. In and out, in and out, in and out.

His cock was getting so hard, so sensitive, and he could feel the veins popping along the side. He begged Steve to let him cum, whimpering in the back of his head in need, but all he could hear from the needy little cock cat was the need for more pleasure, the need to hold back even more.

The dragon growled, shifting positions. He pushed the lion down on his side, lifting one toned leg before slamming his cock back in. The feline came, spurting his seed with a mewling roar all over himself, but the dragon didn't. That stretched pucker twitched and pulsed around his cock, almost like it was mocking him, but he couldn't stop. The needy compulsion to keep thrusting and rutting had him in a death grip, and there was no getting out of it.

In and out, in and out he went, his balls sliding along the lion's thigh, trying to get himself off with different stimulation. He gritted his teeth until his jaws ached, his growl vibrating his entire body as he fucked the lion to another orgasm, and then another, those ass cheeks clenching down on his cock in helpless abandon.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The lion's moans filled the air, the feline's ability to speak fucked right out of him. There was no resistance, and no movement below. Just begging, panting, twitching. The lion's cock twitched and bounced again, spewing another load against his belly, and then another, and another, before he had no more.

Teryx flipped his slut around again and again, using the lion in every position that he could think of. He fucked him missionary, doggy style, sideways. He made the lion get up on top of him and started lifting and lowering him like a cock-sleeve, trying to get off that way. He shoved the lion off the bed and against the wall, fucking him like he would a back-alley slut, trying to find something that would get him off.

But no. All that happened was that his cock got ever more sensitive, and Steve got ever more incoherent and needy for more of the build-up of pleasure that would never be fulfilled.

Every time that he got close, he felt Steve suddenly twitch in their cock, the former cat pushing him to not cum. Every time that he felt his pleasure spike, he felt something get cut off in their balls or in their cock, something that kept them right on the edge until the need passed and let them keep from cumming. He growled in frustration, gritted his teeth, even spanked and slammed his fists down onto the lion's ass in desperate need, but it was never enough to actually get him the release that he needed.

All that he got for his frustration and pain was sore hands and sore jaws, and a cock that begged to get off more than ever. The dragon finally pulled out of the lion, throwing him back on the bed. The incoherent feline just laid there, soaked in his own cum, ass oozing with pre, and the dragon growled under his breath, standing at the foot of the bed, his cock idly thrusting between the lion's feet.

How long are you going to keep us like this?

So good, so good, so good...

Teryx grunted in annoyance at the incoherent cock, and just kept thrusting. He leaned forward, hoping that the new stimulation of humping footpaws might push someone over the edge. Either him or Steve, given that it wasn't something that they had done before.

No, it didn't, but it did, however, give him something else.

He thrust forward again, and this time, his cock caught on one of the lion's toes. Steve opened at the tip of the cock, and suddenly, that toe was inside of him. The sudden pressure on the inside of his shaft made him gasp, and he froze, panting hard, the pleasure suddenly spiking to double, triple what it had been. The edging, the fucking, the teasing. It was almost, almost enough.

But not quite. All he could do was pull, the body that he inhabited all too eager for something else inside of him. The suction, the pulsing of his cock to pull prey inside had already started, and there was no stopping it now. He groaned as he thrust forward again, pushing his cock against those toes, dragging another in, and then another. The feeling of his cock stretching was no less strange than it had been the first time, but it was another pleasure, another thing that added to the total bliss that Steve had forced them both into.

His cock was silent, not even babbling as it sucked in the top of the lion's foot, dragging it further into his shaft and then pulling at the ball of it. Teryx looked up at the feline's face, saw that the lion was still incoherent enough to not notice what was going on, and slowly pulled the feline's other foot up to his shaft.

As the toes were sucked in effortlessly, he leaned back and watched the show. He had one hand on his shaft, stroking it at the base, and the other at his hip. His cock was bulging like mad at the tip, and the pressure on the inner walls was even better than the sense of feeling a dragon's tongue sliding down inside and sounding him. The blue dragon moaned, arching his back and thrusting forward, the motions pulling the body of the lion further inside of him. Feet disappeared, the legs swallowed up to the ankles all of a sudden, and the heat of his shaft seemed to be soaking into the body.

The lion was starting to stir, but the dragon barely cared. He could feel his pleasure climbing in a way that it hadn't for weeks, pushing past the edging point. The only thing keeping him from cumming now wasn't the fact that Steve was holding them back, but the fact that the lion needed to be pulled down into his balls. He needed to be consumed. Only then would he feel the pleasure that he so desperately needed.

He thrust forward, helping the slow sucking motions of his cock in devouring the smaller male. Bit by bit, his thrusts and his cock took more of the lion into it, moving up his legs to the calves, and then to the knees. He could feel the pressure in his cock growing, the sense of stretching getting so tight and heavy that he swore that it was going to break him, even though he knew from experience that it wouldn't.

He 'felt' more than saw the toes of the lion touching the insides of his balls, slowly slipping inside, and the dragon growled louder, needily. He grabbed at the base of his cock, as stretched as the tip, and slowly started tugging it upwards.

The lion rose with his shaft, and as he slid in past the knees, he stayed upright. Sure, the feline slumped backwards in his semi-conscious state, but it was nothing for the muscular dragon. He'd dealt with bigger weights already, and he would deal with bigger ones again.

