Otter Noir (Story and Title In The Works)

Story by MasterGroudon on SoFurry

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I've been working on this for a few years, just throwing something in when I can, it's not perfect, but I don't want it collecting Internet Dust on my computer, so I'm throwing it up and hopefully someone will enjoy the story for it so far, will do more when I can.

[08:16] May 12th, 1923

You brace the railing as you are thrown in the air by a fiery explosion, as you hit the ground tasting the iron in your mouth as you realize what was going on.

Dazed and confused you see a silhouette hover over you and asked. "Hey, buddy. You ok?" you look up to him and see a familiar Otter face.

"Yeah, Bart. Wasn't expecting an explosion like that, who did it?" Bart picked you up and sets you at a nearby bench. "Seems like it was the Barkley Brothers at it again." Now the Barkley Brothers are no joke, Fox brothers and they stick together, they know how to do a heist perfect but leave traces of certain characteristics towards people.

The first brother Chase Barkley, who is older, has a tall physique to him with broad shoulders and seems to have been working out on a day to day bases. He does however has this glare to him, he hates being told what to do and doesn't let anyone mess with his younger brother. Had a few run in's during my times on the force, almost had him too if it wasn't for his brother Jace Barkley. Now Jace is of course the youngest of the group, slightly slimmer than Chase but is more shorter than him as well, does not like his brother telling him what to do and vice versa. The one thing they love to do is criminal work under a certain gang leader know as Smiling Seal, one of the most ruthless and known criminal on this side of town. we'll get to him later on.

Through the smoke and the ashes me and my partner hear laughter coming from the building that is missing a certain wall...

"Hahaha, Jace!? Did you see the look on their faces when we told them we were gonna stick a gun so far up their..."While holding up his Tommy Gun, he stops and looks over to me and Bart.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here Jace? Seems ole' Detective Jitters and Barty McFly are kinda laying around! Hehehe." "Shut it, Chase! *Cough Cough* as I barked at him coughing up blood. "First off, It's Detective John Quivers and Bart McCalister and Second! You are under arrest for the murder of my family and all the criminal acts you have done thus far."

"Yeah, Yeah! Same names or whatever. Y-you know what? I have an idea, John Stud Jitters and McFly. How about you die right here and right now!" as he holds up the Tommy Gun towards them....

To Be Continued....

[08:12] April 16th, 1923

Detective John Quivers was sitting at his desk, looking over the files of the infamous Barkley brothers. He needed to get them in police custody, otherwise this was going to be a very long year for him. He picks up one of the files of Jace Barkley, he never liked this guy, he always eluded him every time there was a scene. It's like there was someone always telling him where and when Detective Quivers would show up. He had to put that at the back of his mind, hoping none of his companions were doing this because of some ruse. John's partner, Bart McCalister opens the door and walks in. "Hey bud, are you feeling well? as he hands John a coffee. You've been looking at those files for nearly four hours." John looks up. "Yeah, I'm just pissed that Jace and Chase keep eluding me every time I get close to them." as he pounds on the desk.

"Dude, it's ok. We got this." not really worried with a calm expression on his face. "Says the Otter who never brought in an elite criminal. Like seriously, who's idea was it for you to be my partner?" he asked. "Wasn't my idea, it was the Chief's plan for you and me to team up."

As soon as he said that, there was a ring from the telephone as John picked it up answering... "Thank you for calling John Quiver's Detective Agency, How may I assist you? Y-yes? Very well sir... yes, on my way... Yes, I'll bring him too... Buh, Bye..."

Bart looked at him concerned. "Who was it?" "That was the Chief of Police, he wants me and you to head to his office, due to more information about the case." he explained.

"Aw, man! He never gives us a break now does he?" he complained...

[09:10] April 16th, 1923

John and Bart walked into the police headquarters in downtown Chicago, it smelled like the usual animal filled odor from the different species. "Yo! Quivers!" came a shout as John looked toward the general direction of the shouting. "Hey, Greg! What you doing here?" Greg was a mid-sized rat. He walked up to John and shook his hand. "The Chief sent me over here to take care of a couple of knuckleheads." "Oh, that's cool, what did they do this time?" as he looks at Jake and Steve, two of the dumbest crooks around. "Let's see here." Greg said. "These Hyenas are arrested for loitering and solicitation at the Special McMart Store."

"Yea, we just wanted to have a good laugh! Ahahahahaha!" Jake said. "Ahahahahaha! We just wanted to see if throwing trash at kids, would make them fall over like bowling pins! Hehehehehe!" laughed Steve. "SHUT IT!" said Greg. "Sorry bout this John, I'll have to talk to you at a later time." motioned Greg. "That's alright, Greg. I'll just have to talk to their mother later this afternoon." "NO! Don't talk to Ma!" Both Shouted the Hyenas. "Then behave, next time!" Shouted John. Both of the brothers groaned. "Alright, Greg. Where is the Chief's office?" Greg looks at John with almost a smile. "It's up the stairs, they re-arranged his office this past summer, so now he overlooks the bottom floor from the window." said Greg. "Thanks, Greg."

[09:15] April 16th, 1923

John knocked on the door, "Come in!" he heard someone shout. As they walked into the room they are greeted by a Big burly Raccoon with a grey and black suit that matches his body. He is also holding a Cigar in his mouth lit up and smells like cloves. "Hey Chief!" Bart said. "Don't you Chief me, you dufuss! Sit down I have something to say and it's important." He exclaimed. They both walked over to the two chairs in front of his desk and took a seat. "Now, let's see here. I know I put that paperwork here somewhere." as he was searching for the paperwork, Bart was laughing to himself at what the chief was doing. The chief found the paperwork folder and quickly see's Bart laughing and gives him a glare and Bart pipes up. "Now I brought you both here, well it would've been John but since Bart wants to play around..." Bart quickly said. "I'm sorry, geez I was just joking chief." The Chief laughed as well. "Hehe, you know I am messing too, I'm not that mean. Now listen up Gentlemen! We, the FDP (Furry Detective Police) have been given strict order to take down The Smiling Seal. Now you know we have been trying to take him down for the past several years but he has always been a slippery seal and evades us and I assume we have a Rat in the Department. I want you two to find clues and hard evidence on where he is and let's try and do this as quickly and effective as possible." Both Detectives nod in approval. "Now I want you John to go into town and find a Mrs. Janice Oliver, she might know where the Seal is since it is her son after all, and Bart as for you..." He looks at Bart who is now picking his nose for some odd reason. "Sigh, I want you to find clues on the Barkley Brothers and find their whereabouts and come back to me on the double when you find anything about them. You got it?" he explained. "Yes, Sir!" he saluted. "Good, now both of you, go out there and make me proud!"

[09:45] April 16th, 1923

John and Bart walked out of the building and head in their own directions to figure out this investigation. John got in the car and headed into the direction of Mrs. Janice's House and Bart decided to ride the train into downtown Chinatown. John was driving down the rode and flipped the radio on and the song "Ain't that a kick in the head by Frank Furnatra and started to whistle to the toon while heading down section I-13 in the forested area of Grand City outskirts. He see's a Deer Couple walking down the side of the road with a nice parasol the doe had, while the buck was wearing a black and white traditional bathing suit. He thought they must've came from the beach and thought it a bit odd why they are so far away from the beach? As he passed them he notices the Buck with a Hand held radio big enough the size of a brick in his hand. He doesn't think nothing of it and continues down the road towards the house which he assumes is Mrs. Janice's on the hill, as he turns into the corner and up the hill he see's a nice brown colour A-Frame house with a small chimney. He sees an Out-house and small shed in the back and notices the farm of various animals, some of them the usual bi-pedal specimens that look rather naked and roaming around trying to dig and climb what seems to be the electric fence. John thinks It's another run of the day farm since the winter is over, he parks the car and gets out and heads towards the door.