Just slide on in...give me what I want...

Further, further, the pressure mounted, with the toes joined by feet and ankles and the lower parts of the calves in his balls. His cock tip looked like a gaping hole as it slid up to the lion's waist, cupping his cock and balls in the front and slurping lewdly along his ass cheeks. It was more than halfway done, now, and soon, he'd have the release that he so desperately needed.

Finally, the lion woke up. He sputtered, groaning, and then finally noticed what was going on. Panic crossed his face -

"You're mine, slut."

The dragon said it without even thinking, panting and growling as he did. He grabbed the lion by the throat, keeping him from screaming, and started to push down. The pulsing suction inside of his dick was driving him mad, leaving him panting and gasping as it sucked more and more of the lion up. He could see the bulge of the lion's throbbing, useless cock as it went down into his shaft, pushing up against the stretched, taut flesh of his barbed shaft, and he grinned as he grabbed and rubbed it through his shaft.

The helpless feline stopped arguing, stopped fighting. He was so exhausted, Teryx could tell, no fight left in him after that hard fuck, and with the pleasure of being pulled down into a shaft, squeezed and tightened around, there was no escape for someone that was already a deep pervert.

Deeper, deeper, the lion went, falling in up to his belly button, and then his ribs. Only his upper body remained out of the shaft, now, and the dragon was keen to make it disappear too.

Teryx grabbed him by the shoulders, panting as he oozed pre all around the lion's body. He could feel most of the feline's legs in his balls, now, curling up and falling apart. The solidity that they once had was disappearing, being converted into the dragon's seed. He could hear Steve moaning his head off in their shared body, could feel his cock right on the edge of exploding with need.


With a deep grunt, he shoved down on the lion's shoulders. He felt his balls splash, his pre cum and cum surging up around the lion, pushing into his shaft into the little gaps between feline and cock flesh. He pushed again, and again, each time sinking the feline in by a matter of inches into his shaft. His cock tip pushed up, the scent of musk and fading sweat filling his nose as the lion filled his shaft. The shoulders provided a slight barrier, but only until the dragon pulled the lion's arms above his head and kept them there.

Further, further, further it went, and the lion finally disappeared, with only his hands left behind. Teryx held him there, savoring the feeling of the twink feline in his cock. He pulled him up a few inches, then down, then up again, feeling the weight of the cat disappear a little more each time. He knew it was because more and more of the feline was disappearing, turning into cum in his balls, but it made for a good cock toy, fucking his urethra with his latest slut.

Finally, he let the cat go...and he came.

Teryx fell back on the bed, screaming and roaring in pleasure as his orgasm finally hit him. He arched his hips right off the bed, forming an arch with his head on one side and his feet on the other. His first shot of cum went flying up over his head, hitting the roof of the hotel room, and sticking there in a puddle that clung to the ceiling. The second, and third, went flying over his head and into the wall above the headboard of the bed.

The sheer pleasure reverberated through his body, hitting the buried brain of their host and setting off another orgasm, another, more powerful burst of pleasure. Thrusting his hips hard, he rode through the pleasure, his voice rising higher and higher, from moan to shout to full-out scream.

He kept screaming in utter bliss as his body continued to empty itself of all the pent-up cum that had been stored up for weeks, blasting it around the room, into the sheets, into the mattress, and all over him. Teryx couldn't move, couldn't stop, his hips bucking and shooting.

It took him minutes to finally calm down, and when he did, he couldn't move. All he could do was flop down on the bed, lying there and panting to catch his breath.

I...I came.

Steve didn't say anything, though he could feel his boyfriend's rather happy afterglow through their shared body.

Is that...

Mmmm, that's the only way we're ever cumming from now on. That feels too good compared to anything else.

Despite himself, Wiki had to agree to that much. The feeling of cumming like that, using the power of another person converted to cum - even if it meant spilling it all over the place afterwards - was so much better than a normal orgasm. It was the only thing that would fulfill that edging need.

As he settled back on the bed, trying to catch his own breath after that insane session, he felt Steve reaching through their shared body and grabbing some of the information stored from previous cock-voring sessions, pulling out ideas and body types and body parts that they had taken in and using it to form something new. He rolled onto his side, watching the tip of his tail as he felt it morph.

The body had always been flexible, allowing for people to step into it, but it still surprised him to see it morph in front of him like this. The tip of the tail went from a simple point to something more spaded, pointed and then rounding out before narrowing again. It looked rather like a butt plug, and as it started slipping around, he realized that was exactly what it was.

He groaned as it slid into his ass, popping into his hole and working its way in, deep. It was enough to keep his cock hard, and he groaned again as it started popping back out of him, stretching his ass out before popping back in.

"Mmph...I thought we were topping things..."

We have a new body, don't we? Why not just...experiment? We have so many different things to try out...let's make sure that we don't miss anything.

"Heh...fair enough."

He felt some tingle down on the bottom of his feet, as well, but he didn't pay too much attention to that. He could see them in the mirror on the far side of the room, anyway; the soft, blue paw-pads that now adorned his feet were glowing softly, and while it was an interesting look, he was more interested in the plug in his ass.

Much as he was in charge of Teryx's body and loved it, he had to admit that there was a part of him that had missed getting fucked...

The End