[10:00] April 16th, 1923

"Hehe, gotta show John this when I get back, he would find this hilarious!" as he reads through the Readers Digest. Seems someone found out that the difference between Anecdote and Antidote didn't mean Telling someone something funny would cure Poison. As he walks around Chinatown he notices a Red Panda in a back alley looking rather suspicious. He brings the Magazine to his nose pretending to read while paying attention to the Red Panda, the panda looks a bit around and ducks into the alley and walks toward the other side of town. Bart turns into the alley and sees that the Panda disappeared, he stops and got confused for a slight second and notices a draft and light coming from the wall. He starts tapping on the wall and notices a hollowed sound coming from it and looks for a button or lever to open the wall. He finds a notch inside one of the walls and puts his paws in and heard a click and an opening popped open. He peered inside slightly and inside he see's what looks like a black market with various thugs and criminals of various sizes and Fur. Bart notices the Red Panda right away, and starts to follow in pursuit. Upon walking into the area he notices serveral different and various animals, In one corner there is an Alligator which seems to be trying to sell fine Cuban Cigars, another Red Panda in the corner selling some Japanese Sushi, fire blazing with the pans steaming. There's couple Otters what looks like twins trying to bribe couple of bi-pedal creatures but have some fancy clothes about them like victorian style and it seems they are being sold. Bart thinks to himself it's just an all out resort for criminals for trafficking and illegal goods, Bart notices the Red Panda talking to a door that is slightly open. He can't make out any of the words but gets a bit closer but not too close so he doesn't get caught, the red panda nods his head and follows suit into the door and it closes, McCalister needs to get inside but

As Bart was thinking to himself, someone taps him on the shoulder and he turns to see a female fox but she has pink fur and black stripes that curve from the shoulder into the front around her breasted area and into her hip pockets, she is also wearing a make shift Kimono but it looks like a half bathing suit as well, and it looks tied into the kimono. She says "Hey, good stuff! Wanna have a lil' fun with this Foxxxy?" as she winks to him. Then he thought of an idea...

[10:20] April 16th, 1923

In this dark room, there seems to be little light showing from outside of the blinds showing the black market. The Red Panda is standing sluggish and not seem to be care about the usual surroundings, he is wearing a vest that is a light orange colour with a white shirt and black slacks. He also seems to be not wearing shoes since he believes they are not part of his custom, he sees in front of him a dark siloette of two figures that are talking amongst themselves. One of them is yelling and his name is Jace Barkley, the other brother Chase Barkley is acknowledging the fact that the plan is set in motion and ready for the next phase, as the red panda is waiting for specific orders the two brothers turn towards him. Chase walks up and took a seat at a desk and says to The Red Panda. "So, Chuck? How are ya today buddy? Pal? as Chuck was about to say something Chase cuts him off and yells. "I don't care! I want to know where the hell is Jitters!? Chuck winced a bit and said "Who is Jitters again?" "YOU IDIOT! Detective John Quivers! Where the hell is he? he yelled again. "I-I don't know where he is, last I heard he left the station bout lil' over an hour ago. Not only that but Bart McCalister was seen in the black market square and we have men searching for him at this moment." at this moment Jace went over to the back door to lit up a cigarette and he saw a female pink fox around the corner and she asked. "Hey cowboy, got a light?" he looked at her in the weird kimono type dress and thought it looked rather cute on her. Jace said. "Yea, sweet thing. How bout you come inside and we have a lil fun?" Jace led her inside and sat in a chair and he said. "Gimmie a nice lil ole' lap dance for me darlin' and I'll make it worth your while." as he put out the cigarette and decides to whip out an old fashion Cuban Cigar. "JACE! What the fuck are you doing? This is a serious matter and we don't need whores or strangers listening in on the conversation!?" He blasted with Rage. "Calm the fuck down Chase. You're always so serious at times, live a little and lighten the hell up. It's not gonna hurt anyone besides I'm just havin' a lil fun til we find out where DJ is." "DJ? Really? That is the most stupidest name to call Detective Jo-" as he was bout to finish he notices the fox and looks at her. Bart noticed this and was almost sweating and had to think of something fast. "Don't mind me cowboy, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear anything, hmmm?" as he gave the closest female voice he can do while giving Jace a lap dance, wiggling his hips to and fro in front of Jace. Jace enjoyed this and started to feel up on Bart and reach around and grabbed his crotch. Bart froze in place when he did this and was think along the lines in his head. "Oh, shit, I've been found out! It's too early for this! Fuck!" Jace kept groping that area and said "Hehe, you're one of those whores, huh? Don't worry Doll, I swing both ways as he got up and started to kiss around the back of his neck. Bart is starting to really get uncomfortable but he has to do this to figure out what is going on with their plans. "Fine, you bloomin' idiot! Have it your way! But don't blame me if shit goes sour due to this!" still fuming. "Yeah, Yeah! I hear ya, I hear ya!" as the brother continues to feel up on Bart.

During this time, The phone starts to ring and both brothers looked at it and then each other. They both nod to each other and Chase picks it up and answers it. "Hello? Chase here." The Room is silent while Chase is hearing the conversation on the other end of the phone. "Mhmm... Yes... Very well, proceed with the plan and I'll see the body in a few hours to confirm, protect her and don't fuck this up or it's not only your head that is flying off, it's mine as well!" he slams the phone back on the hook and looked towards his brother. During this time Bart stopped his dance and Jace took this time to slap him on the ass and said. "Did I say to stop, bitch?

Bart is starting to get tired of these name callings but started back into his dancing mode. "That was the foreman who just saw Detective John heading towards Janice's house. I told him to set the plan in motion and to protect Janice or we are all dead. You know how the boss loves his dear mother so much." he sighed and quivered at the thought if him head rolling off if she died or worse. Bart in his mind was like "Shit, I hope John is alright!" "Now that is being taken care of, Chuck go find Bart in the square and bring him to me!" Jace once you're done fucking around, swing by the old warehouse on district 12 on the outskirts of town. "Hehe, yes sir!" he told his brother. Chase walks towards the door and before he took his leave he had one last look at the pink fox and had a smirk and smacked her on the ass and left. Bart yelped in surprise when he did this. "Hahahaha, that's my brother for ya darlin. He may look like a righteous dick but he knows a beaut when he sees one!" as he too smacked Bart on the ass, Bart yelping again. "Now darling, how bout you and me have a little one on one session right here?" Bart had to think of something and couldn't come up with words and said. "I-I am not sure, maybe another time? Maybe buy me dinner first?" "Hahaha, sorry dear. There is no next time." as he started to take off his clothes and started making out with Bart. Bart did not like this but at the same time, was so glad that disguising himself as a female fox actually worked for idiots...

[09:45-10:20] April 16th, 1923

John started walking towards the door of the house and was about to knock on the door when he noticed someone at the front door in a shadow silhouette, they opened the door and it was an old looking seal, she looked about mid 60's and was wearing a gown bout greyish colour and she wore a cap as well with old granny glasses, makes ya think something from Little Red Riding Hood. John waved to the lady and said. "Hello, Ma'am. My name is John Quivers, I am a Detective from the FDP. I am investigating your son about recent activities within the last several years and have some questions if you don't mind me asking." She blurted out. "What did Nathan do this time officer? He has been a good boy and usually visits me from time to time. I miss him, can you make sure he is ok? I Haven't seen him in the last couple months, I am worried about my boy." she started to cry a bit. "Ma'am it's ok, we will find your son. You will just have to tell me where was the last destination you seen him last besides this house?" she thought for a few moments and said. "We went out few months ago near a nice restaurant, oh it was so beautiful. The flowers near that one stall was gorgeous, it had such a nice ring to the name Furanthiums." John interrupted her for a second. "Did you say Furanthiums? I believe I know where that is, alright. What restaurant did you went to? Do you remember the name of it?" he asked. "she tried to remember, I think it was called Humes and Chips" she remembered. "Thank You, Ma'am. I believe that is all I want to hear. You Enjoy you day." as he was about to open the door he stopped and heard a voice on the other side but faintly. He heard a cocking sound and then jolted out of the way into the Kitchen when loud sounds were being shot from the door. He checked back into the room where Janice was and found with her face first on the floor with a puddle of blood around her, there is no signs of movement from her. John assumes she is now dead but by who? His question was answered when a figure busted down the door that had holes in it due to the weapon in his hand. The figure was the same Buck he saw in the bathing suit along side the road awhile ago, now his face is in aw struck and morbid for what he just done. This was John's chance to take off towards the backdoor and head around towards his car, he hopped in the car and booked it down the road and didn't stop til he headed back into town and back at the station.

The Buck was still standing there and knew what was about to happen next, the last thing John heard back at Janice's house was the sound of a gun shot.

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